
Malta Citizenship by Investment

Obtaining Maltese citizenship through investment is an attractive opportunity for many investors seeking a solid foundation for their business in Europe. Malta, as a member of the European Union, provides its citizens with access to a wide range of benefits, including freedom of movement and residence in EU countries, a high level of security and stability, and tax benefits for residents.

Malta Citizenship Investment Programme

The Malta Citizenship Investment Programme was launched by the Maltese Government with the aim of attracting foreign investment and contributing to the economic development of the country. It offers the opportunity to obtain Maltese citizenship for oneself and one’s family in return for certain investments in the country’s economy through the Direct Investment Regulations (SL 188.06) under the Maltese Citizenship Act, Cap. 188, LN437 of 2020, permit the granting of citizenship on naturalisation certificate to foreign individuals and their families who contribute to the economic development of the country.

Terms and Conditions of the Programme

  1. Real Estate Investment: One of the main ways to qualify for the programme is to purchase property in Malta. The investor must purchase a property worth at least a certain threshold, which is subject to change depending on government policy.
  2. Investing in Public Funds or Shares: Apart from investing in property, investors can also contribute to Maltese public funds or buy shares in local companies up to a certain amount.
  3. Contribution to the National Development Fund: In addition to the above-mentioned investments, candidates are also required to make a substantial contribution to the National Development Fund of Malta.

Advantages of Malta Citizenship

  1. Freedom of Movement: Maltese citizens have the right to free movement and residence within the European Union.
  2. Economic Growth: Investment in Malta’s economy contributes to the growth and development of the country, as well as creating jobs and supporting the business environment.
  3. Stability and Security: Malta is known for its stable political situation and high level of security, making it an attractive place to live and do business.
  4. Tax Advantages: Maltese citizens can enjoy tax exemptions and privileges, including the Malta Global Residence Programme and low tax rates.


The Malta Citizenship Investment Programme represents an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to access the European Union and its benefits. However, before making a decision, it is important to carefully review the terms and conditions of the programme and consult with professionals specialising in citizenship and taxation to ensure the success and effectiveness of the investment.

Benefits of Maltese citizenship

Obtaining Maltese citizenship is a strategic step for many entrepreneurs and investors seeking to expand their international business opportunities and provide themselves and their family with a high level of privilege and protection. In this article we look at the key benefits of Maltese citizenship for business and personal development.

  1. Access to the European Market

Malta, as a member of the European Union, provides its citizens with unrestricted access to the single European market. This opens up a wide range of business opportunities, including the free movement of goods, services, capital and people within EU member states. For entrepreneurs, this means convenience and ease of doing business in various European countries without unnecessary restrictions and bureaucratic obstacles.

  1. Tax Advantages

Malta is known for its favourable tax environment for residents and citizens. Maltese citizens have access to various tax incentives and programmes, such as the Malta Global Residence Programme and the Malta Individual Investor Programme, which allow them to minimise their tax burden and optimise the structure of their finances. This makes Malta an attractive place to incorporate a business and manage your finances.

  1. High Level of Life and Safety

Malta is renowned for its high standard of living and security. Maltese citizens can enjoy quality health services, education, access to cultural and recreational activities, as well as a safe and stable environment. This creates a comfortable living and working environment, which is especially important for families with children and those who value quality of life.

  1. Global Mobility

Maltese citizenship opens the door to global mobility. Maltese citizens are able to freely visit many countries around the world without the need to obtain a visa, and have access to visa facilitation programmes that speed up the process of obtaining visas to a number of countries. This facilitates business travel, tourism and study abroad, which is important for the development of personal and professional spheres of endeavour.


Maltese citizenship is a valuable asset for business and personal development, providing access to European Union privileges, tax benefits, a high standard of living and mobility. For entrepreneurs and investors seeking international success and security, it can be a key factor in achieving their goals and ambitions.

 Malta golden visa

The Malta Golden Visa, or Malta Golden Visa, is an attractive opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs wishing to gain the privileges of residency in Europe through investment in the Maltese economy. In this article we will look at the key aspects and benefits of the Malta Golden Visa programme for business and personal development.

  1. Terms and conditions of the Programme

The Malta Golden Visa Programme provides an opportunity for foreign investors and their families to obtain residency in Malta by investing in the Maltese economy. The main conditions of the programme include:

  • Investment in property in Malta for an amount not less than a certain threshold.
  • Contribution to the National Development Fund of Malta.
  • Compliance with programme conditions and requirements set by the Maltese government.
  1. Advantages of Malta Golden Visa for Business
  • Access to the European Market: Maltese residency opens the door to the European single market, allowing access to the free movement of goods, services, capital and people within the European Union.
  • Favourable Business Environment: Malta is renowned for its favourable business environment, low tax rates, accessibility to financial services and infrastructure, which creates a favourable environment for doing business and investing.
  • World Recognition: Malta is an internationally recognised centre for business and finance, enhancing the reputation and image of businesses internationally.
  1. Personal Benefits for Investors
  • Residency Privileges: Residents of Malta have the right to live and work in Malta, as well as free education and access to high quality healthcare.
  • Global Mobility: Holders of Maltese residency are able to move freely within the Schengen area without the need for a visa.
  • Stability and Security: Malta is known for its stable political and economic environment, which creates a comfortable living and investment environment.


The Malta Golden Visa represents an attractive opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs wishing to gain the privileges of residency in Europe through investment in the Maltese economy. The programme offers extensive business and personal benefits, making it an attractive option for those seeking international success and stability.

Malta golden visa tax benefits

The Malta Golden Visa programme, which offers the opportunity to obtain residency in Malta through investment in the Maltese economy, not only provides the privileges of international mobility and stability, but also offers valuable tax benefits for investors and entrepreneurs. In this article, we look at the key tax advantages that make the Malta Golden Visa an attractive choice for business and personal investment.

  1. Tax Treatment of Residents of Malta

The main benefit of the Malta Golden Visa programme is access to a favourable tax regime for Malta residents. Malta residents, including members of the Golden Visa programme, are entitled to the following tax benefits:

  • Personal Income Tax: Residents of Malta are subject to income tax only on the basis of source and place of income. This means that income derived from outside Malta is generally not taxable in Malta, while income derived within Malta may be taxable under Maltese tax law.
  • Property Tax: Residents of Malta can enjoy low tax rates on property and property taxes. The Golden Visa programme also provides an opportunity for investors with reduced tax rates on income earned outside Malta.
  1. Individual Tax Programmes

In addition to the general tax regime for residents, the Malta Golden Visa also opens access to individual tax programmes, such as the Malta Global Residence Programme and the Malta Individual Investor Programme, which offer additional tax benefits for investors and entrepreneurs. These programmes may include exemption from capital gains tax, minimum tax rates on income and inheritance, and other benefits depending on individual circumstances and investment plans.

  1. Favourable business environment

Apart from the tax advantages, the Malta Golden Visa also offers access to Malta’s favourable business environment. The country is renowned for its investment friendliness, low tax rates on corporate income and generous support programmes for business and innovation. This makes Malta an attractive place to incorporate and grow a business, and the Malta Golden Visa provides access to these benefits for investors and their families.


The Malta Golden Visa is not only an opportunity to obtain residency in Malta, but also a valuable tool to optimise tax liabilities for investors and entrepreneurs. The tax benefits offered by the programme, combined with Malta’s favourable business environment, make the Malta Golden Visa an attractive choice for those seeking successful business and personal financial growth.

What is a residence permit in Malta?

The Malta Resident Visa is a key tool for many investors, entrepreneurs and people looking to expand their opportunities in Europe. In this article we will look at what a Malta Resident Visa is, what opportunities it offers and what benefits it can offer to business and personal development.

  1. What is a Resident Visa in Malta?

A Malta Resident Visa is a permit for foreign nationals to reside and work in Malta. It is a document issued by the Maltese authorities which allows a person to stay in Malta on a permanent or temporary basis for the purpose of work, study, investment or simple residence.

  1. Types of Resident Visas in Malta

There are several types of resident visas in Malta, including:

  • Working Visa: For persons invited to work in Maltese companies or institutions.
  • Student Visa: Entitles you to study in Maltese educational institutions.
  • Investment Visa: Issued to investors and entrepreneurs wishing to invest in the Maltese economy.
  • Family Ties Resident Visa: Designed for family members of Maltese citizens or residents who wish to join their loved ones in Malta.
  1. Advantages of Resident Visa in Malta
  • Access to the European Market: The Malta Resident Visa provides access to the European single market, allowing free movement and work in the countries of the European Union.
  • Business Opportunities: Residency in Malta provides access to a favourable business environment, low tax rates and support programmes for entrepreneurs and investors.
  • Quality of Life: Malta is renowned for its high standard of living, cultural attractions, access to healthcare and education.
  • International Mobility: Residents of Malta are able to travel freely within the Schengen area without the need to obtain a visa.


A Malta residency visa is a valuable tool for those seeking international experience, business development and a better quality of life. With the wide range of opportunities and benefits associated with residency in Malta, it can be a key step towards achieving personal and professional goals.

How to obtain a foreign identity card in Malta?

Obtaining a Foreign Identity Card in Malta is an important step for foreign nationals wishing to establish their personal identity and carry out various transactions in the country. In this article we will look at the basic steps and the process of obtaining a Foreign Identity Card in Malta.

1. Understanding the Foreign Identification Card

The Foreign Identification Card, also known as a ‘residence permit’ or ‘ID card’, is an official document issued to foreign nationals residing in Malta to confirm their personal identity and residence status.

2. Steps to Obtain an Identification Card

2.1 Preparation of Necessary Documents

The first step to obtain a foreign ID card in Malta is to prepare the necessary documents. This usually includes a passport, photographs, proof of residential address, and other documents required depending on your status and purpose of stay.

2.2 Filling in the Application Form

Then it is necessary to fill in the relevant application for an identification card. This can be done online through the official identification portal or in person at one of the local offices.

2.3 Submission of Documents and Biometric Withdrawal

After filling in the application form, you need to submit all the necessary documents and undergo the biometric clearance procedure (taking a photograph and fingerprints). This usually takes place in special biometric processing centres.

2.4 Consideration of the Application and Issuance of the Card

Once you have submitted your application and biometric skimming, your documents will be processed by the Maltese authorities. Once the process is complete, you will receive your foreign identification card.

3. Advantages of the Foreign Identification Card

  • Legal Stay: The Identification Card confirms your legal stay in Malta and your status in the country.
  • Access to Services: With an ID card you have access to various government and commercial services in Malta such as health care, banking and others.
  • Convenience and Security: The Identity Card provides convenience and security in your daily life by allowing you to easily identify yourself for various transactions and operations.


Obtaining a Foreign Identity Card in Malta is an important step for foreign nationals residing on the island. By following the correct steps and procedures, you can obtain your ID card and enjoy its benefits in your daily life and interactions with government and commercial institutions.

Residency in Malta for Non EU citizens

Malta, located in the heart of the Mediterranean, is an attractive place to live and invest for non-European Union (EU) citizens. In this article we look at the key aspects and benefits of living in Malta for non-EU citizens.

  1. Residency Programmes in Malta for Non-EU Nationals

Malta has several residence programmes for non-EU citizens, offering the possibility of obtaining temporary or permanent residence. The main programmes include:

  • Malta Global Residence Programme: It is intended for investors and entrepreneurs who wish to obtain temporary residence in Malta if certain investment conditions and financial criteria are met.
  • Malta Individual Investor Programme (MIIP): Enables investors and their families to obtain permanent residence and Maltese citizenship by investing in the Maltese economy.
  1. Advantages of Residence in Malta for Non-EU Nationals
  • Access to the European Market: Living in Malta provides access to the European single market, allowing free movement of goods, services, capital and people within the EU countries.
  • Favourable Business Environment: Malta is renowned for its favourable business environment, low tax rates, availability of financial services and infrastructure, making it an attractive place to invest and grow a business.
  • Quality of Life: Malta offers a high quality of life, pleasant climate, cultural attractions, high levels of security and education, making it an attractive place to live for non-EU citizens.
  1. Process of Obtaining Residence in Malta

The process of obtaining residence in Malta for non-EU citizens varies depending on the programme chosen. It usually involves submitting an application, providing the necessary documents, having the application verified and examined by the competent Maltese authorities.


Residence in Malta for non-EU citizens represents an attractive opportunity for those seeking a high quality of life, access to European markets and business opportunities. With a variety of residency programmes and investigations, Malta offers many avenues for non-EU citizens wishing to find a stable and comfortable place to live and develop.

 What is a residency visa in Malta for Non EU citizens?

The Malta Resident Visa for non-European Union (EU) citizens is a key element for many investors, entrepreneurs and individuals seeking to reside and develop in Europe. In this article we will look at what a Malta Resident Visa for non-EU citizens is, what opportunities it offers and what benefits it has to offer.

  1. What is a Malta Resident Visa for Non-EU Citizens?

The Malta Resident Visa for non-EU citizens, also known as a residence permit, is an official document that allows foreign nationals to reside and work in Malta for a specified period of time. It is issued by the Maltese authorities and plays a key role in establishing legal residence status.

  1. The process of obtaining a Resident Visa in Malta

The process of obtaining a resident visa in Malta for non-EU citizens usually involves the following steps:

  • Application: A foreign national applies for a resident visa in accordance with the requirements of the Maltese authorities.
  • Submission of Documents: The applicant shall provide all necessary documents to prove his/her identity, status and purpose of residence in Malta.
  • Review of the Application: The Maltese authorities will review the application and check the documents provided to ensure that they comply with the laws of the country.
  • Issuance of Resident Visa: Upon completion of the application and document verification process, the foreign national is granted a Resident Visa allowing him/her to reside and work in Malta for a specified period of time.
  1. Advantages of Resident Visa in Malta
  • Legal Residence: The Resident Visa provides legal residence in Malta for non-EU nationals, allowing them to stay in Malta without breaking the law.
  • Work Opportunities: Resident visa holders have the right to work in Malta, which opens up new work opportunities and career prospects.
  • Access to Services and Privileges: Residents can avail of various public and commercial services in Malta such as health, education, financial services and more.


The Malta Resident Visa for non-EU nationals is an important tool for those seeking to reside and work legally in Europe. By following the correct procedures and conditions, foreign nationals can obtain this document and enjoy its benefits in their life and career in Malta.

How to get Malta citizenship by investment?

The Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme represents an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to acquire citizenship in the European Union. In this article we will look at the key steps and the process of obtaining Maltese citizenship by investment.

1. Understanding the Malta Citizenship Programme

The Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme, also known as the Malta Individual Investor Programme (MIIP), allows foreign investors and their families to obtain Maltese citizenship by investing in the Maltese economy.

2. Basic Requirements and Conditions

  • Investment Obligations: The investor must fulfil certain investment obligations, including purchasing property in Malta and investing in a national development fund.
  • Compliance with Terms and Conditions: The investor must comply with the terms and conditions of the programme, such as keeping the investment for a certain period of time and complying with the laws and regulations of Malta.
  • Identity Verification: The investor and his/her family members must undergo an identity verification and fulfil the criteria set by the Maltese authorities.

3. Steps to Obtain Maltese Citizenship through Investment

3.1 Consultation with Experts

The first step is to consult with experienced lawyers and consultants specialising in the Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme. The experts will help you understand the requirements of the programme, determine the best plan of action and prepare the necessary documents.

3.2 Preparation of Documents

After the consultation, you need to prepare all the necessary documents to apply for the programme. This includes documents confirming your identity, financial status, sources of funds and others.

3.3 Submission of the Application

Once you have prepared your documents, you apply for the Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme along with the necessary documents and fees.

3.4 Consideration of the Application

The Maltese authorities review your application and carry out a verification of your identity and eligibility for the programme. Once the process is complete, you will be notified of the decision.

3.5 Investments and Acquisition of Citizenship

Once your application has been approved, you invest in accordance with the requirements of the programme. Upon completion of your investment commitment and fulfilment of all the conditions of the programme, you and your family will be granted Maltese citizenship.


The Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme is an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to acquire citizenship in the European Union. By following the correct steps and procedures, you can successfully acquire Maltese citizenship and enjoy its benefits in your life and business.

Malta golden visa requirements

Malta, with its favourable business climate and attractive investment opportunities, is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international investors and entrepreneurs. The Malta Golden Visa programme is an attractive opportunity for non-EU citizens to obtain a residence permit in Malta. In this article we look at the key requirements for the Malta Golden Visa programme and how to prepare for it.

  1. Financial Requirements
  • Investment Contribution: One of the main requirements for obtaining a Malta Gold Visa is an investment contribution to the Maltese economy. The investor must make a significant investment in Maltese property or government bonds.
  • Proof of Financial Capacity: In addition to the investment, the investor must provide proof of his/her financial capacity to support himself/herself and his/her family while in Malta.
  1. Health and Safety
  • Health Insurance: The investor and his family members must have health insurance covering the costs of medical care in Malta.
  • Safety: The investor must ensure the safety of himself and his family and must comply with the laws and regulations of Malta while in the country.
  1. Receiving process
  • Application: The Investor applies for a Malta Golden Visa in accordance with the programme requirements and provides all necessary documents.
  • Review of the Application: The Maltese authorities will review the investor’s application and verify the investor’s identity, financial situation and eligibility for the programme.
  • Obtaining a Visa: Upon completion of the application process, the investor is granted a “Malta Golden Visa” which allows him and his family to reside and work in Malta for a specified period of time.


The Malta Golden Visa programme provides investors with an excellent opportunity to take up residence in Malta and enjoy all the benefits of living in this attractive country. By following the programme requirements and application procedures, you can successfully obtain a Malta Golden Visa and start a new chapter in your life and business in Malta.

Malta citizenship by property investment

Malta offers a unique opportunity for investors to acquire citizenship through property investment. The Malta Citizenship by Property Investment Programme is an attractive route for those seeking access to the European market and the benefits of citizenship in a European Union country. In this article, we will look at the opportunities and the process of obtaining Maltese citizenship through property investment.

  1. Malta Citizenship Programme for Real Estate Investments

The Malta Citizenship by Property Investment Programme offers foreign investors the opportunity to obtain Maltese citizenship by purchasing property on the island. This opens the door to many benefits for investors, including freedom of movement within the EU and the stability of living in one of the world’s most attractive countries to live in.

  1. Basic Requirements and Conditions
  • Investment Obligations: The investor must fulfil certain investment obligations, including the acquisition of property in Malta for an amount not less than a certain threshold.
  • Retention of Investments: Investors must retain their investments in Malta for a certain period of time in order to meet the requirements of the programme.
  • Identity Verification and Documents: The investor and his/her family members must undergo identity verification and provide all necessary documents to prove their status and financial solvency.
  1. The process of obtaining Maltese Citizenship
  • Preparation of Documents: The investor prepares all the necessary documents to apply for the Malta Citizenship Programme for property investments.
  • Submission of the Application: After preparing the documents, the investor applies for the programme and provides all necessary materials in accordance with the programme requirements.
  • Review of the Application: The Maltese authorities review the investor’s application and carry out a verification of the investor’s identity and eligibility for the programme.
  • Citizenship: Upon completion of the application process and fulfilment of all conditions of the programme, the investor and his/her family members will be granted Maltese citizenship.


The Malta Citizenship by Property Investment Programme is an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to acquire citizenship in the European Union. By following the programme requirements and procedures, investors can successfully obtain Maltese citizenship and enjoy its benefits in their lives and businesses.

 Process of obtaining Malta citizenship by investment (CES)

The Malta Citizenship by Investment Scheme (CES) opens the door to the privileges of European citizenship for investors seeking stability and prospects in Europe. In this article we will look at the main steps and the process of obtaining Maltese citizenship through investment, providing the opportunity to successfully complete the programme and acquire Maltese citizenship.

1. Understanding the CES Programme

The CES programme offers investors the opportunity to acquire Maltese citizenship by investing in the local economy. This means that investors who make significant investments can obtain Maltese citizenship and become members of the European Union.

2. Basic Requirements and Conditions

  • Investment Obligations: The investor must fulfil certain investment obligations, including the purchase of property in Malta and investment in a national development fund.
  • Compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the Programme: The Investor must comply with the terms and conditions of the Programme, such as maintaining the investment for a specified period of time and complying with the laws and regulations of Malta.
  • Identity and Document Verification: The investor and his/her family members must undergo identity verification and provide all necessary documents to prove their status and financial solvency.

3. Steps to Obtain Maltese Citizenship through Investment

3.1 Preparation of Documents

The first step is to prepare all the necessary documents to apply for the CES programme. This includes proof of identity, financial situation and sources of funds.

3.2 Submission of the Application

Once the documents are prepared, the investor applies for the CES programme in accordance with the programme requirements and provides all the necessary materials.

3.3 Consideration of the Application

The Maltese authorities review the investor’s application and verify the investor’s identity, financial situation and eligibility for the programme.

3.4 Obtaining Citizenship

Upon completion of the application process and fulfilment of all the conditions of the programme, the investor and his family members will be granted Maltese citizenship.


The Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme is a unique opportunity for investors to acquire the privileges of European citizenship. By following the programme requirements and procedures, investors can successfully complete the programme and acquire Maltese citizenship, opening up new prospects for their business and life in Europe.

 Tax consequences of citizenship in Malta

Maltese citizenship offers a number of benefits for businesses and individuals, but it is also important to consider the tax aspects of this status. In this article we look at the main tax implications of citizenship in Malta and how they may affect your business and financial situation.

  1. Global Taxation

One of the main aspects of citizenship taxation in Malta is the principle of global taxation. This means that Maltese citizens are liable to pay taxes on their income irrespective of its source, both in Malta and abroad.

  1. Taxation system

Malta has an attractive taxation system with low personal and corporate income tax rates. Individuals are generally taxed at a rate of 15% on their income, while legal entities can enjoy various tax and income tax exemptions.

  1. Tax Residents and Non-Residents

It is important for Maltese citizens to determine their tax residency status. Tax residents are generally taxed on income in Malta, while tax non-residents are generally taxed only on income earned within Malta.

  1. Special tax benefits

Maltese citizens may also benefit from a number of special tax incentives under Maltese law. This may include income tax relief, property tax relief and others.

  1. Taxes on Real Estate

The purchase of property in Malta may also entail certain tax liabilities including capital gains tax, property tax and others.


The tax implications of citizenship in Malta play an important role for businesses and individuals considering becoming Maltese citizens. Understanding the main aspects of the Maltese tax system and the tax implications of citizenship will help you make an informed decision about your financial future in this country.

 How long does it take to get a Malta Golden Visa?

Malta, with its attractive business climate and high quality of life, is an increasingly attractive destination for investors wishing to access the European market. The Malta Golden Visa programme offers investors the opportunity to obtain residency in Malta and access the benefits of the European space. In this article, we will look at the key steps and expected timeframes for obtaining a Malta Gold Visa.

  1. Submission of the Application

The first step in the Malta Gold Visa application process is to submit an application. The investor must provide all necessary documents and materials to prove his/her financial solvency and compliance with the programme requirements.

  1. Consideration of the Application

Once the application has been submitted, the Maltese authorities will start the review process. This stage may take some time as it requires verification of the applicant’s identity and financial situation.

  1. Carrying out Investments

Once the application has been approved, the investor must fulfil all investment obligations under the Malta Gold Visa programme. This may include purchasing property or investing in Malta government bonds.

  1. Issuance of Residence Permits

Upon completion of all the necessary steps and fulfilment of the investment obligations, the investor and his/her family members are granted residence permits in Malta. This allows them to live and work on the island and enjoy the benefits of the European area.

Expected Timeframes

The timeframe for obtaining a Malta Gold Visa can vary depending on various factors such as the workload of the Maltese authorities, the complexity of document verification and fulfilment of investment obligations. Usually the whole process takes between 6 and 24 months.


The Malta Golden Visa programme represents an attractive opportunity for investors seeking access to the European market and the benefits of European citizenship. Understanding the key steps and expected timeframes will help investors to plan their actions and expectations in the Malta Golden Visa process.

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