Kazakhstan crypto licence

In recent years, Kazakhstan has emerged as one of the leaders in terms of attractiveness for the cryptocurrency industry due to its progressive regulatory policy and favourable business climate. The government seeks to create conditions for the stable development of the cryptocurrency sector by attracting investment and new technologies. This article describes the process of obtaining a licence to conduct cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan, highlighting key aspects and business benefits.

Legal framework

Kazakhstan has taken significant steps to implement a clear regulatory framework governing cryptocurrency activities. This includes the creation of specialised rules for cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency exchanges and other entities engaged in cryptocurrency activities. The legislation is aimed at ensuring transparency of operations, protecting consumer rights and preventing financial crime.

Advantages of obtaining a licence in Kazakhstan

  1. Legal clarity and stability: Defined licensing rules and conditions create a predictable and stable business environment.
  2. Support for innovation: The government supports the development of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies by offering flexible solutions for innovative companies.
  3. Access to an emerging market: Kazakhstan has great potential for growth in the cryptocurrency market, providing access to a broad base of consumers and investors.
  4. Tax incentives: Cryptocurrency companies can benefit from certain tax preferences and incentives.

Procedure for obtaining a licence

Obtaining a licence to conduct cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan requires compliance with a number of procedural steps and conditions:

  1. Application: An application for a licence is submitted to the relevant state authority responsible for regulating financial markets.
  2. Document Submission: A full package of documents must be provided, including a business plan, anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) policies, and evidence of compliance with information security requirements.
  3. Due diligence and checks: Detailed checks of the information and documents provided are carried out to ensure that they meet the established criteria and standards.
  4. Issuance of the licence: Upon successful completion of all steps and payment of the relevant fees, the licence is issued to the company, allowing it to officially carry out cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan.

The licensing of cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan represents an important step for companies seeking to take their place in the country’s rapidly evolving digital financial sector. A clear regulatory framework, support for innovation and attractive tax conditions make Kazakhstan one of the most attractive destinations for cryptocurrency businesses. Obtaining a licence not only strengthens the legitimacy and reliability of your business, but also opens access to extensive opportunities in one of the most promising jurisdictions for the cryptocurrency industry.

Kazakhstan Crypto License

 Crypto company registration in Kazahstan

Crypto company in Kazahstan Kazakhstan is actively developing its regulatory and economic landscape to attract investment in digital technologies, including the cryptocurrency sector. The introduction of progressive legislation creates favourable conditions for the growth and development of cryptocurrency companies. This article provides a practical guide to registering a cryptocurrency company in Kazakhstan, highlighting key aspects of the process for entrepreneurs seeking to maximise their potential in this dynamic area.

Step 1: Analyse the regulatory environment

Before starting the registration procedure, it is necessary to study in depth Kazakhstan’s cryptocurrency legislation. Attention should be paid to recent changes and regulatory frameworks relating to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, including licensing, taxation and reporting requirements.

Step 2: Choosing the legal form of the business

Determining the optimal legal form for your cryptocurrency company is a critical step. Various forms of business are available in Kazakhstan, such as Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or Joint Stock Company (JSC), each of which has its own particularities in the context of taxation, management and reporting.

Step 3: Company registration

The company registration process involves submitting an application and relevant documents to the registration authority. It is necessary to prepare constituent documents such as the company’s charter, the founders’ resolution and documents confirming the identity of the founders. It is important to ensure that all documents comply with the applicable laws of Kazakhstan.

Step 4: Opening a bank account

In order to conduct business, a company will need to open a corporate bank account with a Kazakhstan bank. This step may require additional documents and information about the business, including a business plan and proof of registered office.

Step 5: Obtaining necessary licences and permits

Depending on the specifics of your cryptocurrency business, you may need to obtain specialised licences and permits. It is important to research the requirements and apply to the relevant regulatory authorities, providing the necessary documentation to confirm that your business is compliant with the established standards and regulations.

Step 6: Accounting for tax liabilities

Understanding Kazakhstan’s tax system and your company’s obligations is critical to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties. It is recommended that you develop a tax planning strategy and engage the services of a professional tax advisor to optimise your tax burden.

Registering a cryptocurrency company in Kazakhstan opens up vast opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop business in one of the most promising jurisdictions for the crypto industry. It is important to carefully follow all legal procedures, ensure full compliance with regulatory requirements and actively explore market prospects to achieve sustainable growth and success in the cryptocurrency sector.










Astana 20,000,000 Tenge (₸) (KZT) $34,476

Crypto legislation in Kazahstan

Kazakhstan, striving to become one of the leaders in the digital economy and blockchain technologies, is actively working to create a favourable legislative field for cryptocurrencies and related innovations. Kazakhstan’s progressive cryptocurrency legislation is aimed at attracting investment, developing technology startups and providing legal protection for market participants. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of Kazakhstan’s cryptocurrency legislation, its impact on business and prospects for the industry.

Regulatory framework

Kazakhstan has adopted a number of legislative initiatives aimed at regulating cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. The main focus is on creating a transparent regulatory environment that promotes innovation and investor protection. The legislation covers aspects such as mining, cryptocurrency circulation, ICO (Initial Coin Offering), and the creation and operation of cryptocurrency platforms.

Mining as an official activity

Kazakhstan recognised cryptocurrency mining as an official economic activity, allowing miners to access electricity at specialised tariffs and operate in a legal environment. This decision has attracted significant investment to Kazakhstan and facilitated the development of the local mining infrastructure.

Licensing and regulation of cryptocurrency platforms

Kazakhstan is taking steps to introduce a licensing system for cryptocurrency exchanges and other platforms dealing with digital assets. This is aimed at improving security standards, ensuring transparency of operations and protecting the rights of users.

Taxation of cryptocurrencies

The issue of taxation of cryptocurrency transactions is also high on Kazakhstan’s legislative agenda. The country is seeking a balance between creating favourable conditions for the growth of the cryptocurrency industry and ensuring revenues to the state budget. Emphasis is placed on defining clear criteria for taxation of income from mining and trading cryptocurrencies.

Consumer protection

Kazakhstan’s legislation pays great attention to the protection of consumer rights in the cryptocurrency sector. This includes requirements for transparency and completeness of information on the risks associated with investments in cryptocurrencies, as well as measures to combat fraud and money laundering.

Development prospects

Kazakhstan’s positive legislative initiatives in the field of cryptocurrencies create the basis for further development of the country’s digital economy. Attracting investment, developing technological innovations and creating new jobs are just some of the potential benefits of a favourable cryptocurrency regulation.

Kazakhstan is demonstrating its aspiration to become one of the world leaders in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, actively developing the relevant legislative framework. For entrepreneurs and investors, this means ample opportunities to participate in the development of one of the most dynamic sectors of the modern economy. It is important to note that success in this area requires not only an understanding of current legislation, but also a readiness to adapt to its changes, as well as active co-operation with regulatory authorities.

Crypto exchange licence Kazahstan

Kazakhstan, seeking to strengthen its position as a regional hub for blockchain and cryptocurrency innovation, has developed regulatory mechanisms for licensing cryptocurrency exchanges. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the process of obtaining a licence for cryptocurrency operations in Kazakhstan, highlighting the key aspects and strategies that entrepreneurs should consider when entering this fast-growing sector.

Step 1: Exploring the regulatory environment

The first step for any company seeking to obtain a cryptocurrency exchange licence in Kazakhstan is a thorough understanding of local legislation and regulatory requirements. It is important to familiarise yourself with the latest changes in legislation relating to cryptocurrencies, including licensing requirements, anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and data protection standards.

Step 2: Defining the business model

Clearly defining the business model of a cryptocurrency exchange and its compliance with Kazakhstan’s regulatory requirements is critical. This includes structuring operations, trading pairs, user agreements and measures to protect customers and their assets.

Step 3: Preparing and submitting documents

In order to obtain a licence, you must prepare and submit a number of documents to demonstrate that your company meets the established criteria. These documents include:

  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • A detailed business plan, including a description of the risk management model;
  • AML/KYC Policies and Procedures;
  • Information about key employees and their qualifications;
  • Evidence of the technical readiness and security of the platform.

Step 4: Registration and liaising with regulators

Once all necessary documents have been prepared, an application for registration of a cryptocurrency exchange should be formally submitted to the relevant regulatory authority in Kazakhstan. During the registration process, it may be necessary to liaise closely with regulators to clarify details of the application and provide additional information.

Step 5: Compliance with safety and security requirements

Ensuring a high level of transaction security and protection of user information is a key factor in successfully obtaining a licence and further operation of a cryptocurrency exchange. This includes the development and implementation of comprehensive encryption, authentication and transaction monitoring systems.

Step 6: Operations and monitoring

Obtaining a licence is the beginning of the journey. It is important to ensure that the cryptocurrency exchange’s operations are continuously compliant with regulatory requirements, including regular reporting, auditing and monitoring transactions for suspicious activity.

The process of obtaining a licence for a cryptocurrency exchange in Kazakhstan requires careful planning, attention to detail and active engagement with regulators. It is important to approach this process with full responsibility, paying special attention to security and user protection aspects. With the right approach and strategy, your cryptocurrency exchange will not only be able to successfully launch its operations in Kazakhstan, but also make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s digital economy.

Crypto trading licence Kazahstan

Kazakhstan is demonstrating a strong commitment to integrating cryptocurrencies into the national economy by offering a clear regulatory framework for companies operating in this sector. Obtaining a licence to trade cryptocurrencies becomes a key step for entrepreneurs wishing to operate legally in the Kazakhstani market. In this article, we will look at the procedure for obtaining a licence, highlighting the main steps and requirements for applicants.

Study of the regulatory environment

The primary task for aspiring entrepreneurs is to thoroughly analyse the current cryptocurrency legislation in Kazakhstan. It is necessary to familiarise yourself with the latest amendments and regulations relating to cryptocurrency trading, as well as general requirements for financial transactions and measures to combat money laundering (AML) and financing of terrorism (CFT).

Choice of legal form and company registration

Determining the appropriate legal form for a cryptocurrency business is an important step. Kazakhstan has various forms of business, such as Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and Joint Stock Company (JSC), each of which has its own tax and corporate governance peculiarities. Once the form is chosen, the process of state registration of the company must be completed.

Preparing and submitting an application for a licence

To obtain a licence to trade cryptocurrencies, you need to prepare a package of documents, which may include:

  • The company’s articles of association and incorporation documents;
  • A business plan describing the business model, projected trading volumes and measures to comply with AML/CFT policies;
  • Documents confirming the availability of the necessary infrastructure and software for secure trading;
  • Information about the management and key employees, their experience and qualifications in the cryptocurrency industry;
  • Evidence of security and customer data protection systems in place.

Passing an inspection and obtaining a licence

Once the application and all required documents have been submitted, the regulatory review process begins. This stage may include additional requests for information, verification of the applicant’s compliance with the established security and financial stability requirements. If the company successfully passes the inspection, it receives a licence to trade in cryptocurrencies, which entitles it to operate legally in Kazakhstan.

Compliance with continuing regulatory obligations

Obtaining a licence does not relieve a company of the need to comply with regulatory requirements in the course of its business. This includes regular reporting, monitoring customer transactions for suspicious activity and ensuring transparency of transactions to protect consumer rights.

The process of obtaining a licence to trade cryptocurrencies in Kazakhstan requires careful preparation and a thorough understanding of the regulatory environment. If a company successfully obtains a licence, it opens up a wide range of opportunities in one of the fastest growing markets in Central Asia. Strategic planning, attention to detail and strict compliance with regulatory requirements will ensure the successful development of your cryptocurrency business in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan – main information

Parameter Information
The five biggest cities 1. Almaty 2. Nur-Sultan (Astana) 3. Shymkent 4. Karaganda 5. Aktobe
State language Kazakh
Time zone Kazakhstan is divided into two time zones: UTC+5 and UTC+6.
Calling code +7
Domain zone .kz

How to get a crypto licence in Kazahstan?

Kazakhstan, demonstrating its desire to create a favourable climate for the development of the digital economy, is introducing progressive regulations in the field of cryptocurrencies. Companies wishing to carry out cryptocurrency activities in the country need to obtain the appropriate licence. This article provides a detailed guide to obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan, which will help entrepreneurs to successfully complete all stages of the procedure.

Step 1: Understanding the regulatory environment

Before beginning the process of obtaining a licence, it is important to thoroughly review the applicable laws and regulatory requirements relating to cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan. In particular, you should familiarise yourself with the legislation governing cryptocurrency transactions, licensing requirements and anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) standards.

Step 2: Selecting the type of licence

Depending on the specifics of your business, you may need to obtain one or more types of licences, for example, to operate a cryptocurrency exchange, custodial services or other digital asset transactions. Determine which type of licence best suits your business model.

Step 3: Preparing the necessary documents

In order to apply for a licence, a set of documents must be prepared, which may include:

  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • A detailed business plan, including a description of services offered, risk management strategies and AML/CFT compliance plans;
  • Evidence that the necessary infrastructure and technology is in place to secure operations;
  • Details of managers and key staff, including their experience and qualifications.

Step 4: Submitting an application and undergoing verification

After preparing and collecting all necessary documents, apply for a licence with the relevant regulatory authority. The application process may include a review of the information provided, including an audit of the business plan, technology infrastructure and security systems.

Step 5: Obtaining a licence and starting operations

Upon successful completion of all inspections and confirmation of compliance with the regulator’s requirements, your company will receive a licence to carry out cryptocurrency activities. Obtaining a licence opens the way to start legal operations in Kazakhstan.

Step 6: Compliance with regulatory and operational requirements

Obtaining a licence does not mean the end of engagement with the regulator. The Company needs to comply with regulatory requirements on an ongoing basis, including reporting, maintaining safety standards and conducting business in a transparent manner in accordance with Kazakhstan law.

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan requires careful preparation and understanding of local legislation. By following the steps outlined above and ensuring full compliance with regulatory requirements, entrepreneurs can successfully integrate their business into the country’s dynamic cryptocurrency ecosystem, contributing to the development of the innovation economy and expanding their presence in the international market.

 Advantages of Kazahstan crypto licence

Kazakhstan has actively established itself as one of the leading jurisdictions for the development of cryptocurrency business. The country’s government is taking deliberate steps to create a favourable regulatory and tax environment, which makes obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan attractive for many companies. In this article, we explore the key benefits of a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan and how they can be a catalyst for the growth and development of your business.

Legal clarity and stability

One of the main advantages of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan is the legal clarity and stability that the country provides. The government of Kazakhstan has developed a clear regulatory framework governing cryptocurrency companies, which provides enterprising individuals with confidence in the legality of their operations.

Access to a growing market

Kazakhstan offers access to a broad and rapidly growing cryptocurrency market. The country has one of the highest internet penetration rates in the Central Asian region, fuelling a growing audience of digital currency and blockchain technology users.

Attractive tax policy

Kazakhstan offers attractive tax conditions for cryptocurrency companies, including incentives for investors and high-tech entrepreneurs. This policy can significantly reduce the tax burden on businesses, increasing their competitiveness and investment attractiveness.

Support for innovation and technology

The government of Kazakhstan actively supports the development of innovation and the introduction of new technologies. Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence gives companies access to various support and financing programmes, as well as opportunities to participate in pilot projects and government initiatives.

Simplified access to banking and financial services

Companies that obtain a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan can expect simplified access to banking and financial services. This includes opportunities to open corporate accounts with local banks, use payment systems and raise capital through financial instruments.

Expanding international presence

Licensing in Kazakhstan can be a step to expand the international presence of your business. The country’s jurisdiction is internationally recognised, making it easier to partner with foreign investors and companies, as well as providing an opportunity for global scaling.

Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan offers companies a number of strategic advantages, including legal stability, access to a growing market, favourable tax conditions and support for innovation. These factors make Kazakhstan an attractive jurisdiction for entrepreneurs seeking to develop their cryptocurrency business in a favourable and innovation-supportive environment.

 Benefits of crypto licence in Kazahstan

In recent years, Kazakhstan has been actively engaged in creating a favourable regulatory and economic environment for the development of the cryptocurrency industry. The country’s government recognises the potential of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies not only as a tool to strengthen the local economy, but also as a means of attracting international investment. In this article, we look at the key benefits offered by licensing cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan and how these benefits can be realised by entrepreneurs and investors.

Legality and transparency of activities

Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan provides companies with a legal status to carry out their activities. This not only provides protection from legal risks and possible problems with regulatory authorities, but also significantly increases the trust of clients and partners. Licensed companies have the right to conduct open and transparent operations with cryptocurrencies, which contributes to the formation of a positive image in the market.

Access to financial and banking services

One of the significant challenges for cryptocurrency companies without a licence is access to financial and banking services. Licensing in Kazakhstan allows companies to facilitate the process of opening accounts with local and international banks, as well as to use other financial instruments, which is crucial for operational activities and business expansion.

Attractive tax conditions

Kazakhstan offers attractive tax conditions for cryptocurrency companies, including incentives and special economic zones with a simplified tax system. Obtaining a licence allows companies to make the most of these benefits, optimising their tax burden and increasing their financial efficiency.

Facilitating international trade and investment

Licensed cryptocurrency companies in Kazakhstan are able to participate in international trade and attract investments more efficiently. Legal status and compliance with international standards provide confidence to foreign partners and investors, facilitating business expansion outside the country.

Access to new technologies and innovations

The Government of Kazakhstan actively supports innovative projects and technologies, including blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Licensed companies have access to government support programmes, grants and investment in research and development, which promotes technological progress and strengthens competitiveness.

Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan offers companies broad prospects for growth and development in the digital economy. The legality of operations, access to financial services, attractive tax conditions, facilitation of international co-operation and support for innovation all make Kazakhstan one of the most attractive jurisdictions for cryptocurrency businesses. It is important to approach the licensing process carefully, paying attention to compliance with all requirements and regulations, in order to realise the full potential of the opportunities offered.

Overview of crypto regulation in Kazahstan

Kazakhstan has demonstrated a commitment to creating a favourable environment for the development of the cryptocurrency industry by actively implementing regulatory mechanisms to manage and support this sector. This article provides an overview of the current state of cryptocurrency regulation in Kazakhstan, highlighting key aspects and their impact on the business environment.

Legal status of cryptocurrencies

Kazakhstan has recognised cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies as significant elements of the digital economy. The government seeks to provide a legal operating environment for cryptocurrency transactions, while introducing measures to protect investors and users.

Regulation of mining

Kazakhstan has become one of the world leaders in cryptocurrency mining due to low electricity tariffs and government policies to support this activity. The government has introduced regulation of mining operations, including requirements for the registration of mining farms and taxation of mining revenues.

Licensing of cryptocurrency transactions

To increase market transparency and protect the rights of market participants, Kazakhstan introduced a licensing system for cryptocurrency exchanges and other platforms dealing with digital assets. Obtaining a licence has become a prerequisite for cryptocurrency activities to ensure compliance with high standards of safety and security.

Anti-money laundering (AML) and customer identification (KYC) measures

Kazakhstan is actively implementing measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing in the cryptocurrency sector. Regulators require cryptocurrency companies to implement customer identification (KYC) and transaction monitoring procedures to prevent illegal financial transactions.


The Government of Kazakhstan has developed a tax policy for cryptocurrency operations aimed at stimulating the growth of the industry while at the same time providing revenue to the budget. Tax rates and conditions depend on the type of cryptocurrency activity and may include income tax, VAT and tax on mining income.

Prospects and challenges

Kazakhstan seeks to create a balanced and effective regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies that promotes innovation and protects the interests of all market participants. However, businesses face challenges related to the ever-changing regulatory environment and the need to adapt to new requirements.

The regulation of cryptocurrencies in Kazakhstan opens up new opportunities for businesses in the digital asset sector, providing a legal framework for growth and development. Entrepreneurs who closely follow the changes in legislation and adapt their activities to the established requirements can make the most of the favourable conditions created in the country for the cryptocurrency sector.

Types of applications for crypto licences in Kazahstan

In recent years, the Republic of Kazakhstan has been actively developing and implementing a legal framework to regulate transactions with digital assets, making the country one of the leading regions in the field of cryptocurrency legalisation. Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan opens up a wide range of opportunities for businesses to operate in the international digital asset market. This article discusses the key types of applications to obtain the relevant licences required for cryptocurrency activities.

  1. Mining licence

Kazakhstan, thanks to its energy resources, provides unique conditions for cryptocurrency mining. The application for a mining licence must contain full information on the infrastructure of the enterprise, the plan for the use of electricity and measures to minimise environmental impact.

  1. Cryptocurrency Exchange Licence

The activity of exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat money or other digital assets requires a specialised licence. The application must specify the ownership structure, proof of robust security systems and anti-money laundering measures.

  1. Cryptocurrency Custodial Service Licence

Custodial services involve the custody and management of cryptocurrency assets on behalf of a client. An application for such a licence must include a description of internal risk management procedures, security systems and privacy policies.

  1. Licence to Conduct ICO/STO

Companies wishing to conduct an initial coin offering (ICO) or tokenised securities (STO) in Kazakhstan must obtain the relevant licence. Important elements of the application include the project’s business plan, risk assessment, marketing strategy and legal documentation.

Application process

The application process includes the preparation of a set of documents that meet the requirements of the regulator and their subsequent submission to the authorised body. It is important to take into account that each type of licence implies a different set of requirements to the documentation and conditions of the company’s activity. Therefore, prior consultation with legal experts in the field of digital asset regulation is highly recommended.

Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan is a complex but important step for companies wishing to operate in a jurisdiction with a developed infrastructure for the digital economy. The importance of a comprehensive approach to preparing an application and strict compliance with all the requirements of the regulator cannot be overestimated, as these are key factors in successfully obtaining a licence and subsequent activities in the cryptocurrency sector.

 How to get a crypto licence in Kazahstan?

In the era of digitalisation of financial assets, Kazakhstan is emerging as an attractive jurisdiction for cryptocurrency business due to its progressive regulation and openness to new technologies. Obtaining a licence for cryptocurrency transactions in this country is a key step to legalise operations and access enhanced opportunities locally and internationally. This article provides a detailed guide to the process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan, tailored for entrepreneurs and investors seeking to develop their business in accordance with the country’s legislation.

Step 1: Study the legal framework

The first step to obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan is to have a thorough understanding of local legislation on digital assets. It is important to familiarise yourself with the current regulations governing cryptocurrency transactions, including licensing requirements, taxation, and measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

Step 2: Selecting the type of licence

Depending on the specific nature of their business, companies can apply for different types of cryptocurrency licences, such as a mining licence, exchange licence, custodial licence or ICO/STO licence. Each type of licence has its own requirements and conditions, so choosing the right type of licence is a critical step.

Step 3: Preparation of documentation

Once the type of licence has been selected, a package of documents must be carefully prepared for submission to the regulator. The documentation package typically includes the company’s legal documents, proof of compliance with technical infrastructure requirements, and safety and anti-money laundering compliance programmes.

Step 4: Submitting an application

An application for a licence is submitted to the authorised body together with a full package of prepared documents. It is important to make sure that all materials are complete and correct to avoid delays or refusal to issue a licence.

Step 5: Verification process and obtaining a licence

After the application is submitted, a verification process begins, during which the regulator assesses the company’s compliance with the established requirements. If the company successfully passes the inspection, it receives a cryptocurrency licence, which is a documentary confirmation of the right to operate in the field of digital assets in Kazakhstan.

Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan requires careful preparation and a thorough understanding of local legislation. Accurate compliance with all requirements and regulations, as well as the preparation of a complete and correct set of documents, play a key role in the licensing process. Successfully obtaining a licence opens up new opportunities for companies to develop and integrate into the international digital economy.

 Types of crypto licences in Kazahstan

Kazakhstan, striving to become one of the leaders in the digital economy, is actively developing the regulatory framework for the cryptocurrency market. It is crucial for businesses working with digital assets to understand the range of available cryptocurrency licences, their features and requirements. In this article, we provide a detailed overview of the types of licences for cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan, which will be useful to entrepreneurs when planning and developing their activities in this jurisdiction.

Mining licence

Kazakhstan, with its significant energy resources, attracts companies engaged in cryptocurrency mining. A mining licence certifies a company’s right to mine cryptocurrency using computing power. In order to obtain a licence, it is necessary to demonstrate compliance with environmental standards and the availability of infrastructure for efficient use of electricity.

Licence for exchange operations with cryptocurrencies

This type of licence grants the right to conduct transactions to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat money and vice versa, as well as exchanges between different cryptocurrencies. Obtaining such a licence requires proof of a robust security system to protect customer funds and data, as well as compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.

Licence for custodial services

A custodial licence allows companies to hold and manage cryptocurrency assets on behalf of clients. In order to obtain such a licence, a high level of protection of the stored assets must be ensured, including physical and digital security, and measures must be in place to prevent the loss or theft of assets.

Licence to conduct ICO/STO

Companies planning to raise capital through initial coin offerings (ICOs) or tokenised securities (STOs) must obtain the relevant licence. The requirements include the provision of a detailed business plan, project description, risk assessment, and legal documentation regulating the rights and obligations of all parties.

Understanding the different types of cryptocurrency licences and the requirements for obtaining them is a key aspect of successfully operating in the digital asset sector in Kazakhstan. Choosing and obtaining the right licence not only ensures the legalisation of a company’s operations in this jurisdiction, but also helps to create a favourable image among clients and partners. It is important to note that the process of obtaining a licence requires thorough preparation and understanding of local legislation, so it is recommended to engage professional advisors and lawyers specialising in the regulation of cryptocurrency activities.

 Steps to start a crypto business in Kazahstan

The launch of a cryptocurrency business in Kazakhstan represents a unique opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs to take advantage of one of the most progressive regulatory environments in the region. The Republic of Kazakhstan demonstrates openness to the digital economy and cryptocurrencies, offering a favourable environment for the development of this industry. In this article, we will look at the key steps that need to be taken to successfully launch a cryptocurrency business in the country.

Step 1: An in-depth examination of the regulatory environment

The first and perhaps most important step is to comprehensively analyse Kazakhstan’s regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies. This includes familiarising yourself with legislation relating to digital assets, tax requirements, and anti-money laundering (AML) and financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations. Consultation with legal experts specialising in cryptocurrency regulation is recommended.

Step 2: Defining the business model

The next step is to develop a clear and sustainable business model that takes into account the specifics of Kazakhstan’s cryptocurrency market. It is important to determine what services will be provided (e.g., mining, cryptocurrency exchange, custodial services, ICO/STO), target audience and monetisation mechanisms.

Step 3: Registering a legal entity

In order to run a cryptocurrency business in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to register a legal entity. Choosing the right legal form and structure of the company will have long-term consequences, so it is recommended to carefully study all available options and seek advice from corporate law specialists.

Step 4: Obtaining the necessary licences

Depending on the chosen business model, it may be necessary to obtain one or more specialised licences to legalise cryptocurrency activities. Preparing and applying for a licence requires diligence and an understanding of the specific requirements of the regulator.

Step 5: Develop infrastructure and security

A key element of a successful cryptocurrency business is having a robust technical infrastructure and stringent security measures in place to protect customer assets and data. This includes the use of cryptographic solutions, regular security audits and the implementation of risk management policies.

Step 6: Marketing and customer acquisition

The last step is to develop and implement a marketing strategy to attract and retain customers. It is important to formulate a unique selling proposition (USP), actively use digital marketing channels and build long-term relationships with customers based on trust and transparency.

Launching a cryptocurrency business in Kazakhstan requires careful planning, a thorough understanding of the regulatory environment and strict compliance with legislation. However, with the right approach, Kazakhstan offers significant opportunities for innovative businesses ready to grow in the dynamically changing world of digital assets

 Procedures for obtaining crypto licence in Kazahstan

In the context of the rapid development of the digital economy, Kazakhstan has established itself as one of the leading jurisdictions in the regulation of cryptocurrency activities. For businesses seeking to carve out a niche for themselves in this innovative field, it is crucial to understand the procedures and requirements for obtaining the relevant licences. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan, aimed at entrepreneurs and business structures.

Step 1: Determining the type of licence

The first step is to determine the type of licence that best fits your business model. There are various categories of licences for cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan, including, but not limited to, mining, exchange operations, custodial services and organising ICOs/STOs. Each type of licence has specific requirements for applicants.

Step 2: Collecting and preparing the necessary documents

Once the type of licence has been determined, a set of documents must be collected and prepared for submission to the regulatory agency. This package may include the company’s legal documents, business plan, evidence of compliance with technical and financial capabilities, and anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing programmes.

Step 3: Submitting an application

With the prepared package of documents, the applicant applies to the authorised state body to apply for a licence. It is important to make sure that all documents fully comply with the requirements to avoid delays or refusal to issue a licence.

Step 4: Waiting for the result of the test

After the application is submitted, the verification process starts, during which the regulator assesses the submitted documents and the eligibility of the applicant. During this period, additional interaction with the regulator may be required to clarify information or provide additional data.

Step 5: Obtaining a licence

Upon successful completion of all inspections and confirmation of compliance with the requirements, the regulator issues a cryptocurrency licence. Obtaining a licence is the final stage, which opens the door for the company to legally operate within the cryptocurrency market of Kazakhstan.

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in Kazakhstan requires careful planning, attention to detail and strict compliance with regulatory requirements. The importance of a thorough understanding of the legislative environment and a professional approach to the preparation of documentation cannot be overestimated. In this context, it is recommended to use the services of specialised legal and consulting companies with experience in the regulation of cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan, which will significantly increase the chances of successfully obtaining a licence and accelerate the process of launching the business.

 How to get a crypto trading licence in Kazahstan

In recent years, Kazakhstan has established itself as a country attractive to cryptocurrency businesses due to its innovative regulatory policies. For companies wishing to engage in cryptocurrency trading in this jurisdiction, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate licence. This article offers a comprehensive guide to obtaining a cryptocurrency trading licence in Kazakhstan, highlighting the key steps and recommendations for entrepreneurs.

Step 1: Understanding the regulatory environment

The first step to obtaining a licence to trade cryptocurrency in Kazakhstan begins with a thorough understanding of the local regulatory environment. It is important to review all laws and regulations governing digital currency transactions, including licensing requirements, tax obligations and anti-money laundering (AML) measures.

Step 2: Defining the business model

Clearly defining your business model is critical to successfully navigating the licensing process. You must determine whether your business will be engaged in direct cryptocurrency trading, brokerage services, exchange operations, or providing a trading platform. This will determine the type of licence you will need to obtain.

Step 3: Preparation of documentation

The next step is to prepare and collect the necessary documentation to apply for a licence. This includes the company’s corporate documents, proof of financial stability, business plan, AML and KYC (Know Your Customer) policies, and evidence that the technical infrastructure meets safety and reliability requirements.

Step 4: Applying for a licence

Once the documentation is prepared, the licence application is submitted to the authorised regulatory body in Kazakhstan. It is important to carefully check all documents before submission to avoid delays or rejection on formal grounds.

Step 5: Verification and evaluation process

Once an application is submitted, the regulatory review process begins. This stage may include additional requests for information, verification of submitted data and assessment of business compliance. Be prepared to actively engage with regulators to clarify the details of your application.

Step 6: Obtaining a licence

Upon successful completion of all checks and approval of the application, the company will receive a licence to trade cryptocurrency. Obtaining a licence is a sign of recognition of your right to conduct cryptocurrency activities in Kazakhstan and opens the door to launch operations.

The process of obtaining a licence to trade cryptocurrency in Kazakhstan requires careful planning, a thorough understanding of regulatory requirements and active engagement with regulators. Successfully obtaining a licence not only legalises your business in the eyes of the law, but also increases the trust of your customers and partners. It is important to approach this process responsibly and, if necessary, to seek assistance from specialised legal and consulting services to ensure the successful licensing and subsequent operation of your cryptocurrency business.

Taxation of virtual currency companies in Kazahstan

In the context of the global digitalisation of financial assets, Kazakhstan is at the forefront of the regulation of transactions with virtual currencies. The attractiveness of Kazakhstan as a jurisdiction for cryptocurrency companies is greatly enhanced by its clear legal framework and transparent tax regulation. This article is intended for entrepreneurs and companies seeking to understand the peculiarities of taxation of virtual currencies in Kazakhstan.

Basics of taxation of virtual currencies

The Kazakhstan Tax Code defines virtual currencies as digital assets used as a medium of exchange. Unlike traditional financial instruments, cryptocurrencies are not recognised as legal tender, but are nevertheless taxable in commercial transactions.

Corporate income tax

Companies dealing with virtual currencies in Kazakhstan are required to pay income tax at the standard rate, which is currently 20%. An important aspect is the correct determination of the tax base, which includes the conversion of cryptocurrency transactions into the national currency at the exchange rate on the date of the transaction.


In accordance with Kazakh legislation, transactions with virtual currencies are exempt from VAT. This decision is aimed at stimulating the development of the digital economy and attracting investment in the virtual currencies sector.

Personal income tax

Individuals receiving income from cryptocurrency transactions are liable to pay income tax at a rate of 10 per cent. This includes income from mining, trading cryptocurrencies and other activities related to digital assets.

Accounting and reporting

Companies dealing in virtual currencies should keep careful records of all their transactions in accordance with accounting principles. Reporting should reflect all conversion transactions, gains and losses associated with cryptocurrency activities.

Tax benefits and incentives

Kazakhstan offers a number of tax benefits and incentives for companies operating in the digital economy, including the cryptocurrency sector. This may include income tax benefits, reduced rates or exemption from certain types of taxes for innovative projects.

The taxation of companies dealing with virtual currencies in Kazakhstan is characterised by transparency and predictability. Understanding the basics of tax legislation and proper planning of tax liabilities play a key role in successfully doing business in this jurisdiction. Given the rapid development of the digital economy, entrepreneurs should stay abreast of all changes in tax legislation in order to optimise their tax liabilities and maximise the benefits of their cryptocurrency activities.

Tax rates in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s tax system provides different rates for companies, depending on the type of activity and other factors. Here is an overview of the main tax rates for companies in Kazakhstan:

Tax indicator Tax rate
Corporate income tax 20%
Value added tax (VAT) 12%
Social tax 9.5% of payroll
Property tax From 0.01% to 1.5%, depending on the type of property and its location
Land tax Varies depending on the location and size of the land plot
Motor vehicle tax Varies depending on the type and age of the vehicle


Important points:

  • Corporate income tax: The standard corporate income tax rate is 20%.
  • VAT: The standard rate of VAT is 12%, which applies to most goods and services.
  • Social tax: Employers are obliged to pay social tax at the rate of 9.5% of the labour remuneration fund.
  • Property and Land Tax: The rates of these taxes depend on a number of factors, including location and type of property.

 Crypto tax in Kazahstan

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies as an investment asset and means of payment, the government of Kazakhstan has taken a number of measures to integrate digital currencies into the national economy. This includes establishing clear rules for the taxation of cryptocurrencies, which play a key role in creating a favourable and predictable business environment. This article offers an overview of the main aspects of cryptocurrency taxation in Kazakhstan, designed to inform investors and entrepreneurs about their tax obligations.

Basic principles of cryptocurrency taxation

Classification of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are not recognised as legal tender in Kazakhstan, but are taxable as property rights or financial assets depending on the context in which they are used. For tax purposes, it is important to correctly categorise income from cryptocurrency transactions.

Income tax

Individuals who receive income from trading cryptocurrencies are liable to pay income tax. The standard personal income tax rate is 10%. It is important to note that all transactions must be correctly documented for tax accounting purposes.

Corporate income tax

Companies engaged in trading or other transactions with cryptocurrencies are subject to general taxation with a standard income tax rate of 20%. However, cryptocurrency assets must be accounted for in accordance with the requirements of Kazakhstan legislation.


Under current legislation, cryptocurrency transactions are exempt from value added tax (VAT), making them more attractive for investment transactions and business projects in the digital economy.

Reporting and accounting

Accurate records and timely reporting are mandatory for all taxpayers dealing in cryptocurrency transactions. This includes keeping records of all transactions, including the date, value and volume of transactions, and retaining relevant supporting documents.

Tax planning

Effective tax planning can help optimise the tax liabilities associated with cryptocurrency transactions. This may include choosing the best structure for businesses dealing with cryptocurrencies, as well as utilising legal tax breaks and incentives.

The taxation of cryptocurrencies in Kazakhstan is characterised by its transparency and predictability, which creates a favourable environment for the development of cryptocurrency businesses. It is important that both investors and entrepreneurs are well aware of their tax obligations and take a strategic approach to tax planning to minimise risks and optimise their financial results.

Establishing a Crypto Business in Kazakhstan 2024: A Strategic Regulatory Guide

Kazakhstan is positioning itself as a pivotal hub for cryptocurrency and blockchain innovation, drawing attention from global investors and digital finance professionals. This comprehensive guide explores the process of obtaining a crypto exchange license in Kazakhstan, outlining the necessary steps, costs, and strategic advantages of operating in this promising jurisdiction.

Regulatory Framework for Crypto Exchanges in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s regulatory authorities, including the Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and the National Bank, have been instrumental in crafting a regulatory framework that supports the growth of digital finance. This framework is designed to ensure the stability, transparency, and security of crypto operations, aligning with international best practices to attract foreign investment and foster economic growth.

Types of Crypto Licenses in Kazakhstan

The Kazakh government offers a variety of crypto licenses to accommodate different facets of the digital asset industry:

  • Crypto exchange license in Kazakhstan: Allows businesses to operate platforms for trading cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.
  • Crypto broker license in Kazakhstan: Enables companies to act as intermediaries in crypto transactions.
  • Crypto trading license in Kazakhstan: For firms engaged directly in the buying and selling of digital assets.
  • VASP crypto license in Kazakhstan: Designed for virtual asset service providers that offer a range of cryptocurrency-related services.

Application Process for a Crypto License

Securing a crypto license in Kazakhstan involves a rigorous application process that includes comprehensive documentation to demonstrate compliance with AML/CFT regulations, robust cybersecurity measures, and a solid business plan. This process ensures that only qualified and compliant businesses can operate, enhancing the integrity of Kazakhstan’s financial market.

Cost of Crypto Licensing in Kazakhstan

The crypto exchange license in Kazakhstan cost is competitive compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for many businesses. Potential licensees should be prepared for both the initial application fees and ongoing regulatory compliance costs.

Benefits of Acquiring a Crypto License in Kazakhstan

Holding a licensed status in Kazakhstan offers significant advantages, including access to a growing market and enhanced credibility with global trading partners. Furthermore, operating within a regulated environment ensures long-term sustainability and compliance with international financial standards.

Challenges in the Licensing Process

Challenges include navigating a relatively new and evolving regulatory landscape and adapting to potential changes in legislation. However, these challenges can be effectively managed with the assistance of experienced local advisors and a proactive approach to compliance.

Market Opportunities in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan offers substantial market opportunities, particularly for businesses looking to capitalize on the region’s increasing openness to digital financial technologies. The possibility of securing the cheapest crypto license in Kazakhstan adds to its appeal, providing a cost-effective gateway for companies aiming to enter the Central Asian market.

As the global cryptocurrency sector continues to expand, Kazakhstan is emerging as a key destination for businesses seeking to leverage a supportive regulatory framework and access to a dynamic regional market. Securing a crypto exchange license in Kazakhstan not only facilitates compliance with local regulations but also positions businesses to capitalize on significant growth opportunities within and beyond Central Asia.

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