Crypto regulation in Portugal 2025
Already, some particular steps were taken in Portugal concerning the regularization of crypto-assets by the Central Bank and other authorities in line with the European legal framework, especially for AML measures, prevention of money-laundering and/or financing of crime.
Cryptocurrency Licence in Portugal
VASP Regulation in Portugal
In such contexts, cryptocurrencies can be viewed as broadly defined as a «digital representation of value not issued by a central bank, credit institution, or e-commerce, which in some circumstances can be used as an alternative to money». This definition corresponds to that of the European Central Bank (ECB), which the Portuguese authorities have substantially subscribed to. Other regulations on crypto assets were devised by the European Securities and Markets Authority – ESMA in its recommendations on ICOs and crypto assets, dated January 2019.
Given the pace with which the Fintech industry is developing, blockchain technology in general and cryptocurrency in particular are currently being debated by the Portuguese government.
These technologies have been drawing public interest over the past few years due to the rise in prices of Bitcoins, increased interest in holding ICOs in Portugal and other countries, and their market capitalization.
In this country, cryptocurrencies are not legal tender and not considered fiat; they are neither «money» nor «electronic money». In any respect, EBA issued a statement in 2019. It indicated that there were limited circumstances where cryptocurrencies can be seen as «e-money» according to Directive 2009/110/EC (EMD2).
However, many consider cryptocurrencies as some alternative means of paying, contractual in their nature, and a product of a private agreement between participants of a cryptocurrency transaction with internal features that partly repeat the main features of traditional money: storage of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange.
Generally speaking, cryptocurrencies are not backed either by the Portuguese government or by the Central Bank, but they may be treated as financial instruments if such is the case.
Cryptocurrencies are also taken into consideration regarding functionality. The regulators deal with utility tokens and security tokens; the latter usually sold through ICOs. They can be distinguished by their distinctive function since the former, for the most part, is related to consumption while the latter is associated with investment.
That is why the issue of the regulation of these technologies has become one of the important topics for the attention of the relevant authorities, especially the Central Bank, the Portuguese Securities Office (CMVM) and the ASF. The CB issued several public statements and warnings regarding cryptocurrencies. This was in line with the regulatory practices of other eurozone central banks and European regulators such as the ECB and EBA.
If you plan to get a crypto license in Portugal, you should consider that the Central Bank has issued Notice 3/2021 relatively recently, through which the registration of virtual asset service providers operating in Portugal due to transposition of the EU Directive 2018/843 dated 30 May 2018 into Portuguese law, in particular under the Portuguese AML system adopted by Law 83/2017.
In counterpart, CMVM has done the opposite by issuing notices to investors about the risks involved in ICOs, so that those risks be better known. This is what happened on July 23, 2018, when CMVM made a formal notice to all ICO participants regarding the legal qualification of tokens.
The CMVM underlined that all ICO participants had to be aware of the legal nature of the tokens offered by the ICO, of their possible qualification as securities, and of the ensuing application of securities law. The CMVM mentioned, in this respect, that tokens can represent very different rights and credits and can be sold in organized markets.
In this way, if you plan to run an ICO in Portugal, it is worth considering that tokens may be treated as securities pursuant to the Portuguese law, as the definition of securities under the Securities Code is quite broad.
Above service providers are subject to the general AML framework for non-financial organizations. Such entities shall, inter alia:
- Monitor the risks associated with money-laundering and the financing of terrorism as a result of the development or use of new technologies;
- Exercise due diligence in the customer’s business, non-recurring or ongoing transactions;
- Development and implementation of policies, procedures and controls to manage money-laundering risks;
- Customer and business owner identification, according to the KYC procedure;
- Collections and storing information about relationships with customers;
- Analyzing and monitoring of transactions in accordance with risk assessment;
- Reporting about suspicious transactions and cooperating with competent authorities.
A single set of indicators should be used to identify suspicious transactions. They include “red flags” proposed by FATF—the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.
Among them are:
- Transaction-related indicators: size, frequency, and nature of transactions;
- Anonymity indicators;
- Sender and receiver indicators: customer data and discrepancies;
- Source of funds indicators;
- Geographical risk indicators: jurisdiction of counterparty.
High BFR risk is traditionally associated with the following categories of persons:
- Persons and organisations operating in offshore zones;
- “Politically significant persons” including “close family members” and “persons with recognised and close corporate or commercial relationships”;
- UN Security Council Sanctions lists, OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Treasury), EU Council, etc.
- Sectoral Regulations to enhance precautionary measures designations: Natural and legal persons.
ICOs that aim to offer tokens that represent rights and/or economic interests in a predetermined enterprise, project, or company can potentially qualify as securities and, therefore, might fall under existing securities rules, mainly rules applicable to the public offering of securities and/or trading platforms. The launch of ICO in Portugal can be ruled by EU legislation, such as:
- Financial Instrument Markets Directive (MiFID II);
- market of the financial instruments regulation – Resolution 600/2014 and associated executive measures;
- Provisions concerning market abuse;
- Directive 2009/44/EC;
- Central Securities Depository Regulation;
- Investment Fund Management Directive (OIF).
CMVM said the token allows holders to participate in the development process of the virtual platform, through their participation in questionnaires and possibly the donation of tokens to the virtual platform does not constitute a finishing tool—that is, not a security token. The regulator detailed, in particular, emphasis on the features that, in abstract terms, can give cause for qualification of securities tokens as securities, namely:
- if they can be considered to be members of special economic rights;
- if market functions are similar to typical securities.
The CMVM also regulates that if the token has securities characteristics and the ICO is offered to investors from Portugal, such transactions should be regulated by national and EU laws that are related to:
- Issue, representation, and transfer of securities;
- Proposal to the public (if applicable);
- Marketing of financial instruments for the purposes of MiFID II;
- Quality requirements for information;
- Market abuse rules.
Lastly, where the ICO represents a public offer, the CIM provides that a prospectus needs to be drafted and filed together with any marketing material in respect of the relevant ICO for approval by the CIM, provided that there shall be no exemptions from the duty to draw up a prospectus.
As mentioned, the Anti-Money Laundering Act made all the LCA activities subject to a registration requirement in Portugal. Establishment of a registration regime according to Article 112-A of the AML Act and Notice 3/2021 of 24 April 2021 of the Bank of Portugal.
The following types of entities conduct business on Portuguese soil:
- Portuguese companies – whose headquarters are registered in Portugal;
- Legal entities having permanent representation in Portugal; and
- Organizations that are under an obligation to operate under the control of the Portuguese tax authorities.
- The Central Bank is the competent authority to register crypto companies in Portugal and to verify compliance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions governing the use of the AML by the above-mentioned persons.
Whereby the use of new technologies or products promotes anonymity, the Portuguese Anti-Money Laundering Law requires that a general obligation shall be imposed in managing risks, and since VASP is now considered a ‘liability’. This means it is required by law that QSP must monitor, analyze, and document specific procedures to address any specific risks associated with money laundering and financing criminal activities. Besides, the procedures for identifying and properly screening clients by authorized persons shall be carried out for transactions involving more than 15,000 EUR, including enhancing its procedures of identification and due diligence of customers when they find an additional risk of money laundering or financing of business crimes.
There is no special regime in Portugal related to the tax regime of cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless, the tax authority has issued already three rules on cryptocurrencies. In the absence of other legislation that would shed light on the taxation of cryptocurrencies, these regulations become extremely relevant and will operate as case law with respect to how Portugal’s Tax Administration will view cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency-related events in applying the existing tax law provisions and determining whether certain events or transactions are subject to Portuguese taxation— including corporate, individual, VAT, or stamp duty.
Companies offering services related to cryptocurrency are levied capital gains ranging from 28 to 35%.
Our highly qualified and trustworthy lawyers will be happy to personally assist you in both registering with the Virtual Currency Register and in obtaining a crypto license in Portugal. Carefully following local legislation, we are thus well prepared for accompanying our clients effectively through every phase of the procedure.
Establish a Crypto Company in Portugal
Two years ago, the Portuguese government announced the Digital Transition Action Plan, including technological free zones designed to allow experimentation with blockchain and other new technologies in space—that replicate the real world. Undoubtedly, such an approach makes Portugal one of the most crypto-friendly countries, so it should be noticed. Whatever your nationality and whatever your residence status is, you can create a crypto company in Portugal. Moreover, you can enjoy this business environment.
Main peculiarities of the Portuguese business landscape:
- Appealing tax incentives and opportunities for residents—for example, withholding tax is charged only from 50% of dividends of a resident;
- Appealing industry of tech with huge venture capital amounts;
- Portugal is an EU country, on the road to the European single market;
- Portugal stands in the 39th position out of 190 countries regarding the Ease of Doing Business 2019 ranking of the World Bank, reflecting a relatively favorable business climate considering ease of opening and financing a company and participating in economic activities;
- Portugal is ranked 31 out of 177 in the Economic Freedom Index 2022, for judicial efficiency, tax burden, regulatory efficiency, freedom of investment, etc.;
- Young but qualified, knowledgeable, and at the same time accessible talents, well supported by the Portuguese education system;
- Portugal is ranked sixth in the 2022 Global Peace Index, which reflects stability and a safe, sustainable environment;
- Lisbon is a host to one of the largest conferences in the world on technologies, called Web Summit, and numerous government and non-government initiatives contributing to the development of the blockchain sector.
Given initiatives: The main legislation governing companies in Portugal is the Comercial Company Act. It provides therein the types of incorporation, management, and shareholder rights.
This register is in the public domain, and the updates for commercial records and documents are kept by the Portuguese Commercial Registry, who issues the certificates of registration and dissolution.
The rule is that every company willing to start crypto-related activities in Portugal is considered a VASP and has to be licensed by the Banco de Portugal before starting business. It also gives mandates related to AML/CFT in response to the European Union’s directives.
Your company may also be obliged to register, for its operations in Portugal, with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), in cases when crypto activity covers cryptoassets legally qualified as securities or instruments equivalent to securities.
No restrictions or obligations to declare cryptocurrency assets
No minimum share capital requirement for the company
No income tax on cryptocurrency income
Possibility to purchase real estate for cryptocurrency
Tipo de entidades empresariais Portuguesas
In order to start a crypto company in Portugal, you can choose between two options: “Sociedade por Quotas” (Lda) – Private Limited Liability Company or “Sociedade Anónima” (SA) – Public Limited Company. Both types’ shareholders are liable only for the company obligations within the limit of their investments.
Documents required for establishing a limited cryptography company in Portugal:
- Articles of incorporation, written and having witness verification of founders’ signatures
- Business plan
- White paper
- Documented risk management policies and procedures (AML/CFT, data protection, etc.)
- Identity documents of shareholders, directors, and compliance officers
- Evidence of no criminal record from shareholders, directors, and supervisory officers, obtained within the last three months
The following general rules apply with respect to any company:
- Unless the contrary is provided by the charter, its duration shall be unlimited.
- Initial capital contributions prior to the signing of the Charter are required, unless cash contributions are deferred under conditions permitted by law;
- The value of the equity of the company shall be in euros, always expressed in legal tender in Portugal.
- Appointed Directors shall show willingness, technical capability, and knowledge of the company and the whole business model.
Regardless of the legal form, every crypto company is obliged to adhere to the following requirements:
- Development and implementation of internal AML/CFT procedures
- Recruit an anti-money laundering/terrorist financing officer
Private Limited Liability Company Lda
Private limited liability company Lda is among the most used forms of legal business structures in Portugal. With this type, since the transfer of shares is restricted, it is normally chosen for creating small and medium-sized businesses.
Other characteristics of the private limited liability company – Lda are:
- Free denomination linked to the respective business area, and the word Limitada or its abbreviation Lda
- At least two shareholders, natural or legal persons, with no requirement for residence
- At least one director who can be a shareholder; residential requirements are not necessary, but the Bank of Portugal considers that the directors should be resident in Portugal
- There is no need to appoint a board of directors
- An accountant who should fulfill the tax obligations
- The General Meeting as the governing body of the company, which includes at least one director and one accountant
- No capital requirements, but each quota must be at least 1 EUR
- Registered office is a precondition (in this case, Portuguese authorities will send notifications, invoices, and other official documents)
An annual audit of a company’s financial statements requires either an independent auditor or a review board if at least two of the following amounts have been exceeded for two consecutive years:
- Net revenue – 3 million EUR
- Balance sheet total – 1.5 million EUR
- Average number of employees – 50
Public Limited Company (SA)
Entrepreneurs who want to raise funds from the sale of shares to the public prefer this form of enterprise, allowing them to raise much more capital and establish businesses on a much larger scale than their private counterparts. State-owned companies, however are governed by a more rigorous set of regulations.
The main features of the joint-stock company (SA):
- The name of the company consists of a freely selected part, a link to the respective field of activity and should end with SA
- At least five shareholders (if one is a State, only two shareholders are required)
- One director if the share capital does not exceed 200000 EUR
- Minimum equity – EUR 50,000 (70% of cash contributions can be deferred for up to five years)
- Minimum nominal value of the share – 0.01 EUR
- General meetings are required regardless of the type of management structure
The management of a SA can take the following form
One of the following:
- Board of Directors or one Director if the share capital is below EUR 200,000 and a statutory audit board of at least three members or an independent auditor,
- Board of Directors, three-member audit committee and independent auditor
- Board of Directors or one director if the share capital is below EUR 200,000, General Supervisory Board and independent auditor
Every public company, regardless of the size, has a duty to make at least one annual audit. Such companies shall appoint one auditor that can either be the sole supervisor of the company or, if another form of management exists, a partner of the company’s board of supervision. The auditor may be a natural person or another company and must be registered with the Portuguese Professional Association of Chartered Accountants.
Crypto regulation in Portugal overview
Period for consideration |
5 months | Annual fee for supervision | No |
State fee for application |
475 EUR | Local staff member | Required |
Required share capital | No | Physical office | Required |
Corporate income tax | 21% | Accounting audit | Required |
What you need to do
The Portuguese limited liability company could be registered within two weeks, but the licensing process could take several months.
To create a cryptocurrency company in Portugal, take the following steps:
- Check and reserve the appropriate name (submit three options) before registering
- Prepare the necessary documents
- Office rental for legal business address and local staff
- Open a Portuguese bank account
- Transfer equity
- Pay company registration fee
- Regular registration – 475 EUR
- Accelerated registration 950 EUR
- Submit an application for registration of the company together with the necessary documents to the Portuguese Trade Register
- Apply for a cryptography license at the Bank of Portugal
- Apply for registration with CMVM if your proposed activity includes cryptoassets that qualify as securities
- Submission of the final declaration of beneficial ownership (CBO) to the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership
- Recruitment of personnel in accordance with the law
- Registration as a taxpayer with the Tax and Customs Board
- Registration of employees in the social security system
- Obtaining a company seal when the certificate of registration is issued
Each crypto company needs to get a full license from Banco de Portugal as VASP before the economic activities happen. Compliance with AML/CFT is key to successful licensing.
Taxation of Crypto Companies in Portugal
Taxes in Portugal are collected and administered by the Tax and Customs Authority, which doesn’t consider cryptocurrencies to be legal tender but does recognize that they can be profitably exchanged for hard currency through intermediary platforms, underlining that their value is determined by online demand.
All cryptocurrency transactions shall be duly recorded and declared for tax purposes in Portugal’s legal tender, the euro.
The following taxes are paid in Portugal by crypto companies:
- Corporation tax – 21% (for the first 15,000 EUR of profit – 17%)
- Value-added tax (VAT) – 23%
- Social security – 23.75%
- Municipal business – up to 1.5%
- Dividend withholding tax – 28%
In cases where one or more shareholders are not residents in Portugal, the assignment of a NIPC/NIF number in Portugal is requested. If the shareholders reside outside the European Union, the designation of a Tax Representative resident in Portugal is compulsory.
Reporting requirements
All crypto companies are required to submit audited annual and other financial statements to the Portuguese Trade Register.
In addition, all the following documents shall be made available upon request of any interested party, both on the website and at its registered office:
- Annual report
- Audit report
- Opinion of the Supervisory Board, in the cases provided for by law or by the articles of association
As a rule, the annual report and the financial statements are to be provided for consideration by the relevant bodies within three months from the end of the financial year. In case the first financial year differs from the calendar year, the financial year should be between 6 and 18 months.
The annual report shall contain at least one analysis, clear and transparent about the status and progress of the company, its activities, and market position, describing the main risks and uncertainties that the company is exposed to. This shall be done by describing financial, labor, environmental, and any other relevant issues, referring to amounts reported.
The report shall indicate the following:
- Changes in different business areas during the period concerning market position, invested capital, costs, profits and R&D performed
- Significant events after the close of the financial period
- Future prospects of the group and parent company
- If applicable, the number and nominal value of quotas or equity shares redeemed or sold during this period, the reason for such purchase or sale and the appropriate price, as well as the total number and face value of any quotas or equity, balance at the end of the financial year
- Authorizations issued under art. 397 for transactions between directors and company
- Profit proposal
- Corporate Affiliates Review
- Review of internal policies and objectives regarding financial risk management
If you believe in the future of your crypto company in Portugal, then our trusted and dynamic team at Regulated United Europe (RUE) will be happy to assist at each point. We give a wide range of legal advice on setting up the company, crypto-licensing, and taxation. Besides that, financial accounting services are also going to be our pleasure. Contact our specialists today for a consultation.
Capital |
Population |
Currency |
Lisbon | 10,352,042 | EUR | $24,910 |
Crypto Regulation in Portugal 2023
In 2023, Portugal is still relatively lax and open to innovation but has simultaneously started providing a much clearer set of rules for the cryptocurrency sector that should mean better security for investors. The country will also continue to be aligned with the improvements in regulations at the EU level, which hone international rules concerning cryptocurrency and other blockchain-based businesses with the aim of market stabilization, besides promoting innovative solutions.
New EU-wide Crypto Rules
This year, crypto businesses in Europe should focus on getting ready for the new requirements that will demand greater responsibility from Portugal’s crypto entrepreneurs. In 2022, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation was approved by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee for a vote by the European Parliament and the EU member countries. The provisions under MiCA will enter into force before the end of 2024 and were supposed to bring legal certainty, prevent cryptoasset abuses, while also promoting innovation in crypto at the same time. For now, MiCA itself has its deficiencies: it does not cover DeFi and NFTs.
The key changes include environmental responsibilities that will enable crypto enterprises to contribute to bringing down high carbon emissions resulting from cryptocurrencies. In a nutshell, all major crypto asset service providers will be under obligation to indicate on their websites the levels of their energy use and also communicate the same to national authorities.
The second amendment regards oversight over stablecoins. This responsibility will be given to the European Banking Authority. Among the obligations of the issuers of stablecoins under EU law would be the maintenance of a liquid reserve corresponding fully to 1:1, partly in deposit form. The reserve shall be to enable the possibility to grant any holder of a stablecoin a claim at any given moment and free of charge.
Regarding the supervision of non-compliant CASPs, the EBA will maintain a public register and will also conduct enhanced AML/CFT controls of entities rated as non-compliant CASPs. These are those crypto businesses whose parent companies have registered in countries which the EU perceives as third countries presenting a high risk in relation to anti-money laundering activities or as non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. Besides that, it is expected that a single pan-EU AML authority may be given by the EU in the coming years, which would finally harmonize the AML regulatory framework.
In that respect, all those EU standards require further effort from Portuguese crypto businesses in optimizing their business operations for MiCA-in other words, the competence and means to counteract market abuse and manipulation, avoid conflicts of interest, and establish processes that avoid proprietary trading. Generally speaking, it will be the minimum standard to prove stability, soundness, and competence concerning adherence to legislation and regulations.
EU-wide Regulatory Sandbox
The EU in 2022 concluded the guidance on the Pilot DLT Market Infrastructure Regulation (PDMIR). The pilot will take effect from March 2023 and provide a legal regime for the trading and settlement of transactions in cryptoassets that, by Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2 (MiFID 2), are said to be financial instruments. The DLT Pilot is similar to a regulatory sandbox in that it will offer the opportunity for such businesses that are eligible to experiment with the use of blockchain-based trading facilities and settlement systems for financial instruments. It would also allow operation of a trading and settlement facility combined.
The DLT Pilot will be reviewed in 2026. In the meantime, ESMA continues to monitor whether the RTS drafted under MiFIR require any amendments with a view to their effective application to securities issued, traded, and recorded on DLT. To date, therefore, ESMA continued to consult on draft guidelines in an effort to establish standard formats and templates for application to the DLT, and are now holding Q&A sessions to assist with implementation.
Legislation Nacional in Portugal
While crypto businesses are, in general, unregulated in Portugal, due to the absence of a strong crypto regulatory framework and not treated as legal tender, general legislation may still be applicable. In any event, however, every case requires a specific analysis with regard to its purpose and its characteristics when considering a certain cryptocurrency. Above all, it would be important to establish whether it is a utility token or a security token.
In general, utility tokens confer rights of access to a non-financial use of blockchain technology and fall, as such, under consumer protection legislation.
Security Tokens Security tokens are also called investment tokens since they are combined with a securities offering and establish an entitlement to a share in the issuing company. To the extent such tokens are subject to complex securities regulations.
Cryptocurrency License in Portugal 2023
The Central Bank (Banco de Portugal) is still in charge of applying the AML/CFT laws in correspondence with the EU’s orders and issues a license for cryptocurrency activity to any crypto company in case it corresponds to specific criteria. If all the documents, submitted are correct the consideration of an application takes up to five months, which is usually the term required for the verification process.
The following activities are included in the perimeter, hence crypto license shall be applied, if CASPs:
- Are engaged in the exchange of cryptocurrency into another cryptocurrency or fiat currency and vice versa;
- Provide services of transfer of crypto assets between addresses or crypto wallets;
- Provide and maintain crypto wallets.
Main applicant’s requirements:
- Incorporation of a new Portuguese company;
- A complete business plan including the description of AML/CFT and any other policy which is legally required;
- A resident company director;
- Certificate of no criminal conviction of the owner and director;
- Registration with the Portuguese tax authorities.
Open a Crypto Company in Portugal
The first step for opening a company in Portugal means determining what kind of legal structure will suit your cryptocurrency business idea. One can choose between two types: Private Limited Liability Company – Lda – and Public Limited Company – SA, both of them having their advantages and requirements.
This basically means renting a local office, opening a local corporate bank account, hiring local staff, and paying the company registration fee in the amount of regular – 475 EUR or accelerated – 950 EUR. It goes without saying that the speed of the company establishment will depend on the quality of the documents, and our dedicated experts will be happy to help you with this.
Company Type | Key Requirements |
Private Limited Liability Company – Lda | At least two shareholders with no residence requirements
At least one director with no residence requirements. However, the belief is that the Director shall be a resident of Portugal Minimum authorized capital: 1 EUR |
Public Limited Company – SA | At least five shareholders
One director in case of share capital below 200,000 EUR Minimum authorized capital: 50,000 EUR |
Taxes on Cryptocurrencies in Portugal, 2023
The treatment of cryptocurrencies for the purposes of taxation is set to change in the year 2023. The government of Portugal has stated new rules in the country’s budget plan for the year 2023 and intends to initiate the treating of crypto activities as one full-fledged industry with clearly transparent taxation.
The changes do not include VAT, already explained by the CJEU, which is not charged on cryptocurrencies because they represent the same concept as fiat money for the purposes of VAT. Gifts and inheritances in cryptoassets will not be subject to taxation, under the terms that they are transferred to spouses or descendants in a direct line.
More importantly, though, while cryptocurrencies held for more than a year will not be subject to any taxation, the gains accruing from cryptoassets held for less than one year will be liable for the standard Capital Gains Tax at the rate of 28%. The issuance of cryptocurrencies and mining operations will also fall within the ambit of tax.
Also, it is intended to tax 4% on any free crypto transfer. For the cases of transfer of ownership for any cryptoassets, the Stamp Duty will be also applicable at a rate of 0.8%. Such economic activities as sale of crypto-related products and mining will be treated as self-employment and will fall under the Personal Income Tax (14.5-48%) and Social Security (11%).
Other standard tax rates that may be applicable to crypto businesses in 2023:
- Corporate Income Tax – 21%, paid by the companies resident for tax purposes in the Mainland Portugal, and the Portuguese Permanent Establishments of foreign entities
- Value-Added Tax – 23%, paid by Portuguese businesses, which during the previous year have earned a turnover of more than 10,000 EUR on taxable products and services
- Withholding Tax – 25% levied on dividends, interests, royalties, bank deposits, property incomes, and service charges payable to non-residents. Salaries paid to board members are levied only at 21.5%
Also, lawyers from Regulated United Europe offer services of legal consulting on the process of getting the Lithuanian crypto license.

“Our company specializes in facilitating the acquisition of the Portugal crypto license, providing comprehensive assistance throughout the application process. As a dedicated specialist, I am here to guide you seamlessly through the licensing procedure, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for your cryptocurrency-related ventures.”
Is crypto activity regulated in Portugal?
It is often said that Portugal is the most attractive country in Europe for working with cryptocurrency and digital assets. In addition to the Government's liberal policy on digital assets, the overall economic and social development of the country also affects this status.
As part of the European legal framework, the Central Bank of Portugal and other authorities have already taken some specific steps to regulate crypto-assets in Portugal, particularly with regards to anti-money-laundering (AML) and anti-crime financing measures.
What is the process for getting a Portuguese crypto license?
In some circumstances, cryptocurrencies can be used as a substitute for money, such as when they are issued by banks, credit institutions, or e-commerce sites. ECB classification, which Portuguese authorities have largely adopted, is similar to this definition. In its recommendations on ICOs and crypto assets (January 2019), the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) also developed regulations on crypto assets.
Portugal is actively discussing blockchain technology and cryptocurrency in general as a result of the rapid development of the Fintech industry.
As Bitcoin's cost has risen, ICO registrations in Portugal and other countries have increased, and their market capitalization has grown, these technologies have attracted public attention.
This country does not recognize cryptocurrencies as legal tender or as fiat money, nor does it consider them to be currency or electronic currency. An EBA statement was issued in 2019. Directive 2009/110/EC (EMD2) noted a limited number of cases where cryptocurrencies can be deemed "e-money"
It is widely believed, however, that cryptocurrencies are an alternative payment method with a contractual nature resulting from a private agreement between cryptocurrency participants, as well as internal characteristics that resemble those of traditional money in some ways:
- Storage of value
- Unit of account
- Medium of exchange
What are the steps to starting a Portuguese company?
The Portuguese government announced the Digital Transition Action Plan two years ago, which included technological free zones designed to allow for experiments with blockchain and other new technologies in space that mimic the real world. Portugal is undoubtedly one of the most crypto-friendly countries due to such a policy, so you should pay attention to it. Regardless of your nationality and residence status, you can establish a cryptographic company in Portugal and take advantage of this business environment.
The Commercial Company Act is the main piece of legislation governing companies in Portugal. Various types of entities can be incorporated, management can be implemented, and shareholder rights can be enforced.
The Portuguese Commercial Registry maintains the public register of Portuguese companies, along with updating commercial records and documents, issuing certificates of registration, and dissolving companies.
Virtual asset service providers (VASPs) in Portugal must obtain a license from the Banco de Portugal before they can start conducting crypto-related activities. According to the EU's directives, the authority is responsible for enforcing AML/CFT regulations.
CMVM regulates crypto assets that legally qualify as securities or equivalent instruments in Portugal. If your company operates in Portugal, you may also need to register with CMVM.
Do Portuguese businesses have different types of entities?
There are two types of crypto companies you can start in Portugal: Private Limited Liability Companies (Lda) and Public Limited Companies (SA). Within the limits of their investment, shareholders are only responsible for the company's obligations.
Portugal's most commonly used legal business structure is the limited liability company (Lda). As shares can only be transferred a limited number of times, this structure is usually chosen for small and medium-sized companies.
Private limited liability companies (LLCs) have the following features:
- Usually, a company's name consists of a part that is freely selected, a link to a particular business area, and the word Limitada or its abbreviation Lda.
- A minimum of two shareholders (natural or legal persons, no residency requirement)
- The Bank of Portugal requires at least one director to be a Portuguese resident (must be a shareholder, no residency requirements)
- A board of directors is not required
- An accountant who is responsible for fulfilling tax obligations;
- At least one director and one accountant are required to attend the General Meeting of the company
- quotas must be at least 1 euro each, but there is no capital requirement
- Registered office is a precondition (in this case, Portuguese authorities will send notifications, invoices and other official documents)
This type of enterprise is chosen by entrepreneurs who plan to raise funds by offering shares to the general public, allowing them to accumulate much more capital and build businesses on a larger scale than private companies. On the other hand, State-owned companies are subject to stricter regulatory requirements.
The main features of the joint-stock company (SA):
- Usually, the name of the company includes a freely chosen part, a reference to the field of activity, and the company's initials SA at the end
- The company must have a minimum of five shareholders (if one of them is a state, there is only a requirement for two shareholders).
- In the case of a company with a share capital of less than 200000 EUR, one director is required
- The minimum equity contribution is EUR 50,000 (70% of the cash contribution can be deferred for up to five years).
- A share must have a nominal value of at least 0.01 euros
- All management structures require general meetings
How is a company established?
Creating a cryptocurrency company in Portugal is as simple as following these steps:
- Registration should be preceded by checking the name and reserving it (submit three options)
- Prepare the necessary documents
- Office rental for legal business address and local staff
- Open a Portuguese bank account
- Transfer equity
- Register your company and pay the registration fee
- Regular registration – 475 EUR
- Accelerated registration 950 EUR
- Submit an application for registration of the company together with the necessary documents to the Portuguese Trade Register
- Apply for a cryptography license at the Bank of Portugal
- Apply for registration with CMVM if your proposed activity includes cryptoassets that qualify as securities
- Submission of the final declaration of beneficial ownership (CBO) to the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership
- Recruitment of personnel in accordance with the law
- Registration as a taxpayer with the Tax and Customs Board
- Registration of employees in the social security system
- Obtaining a company seal when the certificate of registration is issued
What is the process for obtaining a Polish crypto license?
AML/CFT rules continue to be enforced by the Central Bank (Banco de Portugal) as per EU directives and each crypto business continues to be granted a license provided certain conditions are met. A typical application process takes five months if all the documents are in order.
Portugal requires crypto licences for CASPs involved in the following activities:
- Cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies
- Transactions between crypto wallets or addresses that facilitate cryptoasset transfers
- Crypto wallets: providing and maintaining them
The following are the key requirements for applicants:
- Incorporation of a new Portuguese company
- A detailed business plan, including a description of AML/CFT and other legally required policies
- A resident company director
- A certificate of no criminal conviction of the owner and director
- Registration with Portuguese tax authorities
Do non-Portuguese residents have the right to own crypto companies?
General requirements include renting a local office, opening a local corporate bank account, hiring local staff and paying company registration fees (regular – 475 EUR, or accelerated – 950 EUR). Our dedicated experts will be happy to assist you with the quality of the documents so that your company establishment process can move as quickly as possible.
The following are the key requirements for a Private Limited Liability Company (LLC):
- A minimum of two shareholders (no residency requirement)
- There must be at least one director (there are no residence requirements, but it is expected that the director will live in Portugal)
- A minimum of one euro is required for authorised capital
In order to form a Public Limited Company (SA), the following requirements must be met:
- At least five shareholders
- One director (if share capital is less than 200,000 EUR)
- Minimum authorised capital – 50,000 EUR
Do virtual currency service providers have to maintain a minimum amount of authorized capital in order to operate?
Private Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) have a minimum authorised capital of one euro.
Public Limited Companies (SA) are required to have a minimum authorized capital of 50,000 euros.
Do crypto-licenses last for a long time?
Licenses for cryptocurrency are issued indefinitely by the Portuguese government.
Cryptocurrencies can be deposited as authorized capital?
It is becoming more common for financial services to develop more flexible policies about crypto payments, but they are still not permitted. A future version of this option is possible.
How does a crypto company pay in its charter capital?
A deposit of the authorized capital is required from applicants in Euros (EUR).
Is there a benefit to having a Portuguese crypto license?
- Declaring cryptocurrency assets is not restricted or obligated
- There is no requirement for the company to have a minimum share capital
- Cryptocurrency income is not subject to income tax
- Real estate can be purchased with cryptocurrency
In Portugal, is there any legislation against money laundering and terrorism?
AML frameworks for non-financial organizations cover the above service providers. Among other things, such entities should:
- Keep an eye on the risks associated with money-laundering and terrorism financing arising from the development or use of new technologies;
- Investigate the client's business, non-recurrent operations or ongoing activities;
- Developing and implementing policies, procedures, and controls to mitigate the risk of money laundering;
- Establishing customer and business owner identity (in accordance with KYC);
- Information collected and stored about customers;
- Analyse and scrutinize transactions based on risk assessment;
- Report suspicious transactions and cooperate with competent authorities.
Identifying suspicious transactions should be based on a common set of indicators (trigger events). In addition, the FATF (Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering) has recommended that money laundering be flagged as a red flag. Among them are:
- The size, frequency, and nature of transactions are transaction-related indicators;
- Anonymity indicators;
- Sender and receiver indicators: customer data and irregularities;
- Indicators on the origin of funds;
- Indicators on geographical risks (counterparty jurisdiction).
Certain categories of people have historically been associated with high BFR risk:
- Persons and organizations working in offshore zones;
- «Politically significant persons» (including «close family members» and «persons with recognized and close corporate or commercial relationships»);
- Individuals and entities on the United Nations Security Council sanctions lists, OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Treasury), the EU Council, etc.;
- Natural and legal persons designated in sectoral regulations to enhance precautionary measures.
How do the ICO-procedures work?
It is possible for ICOs that offer tokens representing rights and/or economic interests in a predetermined company, project or enterprise to qualify as securities, and these tokens may be subject to existing securities laws, primarily those governing public offerings of securities and/or trading platforms. Portuguese law can regulate the launch of ICOs, such as:
- Financial Instrument Markets Directive (MiFID II);
- regulation of the market of financial instruments (Resolution 600/2014) and relevant executive acts;
- Provisions on market abuse;
- Directive 2009/44/EC;
- Regulation on the Central Securities Depository;
- Investment Fund Management Directive (OIF).
According to CMVM, a token that allows users to participate in surveys related to the online platform's development, as well as to donate tokens to it, is not considered a security token. According to the regulator, the following characteristics would suggest that securities tokens qualify as securities, in an abstract sense:
- In the event that they are considered to be members of the special economic rights community;
- In the case of securities with similar functions to markers.
Additionally, if the token is a security and the ICO is offered to Portuguese investors, these transactions must be regulated by national and EU laws relating to:
- Issue, representation and transfer of securities;
- Proposal to the public (if applicable);
- Marketing of financial instruments for the purposes of MiFID II;
- Quality requirements for information; and
- Market abuse rules.
In addition, if the ICO qualifies as a public offering, CIM clarifies that the prospectus must be prepared and submitted with any marketing material for the ICO for approval by CIM, provided that there are no exceptions.
Are there any VASP-procedures?
In Portugal, all LCA activities are required to be registered under the Anti-Money Laundering Act. AML Act Article 112-A and the Bank of Portugal Notice 3/2021 regarding the registration procedure must be followed.
Organizations operating in Portuguese territory include:
- Companies based in Portugal (registered here);
- Permanently represented legal entities in Portugal; and
- Portuguese tax authorities control organizations that operate under their control.
- The Central Bank is the competent authority to register cryptographic companies in Portugal and to verifycompliance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions governing the use of the AML by the above-mentioned persons.
For Portuguese businesses, what are the reporting requirements?
Financial statements must be submitted to the Portuguese Trade Register by cryptographic companies every year.
Interested parties must also be able to obtain the following documents at the company's registered office (also on the site):
- Annual report
- Audit report
- Opinion of the Supervisory Board, if applicable
Within three months of the end of the financial year, the annual report and financial statements should be submitted to the appropriate bodies for review. Financial years should be between six and 18 months if they differ from calendar years.
The annual report should contain at least one clear and transparent analysis of the company's status and progress, its activities and market position, as well as the main risks and uncertainties it may face. References to amounts reported and a description of financial, labor, environmental, and other relevant issues should be included.
What about taxation?
As part of its collection and administration of taxes, the Portuguese Tax and Customs authority does not consider cryptocurrencies legal tender, but admits that intermediary platforms can be used to exchange them for fiat money profitably, and stresses that the value of cryptocurrencies depends on online demand.
The euro is Portugal's legal tender, so all cryptocurrency transactions must be duly recorded and reported.
Taxes owed by crypto companies in Portugal include:
- Corporation Tax – 21% (for the first 15,000 EUR of profit – 17%)
- Value Added Tax (VAT) – 23%
- Social Security – 23.75%
- Municipal Business Tax – up to 1.5%
- Dividends Withholding Tax – 28%
Companies with shareholders who are not Portuguese residents must apply for Portuguese Taxpayer Numbers (NIPC/NIF). In the case of non-EU shareholders, it is mandatory to appoint a Portuguese tax representative (either an individual or a company).
Additional information
Additional services for Portugal
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