Company formation in Switzerland

Switzerland, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, precision engineering, and a robust economy, stands as an enticing hub for entrepreneurs seeking to establish their business ventures in a highly competitive yet rewarding environment. Positioned at the heart of Europe, Switzerland offers a unique blend of stability, innovation, and an unparalleled business infrastructure. This comprehensive guide aims to elucidate the essential steps and insights necessary to navigate the process of initiating a business in this prosperous and business-friendly nation.

Before delving into the intricacies of starting a business in Switzerland, it’s vital to comprehend the multifaceted business landscape. Switzerland boasts a diverse economy with strong sectors in finance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, precision engineering, and tourism. Thorough market research, understanding local consumer behaviour, and assessing competition lay the groundwork for a successful venture.

Entrepreneurs in Switzerland can opt for various business structures, such as a sole proprietorship, limited liability company (GmbH/Sàrl), joint-stock company (AG/SA), or branch office. Each structure has its own legal, tax, and liability implications. Consulting legal experts or business advisors is crucial to determine the most suitable structure aligned with your business goals. We highly recommend starting a limited liability company (GmbH/Sàrl) for benefiting and securing yourself.

Registering a company in Switzerland involves several key steps. This includes:

  1. Obtaining a business licence
  2. Defining the company’s purpose
  3. Drafting the articles of association
  4. Registering with the Commercial Register.

Compliance with tax regulations, social security contributions, and adhering to labour laws is essential for a smooth operational setup.


4,500 EUR
  • Incorporation service charge
  • Power of Attorney preparation
  • Company name check
  • Registration of a legal entity
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • State fees for the incorporation
  • Legal advice on establishing a company

Open business in Switzerland

Advantages for establishing a company in Switzerland

Jurisdiction prestige and global recognition

Wide range of the banking sector

Favourable tax system for businesses

Benefits of opening a company in Switzerland


Establishing a company in Switzerland offers a myriad of advantages that attract businesses worldwide. Renowned for its stability, Switzerland provides a robust and well-established legal system, fostering a secure environment for business operations. The country boasts a highly skilled and multilingual workforce, facilitating efficient business dealings and global connectivity. Switzerland’s favourable tax system, comprising moderate corporate tax rates and various tax incentives, serves as a significant draw for businesses seeking tax optimization and planning. Moreover, its strategic central European location and exceptional infrastructure contribute to streamlined logistics and accessibility within Europe. Additionally, the nation’s reputation for political stability, confidentiality, and a high quality of life further solidify Switzerland’s appeal as an ideal hub for international business expansion and growth. However, success necessitates meticulous planning, compliance with legal obligations, deep market understanding, and leveraging available resources and support systems. By navigating these steps diligently and seeking expert guidance where necessary, entrepreneurs can embark on a rewarding journey toward establishing and flourishing within Switzerland’s prestigious and flourishing economic ecosystem.

Some of the key factors to choose Switzerland for starting a business:

SwitzerlandPolitical and Economic Stability

One of the primary reasons entrepreneurs are drawn to Switzerland is its political and economic stability. The country has a longstanding reputation for neutrality, fostering a secure environment that encourages businesses to flourish. Its stable government, sound regulatory framework, and efficient legal system provide a solid foundation for business operations, instilling confidence in investors and entrepreneurs alike.

SwitzerlandStrategic Location and Access to European Markets

Situated at the heart of Europe, Switzerland offers easy access to the European Union (EU) market without being an EU member. This strategic location serves as an excellent base for companies seeking to tap into the vast European market while benefiting from Switzerland’s independent trade policies and favorable business regulations.

SwitzerlandFavourable Tax Environment

Switzerland boasts a competitive tax system that attracts businesses from around the world. Its corporate tax rates are notably lower compared to many other European countries. Moreover, certain cantons (regions) offer preferential tax treatment and incentives to attract businesses, making it an appealing destination for entrepreneurs seeking tax advantages.

SwitzerlandInnovation and Research Opportunities

The country has a strong focus on innovation and research, providing ample opportunities for businesses in various industries. Switzerland is home to world-class universities and research institutions, fostering a conducive environment for technological advancements and cutting-edge research. Entrepreneurs can benefit from collaboration with these institutions and access a highly skilled talent pool.

SwitzerlandHigh-Quality Infrastructure and Workforce

Switzerland is known for its exceptional infrastructure, including reliable transportation, state-of-the-art telecommunications, and modern facilities. Additionally, the country boasts a highly educated and multilingual workforce known for its efficiency, reliability, and strong work ethic. This skilled labour pool contributes significantly to the success and productivity of businesses operating in Switzerland.

Banking Sector

Switzerland’s banking system comprises a mix of domestic and international banks, providing a wide range of services to businesses. The sector is regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), ensuring adherence to strict regulatory standards and promoting stability and trust within the financial industry.

Corporate Accounts

Swiss banks offer a variety of corporate account options tailored to suit businesses of different sizes and industries. These accounts provide features such as multi-currency support, online banking, international wire transfers, and access to specialized financial products and services.

Financing Solutions

Businesses in Switzerland have access to a diverse array of financing options, including business loans, lines of credit, trade finance, and tailored financing solutions for specific industries. Swiss banks collaborate with businesses to provide customized financial packages that meet their funding requirements.

Wealth Management

For businesses with substantial assets, Swiss banks offer comprehensive wealth management services, including investment advice, portfolio management, and estate planning. These services aim to optimize returns on investments while ensuring proper risk management and wealth preservation.

International Banking and Trade Services

Switzerland’s strategic location and well-established banking infrastructure make it a hub for international trade and finance. Banks in Switzerland provide trade finance solutions, letters of credit, import/export financing, and currency hedging services, facilitating seamless international transactions for businesses.

Private vs. Public Banks

Switzerland hosts a mix of private and public banks. Private banks typically cater to high-net-worth individuals and businesses, offering personalized services, wealth management, and discretion. Public banks, on the other hand, are often more accessible to a broader range of businesses, providing a wider array of services and catering to different financial needs.

Online Banking and Fintech

Swiss banks have embraced technological advancements, offering sophisticated online banking platforms and embracing fintech innovations. They provide secure online banking services, mobile apps, and digital tools that enable businesses to manage their finances efficiently, make transactions, and access banking services remotely.

Regulatory Compliance and Confidentiality

Switzerland maintains strict adherence to international banking regulations, while also upholding its tradition of banking confidentiality. Swiss banks comply with international standards on anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations to ensure transparency and integrity within the financial system while safeguarding client confidentiality within legal boundaries.

Establishing a company in Switzerland involves navigating a series of requirements and procedures designed to ensure compliance with Swiss laws and regulations. One of the initial steps is to select the appropriate legal structure for the company, which could be a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or stock corporation (AG). Choosing a unique business name that complies with Swiss regulations is essential, as it should accurately represent the nature of the business and not be in use by another company. Determining the location of the company’s registered office is also crucial, as this address serves as the official address for correspondence and legal notices.

Depending on the chosen legal structure, it’s necessary to determine the required share capital. For instance, an AG typically requires a minimum share capital of CHF 100,000, while an LLC requires a minimum of CHF 20,000. Drafting and notarizing the articles of association (AoA) is another important step, as these documents outline key details such as the company’s purpose, share structure, management, and decision-making processes. Once the necessary documentation is prepared, the company must be registered with the Commercial Registry (Handelsregisteramt) in the canton where it will be based. This involves submitting the required documents, including the AoA and proof of share capital.

Understanding the tax implications of operating a business in Switzerland is crucial, as tax laws vary depending on factors such as the canton of operation, business activities, and legal structure. Additionally, obtaining any necessary permits or licenses required for specific industries or business activities is essential for compliance. Employers must also familiarize themselves with Swiss employment laws, including hiring practices, employee rights, and mandatory social security contributions. Establishing compliant accounting practices and ensuring timely submission of financial reports and tax filings is necessary for ongoing compliance.

Key aspects pertaining to the formation of a company in Switzerland:

  • It can be established by signing a notarial deed
  • At least one shareholder and a board member are required who must be fit and proper
  • Appointing an auditor is mandatory in most of the cases
  • Having a registered office and employing local staff is mandatory
  • Having an operational corporate bank account in a foreign bank is permitted
  • Shareholders don’t have to be Swiss citizens

Standard initial share capital requirements are as follows:

  • GmbH – 20,000 CHF (approx. 19,668 EUR) which must be transferred to a Swiss bank account
  • AG – 100,000 CHF (approx. 98,352 EUR), at least 20% of it and no less than 50,000 CHF (approx. 49,176 EUR) must be transferred to a Swiss bank account

Overall, navigating the process of establishing a company in Switzerland requires careful planning, attention to detail, and adherence to legal requirements. Seeking guidance from legal and financial professionals familiar with Swiss business practices can help ensure a smooth and successful company formation process.

Tax System in Switzerland

Switzerland’s tax system is known for its attractiveness to businesses, offering favourable corporate tax rates, incentives for R&D activities, and a stable financial environment. Understanding the tax framework, including federal, cantonal, and municipal taxes, is crucial. Engaging proficient accountants or tax advisors is recommended to ensure compliance and optimise tax strategies.

Federal Corporate Tax

At the federal level, Switzerland imposes a flat corporate income tax rate of 8.5% on net profits generated by companies. However, it’s crucial to note that this federal tax rate is applied to profits after cantonal and municipal taxes have been accounted for. Hence, the effective tax rate varies significantly across different cantons.

Cantonal and Municipal Taxes

Cantonal and municipal tax rates differ considerably among Switzerland’s 26 cantons and numerous municipalities. This diversity allows businesses to choose locations based on their specific tax preferences. Some cantons offer preferential tax regimes and incentives to attract businesses, resulting in substantially lower effective tax rates. For instance, certain cantons, such as Zug and Schwyz, are well-known for their favorable tax rates and business-friendly policies, making them particularly attractive to corporations.

Tax Incentives and Rulings

Switzerland provides various tax incentives and rulings aimed at encouraging innovation, research, and development. Companies engaged in these activities may benefit from reduced tax rates or exemptions on income derived from specific intellectual property rights or innovation-related profits. Additionally, some cantons offer tax holidays or deductions for companies investing in specific industries or contributing to local economic development.

Holding Company Privileges

Switzerland offers advantageous tax treatment for holding companies. Companies engaged primarily in the holding and management of investments may benefit from specific tax exemptions and reduced rates on qualifying dividends and capital gains. This setup encourages the establishment of regional or global headquarters in Switzerland, further bolstering the country’s appeal for multinational corporations.

Tax Treaties and Double Taxation Avoidance

Switzerland has an extensive network of double taxation treaties with numerous countries worldwide. These treaties aim to prevent double taxation on income earned in one country by a resident of another. This provides businesses with clarity and certainty regarding their tax liabilities and helps avoid situations where the same income is taxed in multiple jurisdictions.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Switzerland imposes a Value Added Tax (VAT) on the supply of goods and services. The standard VAT rate is 7.7%, but certain goods and services are subject to a reduced rate of 2.5% or are exempt altogether. Companies with annual turnover exceeding a certain threshold are required to register for VAT and comply with related reporting obligations.

Switzerland’s tax framework for businesses is characterized by its federal structure, competitive corporate tax rates, cantonal diversity, tax incentives, and treaties aimed at fostering a conducive business environment. The ability to choose from a range of cantonal tax regimes allows businesses to optimize their tax strategies and benefit from favourable conditions. However, navigating the complex tax landscape in Switzerland requires careful consideration and expert guidance to ensure compliance and maximize tax efficiency. Overall, the country’s attractive tax framework continues to attract businesses seeking stability, favourable tax treatment, and opportunities for growth and innovation.










Bern 8,636,896 CHF $92,434

Switzerland’s banking sector stands out for its stability, diverse range of services, technological innovation, and commitment to client confidentiality within legal frameworks. Businesses operating in Switzerland have access to a robust banking infrastructure that caters to their financial needs, whether it involves day-to-day transactions, financing, wealth management, or international trade. However, while the Swiss banking system offers numerous advantages, businesses must navigate the regulatory landscape and seek expert advice to make informed decisions and maximize the benefits of banking in Switzerland.

Switzerland stands out as an exceptional choice for entrepreneurs looking to establish or expand their business ventures due to a combination of unparalleled advantages. Renowned for its political stability, economic resilience, and business-friendly environment, Switzerland offers a robust infrastructure that fosters innovation and growth. The country’s strategic location at the heart of Europe provides access to the vast European market without being an EU member, enabling businesses to leverage its independent trade policies and favourable business regulations. Moreover, Switzerland boasts a competitive tax system with varying rates across cantons, allowing companies to select locations based on tax preferences. Its commitment to innovation is evident through world-class research institutions and a highly skilled, multilingual workforce that contributes significantly to the success of businesses across diverse industries. Additionally, the Swiss banking system, known for its confidentiality and reliability, provides a range of sophisticated financial services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, facilitating international trade and finance. Beyond its business advantages, Switzerland offers an exceptional quality of life with breathtaking landscapes, excellent healthcare, and a high standard of living, attracting international talent and providing an ideal environment for employees and their families. Overall, Switzerland’s blend of stability, innovation, favourable tax frameworks, skilled workforce, and exceptional quality of life makes it an optimal choice for entrepreneurs seeking a conducive environment to start or expand their businesses.

What types of companies exist in Switzerland?

Switzerland is known for its stable economy, reliable banking system and favorable investment climate, which makes it attractive for entrepreneurs from all over the world. Swiss law provides for various forms of legal entities, allowing you to choose the most appropriate form for doing business, depending on the size of the enterprise, capital structure, goals and other factors. Here are the main types of companies that exist in Switzerland:

  1. Individual entrepreneurship (Einzelunternehmen)

This is the simplest and most common form of doing business, suitable for small businesses. Individual entrepreneurs are fully responsible for the obligations of their business with all their property. This type of business is easy to register and run, without requiring complex accounting or reporting.

  1. Limited Liability Company (GmbHGesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung)

A GmbH is a form of company that is suitable for both small and medium-sized enterprises. It offers limited liability to its founders within the limits of the contributions made. The minimum authorized capital required to set up a GmbH is 20,000 Swiss francs. A company is managed by its members through a general meeting, and operational functions are usually assigned to one or more directors.

  1. Joint-Stock Company (AGAktiengesellschaft)

An AG is a limited liability company where the capital is divided into shares. This is the most appropriate form for large businesses. The minimum authorized capital is 100,000 Swiss francs, of which at least 50,000 Swiss francs must be deposited at the time of registration. Shareholders are not personally liable for the company’s debts, and their liability is limited to the size of their contribution.

  1. Limited Company (KommanditgesellschaftKG)

KG is a company that has at least two types of partners: limited partners (limited liability partners whose liability is limited to the size of their contribution) and limited partners (partners who are fully responsible for the company’s obligations with all their property). This type of company is often used in family and medium-sized enterprises.

  1. Limited Liability Company (KollektivgesellschaftKG)

This is a form of partnership in which two or more individuals (individuals or legal entities) come together to conduct business under a common name. All partners are jointly and severally liable for the company’s obligations without limitation with their personal property. This form is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses, especially for professional activities (for example, law firms or accounting firms).


Choosing the right form of legal entity in Switzerland depends on many factors, including the size of the business, management structure, financial and tax considerations. Each type of company has its own advantages and disadvantages, and also requires compliance with certain rules and regulations. It is important to carefully study all available options and, if necessary, consult with professionals to choose the most suitable form for your business in Switzerland.


Tablitza with tax rates for companies registered in Switzerland. Switzerland is famous for its stable economy, high-quality infrastructure and favorable tax treatment for businesses. However, it is worth noting that tax rates may vary depending on the canton and municipality, so the data provided here is a rough overview of the main federal tax rates.

Name of tax
 Tax rate
Corporate Income Tax (Income Tax) The federal rate is about 8.5% on pre-tax profits. Taking into account cantonal and municipal taxes, the total rate may vary from 12% to 24%
Value Added Tax (VAT) Standard rate – 7.7%, Reduced rate-2.5% (for everyday goods, such as food), Special rate for hospitality services – 3.7%
Personal Income Tax A progressive rate that varies depending on the canton and income. The federal maximum rate is about 11.5%, but the general rate can reach 40% or higher, taking into account cantonal and municipal taxes
Social Security Contributions Different rates for different types of social security, the total contribution of the employer and employee can be about 12-15% of the salary
Dividend Tax The rate is charged at the cantonal level and can vary, on average about 35%, partially refunded when paying income tax
Average salary 2023 The average salary in Switzerland is highly dependent on the industry, specialization and region, but one of the highest in the world. You should check the exact data in the current sources at the time of the request.

Please note that these rates are approximate and may vary depending on the specific canton and municipality. Switzerland offers a complex but flexible tax system with a variety of cantonal benefits and programs that help attract and support businesses. It is also important to take into account the possibility of double taxation and the existence of international agreements aimed at its prevention. For more accurate planning and optimization of tax liabilities, it is recommended to consult with professional tax consultants from Regulated United Europe.

Types of companies (forms) in Switzerland

In Switzerland, there are two main forms of business for non-residents:

  • A limited liability company (GmbH) is the most popular type of business in Switzerland for small and medium-sized companies.
  • An open joint Stock company (AG) is the most commonly used business model for large companies.

Limited Liability Company (GmbH) – as the name suggests, those who own a limited liability company only risk the capital they have invested; their personal assets are not at risk if the company goes bankrupt.

The minimum authorized capital required to register a limited liability company is at least 20,000 Swiss francs. In addition, you will need to specify the partner as a founder, as well as an executive director – manager with the right to sign in Switzerland. At least one of the executive directors must live in Switzerland. To simplify the task, the founding shareholder and the executive director can legally be the same person.

Open Joint Stock Company (AG)is the most popular model for large companies in Switzerland and the most frequently used business structure for financial companies.

To register a joint-stock company (AG) in Switzerland, you must have a minimum authorized capital of at least 100,000 Swiss francs. In addition, you need to have at least one person on the board of directors and one shareholder – technically, these two positions can be held by the same person. It is important to know that most of the members of the board of directors who have the right to sign must live in Switzerland. Unlike a limited liability company, investors in a Swiss joint-stock company can maintain their anonymity.  The authorized capital can be managed and fully spent immediately after the Company is established.

Switzerland is one of the few jurisdictions that provides the option of depositing the authorized capital in crypto currency.

Documents required to open a company in Switzerland

To register a Swiss company, you will need to:

  • Notarized translation of the passport;
  • Your bank reference and With

Also, an important nuance is the contribution of the authorized capital of the company, for this purpose a temporary account will be opened in Switzerland.

What is the size of the company’s authorized capital in Switzerland?

The size of the company’s authorized capital in Switzerland varies depending on the chosen form of legal entity and is determined by Swiss law. The authorized capital is the sum of funds or assets contributed by the founders or shareholders when creating a company that serves to secure the interests of creditors. Let’s look at the size of the authorized capital for the most common types of companies in Switzerland:

  1. Limited Liability Company (GmbH)

  • Minimum authorized capital: 20,000 Swiss francs (CHF).
  • The founders must fully contribute the authorized capital at the time of registration of the company.
  • The capital is divided into shares that can only be transferred with the consent of other founders.
  1. Joint Stock Company (AG)

  • Minimum authorized capital: 100,000 CHF.
  • A minimum of 50% of the authorized capital (but not less than 50,000 CHF) must be deposited at the time of company registration.
  • The capital is divided into shares, which can be freely sold and transferred, unless otherwise stipulated in the company’s charter.
  1. Limited Company (KG) and Limited Liability Company (Kollektivgesellschaft)

  • For these types of businesses, Swiss law does not set minimum authorized capital requirements.
  • Partners ‘ responsibility for the company’s obligations is personal and may exceed the amount of their contributions.

Features of the authorized capital

  • Currency: The authorized capital must be denominated in Swiss francs.
  • Functions: The authorized capital serves not only to protect the interests of creditors, but also indicates the financial stability and seriousness of the company’s intentions.
  • Capital contribution: It can be performed not only in cash, but also by depositing assets (for example, real estate, equipment), the value of which must be accurately estimated.

The importance of choosing the size of the authorized capital

The choice of the size of the authorized capital is a strategic decision that can affect the company’s perception of the market, its creditworthiness and ability to attract investment. A larger share capital can increase the trust of partners and financial institutions, but it also implies a large initial investment.


The share capital is an important element in the formation of a company in Switzerland, reflecting its financial basis. Depending on the chosen form of legal entity, the requirements for the minimum amount of authorized capital may differ significantly. It is important to carefully determine the size of the authorized capital, taking into account both the legal requirements and the strategic goals of the business.

 Should a company in Switzerland have a local director?

The need for a local director in a Swiss-registered company is a key aspect in planning the business structure and management of the company. This requirement depends on various factors, including the type of legal entity of the company and specific legal requirements. Let’s look at the main points related to the need for a local director in Swiss companies.

General provisions

Swiss law does not explicitly and unconditionally require that each company has a local director. However, there are a number of circumstances and specific cases where the presence of a director residing in Switzerland becomes necessary or desirable.

Requirements for tax residency

One of the key reasons why a local director may be required is related to the company’s tax residency. In order for a company to be considered a Swiss tax resident and enjoy the benefits of the local tax system, it is necessary that the company is actually managed from Switzerland. In this context, the presence of a director residing in Switzerland can serve as proof that key management and economic decisions are made within the country.

Types of companies and management requirements

Depending on the form of the company’s legal entity, Swiss law imposes different requirements on the composition of management:

  • Joint-Stock Companies (AGS): All board members are not required to be Swiss residents, but in practice, having a local director can make it easier to meet tax and legal obligations.AG): It is not required that all board members be resident in Switzerland, but in practice having a local director may make it easier to fulfil tax and legal obligations.
  • Limited Liability Companies (GmbH): The legislation also does not require the presence of a local director, but for tax planning and administration purposes, the appointment of a resident director may be recommended.

Practical considerations

Regardless of the legal requirements, in practice, having a local director in a Swiss company can be a significant advantage. A local director can facilitate interaction with local authorities, banks, and other institutions, as well as promote better management and exploitation of local resources and opportunities.


Although Swiss law does not establish an absolute requirement for a local director for all types of companies, in practice such a requirement may arise depending on specific circumstances, including tax planning and operational needs of the business. On a case-by-case basis, the feasibility of appointing a local director should be assessed taking into account all relevant factors, including legal, tax and practical aspects of doing business in Switzerland.

 What are the state fees for setting up a company in Switzerland?

The establishment of a company in Switzerland involves the payment of state fees, which depend on the type of legal entity of the company and the size of its authorized capital. These fees are part of the administrative fees charged to cover the costs of registering a company with the relevant registration authorities. It is important to note that the amount of fees may change, so it is recommended to check up-to-date information before establishing a company. The following is an overview of the main types of companies in Switzerland and related government fees.

  1. Limited Liability Company (GmbH)

The authorized capital of the GmbH must be at least 20,000 Swiss francs (CHF). The state fee for registration of such a company consists of two parts: fee for entering into the commercial register and notarial fees for certification of constituent documents. In total, the cost of registering a GmbH can vary from 600 to 1,000 CHF, depending on the canton and the specifics of the services provided.

  1. Joint Stock Company (AG)

The minimum authorized capital for AG is 100,000 CHF. Similar to the GmbH, state fees for registering a joint-stock company include fees for entering into the commercial register and notary fees. The total cost of registering an AG is usually in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 CHF, depending on the canton and the specific services that may be required during the registration process.

  1. Individual entrepreneurship

To register an individual business, the authorized capital is not required. State fees for this type of business are much lower and can range from 0 to several hundred francs, depending on the registration requirements in different cantons. In some cases, registration of an individual entrepreneur may be free of charge.

Additional fees and taxes

In addition to direct government registration fees, companies may face additional costs, such as:

  • Notary fees: For certification of constituent documents and other documents that require notarization.
  • Publication fees: Some cantons may require payment for the publication of constituent documents in official newspapers.
  • Consulting services: Expenses related to legal, tax, or accounting consultations when setting up a company.


The amount of state fees for establishing a company in Switzerland depends on many factors, including the type of legal entity and the country of incorporation. While the initial fees and charges may seem substantial, Switzerland’s favorable economic environment and stability often offset these costs by providing a profitable business platform. It is important to carefully plan the registration process and take into account all possible costs to ensure a successful start and further development of your company in Switzerland.

 What is the annual cost of servicing a company in Switzerland?

The annual cost of servicing a company in Switzerland varies depending on a variety of factors, including the type of legal entity the company has, the size and scope of its business, as well as the specific requirements and obligations imposed by the canton and federal law. In this article, we will look at the main components of the annual maintenance costs of a company in Switzerland, to give entrepreneurs an idea of the potential costs.

Management and administrative expenses

  • Registration fees and fees

Companies may be subject to annual registration fees, which vary depending on the country of incorporation. These fees may vary, but they are usually not significant.

  • Accounting and Auditing

The cost of accounting and auditing services depends on the size of the company and the complexity of its operations. For small companies, the annual cost can start from 2,000 CHF, while large companies with multiple operations can spend 20,000 CHF or more.

  • Legal services

Annual expenses for legal support also vary greatly depending on the specifics of the business and can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of francs.

Tax liabilities

  • Corporate tax

Corporate tax in Switzerland varies depending on the canton and municipality where the company is registered, with general rates ranging from 12% to 24%. This is one of the main annual financial burdens.

  • Value Added Tax (VAT)

If the company’s turnover exceeds 100,000 CHF per year, it is required to register as a VAT payer. The VAT rate in Switzerland is 7.7% for most goods and services.

Cost of office and operating expenses

  • Office rental

Office space rents vary significantly depending on the location and size of the office. In large cities, the rental price is higher.

  • Wages and social security

Employee salaries and social security contributions account for a significant portion of the company’s operating expenses. Switzerland is known for high living standards and, consequently, high wages.

Other possible expenses

  • Insurance

Insurance premiums, including liability and property insurance, can vary significantly depending on the type of business the company operates.

  • Contributions to Chambers of Commerce and Industry and associations

Membership in professional and business associations may require annual fees.


The annual cost of servicing a company in Switzerland depends on many variables and can vary greatly depending on the scale and specifics of the business. It is important to carefully plan and account for all potential expenses in order to optimize operational activities and tax planning. Despite the relatively high level of business expenses, Switzerland offers a favorable economic environment with a developed infrastructure, stability and access to European and global markets, which makes it attractive for international business.

What are the main advantages of establishing a company in Switzerland?

The establishment of a company in Switzerland attracts entrepreneurs and investors from all over the world due to a number of significant advantages that this country offers. Located in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is known for its stable economy, high standard of living, political neutrality, and robust legal system. Here are the main advantages of setting up a company in Switzerland.

  1. Economic and political stability

Switzerland has one of the most stable economies in the world, with low inflation and a high GDP per capita. The country’s political system, based on federalism and direct democracy, provides stable and predictable governance, which makes it attractive for business.

  1. A favorable tax system

Switzerland offers one of the most favorable tax systems in the world for companies, especially those engaged in international activities. The country offers competitive corporate tax rates, as well as a number of tax breaks and double taxation agreements with many countries.

  1. Prestige and reputation

The establishment of a company in Switzerland gives the business prestige and strengthens its reputation on an international level. Switzerland is known for its high standards of business conduct, honesty and reliability, which can significantly increase the trust of customers and partners.

  1. Multilingualism and multiculturalism

Switzerland is a multi-lingual and multi-ethnic country, which makes it easier to conduct international business. The official languages of the country are German, French, Italian and Romansh, and English is widely used in business communication. This creates a favorable environment for companies seeking to operate in the European and global markets.

  1. Developed infrastructure

Switzerland offers a high-quality infrastructure, including modern transport networks, reliable telecommunications services and advanced technologies. This provides companies with convenient access to European and global markets, as well as contributes to efficient business operations.

  1. Protection of intellectual property

Switzerland provides strict protection of intellectual property rights, which is critical for companies engaged in innovation and development. The country is a member of many international conventions for the protection of intellectual property, ensuring effective protection of business rights and interests.

  1. Highly skilled workforce

Switzerland is famous for its highly skilled and multilingual workforce. The country’s educational system and professional training ensure a constant flow of talented specialists in all fields of activity.


Establishing a company in Switzerland offers many advantages, including economic and political stability, a favorable tax system, international prestige, a multilingual and skilled population, and strict protection of intellectual property rights. These factors make Switzerland one of the most attractive countries for doing business internationally.

 What are the ways to establish a company in Switzerland?

The establishment of a company in Switzerland attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world thanks to a stable economy, a high standard of living and an attractive tax system. Switzerland is known for its innovative approach to business, as well as strict confidentiality and investment protection. In this article, we will look at the main ways to establish a company in this country, covering aspects such as the types of legal entities, the registration process, and basic requirements.

Types of legal entities

In Switzerland, there are several forms of legal entities, among which the most popular are the following:

  • A limited liability company (GmbH or SARL). This type of enterprise is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. The minimum authorized capital is 20,000 Swiss francs. The founders can be individuals or legal entities, and the company’s directors must be residents of Switzerland.
  • A joint-stock company (AG or SA). This form is suitable for a large business and requires a minimum authorized capital of 100,000 Swiss francs, of which 50% must be deposited at the time of registration. At least one of the directors must be a resident of Switzerland.
  • A limited company. It is suitable for a family business and does not require a minimum authorized capital. The responsibility of the founders depends on their contribution to the authorized capital.
  • A branch of a foreign company. A foreign company can open a branch in Switzerland, which will be subject to both local and international legislation.

Company registration process

The process of establishing a company includes the following steps:

  1. Selecting and checking the company name. The name must be unique and reflect the company’s field of activity.
  2. Preparation of constituent documents. It includes drafting the company’s charter and minutes of the constituent meeting.
  3. Opening a bank account and depositing the authorized capital.
  4. Registration in the Commercial Register. This step is to submit all the necessary documents to the appropriate regional authority. After registration, the company gets legal status.
  5. Register with the tax service and get a taxpayer identification number.
  6. Registration in the social security system.

Basic requirements

  • Having a legal address in Switzerland. The company must have an actual office in the country.
  • Compliance with tax legislation. Switzerland offers attractive tax rates, but requires strict compliance with tax laws.
  • Compliance with industry regulations. Depending on the field of activity, special licenses or permits may be required.

Setting up a company in Switzerland is a complex process that requires attention to detail and an understanding of local legislation. Therefore, many entrepreneurs use the services of local law and consulting firms. The right approach and careful planning will help you avoid potential difficulties and ensure a successful business start in one of the most stable and prosperous economies in the world.

 Do I need to have a registered office in Switzerland?

Legal address is the official address of a company that is registered with government agencies and is used for legal correspondence, tax notifications, and as a registered place of business. This address is entered in the Commercial Register and is publicly available information.

Need for a legal address in Switzerland

  1. Compliance with the law. Swiss law requires that every company has a registered legal address in the country. This confirms the legality and transparency of the business, ensuring its recognition at the national and international levels.
  2. Tax obligations. The company’s registered address affects its tax status and determines the applicable tax jurisdiction. In Switzerland, tax rates may vary depending on the canton, so the choice of address may have a significant impact on the company’s tax liability.
  3. Reputation and trust. Having a registered office in Switzerland increases the trust of customers, partners and financial institutions. It also enhances the company’s reputation, as Switzerland is associated with high standards of doing business.
  4. Postal and administrative services. The legal address is often accompanied by virtual office services, which may include mail service, phone call reception, and document management assistance. This is especially convenient for foreign entrepreneurs who may not be permanently present in the country.
  5. Use for marketing and communication purposes. The registered office in Switzerland can be used in marketing materials, on the company’s website and in business correspondence, which strengthens its image and helps attract customers and investments.

How to get a legal address in Switzerland

To obtain a legal address, businesses usually turn to specialized service companies that offer virtual office services or work space rental. It is important to choose a reliable service provider that will provide not only an address, but also support in registering a company, maintaining accounting and tax records.

In conclusion, a registered office in Switzerland is not just a formal requirement; it plays a key role in legalizing and supporting businesses, facilitating tax planning, enhancing reputation, and ensuring effective administration. Considering these aspects, choosing a suitable legal address is an important step in the successful establishment and development of a company in Switzerland.

 Can I open a branch of a foreign company in Switzerland?

Opening a branch of a foreign company in Switzerland is a strategic step that can significantly strengthen its presence in the European market, improve access to qualified resources and take advantage of the country’s stable economic and political environment. In this article, we will look in detail at the process of opening a branch of a foreign company in Switzerland, including the legal requirements, registration steps, and key points to pay attention to.

Legal basis

Swiss law allows foreign companies to open branches in the country, giving them the opportunity to conduct business under their own brand and on the same terms as local businesses. A branch of a foreign company in Switzerland is not considered an independent legal entity, but is part of the parent company, which has certain tax and management implications.

Registration of a branch

The process of registering a branch includes several key stages:

  1. Selecting a legal address. To register a branch in Switzerland, you must have a registered office in the country. This can be the address of a rented office or virtual office services.
  2. Preparation and translation of documents. It is necessary to prepare the parent company’s charter documents, as well as the decision to establish a branch, notarized and translated into one of the official languages of Switzerland (German, French, Italian or Romansh).
  3. Appointment of a branch manager. The manager must be appointed to represent the interests of the branch in Switzerland and, as a rule, must be a resident of the country.
  4. Registration in the Commercial Register. All collected and prepared documents are submitted to the local trade register. After checking the information provided, the branch is entered in the register and gets the right to conduct business.
  5. Registration with tax and social authorities. After registering a branch, you must register with the tax service and social insurance authorities.

Key points for attention

  • Tax liability. Although the branch is part of a foreign company, it is subject to taxation in Switzerland for income earned within the country.
  • Reporting and accounting. The branch is required to keep records of its activities in accordance with Swiss standards and submit annual reports.
  • Legal liability. Although the branch is not a separate legal entity, it can be held legally liable in Switzerland and must comply with local laws and regulations.

Opening a branch of a foreign company in Switzerland can be a significant step to expand the business and strengthen its international presence. However, this process requires careful planning, knowledge of local laws and regulations, and attention to the details of registration and subsequent business operations. The successful establishment of a branch opens up access to the economic and financial opportunities of Switzerland, strengthens the brand’s credibility and contributes to the further development of the company.

 Can a foreigner open a company in Switzerland?

Opening a company in Switzerland by foreigners is quite an affordable and feasible process that attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world due to a stable economy, favorable tax policies and a high standard of living. Switzerland is known as one of the most reliable and secure financial centers in the world, which makes it an attractive place to do business. In this article, we will look at how a foreigner can open a company in Switzerland, highlight key aspects and registration requirements, as well as potential benefits and challenges that they may face.

Main types of companies for foreigners

Foreign entrepreneurs can choose between several basic forms of legal entities to register their business in Switzerland:

  • Limited Liability Company (GmbH/Sàrl). It is a popular choice among small and medium-sized enterprises, requiring a minimum authorized capital of 20,000 Swiss francs.
  • Joint-stock Company (AG/SA). Suitable for larger businesses with a minimum authorized capital of 100,000 Swiss francs, of which 50% must be paid at the time of registration.
  • Individual entrepreneur (Einzelunternehmen/Entreprise individuelle). An option for individual entrepreneurs who plan to work without creating a legal entity.

Registration process

  1. Preparation of documentation. It is necessary to prepare the company’s charter, foundation agreement and other relevant documents, which must be notarized.
  2. Selecting a name. The company name must be unique and must not mislead about the company’s activities.
  3. Opening a bank account. To deposit the authorized capital, you must open a bank account with a Swiss bank.
  4. Registration in the Commercial Register. After all the documents are certified, the company must be registered in the Swiss Trade Register.
  5. Tax registration and social insurance. The company must be registered with the tax and social insurance authorities.

Requirements and restrictions

  • Residency of directors. At least one of the company’s directors must be a resident of Switzerland. This requirement ensures that the company has a representative in the country.
  • Legal address. The company must have a registered office in Switzerland, which may require renting office space or virtual office services.

Advantages and challenges


  • A stable and reliable economic environment.
  • An attractive tax system with the possibility of tax planning.
  • High level of privacy and investment protection.
  • Access to qualified work resources and developed infrastructure.


  • High charter capital requirements for some types of companies.
  • Need for a resident director.
  • Difficulties in opening bank accounts for foreign entrepreneurs.

In conclusion, opening a company in Switzerland by foreigners is quite feasible and can offer significant business benefits. However, the process requires careful planning, an understanding of local legal and tax requirements, and a willingness to comply with all regulatory requirements. It may be useful for foreign entrepreneurs to seek assistance from local legal and consulting firms to facilitate the process of registering and managing a company in Switzerland.

 Can I get a residence permit when setting up a company in Switzerland?

Obtaining a residence permit in Switzerland through the establishment of a company is an interesting option for many foreign entrepreneurs who want not only to develop their business in one of the most stable and secure economies in the world, but also to ensure a high standard of living for themselves and their families. Switzerland, known for its strict but fair immigration rules, offers several ways to obtain a residence permit, including setting up a company. In this article, we will look at what conditions and requirements must be met to do this.

Basic requirements for obtaining a residence permit

To apply for a residence permit in Switzerland through a company establishment, a foreign entrepreneur must meet the following criteria:

  1. Establishment or purchase of an active business in Switzerland. The entrepreneur must either start a new company or acquire a stake in an existing business. It is important that the company has real commercial prospects and contributes to the economic development of the region.
  2. Contribution to the country’s economy. The company must create jobs for the local population or make a significant contribution to the economic development of the region.
  3. Financial stability. An entrepreneur must prove their financial stability, their ability to support themselves and their family, and ensure stable financing of their business in Switzerland.
  4. Qualifications and business experience. The applicant may be required to provide proof of their experience and qualifications in the relevant business area.
  5. Integration into Swiss society. The applicant’s ability to integrate into society, including knowledge of one of the official languages of the country, is positively assessed.

Application procedure

The process of applying for a residence permit begins with the preparation of a business plan and the collection of necessary documents that confirm compliance with the above requirements. The application is submitted through the local migration services of the canton where you plan to do business. After a preliminary assessment of the documents, the applicant may be granted a residence permit for a period of one year with the possibility of further extension.

Potential difficulties

One of the main challenges is proving that the business will bring significant benefits to the Swiss economy. This requires careful and informed business planning, as well as a willingness to invest heavily in the development of the enterprise. In addition, some cantons may have their own additional requirements and quotas for issuing a residence permit.


Obtaining a residence permit in Switzerland through a company establishment is possible, but requires considerable effort and investment. It is important to approach this process with a full understanding of all the requirements and readiness for long-term work on your project in Switzerland. Seeking professional help from migration specialists and business consultants can greatly simplify this process and increase the chances of success.

 What is written in the charter of a company registered in Switzerland?

The Charter of a Swiss-registered company is a key document that defines the basic principles of its operation, management structure, rights and obligations of shareholders and other important aspects of its activities. Swiss corporate law imposes strict requirements on the content of the charter in order to ensure business transparency and protect the interests of all stakeholders. In this article, we will look at the main sections and provisions that are usually written in the articles of association of a company registered in Switzerland.

Basic information about the company

The Articles of Association begin with the full name of the company, its legal address and form of ownership (for example, a joint-stock company (AG) or a limited liability company (GmbH)). This information is used to identify the company in the legal field.

Purpose of the activity

The charter must clearly indicate the purpose of the company’s activities. This includes a description of the types of activities that the company has the right to resort to in order to achieve its commercial goals. The law requires that the goals are specific and clear, which eliminates the possibility of engaging in illegal or unlicensed activities.

Authorized capital

This section specifies the size of the company’s authorized capital, as well as information about its division (for example, the number of shares, their par value, and types). For different forms of ownership, there are different minimum requirements for the authorized capital.

Management structure

The Articles of Association should contain a detailed description of the company’s governance structure, including the powers and composition of management bodies, such as the board of directors and executive management. The rules for holding meetings of shareholders, including the frequency, procedure for convening, quorum and voting principles, are also prescribed.

Rights and obligations of shareholders

The charter sets out the rights and obligations of shareholders, including the right to receive dividends, participate in the management of the company and the right to information. You can also specify the conditions for transferring shares and restrictions on their sale.

Financial statements and audits

This section sets out the requirements for financial reporting and auditing, in accordance with Swiss laws and standards. It describes the procedure for preparing, approving, and publishing the annual report, as well as the rules for conducting an audit, if required.


The articles of association may also specify various additional provisions, such as the reorganization or liquidation of the company, amendments to the articles of association, as well as other conditions and procedures necessary for the effective and lawful functioning of the company.


The Charter of a Swiss-registered company is a fundamental document that defines key aspects of its operations and management. Careful and competent drafting of the charter not only ensures that the company complies with Swiss law, but also serves to protect the interests of all business participants. It is important that all relevant legal requirements and best practices are taken into account when drafting the charter, which often requires the involvement of qualified lawyers specializing in Swiss corporate law.

How long does it take to set up a company in Switzerland?

Establishing a company in Switzerland is a process that requires careful planning and compliance with local legal procedures. The time required to open a company may vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of legal form chosen, the efficiency of document preparation, and the speed of government and banking procedures. In this article, we will look at the main stages of establishing a company in Switzerland and estimate the time required for each of them.

  1. Preparatory stage

At this stage, it is important to carry out preliminary planning, choose a company name, decide on the type of legal form (for example, GmbH or AG) and develop a business plan. You should also start preparing the necessary constituent documents. This stage can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the business structure and the speed of decision-making.

  1. Preparation and notarization of documents

Documents, including the company’s charter and the foundation agreement, must be prepared and notarized. Foreign entrepreneurs may need to translate their documents into one of the official languages of Switzerland. This process can take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks.

  1. Opening a bank account and depositing the authorized capital

Before registering a company, you must open a corporate bank account with a Swiss bank and deposit the authorized capital. The procedure for opening an account and checking documents by the bank may take from several days to several weeks, especially if additional verification is required for foreign citizens.

  1. Registration in the Commercial Register

After notarizing the documents and depositing the authorized capital, you should submit an application for registration of the company in the commercial register. The process of reviewing the application and making an entry about the company in the register usually takes from a few days to two weeks.

  1. Obtaining the necessary permits and registering with the tax authorities

Depending on the company’s field of activity, special permits or licenses may be required. The company must also be registered with the tax and social insurance authorities. This stage can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

Final time estimate

On average, the process of establishing a company in Switzerland can take from 4 to 8 weeks from the beginning of preparing documents to obtaining all the necessary permits and final registration of the company. However, it should be borne in mind that individual circumstances, such as the need to obtain special licenses or delays in banking and government procedures, may extend this period.


Establishing a company in Switzerland is a process that requires careful planning and compliance with local legal requirements. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize the time and complexity associated with registration are advised to seek assistance from specialized legal and consulting agencies that have experience working with foreign clients and are familiar with the specifics of Swiss legislation.

 What activities can companies do in Switzerland?

In Switzerland, companies can engage in a wide range of activities, thanks to a stable economy, a high standard of living, an attractive tax system and a strategically advantageous geographical location in the center of Europe. However, it is important to understand that certain activities may require special permits or licenses, as well as compliance with strict regulatory requirements. In this article, we will look at the various areas in which Swiss companies can work, and the specifics of doing business in these areas.

Financial services

Switzerland is known for its banking sector, asset management and insurance services. Companies in this sector are subject to regulation by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and must meet strict legal requirements, including capital, risk management and anti-money laundering requirements.

Trade and e-commerce

Switzerland is an attractive market for trade and e-commerce due to its high level of income and well-developed logistics infrastructure. Companies can engage in retail and wholesale trade, including cross-border trade, but must comply with local consumer protection laws and tax regulations.

Information technology and innovation

The IT and high-tech sector is actively developing in Switzerland, attracting startups and large technology companies through access to qualified specialists and support for innovation. Companies in this field can work on developing software, information security, artificial intelligence, and other advanced technologies.

Pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies

Switzerland is one of the world leaders in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies, and many large international companies are headquartered in the country. Operating in this area requires compliance with high quality and safety standards, obtaining licenses and certificates.

Tourism and hospitality

The tourism sector also plays a significant role in the Swiss economy, attracting tourists with its high-end hotel services, unique natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Companies working in this area can offer a variety of services, from organizing excursions to managing hotels and restaurants.

Production and export

Switzerland is also known for its quality manufacturing, including watches, medical equipment, chemical products, and more. Manufacturing companies can take advantage of favorable export potential, but they should take into account the requirements for quality standards and product certification.


Switzerland offers an enabling environment for a variety of commercial activities, but success in business requires careful market research, an understanding of local laws and regulations, and a willingness to meet high standards of quality and innovation. Depending on the field of activity, companies may face different licensing and certification requirements, so it is important to plan your steps in advance and consult with local specialists if necessary.

 Should a company in Switzerland have employees?

There is no explicit requirement in Swiss law that a company must have a certain number of employees on its staff. Hiring decisions usually depend on the specifics and scope of the company’s operations, as well as its ability to ensure compliance with labor relations, social security, and tax laws.

Independent entrepreneurs and small businesses

For individual entrepreneurs and small companies, it is quite normal practice to run a business without hiring employees. In such cases, the company owner can perform all the necessary functions independently or use outsourcing and freelancers to perform specific tasks.

Medium and large businesses

For medium-sized and large companies, especially those that are engaged in manufacturing, trading or providing services on a large scale, the availability of a staff of employees becomes a necessity. Effective business management in such cases requires delegating responsibilities and creating a team of professionals.

Employer’s responsibilities

Companies that choose to hire employees must strictly comply with Swiss labor laws, including:

  • Execution of employment contracts;
  • Ensuring compliance of working conditions with safety and hygiene standards;
  • Payment of wages that meet the minimum standards or conditions of collective agreements;
  • Payment of social security contributions.

Advantages and disadvantages of hiring employees


  • Expanding business opportunities by attracting qualified specialists;
  • Increase the volume and quality of work performed;
  • Ability to serve more customers and develop new products or services.


  • The need for additional financial expenses for salaries and social contributions;
  • Legal obligations and responsibilities as an employer;
  • Possible risks associated with human resources management.


In Switzerland, there is no strict requirement for companies to have employees. The hiring decision depends on many factors, including the nature of the company’s business and its goals. It is important to remember that as your business grows, you may need to expand your team to maintain competitiveness and develop effectively. However, there are certain obligations and responsibilities associated with hiring employees, so companies should carefully approach the employment process, complying with all legal requirements.

 How do I choose a company name in Switzerland?

Choosing a company name in Switzerland is an important step that can have a significant impact on the perception of your business by potential customers, partners and investors. The name not only reflects the essence of your business, but also plays a key role in creating a brand. Swiss law imposes a number of requirements on the choice of company names, and also offers various recommendations, following which you can choose a suitable and effective name. In this article, we will look at how to choose a name for a company in Switzerland, taking into account legal aspects and marketing strategies.

Legal requirements and verification of uniqueness

Before choosing a name, it is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements of Swiss law. The name must be unique and different from the names of other companies that are already registered, to avoid legal disputes and confusion. To check the uniqueness of the name, you can use online resources, such as the Swiss Trade Register database (Zefix).

Compliance with the company’s activities

The chosen name should reflect the field of activity of your company, be clear and memorable for the target audience. This will help potential customers immediately understand what your business is doing and attract attention to your services or products.

Language aspects

Given the multilingual nature of Switzerland (German, French, Italian, and Romansh), it is important that your company name is perceived positively and easily pronounced in the main languages of the country. This will expand your potential customer base and simplify communication with partners.

International suitability

If you plan to do business not only in Switzerland, but also abroad, choose a name that will be easily perceived at the international level. Avoid using words that are difficult to pronounce or that may have negative connotations in other cultures.

Patented name and trademarks

Make sure that the name you choose is not already a registered trademark. Using protected trademarks can lead to legal problems and the need to change the name. Verification can be done through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or the National Trademark Registry.

Tips for choosing a name

  • Short and memorable: A short name is easier to remember and is perfect for branding.
  • Descriptive: A name that reflects the essence of your business or a key advantage can be a powerful marketing tool.
  • Flexibility: Choose a name that will allow your business to grow and develop, without being limited to a narrow specialization.


Choosing a name for a company in Switzerland requires a careful approach and consideration of many factors, from legal requirements to marketing strategies. A unique, attractive and relevant name for your business will help lay the foundation for a successful brand and promote the company’s development in the Swiss and international markets.

 Business Register in Switzerland

A business register in Switzerland, also known as a Trade Register (Handelsregister), is a key element of the country’s business environment. This official register contains information about all registered companies and enterprises, ensuring transparency and accessibility of data to government agencies, the business community and the public. In this article, we will look at the purpose of a business register in Switzerland, the process of registering a company, and the importance of this system for the country’s economy and business.

Business Register assignment

The business register in Switzerland serves several important purposes:

  • Legal legitimacy: Registration in the Commercial Register is a prerequisite for starting most types of business in Switzerland. This confirms the legal existence of the company.
  • Transparency: The Register provides important information about companies, such as their legal address, managers, main activities, and authorized capital.
  • Trust: The presence of a company in the register increases the trust of customers, partners and investors, confirming the official status and reliability of the business.
  • Legal protection: Registration protects the company name throughout Switzerland, preventing other businesses from using identical or similar names.

Registration process

The registration process in the Swiss Business Register includes several stages:

  1. Preparation of documents: First, you must prepare and collect all the required documents, including the company’s charter, minutes of meetings, and proof of payment of the authorized capital.
  2. Notarization: Some documents must be notarized.
  3. Submission of application: After preparing and certifying the documents, an application for registration is submitted to the relevant cantonal Commercial Register.
  4. Payment of fees: A registration fee is charged, which may vary depending on the canton and form of legal entity.

Access to information

Information from the Trade Register is publicly available through the official Zefix online portalZefix. This resource allows you to search for companies by name, registration number or address, ensuring transparency and accessibility of business data in Switzerland.

Importance of the Business Register

The Business Register plays an important role in the Swiss economic system, maintaining a high level of trust and stability in the business community. It promotes a favorable business environment, attracts foreign investment, and supports the principles of fair competition. In addition, registration in the Trade Register simplifies the interaction of companies with government and financial institutions, making it easier to obtain loans, licenses and permits.


The Swiss Business Register is a fundamental tool for ensuring the rule of law, transparency and trust in the country’s business environment. The registration process requires careful preparation and compliance with legal requirements, but ultimately it opens companies up to numerous opportunities in the Swiss market. Official registration and presence in the business register confirm the seriousness of the company’s intentions and contribute to its successful development and growth.

Should you plan to operate your business within the most esteemed jurisdiction, the proficient and seasoned consultants at Regulated United Europe (RUE) are eager to support you. With a deep understanding and vigilant monitoring of the legislation in Switzerland, we can expertly navigate you through the company establishment process and the initiation of your business. Additionally, we are enthusiastic about aiding you in financial accounting and reporting. Secure a tailored consultation now to commence your venture in this prosperous market.


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Commence the process by choosing an appropriate legal framework, like AG or GmbH. Secure a distinctive business name by reserving it through the Commercial Register and formulate notarized Articles of Association. Fulfill the share capital requirements and present the necessary documentation to the Commercial Register for official registration. Acquire any essential business licenses and enroll for tax registration. Establish a corporate bank account, adhere to local regulations, and contemplate seeking professional guidance for a seamless registration experience.

Absolutely, non-residents have the opportunity to register a company in Switzerland. The country embraces foreign investors and entrepreneurs, encouraging them to establish businesses. The procedure for non-residents is typically akin to that for residents, and there are various legal structures, such as AG or GmbH, accessible for forming a company.

Yes, our banking specialists at Regulated United Europe can assist you in opening a bank account both physically and remotely, depending on your needs.

In Switzerland, businesses are subject to a federal corporate income tax rate of 8.5%. Additionally, cantonal and municipal taxes vary, but the overall effective tax rate for businesses typically ranges from 12% to 24%.

The duration to register a company in Switzerland can vary, but on average, the process takes approximately 3 weeks. Factors influencing the timeline include the chosen legal structure, completeness of documentation, and the efficiency of interactions with regulatory authorities.

Yes, it is possible to register a company in Switzerland remotely. The country allows for online submission of documents, enabling entrepreneurs to initiate and complete the registration process without being physically present.

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At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 661 75988
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Phone: +48 50 633 5087
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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