¿Qué es la gestión de criptoactivos?

What is crypto asset management?

In the era of the digital economy, crypto asset management is becoming an integral part of the investment strategy of many companies and private investors. This article aims to explain key aspects of cryptoasset management, including its definition, main tools, risks and strategies.

Identification and management of cryptoassets

Cryptoassets are a type of digital asset that uses cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptoasset management involves the methods and processes used to effectively manage these assets to achieve certain investment objectives. This may include selecting assets for investment, buying, holding and selling them, as well as monitoring their performance and managing risk.

Basic cryptoasset management tools

  1. Cryptocurrency wallets: Provide the ability to store and manage cryptocurrencies. They come in hardware (hardwares), software and paper.
  2. Cryptocurrency trading platforms: These are online platforms that allow users to buy, sell and exchange crypto assets.
  3. Management companies: Specialised companies that offer crypto asset management services, especially for large investors.

Risks of cryptoasset management

  1. Volatility: Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate wildly, creating a high level of risk for investors.
  2. Legal risks: In many jurisdictions, cryptocurrencies are not legally regulated, which can lead to legal uncertainty.
  3. Technical risks: Includes the risk of hacking, data loss and other problems related to data storage and transmission.

Cryptoasset management strategies

  1. Diversification: Allocating investments among different cryptoassets to reduce risk.
  2. Regularly analysing and reviewing the portfolio: Monitoring changes in legislation and market conditions and adapting the strategy in line with these changes.
  3. Use of professional managers: Hiring experienced managers who are able to optimise the portfolio and minimise risks.


Cryptoasset management requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the market, as well as the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing technology and regulatory environment. Investors need to choose their asset management strategies and tools carefully to maximise growth potential and minimise risk.

This article is intended to provide an introduction to the basic principles of crypto asset management and is not investment advice. Investors should do their own research or seek professional advice before deciding to invest in cryptocurrencies.

 Crypto asset management

Crypto-asset management is becoming an increasingly important sector in the financial industry, driven by the rapid development of digital technologies and increasing interest in cryptocurrency investments. This article provides an overview of the current state of the cryptoasset market, discusses the main strategies for managing these assets and emphasises the importance of integrating modern technology into management processes.

Definition and Role of Cryptoasset Management

Crypto Asset Management is the process of selecting, acquiring, managing and selling digital assets for the benefit of the client in order to maximise returns and minimise risk. This includes all aspects of financial planning, operations and strategic portfolio management of cryptoassets.

Current State of the Market

The global cryptoasset market is characterised by high volatility and unpredictability, which makes the management of these assets both particularly risky and potentially highly profitable. The growing interest in digital currencies among institutional and private investors is fuelling the further development of management tools and security technologies.

Cryptoasset Management Strategies

  1. Portfolio Diversification: A key strategy to reduce risk by spreading investments across different asset types and cryptocurrencies.
  2. Technical and Fundamental Analysis: Applying analytical tools to assess the potential of assets and forecast their future value.
  3. Use of professional platforms and tools: Selecting reliable and functional platforms for trading and managing cryptoassets, such as automated trading bots and portfolio management software.
  4. Risk management: Establishing clear criteria for risk management, including limits on the size of investments in individual assets and identifying exit points for investments.

Impact of Technology

Advances in blockchain technology and artificial intelligence have significantly transformed approaches to managing cryptoassets. Innovations such as smart contracts and decentralised finance (DeFi) are opening up new opportunities to create products and services that can offer improved management strategies and higher levels of transaction security.


Cryptoasset management remains a complex and dynamically evolving field that requires professionals to constantly educate themselves and adapt to market changes. Success in this field depends on a deep understanding of market trends, proper use of technology and effective risk management. Companies and investors who are able to navigate this space effectively open up significant opportunities for growth and development.

Crypto asset management platform

The crypto asset market has undergone significant changes in recent years, driven by technological innovation and increasing investor interest. Crypto asset management platforms play a key role in this process by providing tools for efficient management of cryptocurrency portfolios. This article looks at the features of these platforms, their advantages, challenges and impact on the investment landscape.

Definition of Cryptoasset Management Platforms

A crypto asset management platform is specialised software designed to automate the processes of buying, selling and storing cryptocurrencies. They also provide analytical tools to monitor portfolio performance and manage risk.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Automation of operations: Platforms allow users to customise trading algorithms, reducing the need for constant intervention and helping to optimise trading strategies.
  2. Portfolio Consolidation: Integrate data from multiple exchanges and wallets to provide a single view of assets.
  3. Advanced analytical tools: Providing in-depth analyses of market trends and asset performance to assist in making informed investment decisions.
  4. Risk Management: Capabilities to customise risk parameters and automatically implement defensive strategies.

Types of Platforms

  • Institutional platforms: Designed with large investors in mind and offer advanced management, security and integration capabilities.
  • Platforms for retail investors: Focused on individual users and provide a simpler interface and basic tools for trading and analysis.

Challenges and Risks

  1. Security: Storing and managing large amounts of cryptocurrencies requires a high level of protection against cyberattacks.
  2. Regulatory issues: Uncertainty in legal regulation can have an impact on the operations and functionality of platforms.
  3. Technical complexity: Integrating and maintaining complex systems requires significant technical resources and expertise.

Future Development

The cryptoasset management industry continues to evolve, and management platforms are becoming more advanced and accessible. The introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning provides new opportunities for analytics and automation. Also, the growing interest in integration with traditional financial systems heralds greater opportunities for investors and overall market liquidity.


Cryptoasset management platforms are a powerful tool for modern investors, allowing them to optimise their investment portfolios and maximise returns while minimising risk. They are an integral part of the growing cryptocurrency market and are likely to play an increasingly important role in the global financial system.

Crypto asset management market

The cryptoasset management market continues to gain momentum, attracting more and more investments from both private and institutional participants. The emergence of new technologies and regulatory frameworks is significantly impacting this market, creating new opportunities and challenges for participants. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of the cryptoasset management market, examines key trends and makes predictions for the future.

Current State of the Market

The cryptoasset management market is estimated to be worth billions of dollars, and its growth is driven by several key factors. Firstly, the general acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a legitimate investment category among investors. Secondly, increased regulatory scrutiny of digital assets, which is helping to create a more predictable investment environment.

Growth Drivers

  1. Technological advances: Blockchain and related technologies continue to evolve, offering increasingly efficient and secure solutions for managing cryptoassets.
  2. Increased institutional involvement: Large financial institutions are beginning to include crypto-assets in their portfolios, which increases the total amount of assets managed and increases the requirements for professional management.
  3. Regulatory changes: The gradual introduction of clear rules and regulations for cryptocurrencies in various countries is helping to legitimise this market.

Challenges and Risks

  1. High volatility of cryptocurrencies: Despite their high return potential, crypto-assets remain extremely volatile, which introduces complexities in risk management.
  2. Data and Asset Security: Hacker attacks and security breaches continue to be a serious threat to crypto asset management.
  3. Lack of experience and expertise: The relatively new field of cryptoasset management faces a shortage of qualified professionals.

Future Trends

  1. Integration with traditional financial systems: Cryptoasset management platforms are expected to integrate with traditional financial and banking systems to simplify transactions and management.
  2. Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning: These technologies can play a key role in automating management processes and analysing data.
  3. Increasing focus on sustainability and social responsibility: There is growing interest in investing in crypto-assets that support sustainable development and social projects.


The cryptoasset management market is in a state of dynamic development, facing both significant opportunities and significant challenges. Professional market participants able to adapt to changing conditions and integrate new technologies will have a competitive advantage in this rapidly growing industry.

Crypto asset management company

In light of the accelerated development of digital assets, crypto asset management companies occupy a key position in the financial market by providing investment management services for cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. These organisations are becoming indispensable players in the financial infrastructure, offering comprehensive solutions for investors of all sizes.

Key Roles and Objectives

Crypto asset management companies provide a range of services from investment advice to actively managing a portfolio of cryptocurrencies. The main objective of such companies is to maximise client returns while managing the level of risk based on a thorough understanding of the market and current economic conditions.

Services Provided by the Companies

  1. Strategic investment planning: Development of individual investment strategies based on the analysis of the market situation and the client’s risk profile.
  2. Portfolio Management: Actively manage portfolios of crypto-assets using advanced technology to monitor and analyse the market.
  3. Advisory services: Providing expert opinions and recommendations on cryptocurrency trading and the use of blockchain technologies.
  4. Regulatory Support: Help navigate the complex legal environment surrounding cryptoassets.

Market Strategies

To maintain competitiveness and efficiency, crypto asset management companies follow several key strategies:

  1. Innovation and Technology: Implementing the latest technological advances to improve analytical capabilities and transaction security.
  2. Diversification: Allocating investments among different types of cryptoassets to minimise risk and improve return potential.
  3. Transparency and trust: Building long-term relationships with clients based on openness and honesty about all aspects of asset management.

Challenges and Prospects

Cryptoasset management companies face a number of challenges, including high market volatility, an uncertain regulatory environment and potential technical risks. Despite this, the outlook for the cryptoasset market remains strong due to continued technological advances and increased investment in this area.


Crypto asset management companies play an important role in shaping the future investment landscape by providing a bridge between traditional financial assets and new digital opportunities. Their ability to adapt to changing conditions and develop innovative solutions will be key to success in this dynamic market.

Digital asset management crypto

Digital Asset Management (DAM) in the context of cryptocurrencies is becoming an important element of strategic management in the digital economy. In the era of digitalisation of finance, DAM in relation to cryptoassets is a comprehensive system for effectively managing, storing and securing digital assets. This article covers key aspects of DAM in the crypto industry, including technological innovations, risks and management strategies.

Key Components of Digital Asset Management

  1. Data Storage: Ensuring data security and integrity using cryptographic methods and blockchain technologies.
  2. Access Control: Control access to digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and other related resources.
  3. Integration: Linking different platforms and systems to simplify operations and improve management processes.

Role of Technology in DAM

Technological innovation is driving the development of DAM in the crypto sector. Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) provide unique opportunities to improve asset management processes:

  • Blockchain provides transparency and secure transactions through decentralisation and immutability of records.
  • Artificial intelligence helps in automating management processes, analysing big data and optimising investment strategies.

Strategies for Effective Management

Effective crypto asset management involves not only technological solutions but also strategic planning:

  1. Risk Management: Identify and manage risks associated with cryptocurrency volatility and potential technical disruptions.
  2. Compliance: Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in various jurisdictions, managing changes in legislation.
  3. Operational efficiency: Optimisation of operational procedures and infrastructure for asset management.

Challenges and Prospects

Digital asset management in cryptocurrencies faces a number of challenges, including the technical complexity of the systems, the need for highly skilled staff and a rapidly changing regulatory environment. However, market prospects remain strong due to the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies and growing interest from institutional investors.


Digital asset management in cryptocurrencies is a dynamically developing field that requires a comprehensive approach and integration of modern technologies. Companies that are able to effectively utilise innovative technologies and management strategies will be able to significantly improve the efficiency and security of their operations, as well as increase their return on investment.

Crypto asset management tools

With the rapid development of the digital economy, cryptoasset management tools are becoming an integral part of every investor’s and trader’s arsenal. They provide opportunities for effective portfolio management, market data analysis and risk minimisation. This article provides an overview of key cryptoasset management tools, their functionality and application in the modern investment context.

Basic Crypto Asset Management Tools

  1. Cryptocurrency wallets: Needed to store, send and receive cryptocurrencies. They come in hardware (hardwares), software (softwares) and paper.
  2. Trading platforms: Allow users to buy, sell and exchange cryptoassets. They provide tools to execute trades and often include technical analysis features.
  3. Portfolio trackers: Applications or platforms that allow users to track changes in the value of their investments in real time, analyse asset allocation and evaluate portfolio performance.
  4. Automated trading bots: Software that automates the trading process based on predefined algorithms and strategies. These bots are able to conduct trading operations faster and more efficiently than a human.
  5. Analytical tools: Provide in-depth market analysis, including analyses of prices, trading volumes and other market data. They can be used to forecast price movements and identify trends.

Benefits of Using Cryptoasset Management Tools

  • Improved decision making: Access to detailed analytics and market data allows traders to make informed decisions.
  • Optimising operations: Automating routine and repetitive tasks reduces the potential for errors and frees up time for strategic planning.
  • Risk Management: Instruments can help manage risk by providing stop loss and take profit features, as well as opportunities for portfolio diversification.

Challenges in Use

  • Technology complexity: Some instruments require technical knowledge and understanding of market mechanisms.
  • Security: Storing and transferring cryptocurrency assets involves security risks, including phishing, hacking and other types of cyber threats.
  • Regulatory Constraints: The ever-changing regulatory environment can impact the availability and functionality of some tools.


Cryptoasset management tools are an important component of a successful investment strategy in today’s digital marketplace. They not only facilitate portfolio management and trading, but also provide valuable information and analytics needed to make informed investment decisions. The right choice and use of these tools can significantly increase the efficiency of asset management and the investor’s return potential.

Crypto asset risk management

Risk management is a key aspect of investing in cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. The volatility of the crypto market, its instability and the variability of regulatory frameworks require special attention to risk minimisation strategies. This article describes methods and approaches that investors can use to protect their portfolios from unexpected losses.

Main Risks in Investing in Cryptoassets

  1. Market Volatility: Rapid and significant changes in the value of cryptocurrencies can lead to significant losses.
  2. Regulatory changes: The policies of government regulators could dramatically affect the value and legality of cryptoassets.
  3. Technology risks: Security issues such as hacker attacks and vulnerabilities in the blockchain can lead to loss of assets.
  4. Market Liquidity: Lack of liquidity can make it difficult to sell assets without a significant loss in value.

Risk Management Strategies


Portfolio diversification is a basic risk management strategy that involves allocating investments among different assets or types of assets to reduce potential losses.

Stop Loss and Take Profit

Setting stop loss and take profit orders helps to automate the trading process and protect the portfolio from sudden market fluctuations.

Regular portfolio analysis and review

Regular revaluation of the investment portfolio allows to adapt it to changing market conditions, to take into account new risks and opportunities.

Use of hedges

Hedging, including the use of derivatives such as futures and options, can protect investments from negative market movements.

Compliance with regulatory requirements

Understanding and complying with regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions helps to reduce legal risks and potential fines.

Tools for Risk Management

  1. Advanced analytics platforms: Provide real-time data and analytical tools to make informed decisions.
  2. Portfolio management software: Assists in tracking and analysing asset performance.
  3. Cryptographic Secure Wallets: Protect assets from unauthorised access.


Effective risk management is an integral part of successful cryptoasset investing. Using strategies and tools to minimise potential losses can help investors achieve stable returns even in highly volatile and uncertain markets. A key aspect of successful risk management is continuous learning and adapting to the ever-changing market environment.

Crypto asset management certification

With the accelerated growth of the cryptocurrency market and its integration into traditional financial systems, issues of qualification and standardisation in the field of cryptoasset management are becoming more and more relevant. Professional certifications in this field are designed to validate the knowledge and skills of professionals, build client and investor confidence, and promote compliance with regulatory and ethical standards. This article explores the meaning, process and benefits of obtaining cryptoasset management certification.

Importance of Certification in Cryptoasset Management

Certification serves several purposes:

  1. Confirmation of competences: Certificates confirm that specialists have the necessary knowledge and skills to work with cryptoassets.
  2. Improved reputation and credibility: Having certification builds trust with clients and investors by showing that the professional is following industry best practices and standards.
  3. Regulatory compliance: In many jurisdictions, professional certifications can assist in complying with legal and regulatory requirements.

Process of Obtaining Certification

Obtaining cryptoasset management certification typically involves the following steps:

  1. Exploring Requirements: Candidates should familiarise themselves with the requirements and conditions for certification, which may include educational standards and practical experience.
  2. Education and Training: Specialised courses and training programmes help you prepare for the exam, covering all key aspects of crypto asset management.
  3. Exam: The exam may include testing on basic and advanced topics in cryptoassets such as blockchain technology, cryptocurrency markets, regulatory frameworks and risk management.
  4. Maintaining certification: To maintain certification, professionals must regularly undergo additional training and validate their knowledge and skills.

Benefits of Certification

  1. Career advancement: Certification can open up new career opportunities and increase earning potential.
  2. Professional Development: Certification training programmes offer in-depth knowledge of the latest trends and innovations in crypto asset management.
  3. Expanding your professional network: Participation in certification programmes allows you to network with other cryptocurrency professionals.


Professional certification in cryptoasset management is becoming an important tool to validate the skills of professionals, build trust in the industry and ensure high standards of practice. In a world where technology and market conditions are evolving faster than ever, such certifications promote professionalism and confidence among professionals, clients and investors alike.

Crypto assets company

Cryptoasset companies play an important role in today’s economy by providing innovative solutions in digital currencies, blockchain technologies and financial services. These companies are not only transforming traditional approaches to banking and investment transactions, but also creating new opportunities for global financial interactions. In this article, we will look at the key aspects of cryptoasset companies, their impact on the financial industry and their development prospects.

Core Services of Cryptoasset Companies

Cryptoasset companies provide a wide range of services that can be categorised into a few main areas:

  1. Trading platforms and exchanges: Providing platforms for buying and selling cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.
  2. Portfolio Management: Professional management of client assets to enhance returns and manage risk.
  3. Advisory services: Supporting and advising clients on investment, tax and compliance issues related to cryptoassets.
  4. Blockchain Solution Development: Creating customised blockchain-based technology solutions to improve business processes.

Impact on the Financial Industry

Cryptoasset companies have a significant impact on the financial sector by providing the following benefits:

  1. Democratisation of access to financial services: Improving the accessibility of financial services to a wide range of users, including the unbanked.
  2. Increased transparency: Blockchain technology enables more transparent financial transactions, reducing the risk of fraud.
  3. Innovation and cost reduction: The introduction of new technologies helps to reduce transaction costs and simplify financial operations.

Issues and Challenges

Despite the significant opportunity, cryptoasset companies face a number of challenges:

  1. Regulatory issues: The lack of a clear legal framework can create difficulties for companies to operate in some countries.
  2. High market volatility: Rapid changes in the value of cryptoassets can lead to high risks for investors and companies.
  3. Technological and security challenges: Ensuring the security of transactions and customer data is a priority in the face of cyber-attack threats.

Development Prospects

Advances in technology and improvements in the regulatory environment can significantly strengthen the role of cryptoasset companies in the economy. The development and implementation of standards and regulations governing the crypto market, as well as an increase in the number of educational programmes that increase the awareness and competence of professionals and users, contribute to the further growth and integration of cryptoassets into the economy.


Crypto-asset companies are key players in the financial market, driving innovation in asset management, financial operations and technology solutions. Their influence will continue to grow as the regulatory framework improves and confidence in digital assets increases among the general public and professional community.

Crypto asset management firms

With the rapid development of the digital economy and the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, crypto asset management companies occupy a key place in the financial market. They provide specialised investment, risk management and advisory services for transactions involving cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. This article looks at the main aspects of crypto asset management companies, their strategies and future prospects.

Role of Cryptoasset Management Companies

Crypto asset management companies fulfil several important functions:

  1. Investment counselling: Providing clients with recommendations on how to build portfolios of cryptoassets according to their investment objectives and risk level.
  2. Portfolio Management: Actively manage crypto-assets to maximise returns and minimise risks.
  3. Analytical services: Conducting in-depth market analyses and providing data for making informed investment decisions.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Assist with legal and regulatory requirements related to cryptoassets.

Management Strategies

Crypto asset management companies employ a variety of strategies to achieve their clients’ investment goals:

  1. Asset diversification: Allocating investments between different cryptocurrencies and other assets to reduce risk.
  2. Technical and Fundamental Analysis: Using analytical tools to assess the potential of various cryptocurrencies.
  3. Hedging: The use of derivatives to protect investments from unfavourable market movements.
  4. Algorithmic trading: Using computer algorithms to automate trading operations and portfolio management.

Development Prospects

The cryptoasset management sector continues to evolve in response to new technological innovations and changes in the regulatory environment. A few key trends that will shape the future of the industry include:

  1. Increased institutional interest: Increased participation of large investors such as pension funds and insurance companies will strengthen the market and increase its stability.
  2. Improved regulatory clarity: As new laws and regulations regarding cryptocurrencies are implemented, companies will be better able to navigate the legal space.
  3. Technological innovations: The ongoing development of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence opens up new opportunities to improve asset management and transaction security.


Cryptoasset management companies are becoming increasingly important players in the financial world, offering specialised services that help investors navigate the complex and dynamically changing cryptocurrency market. With the strengthening of the regulatory framework and the emergence of new technologies, these companies are expected to continue to grow and develop, providing increasingly better and safer services for crypto asset management.

Crypto asset management services

With the continuous growth and development of cryptocurrency markets, crypto asset management services are becoming particularly relevant. These services provide investors with opportunities to diversify portfolios, minimise risks and maximise returns through professional cryptocurrency asset management. This article discusses key aspects of crypto asset management services, including their types, benefits and risks.

Basic Crypto Asset Management Services

Cryptoasset management services include a wide range of activities and approaches focused on meeting the needs of different types of clients:

  1. Trust management: Professional asset managers take full responsibility for the portfolio, buying and selling assets for the benefit of the client.
  2. Advisory services: Providing expert advice on compiling a portfolio of crypto-assets, as well as advice on investment tactics and risk hedging.
  3. Analytics and market research: Regularly providing clients with analytical reports on market conditions, trends and opportunities.
  4. Custodial services: Storing crypto-assets in a secure vault with guaranteed safety and availability.

Benefits of Crypto Asset Management Services

  1. Professional approach: Experts have the knowledge and experience necessary to effectively manage assets and avoid common mistakes.
  2. Efficient risk allocation: Diversification of investments and professional risk management help to reduce potential losses.
  3. Optimising the tax burden: Tax advice can help investors effectively manage their tax liabilities and take advantage of legitimate ways to reduce taxes.

Risks of Cryptoasset Management Services

  1. Market Volatility: The highly unpredictable nature of cryptocurrencies can lead to significant fluctuations in asset values.
  2. Regulatory uncertainty: Changes in legislation could have a negative impact on the business environment and asset values.
  3. Technology Risks: Problems with the security of data storage and transmission can lead to loss of assets.


Cryptoasset management services offer significant benefits for investors seeking to optimise their investments and minimise the associated risks. However, it is important to realise that success in investing depends not only on choosing a reliable manager, but also on a deep understanding of the market and active participation in the asset management process. Investors should carefully select services based on their reputation, experience and ability to adapt to changes in the market environment.

Capital requirement for crypto company

With the rapid development of the cryptocurrency market and its increasing regulatory scrutiny, capital requirements for companies dealing with cryptoassets are becoming increasingly important. Capital requirements are necessary to ensure a company’s financial stability, investor protection and regulatory compliance. This article discusses the key aspects of capital requirements applicable to cryptocurrency companies, their objectives, calculation methods and management strategies.

Objectives of the Capital Requirements

Capital requirements for companies in the cryptocurrency industry are set with a few main goals in mind:

  1. Ensuring financial stability: Sufficient capital enables the company to withstand financial shocks and market fluctuations.
  2. Client and investor protection: Ensuring that the company can fulfil its obligations to clients and investors even in the event of unforeseen situations.
  3. Regulatory compliance: Compliance with laws and regulations set by regulators in various jurisdictions.

Methods of Capital Requirements Calculation

Capital requirements for cryptocurrency companies can be calculated using different methodologies, depending on the type of company’s business and the regulatory standards adopted:

  1. Risk-based approaches: Calculate the required level of capital based on an assessment of the risks associated with the company’s operations.
  2. Fixed minimum requirements: Defining a static minimum amount of capital required for all companies of a given type without regard to individual characteristics.
  3. Combined approaches: Using a combination of several techniques to establish more accurate and appropriate requirements.

Capital Management Strategies

To meet capital requirements and optimise their financial resources, companies can apply the following strategies:

  1. Capital expenditure planning: Efficient allocation and utilisation of capital to maintain an appropriate balance between growth and financial security.
  2. Risk management: Minimising risks through asset diversification, insurance and other financial instruments.
  3. Profit reinvestment: Using part of the profits to strengthen the capital base of the company.
  4. Raising external capital: Using financial instruments, such as issuing shares or bonds, to raise capital.


Capital requirements play a key role in ensuring the sustainability and reliability of cryptocurrency companies. Compliance with these requirements not only helps to protect the interests of clients and investors, but also increases a company’s credibility in the market. It is important that capital management is conducted in a risk- and opportunity-sensitive manner to ensure long-term growth and stability in the rapidly changing cryptocurrency landscape.

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Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 661 75988
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Phone: +48 50 633 5087
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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