El Salvador crypto licence

El Salvador has ushered in a new era in the global financial ecosystem by becoming the first country in the world to officially adopt bitcoin as legal tender. This breakthrough move underscores El Salvador’s ambition to lead the cryptocurrency industry by creating a favourable environment for the development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. This article discusses the key aspects of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador, its benefits and procedures.

Legal basis

The Salvadoran authorities have developed a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework governing the use of cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin. The legal framework not only provides for the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, but also establishes requirements for cryptocurrency transactions, including anti-money laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) measures, as well as mandatory customer identification procedures (KYC).

Benefits of obtaining a licence in El Salvador

  1. Innovative legal environment: The adoption of bitcoin as legal tender and the establishment of an appropriate regulatory framework put El Salvador at the forefront of cryptocurrency innovation.
  2. Access to a growing market: The licence allows companies to operate legally in El Salvador, providing access to new markets and consumers.
  3. Financial incentives: El Salvador offers various incentives for cryptocurrency companies, including tax breaks and government support in providing infrastructure.
  4. International recognition: Obtaining a licence in El Salvador reinforces the company’s reputation internationally as a pioneer in the legalisation of cryptocurrencies.

Procedure for obtaining a licence

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador requires careful preparation and compliance with all regulatory requirements:

  1. Preparation of documentation: The company should prepare a complete set of documents including a business plan, AML/CFT compliance documents, KYC policy, and proof of legal registration of the company.
  2. Application: The application for a licence is submitted to the relevant regulatory authority in El Salvador, together with the necessary documents.
  3. Application review: The regulator analyses the submitted documentation, assessing the company’s compliance with the requirements.
  4. Issuance of the licence: After successfully completing all the steps and paying the licence fee, the licence is issued to the company, allowing it to operate officially in El Salvador.

El Salvador’s adoption of bitcoin as an official means of payment has opened up unique opportunities for cryptocurrency companies to develop and integrate into the global financial system. Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador offers not only access to an innovative legal environment, but also highlights a company’s commitment to high standards of transparency and accountability. This makes El Salvador an attractive jurisdiction for leading cryptocurrency market players aiming to expand their global presence and participate in shaping the future of the digital economy.

Crypto License in El Salvador

 Crypto company registration in El Salvador

El Salvador Crypto License Cryptocurrency company registration in El Salvador has become particularly relevant after the country officially adopted bitcoin as legal tender in a historic decision. This progressive move has opened up new opportunities for digital currency entrepreneurs and investors. In this article, we will look at the key aspects and procedures involved in registering a cryptocurrency company in El Salvador.

Understanding of the legislative framework

Before starting the registration process, it is important to thoroughly familiarise yourself with the El Salvador legal framework related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. It is important to consider the Bitcoin Law and other regulatory documents that define the legal framework for cryptocurrency transactions in the country. It is recommended to engage a legal advisor specialising in El Salvador’s cryptocurrency laws to ensure compliance with all requirements.

Choosing the legal form of the company

Choosing the appropriate legal form is a key step in the registration process. In El Salvador, the most popular forms for cryptocurrency companies are the limited liability company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada – S.R.L.) and the joint stock company (Sociedad Anónima – S.A.). Each of these forms has its own peculiarities, minimum authorised capital requirements and management structure, which should be taken into account when making a decision.

Registration process

Registering a cryptocurrency company in El Salvador involves a few basic steps:

  1. Preparation and filing of incorporation documents. It is necessary to prepare the charter and other constituent documents reflecting the main aspects of the company’s activities, its legal address, information on the founders and directors.
  2. Registration in the National Registry. Once all the necessary documents have been prepared, the company must be registered with the National Registry (Registro Nacional) of El Salvador. This process includes filing the incorporation documents and paying the appropriate government fees.
  3. Obtaining a Tax Identification Number (NIT). Every company in El Salvador is required to obtain a tax identification number to fulfil tax obligations and maintain financial records.
  4. Registration with the Ministry of Finance. In order to legally operate and make tax payments, a company must be registered with the Ministry of Finance of El Salvador.

Compliance with regulatory and tax requirements

Once a company is incorporated, it is important to ensure compliance with all regulatory and tax requirements established by Salvadoran law. This includes maintaining accounting records, filing regular tax returns and complying with regulations related to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT).

Registering a cryptocurrency company in El Salvador offers entrepreneurs and investors unique opportunities to develop their business in an innovative and supportive cryptocurrency environment. It is important to approach the registration process carefully, paying attention to all legal and regulatory aspects to ensure the company’s successful and sustainable operation in the international digital asset market.


El Salvador









San Salvador 9,282,410 USD; since 2001
BTC; since September 2021

Crypto legislation in El Salvador

In June 2021, El Salvador made history by becoming the first country in the world to officially adopt bitcoin as legal tender. This decision attracted the attention of the international business community and cryptocurrency investors, ushering in a new era of legislative support for digital assets. In this article, we look at the key aspects of El Salvador’s cryptocurrency legislation.

Bitcoin law

The fundamental document regulating the use of cryptocurrencies in El Salvador is the Bitcoin Law. This law establishes bitcoin as legal tender in the country alongside the U.S. dollar, providing a legal basis for transactions using cryptocurrencies.

Main Provisions of the Bitcoin Law

  • Bitcoin legality: Bitcoin is recognised as legal tender in El Salvador, allowing any transaction to be carried out as with traditional currencies.
  • Mandatory acceptance: All economic agents are obliged to accept bitcoin as a means of payment for goods and services, unless the technological infrastructure does not allow it.
  • Exchange and Conversion: The government of El Salvador guarantees the ability to immediately and automatically convert Bitcoin into U.S. dollars through a specially created government fund.

Regulatory infrastructure

To implement the Bitcoin Law and enable its effective implementation, El Salvador has begun to develop the appropriate regulatory and technological infrastructure. This includes the creation of specialised platforms for the exchange and storage of cryptocurrencies, as well as the development of regulations governing cryptocurrency exchanges and payment systems.


From a taxation perspective, bitcoin transactions in El Salvador are not subject to value added tax (VAT), making them attractive to both local and foreign investors. However, other aspects of the taxation of cryptocurrency transactions are yet to be clarified in additional regulatory documents.

The future of cryptocurrency legislation

The government of El Salvador has expressed its intention to further develop the legislative and infrastructural framework to support the cryptocurrency sector. This includes plans to create a full-fledged ecosystem for cryptocurrencies, as well as the possible introduction of regulations aimed at protecting investors and users of cryptocurrency services.

El Salvador’s adoption of the Bitcoin Law and its ambition to become a leader in cryptocurrency regulation offers new opportunities for developing the digital economy and attracting international investment. However, the full integration of cryptocurrencies into the country’s economy will require further work to develop a regulatory, technological and fiscal infrastructure capable of ensuring the sustainable and secure use of digital assets.

 Crypto exchange licence El Salvador

Obtaining a cryptocurrency exchange licence in El Salvador represents an important step for businesses seeking to legalise and expand their operations within the country’s innovative cryptocurrency-intensive economy. With the adoption of bitcoin as legal tender, El Salvador has gained a unique position on the global stage, attracting the attention of cryptocurrency companies from around the world. In this article, we will look at the process of obtaining a cryptocurrency exchange licence in El Salvador, focusing on the business aspect of the issue.

Study of the legislative framework

The first step for potential cryptocurrency exchange operators is a thorough understanding of Salvadoran cryptocurrency legislation. The Bitcoin Law and related regulations establish the legal framework for the operation of cryptocurrency exchanges, including licensing requirements, operations, security and compliance with AML/CFT policies.

Choice of legal form of the company

Determining the appropriate legal form of business is critical. In El Salvador, cryptocurrency exchanges can register as a limited liability company (S.R.L.) or a joint stock company (S.A.), depending on their structure and business needs. The choice of legal form will affect the management structure, taxation and obligations to shareholders.

Applying for a licence

The licence application process involves the preparation and submission of a set of documents to demonstrate the company’s compliance with El Salvador’s legal requirements. Key documents include:

  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • Evidence of compliance with capital requirements;
  • A business plan including a risk model and risk minimisation strategies;
  • AML/CFT Policies;
  • Information about the company’s key persons and their qualifications.

Compliance with cybersecurity and data protection requirements

Cryptocurrency exchanges must demonstrate a high level of protection of customer data and funds, including having robust cybersecurity systems in place. This requirement includes the development and implementation of security policies, encryption systems, and regular security audits.

Tax planning

An important part of the licensing process is tax planning and determining the company’s tax obligations in El Salvador. While the Bitcoin Law provides for certain exemptions, companies need to ensure compliance with the national tax system, including possible income taxes and VAT.

Final stages of licensing

Once all the necessary documents have been submitted, the application is reviewed by the relevant regulatory authorities in El Salvador. If approved, the company receives a licence to operate a cryptocurrency exchange, which is a green light to start operations in the country.

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency exchange licence in El Salvador requires careful planning and preparation, as well as a thorough understanding of local laws and regulatory requirements. Successfully obtaining a licence opens the door for companies to participate in one of the world’s most innovative cryptocurrency markets, offering significant opportunities for growth and development.

 Crypto trading licence El Salvador

Obtaining a cryptocurrency trading licence in El Salvador is an important step for companies looking to grow their digital asset business in the country. The introduction of bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador highlights the country’s commitment to innovation in the financial sector and creates a favourable environment for the growth of the cryptocurrency market. In this article, let’s look at the key aspects of obtaining a cryptocurrency trading licence in El Salvador.

Legislative research

Before applying for a licence, it is critical to thoroughly review El Salvador’s current cryptocurrency and blockchain laws. In particular, you should familiarise yourself with the Bitcoin Law and other regulatory documents that define the requirements for cryptocurrency activities in the country. This will help in preparing a complete set of documents and complying with all the necessary conditions to successfully obtain a licence.

Choosing the legal form of the business

Determining the legal form of a business is an important step in the process of registering a business and obtaining a licence. In El Salvador, it is possible to choose between several forms of legal entity, such as a limited liability company (S.R.L.) or a joint stock company (S.A.). The choice should be made based on an analysis of the company’s business model, its structure and specific capital and management requirements.

Business plan development

To apply for a licence, a detailed business plan must be developed that demonstrates the company’s objectives, development strategy, market analysis, financial model and compliance measures, including anti-money laundering (AML) policies and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. The business plan should clearly reflect the company’s risk management model and approaches to ensuring the security and protection of customer data.

Submission of the application and related documents

In order to obtain a licence, a company must submit an application to the relevant regulatory authority in El Salvador, attaching a complete set of documents. This includes incorporation documents, a business plan, evidence of compliance with capital requirements, information on key employees and their qualifications, and documents proving compliance with AML/KYC policies.

Compliance with operational requirements

Obtaining a licence is the start of operations for a cryptocurrency exchange in El Salvador. The company must ensure strict compliance with regulatory requirements, including cybersecurity, protection of customer information, compliance with AML/KYC regulations and regular reporting to regulators.

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency trading licence in El Salvador requires a careful approach and a thorough understanding of local laws and regulatory requirements. Successfully completing this process opens up opportunities for the company to develop within one of the most progressive cryptocurrency markets. It is important to emphasise that in addition to obtaining a licence, it is essential to maintain a high level of operational excellence at all times, comply with regulatory requirements and ensure the security of assets and customer data.

 El Salvador – main information

Parameter Information
The five biggest cities 1. San Salvador (capital)

2. Santa Ana

3. San Miguel

4. Mexicanos

5. Soyapango

State language Spanish
Time zone Central Standard Time (CST), UTC-6
Calling code +503
Domain zone .sv

How to get a crypto licence in El Salvador?

Obtaining a licence to conduct cryptocurrency activities in El Salvador has become an urgent task for many international and local entrepreneurs after the country adopted bitcoin as legal tender. This decision has opened up new horizons and opportunities for businesses, while imposing specific requirements and obligations. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador, focusing on the business aspects of this issue.

Step 1: Study the legislation

The first and key step is an in-depth review of El Salvador’s cryptocurrency legislation. It is important to familiarise yourself with the Bitcoin Law and other regulations that establish requirements for cryptocurrency transactions, AML (anti-money laundering) policies, KYC (customer identification procedures) and other important aspects of running this type of business.

Step 2: Choosing the legal form of the business

In order to obtain a licence, it is necessary to decide on the legal form of the company. In El Salvador, cryptocurrency companies can be registered as limited liability companies or joint stock companies. The choice of form depends on the scale of the business, the planned management structure and financial performance.

Step 3: Preparation of documentation

The next step is to prepare the necessary documentation to apply for a licence. The package of documents usually includes:

  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • A business plan, including a description of the business model, financial plan, and AML/KYC compliance strategy;
  • Evidence of sufficient authorised capital;
  • Information about the managers and owners of the business;
  • Policies and procedures to ensure the security of transactions and the protection of customer data.

Step 4: Company registration

To begin the licensing process, a company must be officially registered in El Salvador. This process involves filing the incorporation documents with the relevant government authorities, paying government fees and obtaining a taxpayer identification number.

Step 5: Applying for a licence

After registering the company and preparing all the necessary documents, an application for a cryptocurrency licence should be submitted to the regulatory authority of El Salvador. It is important to ensure that the application and supporting documents are fully compliant.

Step 6: Compliance with regulatory requirements

Obtaining a licence is the beginning of responsible activity in the cryptocurrency market. The company needs to strictly comply with all regulatory requirements, including auditing, reporting and updating policies in accordance with changes in legislation.

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador requires careful study of the legislation, thorough preparation and strict compliance with regulatory requirements. Successful completion of this process opens the company’s access to one of the most promising cryptocurrency markets, promotes the trust of clients and partners, and increases the prestige and competitiveness of the business in the international arena.

Advantages of El Salvador crypto licence

Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador offers companies a number of significant advantages, strengthening their position in the international market for digital assets. El Salvador, the first country to officially recognise bitcoin as legal tender, presents unique opportunities for cryptocurrency business growth and development. In this article, we will look at the key advantages of El Salvador’s cryptocurrency licence, focusing on the business aspects.

Legislative support and legal clarity

One of the main advantages of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador is the high level of legislative support and legal clarity in the cryptocurrency sector. The Bitcoin Law and the accompanying regulatory framework provide clear rules and conditions for business operations, which reduces legal risks and promotes stability in business operations.

Access to a growing market

Licensing in El Salvador opens access to the growing cryptocurrency market in Latin America. This allows companies to attract new customers and partners, expand their geography and participate in innovative projects in the country.

Tax incentives

El Salvador offers attractive tax conditions for cryptocurrency companies, including VAT exemption for cryptocurrency transactions and possible corporate tax incentives. These incentives help to increase the financial efficiency of the business and optimise the tax burden.

Improvement of business reputation

Obtaining a licence in a jurisdiction that officially recognises cryptocurrencies significantly enhances the company’s reputation internationally. It demonstrates the business’ commitment to high standards of regulation, transparency and security of operations, which strengthens the trust of clients and investors.

Attracting international investment

El Salvador’s licence can serve as a strong incentive to attract international investment. Investors and partners often prefer to work with licensed companies in jurisdictions with a developed cryptocurrency ecosystem, which facilitates obtaining financing and developing new projects.

Innovation ecosystem

El Salvador is actively seeking to create an innovation ecosystem for cryptocurrencies and blockchain by offering support to startups and technology developers. Licensed companies are given the opportunity to participate in this process, collaborate with public and private organisations and contribute to the development of the country’s digital economy.

A cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador is a valuable asset for any company operating in the digital asset space. Not only does it provide legal clarity and support from the government, but it also provides access to a promising market, improves business reputation and helps attract investment. Combined with an innovative ecosystem and tax incentives, a licence in El Salvador can be the key to a successful and sustainable cryptocurrency business.

Benefits of crypto licence in El Salvador

In June 2021, El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to officially adopt bitcoin as legal tender. This breakthrough move not only confirmed El Salvador’s status as an innovative leader in financial technology, but also opened up new opportunities for the world to utilise cryptocurrencies for business. In this article, we explore the key benefits of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador and its impact on global business.

  1. Legal certainty and stability

Recognising bitcoin as legal tender provides the legal certainty needed by cryptocurrency companies and investors. Licensing cryptocurrency transactions in El Salvador provides legal protection, mitigates regulatory risks and promotes a favourable business environment.

  1. Tax incentives

El Salvador has offered a number of tax incentives for cryptocurrency companies, including an income tax exemption for foreign investors. These incentives make El Salvador an attractive jurisdiction for startups and established cryptocurrency companies looking to optimise their tax burden.

  1. Access to international markets

A cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador opens doors for international business, facilitating access to global markets. Companies are able to do business in a country that supports innovation in digital currencies, facilitating their international growth and expansion.

  1. Promotion of innovations and technologies

El Salvador actively promotes blockchain technology and cryptocurrency innovation. Granting licences to companies in this field stimulates research and development, promotes the adoption of new technologies and strengthens the country’s digital currency ecosystem.

  1. Improving financial inclusiveness

El Salvador, in an effort to overcome the barriers of the traditional banking system, is stepping up its use of cryptocurrencies to improve financial inclusion. For businesses, this means new opportunities in digital payments and attracting unbanked customers, thereby expanding their potential customer base.

The licensing of cryptocurrency transactions in El Salvador opens new perspectives for global businesses, offering legal stability, tax incentives, access to international markets, support for innovation, and fosters greater financial inclusion. Led by bitcoin as a legal tender, El Salvador is at the forefront of integrating digital currencies into the economy, providing unique opportunities for companies seeking to grow in this dynamically changing field.

Overview of crypto regulation in El Salvador

Since El Salvador’s historic decision to officially recognise bitcoin as legal tender in June 2021, the country has been actively working to establish a regulatory and legislative framework to govern the cryptocurrency sector. This decision has catalysed many changes in the country’s financial infrastructure and has put El Salvador at the forefront of innovation in digital currencies. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of cryptocurrency regulation in El Salvador and its impact on the business community.

  1. Legal framework and legislation

El Salvador has adopted a number of laws and regulations governing the use of cryptocurrencies in the country. At the centre of this regulatory structure is the Bitcoin Law, which not only legalises the use of bitcoin as a medium of exchange, but also establishes a framework for its integration into the national economic system. This law also obliges all commercial enterprises to accept bitcoin as payment for goods and services, subject to technical feasibility.

  1. Regulation and supervision

To regulate the cryptocurrency market and ensure its transparency and security, El Salvador has established specialised supervisory bodies. These bodies are responsible for licensing cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency storage providers and other market participants. They also establish requirements for accounting, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing in the cryptocurrency sector.

  1. Tax aspects

Despite the progressive approach to cryptocurrency regulation, taxation issues in El Salvador remain relatively stable. Bitcoin transactions are not exempt from VAT, but there are certain tax incentives for foreign investors, including an exemption from income tax on cryptocurrency investments.

  1. Support for innovation

The Salvadoran government actively supports innovation and technology development in cryptocurrencies, including through the creation of special economic zones for technology companies. This includes proposals to create infrastructure for cryptocurrency startups, facilitating access to financing and providing tax incentives.

  1. Impact on business

For local and international businesses, cryptocurrency regulation in El Salvador opens up new opportunities. Simplification of payment processes, access to new financial instruments and markets, and tax incentives are key factors contributing to the growth and development of companies in the country.

El Salvador continues to strengthen its position as a centre of innovation in cryptocurrencies, creating a favourable legal and regulatory environment for the growth of the digital economy. These measures not only stimulate economic development within the country, but also attract the attention of the international business community, making El Salvador an attractive platform for investment in digital technology and cryptocurrencies.

 Types of applications for crypto licence in El Salvador

With the adoption of bitcoin as legal tender, El Salvador has established itself as a pioneer in cryptocurrency regulation. This decision not only strengthened the country’s position on the global stage of digital innovation, but also led to the creation of specialised licensing for various cryptocurrency transactions. In this article, we will take a closer look at the types of crypto licence applications in El Salvador, their peculiarities and their impact on the business environment.

  1. Licence for operations with cryptocurrencies

This type of licence is for companies involved in buying, selling and exchanging cryptocurrencies. This licence allows companies to trade officially in El Salvador, providing customers with safe and secure transactions.

  1. Licence for custodial services

Custodial services (storage of cryptocurrencies) require special attention to the security and protection of clients’ assets. A custodial licence has strict requirements for the custody infrastructure and the management and control of client funds.

  1. Licence for cryptocurrency exchanges

Cryptocurrency exchanges play a key role in the digital asset ecosystem by providing a platform for the exchange of cryptocurrencies. In order to operate in El Salvador, exchanges need to obtain a specialised licence that confirms their compliance with regulatory requirements, including security and transparency aspects.

  1. Licence to conduct an ICO

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are a popular way to raise capital in the cryptocurrency industry. The ICO licence in El Salvador requires organisers to follow disclosure and investor protection rules, thus ensuring the transparency and integrity of the process.

  1. Blockchain-based financial services licence

This type of licence covers a wide range of financial services, including payment systems, fund transfers and blockchain-based lending. Licensing of such services is aimed at stimulating innovation and development of new financial products in the country.

The variety of cryptocurrency licence types in El Salvador reflects the country’s commitment to supporting innovation and ensuring the safe development of the digital economy. For businesses wishing to operate in the cryptocurrency sector in El Salvador, it is important to thoroughly research the requirements for each type of licence and ensure they are fully compliant in order to successfully obtain a work permit. This approach not only promotes the legalisation and regulation of the cryptocurrency sector, but also opens up new prospects for the growth and development of companies in this dynamic industry.

How to get a crypto licence in El Salvador?

Since the official recognition of bitcoin as legal tender, El Salvador has occupied a unique place in the global economy as a centre of cryptocurrency innovation. For companies seeking to operate in the digital asset space in this country, it is necessary to obtain a special crypto licence. In this article, we provide a detailed guide to the process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador, tailored to the needs of businesses.

Step 1: Determining the type of licence

The first step is to determine the type of crypto licence that fits your business model. There are different types of licences available in El Salvador, including licences for cryptocurrency transactions, custodial services, cryptocurrency exchanges, ICOs and blockchain-based financial services. Choosing the right type of licence is key to successfully navigating the licensing process.

Step 2: Preparation of documentation

To obtain a crypto licence, a company must prepare and submit a number of documents. These include:

  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • A detailed description of the business model;
  • KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) policies and procedures;
  • Evidence of compliance of technical infrastructure with safety requirements;
  • Financial statements and plans;
  • Biographies of executives and key employees.

Step 3: Submitting an application

Once all the necessary documents have been prepared, the licence application is submitted to the relevant regulatory authority in El Salvador. It is important to ensure that all documentation is complete, accurate and compliant.

Step 4: Evaluation procedure

After the application is submitted, the assessment procedure begins, during which the regulator checks the submitted documents and may request additional information. At this stage, meetings may be held with company representatives to clarify details of the business model and risk management procedures.

Step 5: Obtaining a licence

Upon completion of the assessment procedure and a positive decision by the regulatory body, the company receives a crypto licence that allows it to officially operate in the cryptocurrency sector in El Salvador. It is important to note that the licence may contain certain conditions and restrictions, compliance with which is necessary to continue operations.

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Successfully obtaining a licence gives a company access to the growing cryptocurrency market and provides an opportunity to participate in the country’s innovation economy. By following this guidance and ensuring compliance with all requirements, a business can successfully integrate into El Salvador’s cryptocurrency ecosystem, contributing to the development of the digital economy and expanding its presence internationally.

Types of crypto licences in El Salvador

El Salvador, the first country to officially adopt bitcoin as legal tender, has opened a new chapter in the history of the digital economy. This move highlighted the importance of cryptocurrencies in the modern financial sphere and required regulators to develop clear rules and regulations for licensing cryptocurrency activities. In this article, we will look at the types of cryptolicences available in El Salvador, their characteristics and requirements for businesses.

  1. Licence for operations with cryptocurrencies (Cryptocurrency Operator)

This type of licence is intended for organisations engaged in buying, selling, exchanging and other transactions with cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency operators can offer services to both individuals and legal entities, acting as an intermediary in the market of digital assets. To obtain such a licence, companies need to prove their financial strength, robust security systems and compliance with AML/KYC policies.

  1. Licence for custodial services (Cryptocurrency Custodian)

Custodial services involve storing cryptocurrency assets on behalf of a client. Obtaining a licence for custodial services requires companies to ensure a high level of security of the stored assets, as well as to develop measures to prevent data theft and loss. Cryptocurrency custodians play a key role in protecting clients’ assets and ensuring their availability.

  1. Licence for cryptocurrency exchanges (Cryptocurrency trading platform)

Cryptocurrency exchanges that provide platforms for trading cryptocurrencies must obtain a licence for cryptocurrency exchanges. These organisations are required to demonstrate transparent operations, fair trading processes and protect the interests of traders. Regulatory requirements for exchanges include dispute resolution mechanisms, AML/KYC policies and fraud protection systems.

  1. Licence to conduct ICO (Initial Coin Offering Platform)

ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a popular way to raise investment for cryptocurrency projects. An ICO licence is granted to platforms that support the launch of new projects by offering them fundraising tools. Such platforms are obliged to ensure the transparency of projects, investors’ rights and compliance of projects with legislation.

  1. Blockchain-based financial services licence (Blockchain Financial Services Provider)

This type of licence is intended for companies providing financial services (transfers, payments, lending) based on blockchain technology. To obtain a licence, companies must demonstrate the transparency of their operations, compliance with the requirements for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as the protection of customer data and funds.

The variety of cryptocurrency licences in El Salvador reflects the country’s desire to create a favourable and regulated environment for the development of the cryptocurrency economy. For entrepreneurs and companies wishing to operate in this field, it is important to carefully study the requirements for each type of licence and prepare the necessary documentation to successfully complete the licensing process. This approach not only promotes legal and transparent business operations, but also opens up significant opportunities for innovation and growth within El Salvador’s dynamic digital economy.

Steps to start a crypto business in El Salvador

With the recognition of bitcoin as legal tender, El Salvador has become a beacon for cryptocurrency innovation, attracting entrepreneurs and investors from around the world. Launching a crypto business in this country offers unique opportunities for growth and development in the new economy. Below is a step-by-step guide to launching a cryptocurrency business in El Salvador, centred around business needs.

Step 1: Market analysis and business model development

Before launching a crypto business, a thorough market analysis, including demand, competition, potential customers, and regulatory requirements, must be conducted. Based on the findings, a sustainable business model is developed that takes into account the specificities of the cryptocurrency market in El Salvador.

Step 2: Choosing a legal form and registering a company

Choosing the right legal form of business is key to continued successful development and growth. Various forms of legal entities are available in El Salvador, including joint stock companies (S.A. de C.V.) and limited liability companies (S. de R.L.). Once the form has been selected, the company must be registered with the relevant government authorities.

Step 3: Obtaining a crypto licence

To operate a cryptocurrency business in El Salvador, a company must obtain a licence. The process of obtaining a licence involves preparing and submitting a package of documents, demonstrating that the business meets AML/KYC and other regulatory standards. It is important to thoroughly review all licensing requirements and ensure that they are met.

Step 4: Organising the financial infrastructure

An effective financial infrastructure, including bank accounts, payment systems and capital management, is the foundation for a successful crypto business. It is important to establish relationships with banks and payment providers willing to work with cryptocurrency companies.

Step 5: Develop and implement a technology solution

A key element of a crypto business is a technology platform, whether it is a cryptocurrency exchange, wallet or payment service. Developing a reliable, secure and user-friendly technological solution requires considerable time and resources, as well as the involvement of qualified specialists.

Step 6: Customer engagement and marketing

An effective marketing strategy and thoughtful customer engagement methods are critical to the success of a crypto business. It is important to develop a comprehensive plan of marketing and advertising activities aimed at increasing brand awareness and attracting the target audience.

Step 7: Compliance and risk management

Continuous regulatory compliance and effective risk management are key to the long-term success and sustainability of a crypto business. It is essential to regularly monitor changes in legislation, update company policies and procedures accordingly and take measures to minimise operational, financial and reputational risks.

Launching a crypto business in El Salvador presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors looking to take advantage of the advanced cryptocurrency economy. By following the steps outlined above and paying attention to both strategic planning and operational details, it is possible to successfully launch and grow a cryptocurrency business in this progressive jurisdiction.

Procedures for obtaining crypto licence in El Salvador

Since bitcoin was officially recognised as legal tender, El Salvador has moved to the forefront of the cryptocurrency industry, offering unique opportunities for innovative businesses. Obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador has become a key aspect for companies seeking to operate legally in the digital asset space. In this article, we detail the procedures for obtaining a cryptocurrency licence necessary to successfully launch and operate a crypto business in El Salvador.

Step 1: Preliminary analysis and preparation

Before starting the licensing process, companies should thoroughly research El Salvador’s cryptocurrency laws and determine which type of licence best suits their business model. It is also important to conduct a legal and financial audit of existing operations to ensure they comply with local requirements.

Step 2: Selecting the type of cryptolicence

El Salvador offers several types of crypto licences, including licences for cryptocurrency exchanges, custodial services, payment systems and other cryptocurrency-related activities. Each type of licence has its own set of requirements and conditions that must be met in order to successfully obtain one.

Step 3: Preparing and submitting documents

To obtain a cryptolicence licence, a company must prepare and submit a package of documents, which usually includes:

  • Constituent documents of the company;
  • A detailed description of the business model and operations;
  • Plans and procedures for compliance with AML/KYC policies;
  • Information on key employees and founders;
  • Evidence of financial sustainability and reliability of the technologies used.

Step 4: Evaluation and verification

Once the application and all required documents have been submitted, El Salvador’s regulatory authorities evaluate the application. This process may include additional requests for information, safety compliance checks, and verification of the company’s financial strength.

Step 5: Paying fees and obtaining a licence

Upon successful completion of the assessment and satisfaction of all regulatory requirements, the company is required to pay the established licence fees. The company is then issued an official cryptocurrency licence that allows it to operate legally in El Salvador.

Step 6: Continuous Compliance

Obtaining a licence does not mean the end of the company’s obligations to regulatory authorities. To maintain the licence, the company must continuously comply with all requirements, including regular reporting, maintaining financial transparency and complying with AML/KYC policies.

The process of obtaining a cryptocurrency licence in El Salvador requires careful preparation, attention to detail and an understanding of local regulation. Successfully completing this process opens up significant opportunities for crypto businesses, providing a legal framework for digital asset transactions within the country’s innovation economy. By following these steps and paying due attention to regulatory requirements, companies can successfully integrate into El Salvador’s fast-growing crypto market.

How to get a crypto trading licence in El Salvador

With the adoption of bitcoin as legal tender, El Salvador has established its position as a centre of global cryptocurrency innovation. For entrepreneurs and companies looking to enter this growing sector, obtaining a cryptocurrency trading licence becomes the first and most important step. In this article, we look at how a company can obtain a cryptocurrency trading licence in El Salvador using a strategic and business approach.

Step 1: Exploring the regulatory environment

Before applying for a licence, it is important to thoroughly understand El Salvador’s legal framework and regulatory requirements for cryptocurrencies. This includes understanding the Bitcoin Law as well as other regulations governing cryptocurrency transactions in the country. Consultation with legal experts specialising in cryptocurrency regulation is recommended.

Step 2: Determining the type of licence

It is important to determine which type of cryptocurrency licence best suits your business model. El Salvador may require a licence for cryptocurrency exchanges, custodial services, cryptocurrency-based payment systems and other activities. A cryptocurrency exchange licence is likely to be required for cryptocurrency trading.

Step 3: Preparing the business plan and documentation

A key element of the application is a detailed business plan, including a description of the business model, risk management strategy, AML (anti-money laundering) and KYC (customer identity verification) policies, as well as security and data protection measures. It is also necessary to prepare a set of company incorporation and legal documents.

Step 4: Submitting an application and liaising with regulators

Once all required documents have been prepared, the application is submitted to the appropriate regulatory authority in El Salvador. This stage may include face-to-face meetings, submitting additional materials and responding to requests from the regulator. It is important to maintain an open and constructive dialogue with regulators throughout the process.

Step 5: Waiting for a decision and obtaining a licence

After submitting the application, the company should wait for the regulator’s decision. The processing time of the application may vary depending on the volume of documents submitted and the workload of the regulator. If the decision is positive, the company receives a licence to trade cryptocurrencies, which is a green light to start operations in El Salvador.

Step 6: Respecting ongoing commitments

Obtaining a licence does not mean the end of responsibilities to the regulator. Licensed companies are required to report regularly on their activities, comply with regulatory requirements and maintain high standards of security and data protection.

Obtaining a cryptocurrency trading licence in El Salvador requires careful preparation, an understanding of the regulatory environment and active engagement with regulators. The process can be complex, but successfully obtaining a licence opens up a wide range of opportunities for running a cryptocurrency business in one of the most innovative jurisdictions in the world. It is important to approach the process with full responsibility and attention to detail to ensure the success and sustainability of your crypto business in El Salvador.

 Taxation of virtual currency companies in El Salvador

With the adoption of bitcoin as legal tender, El Salvador has taken a unique position in the global economy as a country actively integrating cryptocurrencies into its financial system. This decision has opened up new opportunities for companies dealing with virtual currencies, but has also placed specific requirements on their taxation. In this article, we look at the key aspects of taxation of virtual currency companies in El Salvador, highlighting both opportunities and liabilities.

Basic principles of taxation

In El Salvador, income derived from cryptocurrency transactions is taxable in the same way as income from traditional financial transactions. This means that companies must recognise their income and expenses related to cryptocurrency transactions for tax purposes.

Income tax

Companies registered in El Salvador that trade in virtual currencies are liable to pay income tax at the standard rate. An important aspect is the correct determination of when income is realised and the related expenses, especially given the high volatility of cryptocurrency assets.


The VAT treatment of cryptocurrency transactions in El Salvador remains an open question, as cryptocurrencies are classified as means of payment rather than goods or services. Nevertheless, companies providing services related to cryptocurrencies (e.g. exchange platforms) may be subject to VAT obligations in respect of these services.

Capital additions

Investments in cryptocurrencies and subsequent capital gains from their sale are also subject to taxation in El Salvador. Companies should closely monitor the cost of acquiring and selling cryptoassets to correctly calculate tax liabilities.

Repatriation of profits

For foreign companies operating in the cryptocurrency sector in El Salvador, the issue of repatriation of profits is an important aspect. El Salvador offers relatively liberal conditions for repatriation of capital, but companies should consider the possible tax implications in their jurisdiction.

Planning and compliance

Effective tax planning and strict tax compliance are key to the success of a cryptocurrency business in El Salvador. Companies are advised to keep detailed records of all cryptocurrency transactions and regularly consult with tax professionals to optimise tax liabilities.

The taxation of virtual currency companies in El Salvador is a complex and dynamic area. It is important to keep up to date with changes in legislation and regulatory practices to ensure compliance and optimise tax liabilities. With the right approach to taxation, companies can maximise the potential of El Salvador as a centre of cryptocurrency innovation, contributing to the growth and development of their business in the new economic reality.

Tax rates in El Salvador

El Salvador’s tax system offers different rates for companies operating in the country. Here is an overview of the main tax rates for companies in El Salvador:

Tax indicator Tax rate
Corporate income tax 30%
Value added tax (VAT) 13%
Tax on transactions with securities 20% on income from the sale of securities by foreign persons
Personal income tax Between 10% and 30%, depending on income level
Municipal tax 1% to 3% of net income, depending on the municipality
Property tax Varies depending on the value and location of the property


Important points:

  • Corporate Income Tax: The statutory rate of 30% applies to a company’s net profit after deducting allowable expenses and depreciation.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT): The general VAT rate is 13 per cent and applies to most goods and services.
  • Personal income tax: The progressive tax scale provides for rates from 10% to 30% depending on the level of income.
  • Municipal tax: Companies are also liable to pay municipal tax, the amount of which depends on the municipality in which they are located.

 Crypto tax in El Salvador

El Salvador, which became the first country in the world to officially accept bitcoin as legal tender, has opened new horizons for the cryptocurrency market. This move has not only emphasised the importance of cryptocurrencies in the global economy, but has also raised the issue of taxation of cryptocurrency assets. In this article, we will look at the key aspects of cryptocurrency taxation in El Salvador, aimed at entrepreneurs and investors looking to maximise their profits while complying with all tax obligations.

General principles of cryptocurrency taxation

Despite its innovative approach to cryptocurrencies, El Salvador has adopted relatively traditional approaches to taxation of cryptoassets. It is important to realise that cryptocurrency transactions are not tax exempt and are subject to declaration under local law.

Income tax

As in many jurisdictions, in El Salvador, income tax is the primary tax affecting cryptocurrency transactions. Profits from cryptocurrency transactions, including trading, mining and other activities, are subject to taxation at standard rates for individuals and corporations. However, the peculiarity of cryptocurrencies in their volatility requires careful accounting and documentation of all transactions to correctly calculate tax liabilities.

Capital additions

Investments in cryptocurrencies resulting in capital gains are also taxable. An important aspect is determining when the capital gains are realised and the corresponding tax base. Investors should carefully monitor the purchase and sale prices of assets to accurately calculate capital gains.

VAT and other taxes

The VAT situation for cryptocurrency transactions in El Salvador remains a subject for specialised legal research given the uniqueness of the market. Tax experts should be consulted to determine potential VAT and other tax liabilities, such as property transfer tax or value added tax on the provision of cryptocurrency-related services.

Tax planning and compliance

Effective tax planning and compliance strategies are key to optimising tax burden and avoiding tax risks. Companies and individual investors should pay special attention to accounting and documentation of all cryptocurrency transactions, use professional accounting and tax services to ensure accurate reporting and compliance with all applicable tax requirements.

Cryptocurrency taxation in El Salvador is a complex area that requires in-depth knowledge and attention to detail. With the right approach to tax planning and compliance strategies, entrepreneurs and investors can not only comply with the law, but also optimise their tax liabilities, contributing to the growth and success of their business in El Salvador’s cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Embracing Cryptocurrency Innovation: Securing a Crypto Exchange License in El Salvador 2024.

El Salvador made headlines globally by becoming the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, marking a significant milestone in the acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies into a national economy. This guide delves into the specifics of obtaining a crypto exchange license in Salvador, highlighting the regulatory environment, application process, and advantages of securing a license in this pioneering market.

Regulatory Framework for Crypto Exchanges in El Salvador

Following the historic Bitcoin Law, El Salvador has been developing a regulatory framework that facilitates the operation of crypto-related businesses while ensuring financial stability and compliance with international standards. The government and financial regulators are actively working to provide clear guidelines that support the growth of the cryptocurrency sector.

Types of Crypto Licenses in El Salvador

El Salvador offers a variety of crypto licenses to cater to different aspects of the digital asset industry:

  • Crypto exchange license in Salvador: Allows companies to operate platforms where users can exchange cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.
  • Crypto broker license in Salvador: Enables businesses to facilitate crypto transactions on behalf of their clients.
  • Crypto trading license in Salvador: For firms directly engaged in the buying and selling of digital assets.
  • VASP crypto license in Salvador: Intended for virtual asset service providers offering a broad range of services.

Application Process for a Crypto License

Applying for a license for crypto exchange in El Salvador involves submitting detailed documentation to demonstrate compliance with local and international regulatory standards, including robust AML and CFT protocols. The process is designed to ensure that only financially sound and responsible businesses are permitted to operate.

Cost of Crypto Licensing in El Salvador

The crypto exchange license in Salvador cost is designed to be competitive to attract international crypto businesses to the country. The government’s pro-crypto stance is expected to maintain relatively low licensing fees to encourage innovation and investment in the sector.

Benefits of Acquiring a Crypto License in El Salvador

Operating with an El Salvador crypto license offers substantial advantages, including access to a growing market of crypto-friendly consumers and businesses. Additionally, regulatory compliance provides enhanced credibility and trust with global financial partners.

Challenges in the Licensing Process

The main challenges include adapting to an evolving regulatory framework and managing the operational demands of a rigorous compliance environment. However, the unique position of El Salvador as a crypto-forward nation provides significant opportunities for businesses willing to navigate these initial hurdles.

Market Opportunities in El Salvador

El Salvador’s commitment to integrating cryptocurrency into its economy opens up vast opportunities for innovative business models and services. The potential for growth, combined with incentives such as the cheapest crypto license in Salvador, makes it an attractive destination for crypto entrepreneurs and established companies looking to expand into new markets.

As El Salvador continues to lead in regulatory innovation, obtaining a crypto exchange license in Salvador represents a strategic move for businesses aiming to leverage the extensive opportunities within the emerging cryptocurrency landscape. With strategic planning and a commitment to compliance, businesses can successfully navigate this exciting and dynamic sector.

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