
Bulgaria Citizenship by Investment

Obtaining Bulgarian citizenship through an investment programme opens the door to the European Union for investors and provides a number of privileges for business and personal development. In this article we will look at the process of obtaining Bulgarian citizenship through investment and its benefits for investors.

  1. Investment Programme for Citizenship

The Bulgarian Citizenship Investment Programme offers investors the opportunity to acquire citizenship by making a significant investment in the country. This can be an investment in real estate, business or government securities.

  1. Advantages of Bulgarian Citizenship

Obtaining Bulgarian citizenship opens up a number of advantages for investors:

  • Freedom of movement: Bulgarian citizens have the right to travel and reside freely in the countries of the European Union.
  • Business opportunities: Bulgarian citizenship gives access to the European Union market and facilitates doing business in the region.
  • Education and health care: Bulgarian citizens have access to free or subsidised education and health care in the country.
  1. Conditions for Obtaining Citizenship

In order to obtain Bulgarian citizenship through the investment programme, certain conditions must be fulfilled:

  • Investments: The investor must make significant investments in the Bulgarian economy in accordance with the programme requirements.
  • Compliance: The investor must comply with the laws and regulations of Bulgaria, including payment of taxes and compliance with migration regulations.
  1. Process of Obtaining Citizenship

The process of obtaining Bulgarian citizenship through investment includes preparing the necessary documents, applying for investor status, fulfilling investment obligations and receiving the final decision on granting citizenship.


Bulgarian citizenship through investment represents a unique opportunity for investors to acquire a new status and unlock new business and personal development opportunities in Europe. Effective use of this programme will help investors to achieve their goals and start a new life in the beautiful country of Bulgaria.

Bulgaria golden visa

The Bulgarian Golden Visa is a unique opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs to obtain residency in Bulgaria and enjoy all the benefits of being a member of the European Union. In this article we will look at the details of the Bulgarian Golden Visa programme and its importance for business and personal development.

  1. What is a Bulgarian Golden Visa?

The Bulgarian Golden Visa provides foreign investors and their families with the opportunity to obtain temporary or permanent residence in Bulgaria upon fulfilment of certain investment conditions. The Golden Visa programme allows investors to become part of the dynamic European community and benefit from its advantages.

  1. Advantages of Bulgarian Golden Visa

Obtaining a Bulgarian Golden Visa opens up a wide range of advantages for investors:

  • Freedom of movement: Bulgarian Golden Visa holders can travel freely in Schengen and European Union countries without the need to obtain additional visas.
  • Access to education and health care: Investors and their families are entitled to free or favourable education and health care in Bulgaria.
  • Business opportunities: Residents with a Golden Visa can establish a business and conduct commercial activities in Bulgaria and other European Union countries.
  1. Conditions for obtaining a Bulgarian Golden Visa

In order to obtain a Bulgarian Golden Visa, an investor must fulfil certain conditions including:

  • Investment: The investor must make a significant investment in the Bulgarian economy, such as in property or businesses.
  • Compliance: The investor must comply with the migration and tax laws of Bulgaria and the European Union.
  1. Process of obtaining a Bulgarian Golden Visa

The process of obtaining a Bulgarian Golden Visa includes submitting an application, collecting the necessary documents, making the investment and receiving a decision on the granting of the visa. After obtaining a temporary visa, the investor can apply for a permanent visa and subsequently for Bulgarian citizenship.


The Bulgarian Golden Visa is an attractive opportunity for investors to gain residency and business opportunities in the heart of Europe. This programme opens doors to new opportunities for investors and promotes their personal and business development in the stable and promising country of Bulgaria.

Bulgaria golden visa requirements

The Bulgarian Golden Visa is an attractive opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs wishing to acquire residency in the country and take advantage of the benefits of European Union membership. In this article we will take a closer look at the requirements for obtaining a Bulgarian Golden Visa and the steps necessary to successfully complete the process.

  1. Investment Requirements

The main requirement for obtaining a Bulgarian Golden Visa is investment in the country’s economy. The investor must contribute funds according to one of the following categories:

  • Investment in property: The investor must purchase a property in Bulgaria for an amount not less than a certain established minimum.
  • Business investment: An investor can establish or acquire a business in Bulgaria and make a significant investment in it.
  • Investing in government bonds: An investor can purchase Bulgarian government bonds for a certain amount.
  1. Financial Requirements

In addition to the investment, the investor must also demonstrate financial solvency and the ability to support themselves and their family in Bulgaria. This may include providing an income certificate or financial guarantees.

  1. Compliance with Legislation and Programme Terms and Conditions

The investor is obliged to comply with all requirements of the Bulgarian legislation and the terms and conditions of the Bulgarian Golden Visa programme. This includes payment of taxes, compliance with migration regulations and fulfilment of investment obligations.

  1. Preparation of Documents and Submission of Application

After preparing the necessary documents, including passport, criminal record certificates, investment and financial solvency documents, the investor applies for a Bulgarian Golden Visa to the relevant migration authorities.

  1. Obtaining Temporary and Permanent Visa

After reviewing the application and fulfilling all the conditions of the programme, the investor receives a temporary visa, which can later be changed to a permanent visa. After a certain period of time, the investor can apply for Bulgarian citizenship.


The Bulgarian Golden Visa provides investors with a unique opportunity to gain residency in the country and enjoy all the benefits of being a member of the European Union. Compliance with the programme requirements and preparation of the necessary documents are the key steps on the way to successfully obtaining this visa.

Residence permit in Bulgaria

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria is an important step for investors and entrepreneurs seeking to develop their business in the country and take advantage of its favourable economic and tax climate. In this article we will look at the process of obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria, its benefits and its importance for business success.

Process of Obtaining a Residence Permit

  1. Choosing the right investment programme: The first step is to choose the right programme to obtain a residence permit. This can be an investment programme, a residence permit programme through work or education, and others.
  2. Preparing the necessary documents: The investor must prepare the necessary documents to apply for a residence permit. This may include passport, criminal record certificate, investment documents and financial information.
  3. Submission of the application: After preparing the documents, the investor submits the application for a residence permit to the relevant Bulgarian migration authorities or through an appropriate agent.
  4. Review of the application: The investor’s application is reviewed by the competent authorities, who verify the compliance of all submitted documents and programme requirements.
  5. Obtaining a residence permit: Upon approval of the application, the investor receives a temporary residence permit, which entitles him/her to reside and work in Bulgaria for a certain period of time.
  6. Obtaining a permanent residence permit: After a certain period of time, usually after 5 years in the country, the investor can apply for a permanent residence permit.

Advantages of a Residence Permit in Bulgaria

  • Freedom of movement: Holders of a residence permit can travel freely within Schengen countries.
  • Business opportunities: The residence permit allows investors to develop their business and conduct commercial activities in Bulgaria.
  • Education and health care: Investors and their families have access to free or subsidised education and health care in the country.


Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria is an important step for investors wishing to develop their business in the country and take advantage of its benefits. This process requires careful preparation and compliance with all programme requirements, but opens up many new opportunities for investors for successful business and personal development.

Residence permit Bulgaria for non EU citizens

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria for non-European Union (EU) citizens is a key step for investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their business opportunities in Europe and access the benefits of EU membership. In this article we will look at the process of obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria for non-EU citizens, its benefits and its importance for business success.

Process of Obtaining a Residence Permit

  1. Choosing the right investment programme: The first step is to choose the right programme to obtain a residence permit. This can be an investment programme, a residence permit programme through work or education, and others.
  2. Preparing the necessary documents: The investor must prepare the necessary documents to apply for a residence permit. This may include passport, criminal record certificate, investment documents and financial information.
  3. Submission of the application: After preparing the documents, the investor submits the application for a residence permit to the relevant Bulgarian migration authorities or through an appropriate agent.
  4. Review of the application: The investor’s application is reviewed by the competent authorities, who verify the compliance of all submitted documents and programme requirements.
  5. Obtaining a residence permit: Upon approval of the application, the investor receives a temporary residence permit, which entitles him/her to reside and work in Bulgaria for a certain period of time.
  6. Obtaining a permanent residence permit: After a certain period of time, usually after 5 years in the country, the investor can apply for a permanent residence permit.

Advantages of a Residence Permit in Bulgaria

  • Freedom of movement: Holders of a residence permit can travel freely within Schengen countries.
  • Business opportunities: The residence permit allows investors to develop their business and conduct commercial activities in Bulgaria.
  • Education and health care: Investors and their families have access to free or subsidised education and health care in the country.


Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria for non-EU citizens is an important step for investors wishing to develop their business in the country and take advantage of its benefits. This process requires careful preparation and compliance with all programme requirements, but it opens up many new opportunities for investors for successful business and personal development.

Residency in Bulgaria for non EU citizens

Obtaining permanent residency in Bulgaria for non-European Union (EU) citizens is a key step for investors and entrepreneurs wishing to expand their business opportunities and secure a stable future in a country with a favourable economic and tax climate. In this article we will look at the main advantages of the permanent residence programme in Bulgaria for non-EU citizens and the steps required to successfully obtain this status.

Benefits of the Permanent Residence Programme in Bulgaria

  1. Business opportunities: Obtaining permanent residence status in Bulgaria opens up a wide range of business opportunities for investors in the country and the region. They can establish their own companies, conduct commercial activities and participate in various projects and investments.
  2. Freedom of movement: Holders of permanent residence status in Bulgaria are entitled to free movement within the territory of the country and the Schengen area without the need to obtain additional visas.
  3. Access to education and health care: Obtaining permanent residence status in Bulgaria entitles investors and their families to free or discounted education and health care in the country.

Process of Obtaining Permanent Residence Status

  1. Choosing the right programme: The first step is to choose the right programme for permanent residence. This can be an investment programme, an employment programme, a family unity programme and others.
  2. Document preparation: The investor must prepare the necessary documents to apply for permanent residence. This includes passport, criminal record certificate, investment or employment documents and others.
  3. Submission of the application: After preparing the documents, the investor submits the application for permanent residence status to the relevant Bulgarian migration authorities or through an agent.
  4. Application review: The investor’s application is reviewed by the competent authorities, who verify that it meets all programme requirements.
  5. Obtaining permanent residence status: Upon approval of the application, the investor is granted permanent residence status in Bulgaria, which entitles him/her to live and work in the country on a permanent basis.


Obtaining permanent residence status in Bulgaria for non-EU citizens is an important step for investors and entrepreneurs seeking to secure a stable future in the country and the region. The process requires careful preparation and compliance with all programme requirements, but opens up many new opportunities for investors for successful business and personal development.

Bulgaria citizenship by investment

Bulgarian citizenship by investment is an attractive opportunity for investors who wish to secure a stable future for themselves and their family in a country with a favourable business and living climate. In this article we will look at the key aspects of the Bulgarian citizenship by investment programme, its benefits and the process of obtaining it.

Advantages of Bulgarian Citizenship through Investments

  1. Global Mobility: Holders of Bulgarian citizenship can freely travel to more than 170 countries around the world without the need to obtain a visa, which opens up new business and personal opportunities for them.
  2. Favourable Business Environment: Bulgaria offers attractive business conditions such as low taxes, access to the European market and investment opportunities in various sectors of the economy.
  3. Access to Education and Health Care: Holders of Bulgarian citizenship are entitled to free or discounted education and health care in the country, which provides security and well-being for themselves and their families.

Process of Obtaining Bulgarian Citizenship through Investments

  1. Choosing an Investment Programme: The first step is to choose a suitable investment programme. This can be a property investment programme, a business investment programme, a government bond investment programme or a bank deposit programme.
  2. Preparation of Documents: The investor must provide the necessary documents confirming his/her identity, financial situation and compliance with the programme requirements.
  3. Payment of Investments: The Investor makes the necessary investments in accordance with the selected programme.
  4. Application: After preparing the documents and making the investment, the investor applies for citizenship to the relevant Bulgarian migration authorities.
  5. Interview and Application Review: The investor may be invited for an interview, after which his/her application is reviewed by the competent authorities.
  6. Obtaining Citizenship: Upon approval of the application, the investor receives Bulgarian citizenship and all related privileges and rights.


Bulgarian citizenship through investment represents a favourable opportunity for investors who seek to gain access to European and global markets, ensure their financial stability and provide their family with a high standard of living and security. The right choice of investment programme and professional support in the citizenship process can make this path even more effective and successful.

Acquiring residence and citizenship in Bulgaria

Acquiring residence and citizenship in Bulgaria opens up many new business opportunities and privileges for investors and entrepreneurs in the country, as well as access to the European Union. In this article we will look at the process of acquiring residence and citizenship in Bulgaria, its benefits and importance for business success.

Advantages of Acquiring Residence Permit and Citizenship in Bulgaria

  1. Business opportunities: Possession of a residence permit or citizenship in Bulgaria allows investors and entrepreneurs to freely develop their business in the country and have access to European markets.
  2. Freedom of movement: Holders of a residence permit or Bulgarian citizenship have the right to move freely within the Schengen area without the need to obtain a visa.
  3. Access to Education and Health Care: Investors and their families are entitled to free or favourable education and health care in Bulgaria, which ensures well-being and security.

Process of Obtaining Residence Permit and Citizenship in Bulgaria

  1. Selecting an Investment Programme: The first step is to select a suitable investment programme such as a property investment programme, business investment programme, government bonds or through a bank deposit.
  2. Preparation of Documents: The investor must provide the necessary documents confirming his/her identity, financial situation and compliance with the programme requirements.
  3. Investment and Application: After preparing the documents, the investor makes the necessary investment according to the chosen programme and applies for a residence permit or citizenship at the Bulgarian migration authorities.
  4. Application review: The investor’s application is reviewed by the competent authorities, who verify its compliance with all programme requirements.
  5. Obtaining a Residence Permit or Citizenship: Upon approval of the application, the investor is granted a residence permit or Bulgarian citizenship and all related privileges and rights.


Obtaining a residence permit and citizenship in Bulgaria is an important step for investors and entrepreneurs seeking a stable future in Europe and access to the privileges of European Union membership. The right choice of investment programme and professional support in the process of obtaining a residence permit or citizenship can make this path more efficient and successful.

Bulgaria residence permit by investment

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria through investment is an attractive opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their business opportunities and access the privileges of European Union membership. In this article we will look at the process of obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria through investment, its advantages and the key points for successful implementation of this path.

Advantages of Residence Permit in Bulgaria through Investments

  1. Access to the European Market: Possession of a residence permit in Bulgaria gives investors free access to European markets and the opportunity to do business in EU countries.
  2. Tax Advantages: Bulgaria offers an attractive tax regime for businesses and individuals, making it an attractive investment and business destination.
  3. Business opportunities: Having a residence permit in Bulgaria opens up a wide range of business opportunities for investors in various sectors of the economy, including real estate, tourism, information technology and others.

Process of Obtaining a Residence Permit in Bulgaria through Investments

  1. Selecting an Investment Programme: The first step is to select a suitable investment programme such as a property investment programme, business investment programme, government bonds or through a bank deposit.
  2. Preparation of Documents: The investor must provide the necessary documents confirming his/her identity, financial situation and compliance with the programme requirements.
  3. Investment and Application: After preparing the documents, the investor makes the necessary investment according to the chosen programme and applies for a residence permit at the Bulgarian migration authorities.
  4. Review of the Application: The investor’s application is reviewed by the competent authorities, who verify its compliance with all programme requirements.
  5. Obtaining a Residence Permit: Upon approval of the application, the investor receives a residence permit in Bulgaria and all the privileges and rights associated with it.


Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria through investment is an important step for investors seeking to secure a stable future in Europe and to benefit from the privileges of European Union membership. The right choice of investment programme and professional support in the process of obtaining a residence permit can make this path more efficient and successful.

Bulgaria residence permit benefits

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria is a strategic step for investors and entrepreneurs, opening up not only new business opportunities but also privileges for personal development and well-being. In this article we will look at the key benefits that a Bulgarian residence permit offers to its holders.

Business Opportunities

  1. Access to the European Market: Having a residence permit in Bulgaria gives investors and entrepreneurs the freedom to operate in the European market, allowing them to easily conduct business and expand their opportunities within the European Union.
  2. Tax Advantages: Bulgaria provides a favourable tax regime for businesses, which allows minimising tax liabilities and maximising business income.
  3. Investment Opportunities: Holders of residence permits in Bulgaria have access to a wide range of investment opportunities in various sectors of the economy, including real estate, tourism, information technology and others.

Personal Privileges

  1. Family Security: Residence permit holders can provide a secure future for their family by giving them access to high quality education, health care and other social benefits in Bulgaria.
  2. Freedom of Movement: Possession of a residence permit allows you to travel easily and freely throughout the Schengen countries without the need for additional visas, which provides greater flexibility and convenience for business and leisure travel.
  3. Standard of Living: Bulgaria offers a high standard of living at affordable prices, providing comfortable living conditions, a clean environment and a pleasant atmosphere for personal and family well-being.


Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria opens up many new business and personal development opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs. Thanks to its favourable tax regime, access to investment opportunities and high standard of living, Bulgaria is becoming an attractive place to live and do business within the European Union.

Long-term and permanent residence in Bulgaria

Obtaining long term or permanent residence in Bulgaria is an important step for those seeking to secure a stable future for themselves and their family in a country with a favourable business and living climate. In this article we will look at the process of obtaining long-term and permanent residence in Bulgaria, its benefits and key aspects.

Long-term Accommodation in Bulgaria

  1. Advantages of Long-term Residence: Long-term residence in Bulgaria allows foreign nationals to stay in the country for a long period of time with the possibility of extending their status. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for work, business and personal development.
  2. Conditions for Obtaining Long-Term Residence: In order to obtain long-term residence in Bulgaria, a foreign national must submit the necessary documents confirming the purpose of stay, availability of means for residence and compliance with other requirements of the migration legislation.
  3. Renewal of Long-Term Residence: When a long-term residence permit expires, it can be renewed, provided that all requirements are met and the necessary documents are submitted.

Permanent Residence in Bulgaria

  1. Advantages of Permanent Residence: Permanent residence in Bulgaria entitles foreign citizens to stay in Bulgaria on a permanent basis with the same rights and privileges as Bulgarian citizens.
  2. Conditions for Permanent Residence: In order to obtain permanent residence in Bulgaria, a foreign national must have lived for a certain number of years with a long-term residence permit and fulfil certain criteria, such as stable income and integration into Bulgarian society.
  3. Rights and Privileges of Permanent Residents: Permanent residents have the right to work, education, health care and other social benefits in Bulgaria, which ensures their stability and well-being.


Long-term and permanent residence in Bulgaria represent important steps for those who seek to secure a stable future for themselves and their family in a country with a favourable business and living climate. The right application and support in the process of obtaining the residency status can make this path more efficient and successful, opening up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Why choose to relocate to Bulgaria?

Relocating to Bulgaria is becoming an increasingly attractive choice for those seeking new opportunities in business and life. In this article we will look at the main advantages that make Bulgaria an attractive place to relocate and develop both professionally and personally.

Business opportunities

  1. Strategic Location: Bulgaria is located in the centre of Europe, making it an ideal business location with access to various European markets.
  2. Attractive Tax Regime: Bulgaria offers low taxes on income and corporate profits, making it attractive to entrepreneurs and investors.
  3. Developing Economy: Bulgaria has a rapidly developing economy with a number of promising sectors such as information technology, tourism, property and manufacturing.

Quality of Life

  1. Favourable Climate: Bulgaria is famous for its pleasant Mediterranean climate with mild winters and warm summers, making it an attractive place to live and holiday.
  2. Property and Cost of Living: Property prices and general living costs in Bulgaria are considerably lower than in many other European countries, ensuring a high level of comfort at affordable prices.
  3. High Level of Education and Medical Care: Bulgaria offers high quality education and medical care, making it attractive for families with children and those who value health care.

Cultural Property

  1. Rich History and Culture: Bulgaria has a rich cultural heritage including ancient monuments, traditions and national holidays, making it attractive to those interested in history and culture.
  2. Multilingual Environment: Bulgaria is a multilingual country with a good level of English and other foreign languages, which facilitates adaptation and communication for foreign residents.


Relocating to Bulgaria represents an attractive opportunity for those seeking new horizons in business and personal life. Thanks to its strategic location, attractive tax regime, high quality of life and rich cultural heritage, Bulgaria is becoming an increasingly attractive place to relocate and develop both professionally and personally.


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