Georgia forex licence

The forex market, being one of the most dynamic sectors of the financial industry, requires careful regulation to ensure transparency and fairness of operations. In Georgia, the regulation of foreign exchange operations starts with obtaining a licence, which sets rules and standards for brokers and traders, ensuring that the interests of all market participants are protected.

Legal aspects of licensing

The Georgian government, in an effort to attract international financial flows, has simplified the process of obtaining a forex licence. Georgian legislation allows companies with foreign capital to register as residents of the country, thus providing access to obtaining a licence to conduct foreign exchange operations. The licence is issued by the National Bank of Georgia, which acts as the main regulator of the country’s financial market.

Economic context

Georgia offers favourable tax conditions for financial companies, including low tax rates and incentives for foreign investors. This makes the country attractive to international forex brokers and favours the growth of the financial sector. However, it is important to realise that doing business successfully requires not only knowledge of local tax laws, but also strict compliance with currency trading rules set by the National Bank.

Procedure for obtaining a licence

To begin the licensing process, a company must provide documentation to prove legal status and capitalisation. This includes the company’s founding documents, proof of financial standing and documentation of compliance with AML (anti-money laundering) and KYC (customer verification) standards. Once all the required documents have been submitted, the National Bank of Georgia conducts an inspection and, if all requirements are met, issues a licence.


Obtaining a forex licence in Georgia is an important step for any company wishing to operate in the international foreign exchange market. This process emphasises Georgia’s commitment to creating a transparent and regulated financial space. Compliance with all regulatory requirements guarantees not only legal protection, but also enhances a company’s credibility and reputation in the global arena.

Forex License in Georgia

 Georgia forex trading licence requirements

The Forex market is one of the most active financial markets in the world, and Georgia is gradually becoming an attractive centre for foreign exchange transactions. The Government of Georgia has developed a number of requirements for obtaining a forex trading licence aimed at ensuring transparency, security and compliance with international standards in this sector. This article discusses the key requirements for obtaining a forex trading licence in Georgia that every potential investor needs to know.

Legal requirements

The main regulator responsible for issuing licences for Forex activities in Georgia is the National Bank of Georgia (NBG). In order to obtain a licence, a company must be legally registered in Georgia. The process includes registering a legal entity, having a clean reputation of the founders and managers, and providing a complete set of founding documents.

Capital requirements

The NBG establishes minimum charter capital requirements for companies wishing to obtain a forex trading licence. The amount of the authorised capital must confirm the financial stability of the company and its ability to cover possible risks. The specific amount may vary depending on the type of licence and the volume of operations.

AML/KYC requirements

Companies wishing to engage in forex trading must strictly comply with anti-money laundering (AML) requirements and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. This includes establishing and maintaining effective systems and controls to identify customers, track transactions and prevent financial crime.

Operational requirements

Licensees are required to have qualified management and operational staff capable of ensuring the proper conduct of business and compliance with regulatory requirements. The NBG may require that managers and key employees receive specialised training and have relevant experience in the financial industry.

Technological requirements

To ensure reliable and secure transactions, companies must utilise proven and certified technology solutions. This includes trading software, data security systems and transaction monitoring tools.


Obtaining a forex trading licence in Georgia is a complex process that requires from companies not only financial stability, but also strict compliance with rules and regulations. Having a licence from the National Bank of Georgia not only increases the trust of clients and partners, but also contributes to a safer and more transparent trading environment in the foreign exchange market. It is recommended to carefully study all the requirements and ensure that they are met before the licensing process begins to ensure successful obtaining and subsequent activity in the forex industry in Georgia.

 Important facts related to a Georgia forex broker licence

Georgia, a country with a developing economy and liberal legislation, offers unique opportunities for forex brokers. Obtaining a forex broker licence in this country entails not only regulatory compliance, but also significant business opportunities. This article discusses important aspects of a forex broker licence in Georgia that are essential for potential investors and companies looking to expand their business on the global stage.

Regulatory environment

The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) acts as the main regulator of financial markets, including the Forex market. A forex brokerage licence implies strict compliance with the regulatory requirements set by the NBG, which ensures transparency and integrity of business.

Key requirements for a licence

  1. Legal registration: The company must be registered in Georgia as a legal entity.
  2. Authorised capital: The minimum amount of the authorised capital must comply with the requirements of the NBG, which guarantees the financial stability of the company.
  3. AML/KYC Compliance: Adoption and implementation of anti-money laundering and customer due diligence (KYC) policies are mandatory.
  4. Personnel qualifications: Management and brokerage personnel should have relevant qualifications and experience in the financial industry.
  5. Technological infrastructure: Availability of a reliable technological platform ensuring security and transparency of trading operations.

Business opportunities

Obtaining a forex broker licence in Georgia opens up a number of business opportunities for the company:

  • Active attraction of international clients due to Georgia’s reputation as a country with a favourable business climate and transparent regulatory environment.
  • Tax incentives: Georgia offers an attractive tax environment for financial companies, which can significantly reduce transaction costs.
  • Growth of financial innovation: The country supports the development of financial technology, which creates a favourable environment for innovation and new product development.


A forex broker licence in Georgia represents a significant asset for any financial services company seeking to expand its presence in international markets. Compliance with the established requirements of the NBG and utilising the opportunities presented by the Georgian regulatory and economic landscape can significantly contribute to the success and sustainability of a forex brokerage business. It is advisable to approach the licensing process with full preparation and ensure that all aspects of the business comply with the regulator’s requirements.

 Georgia forex broker licence timeline

For international forex brokers looking to expand their operations in Georgia, understanding the licensing process is critical. The licensing of forex brokers in Georgia is regulated by the National Bank of Georgia (NBG), which sets clear frameworks and timelines for each stage of the process. This article provides a detailed chronology and description of the main stages of obtaining a forex broker licence in Georgia.

Preparatory phase

Duration: 1-3 months

Before starting the licensing process, you need to prepare thoroughly:

  • Legal Registration: Establishment of a legal entity in Georgia.
  • Business plan development: The business plan should clearly reflect the risk management model, marketing strategy, financial projections and operational procedures.
  • Collection of necessary documents: Articles of Association of the company, biographies of key management and operational personnel, proof of authorised capital.

Submission of application and documents

Duration: 1 month

Once all the necessary documents have been prepared, the stage of applying to the NBG follows:

  • Filing an application: Includes all necessary legal and financial documents.
  • Payment of the state duty: The amount of the fee depends on the type of licence and the scope of activity.

Consideration of application

Duration: 1-3 months

The NBG analyses the submitted documents and carries out the necessary checks:

  • Document verification: Verification of legal documentation, financial strength and business model.
  • Additional Requests: The NBG may request additional documents or clarifications if necessary.

Issuance of licence

Duration: up to 1 month

Upon successful completion of all inspections and confirmation of compliance with NBG requirements, a licence is issued:

  • Obtaining a licence: Issuance of a licence means the right to conduct forex brokerage activities in Georgia.

Post-licence period

No time limit

Obtaining a licence is not the end, but the beginning of a long-term regulatory activity:

  • Regular monitoring and reporting: Regular reporting to the NBG is required and compliance with regulatory requirements should be maintained.


Obtaining a forex broker licence in Georgia is a multi-step process that requires considerable effort and time. Planning at each stage and strict compliance with the requirements of the NBG will ensure successful completion of the licensing process. It is recommended to use the services of legal and financial advisors to ensure full compliance with all requirements and optimise the licensing process.

 Georgia forex broker licence application process

In the context of globalisation of financial markets and increasing interest in currency trading, Georgia stands out as a country with a favourable regulatory climate for forex brokers. The process of obtaining a forex broker licence in Georgia involves a number of steps that require careful consideration and strict compliance with local legislation. This article outlines the key steps in applying for a licence that are of interest to potential international and local investors.

Step 1: Prepare documents and fulfil prerequisites

The first step in the process of obtaining a licence begins with the preparation of a set of documents:

  • Company registration: The company must be registered in Georgia as a legal entity.
  • Authorised capital: It is necessary to confirm the amount of the authorised capital that meets the minimum requirements of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG).
  • Business Plan: Preparation of a detailed business plan including risk management strategy, marketing strategy, description of the operating model and financial projections.
  • AML/KYC Policies: Develop and provide AML and customer identification policies.

Step 2: Submitting an application to the National Bank of Georgia

Once all the necessary documents have been prepared, the next step is to formally apply for a licence:

  • Application Form: Completion and submission of a standardised application form that includes all basic company details.
  • Document Collection: Submission of all related documents to prove the company’s eligibility.
  • Payment of the fee: Payment of the state fee, the amount of which depends on the type and scope of the licence requested.

Step 3: Verification and evaluation of the NBG statement

Once an application is submitted, the NBG conducts a thorough review of the information provided:

  • Dudigence: Checking the correctness and completeness of documents, analysing the financial stability and business model of the company.
  • Compliance Reviews: Assessing the company’s compliance with AML/KYC and other regulatory standards.
  • Communication with the applicant: If necessary, the NBG may request additional documents or clarifications on the submitted materials.

Step 4: Obtaining a licence

If all the information provided meets the requirements and expectations of the NBG, the next and final step is the issuance of the licence:

  • Decision notification: the NBG notifies the company of the licence decision.
  • Issuance of a licence: In case of a positive decision, the company receives a licence, which allows it to officially engage in forex brokerage activities in Georgia.


The process of obtaining a forex broker licence in Georgia requires careful preparation and strict compliance with regulatory requirements. Each step of the process is key to successfully obtaining a licence, from preparing and submitting documents to interacting with the regulator and receiving the final notification of licence issuance. It is not only a legal obligation, but also an opportunity for the company to demonstrate its transparency, professionalism and willingness to operate at a high level in accordance with international standards.

 Advantages of a forex licence in Georgia

In recent years, Georgia has attracted the attention of the international business community as a country with a favourable economic and regulatory environment, especially in the financial services sector. A Forex licence in Georgia offers a range of benefits, making this country attractive to brokers and investors from all over the world. In this article, we look at the key benefits of obtaining a Forex licence in Georgia, highlighting its potential for expanding global business activities.

Transparent and predictable regulatory environment

Georgia is known for its transparent regulatory environment, which is a fundamental advantage for forex brokers. The regulator, the National Bank of Georgia, provides clear and straightforward procedures for obtaining licences, which reduces administrative barriers and facilitates quick market access.

Low tax rates and financial incentives

Georgia offers one of the lowest tax rates in Europe, making it attractive to forex brokers looking to maximise their profits. In addition, the government provides various financial incentives, including incentives for new investors and subsidies for technology and infrastructure development.

Strategic geographical location

Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Georgia has a strategic geographical position that provides unique trading opportunities. This allows brokers to effectively engage with both the European and Asian markets, giving them access to a wide range of clients and partners.

Advanced infrastructure and technology

Georgia is actively investing in the development of its technological and communications infrastructure. The availability of modern telecommunications and IT services makes the country attractive for online brokerage operations that require high-speed data processing and system reliability.

High level of corporate security and data protection

Georgia has strict data protection and privacy laws, which is critical for forex brokers handling large amounts of personal and financial information of clients. These measures ensure a high level of trust and security for brokers and their clients.

Access to international markets

A licence obtained in Georgia can serve as an important step to access other international markets, strengthening a company’s reputation and its attractiveness to international investors and regulators. It facilitates the process of expanding operations and allows brokers to enter new markets with an established regulatory framework.


Obtaining a forex licence in Georgia offers numerous advantages for brokers, including low taxes, strategic location, advanced infrastructure and a robust regulatory environment. These factors contribute to a sustainable business environment and provide forex brokers with a solid foundation to scale and grow their business internationally. All these aspects make Georgia one of the most attractive jurisdictions for obtaining a forex licence globally.

 Process of getting a forex licence in Georgia

Georgia is becoming an increasingly popular destination for forex brokers due to its favourable regulatory environment and economic openness. The process of obtaining a forex licence in this country is characterised by transparency and predictability, which attracts international financial companies. This article describes the detailed process of obtaining a forex licence in Georgia for investors looking to expand their business.

Step 1: Preparation and planning

The first stage involves careful preparation and planning:

  • Market research: Understanding market conditions and licensing requirements in Georgia.
  • Choosing the right business model: Defining the structure of the company and the services to be offered in the market.
  • Documentation preparation: Developing and assembling required documents including business plan, financial statements and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) policies.

Step 2: Registering a legal entity in Georgia

  • Legal Registration: Registration of a company in Georgia as a legal entity. This includes selection of a legal address, formation of a management team and authorised capital.
  • Opening a bank account: Opening a corporate bank account in one of the Georgian banks.

Step 3: Applying for a licence

  • Applying: The application is submitted to the National Bank of Georgia (NBG), which is the main regulator of financial markets in the country.
  • Documents: Provision of all necessary documents including company constitution, business plan, management and administrative staff documents.
  • Payment of the state fee: Payment of the appropriate fee, the amount of which depends on the type of licence.

Step 4: Evaluation and verification of the NBG statement

  • Evaluation of the application: The NBG evaluates the submitted documents for completeness and compliance with the requirements.
  • Due diligence: NBG may conduct financial and legal due diligence, including review of the business model, sources of capital and AML/KYC procedures.

Step 5: Issuance of the licence

  • Obtaining a licence: Upon successful verification and satisfaction of all requirements, the NBG issues a forex licence.
  • Post-licence compliance: Maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, regular reporting and audits.


Obtaining a Forex licence in Georgia is a complex but structured process that requires careful adherence to legal and regulatory standards. Success in this endeavour depends on quality preparation, accurate execution of all steps of the process and the ability to maintain high operational standards. With the right approach and preparation, Georgia provides forex brokers with unique opportunities to grow and expand into new markets.

 Types of Georgia forex broker licences

Georgia has become a popular destination for international forex brokers due to its stable economic policy, transparent regulatory environment and attractive tax system. Forex activities in Georgia are regulated by the National Bank of Georgia (NBG), which offers different types of licences to suit the specific needs and strategies of brokerage companies. In this article we will look at the main types of licences for forex brokers in Georgia and the peculiarities of each of them.

Main types of licences

There are several types of licences for forex brokers in Georgia, each for different operating models and levels of activity:

1. Full forex broker licence

  • Description: The full licence allows brokers to perform all types of forex operations, including trading currencies, CFDs and other derivatives.
  • Requirements: This licence requires significant share capital, strict internal control and risk management procedures, and full compliance with NBG regulatory requirements.
  • Advantages: The licence provides the opportunity to work with large clients and participate in international financial transactions at a high level.

2. Licence for dealer operations

  • Description: This type of licence allows companies to deal in forex, i.e. trade for their own account.
  • Requirements: Lower capital requirements than a full licence, but qualified management and technical staff are required.
  • Advantages: Brokers with this licence can manage risk using their own strategies and tools, which can lead to higher returns.

3. Brokerage licence

  • Description: This licence restricts the company to intermediating trades between clients and other licensed operators, without the right to conduct trades for its own account.
  • Requirements: Management and capitalisation requirements are lower than those of a full licence.
  • Benefits: Allows companies to focus on customer service and trade management without having to manage complex financial risks.


Choosing the right type of licence is a critical decision for a forex broker planning to start operations in Georgia. Each licence type has its own unique requirements and benefits, which should be carefully evaluated in accordance with the company’s business model and strategic goals. Regardless of the licence type chosen, Georgia offers favourable conditions for the development of forex brokerage activities, including low taxes, strategic location and supportive business environment, making it one of the best jurisdictions for international financial operations.

 Documents for obtaining a forex licence in Georgia

In order to enter the Georgian forex market, potential brokers need to undergo a licensing procedure, which requires the preparation and submission of a set of specialised documents. Understanding what documents are required to successfully obtain a licence is a key aspect of starting a legitimate brokerage business in Georgia. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the list of required documents and their significance in the context of the Georgian regulatory process.

Categories of required documents

The process of obtaining a forex broker licence involves the preparation of the following categories of documents:

1. Basic legal documents

  • Articles of Association: A formal document describing the structure and rules of the company.
  • Company Registration Certificate: Confirms the legal registration of the company in Georgia.
  • Tax Registration Certificate: Certifies the registration of the company with the tax authorities of Georgia.

2. Documents confirming the authorised capital

  • Bank statements: Confirm that the required authorised capital is available in the company’s accounts.
  • Audit Report: Provides an independent assessment of the company’s financial condition.

3. Documentation of internal controls and procedures

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy: Describes the measures and procedures taken by a company to prevent it from being used as a conduit for money laundering.
  • System of internal rules (KYC): Establishes procedures for customer identification and verification.

4. Business plan and financial documentation

  • Business Plan: Details the business model, market positioning strategy, expected financial flows and risk analysis.
  • Financial projections: Reflect the expected profitability and financial strength of the company.

5. Documents on management and key personnel

  • Executive biographies: Information on the professional experience and qualifications of key employees.
  • Criminal record certificates: Confirmation that key people in the company have no criminal record.

6. Legal documents and agreements

  • Agreements with service providers: Includes contracts with IT vendors, consultants and other third parties that play an important role in the company’s operations.
  • User Agreements and Terms of Trade: Standardised forms of agreements and terms and conditions offered to customers.


Preparation and submission of all required documents is the first and most important step in the process of obtaining a forex broker licence in Georgia. A comprehensive and careful approach to this stage ensures a positive impression of the regulators and contributes to the successful completion of the entire licensing process. A thorough understanding of each element of the documentation and its importance in the context of regulatory requirements can significantly accelerate the licensing procedure and facilitate subsequent brokerage activities in the jurisdiction of Georgia.

 Regulation of forex licence in Georgia

Georgia attracts the attention of the global financial community due to its liberal economic policy and favourable investment environment. The country has developed an effective system of forex regulation aimed at attracting foreign investors and ensuring transparency and safety of the foreign exchange market. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of forex broker licensing regulation in Georgia, including key requirements and procedures.

Regulator frame

The main regulator of the financial industry in Georgia, including the forex market, is the National Bank of Georgia (NBG). This body is responsible for issuing licences, supervising and controlling the activities of forex brokers. The NBG sets requirements for capital, risk management, transparency of operations and protection of clients’ rights.

Key requirements for obtaining a licence

  1. Legal registration: The company must be registered in Georgia as a legal entity. This is the first step to obtain a licence.
  2. Minimum share capital: The NBG sets minimum share capital requirements that must be appropriate for the type of licence requested.
  3. AML and KYC Policies: Companies are required to have well-developed AML and customer identification procedures and policies.
  4. Business plan and financial reporting: Provision of a detailed business plan and regular financial reporting to demonstrate the financial strength of the company.
  5. Personnel qualifications: Evidence that key personnel and management have the necessary knowledge and experience to conduct forex business.

Licensing process

The process of obtaining a forex licence in Georgia involves several steps:

  • Submission of application and documents: Companies submit a complete package of documents to the NBG, including legal, financial and operational documents.
  • Verification and evaluation of the application: The NBG conducts a thorough review of the materials submitted and may request additional information or clarification.
  • Issuance of a licence: Upon successful completion of the inspection and satisfaction of all requirements, the NBG issues a licence to conduct forex activities.

Supervision and control

Once licensed, forex brokers are subject to regular supervision by the NBG. This includes:

  • Regular audits: Conducting periodic audits to verify that operations comply with the regulator’s requirements.
  • Reporting: Responsibility to provide regular reports on its financial performance and compliance with AML/KYC policies.
  • Sanctions: Companies may be subject to fines or loss of licence if they breach regulatory requirements.


The regulation of forex activities in Georgia is designed to ensure a high level of market transparency and safety. The NBG plays a key role in this process by setting strict but fair requirements for forex brokers. Understanding and complying with these requirements not only facilitates successful licensing, but also ensures the long-term development and sustainability of business in Georgia’s financial sector.


Georgia has attracted significant attention in recent years as a favourable jurisdiction for financial services, including forex trading. This country offers transparent regulation, low taxes and a strategically favourable geographical location. Setting up a forex company in Georgia requires an understanding of local legislative and economic conditions, as well as strict adherence to procedures. In this article, we will look at a step-by-step guide to starting a forex company in Georgia.

Step 1: Preliminary research

Before proceeding with business registration, it is important to conduct a thorough market and regulatory analysis:

  • Legislation study: Familiarisation with Georgian legislation on forex activities and licensing requirements.
  • Marketing Analysis: Assess market potential, analyse competitors and identify target audience.

Step 2: Legal registration of the company

Registering a company in Georgia involves several key steps:

  • Choice of form of ownership: The most suitable forms for forex companies are JSC (joint stock company) or LLC (limited liability company).
  • Company registration: The process can be done through the National Agency for State Registration. It is necessary to prepare and submit the statutory documents and information about the owners.
  • Opening a bank account: Necessary to manage the financial operations of the company.

Step 3: Obtaining a licence

In order to conduct legal forex activities in Georgia, it is required to obtain an appropriate licence from the National Bank of Georgia:

  • Document preparation: Including business plan, AML/KYC policies, evidence of required authorised capital and qualifications of key personnel.
  • Submission of the application: The application and all necessary documents shall be submitted to the National Bank of Georgia.
  • Passing the audit: The NBG will audit and evaluate the submissions.

Step 4: Configuring the infrastructure

An efficient trading platform and reliable IT infrastructure are key components of a forex company's success:

  • Choice of trading platform: Licensing popular platforms such as MetaTrader can significantly increase a company's attractiveness.
  • Establishing security and data protection: It is important to ensure a high level of transaction security and confidentiality of customer data.

Step 5: Marketing and customer acquisition

Developing and implementing an effective marketing strategy will significantly increase a company's visibility and competitiveness in the marketplace:

  • Identifying target segments: Understanding and targeting specific customer segments.
  • Online presence: Create a professional website and actively use social media.
  • Offer competitive trading conditions: For example, low spreads, bonuses and educational resources to attract new clients.


Opening a forex company in Georgia presents unique opportunities due to the liberal legislation and relatively low start-up costs. Following the above steps will help ensure a successful start-up and long-term development of the company in a dynamic economic environment.

Georgia, a country with a rapidly developing economy and an open approach to international investment, actively attracts forex brokers and traders from all over the world. Forex trading in Georgia is fully legal and regulated by national legislation, which makes this country an attractive platform for currency trading development. In this article, we will look at the legal and regulatory aspects related to the legality of forex trading in Georgia.

Regulatory environment

The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) is the main regulator of forex activities in Georgia. The NBG is responsible for licensing and controlling the activities of forex brokers, as well as ensuring compliance with international and national standards in the financial industry.

Licensing of forex brokers

In order to legally carry out forex activities in Georgia, companies must obtain a licence from the NBG. The process of obtaining a licence includes the submission of a detailed set of documents confirming the company's compliance with the established requirements, including financial stability, business transparency, as well as the presence of qualified employees and effective risk management systems.

Legal requirements

Georgian legislation establishes clear rules for forex brokers, including requirements for minimum authorised capital, anti-money laundering (AML) policies and customer identification procedures (KYC). These measures are aimed at protecting the interests of investors and maintaining the integrity of financial markets.

Advantages of forex trading in Georgia

Georgia offers a number of advantages for forex traders and brokers:

  • Low tax burden: Georgia is known for its loyal tax policy, which makes it attractive for business.
  • Strategic location: The location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia provides unique trading opportunities.
  • Regulatory support: The NBG actively supports the development of the forex market by providing a robust and transparent regulatory environment.


Forex trading in Georgia is not only legal, but also actively supported by state regulators, which creates favourable conditions for the development of this area of financial services. The existence of a clear regulatory framework and attractive economic conditions contributes to the growing interest in Georgia as a forex centre in the international arena. This opens up new opportunities for investors and strengthens the country's position in the global financial industry.

The forex market, being one of the largest and most dynamic markets in the world, attracts many investors and entrepreneurs. In this article we will consider the opportunities and conditions for opening a forex trading company in Georgia, a country with a growing economy and a favourable investment climate.

Legal basis for opening a forex trading company in Georgia

Georgia offers a simplified business registration system, which makes the country attractive to international investors. To open a forex trading company, it is necessary to register a legal entity - usually an LLC or JSC. Registration takes place at the National Agency of State Registration under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. The registration process usually takes a few working days and requires a minimum package of documents.

Taxation and financial regulation

Forex brokers in Georgia enjoy relatively low tax rates and preferences such as VAT exemption and simplified taxation. However, it is important to note that forex activities are subject to licensing and regulation by the National Bank of Georgia. Obtaining a licence requires a number of conditions to be met, including sufficient capitalisation, qualified employees and a transparent ownership structure.

The importance of local partnerships

In the initial stages of a forex company's operations in Georgia, it can be helpful to have a local partner to help with adaptation to local legislative and cultural peculiarities. A local partner can provide valuable insights into market conditions, as well as help in establishing contacts with local financial institutions and regulators.

Technological aspects

Technological infrastructure is of key importance for successful operational activities of a forex broker. Georgia offers stable telecommunication services and developed information infrastructure, which ensures the reliability of trading and analytical platforms.


Opening a forex trading company in Georgia is an attractive opportunity due to its favourable tax regime, simplified business registration process and stable economic environment. However, potential investors should consider the need to obtain the appropriate licence and the possible challenges associated with the regulatory requirements of the National Bank of Georgia. Ensuring compliance with local laws and standards, as well as establishing effective communication with local partners and clients, will be key to success in this dynamic market.

Registering a forex brokerage company in Georgia is a process that requires not only legal preparation, but also an understanding of the financial requirements. One of the key elements when applying for a forex licence is the authorised capital. This article discusses the minimum charter capital requirements for obtaining the relevant licence in Georgia.

Requirements for authorised capital

Authorised capital is one of the main indicators of a company's financial stability. For companies seeking to obtain a licence to conduct forex operations in Georgia, the minimum charter capital depends on the type of licence and the specifics of the services provided.

According to the general rules established by the National Bank of Georgia, the minimum charter capital for obtaining a brokerage licence is approximately GEL 500,000 (approximately $160,000 USD). This amount is intended to ensure that the company's financial resources are sufficient to cover operational risks and customer payments.

Capital registration process

The authorised capital must be deposited in a special account in one of the commercial banks of Georgia prior to the start of the company registration process. Funds must be available in full at the time of application for registration and licensing.

Legal aspects of capital registration

In addition to the bank deposit, the company is required to provide proof of origin of funds as part of the anti-money laundering measures. A business plan and projected financial statements showing the company's plans for the first years of operation must also be provided.


Thorough preparation and compliance with authorised capital requirements are critical steps to successfully obtaining a forex licence in Georgia. The authorised capital not only confirms the financial reliability of the company, but also serves as a guarantee of its ability to meet the requirements of the regulator and protect the interests of clients. Therefore, potential brokers should consider all aspects of financial preparation when planning their activities in Georgia.

Forex trading is one of the most popular forms of investment activity globally. As such, many countries have developed strict regulatory frameworks to ensure transparency and security of financial transactions. In this article, let us consider whether a licence is required for forex trading in Georgia and what conditions and procedures are associated with this process.

Legal framework

In Georgia, forex market activities fall under the regulation of the National Bank of Georgia, which is responsible for the control and supervision of the country's financial sector. According to Georgian legislation, any company wishing to provide forex brokerage services must obtain a relevant licence from the National Bank of Georgia.

Requirements for obtaining a licence

To obtain a forex trading licence, a company must meet a number of requirements including:

  1. Legal registration: The company must be registered in Georgia as a legal entity.
  2. Authorised capital: The minimum amount of the authorised capital is set at approximately 500,000 Georgian GEL (approximately 160,000 USD).
  3. Qualifications of management personnel: Managers and key employees must have appropriate experience and qualifications to manage forex operations.
  4. Business Plan: Submit a detailed business plan describing the business model, funding sources, risk management strategies and operational processes.
  5. Compliance with AML/CFT standards: The company must prove its ability to comply with international and local AML/CFT requirements.

Advantages of licensing

Licensing not only strengthens the legality of operations and protects investors' rights, but also increases customer confidence. Licensed brokers are entitled to use the local banking system and direct access to financial markets, which significantly enhances their operational capabilities.


In Georgia, licensing of forex activities is a prerequisite to ensure high standards of transparency and financial security. Market regulation by the National Bank of Georgia is aimed at creating a stable and reliable environment for traders and investors. Companies seeking to conduct brokerage activities in Georgia should consider all aspects of regulatory policy and ensure full compliance with local legislative requirements.

The forex market is one of the most dynamic and large-scale areas of international financial activity. Proper regulation of this market is critical to ensure its stability, transparency and protection of participants' interests. In Georgia, the National Bank of Georgia is primarily responsible for regulating forex activities. This article provides an overview of the functions and powers of the National Bank in the context of forex market regulation.

Role of the National Bank of Georgia

The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) is the central bank of the country and fulfils a key role in regulating all aspects of financial services, including forex market activities. The main functions of the NBG in this area include:

  1. Licensing: The NBG is authorised to issue licences to brokers wishing to carry out forex trading. Without an appropriate licence, the activity of providing brokerage services on the territory of Georgia is considered illegal.
  2. Supervision and control: The Bank regularly monitors the activities of licensed forex brokers to ensure that they comply with established rules and standards. This includes reviewing financial statements, capital requirements and risk management.
  3. Investor protection: The NBG develops and implements measures aimed at protecting the rights and interests of investors, including education and public awareness of the risks associated with forex trading.
  4. Developing regulatory standards: The NBG sets standards and rules for forex brokers that include requirements for financial transparency, fair trading and ethical behaviour.

Advantages of NBG regulation

Adequate regulation of the forex market contributes to the creation of a sustainable economic environment, reduces systemic risks and promotes investor confidence. Clear and transparent rules established by the NBG help to ensure fair trading, minimise the possibility of fraud and strengthen Georgia's international image as a country with a developed financial sector.


The National Bank of Georgia plays a leading role in regulating the forex market, which not only ensures compliance with international standards in financial services, but also contributes to strengthening economic stability in the country. The current regulation by the NBG ensures that forex trading in Georgia is conducted in accordance with the principles of transparency, fairness and responsibility, which in turn attracts new investors and contributes to the further development of the country's financial market.

Forex market is one of the most dynamic and attractive sectors for investors. To start operating on this market in Georgia, it is necessary to obtain a relevant licence issued by the National Bank of Georgia. This article discusses the main aspects related to the process of obtaining a forex licence, including its cost and additional associated expenses.

Cost of licence

The cost of obtaining a forex licence in Georgia can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of licence and the scope of services provided. Based on the latest data provided by the National Bank of Georgia, the approximate cost of a licence is around $2000-$4000 USD. This amount includes the state fee for reviewing the application and issuing the licence.

Additional costs

In addition to the direct cost of the licence, prospective brokers should consider other associated costs such as:

  1. Legal services: Hiring a qualified legal advisor to prepare documentation and support the licensing process. The cost of such services may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the reputation of the law firm.
  2. Authorised capital: As mentioned above, the minimum authorised capital for forex brokers is approximately 500,000 Georgian Lari (about $160,000 USD), which must be deposited before applying for a licence.
  3. Risk management and accounting: Design and implementation of risk management systems and organisation of accounting and reporting. This includes purchasing the necessary software and hiring qualified specialists.
  4. Internal procedures and staff training: Creation of internal regulations and procedures, as well as staff training on the requirements of the National Bank of Georgia and international standards of financial activities.


Obtaining a forex licence in Georgia is a process that requires a significant initial investment, both financially and organisationally. In addition to the direct cost of the licence, companies need to consider a number of additional costs associated with legal preparation, share capital and the creation of internal infrastructure. Careful planning and compliance with all regulatory requirements will ensure successful licensing and provide the basis for long-term success in the forex market.

For many investors and entrepreneurs interested in forex trading, Georgia is an attractive jurisdiction due to its simplified and efficient regulatory process. However, it is important to understand the timelines and steps involved in the process of obtaining a forex licence. This article will provide detailed information on the timeline and key steps of the licensing procedure in Georgia.

Overview of the licensing process

Obtaining a forex licence in Georgia requires passing through several important stages, starting from preparation of the necessary documentation to final approval by the National Bank of Georgia. The main stages include:

  1. Document preparation: Applicants must prepare a set of documents, including a business plan, evidence of sufficient share capital, risk management policies, and information on managers and key employees.
  2. Application: Once the documentation is prepared, the application for a licence should be formally submitted to the National Bank of Georgia.
  3. Verification and evaluation: The National Bank conducts a detailed review of the submitted documents and may request additional information or make requirements for changes.
  4. Issuance of a licence: Upon successful completion of all inspections and meeting all requirements, the National Bank of Georgia issues a licence to carry out forex activities.

Timeframe for obtaining a licence

The duration of the licensing process can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the completeness and accuracy of the documentation provided, as well as the current workload of the regulatory authorities. On average, the process of obtaining a forex licence in Georgia takes between 2 and 6 months. It is important to note that any delays in providing additional data or correcting documents may increase the overall procedure time.


Obtaining a forex licence in Georgia is a relatively quick and transparent process, especially when compared to other countries. However, potential licensees should prepare for possible delays and ensure that the documentation submitted is of high quality and complete. Planning, attention to detail and professional support can significantly speed up the process and increase the chances of successfully obtaining a licence. Thus, the approach to licensing should be thorough and based on a thorough understanding of the regulatory requirements.

In recent years, Georgia has established itself as one of the most attractive places to register forex brokers. This is due to a number of economic, regulatory and strategic advantages that make the country an ideal choice for obtaining a forex licence. In this article, we will look at the main aspects that make Georgia attractive to international forex operators.

Regulatory transparency

One of the key factors that make Georgia attractive for forex brokers is clear and transparent regulation by the National Bank of Georgia. The regulator sets clear criteria and requirements for obtaining a licence, which provides legal clarity and reduces bureaucratic hurdles. This includes reasonable authorised capital requirements, verification procedures and risk management standards.

Economic stability

Georgia demonstrates sustainable economic growth supported by an attractive tax policy and investment climate. Low corporate taxes, no currency restrictions, and competitive corporate taxes make it one of the most attractive jurisdictions for international financial institutions.

Geographical location

Georgia's geographical location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia offers unique strategic advantages. This allows brokers to operate effectively in different time zones, serving clients from Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Technological infrastructure

Georgia is actively developing its telecoms and technology infrastructure, which is important for forex brokers who depend on high-speed data access and reliable IT solutions. The government supports the development of modern technology, which makes the country attractive for technology-oriented financial services.

Ease of doing business

In combination with regulatory transparency, Georgia offers simplified business registration procedures, which significantly reduces the time and cost of launching operations. Doing business here is accompanied by a low level of corruption and a high level of business ethics, which further increases its attractiveness.


Georgia offers many advantages for forex brokers looking to expand into new markets. These advantages include a transparent regulatory environment, economic stability, strategic geographical location, developed infrastructure and ease of doing business. All of this makes Georgia one of the best jurisdictions to obtain a forex licence, providing brokers with a reliable platform for international trading and investment.

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