Crypto Regulations in Liechtenstein 2025
Since January 2020, all blockchain companies based in Liechtenstein are licensed under the so-called Token and Trustworthy Technology Service Provider Act. This made Liechtenstein one of the very first fully regulated and most secure jurisdictions for crypto companies with a wide range of business models. The licenses granted would differ according to the nature of the tokens in use and according to the type of services offered.
Already today, this friendly jurisdiction is proud to host more than 80 big blockchain companies, including LCX-a cryptocurrency exchange and the biggest Security Token Offerings launchpad based in Liechtenstein, Vlinder Climate using crypto-assets to finance carbon removals through the restoration of mangroves and seaweed, and Crowdli carrying out the tokenization of real estate.
Liechtenstein Blockchain Act
The Blockchain Act, following more than three years of intensive cooperation of the government with experts from the industry, supervision, and science, finally entered into force on 1st January 2020. It is technologically neutral, meaning the framework is open to various technological innovations and hence covers many types of business. Contrary to that, it is extensive as it explains and regulates a large number of issues on blockchain-based products and services.
The Blockchain Act shall provide trust and confidence to the token economy, in particular, but not limitedly within the financial-economic space, protecting users of trustworthy technologies systems, mainly through the fight against financial crime and the establishment of an optimal innovation-friendly framework open to various technological solutions for products and services based on TT systems. This broad approach to regulation was decided by the local regulator, with the intention to cover as many ways of shaping the token economy as possible. In fact, this breadth is an admission by the local authorities that any effort to actually build a framework for several very specific crypto businesses would have led those that do not fit the legal definitions to more legal uncertainty.
Worth noticing that the Liechtenstein regulator, as compared to the concepts of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the leading global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog, designates different elements of the blockchain economy with different terminology. Thus, in this case, for example, worldwide-recognized VASPS in Liechtenstein are called service providers of TT. TTs are defined as technologies through which the integrity of tokens, the clear allocation of tokens to a TT identifier, and the transfer of tokens can be ensured. With the Blockchain Act, a secure environment and legal certainty will be created for both users and service providers by establishing transparent rules with regard to the issue and sales of tokens.
Tokens are defined as information that may represent claims or membership rights, rights in the property, or other absolute or relative rights and which is assigned to one or more TT identifiers. The definition does not tie the tokens to any particular technology, hence why it enables capturing not only cryptocurrencies but also any blockchain-based tokens designed for use other than in the financial industry.
Furthermore, the new regulatory framework introduced the token container model, whereby a token serves as a container, within which all types of rights may be placed in order to cover all aspects of tokenisation, including its differing characteristics and technological basis. In that respect, tokens other than securities can extend to cover music rights, patents, utility coins, software rights, and more. On the contrary, the container could be kept empty-for instance, the digital code of the Bitcoin blockchain.
Importantly, the rights and assets inside the token container do not change-either the token is kept in a portfolio, sent to a new owner, or stored by a custodian service provider. In this way, it would be possible to represent certain rights-for example, gold or other commodity ownership-by a token kept in a container on the blockchain. The gold belongs to the token owner and can be transferred to another owner without having it changed physically. Vice versa, the linked physical world does not change by the consequence of a virtual transaction of a token.
That created the role of a physical validator who ensures that the physical and digital worlds are fully aligned, that the right represented by the token can be enforced, and the items held by the token can be verified through the locking up of real-world assets in a vault. Physical validator means a trusted third party mediating between the contracting parties confirms that the tokenised right represented online exists and the person who claims to possess the right offline is the lawful owner.
Even if the holder has the exclusive right to dispose of the token; the connection between such an asset and its holder isn’t defined by ownership. The owners have to be recorded on the blockchain, and all parties must agree to one owner’s entitlement for the transfer of tokens. If the disposer wasn’t entitled to rightfully dispose of the token in the first place, then tokens can be acquired through bona fide. Where a token or access to a token has been lost, the owner can apply by petition that the underlying right be separated from the token. The underlying right may then be disposed of independently of the token.
Tokens may be categorized either as security tokens or utility tokens, and that determines whether investors or token holders are allowed to trade them in the regulated secondary market environment. For instance, utility tokens can be traded by means of centralised crypto exchange platforms existing in Liechtenstein and are subject to AML/CFT legislation. The trading of the other categories of tokens also depends on their nature in detail, such as their purpose, contents of the rights, etc., and the branch of industry they are part of. For example, in the case of a token constituting a financial instrument, the Banking Act would also apply. If you want to discuss where your crypto project could live in the structure, then please get in touch, and our highly qualified and experienced consultants will be pleased to facilitate a personalized call for you.
This allows for continuous creation of new blockchain-based solutions while, at the same time, providing legal certainty to manifold business models, including those involving tokenised pre-existing rights. To face such an evolution of the token economy, Liechtenstein made an adaptation in its Civil Code, in which the real world has to give way to the token world when tokens are issued to represent different kinds of rights.
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Legislation
To counteract money laundering and the financing of terrorism, Liechtenstein shall adopt the 4th and 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives (4AMLD, respectively 5AMLD) and applicable EU regulations into its law. These include the main national legislation: the Law on Professional Due Diligence for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Organised Crime and Financing of Terrorism (the Due Diligence Act) and the Ordinance on Professional Due Diligence for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Organised Crime and Financing of Terrorism (the Due Diligence Ordinance), based on EU legislation laying out the rules in terms of KYC procedures. By this, all crypto companies licensed by MFA will be obliged to follow AML/CFT regulations, thereby protecting their customers and preserving the stability of the market they are working on.
The Following TT Service Providers Fall Under the Due Diligence ACT:
- Token issuers issuing tokens in a professional manner
- The token issuers without a legal obligation to seek entry in the register of authority that issue tokens not in a professional capacity against which an investor buys for more than 1,000 CHF (approximately 1,000 EUR) in one or several transactions;
- TT key depositories
- TT token depositories
- TT protectors
- Physical validators
- TT exchange service providers
- TT agents legally obliged to register with the authority when providing service for any of the above-mentioned TT service providers;
- Traders in goods who are paid with cryptocurrencies or any other crypto token, the value of which reaches 10,000 CHF (approx. 10,000 EUR) in payment for goods;
Provisions of the Due Diligence Act
This Act governs the application of due diligence procedures which the service providers defined below are obliged to apply in order to prevent money laundering, organised crime and terrorist financing based on the Criminal Code. Branches of foreign enterprises with their place of business in the Principality of Liechtenstein, which carry out the activity of a TT service provider, are deemed domestic service providers within the meaning of this law.
The following provisions are especially relevant:
- The IT systems used when monitoring business relationships in a way that’s commensurate with the potential risks should, first of all, be safe, updated, and work effectively.
- Monitoring by TT service providers should refer to the risks of business relationships, including the transactions; there should be simplified or advanced client due diligence procedures where it is mandatory to identify and verify such information as the contracting party, the beneficial owner, and business profile.
- A risk analysis to identify, document, and report on the specific risk in regard to money laundering, organized crime, and terrorist financing should be done on a regular basis.
- The risks coming from new product or new commercial practice development or from the use of new or developing technologies have to be previously evaluated and in accordance with prescriptions.
Provisions of the Due Diligence Ordinance
In exercise of the powers provided by the Due Diligence Act referred to above, the Government of Liechtenstein enacted the Due Diligence Ordinance concerning, among others, identification and verification of the contracting parties and the real owners, business profile, reporting to the Financial Intelligence Unit, internal mechanisms, and auditing requirements.
Some key notable features:
- Specifying politically exposed persons referred to in this Act, such as ambassadors, heads of state, heads of government, and members of parliament.
- Specification of the beneficial owner, for example, the natural persons who directly or indirectly hold or control a share or voting rights amounting to 25% or more of such legal entities.
- The principles of customer due diligence, e.g. checking documents with probative value – original or certified copies – of the legal instrument of the party to the transaction, and of those persons claiming to represent a legal person are so empowered to do.
The Supervision of the Crypto Companies
According to the Blockchain Law, cryptocurrency companies are obligated to be registered and approved by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority – FMA, an integrated supervisory authority of the financial market, including licensees under the Blockchain Law and AML/CFT regulations. By enforcing the regulations, the FMA basically intends to combat money laundering, organized crime, and terrorist financing that may arise through crypto products and services, thus ensuring the stability of the financial market and its participants, together with the protection of clients.
For crypto regulations, the authority has a special fintech desk, which should make the relevant departments more responsive. Moreover, with the aim of enabling the development of blockchain technologies, the creation of the Office for Financial Centre Innovation and Digitisation was carried out as a special governmental body. This actually means that Liechtenstein is prepared and ready to promote the adoption of blockchain-powered solutions at the national level.
Capital |
Population |
Currency |
Vaduz | 38,387 | CHF | $157,755 |
Annual Supervision Fees
The FMA levies annual supervisory fees applicable to all licensed crypto providers. The supervisory fee, consisting of a fixed base fee added to a variable fee, is limited to an annually fixed maximum amount. Where the licence, authorization, or recognition covers more than one category of supervised business, or where the business concerned is subject to supervision of the FMA in respect of more than one category of economic activities, such a fee shall be payable in respect of each of these categories.
Example: TT key custodians, TT token custodians, physical validators, and providers of TT exchange services are required to pay the following annual supervision fees in respect of their respective licensable activities:
- There is a basic annual fee of 500 CHF (approx. 500 EUR), which applies only once for every multiple TT services registered under one service provider of the Trust&Trusted services.
- The additional levy is 0,25% of the gross sales revenue from all TT services minus VAT and other taxes directly related to sales in a financial year
- The total annual supervision fee per supervised person for TT service providers comes to a maximum of 100,000 CHF (approx. 100,000 EUR).
While the basic fee and the limit of the maximum fee often remain identical to other service providers, other principles vary depending on the crypto business model. The complete list of the annual supervision fees can be found in Annex 2 of the Financial Market Supervision Act (FMSA).
Why Choose Liechtenstein’s Regulatory Framework
The ability to act within one of the most sophisticated regulatory frameworks in the world saves not only from unclear standards of regulation and changes looming over it in the future but also automatically places such a crypto company among the ranks of trusted leaders on a global scale. Another thing is that the Liechtenstein authorities welcome blockchain-powered businesses and hold very eager talks with entrepreneurs, academics, and every person concerned.
The key advantages of having a crypto business in Liechtenstein include the following:
- The Blockchain Act creates a unique, clear, comprehensive, and dynamic framework for a huge number of crypto businesses;
- Authorities are in continuous dialogue with industry players, which helps to stay in touch with the most recent changes and have their policies adjusted for exactly what is needed by the industry;
- It’s very easy to register a new company, and this process is almost frictionless.
- Once the new company is included in the Commercial Register, the previously transferred authorized capital is released and can be used at the discretion of the owner.
- Such policies as not entering information on shareholders and beneficiaries into the Public Register and not disclosing it allow the maintenance of the company’s efficiency and confidentiality.
- There is a Value-added tax applied, but this is a very low rate of only 7.7% compared to the VAT rates in other European jurisdictions.
Cryptocurrency License in Liechtenstein
Legal and natural persons having a registered office or place of residence in the Principality of Liechtenstein are obliged not to begin activities as crypto market participants until an applicable license is granted by the supervisory authority and prior to the entry into the TT Service Provider Register. This rule is further subject to the person who issues tokens either in his own name or in his client’s name in a non-professional capacity if tokens in sum of 5 mill. CHF (approx. 5 mill. EUR) or more will be issued within 12 calendar months.
The FMA grants the required licensing for crypto companies in Liechtenstein and reviews each application on its respective merits within the underlying legal framework. In certain circumstances, the Authority may determine that no license is required for any given business model and may thus suggest another set of requirements or regulations. In case an applicant wants to operate cross-border business, e.g., advertise abroad or approach clients abroad, he needs to inform the MFA in advance whether the underlying business model is licensed in the country of his choice.
In order for a company to be successfully registered as a provider of TT services, it has first to fulfill a list of legal requirements in regard to the aforementioned legislation and to correctly follow the electronic application. If this is not the case, the application procedure may be delayed by as much as three months. One license costs 1,500 CHF, approximately 1,500 EUR, as an application fee, non-returnable if the respective application is refused. Whereby the fee for multiple licence applications is 1,500 CHF, approximating 1,500 EUR, in respect of the first one, while 700 CHF, approximating 700 EUR, is charged upon application for an additional license.
Period for consideration |
3 months | Annual fee for supervision | From 500 € |
State fee for application |
1,500 € | Local staff member | Required |
Required share capital | 30,000 € | Physical office | Required |
Corporate income tax | 12.5% | Accounting audit | No |
Open a Crypto Company in Liechtenstein
The pre-requisite for obtaining a crypto license in Liechtenstein is to establish a local company first, which would comply with crypto-specific requirements like manifold internal controls. Incorporation of Liechtenstein companies comes under the authority of the Commercial Register, and it usually takes two weeks for processing applications if those are of good quality. More significantly, all Liechtenstein companies are required to pay an annual fee of 1,200 CHF approx. 1,200 EUR.
The requirements for the starting capital vary according to the type and scope of the TT services to be performed. For example, token issuers shall hold between 50,000 CHF (approx. 50,000 EUR) up to 250,000 CHF (approx. 250,000 EUR), whereas service providers of TT exchange shall possess between 30,000 CHF (approx. 30,000 EUR) up to 100,000 CHF (approx. 100,000 EUR). Minimum capital requirements cannot be undercut, and applicants who intend to provide several TT services must have the respective highest minimum capital requirement.
The most popular type of company legal structure in Liechtenstein is a Limited Liability Company GmbH, which can be founded by at least two shareholders; both of them can be foreigners. The Joint-Stock-Company AG is more complicated, can be set up for conducting business at the international level-trading on a stock exchange and coordination of assets of subsidiaries-and may be founded by at least two shareholders.
Key requirements of both types of companies operating crypto activities:
- Work experience of the director: residence of Liechtenstein
- Appointment of reporting officer for compliance, compulsoty opening of a dedicated department for compliance, optional
- Renting of an office in Liechtenstein – compulsoty
- A Liechtenstein company must employ local labor
Tax Legislation in Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein is well-known for its clear, transparent, and effective taxation system. The Tax Administration collects and administers the taxes; crypto businesses fall within its administrative circle. In most cases, therefore, the usual tax rates apply in respect of provided services or products. It is competent under its responsibility to exchange information with foreign tax authorities on the basis of concluded tax agreements.
The Crypto Travel Rule according to the Due Diligence Act and the Due Diligence Ordinance applies to all TT transactions, thus transfers of cryptoassets. This means that, on an international plane, VASPs should exchange originator and beneficiary information in the context of crypto-transactions above the threshold of 1,000 USD (approx. 919 EUR).
If you are satisfied that Liechtenstein’s regulatory environment fits your crypto business model and growth vision, our highly qualified and experienced consultants here at Regulated United Europe (RUE) will be more than happy to equip you with the necessary knowledge which will help you find the right path towards success. We are very well informed about crypto-related legislation in Liechtenstein and the rest of the EU and follow it closely. That’s why we are capable of guiding you through compliance with the local regulations. On top of this, we will be happy to assist you in opening and licensing a new company and taking care of financial accounting and tax optimisation for it. Book your personal consultation now and start your new journey into the crypto industry.
Additional information

“Liechtenstein has gained recognition for being among the most advanced and collaborative jurisdictions, providing an extensive regulatory framework. My name is Milana, and I’m happy to advise you on this.”
Are crypto activities licensed in Liechtenstein?
Yes, cryptocurrency-related activities are licensed in Liechtenstein. The country has adopted progressive legislation governing cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to provide legal clarity and support innovation in this area.
What is the process for getting a crypto licence in Liechtenstein?
To obtain a cryptocurrency licence in Liechtenstein, an application must be submitted to the Financial Intelligence Service (FMA). The process includes providing documentation to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering measures and know-your-customer (KYC) procedures. Companies also need to demonstrate appropriate organisational structure, financial stability and management transparency.
Can Liechtenstein companies engage in crypto activities without contacting the local tax authority?
In Liechtenstein, companies engaged in cryptocurrency activities must interact with the local tax authorities. This is necessary to comply with tax laws, including paying taxes and reporting their activities accordingly.
How does Liechtenstein's crypto licence work?
A cryptocurrency licence in Liechtenstein allows companies to legally conduct various cryptocurrency-related activities. The licensing process includes verification of compliance with financial transparency, anti-money laundering measures and risk management system. Licensing is carried out by the Liechtenstein Financial Intelligence Service (FMA), which requires companies to maintain high standards in their operations.
Is getting a crypto licence in Liechtenstein a long process?
The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Liechtenstein can take from several months to a year, depending on the complexity and completeness of the documents submitted. The processing time depends on the accuracy of the information provided and the speed of fulfilment of regulatory requirements.
Crypto companies can be owned by non-Liechtenstein residents?
Yes, cryptocurrency companies in Liechtenstein can be owned by non-residents of the country. There are no legal restrictions prohibiting foreign nationals from owning such companies.
A Liechtenstein crypto company can have members who are not Liechtenstein residents on its board?
Yes, a cryptocurrency company in Liechtenstein can have board members who are not residents of Liechtenstein. There is no requirement that all board members be residents of the country.
Can a crypto licence in Liechtenstein be obtained without a bank account?
In Liechtenstein, a bank account is generally required to obtain a cryptocurrency licence. This is due to the need to demonstrate financial strength and compliance with regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering measures.
Can a virtual currency service provider in Liechtenstein operate with a minimum authorised capital?
Yes, in Liechtenstein, a virtual currency service provider can operate with a minimum authorised capital. However, the exact amount of the minimum capital may depend on the type of licence and the specific requirements set by the financial regulator.
What is the duration of a crypto licence in Liechtenstein?
In Liechtenstein, a licence for cryptocurrency operations is issued for an indefinite period of time. This means that the licence is valid until it is revoked by the regulator or until the company ceases operations.
Can Cryptocurrencies be deposited as authorised capital in Liechtenstein?
In Liechtenstein, cryptocurrencies cannot be used as authorised capital. The authorised capital must be paid in traditional currency, which complies with financial regulations and ensures easy valuation of the capital value.
A Liechtenstein crypto company's charter capital is paid in what way?
In Liechtenstein, the authorised capital of a cryptocurrency company is usually deposited in a traditional currency such as the euro. This ensures compliance with financial regulations and allows the cost of capital to be accurately assessed for regulatory and reporting purposes.
If you want to open a company and obtain a crypto licence in Liechtenstein, when do you have to deposit capital?
In Liechtenstein, the authorised capital must be paid in before a company can be registered. This is one of the requirements for forming a company and subsequently obtaining a licence for cryptocurrency transactions.
What are the benefits of getting a crypto licence in Liechtenstein?
Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Liechtenstein offers several advantages:
- Legal legitimacy and certainty: Licensing confirms that your business complies with local laws and regulations, increasing the confidence of your customers and partners.
- Access to banking and financial services: The licence facilitates interaction with banks and financial institutions.
- International recognition: Liechtenstein is recognised in Europe and globally as a financial and blockchain technology centre, facilitating international transactions.
- Protection against regulatory risks: A licence helps to avoid potential legal and regulatory problems.
Cryptocurrency companies in Liechtenstein are audited?
Yes, cryptocurrency companies in Liechtenstein are subject to audit in accordance with local legal and regulatory requirements. This ensures compliance with financial transparency and regulatory standards, and helps to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
Crypto companies can have directors who are not Liechtenstein residents?
Liechtenstein requires at least one director to be a resident of Liechtenstein in order to register a company, including cryptocurrency companies. This ensures proper oversight and compliance with local regulatory requirements. However, the rest of the board of directors can be non-residents, allowing for international expertise in the company's management team
Are there any measures in place in Liechtenstein to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism?
Yes, Liechtenstein has strict measures in place to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. The country is a member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and is committed to complying with its recommendations. Liechtenstein has also ratified the UN Convention against Corruption and is a member of the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). Domestic legislation includes provisions aimed at combating financial crime and is supervised by the Liechtenstein Financial Supervisory Authority (FMA). These measures ensure a high level of financial transparency and security in the country.
Are there any difficulties in obtaining a crypto licence in Liechtenstein?
Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Liechtenstein is challenging due to strict regulatory requirements and the need for thorough preparation. The main difficulties include:
- Strict regulatory requirements: Liechtenstein imposes high standards on companies seeking a cryptocurrency licence. This includes compliance with the Token and Trusted Technology Service Providers Act (TVTG), as well as adherence to international anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) standards.
- Thorough preparation of documentation: The licensing process requires the submission of a detailed business plan, AML/KYC procedures, description of operational processes and IT infrastructure. Each of these elements must be thoroughly developed and meet established standards.
- Minimum capital requirements: Depending on the type of services provided, companies must have a certain minimum authorised capital. For example, for banks and other credit institutions, the minimum capital may be from 5 million euros.
- Application processing times: The process of obtaining a licence can take a considerable amount of time, depending on the complexity of the business and the completeness of the documents submitted. It requires careful planning and preparation.
- Need for local presence: To obtain a licence, a company must have a registered office in Liechtenstein, which may require additional cost and effort.
Despite these challenges, Liechtenstein offers a favourable environment for cryptocurrency businesses due to its clear legal framework and support for innovation. Careful preparation and compliance with all regulatory requirements can significantly increase the chances of successfully obtaining a licence.
Can a Liechtenstein crypto company open a bank account?
Yes, cryptocurrency companies in Liechtenstein can open a bank account. However, the process can be complicated due to banks' strict customer due diligence (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance requirements. Banks may request detailed information about the company's operations, sources of funds and ownership structure. Minimum deposit requirements can also be high, depending on the particular bank. For example, some banks require a minimum account balance of €100,000 to €300,000.
It is advisable to prepare all the necessary documentation in advance and be prepared for a thorough inspection by the bank.
Purchase of Ready Made Licensed VASP in Liechtenstein
Acquiring a ready-made company with a VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider) licence in Liechtenstein can be an effective way to quickly enter the cryptocurrency services market. However, this process requires a careful approach and a number of factors to be taken into account:
- Due Diligence: Before a purchase, a comprehensive due diligence of the company should be conducted, including its legal status, financial statements, regulatory compliance and potential liabilities. This will help avoid hidden risks and ensure the transparency of the transaction.
- Regulatory approval: VASP licences in Liechtenstein are issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FMA). When a company changes ownership, notification or re-approval by the regulator may be required to confirm that the new owner meets all necessary requirements.
- Company structure: In Liechtenstein, companies can be registered in various legal forms, such as Aktiengesellschaft (AG) or Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH). The minimum authorised capital for an AG is CHF 50,000 and for a GmbH is CHF 30,000. It is important to make sure that the company structure is in line with your business objectives.
- Tax considerations: Liechtenstein offers an attractive tax environment, including a corporate tax rate of 12.5%. However, it is important to understand the company's tax liabilities and possible incentives in order to plan financial activities effectively.
- Bank Accounts: Opening and maintaining a bank account for a cryptocurrency company can be complicated due to strict anti-money laundering requirements. Acquiring a company with an existing bank account may simplify the process, but it is important to ensure that the bank is aware of the change of ownership and agrees to continue to co-operate.
- Regulatory compliance: Following an acquisition, the company must ensure ongoing compliance with all regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures. This may require hiring qualified personnel and implementing appropriate procedures.
Given the complexity of the process, it is recommended to contact professional advisors specialising in the registration and support of cryptocurrency companies in Liechtenstein. They will help to conduct the transaction in accordance with the law and minimise possible risks.
VASP licence in Liechtenstein 2025
From 2025, the Markets in Cryptoassets Regulation (MiCA) will come into force in Liechtenstein and other European Union countries, setting uniform standards for virtual asset service providers (VASPs). Under MiCA, all VASPs will be required to obtain cryptoasset service provider (CASP) status in order to legally operate in the EU.
MiCA's key requirements include:
- Enhanced anti-money laundering (AML) measures: implementation of strict customer due diligence (KYC) and transaction monitoring procedures.
- Increased capital requirements: minimum capital up to €150,000 depending on the services provided.
- Physical presence in the EU: need for a local office and appointment of responsible persons such as compliance director and anti-money laundering officer.
The process of obtaining a licence includes:
- Submission of an application: preparation and submission of necessary documents to the regulatory authority.
- Compliance review: the regulator's assessment of a company's compliance with statutory requirements.
- Licence issuance: on successful completion of the inspection, the company is issued with a CASP licence.
Application processing times may vary, so it is recommended to start the process early. Compliance with the new MiCA regulatory requirements will ensure legal and sustainable cryptoasset market activity in Liechtenstein and the EU.
Additional services for Liechtenstein
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