Cryptocurrency regulations in Estonia 2025
The Estonian Republic is among those few countries in the world that first legalized cryptocurrency activity and continues to keep pace with the development of technology and alternative methods of payment. Since 27.11.2017, a new law has been brought into practice in Estonia, according to which entrepreneurs are entitled to apply for a license in two directions: exchange of virtual currency to FIAT/virtual currency and provision of virtual currency wallet services.
Thus, according to the Estonian legal framework, entrepreneurs are allowed to offer and exchange services of cryptocurrency for customers’ fiat funds legally in their representative office, remotely around the world, or through the website of the company.
According to Estonian legislation, virtual currency is a value represented in digital form, which can be digitally transferred, stored, or traded, and to which natural and legal persons assign a particular value as a means of payment, but which is not a monetary or legal tender of any state. Thus, cryptocurrency and its by-products, like tokens, fully correspond to the definition of virtual value.
According to the Estonian law, such activity requires a company exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat means to follow anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism measures, incl. AML/KYC, and obtain a state license of a virtual value service provider – cryptocurrency license, i.e., a provider of virtual currency services.
The anti-money laundering regulator in Estonia is Financial Intelligence Unit, FIU
Estonia cryptocurrency regulation 2025
In Estonia, virtual currency related services must be licensed.
Virtual Currency Service is a service defined in subsections 3 (10) and 10 (1) of the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention Act (AMLA).
Data services:
- Virtual wallet service that generates or stores encrypted client keys that can be used to hold and transfer virtual currencies;
- Service of exchanging a virtual currency against currency: A service whereby the customer trades virtual currency against currency or vice-versa or one virtual currency against another shall.
Virtual currency means a value represented in digital form, which may be transferred, stored, or sold electronically and accepted as a means of payment by natural or legal persons, but does not have the legal status of a currency or money and is not issued or guaranteed by any country or is otherwise a financial instrument for the purposes of any of the following: Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market, amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC (OJ L 337, 23.12.2015, p. 35-127) within the meaning of Article 4(25) or a payment instrument or transaction within the meaning of Article 3(k) or (l) of this Directive.
This is so because the license application must be done precisely, with a view to providing a virtual money wallet service legally, which subjects companies, within the scope of offering such a service, include storing virtual currencies belonging to third parties. It’s through this that the company has data about and control of the various transactions being conducted in wallets belonging to customers.
Application for the cryptocurrency license in Estonia is submitted electronically on the State Portal
A licence application must contain the following information:
Requirement |
Address of the service provider and signed office lease agreement in Estonia/agreement confirming the ownership of the office. |
The name and contact particulars of the person responsible for the provision of services in all places where such services are provided, are given. |
Name, personal code, date of birth, place of birth and address of residence of a member of the governing body and solicitor of a service provider who is a legal person if the service provider is not registered in the Estonian Business Register. |
Rules of Procedure and Internal Controls prepared in accordance with PTA 14 and 15 on money and, for persons with special responsibilities listed in International Sanctions Act 20, Rules of procedure prepared in accordance with the Law on International Sanctions and the procedure for verification of its observance. |
Name, personal code if any, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, residence address, position and contact details of the contact person appointed according to Nº 17 of the PTS. |
Name, personal code, if no date of birth, place of birth, nationality, address, position and contact details of the person responsible for the implementation of the international financial sanction imposed by the enterprise in accordance with paragraph 20(3) of the International Sanctions Act. |
If the enterprise, a member of its governing body, a prosecutor, beneficial owner or owner is a foreign national, a service provider registered abroad or, if the enterprise is a foreign service provider, Criminal record certificate or equivalent issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority or in connection with another criminal offence intentionally committed; not more than three months after the issuance of which is notarized or certified in an equivalent manner and legalized or certified by a new certificate of legalization (apostille), unless otherwise provided by an international treaty. |
If the enterprise, member of its governing body, prosecutor, beneficial owner or self-employed person is a foreign national, identity documents copies of all countries of nationality and non-custodial documents referred to in paragraph 8. |
For the administrative body member and the prosecutor – documents of education, a full list of posts and, for a member of the governing body, responsibilities, as well as documents which according to his opinion are important for the provision, and a summary of past experience. |
A list of the opened payment accounts in the name of the applicant, stating, for each, the unique identifier of the payment account and the holder of the account; All opened means of payment shall be submitted together with an application for a license to operate within the Register of Economic Activities and shall be joined by a certificate of a credit institution, an electronic money institution or a payment institution; proof of payment account. |
Information on what virtual currency service will be provided. |
The enterprise’s capital on the date of submission in euros and a bank statement confirming these funds. |
Subsidiaries-if any that will be subject to the license for a cryptocurrency. |
Data of the auditing/auditing firm that will audit the applicant. |
The business plan of the company for the next two years. |
Detailed technical description of the website through which services will be offered by the firm. |
To obtain a licence to operate, an undertaking must satisfy the following requirements of a licensed establishment:
- A company, its director of management, prosecutor, beneficiary, and owner shall not be legally convicted for an offence against the State, for money laundering, or other deliberate offence.
- The company, its management body member, the prosecutor, the owner who is the beneficial owner, and owner have proper business reputation. The licensing authority shall evaluate the existence of proper business reputation, considering the person’s previous activities and circumstances. Good business reputation shall be presumed as long as there are no circumstances to doubt it.
- Contact person means a person of confidence appointed by an undertaking in accordance with Article 17 of the RahaPTS money and satisfying following conditions: Only a person who has necessary education, abilities, personal qualities, and experience and impeccable reputation of contact person may be appointed contact person.
- This includes any subsidiary for which the enterprise considers it desirable for the licence to operate on behalf of itself.
- The legal address, board, and business of an enterprise applying for a licence in the sphere of activity of a virtual currency provider must be located in the Republic of Estonia, or the foreign company operates in Estonia through a branch registered in Estonia. Estimating, for example:
- The seat of the Council is determined in the residence or/and citizenship of its members. The Council member shall be a resident or citizen of Estonia, or another proof of residence of the Council. It must coincide with the place of activity referred to by paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the Law on the General Part of the Civil Code, namely, the legal entity’s place of activity, meaning the place of carrying out permanent and long-term economic activity or other legally prescribed activities. The place of activity cannot be a place in cases where the provision of virtual currency service is not possible on the site or it’s impossible to meet the requirements of RahaPTS. This would, in practice, mean that any person in charge of ensuring RahaPTS compliance has fieldwork, direct access to compulsory RahaPTS data that a person is obliged to collect, store, and present to the supervisory authority, as well as to the application procedure, risk assessment, internal control rules, and other possible additional documents, in order to secure the fulfillment of the requirements of RahaPTS by the person concerned and its employees.
- It should also allow the Financial Intelligence Unit to apply, when applicable, the corresponding supervision, including on-site. Virtual providers of foreign exchange services are hereby summoned to annex, upon registration in the commercial registry, a document evidencing the right of use over place and premises of business, such as a lease or rental contract.
- Further, it involves possible direct access to obligatory data obtained through the RahaPTS system, which the person concerned is obliged to collect, store, and provide to the supervisory authority. Regulations, risk assessment, internal control rules, and other possible additional documents are attached. The enterprise applying for a licence in the sphere of activity of a virtual currency provider must have an open payment account in a credit institution, electronic money institution, or payment institution: established in Estonia or the Contracting State of the European Economic Area and providing cross-border services or opening a branch in Estonia.
- The application for the licence to conduct activities in the Register of Economic Activities, for which the credit institution certificate, electronic monetary institution, or a payment institution confirming the existence of a payment account must be attached, shall be submitted with all available payment accounts.
What information does FIU pay special attention in the process of obtaining a cryptocurrency license in Estonia:
- Source of authorized capital of providers of virtual currency service.
- Data about the criminal record of the enterprise and persons related to it, participation in various proceedings: criminal, offence, administrative, bankruptcy, etc.
- Education and experience of the individual people, their relation to entrepreneurship.
- The Financial Intelligence Unit is further authorized, under Act § 54 para 11 and § 58 para 1, Money-laundering, to request information from other public bodies; similarly from third parties, as provided for and in the context of the international exchange of information, under Law § 63 on money-laundering.
0% tax on undistributed company profits
No annual license fee
Availability of legislation for accounting declaration of crypto assets
Highest number of licenses issued
Processing of a Cryptocurrency License Application in Estonia 2025
The application is processed within 60 days of the date of receipt of all the information, extendable up to 120 days. The first response should be received from the FIU not later than the third working day following the application. The representative of the regulatory body shall deliver the decision about the license and additional questions electronically by email pointed on request. Permission to conduct activities is provided electronically and is valid indefinitely.
The FIU also points out that in case of changes in the company’s composition of those persons who participated in the circumstances of the object of control during the procedure/license change—for example, a board member or contact person—the company is obliged to inform the FIU within 60 days in order for it to check the status at the site. If the Money Laundering Data Bureau is not able to verify these circumstances during this period, the Money Laundering Data Bureau may refuse to issue the license to carry out activities because the person does not correspond to the circumstances of the object of the inspection.
Changes in the structure of the company applying for the cryptocurrency license in Estonia
Facts that have been established as a precondition for the issue of a change licence (cf. requirement for applicants) shall be notified to the FIU no later than 30 days prior to the planned alteration. The other party shall, at the latest five working days following the occurrence, be informed of changes having come about independently, as well as of other information stated in the application for the activity licence.
If you give a notice of change concerning a member who is a foreign national relating to a company, which is a member of its governing body, to the prosecutor, beneficiary, or owner, such notice shall be accompanied by proof of non-applicability of sanctions. Any other details as mentioned in article 70 of the Money Act shall also be supplied regarding a member of the governing body and the prosecutor.
The refusal or revocation of the cryptocurrency license, in case:
- The applicant has knowingly given false material information in applying for a license which was relied on in granting such license.
- Economic disengagement is when the enterprise doesn’t fulfill a statutory obligation to file an annual report within six months after the expiration of this period. This too is considered to have fully renounced obligations related to economic activity.
- It is also considered that an undertaking that has not supplied the required confirmation, once a year, of its having informed the Money Laundering Reporting Office of any changes in the terms of the operating licence, has ceased its business.
- The prohibition of relevant economic activity imposed on a subject by a court or pursuant to a law, except for the prohibition of economic activity applied under the SOA.
- The entrepreneur was in repeated breach of the directives of the supervisory authority and repeated infringement also forms the basis for declaring two regulations violated and is considered, taking into account the extent of the entrepreneur’s activities, as well as the justification and weight of the issued directives.
- An enterprise does not start activities within six months from the date of issue of the permit in the requested field, according to the right of the temporary cessation of business of the enterprise, then by Law 34(5) MSÜS, this does not suspend the obligation to carry out activities for six months.
- The enterprise has not conducted economic activity within two years from the date of issuance of the license; it has carried out economic activity with the violation of the conditions of the object of control license or condition of additional licensure, that is, the company no longer respects the circumstances of the object of control license according to art. 72 of the Money Law.
- Activities allowed by a licence to perform activities create serious disturbances or endanger public order; that did not exist or were not known at the moment of issuance of the operating licence and which are of greater importance than the entrepreneur’s interest in further pursuing the activity and that cannot be removed by modifications of the license.
Changes in the Guide of the Estonian Cryptocurrency Regulator (Rahapesu andmebüroo)
On 14 June 2021, Mátis Mäeker was appointed head of the Financial Intelligence Unit. Until now, MATHIS MÄEKER has worked in the Financial Inspectorate for 10 years, since January 2019 as head of the Supervision Department for the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.
In the words of Estonian Finance Minister Keith Pentus-Rosimannus, Matis Mäeker participated in several major international money laundering cases and added the expected competence to the Financial Intelligence Department. He is a leading expert in that field, very well versed in how to manage business and risks of participants in the Estonian financial market, with extensive experience in international cooperation to combat money laundering. Further in the future, the new manager will develop the function of strategic data analysis and risks in the sphere of cryptocurrency: ” added Kate Pentus Rosimannus.
The key future task of the Financial Intelligence Unit will be to establish a function for strategic analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing, and also to transmit the results to the competent authorities and the private sector”, noted Matis Mäeker, head of the Financial Intelligence Unit. The strategic analysis’ ability gives the state the direction of counteracting real threats of money laundering and financing of terrorism”. According to Mathis Mäeker, the Financial Intelligence Unit is also faced with more automated processes and more sensible decisions to collect, analyse and transmit financial information to investigative agencies. Money-laundering and the financing of terrorism are cross-border phenomena and it is therefore necessary to keep up with new trends and methods of detecting crimes. The Financial Intelligence Unit can become a training centre for both the public and private sectors and help to better coordinate and integrate the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing in Estonia», – noted Mäcker as the third priority when taking office.
Since 2015, Mathis Makeker is a certified assessor of the Expert Committee on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism of the Council of Europe and FATF-the Inter-state Group on Money Laundering, member of the governing body of Moneyval since January 2020. Mathis Makeker is an alternate member of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee of the European Banking Authority and has published several publications on the prevention of money laundering. Mathis Makeker obtained his master’s degree in law from the University of Tartu.
On 14 May 2021, the Government of Estonia resolved that Matis Mäeker be appointed the head of the Financial Intelligence Unit. The Government based its decision on the result of the public competition conducted by a selection commission of senior government officials. As from 1 January 2021, the Financial Intelligence Unit is a government agency that functions under the Ministry of Finance and one of the most important tasks of which is to analyse and impede money laundering and terrorism financing in Estonia.
Period for consideration |
up to 6 months | Annual fee for supervision | No |
State fee for application |
10,000 € | Local staff member | Required |
Required share capital | from 100,000 € | Physical office | Required |
Corporate income tax | 0% | Accounting audit | Required |
Changes in Estonian legislation forthcoming
The Bill aimed at enhancing the stringency of the virtual currency service provider requirements was supported by the Government in order to reduce the financial crime risks. It also provides, inter alia, for an activity license in the future only for those service providers who plan to work in Estonia and data of clients is also required to be linked to the transactions.
In the field of virtual currencies, the risks have grown very fast over recent years, and it has required us to act quickly,” said the director of the financial intelligence unit Matis Mäeker. According to him, one of the most important changes will be making crypto transactions less anonymous for the purpose of making it more transparent and the business environment easier to monitor. If in the future a virtual currency translation or exchange service is provided, the identity of the user has to be identified. Let the personal data be enabled to converse with the transaction, like bank transfers. If the purse of the recipient doesn’t contain service provider or is unable to receive data, real-time monitoring of the transaction and the risk analysis of each is to be needed.
The requirements are similar to those applicable with respect to the movement of money through banks and payment institutions. Virtual currencies are also used mainly for paying or transferring value, i.e., as an exchange currency-for example, buying services. Data collection and sharing go a long way in reducing the risk of financial crime. It has been one of the recommendations extended from the rules to the Virtual Currency Service Providers by FATF, which is an international standard to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
Under the present act, it is possible to obtain an operating permit in Estonia by operators coming from outside of Estonia, where such operator has nothing, in actual terms, to do with Estonia, while supervision of the actual beneficiaries seeks-for example-proportionate resources. The risks, however, thereby are shifted at the expense of the reputation of law-abiding service providers, whose communication with foreign partners may turn out to be difficult.
In respect to the project, in the future the FIU may refuse to issue a license for virtual currency services once it turns out that the enterprise does not intend to work in Estonia or its business is not connected with Estonia. According to the project, the operating licence is non-transferable. Trading opportunities with authorized companies will be limited: trading eligible holding will, in the near future, be restricted within the first two years of its operation. Providers Those providers who, in bulk develop virtual currency service providers and then resell them to third parties. The change is meant to avoid a situation whereby an enterprise immediately after getting a license is resold to a person not worthy of the license. Besides that, the project will promote capital requirements that will enhance the responsibility of companies and ensure licensees are active companies. In the case of founding a new company with the aim of operating an e-foreign exchange service provider, the share capital, depending on the concrete activities provided, is to be EUR 125,000-350,000. Licence holding companies will also be obliged in the future to provide own funds. Currently, the minimum limit of the authorized capital is EUR 12,000.
It should be able to comply with the capital requirement for an average virtual foreign exchange service provider, taking into account that the average turnover of a company working in this field is estimated by the FIU at 80 million euros per year.
Drafts have been prepared, and proposals are presented by business organizations and experts in this process, among them Estonian Virtual Currency Association, xChange AS virtual currency service provider, IO and IT Law Committee of the Estonian Bar Association, and Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Updated Requirements for Cryptocurrency Companies in Estonia for 2025
Requirement | Details |
Authorized Capital Requirements | Virtual Currency Exchange Service: The minimum is EUR 100,000. Virtual Currency Transfer Service: The minimum is EUR 250,000. The authorized capital shall be paid in cash. |
Customer Identification and Verification | The technology used by service providers must guarantee real identification and ensure data integrity. Customers are required to use Digital Identification or other relevant electronic identification certified by the Authority. Biometric data may be used if necessary for identification. |
Data to be Collected | Natural persons: Name, transaction identifier, payment account or virtual money purse ID, identity card number, personal ID code or birth date, place of birth, and residence address. Virtual currency recipients: Unique identification data, payment account ID, and virtual currency purse ID. |
Business Plan | The business plan of the virtual currency provider must cover at least two years. |
Own Funds Requirements | The own funds of a virtual currency provider must be at least: The size of the authorized capital; 4% of transaction volume for services up to EUR 5 million; 2.5% for transactions between EUR 5 million and EUR 10 million; 1% for transactions between EUR 10 million and EUR 100 million; 0.5% for transactions between EUR 100 million and EUR 250 million; 0.25% for transactions exceeding EUR 250 million. |
Audit Requirements | The provider’s annual reports must be audited, with auditor details specified in the license application. |
Board Members and Contact Person Requirements | Board members must have higher education and at least two years of experience. Board members cannot serve on more than two virtual currency service providers’ boards. The state fee for the cryptocurrency license has increased from EUR 3,300 to EUR 10,000. Starting from 2025, crypto companies will be regulated by the FSA under EU compliance requirements. AML violation fines may reach up to EUR 5 million, reflecting stricter regulatory standards. These updates aim to enhance security and transparency in the Estonian crypto industry. |
The Estonian government has lately improved crypto legislation that emphasizes business reliability and transparency. Although it comes with steep crypto license application fees, this jurisdiction has retained its attractiveness based on benefits such as a stable business environment, Corporate Income Tax exemption on undistributed profits, state-of-the-art public e-services, and e-banking, including widely adopted digital signatures for faster business transactions.
Other obvious key benefits of the Estonian business environment include the following:
- Among the most politically and economically stable, yet at the same time developing and progressive countries in CEE; an EU, OECD, Eurozone, and Schengen Area member that is trusted.
- Estonia holds 13th place out of 180 countries according to the Corruption Perception Index 2021, making it one of the most transparent and least corrupt countries.
- Estonia is 7th among 177 countries in the 2022 Index of Economic Freedom, with measures based on judicial effectiveness, tax burden, regulatory efficiency, investment freedom, etc.
- Estonia ranks 18th out of 190 countries in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business 2019, making it an attractive business environment for establishments.
- Estonian Wi-Fi is ranked the 22nd fastest in the world.
- Highly qualified labor that is very well-prepared and motivated to drive your business forward.
- Licensed Estonian crypto companies can provide their services outside of the country without needing to apply for a new license, provided they can meet the requirements reinforced by foreign authorities.
- With the E-Residency card of Estonia—a governmental ID card for digital signing—remote company formation is possible. The application fee is 120 EUR.
- The Estonian company registration portal is the fastest in the world.
The main source of legislation related to company law in Estonia is the Commercial Code. No special requirements have been provided for foreign investors, which provides equal rights and obligations to all non-Estonian entrepreneurs as for Estonians.
They are maintained by the Centre of Registers and Information Systems (RIK): The public register of the Estonian companies. Here, all the legal, public information on Estonian companies is available.
Legal Form for Crypto Business
To become a fully licensed crypto business in Estonia, one needs to establish a Limited Liability Company – OÜ. The advantages are as follows: flexible governance arrangement; no residency and citizenship requirements for founders and directors; no personal liability of the owners concerning debts and liabilities of enterprises. The extent of his/her obligation is determined by the contribution of each shareholder.
Main members of the Limited Liability Company OÜ:
- Founder — company’s very first owner that does not change
- Shareholders, or owners — shareholders of the company’s shares. Shares can be sold, which means a change in ownership.
- Board of directors or board members — representatives of companies. Owners of companies can be appointed as directors.
Requirements for Limited Liability Company OÜ:
- Operating under the national legislation, the name has to end with an abbreviation OÜ.
- At least one founder, who can be a natural or legal entity.
- At least one shareholder of any nationality.
- Minimum share capital 100,000 EUR – share capital must be paid only in fiat money, not cryptocurrency.
- Minimum nominal value of the share and lowest share capital may be 0.01 EUR.
- The share shall be paid in fiat money in case bylaws don’t indicate contributions in kind.
- Obtain an Estonian-registered office where crypto activities shall be performed.
- Open a crypto-friendly corporate bank account in Estonia or the EEA.
- Board members to represent the company may be e-residents in order to manage the company remotely. If all the company directors are e-residents, then it will be obliged to hire a local contact point, which shall be contacted upon receipt of documents from the Estonian authorities.
- Hire a local accountant.
- Appointment of an AML/CFT compliance officer
Documents to be filed:
- Memo of association
- Articles of Association
- Copies of identification documents of founders, shareholders and directors
- A business plan showing a business model proving business sustainability
- Confirmation of office address in Estonia – a residence address is not allowed
- Founders, shareholders and directors of a company receive certificates confirming the absence of a criminal record
The memorandum of association shall be developed, which shall include the following information:
- the name of the company;
- the legal address;
- the names and addresses of actual residence or registered offices of founders;
- the estimated amount of equity capital;
- the nominal value and number of shares, including their division among the founders;
- the amount payable for shares, order, time and place of payment;
- If any share is paid for in-kind contributions, then it should be specified clearly, describing the valuation method of such a share.
Information about the Board:
- Upon the creation of the Observatory, its members
- Where necessary, prosecutors or auditors
- Forecast expenditure of funds and mode of payment
The bylaw should include the following:
- Denomination of society
- Registered office
- The amount of equity, which may be specified either in absolute terms, or as minimum and maximum capital – the minimum capital must be at least one quarter of the maximum capital
- Specific methods of paying for the shares
- Specific rights relating to a share or shareholder; if there are different classes of shares and rights differ, then the different classes of shares names, along with specific rights relating to each class of share, are specified
- If a share is paid for in-kind contributions, then that should be specified, and its method of valuation clearly described
- Formation and extent of legal reserve
- Where there is to be a board of directors and a supervisory board, the number of members shall be laid down, such may be in the form of an absolute number or maximum or minimum as well as – if need be – with specifications of the right of the board members’ representation
Other compulsory statutory provisions:
All documents are to be filed in the Estonian language. Documents in a foreign language shall be filed together with sworn translations into Estonian. If you need a sworn translator or notary, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we do our best to find the optimal solution for you.
Provisions concerning non-monetary or in-kind contribution:
- It can be all that may be directly valued and transferred to the Private Limited Company – OÜ and what may be a subject of a claim.
- This cannot be any service or work provided to the company or the activity of the founders in establishing the company.
- The shareholder has to declare the rights of thirds about the non-monetary contribution.
- When at the date of filing in the Commercial Registry of the company, or – in the case of an increase in share capital – the effective value of the contribution in kind is lower than the nominal value of the share obtained due to the contribution, or to be increased, the société may charge the shareholder the monetary supplement of the amount that the value is lower than the nominal value in fiat money.
Capital |
Population |
Currency |
Tallinn | 1,357,739 | EUR | $29,344 |
What to Do
To incorporate a company in Estonia, either use the e-reserve card, which will enable us to register your company online, or sign the power of attorney given to the representative. That enables him to act on our behalf, or that can be done directly by you in Estonia, where you go and do all the formalities.
If all the legally required documents meet the requirements and are filed, registration may take up to a week.
To open an OÜ, the following activities shall be performed:
- Check your company name and reserve the name in the Commercial Register
- If needed, sign Power of Attorney
- Sign the lease agreement for your local office
- Open a corporate bank account in the name of the company and pay the minimum equity prior to the crypto license issue
- Submit an application for registration, along with the respective notarized documentation to the Commercial Register
- The registration fee amounts to 265 EUR
- At the time of registration in the register, the company will be given a registration code
- Registration to the Estonian Social Insurance Board — ENSIB
- Limited hiring
- Application for a cryptography license with the Financial Intelligence Unit, FIU – authority that leads anti-money laundering functions in Estonia
The Tax and Customs Office will have your company automatically added as a taxpayer from the register of companies and businesses. You will be required to obtain a tax identification number for your company only.
Under the new policy, only licensed crypto companies can operate in Estonia. For a license that has an indefinite term, an entrance fee of about EUR 10,000 needs to be paid. FIU issues a license within 6-12 months if the AML requirements are rightly met.
Each applicant considered successful is accorded the status of a financial institution and hence is under obligation to conform to the same rules and reporting requirements that apply to every other financial institution in Estonia.
Also, in case you would like to make any changes in your crypto business after the license issuance, be ready to pay the state charge of 4000 EUR for license update, and only after approval by the authority, restart your business activity.
Taxes of crypto companies in Estonia
Incorporation of a crypto company in Estonia immediately means it is a tax resident. This means that by default, it automatically goes to the list of Estonian taxpayers. The only thing that has to be registered separately is VAT.
Estonia has not yet introduced any crypto-specific taxation framework, which means crypto companies at present are taxed like everybody else. Estonian taxes are collected and administered by the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (ETCB).
Taxation standards in Estonia:
- Corporate Income Tax (CIT) – 0%-20% under the Income Tax Act
- Social Tax – 33% under the Social Tax Act
- Value Added Tax (VAT) – 20% under the Value-Added Tax Act
- Withholding Tax – 7%–20% under the Income Tax Act
No Corporate Income Tax is levied on the retained and reinvested corporate profits, which is an advantage to growth-oriented crypto companies. In other words, in the case of your crypto company not distributing dividends, you will be exempt from the tax. Resident companies are taxed on their worldwide income; however, non-resident companies are taxed only on income sourced in Estonia.
The social tax shall be paid by resident companies, by non-resident companies whose permanent establishment is located in Estonia, and by non-resident companies who make payments prescribed in subsection 1 of section 2 of the Social Tax Act.
Registration for VAT is not obligatory unless your business reaches an annual turnover threshold of 40,000 EUR. It has three business days to register as a VAT payer once the company has exceeded the threshold. Whatever the day of registration will be, it shall be obliged to pay the VAT from the moment the threshold was exceeded. The speed at which reaching the threshold occurs may differ depending on the nature of the company’s activities: not every crypto-related economic activity is liable for VAT. The European Court of Justice decided that buying and selling cryptocurrencies are exempt from VAT.
The tax rate of the Withholding Tax varies according to the nature of the payment (services, fees, interest, royalties, etc.). Dividends are exempt from tax, but the reduced rate of 7% is charged with regard to dividends paid out to residents and non-residents if the distribution has been taxed at the reduced Corporate Income Tax rate.
Among other tax allowances, Estonia has more than 60 international agreements on the exclusion of double taxation that may allow your crypto business to guard your income from being subjected to tax payments in two different countries.
Our strong and energetic team from Regulated United Europe is going to help you set the stage for success with all-round legal advice for the formation of a company, licensing, taxation, and professional financial accounting services in case one is going to create a crypto company in Estonia. In case you have any questions or would like a bespoke quote, please do not hesitate to contact our experts today.
We also offer a virtual office service that replaces the necessity to invest in expensive office rentals, equipment, and personnel. This is a good solution for small companies that are ready to create a professional image with access to such physical office functions as a business address, meeting facilities, and reception while minimizing costs and retaining the benefits of remote work. Query about our virtual office now.
Also, lawyers from Regulated United Europe provide legal services for obtaining a crypto license in Europe.

“Estonia is a reputable jurisdiction to start your business, however, it is important to note that since Estonia’s changed regulations, it is not that easy to get a license. Write me an email and I will share more details on the current regulations.”
What are the advantages of establishing a cryptocurrency business in Estonia?
Among the few countries in the world that legalized cryptocurrency activity first, Estonia continues to benefit from technological advancements and alternative payment methods. Estonia has implemented a new law that allows entrepreneurs to apply for licenses in two directions: exchange of virtual currencies to FIAT/virtual currencies and virtual currency wallet services.
In Estonia, entrepreneurs are allowed to legally offer services related to the exchange of cryptocurrency for fiat funds to their clients both directly from their company's offices or remotely through their website.
Can you tell me more about the legislation?
A virtual currency in Estonia is a digital value that can be traded, stored, and transmitted, and that can be accepted as a form of payment by natural or legal persons, but that is not a monetary or legal tender. Virtual value includes cryptocurrencies and their derivatives, including tokens.
According to the legislation of the Republic of Estonia, companies trading cryptocurrencies for fiat money are required to adhere to money laundering and terrorist financing regulations (including AML/KYC procedures). As a virtual value service provider, you must obtain a license from the state as a cryptocurrency service provider.
It is the Financial Intelligence Unit that is responsible for fighting money laundering in Estonia.
In what circumstances does a crypto license need to be obtained?
In Estonia, companies providing services related to virtual currencies have to obtain a license.
In the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention Act (AMLA), paragraphs 310) and 101) specify the Virtual Currency Service. Services related to data:
- A service for storing and transferring virtual currencies that creates or stores encrypted client keys;
- Virtial currency exchange services allow clients to exchange virtial currencies for cash, cash for virtias, or one virtias for another.
In what sense is a virtual currency considered to be valuable?
Virtual currency – a value represented in digital form that can be transferred, stored or sold digitally and accepted as a means of payment by natural or legal persons, but is not a legal tender or financial instrument of any country within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and the Council on Domestic Payment Services amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EC and Regulation (EU) 1093/2010 and revoking Directive 2007/64/EC (PLO 337, 23.12.2015, p. 35-127) within the meaning of Article 4 (25) or a payment instrument or transaction within the meaning of Article 3(k) and (L) of this Directive.
What is the process for submitting a license application?
It is possible to apply for an Estonian cryptocurrency license online at, the country's state portal.
Does an applicant need to meet any special requirements?
The answer is yes. These are available on our website.
Are there any special requirements I should keep in mind?
- A virtual currency service provider's source of authorized capital.
- It is possible to obtain information regarding the criminal history of the enterprise and related individuals, as well as their participation in various proceedings (criminal proceedings, proceedings for offence, administrative proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings, etc.).
- People's experience and education, connections with entrepreneurs.
- A financial intelligence unit has the right to request information from other public authorities, in accordance with Acts 54(11) and 58(1) Money-Laundering, as well as third parties, as prescribed and within the framework of international information exchanges, pursuant to Law 63.
What are the main advantages of starting a crypto business in Estonia?
- Profits that are not distributed to shareholders are not taxed
- License fee is not required annually
- Accounting declarations for crypto assets are available under legislation
- Licenses issued at the highest rate
Would you mind telling me more about how to apply?
After receiving all necessary information, the application is processed within 60 days, but can be extended to 120 days if necessary. Within three working days of receiving the application, the FIU must provide an initial response.Representatives of regulatory bodies should send decisions on licenses and additional questions via e-mail on request. It is possible to obtain permission to conduct activities electronically, which is valid for an unlimited period of time. As indicated by the FIU, if a company changes a member of its staff involved in controlling an object during a procedure/license change (e.g., a board member, a contact person), it is required to notify the FIU within 60 days of the change to verify the circumstances at the site. It may refuse to issue a license to conduct activities if the Money Laundering Data Bureau is unable to verify these circumstances during this time period.
How do I make changes to the application if I need to?
Applicants must inform the FIU at least 30 days prior to the planned change of circumstances that have been verified as a precondition for obtaining a change of license (cf. the requirement for applicants). Changes that have occurred independently and any other information specified in the application for an activity license shall be communicated to the other person as soon as possible, but not later than five working days.
When you notify a prosecutor, beneficiary or owner of a change in a company's management body, you must attach evidence of the absence of applicable sanctions if the affected person is a foreign national. In addition to the information required by article 70, paragraph 3, of the Money Act, the prosecutor shall also provide other information.
Will the industry undergo any changes in the near future?
In an attempt to reduce the risks of financial crime, the Estonian Government has supported a bill that tightens the requirements for providers of virtual currency services. The future will also require service providers to obtain an activity license and tying client data to transactions, among other things.
We have had to act quickly in recent years because the risks associated with virtual currencies have grown rapidly, said Matis Mäeker, director of the financial intelligence unit. To ensure transparency and better monitoring of the business environment, it will be important to reduce the anonymity of crypto transactions. User identification will be required in the future in order to provide translations or exchanges of virtual currencies. In the same way that bank transfers communicate with personal data, transactions require personal data to be communicated with them. An analysis of each transaction's risk should be conducted in real-time if the recipient's purse does not have a service provider.
How has the industry changed recently?
In Estonia, the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Act, as amended, became effective on 15 March 2022.
As a result, the following changes have been made:
It is recommended that the virtual foreign exchange service provider have the following authorized capital:
Providing a virtual currency exchange service (a service where people exchange virtual currency for money, virtual currency for money, or one virtual currency for another) requires at least 100,000 euros.
In the case of a virtual currency transfer service, at least EUR 250,000 must be provided by the virtual currency service provider (a transaction involving the transfer of virtual currency to the recipient's virtual currency wallet or account on behalf of the initiator through a virtual currency service provider on the initiator's behalf).
Virtual foreign exchange providers are only allowed to pay their authorized capital through money when they create a company.
Identification and verification requirements for customers
It is the responsibility of the service provider to use technology that provides true identification and prevents the alteration or misuse of data transmitted. This technology should be of a high level of reliability.
An overview of the business plan for a virtual currency provider
It is necessary for the virtual currency provider to present a two-year business plan.
A virtual currency provider is required to own funds
As well as these changes, some others have been made.
Audit of virtual currency providers
Virtual foreign exchange service providers are required to audit their annual reports. When applying for a license, auditor data must be specified.
Virtual currency provider location requirements, board members, and contact person
Board members of virtual currency service providers need to have at least two years' experience and higher education.
In addition to serving on the board of more than two virtual foreign exchange service providers, a board member may not serve on the board of more than one virtual foreign exchange service provider.
The state fee for applying for a cryptocurrency license has increased to 10,000 euros from 3,300 euros
As well as accompanying your company throughout the licensing process, the lawyers of our firm are always happy to answer any questions you have about obtaining a license for cryptocurrency in Estonia.
Are there any requirements for establishing a crypto business in this country?
It is necessary to create a limited liability company (OÜ) in Estonia in order to become a fully licensed crypto business. In addition to the flexible governance structure, founders and directors are not required to reside or to hold citizenship. Moreover, personal liabilities for the debts and liabilities of an enterprise are not incurred. Shareholders' obligations are determined by their contributions.
Limited liability companies have key members, but who are they?
- It is always the founder who owns the company, no matter how long it exists
- An ownership change occurs when shares are sold, resulting in new shareholders, or shareholders.
- Directors or members of a board of directors are representatives of companies (owners of companies can be appointed directors).
How does the company meet its main requirements?
- OÜ must be the final letter of the company name in compliance with national law
- An individual or legal entity who is at least one of the founders
- Shareholders of any nationality must be present
- 100000 EUR is the minimum share capital (fiat money can only be paid; cryptocurrency cannot be paid)
- It is possible for the low share capital to be 0.01 euros and the minimum nominal value to be 0.01 euros
- If the bylaws do not specify contributions in kind, the share must be paid in fiat money
- Registering an Estonian office for cryptographic activities
- Estonian or European Economic Area corporate bank accounts with crypto-friendly features
How do I set up a business structure of this type? What documents are required?
- The association's memorandum
- The association's articles of incorporation
- Copies of shareholders', directors', and founders' identification documents
- The business plan should be based on a sustainable business model
- A confirmation of the office address in Estonia (residence addresses are not permitted).
- Certificates confirming that a person does not have a criminal record must be provided to the company's founder, shareholders, and directors
How do I begin?
To establish a Limited Liability Company (OÜ), you must follow the steps below:
- Make sure your company's name is registered in the commercial register
- Powers of attorney should be signed if necessary
- Lease your local office by signing a lease agreement
- Before issuing a cryptographic license, open a corporate bank account in the company's name and transfer the required equity
- Obtain notarized copies of the necessary documents and submit them to the Commercial Register
- 265 euros for registration
- A unique registration code will be provided to the company when it registers in the system
- An application for registration with the Estonian Social Insurance Board (ENSIB)
- Minimum requirements for recruitment
- Get an Estonian anti-money laundering license from the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
Is there a taxation system?
Upon incorporation in Estonia, a crypto company becomes a resident taxpayer and is automatically registered in the Estonian taxpayer database. The only tax requiring separate registration is VAT.
Currently, crypto companies are taxed in the same way as other businesses because Estonia hasn't introduced any crypto-specific taxation framework. The Estonian Tax and Customs Board (ETCB) collects and administers Estonian taxes.
Standard tax rates in Estonia:
- Corporate Income Tax (CIT) – 0%-20% (regulated by the Income Tax Act)
- Social Tax (ST) – 33% (regulated by the Social Tax Act)
- Value Added Tax (VAT) – 20% (regulated by the Value-Added Tax Act)
- Withholding Tax (WHT) – 7%-20% (regulated by the Income Tax Act)
Additional information
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