Company formation in Liechtenstein

Regulated United Europe, we specialize in guiding clients through the intricacies of company formation in Liechtenstein.

Known for its political stability, advantageous tax regime, and privacy laws, Liechtenstein offers a favourable environment for business incorporation.

Our expert team is dedicated to making the process seamless and efficient, ensuring your venture in Liechtenstein gets off to a solid start.

Company formation assistance in Liechtenstein

19,000 EUR
  • Company name verification and reservation
  • Registration of the company with the local tax authorities
  • Appointment of an auditing authority
  • Appointment of a legal representative for the company
  • Registration of the authorized capital of the company
  • Assistance in opening a corporate bank account
  • Free legal consultation
  • Legal address for 1 (one) year
  • Remote company registration with transfer of authority

Open business in Liechtenstein


Prestige and worldwide recognition of the jurisdiction

Confidentiality of company shareholder data

Low Corporate Tax Rates

Access to the European Economic Area (EEA)

Why Choose Regulated United Europe for Your Liechtenstein Venture?


  • Expert Guidance: Our team of legal experts has extensive knowledge and experience in Liechtenstein’s corporate laws and regulations.
  • Personalised Approach: We offer tailored solutions to meet the unique requirements of your business.
  • Efficient Service: Our streamlined process ensures quick and hassle-free company formation.
  • Ongoing Support: From incorporation to day-to-day operations, we provide ongoing legal and compliance support for your business in Liechtenstein.

Embark on your Liechtenstein business journey with Regulated United Europe. Contact us today for a detailed consultation and let us facilitate your successful company formation in one of Europe’s most business-friendly environments.

The Process of Company Formation in Liechtenstein

  1. Initial Consultation: Begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your business needs and objectives.
  2. Choosing the Right Legal Form: Select from various business structures, such as an Aktiengesellschaft (AG) or a Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH), each with its unique benefits.
  3. Preparation of Documents: We assist in drafting and preparing all necessary documents, including articles of association and incorporation documents.
  4. Registration with the Authorities: Our team facilitates the registration of your company with the Liechtenstein Commercial Register.
  5. Bank Account Opening: We guide you through the process of opening a corporate bank account in Liechtenstein.
  6. Compliance and Legal Requirements: Ensure adherence to local laws and regulations with our expert legal advice.

Advantages of Company Formation in Liechtenstein

Establishing a company in Liechtenstein unfolds a myriad of compelling advantages, making it an enticing destination for businesses seeking a strategic foothold. At the forefront is the tax efficiency inherent in Liechtenstein’s corporate landscape. The jurisdiction boasts a highly favorable tax environment characterized by competitive corporate tax rates and a notable absence of capital gains tax. This tax-friendly atmosphere not only fosters financial savings but also positions Liechtenstein as an attractive hub for businesses aiming to optimize their fiscal structures.

Beyond tax considerations, Liechtenstein stands as a beacon of stability, both politically and economically. Its stable political climate provides a secure foundation for businesses to thrive, offering a reliable environment for long-term growth and success. Furthermore, Liechtenstein’s commitment to privacy and confidentiality in its legal framework is a significant draw. The robust legal provisions ensure a high level of protection for company owners and shareholders, fostering trust and security in business operations.

Geographically positioned between Switzerland and Austria, Liechtenstein serves as a strategic gateway to key European markets. This advantageous location enhances accessibility and connectivity, making it an ideal choice for businesses engaging in international activities. The adaptability of Liechtenstein’s legal framework is another notable advantage. The jurisdiction accommodates a diverse array of business needs and structures, providing flexibility for companies to tailor their operations accordingly.

In essence, Liechtenstein presents itself as a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking a favourable environment that encompasses tax advantages, stability, privacy, strategic positioning, and legal flexibility. Choosing Liechtenstein as the location for company formation is a strategic move that aligns with the aspirations of businesses aiming for sustainable growth and success on the European stage.










 Vaduz 38,387 CHF $157,755

Additionally, Liechtenstein’s commitment to innovation is evident in its support for emerging industries, including technology, finance, and green initiatives. The government actively encourages and supports innovative ventures through various funding programs, making it an attractive destination for forward-thinking entrepreneurs.

Despite its small size, Liechtenstein boasts a highly skilled and multilingual workforce. Its proximity to educational institutions in neighbouring countries ensures a steady supply of talented professionals well-versed in various fields. This resourceful talent pool provides businesses with the expertise needed to thrive in competitive markets.

Furthermore, Liechtenstein offers an exceptional quality of life, characterized by a high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and a safe environment. These factors contribute to attracting and retaining top-tier talent, essential for businesses aiming to scale and succeed in the long term.

Liechtenstein’s unique blend of economic stability, favourable business climate, strategic location, business-friendly legal framework, access to a skilled workforce, and quality of life make it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs looking to establish and expand their businesses. Its commitment to innovation and support for emerging industries further solidify its position as a prime destination for ambitious ventures seeking growth opportunities in a dynamic and thriving environment.

For entrepreneurs with a vision for success, Liechtenstein stands ready to provide the platform and resources needed to turn dreams into reality, setting the stage for a prosperous business journey in the heart of Europe.

What types of companies exist in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, despite its modest size, is an attractive jurisdiction for international business due to its economic stability, favorable tax system and flexible corporate legislation. The country offers a variety of forms of companies, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. In this article, we will look at the key types of companies available for registration in Liechtenstein.

  1. Joint Stock Company (Aktiengesellschaft, AG)

A joint-stock company (AG) is one of the most popular forms of business in Liechtenstein, suitable for large projects and international activities. The minimum authorized capital is 50,000 Swiss francs, of which 100% must be paid at registration. AG provides shareholders with limited liability to the extent of their contribution to the share capital.

  1. Limited Liability Company (Gesellschaft mit beschrbeschrgnkter Haftung, GmbH)

GmbH is the preferred choice for small and medium-sized enterprises that require a smaller share capital compared to AG. The minimum authorized capital is 30,000 Swiss francs. The liability of participants is limited to their share of investments in the authorized capital. A GmbH is required to have at least one manager, who must be a resident of Liechtenstein.

  1. Partnership (Limited company, CO and Collective company, KG)

A partnership in Liechtenstein can be arranged either as a limited partnership (CO) or as a collective partnership (CG). These forms of businesses are ideal for family businesses or small partner projects. In a limited partnership, one or more partners are fully responsible, while others have limited liability. A collective society requires all partners to be jointly and fully responsible for the company’s obligations.

  1. Trust (Treuh&nderschaft)

Liechtenstein is known for its trust structures that offer a high level of privacy and asset protection. A Liechtenstein trust allows the founder to transfer assets to a trustee, who then manages those assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries. Trusts are widely used for inheritance planning and asset protection.

  1. Anstalt

Anstalt is a unique form of company in Liechtenstein, which can be used for commercial activities or private asset management. This is a legal entity with elements of both a joint-stock company and a foundation. Anstalt may issue shares if this is provided for in its articles of association, but it may also be owned by one person. This form is popular among international investors for asset management and investment.

  1. Foundation (Stiftung)

Foundations in Liechtenstein are usually established for long-term asset management, inheritance planning, and charitable purposes. Funds can enjoy tax benefits, depending on their structure and purpose. The minimum authorized capital depends on the purpose of the fund and can start from 30,000 Swiss francs.


Liechtenstein offers a wide range of corporate structures that meet the needs of international investors and local entrepreneurs. Choosing the right form of company depends on a variety of factors, including business volume, tax considerations, privacy requirements, and asset management. Due to the complexity of legislation and tax regimes, it is recommended to consult with professionals to select the optimal corporate structure in Liechtenstein.

 What is the size of the company’s authorized capital in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, known for its attractive business environment, flexible corporate structures and favorable tax treatment, offers various forms of legal entities for doing business. The size of the authorized capital is one of the key aspects when registering a company. In this article, we will look at the minimum authorized capital requirements for various types of companies in Liechtenstein.

Joint Stock Company (AG)

A joint-stock company (Aktiengesellschaft, AG) in Liechtenstein has a minimum authorized capital of 50,000 Swiss francs (CHF). This capital must be paid in full at the time of incorporation of the company. AG allows its shareholders to limit their liability to the size of their contributions to the company’s capital.

Limited Liability Company (GmbH)

For a limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, GmbH), the minimum authorized capital is CHF 30,000. In contrast to an AG, where the capital is divided into shares, the members of a GmbH invest their shares in the company, which also limits their liability to the amount of their investment.

Limited Company (Kommanditgesellschaft, KG)

A limited company in Liechtenstein does not have a strictly defined minimum authorized capital. KG has at least one limited liability investor whose liability is limited to their contribution to the company’s capital, and one full partner who has unlimited liability.

Collective company (Kollektivgesellschaft, KG)

There is also no minimum amount of authorized capital for a collective company. All partners in a KG are jointly and unlimitedly liable for the company’s obligations, which makes this form of company less popular among investors seeking to limit their liability.


Anstalt is a corporate form unique to Liechtenstein that can function as a commercial organization or a holding company for asset management. The minimum authorized capital for an anstalt is set individually, depending on the structure and purpose of the company, but is often CHF 30,000.

Foundation (Stiftung)

For a foundation (Stiftung), the minimum authorized capital can also vary, but is usually CHF 30,000. Foundations are often used for asset management, inheritance and charitable purposes, offering tax benefits and a high level of confidentiality.


In Liechtenstein, there are a variety of forms of companies, each of which has its own requirements for the authorized capital. The choice of the appropriate form depends on a variety of factors, including the scope of activities, strategic goals, and the desired level of responsibility and confidentiality. Given the complexity and importance of these decisions, potential investors are encouraged to seek advice from qualified lawyers and financial consultants in Liechtenstein.

 Should a company in Liechtenstein have a local director?

Liechtenstein, thanks to its economic stability, attractive tax policies and flexible corporate legislation, is a popular destination for doing international business. One of the key issues facing foreign investors when registering a company in Liechtenstein is the requirement to have a local director. Let’s take a closer look at when a company in Liechtenstein needs to appoint a local director, and what are the responsibilities and roles of such a director.

Requirements for the Appointment of a Local Director

In Liechtenstein, the law stipulates that some forms of companies must have a local director or manager who is a resident of the country. This requirement most often applies to legal entities such as a joint-stock company (AG) and a limited liability company (GmbH).

Role of the Local Director

The local director plays an important role in the management of the company, ensuring that it meets local legal and tax requirements. They can act as the company’s representative to government agencies, banks, and other institutions. In addition, having a local director can facilitate more effective communication and administrative tasks.

Responsibilities of the Local Director

The local director is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the company and ensuring that its operations comply with national legislation. Its responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining the legality of the company’s activities.
  • Manage financial transactions and comply with tax obligations.
  • Provision of annual reports and other reports to regulatory authorities.

Advantages of Appointing A Local Director

Having a local director has several advantages:

  • Improves the perception of the company as a local business entity, strengthening the trust of local partners and customers.
  • Provides prompt resolution of administrative and legal issues.
  • Promotes a better understanding of the local business climate and market conditions.

How To Find A Local Director

Foreign companies can find a local director through specialized agencies that provide corporate services, or through recommendations from business partners in Liechtenstein. It is important to choose a candidate with the appropriate experience and reputation, who can be trusted to manage the company.


The appointment of a local director is an important step for companies seeking to do business in Liechtenstein. This not only complies with local legislation, but also provides strategic advantages in the management of the company. However, choosing the right local director requires a thorough approach and understanding of their role and responsibilities in the context of your business.

 What is the amount of state fees when setting up a company in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world with its stable economy, attractive tax system and flexible corporate structures. However, as in any other jurisdiction, the establishment of a company here is associated with certain state fees. In this article, we will take a detailed look at what the state fees are when setting up different types of companies in Liechtenstein, so that you can effectively plan your initial costs.

General information about State Fees

State fees are mandatory payments levied by the state for registering a company, as well as for performing certain legal actions and providing various services. The amount of these fees may vary depending on the type of company, its authorized capital, and other factors.

Joint Stock Company (AG)

For a joint-stock company (AG) in Liechtenstein, the State registration fee is determined in proportion to the authorized capital. At the time of writing, the minimum fee is around 1,000 Swiss francs (CHF) for companies with a registered capital of up to 50,000 CHF. For companies with large authorized capital, the fee may be significantly higher.

Limited Liability Company (GmbH)

For a limited liability company (GmbH), state fees also depend on the authorized capital, but in general they are lower than for AG. The minimum fee for setting up a GmbH is usually around 600-800 CHF.

Partnerships (KG and KG)

For limited and collective partnerships (KG and CG), government fees are usually lower, as these forms of companies are less complex to establish and manage. Fees may vary from 300 to 500 CHF.

Anstalt and the Foundation (Stiftung)

The establishment of an anstalt or foundation (Stiftung) in Liechtenstein is accompanied by the payment of fees, the amount of which may vary significantly depending on the specifics and goals of the organization being established. On average, the fee can range from 1,000 to 2,000 CHF.

Additional Fees

In addition to the basic state fees, additional fees must also be taken into account, such as notary fees, registration fees in the commercial register and legal services costs. These fees can significantly increase the total cost of setting up a company.


The amount of state fees for establishing a company in Liechtenstein varies depending on the type of company and its authorized capital. It is important to consider all possible costs in advance to ensure effective budget planning when launching your business. We recommend that you contact professional legal and financial consultants in Liechtenstein for up-to-date information and assistance in the company registration process.

 What is the annual cost of servicing a company in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein is known as one of the most attractive jurisdictions for international business due to its stable economy, favorable tax system and strategic location in Europe. However, doing business in this country is associated with certain annual expenses. In this article, we will look in detail at the annual cost of servicing a company in Liechtenstein, including basic and additional costs.

Basic Annual Expenses

  1. Annual State Fee: All companies in Liechtenstein are required to pay an annual state fee. Its size may vary depending on the type of company and its authorized capital. For example, for a joint-stock company (AG) and a limited liability company (GmbH), this fee can range from 1,800 to 2,000 Swiss francs (CHF).
  2. Registration Fees: Depending on the requirements of changes in the company’s registration data, additional fees may apply for updating them in the trade register.
  3. Accounting Services: Annual reporting and bookkeeping are mandatory for all companies. The cost of accounting services depends on the volume and complexity of the company’s financial activities, starting from several thousand CHF per year.

Additional Costs

  1. Audit Services: Some types of companies in Liechtenstein require an annual audit. The cost of an audit depends on the size of the company and the complexity of its financial operations.
  2. Legal Services: Regular legal advice may be required to ensure compliance with changing legislation, as well as for corporate governance and tax advice. The cost of these services varies depending on the complexity of the required tasks.
  3. Address and Virtual Office: Many companies choose virtual office services in Liechtenstein to provide a local legal address and phone number. This can cost from several hundred to several thousand CHF per year, depending on the services provided.
  4. Local Director Services: If your type of company requires the appointment of a local director, you will need to include their fee in the annual budget. This usually amounts to several thousand to tens of thousands of CHF per year.

Average Annual Cost

Thus, the average annual cost of servicing a company in Liechtenstein can vary from several thousand to several tens of thousands of Swiss francs, depending on the size and complexity of the company’s activities, as well as on the additional services chosen. It is important to consult with local experts in detail to plan your budget accurately and optimize your tax burden.


Doing business in Liechtenstein offers significant benefits, but requires careful planning and management of annual expenses. Understanding all the potential costs of a company’s service will help you optimize your operations and help you grow your business successfully in this prestigious jurisdiction.

 What are the main advantages of establishing a company in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, a small principality located between Switzerland and Austria, has grown in recent decades to become one of Europe’s leading financial centers. With its stable economy, favorable tax system and flexible corporate legislation, Liechtenstein offers many business benefits. Let’s look at the main ones.

  1. A Favorable Tax System

Liechtenstein is famous for its attractive tax policies. Companies registered in Liechtenstein can benefit from the low corporate tax rate, which is only 12.5% of their net profit. In addition, there are no value-added taxes (VAT) for certain types of activities, and dividends and interest paid by the company can be exempt from taxation.

  1. Privacy and Asset Protection

Liechtenstein is known for its strict privacy laws, which ensure a high level of protection of information about company owners and directors. This makes the principality attractive for investors seeking to protect their assets and property information.

  1. Political and Economic Stability

Liechtenstein is characterized by a high level of political stability and the absence of significant internal conflicts. The country’s economy is stable, with low unemployment and high GDP per capita. These factors create a favorable environment for business and investment.

  1. Flexible Corporate Legislation

Liechtenstein’s corporate legislation is designed to provide flexibility and convenience for international businesses. The country offers various legal forms of companies, including unique structures such as anstalt and funds that can be adapted to the specific business models and goals of investors.

  1. Highly Qualified Workforce

Liechtenstein offers access to a highly skilled workforce, thanks to the high level of education and professionalism of the population. In addition, local authorities actively support innovation and business development by offering various support and incentive programs.

  1. Strategic Geographical Location

Located in the heart of Europe, Liechtenstein provides companies with convenient access to markets in both Western and Eastern Europe. Its proximity to major economic centers such as Zurich and Munich makes it an ideal location for international business.


The establishment of a company in Liechtenstein offers a number of significant advantages, including a favorable tax system, confidentiality, economic and political stability, flexible corporate legislation, access to skilled labor, and a strategic geographical location. These factors make Liechtenstein one of the most attractive jurisdictions for international business and investment.

 What are the ways to establish a company in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, thanks to its favorable tax system, strict confidentiality and stable economy, is an attractive jurisdiction for international business. This principality offers various ways to establish a company, taking into account the needs and goals of investors. In this article, we will look at the main ways to establish a company in Liechtenstein.

  1. Direct Registration

Direct registration is the most straightforward way to establish a company in Liechtenstein. This process includes preparing and submitting the necessary documents to the Liechtenstein Commercial Register. The documents must include the company’s charter, list of directors and founders, proof of authorized capital, and other relevant documentation. Direct registration is suitable for investors who want to create a new company with a “clean slate”.

  1. Purchase of a Shelf Company

For investors looking for a quick entry to the market, buying a ready-made company, or”shelf company”, can be an ideal solution. These companies are already registered in Liechtenstein, but were not active. Buying such a company allows you to avoid the time and effort associated with the registration process of a new company, and provides an immediate legal address and a ready-made corporate structure.

  1. Bespoke Incorporation

This method involves setting up a company in Liechtenstein according to the specific requirements and preferences of the investor. It includes the selection of the optimal corporate structure, the development of individual articles of association and other constituent documents, as well as the registration of the company in accordance with the personal or business goals of the investor. This method is ideal for large investments and complex corporate structures.

  1. Through a Legal Entity or Trust

Investors can also set up a company in Liechtenstein through an existing legal entity or trust. This can be useful for creating complex financial structures, or for managing assets within a family business or inheritance planning. This method requires a thorough knowledge of Liechtenstein corporate and trust law.

  1. Partnership with a Local Entrepreneur

Some activities may require a partnership with a local entrepreneur or company. This not only simplifies the process of registering and managing a company, but also provides a better understanding of the local market and legislation.


The choice of how to establish a company in Liechtenstein depends on many factors, including business objectives, capital structure, the need for privacy, and the speed of market entry. In any case, the successful establishment and operation of a business in Liechtenstein requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of local legislation. It is recommended to contact qualified legal and financial consultants to ensure compliance with all requirements and optimize the registration process.

 Do I need to have a registered office in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, with its stable economy, attractive tax system and high level of privacy, is one of the leading jurisdictions for international business. One of the key requirements for establishing and operating a company in Liechtenstein is to have a registered office in the country. Let’s take a closer look at why a legal address is needed and what functions it performs.

What is a Legal Address?

Legal address is the official address of the company, which is used for state registration and correspondence. This address serves as the main place of business and must be indicated in official documents and on corporate seals.

Why Do You Need a Registered Office in Liechtenstein?

  1. Compliance with the Law: Under Liechtenstein law, all companies registered in the country are required to have a registered office within the principality. This requirement ensures the legality and accountability of companies to local authorities.
  2. Corporate Communication: The legal address is used for official correspondence with government agencies, banks, partners and clients. Having a local address simplifies notification and communication processes.
  3. Reputation and Trust: Having a registered office in Liechtenstein increases the credibility of the company from local and international partners and customers, emphasizing its commitment to the law and stability.
  4. Access to Banking and Financial Services: Opening bank accounts and receiving financial services in Liechtenstein often requires a local legal address confirming the company’s presence in the country.

How Do I Get A Legal Address?

  1. Office Rental: One way to secure a registered office address is to rent an office space in Liechtenstein. This may be appropriate for companies that need a physical presence and workspace.
  2. Virtual Office Services: Many companies offer virtual office services, including providing a legal address, postal service, and phone numbers. This is a more cost-effective option for businesses that do not require a permanent physical presence.
  3. Partnership with a Local Entrepreneur: Some companies may choose to partner with local entrepreneurs or legal entities that provide their address as the company’s legal address.


Having a registered office in Liechtenstein is a prerequisite for all registered companies and plays a key role in their legitimacy, communication and operations. The choice of method of providing a legal address depends on the specifics and needs of the business, as well as on the available budget. In any case, having a registered office in Liechtenstein opens the company’s doors to the world of international business and finance.

 Can I open a branch of a foreign company in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, with its attractive tax policy and strategic location in Europe, is a desirable location for many international companies to expand their operations. Opening a branch of a foreign company in Liechtenstein is one of the ways to strengthen its presence in the European market. Let’s look at the key aspects that need to be considered when opening a branch in this jurisdiction.

Understanding A Branch

The Liechtenstein branch of a foreign company is not a separate legal entity, but an extension of the foreign company itself. This means that the parent company is fully responsible for the activities and obligations of its branch.

Advantages of Opening A Branch Office

  1. Strengthening the Brand: Opening a branch office in Liechtenstein can help increase brand awareness and expand its presence in the European market.
  2. Tax Benefits: Liechtenstein offers favorable tax conditions for foreign companies, which can reduce the overall tax burden.
  3. Access to the European Market: Liechtenstein has economic agreements with the European Union that facilitate trade and investment.

The Process Of Opening A Branch Office

  1. Preparation of Documentation: It is necessary to prepare and translate into German the parent company’s constituent documents, including the certificate of incorporation, the charter and the list of directors.
  2. Registration in the Commercial Register: The branch must be registered in the Liechtenstein Commercial Register. To do this, you must submit an application that includes all the prepared documentation, as well as a description of the planned activities of the branch.
  3. Appointment of a Representative: The Branch is required to appoint a representative in Liechtenstein who will be responsible for interaction with local authorities.
  4. Legal and Postal Address: The branch must ensure that it has a legal address in Liechtenstein that can be used for official correspondence.
  5. Payment of State Fees: For the registration of a branch, a state fee is charged, the amount of which depends on the amount of the authorized capital of the parent company.

Branch Taxation

Branches of foreign companies in Liechtenstein are subject to income tax at the rate of 12.5%. However, it is worth noting that various tax benefits and double taxation agreements may apply.


Opening a branch of a foreign company in Liechtenstein is a strategic step to expand the business and strengthen its position in the European market. This process requires careful preparation and understanding of local legislation. We recommend that you seek the help of qualified legal and financial consultants to ensure that you meet all the requirements and optimize the registration process.

 Can a foreigner open a company in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, thanks to its attractive tax policy, strict confidentiality and convenient geographical location, is a prestigious jurisdiction for conducting international business. But can a foreigner open a company in Liechtenstein? The answer is yes, and in this article we will look at the main aspects and requirements associated with this process.

Opening A Company By Foreigners

Liechtenstein is open to foreign investors, and the country’s legislation allows them to establish companies of various forms of ownership. It is important to note that the process of registering and managing a company may differ depending on the type of corporate structure chosen and the field of activity.

Types of Companies

Foreign entrepreneurs can choose from several forms of companies to register in Liechtenstein, including:

  • Joint Stock Company (AG)
  • Limited Liability Company (GmbH)
  • Anstalt
  • Foundation (Stiftung)
  • Trust

Each of these forms has its own characteristics, requirements for the authorized capital and management structure.

Legal and Postal Address

To register a company in Liechtenstein, you must have a local registered office. You can meet this requirement by renting an office space or using the services of a virtual office.

Appointment of a Director

Although foreigners are free to establish and own companies in Liechtenstein, in some cases the company may require the appointment of a local director or manager who will be responsible for operating and representing the company’s interests to local authorities.

Registration Process

The company registration process includes the preparation and submission of constituent documents, such as the company’s charter, a list of founders and directors, and proof of payment of the authorized capital. All documents must be translated into German and notarized.


Companies in Liechtenstein are taxed at a rate of 12.5% of net income. However, the country offers a number of tax breaks and benefits, including no capital gains tax and no dividend tax, subject to certain conditions.


Foreigners can successfully open and operate a company in Liechtenstein, taking advantage of the many advantages of this jurisdiction. However, due to the complexity of local legislation and registration requirements, it is strongly recommended that you seek assistance from qualified legal and financial consultants. This will ensure compliance with all the rules and regulations, as well as help avoid potential difficulties in establishing and operating a business in Liechtenstein.

 Can I get a residence permit when setting up a company in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, thanks to its economic stability, high standard of living and attractive tax policy, is a desirable place to live and do business. Many foreign entrepreneurs are wondering about the possibility of obtaining a residence permit in Liechtenstein when setting up a company. In this article, we will look at what conditions and requirements must be met to achieve this goal.

Opportunities For Obtaining A Residence Permit

Liechtenstein has a strict immigration policy, and the number of residence permits issued to foreigners each year is limited. However, investing in the country’s economy through the establishment of a company can increase the chances of obtaining a residence permit.

Categories of Residence Permit

  1. Active Investors: Foreign entrepreneurs starting a business in Liechtenstein can apply for a residence permit as active investors. An important condition is the creation of jobs for local residents and a significant contribution to the country’s economy.
  2. Self-employed: Foreign nationals who wish to work for themselves in Liechtenstein may also consider obtaining a residence permit. To do this, you must provide a business plan and prove the financial stability and availability of clients in Liechtenstein.


  1. Business Plan: Submit a detailed business plan demonstrating the viability and potential benefits of the proposed business to the Liechtenstein economy.
  2. Financial Sustainability: It is necessary to prove that you have sufficient financial resources not only to start and support a business, but also to provide your own residence in Liechtenstein.
  3. Contribution to the Economy: Preference is given to projects that create jobs for the local population or introduce innovations in certain sectors of the economy.
  4. Company Registration: Successful registration of the company in accordance with Liechtenstein corporate law.

Submission Process

The process of applying for a residence permit involves preparing and submitting the relevant documents to the Liechtenstein Immigration Service. You may also need to complete an interview and provide additional information if requested by the authorities.


Although obtaining a residence permit in Liechtenstein is a difficult process due to the limited number of permits issued, establishing a company and demonstrating its positive impact on the country’s economy can significantly increase the chances of a foreign entrepreneur. It is important to carefully prepare for the process and ensure that all requirements are met. We recommend that you seek professional assistance from legal and immigration consultants from Regulated United Europe, specializing in Liechtenstein, to ensure the successful outcome of your residence permit application.

 What is written in the charter of a company registered in Liechtenstein?

The company’s Charter is a key document that defines the management structure, rights and obligations of participants, as well as the main principles of the company’s activities. In Liechtenstein, as in many other jurisdictions, the charter is a mandatory element when registering a company and plays an important role in its life cycle. In this article, we will look at what is usually written in the charter of a company registered in Liechtenstein.

  1. Name and Legal Address of the Company

The Articles of Association must contain the full name of the company and its registered office in Liechtenstein. The company name must be unique and different from the names already registered.

  1. Purpose and Scope of Activity

A clearly defined purpose and scope of the company’s activities are mandatory elements of the charter. This includes a description of the activities that the company will be engaged in.

  1. Information about Founders and Managers

The Articles of Association must contain information about all the founders of the company, as well as about the persons included in the company’s management bodies, including their powers and the method of making managerial decisions.

  1. Authorized Capital

The Articles of Association must specify the amount of the company’s authorized capital, including information on the par value of shares or interests, as well as on the terms of their issue and payment.

  1. Rights and Obligations of Participants

The charter sets out the rights and obligations of shareholders or participants of the company, including the rules for profit distribution, the procedure for holding meetings of participants and making corporate decisions.

  1. Management Structure

The Articles of Association should describe the company’s governance structure, including the existence and functions of governing bodies such as the board of directors or the executive Director, their rights, responsibilities, and election procedures.

  1. Procedure for Making Amendments to the Charter

The Articles of Association must contain the procedure for making changes and additions to the company’s documents, including requirements for a quorum and a majority of votes for making relevant decisions.

  1. Liquidation and Reorganization

The Articles of Association may include provisions relating to the procedure for the liquidation and reorganization of the company, including the conditions for the distribution of assets between the participants after the repayment of all obligations.


The company’s Charter is a fundamental document that not only defines the legal basis for the company’s operation in Liechtenstein, but also serves to protect the interests of its founders and participants. The preparation and registration of the charter requires a thorough approach and a thorough understanding of both corporate and local legislation. In this regard, it is recommended to seek professional assistance from qualified legal and financial consultants from Regulated United Europe.

 How long does it take to set up a company in Liechtenstein?

Establishing a company in Liechtenstein is a process that involves a number of legal and administrative steps. Liechtenstein, known for its stable economy and favorable tax system, offers various corporate structures for foreign investors. The time required to establish a company may vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of company, the complexity of legal training, and the effectiveness of interaction with local authorities. In this article, we will look at how long it usually takes to set up a company in Liechtenstein.

Preparatory Stage

Before starting registration, you must carefully prepare all the relevant documents. This includes drawing up a business plan, choosing a company name, drafting a charter, and collecting constituent documents. Depending on the complexity of your business and the availability of all the necessary information and financial data, the preparatory stage can take from several days to several weeks.

Registration Process

After preparing and collecting all the necessary documents, the company registration process begins. Registration steps include:

  1. Submission of Documents: Your documents must be submitted to the Liechtenstein Commercial Register for official registration of the company. This process may take from several days to several weeks, depending on the workload of the registration service and the completeness of the documentation provided.
  2. Getting A Legal Address: To register a company in Liechtenstein, you need a local legal address. Organizing a legal address may take additional time if you haven’t already provided it at the time of submitting your documents.
  3. Opening a Bank Account: One of the requirements for completing registration is to open a corporate bank account and deposit the authorized capital. The process of opening an account can take from several days to several weeks, depending on the bank and the completeness of the documents provided.

Average Time to Set up a Company

On average, the establishment of a company in Liechtenstein can take from 4 to 6 weeks from the beginning of preparation of documents to the completion of registration. However, this period may vary depending on specific circumstances, such as the type of corporate structure chosen, the need for additional licenses or permits, and the speed at which all necessary documents are collected and submitted.


While the process of setting up a company in Liechtenstein may seem like a long one, many entrepreneurs believe that the benefits of doing business in this jurisdiction are worth the time spent. It is important to prepare carefully and use the services of professional consultants to ensure that the entire registration process is completed efficiently and smoothly.

 What activities can companies do in Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein, a small principality located in the heart of Europe, is renowned for its attractive tax policies, high privacy, and stable economic environment. These factors make it an ideal location for international business and investment. Let’s look at what types of activities companies registered in Liechtenstein can engage in, exploring the opportunities and features that this unique jurisdiction offers.

Financial Services

Liechtenstein is known as a financial services center with a developed banking, asset management and insurance sector. Companies can provide a wide range of financial services, including banking, private equity management, investment advice, and insurance. Most financial services require a license obtained from local regulators to provide them.

Trust Services and Family Wealth Management

Liechtenstein’s unique trust and foundation legislation makes it a popular destination for family wealth management and inheritance planning. Companies may specialize in setting up and managing trusts, foundations, and other structures for asset protection and inheritance planning.

Production and Technologies

Despite its modest size, Liechtenstein is home to high-tech manufacturing, especially in areas such as mechanical engineering, medical equipment and electronics. Foreign companies can place their production facilities here, taking advantage of the high level of qualification of the labor force and an attractive tax environment.

Trade and E-Commerce

Liechtenstein offers a convenient platform for international trade and e-commerce due to its location and liberal legislation. Companies can use Liechtenstein as a base for distributing goods and services both within and outside Europe.

Consulting and Services

Due to the high level of education and international orientation of the local population, Liechtenstein offers excellent opportunities for providing professional consulting and corporate services, including legal, tax, marketing and ITservices.

Research and Development

Government support for innovation and research creates favorable conditions for companies engaged in research and development in areas such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and new materials.

Requirements and Regulations

Despite the extensive business opportunities, it is important to note that some activities in Liechtenstein are subject to strict regulation and require special licenses and permits. Companies are encouraged to conduct a thorough review of the requirements and seek advice from local professionals to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.


Liechtenstein offers many opportunities for foreign companies looking to expand their operations or explore new markets. From financial services to high-tech manufacturing and innovative research, the country provides a unique environment for international business growth and development.

 Should a company in Liechtenstein have employees?

The question of whether to have employees in a company registered in Liechtenstein depends on many factors, including the type of business, its scale and specific legal requirements. Liechtenstein, due to its attractive tax system and stable economic environment, is an attractive jurisdiction for many foreign investors. Let’s take a closer look at aspects related to the requirements for the presence of employees in companies registered in Liechtenstein.

General Requirements

In general, Liechtenstein legislation does not set strict requirements for the availability of employees for all companies without exception. However, there are certain situations and activities where the presence of full-time employees may be mandatory:

  1. Industry-specific: Some activities that require specialized knowledge or licensing (for example, in the financial sector, healthcare, or education) may require hiring qualified employees.
  2. Operational Needs: If the company’s operational processes involve a physical office, warehouse, or production facility in Liechtenstein, it is likely that local employees will be required to provide day-to-day operations.
  3. Regulatory Requirements: Depending on the structure and scale of the business, there may be regulatory requirements for minimum or specific staffing levels. This may relate to safety, compliance with quality standards, and other aspects of the business.

Flexibility and Alternatives

  1. Use of Outsourcing and Freelancers: Companies that do not want to hire permanent employees can use outsourcing and freelancing services to perform certain tasks and projects. This can be a cost-effective solution to reduce costs and increase operational flexibility.
  2. Virtual Office: For companies that do not require a physical presence of employees in Liechtenstein, it is possible to use virtual office services. This allows you to have a legal address and postal services without having to hire local staff.


While having employees in a Liechtenstein-registered company is not a requirement for all types of businesses, it is important to carefully consider the operational needs of your company and the relevant regulatory requirements. The choice between hiring employees, outsourcing, or using virtual services should be based on strategic planning and analysis of the goals of your business in Liechtenstein. In any case, getting professional advice will help ensure that your company complies with local laws and optimizes its business processes.

 How do I choose a company name in Liechtenstein?

Choosing the right name for your company is a critical step when doing business in Liechtenstein. The name not only creates the first impression of your business, but also plays an important role in branding and marketing. In Liechtenstein, as in other jurisdictions, there are certain rules and restrictions when choosing a company name. In this article, we’ll take a look at some key tips and tricks that will help you along the way.

  1. Uniqueness and Difference

The first and most important requirement for a company name in Liechtenstein is its uniqueness. The name must be different from the names of companies already registered in the Liechtenstein Commercial Register. Using a unique name helps avoid confusion with other businesses and protects your brand.

  1. Name Verification

Before making a final choice of a name, it is recommended to conduct a thorough check for its availability. This can be done by contacting the Liechtenstein Commercial Register or by using the services of a legal agency that specializes in registering companies in that jurisdiction.

  1. Compliance With the Company’s Activities

The company name should reflect its main business or brand. This not only contributes to a better consumer understanding of your business, but can also provide legal benefits in the context of trademark and rights protection.

  1. Easy Pronunciation and Memorization

Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and remember. This will make it easier to spread information about your company to potential customers and partners, as well as improve your marketing potential.

  1. Avoiding Forbidden Words and Expressions

In Liechtenstein, there are certain restrictions on the use of certain words and expressions in company names. For example, words hinting at state support or international organizations may be banned without proper permission.

  1. International Admissibility

If you plan to do business internationally, make sure that your name doesn’t have negative connotations in other languages. The name should be acceptable and positively perceived in all countries of your potential activity.

Business Register in Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein, despite its modest size, is one of the most prosperous countries in the heart of Europe, offering unique opportunities for international business. This country attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world with its stable economy, high level of privacy and attractive tax system. One of the key elements that ensure the functioning and management of business structures in Liechtenstein is the business register (Handelsregister)-an official register that contains information about all companies and enterprises registered in the country.

What is the Liechtenstein Business Register?

The Liechtenstein Business Register is a public register maintained by the Liechtenstein Office of Justice (Amt für Justiz) and contains basic information about all legal entities registered in the Principality. This registration and information system plays an important role in ensuring business transparency and protecting investors’ rights.

Why do I need to register in the business register?

Registration in the Liechtenstein Business Register is necessary to ensure the legitimacy of a business in the principality. This allows companies to conduct official activities, obtain legal protection, conduct banking operations, and enter into commercial relationships. Registration is also a prerequisite for meeting tax obligations and submitting annual financial statements.

What data does the business register contain?

The Liechtenstein Business Register contains the following information about registered companies:

  • Full name and form of ownership of the company;
  • Registration address.
  • Information about the registration number and registration date.
  • Information about directors and founders.
  • The amount of the authorized capital;
  • Main type of activity;
  • Information about branches and representative offices, if any.

Advantages of doing business in Liechtenstein

  1. Low taxes: Liechtenstein offers one of the lowest tax rates in Europe, making it attractive for international businesses.
  2. High Privacy: The country is known for its strict data protection laws, ensuring a high level of privacy for businesses.
  3. Stability and security: Political and economic stability, as well as a high standard of living and security, make Liechtenstein an attractive place to live and work.
  4. Convenience for international business: Thanks to numerous international agreements and membership in the European Economic Area (EEA), Liechtenstein provides convenient access to European and global markets.


The Liechtenstein Business Register plays a key role in maintaining a high level of transparency and protecting the interests of doing business in the Principality. It provides the necessary legal basis for the functioning of companies and contributes to the creation of a favorable investment climate. The combination of low taxes, high privacy and international integration makes Liechtenstein one of the most attractive locations for international business in Europe.


“Renowned for its political stability, advantageous tax structure, and robust privacy laws, Liechtenstein provides an ideal setting for business incorporation. Given my specialization in this area, I am well-equipped to assist. Please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.”



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To register a company in Liechtenstein, begin by selecting a suitable legal structure such as AG or GmbH. Reserve a unique business name through the Commercial Register and draft notarized Articles of Association. Deposit the required share capital and submit the documents to the Commercial Register for registration. Obtain any necessary business licenses and register for taxes. Open a corporate bank account, comply with local regulations, and consider seeking professional advice for a smooth registration process.

The timeline for registering a company in Liechtenstein can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the business structure, completeness of documentation, and the efficiency of the registration process. Generally, it may take a few weeks to a couple of months to complete the registration process. Engaging with professional advisors and ensuring that all required documents are prepared accurately can expedite the registration timeline. It's advisable to consult with local authorities or legal experts for specific and up-to-date information based on the individual circumstances of your company registration.

Yes, non-residents can register a company in Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein welcomes foreign investors and entrepreneurs to establish businesses in the country. The process for non-residents is generally similar to that for residents, and various legal structures, such as Aktiengesellschaft (AG) or Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH), are available for company formation.

For an Aktiengesellschaft (AG) in Liechtenstein, the minimum share capital is typically CHF 50,000, with at least 50% to be paid in before registration. For a Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH), the minimum share capital is usually CHF 30,000, with the same requirement of at least 50% to be paid in before registration. Note that these figures are general guidelines, and consulting with a legal professional is advisable for accurate and up-to-date information tailored to your specific situation.

Liechtenstein typically requires a physical presence for certain steps in the process of opening a bank account. However, our team of specialists will be happy to assist you and provide alternative solutions for the remote bank account opening process.

In Liechtenstein, an AG typically needs at least one shareholder and a board of three members, while a GmbH requires at least one shareholder with flexibility in the management board size.

Liechtenstein corporate taxes include a 12.5% corporate income tax rate, with exemptions for certain capital gains. There is no withholding tax on dividends, interest, or royalties. The standard VAT rate is 7.7%. Specifics may vary, so consulting with a tax professional is recommended.

Liechtenstein does not have a specific requirement for local staff members in companies registered in the country. However, the need for local staff may depend on the nature of the business, industry regulations, and specific operational requirements.

While some steps may require physical presence, recent changes may allow for more remote processes. Contact our company’s advisors for the latest information tailored to your circumstances.

Yes, companies registered in Liechtenstein are generally required to handle accounting. Proper accounting practices and financial reporting are essential for compliance with local regulations and to meet legal obligations. This includes maintaining accurate records of financial transactions, preparing financial statements, and fulfilling any reporting requirements stipulated by the Liechtenstein authorities.

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At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 661 75988
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Phone: +48 50 633 5087
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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