Open a bank account in Lithuania

Opening a bank account in Lithuania presents various advantages, such as internet banking in Russian, multi-currency accounts, and security. Key Lithuanian banks include the Bank of Lithuania, Luminor Bank AB, Siauliu Bank, Meridian Trade Bank, Medicinos Bank, Bigbank AS, and DnB NORD.

For non-residents, account opening requirements may include identification cards, valid visas, residence permits, or proof of a substantial reason like business, education, work, or residence permit.

Notably, Meridian Trade Bank, Medicinos Bank, and Siauliu Bank are among the most accommodating banks for non-residents. Required documents often include an identification card, a valid visa or residence permit, and a completed questionnaire explaining the account opening purpose.

While it’s becoming more challenging for non-resident shareholders or directors to open a company account, it’s still possible. Each bank has its specific requirements, with the average document review period ranging from days to months. Opening an account for individuals follows similar procedures, necessitating a visit to the service department and presenting a passport with a valid Schengen visa.

Our experienced company’s bank specialist at Regulated United Europe stands ready to assist clients in selecting the most suitable bank based on citizenship, ties with Lithuania, and specific needs. With eight years of expertise, we offer tailored solutions for opening business bank accounts in Lithuania, leveraging our extensive network of trusted partners in the European financial services industry.

Bank account in Lithuania

Advantages of Opening an Account in Lithuania

  1. Internet banking in Russian.
  2. Multi-currency account.
  3. Security and stability.

Lithuanian Banks


The Bank of Lithuania is the central bank that controls the activities of commercial banking institutions and credit organizations. It is a member of the European System of Central Banks.

  • Luminor Bank AB is the third-largest bank in the Baltic States.
  • Siauliu Bank – works with individuals and corporate clients.
  • Meridian Trade Bank is a universal Latvian bank with a wide range of services.
  • Medicinos Bank is a medical bank, one of the first in the country to provide Internet banking and mobile wallet services.
  • Bigbank AS is an international bank operating in 9 European countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Spain, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands.
  • DnB NORD is part of the largest financial group DNB ASA (Norway), which operates in the markets of Denmark, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

How to Open an Account for a Non-resident

Not all Lithuanian banks are ready to open an account for a non-resident. As a rule, a substantial reason is required to open an account:

  • opening a business in the country,
  • studying at a Lithuanian university,
  • work in the country,
  • obtaining a residence permit.

The most loyal to foreign citizens are: Meridian Trade Bank, Medicinos Bank, Siauliu Bank.

Required documents

  • identification card
  • valid visa, residence permit or permanent residence
  • a completed questionnaire in which it is necessary to explain the reason for opening an account

Different banks may require additional documents.

  • To date, the issue of opening an account for any European company in the EU is quite complicated. There is no need to talk about the importance of having a bank account with a company, every businessman knows this. Now, Lithuania offers a unique opportunity for business to open a coveted bank account without any problems.
  • Lithuanian banks allow both residents and non-residents to open accounts;
  • there is an opportunity to choose a bank in accordance with the business objectives (both small local banks and the largest Scandinavian banking groups operate in the country);
  • possibility of opening bank accounts for individuals – citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries;
  • widespread use of the Russian language (Internet banking, bank employees);
  • availability of a multi-currency account;
  • state guarantee of return of deposits up to 100,000 euros in one bank;
  • the lack of currency control in the country, the availability of funds and transfers at any time of the day.

The ability to order government services, bank services or other commercial services for your business in Lithuania without personal presence via Internet banking.

Account Opening Procedure

For legal entities:

In Lithuania, it is becoming increasingly difficult to open an account of a company in which the shareholder and/or director is a non-resident of Lithuania, but it is still possible.

Each bank is individual. Most banks ask to pay a preliminary irrevocable fee, which must be paid at the time of submission of documents, while some banks, in addition to all documents, ask to provide extensive documentation confirming the company’s connection with Lithuania.

On average, the period for reviewing documents ranges from a few days to a couple of months, depending on which bank is reviewing the documents and what the company is doing. It is also possible to open a bank account in Lithuania in 1 day, which sounds like a fantasy for many European countries.

In any case, the director of the company must be personally present at the bank at the time of opening a bank account.

For individuals:

In general, the rules for opening a bank account for non-residents in Lithuania do not differ from the procedure for opening an account for a company. You must report to the nearest service department and present your passport with a valid Schengen visa. You are also required to confirm the need for a bank account, and sometimes a connection with Lithuania. Otherwise, the account will not be opened to you.

We select for our clients (for them personally and their companies) the bank that best meets their request and needs based on their citizenship, ties with Lithuania. By contacting a bank that does not suit you and does not work with clients like you, you risk losing time and being left without a fee for reviewing documents, which is not refunded even in case of refusal to open a bank account.

If you wish to open a business bank account in Lithuania, our team here at Regulated United Europe will be delighted to assist you. We have eight years of experience in helping clients to open bank accounts in Europe. We tap into our vast network of trusted partners in the European financial services industry to offer the most suitable and cost-effective solutions that improve the functioning of the businesses we serve.

Business bank account in Lithuania

Opening a business account in Lithuania is an important step for entrepreneurs wishing to realise their business plans in this Baltic country. Lithuania, being a member of the European Union, offers great opportunities for international business due to its business-friendly business climate, transparent legislative environment and modern financial infrastructure. In this article we will look at the key aspects and procedures for opening a business account in Lithuania.

Advantages of Opening a Business Account in Lithuania

  1. Favourable Business Climate: Lithuania is known for its open and business-friendly environment. The country offers many investment opportunities and supports entrepreneurship.
  2. Simple Company Registration: The procedure for registering a business in Lithuania is relatively simple and efficient, which simplifies the process of starting a business.
  3. Modern Banking Services: Lithuanian banks provide modern services for businesses, including internet banking, international payments and lending for various needs.
  4. European Jurisdiction: Due to its membership in the European Union, business in Lithuania benefits from the European legal system and market.

How to Open a Business Account in Lithuania

  1. Choosing a Bank: The first step is to choose the right bank to open a business account. Research the offers of various banks, taking into account their terms of service, fees, access to online banking and other factors.
  2. Preparation of Documents: Prepare the necessary documents to open an account. This may include the account holder’s ID card, company registration certificate, documents on the appointment of directors, and other documents required by the specific bank.
  3. Visit the Bank: Schedule a visit to the selected bank to open an account. Provide all required documents and fill in the account opening form.
  4. Consideration of the Application: After submitting all documents, the bank will consider your application to open an account. This process may take a few days.
  5. Account Activation: Once your application has been approved and all necessary procedures have been completed, your business account will be activated and you will have access to banking services.


Opening a business account in Lithuania represents a key step for successful business in this country. With its favourable business climate, modern banking infrastructure and European jurisdiction, Lithuania attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world. You should carefully prepare for the account opening process by ensuring that all necessary requirements are met and choosing the right bank for your needs.

 Personal bank account in Lithuania

Opening a personal bank account in Lithuania is the first and important step towards effective management of personal finances in this Baltic country. Lithuania offers a variety of banking services and a high level of service, making the process of opening an account simple and convenient for locals and foreign residents. In this article, we will look at the key aspects and procedures for opening a personal bank account in Lithuania.

Advantages of Opening a Personal Bank Account in Lithuania

  1. Safe and Secure Safekeeping: Lithuanian banks are renowned for their reliability and stability, providing safe custody of funds and protecting the interests of customers.
  2. Wide Choice of Banking Services: Lithuania offers a variety of banking products and services, including different types of accounts, credit and debit cards, savings programmes and investment opportunities.
  3. Convenience of Use: Many Lithuanian banks provide modern online platforms and mobile applications, which provides convenience and accessibility for account management at any time and from anywhere in the world.
  4. European Jurisdiction: Due to its membership in the European Union, bank accounts in Lithuania benefit from European jurisdiction and consumer protection.

How to Open a Personal Bank Account in Lithuania

  1. Choosing a Bank: The first step is to choose the right bank to open a personal account. Research the offers of different banks, evaluating their terms of service, fees, availability of online banking and other parameters.
  2. Preparation of Documents: Prepare the necessary documents to open an account, including identification (passport or other document), proof of residential address, and additional documents that your chosen bank may require.
  3. Visit to the Bank: Schedule a visit to the bank selected for account opening. Provide all necessary documents and fill in the account opening form.
  4. Application Review: The Bank will review your account application and verify the documents provided. This process may take several working days.
  5. Account Activation: Once your application is approved, your personal bank account will be activated and you will have access to banking services.


Opening a personal bank account in Lithuania is an important step towards financial stability and convenience in managing personal finances. With its favourable banking climate, modern infrastructure and European jurisdiction, Lithuania offers excellent opportunities to open an account and receive quality banking services. When choosing a bank, you should pay attention to its reputation, terms of service and level of technological sophistication to ensure maximum convenience and reliability in managing your personal finances.

Bank account opening in Lithuania 2,000 EUR

“As an experienced legal professional with a deep understanding of the nuances surrounding legal entities registration in Lithuania, I am committed to providing you with thorough and up-to-date insights to support your endeavours. My dedication extends to ensuring that you receive relevant and accessible information to navigate the regulatory framework and effectively progress with your projects in Lithuania.”



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At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 661 75988
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Phone: +48 50 633 5087
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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