Terms of Use
1. General provisions
1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) refers to the site located at Rue.ee, all its pages and subdomains.
1.2. Rue.ee (hereinafter referred to as the Website) is the property of the legal entity Regulated United Europe OÜ.
1.3. This Agreement regulates the relations between the Administration of the Site (hereinafter referred to as the Administration of the Site) and the User of this Site.
1.4. The Administration of the Site reserves the right to modify, add or delete the clauses of this Agreement at any time without notice to the User.
1.5. The use of the Site by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and the changes made to this Agreement.
1.6. The User is personally responsible for checking this Agreement for any changes.
2. Definition of terms
2.1. The following terms shall have the following meaning for the purposes of this Agreement:
2.1.1 Site – Internet resource located on the domain name Rue.ee, carrying out its activities through the Internet resource and related services (hereinafter – the Site).
2.1.2. Site Administration – authorized employees to manage the Site, acting on behalf of the legal entity Regulated United Europe OÜ.
2.1.3. User of the site (hereinafter – User) – person who has access to the Site, via the Internet and uses the Site.
2.1.4. Contents of the site (hereinafter – Contents) – protected results of intellectual activity, including texts of literary works, their titles, foreword, annotations, articles, illustrations, covers, musical works with or without text, graphic, text, photographic, video, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, databases, as well as design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, the overall style and location of the given Content, part of the Site and other objects of intellectual property all together and/or separately contained on the Site.
3. Subject of the agreement
3.1. The object of this Agreement is to provide the User with access to the services provided on the Site.
3.1.1. The Site provides the User with the following types of services (services):
- Access to search and navigation facilities;
- Access to materials on the website free of charge;
- Access to the use of a consultation forum for doctor-patient interaction on cancer-related topics.
3.1.2. This Agreement shall apply to all existing (actually functioning) services (services) of the Site, as well as any subsequent modifications thereof and additional services (services).
3.2. Access to the site is free of charge.
3.3. This Agreement shall be a public offer. By accessing the Site, the User shall be deemed to have acceded to this Agreement.
3.4. The use of the materials and services of the Site is regulated by the current legislation of Estonia.
4. Rights and obligations of the parties
4.1. The administration of the site has the right:
4.1.1. Change the terms of use of the Site, as well as change the content of this Site. The changes shall enter into force on the date of publication of the new version of the Agreement on the Site.
4.1.2. Delete User accounts.
4.1.3. Refuse to register or place a question/answer in an advisory forum without explanation.
4.2. The user has the right:
4.2.1. Use all services available on the Site.
4.2.2. Ask any questions regarding the use of the site at [email protected]
4.2.3. Use of the Site exclusively for the purposes and in the manner prescribed by the Agreement and not prohibited by Estonian law.
4.2.4. Access the use of the Site after compliance with the registration requirements.
4.3. User of the Site undertakes:
4.3.1. Provide, upon request of the Administration of the site, additional information that is directly related to the services provided by this Site.
4.3.2. Respect the property and non-property rights of authors and other rights holders when using the Site.
4.3.3. Do not take actions that may be considered to disrupt the normal operation of the Site.
4.3.4. Do not disseminate through the Site any confidential and legally protected information about individuals or legal entities.
4.3.5. Avoid any actions that may violate the confidentiality of information protected by Estonian law.
4.3.6. Do not use the Site to disseminate information of an advertising nature, except with the consent of the Site Administration.
4.3.7. Do not use services to: Violation of the rights of minors and (or) causing any form of harm to them. Infringement of the rights of minorities. representing oneself for another person or representative of the organization and (or) community without sufficient rights, including for the employees of this site.
4.3.8. Ensure the accuracy of the information provided
4.3.9. Ensure the security of personal data from access by third parties.
4.3.10. Update the Personal Data provided at the time of registration in the event of a change.
4.4. User is prohibited from:
4.4.1. Use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes to access, acquire, copy or monitor the content of the Site.
4.4.2. Disrupt the proper functioning of the Site.
4.4.3. In any way, circumvent the navigation structure of the Site in order to receive or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials by any means that are not specifically represented by the services of this Site.
4.4.4. Unauthorized access to the functions of the Site, any other systems or networks related to this Site, as well as any services offered on the Site.
4.4.4. Breach the security or authentication system on the Site or on any network related to the Site.
4.4.5. Perform a reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about any other User of the Site.
4.4.6. To use the Site and its Contents for any purpose prohibited by the legislation of Estonia, as well as to incite any illegal activities or other activities, infringing the rights of the Site or other persons.
4.5. To start cooperation, Regulated United Europe in the face of one of its legal companies shall receive payment in full.
4.5.1.The Customer shall check that Regulated United Europe in the face of one of its legal companies receives payment in full. If Regulated United Europe in the face of one of its legal companies does not receive payment in full, the service will not be provided.
4.5.2. Before starting cooperation, the Customer shall inform Regulated United Europe in the face of one of its legal companies of the preferred method of payment for the ordered service so that Regulated United Europe can provide correct payment details.
4.5.3. Regulated United Europe in the face of one of its legal companies, fees are non-refundable. Regardless of whether the provided service is suspended, canceled or extended before the expiration of the current service period, the Customer shall not be entitled to request a refund or use the paid amount to order other contracted services from Regulated United Europe .
5. Using the site
5.1. The Site and the Content, which is part of the Site, is owned and managed by the Administration of the Site.
5.2. The content of the Site is protected by copyright, trademark law, as well as other rights, related to intellectual property, and
unfair competition law.
5.3. The use of a consultative forum on the Site, as well as a section for specialists, may require the creation of a User account.
5.4. The User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of account information, including the password, as well as for all activities, which are conducted on behalf of the Account User.
5.5. The User must immediately notify the Site Administration of the unauthorized use of his account or password or any other breach of the security system.
5.6. The administration of the site has the right to unilaterally cancel the User account if it has not been used more than 36 consecutive calendar months without notification of the User.
5.7. This Agreement applies to all additional terms and conditions relating to the purchase of the Goods and/or the provision of services provided on the Site.
5.8. Information posted on the Site shall not be interpreted as a modification of this Agreement.
5.9. The administration of the site has the right to make changes to the content of the information provided on the site at any time without notification of the User.
6. Responsibility
6.1. The administration of the site is not responsible for:
6.1.1. Delays or interruptions in the course of the transaction caused by force majeure, as well as any case of malfunctions in telecommunication, computer, electrical and other related systems.
6.1.2. Operation of remittance systems, banks, payment systems and delays related to their work.
6.1.3. The proper functioning of the Site, in case the User does not have the necessary technical means for its use, as well as no obligation to provide users with such means.
7. Violation of the terms and conditions of the user agreement
7.1. The Website Administration has the right to disclose information about the User if the current Estonian legislation requires or permits such disclosure.
7.2. The Site Administration has the right to stop and (or) block access to the Site without prior notification of the User if:
The User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use of the Site contained in other documents, as well as in case of termination of the Site or due to technical failure or problem.
7.3. The Administration of the Site shall not be liable to the User or third parties for termination of access to the Site in case of violation by the User of any provision of this Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Site.
8. Settlement of disputes
8.1. In the event of any disagreement or dispute between the Parties to this Agreement, the submission of a claim (a written proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute) shall be obligatory prior to application to the court.
8.2. The recipient of the claim shall, within 30 calendar days of receipt, notify the claimant in writing of the outcome of the claim review.
8.3. If it is not possible to resolve the dispute voluntarily, any of the Parties shall have the right to apply to the court for protection of their rights, which are granted to them by the existing legislation of Estonia.
8.4. Any action in respect of the terms of use of the Site must be brought within 5 days of the occurrence of the cause of action, with the exception of copyright protection of the legally protected materials of the Site. If the provisions of this paragraph are violated, any claim shall be dismissed by the court.
9. Additional conditions
9.1. The Administration of the site does not accept counter-proposals from the User regarding the changes of the present Agreement.
9.2. The User’s texts posted on the Site are not confidential information and can be used by the Administration of the site without restrictions.
RUE customer support team

“Hi, if you are looking to start your project, or you still have some concerns, you can definitely reach out to me for comprehensive assistance. Contact me and let’s start your business venture.”
“Hello, I’m Sheyla, ready to help with your business ventures in Europe and beyond. Whether in international markets or exploring opportunities abroad, I offer guidance and support. Feel free to contact me!”

“Hello, my name is Diana and I specialise in assisting clients in many questions. Contact me and I will be able to provide you efficient support in your request.”
“Hello, my name is Polina. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information to launch your project in the chosen jurisdiction – contact me for more information!”

At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.
Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email: [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague
Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 6949 5456
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania
Sp. z o.o
Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland
Europe OÜ
Registration number: 14153440
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email: [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia