Cryptocurrency Regulation in Poland 2025
Whereas virtual currencies have recently gained extreme popularity, with Bitcoin ATMs being the physical manifestations of such a phenomenon, Poland has become the jurisdiction which regulates and supervises crypto businesses (mining, sales, and purchase of crypto assets) via its national authorities.
Generally, the Polish financial market is supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority that is responsible for effective functioning and development of the market, as well as participates in the preparations of the draft legal acts created for the purpose of the financial market supervision.
Cryptocurrency businesses are now an independently regulated space, overseen by the Tax Administration Chamber who maintain a registry of crypto activities, called the Register of Virtual Currencies.
Crypto companies operating within Poland are supported with the following initiatives:
- The Blockchain and New Technologies Chamber of Commerce takes up the interest of the industry pursuant to the applicable law of Poland.
- The Innovation Hub, whereby the supervisory authority consults the Fintech companies and provides virtual sandboxes to support the development of new Fintech startups.
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Law
The main legal act fighting against money laundering and terrorist financing in Polish cryptocurrency and other financial markets is the Act of March 1, 2018 on Counteracting Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism the Polish AML Act. It is one of the first pieces of legislation where Poland has defined the AML specific term of “virtual currencies” and their regulation in the country. It sets out basic AML requirements for VC institutions engaged in the following activities:
Virtual currencies exchange
Exchange of virtual currencies for fiat money
Cryptocurrency brokerage
Account provision and maintenance services for virtual currencies (crypto wallets)
The General Inspector of Financial Information is the topmost leader in the Polish anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing system. Transparency should be enhanced, as well as protection from suspicious transactions.
Virtual currency companies are to apply the following actions accordingly:
- Publicly identifying the management of the company, which is responsible for performing duties under the Polish AML Act
- Application of internal AML procedures to deal with money laundering and terrorist financing
- Incorporation of KYC procedures elaborated for client identification and verification, and for estimating the level of risk associated with the clients
- Filing reports with the General Inspector of Financial Information
- Elaboration and provision of training programs with regard to the staff that carries out AML procedures
Poland cryptocurrency regulation in 2025
Competition and Consumer Protection
Under Polish law, specific rules for cryptocurrency consumer protection have not been developed yet. Still, the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 regulates economic activities of businesses that conclude contracts with consumers regardless of the means of transactions, which makes it applicable to the virtual currencies. As every other business actor, the entrepreneur using cryptocurrencies has to comply with the Consumer Rights Act when closing the contract with consumers, for instance, the right to withdraw from a contract in cases provided by the Consumer Rights Act.
Considering virtual currencies are not qualified as e-money, being, respectively considered a payment service, for as long as virtual currencies are not qualified as a form of e-money, their flow is not subject to the Act on Payment Services.
In Poland, no special competition regulation has been enacted concerning cryptocurrencies, but generally, the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Competition and Consumers of 16 February 2007 apply. It addresses the following tasks:
- Regulation of promoting and protection of competition
- Protection of interests of entrepreneurs and consumers in the public interest
- Prevention of anticompetitive practices
- Prevention of practices infringing collective consumer interests
- Protection from application of wrongful provisions of model forms of contracts
- Protection from anticompetitive concentrations and combination of entrepreneurs
Fast project implementation time
Possibility to purchase an off-the-shelf solution
No share capital requirement
No obligatory local staff member
New Crypto Regulations in the EU
The regulation of cryptocurrency is forging ahead within the EU, to which Poland belongs. For that reason, besides Polish law, it is important to take into consideration the most developing European legal framework, which is being built with the purpose of regulating cryptocurrency businesses operating either in or from the EU.
At the moment, the European Commission is working on new KYC requirements for crypto businesses. These requirements are going to prohibit virtual currency businesses from trading with unhosted wallets without identifying in advance who their owner is. The Commission has come forward with the proposal of abolishing the existing limit of 1,000 EUR which means all crypto transfers will fall under the radar of KYC processes soon.
The Register of Virtual Currencies
Under the currently applicable legal regulations, a company willing to conduct an activity in connection with cryptocurrencies on the territory of Poland is required to enter the Register of Virtual Currencies, maintained by the Tax Administration Chamber.
Business persons conducting the following activities are under obligation to enter the Register:
- Exchange of virtual currencies for fiat money
- Exchange of virtual currency for another
- Accounts provisioning and maintenance of virtual currencies – wallets
- Intermediation in Virtual Currencies Exchange
This will also define the kind of license that the virtual currencies firm should apply for. A firm can be issued one or all of the applicable licenses.
The Register is part of amended Know Your Customer procedures. Any company that does not register before the commencement of its crypto activities may be subject to a fine in the amount of 100,000 PLN (approx. 21,646 EUR). Crypto companies, prior to undergoing the relevant crypto-authorization procedure, will have to be sure that they meet certain legal requirements.
Virtual Currencies Company: Requirements
The process of creating a company in the cryptocurrency business in Poland is no different than any other setup. The most popular crypto company type in Poland is the Limited Liability Company, Sp z.o.o, which can be established by one or more shareholders who may all be foreign non-resident shareholders of Poland and none of whom are required to hire a local director. Depending on the documentation provided and procedures, the actual process of registering a new company in Poland takes several weeks of time.
Key steps to opening a new Limited Liability Company in Poland:
- Prepare a unique name for your company in the registry
- Drafting a power of attorney, in case of remote registration
- Obtaining the apostille-attached notarised photocopy of the director/founder of the company’s passport;
- Deed of Formation-foundational documents for a Limited Liability Company must be prepared and signed in front of the Polish notary.
- Registration of local office premises is a must, which may be proved by the lease agreement, and virtual office might become an option, too.
- Opening a corporate bank account in Poland;
- Transferring the authorized capital into the new account – the minimum of which is 5 000 PLN ≈1,084 EUR subject to a 0,5% Civil Transaction Tax;
- Obtaining a REGON (statistical) number;
- Obtaining a NIP (tax identification) number;
- Application for a VAT number;
- Application for the registration of the company with KRS; it will require such information as REGON number, NIP number, and the application for the company’s registration with the Social Insurance Institution. The registration fee is 500 PLN (approx. 108 EUR), and the consideration may take up to 7 days.
- Appointment of the Management Board of the company.
Also, it is necessary to prove, before registration with the Register of Virtual Currencies, that the crypto company developed a transparent and stable scheme of activities.
Requirements specific to a virtual currencies company:
- A business plan should contain documentation regarding hardware and software used in crypto business activities.
- Internal processes of AML/KYC standards compliance and risk control should be implemented.
- Hiring an AML officer who has to be neither a Polish citizen nor a resident of Poland.
- Having relevant professional experience is a prerequisite.
It’s important to note that all of these documents must be submitted in Polish, which means that non-Polish speakers and non-Polish document owners will need the services of a sworn translator.
Many obligations related to the governance of an enterprise in Poland can currently be carried out online. The managers of an enterprise may apply – if they so wish – for a PESEL, if they are foreigners, and then create a so-called ‘Trusted Profile’ that will enable electronic signing of applications with the consequence of having access to online services for entrepreneurs.
Company directors and founders have to meet the following requirements:
No criminal record – the police authorities must issue a certificate stating that the administrators and founders never had been sentenced for a crime or tax offense against public administration entities, regional entities and local municipalities, the administration of justice, the authenticity of documents, property, economic turnover, and property rights in civil law transactions, money and securities trading, or any offense committed for material or personal gain or an intentional fiscal offense.
Demonstrated professional and/or academic experience in finance. The administrators and founders will need to prove at least one year of experience in the virtual currencies business. In case this is not possible, they will have to attend a program covering legal and practical issues in Virtual Currencies Businesses.
Registration with the Register of Virtual Currencies
Prior to conducting its activity in Poland, any crypto entity shall go through the crypto-authorization procedure of registration in the Register of Virtual Currencies.
Applications shall be submitted only in electronic form through the Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP). It must be consonant with the factual status and include all attachments provided for by law. If all the criteria are met, the Tax Administration Chamber shall enter the company in the Register of Virtual Currencies within 14 days from the date of receipt of the application. In case any errors are found, an application can be filed for correction, but this may delay the process of consideration.
The Polish regulator has not confirmed periodic fees concerning supervision relative to virtual currencies companies in Poland.
The main stages of the application process are as follows:
- Receipt of the application for registration in the Register
- Checking the application
- Registration in the Register or a decision on refusing registration in the Register
Applicant journey – Key steps:
- Preparation of the declaration of compliance with the conditions provided for by law to undertake the activities in the field of virtual currencies
- Preparation of the declaration of no criminal record
- Filling in the ePUAP application form
- Stamp duty in the amount of 616 PLN, approximately 133 EUR, at the time of filing the application – confirmation of such payment must be attached to the application form
- Entreprise des payments dans le compte bancaire de la mairie de Katowice : PKO BP SA no. 52 1020 2313 2672 0211 1111 1111 – avec la mention “fee for entry in the register of activities in the field of virtual currencies”
- The applicant may also apply for a virtual certificate of an entry into the Virtual Currencies Register, which is issued within 7 days from the day of granting the entry; this document has to be paid for on the day of submitting the application; the stamp duty amounts to 17 PLN (approximately 4 EUR).
It is not possible to appeal against the refusal of entry into the Virtual Currency Register; however, it is possible to submit another application in order to reconsider the case. Such an application shall be submitted to the Director of the Katowice Tax Chamber by electronic means using the ePUAP platform, or by post to the following address: ul. Paderewskiego 32b, 40-282 Katowice.
Reporting Requirements
All types of entities registered in Poland have the annual report obligation, which corresponds to the auditing duty. Annual financial statements and annual declarations of income tax are to be filed with the e-Tax Office. In addition, the cryptocurrency operators are obliged to submit AML reports to the General Inspector of Financial Information. The VAT reporting is filled either on a monthly or quarterly basis.
A certified audit, on the other hand, is required only if a Limited Liability Company meets at least two of the following conditions: annual net revenue exceeds 5 mill. EUR, annual turnover exceeds 2,5 mill. EUR, annual employment is 50 or more full-time employees.
Crypto regulation in Poland
Period for consideration |
up to 1 month | Annual fee for supervision | No |
State fee for application |
133 € | Local staff member | No |
Required share capital | 1,077 € | Physical office | No |
Corporate income tax | 15% | Accounting audit | No |
Taxation of Virtual Currencies Companies 2025
There is no crypto-specific tax, but cryptocurrency companies operating in Poland, depending on their legal structure, are subject to paying a variety of already existing taxes which in certain cases might be spared, in view of the fact that Poland has agreements on the avoidance of double taxation with over 80 countries.
The most common taxes which may be applicable to a Limited Liability Company in Poland include Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, VAT, Stamp Duty, Real Estate Tax, and Excise Duty. Also, just like any other employer, a virtual currencies company, if employing individuals, will be obliged to pay Social Insurance and Health Insurance contributions to the Polish government.
Standard tax rates in Poland
Tax Type | Rate | Notes |
Corporate Income Tax | 19% | 9% if annual revenue ≤ 2 million EUR |
Personal Income Tax | 17% – 32% | Depends on taxable income band |
VAT | 23% | |
Dividends Withholding Tax | 19% |
The following aspects may be considered with regard to the payment of Corporate Income Tax in Poland:
- Revenues from the exchange of virtual currency against legal tender, goods, services or property rights other than this virtual currency, or from the payment of other liabilities with this virtual currency, shall be considered revenues from capital gains.
- The value of virtual currency acquired in exchange for any other virtual currency will not be treated as income.
- As in the case of incomes, expenses related to and incurred in respect of such an exchange of virtual currency for another virtual currency shall not be regarded as cost of earning revenue.
- Income from the transfer of virtual currencies is the difference attained in a given tax year between the total revenues earned from the transfer of virtual currencies against consideration and the revenue earning costs.
- Residence certificate obtained from the taxpayer documents the location of seat of the taxpayer for tax purposes in order to claim the preferential tax rate or tax exemption under a relevant double tax agreement.
- At the end of the tax year, which coincides with the calendar year, a statement shall be made by the taxpayer regarding the income obtained in that tax year from the transfer of virtual currencies and determination of the quota of income tax corresponding.
Key aspect to note when registering as a VAT taxpayer:
- EU law does indeed exempt from VAT the services of providing cryptocurrencies for traditional currencies and vice versa, and
- Other goods and services are subject to VAT.
Suspending Virtual Currencies Activities
If there is a temporary halt in the activity of a virtual currency, the entrepreneur may file a motion for removal from the Register of Virtual Currencies. The application is not subject to stamp duties. Messages on the removal of files from the Register of Virtual Currencies should be published in the Register within 14 days from the date when the decision becomes final.
The duty of notification about the fact of the suspension of virtual currency activity is mandatory. The notification of the suspension of activity within the field of virtual currencies is to be provided with an electronic form by means of the ePuap. It shall be submitted within 14 days from the date of suspension of the activity. With the notification, the firm needs to give the date from which it ceased to operate an enterprise, being that date not earlier than the date of entry in the register and not being in the future.
The occasions allowed for the removal of a company by the responsible authorities from the Register of Virtual Currencies are as follows:
- Within two months from the day of being informed about the removal of the company from the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity or the National Court Register;
- When a company does not comply with the statutory conditions for conducting virtual currencies activities;
- In a case when a company contradicts factual status.
Capital |
Population |
Currency |
Warsaw | 38,036,118 | PLN | $19,023 |
Crypto Regulation in Poland 2025
In spite of such popularity and an avalanche of consequent regulatory problems, Poland remains a pretty relaxed jurisdiction for crypto businesses since crypto-specific regulatory developments are gradually emerging at the national level, mostly because of the EU regulatory framework applicable across its member states.
New EU Rules Applicable to Poland
2025, and MiCA is in – Markets in Crypto-Assets – meaning ‘fully in effect’. That means CASPs, or Crypto Asset Service Providers, throughout Europe-yes, that includes Poland-are following newly set regulations.
Here is the scoop:
Topic | Details |
Prevention of Market Abuse | The extended regulations crack down on market manipulation, insider trading, and illegal disclosure of insider information. CASPs must now be more cautious than ever. |
Environmental Responsibilities | Large CASPs are required to publish their energy usage on their websites and report it to national authorities as part of efforts to reduce carbon footprints. |
Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism | MiCA aligns with existing AML/CFT directives. The European Banking Authority will closely monitor non-compliant CASPs and maintain a public register for better checks. |
Stablecoins | For CASP stablecoin issuers, liquid reserves must be maintained 1:1, allowing holders to claim their coins anytime. The EBA will supervise stablecoins. |
DeFi and NFTs | MiCA currently does not cover decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). They are excluded from this regulatory framework for now. |
What’s Next? | Wait for the regulatory technical standards from the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to further detail these rules. |
In turn, these regulations prepare such a great storm in the Polish crypto environment, and not only, at the end of 2025. The rules may be complex, but they are to provide the crypto market that will be more stable, transparent, and ecology-friendly.
Regulatory Sandbox and Support
Regulatory Sandbox: This is a sandbox introduced by the EU in March 2023. It provides a legal regime for trading and settlement of transactions in cryptoassets that fall within the definition of financial instruments under MiFID 2. It could also be thought of as a ‘safe space’ for testing new technology and building an evidence base for a possible permanent regime. It is due for review in 2026, where the innovative spirit will meet its regulatory counterpart.
ESMA Guidelines: In parallel, ESMA consults on draft guidelines. Their aim is to develop standard forms and templates for DLT applications, which would help them in their implementation via Q&A.
National Support for Polish Crypto Companies:
- KNF’s Innovation Hub – the Polish supervisory authority offers consultations and virtual sandboxes to support fintech companies in developing new technologies.
- The Blockchain and New Technologies Chamber of Commerce -this organization represents the industry’s interests under Polish law.
So, crypto innovation is in full swing under watchful eyes and supporting frameworks, which makes 2025 dynamic for digital assets both for Poland and the EU.
Poland Crypto License in 2025
Poland still has not introduced any comprehensive crypto licensing process, including determining the license and supervision fees. Instead, the Polish crypto authorisations are still issued by the Tax Administration Chamber and, as such, provide for a sort of cryptocurrency license.
Crypto Authorization Requirements:In the case that one is about to enter the crypto market of Poland, then inclusion in the Register of Virtual Currencies would be required, hence compliance with AML/KYC procedures.
Services Provided by Authorized Crypto Businesses:
- Exchanging of fiat currencies with cryptocurrencies.
- Exchange of different cryptocurrencies.
- Crypto exchange brokerage.
- Providing and maintaining cryptocurrency wallets.
Application Process:Cryptocurrency authorization applications can be submitted online via ePUAP (Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services). Applications must not have any errors or omissions for it not to delay the process. If your application is correct, and there are no reasons for refusal, authorization is granted within 14 days of receipt.
Establish a Polish Cryptocurrency Company in 2025
Procedure for Opening an Sp. z o. o. in Poland:
- Notarised and Apostilled Photocopies: notarised and apostilled photocopies of passports of directors and owners.
- Deed of Formation: Founding documents are prepared and signed before a Polish notary.
- Management Board: A management board for the company shall be assigned.
- Proof of Office: There must be proof of a local physical office, such as a lease agreement, or proof of a virtual office.
- Corporate Bank Account: Opening a corporate bank account in Poland will be needed.
- Minimum Authorized Capital: Minimum authorized capital to be at least 5,000.00 PLN (approximately 1,080.00 EUR).
- REGON Number: Obtaining the REGON number-statistical number is in order.
- NIP Number: Acquisition of a NIP number, tax identification number.
- Social Insurance Institution: Enclose the confirmation of application for registration in the Social Insurance Institution.
How to apply?
The application for establishing the company with documents should be submitted to the National Court Register.
The registration fee amounts to 500 PLN (approx. 108 EUR).
The processing of the application can take as many as seven days.
Under Polish law, it is possible for foreign non-residents to remotely incorporate a Sp. z o. o. by signing a power of attorney. This substantially smoothes the incorporation process, which means that you will be able to register your crypto company in an efficient manner and in full compliance with Polish regulations.
Cryptocurrency Taxes in Poland 2025
Changes to the Corporate Income Tax Act:
Criterion | Details |
The exemption of capital gains: | Would now be applicable even in cases when the company being sold holds at least 5% shares in another company and if the subsidiary benefits from exemptions in Special Economic Zones or Polish Investment Zones. |
The minimum income tax: | Was under suspension until the end of 2025 and increases the profitability ratio triggering the application of this tax from 1 percent to 2 percent. |
Tax Haven Transactions: | The documentation threshold was raised for the transactions with entities, which are the tax havens to 2.5 million PLN in case of financial transactions and 500,000 PLN in case of non-financial ones. |
Crypto Taxation Framework: | OECD’s Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF): Crypto tax reporting in Poland is moving toward CARF to further increase the level of international standards. To put it simply, automated crypto tax reporting and sharing taxpayer information are not that far away.
Applicability of CARF: These apply to companies and individuals providing crypto exchange services and other crypto transfers, including retail payments. CARF may also apply in the near future to online and offline crypto wallets. |
Exclusions: CARF currently excludes cryptocurrencies that are not used for payment or investment and centralized stablecoins.
Regulatory Penalties and Suspension
It also targeted making the crypto tax environment robust in Poland, per international standards and supporting growth in the main cryptocurrency market.
If a crypto company does not obtain the Polish crypto authorization and does not become part of the Register of Virtual Currencies before conducting economic activities in Poland, a fine can be imposed for 100,000 PLN (approx. 21,600 EUR).
Economic crypto activities can be suspended if:
- A company files an application for removal from the Register of Virtual Currencies, having previously notified such suspension by means of an electronic form via ePuap.
- In the case of a breach of the regulatory rules, the authorities in charge of the Register of Virtual Currencies remove the company from such a Register.
As far as adaptation to the regulations imposed by the EU is concerned, cryptocurrency companies should be ready to promptly become ever more competent regarding compliance-related issues. Let us kindly remind you that our team of highly qualified and dynamic lawyers is at your service to support you in dealing with new regulations.
We would be happy to provide you with individual support, both in registration with the Register of Virtual Currencies and in obtaining a crypto license in Poland. In general, we carefully follow the local legislation, which allows us to be well-prepared to guide our clients through every stage of the registration process as efficiently as possible.
Also, lawyers from Regulated United Europe provide legal services for obtaining a crypto license in Europe.

Hi, are you looking to start your crypto project in Poland? Write to me and I will navigate you through all of the stages of applying for a VASP license in Poland.
In Poland, are crypto activities regulated?
As part of its responsibility to ensure the effective functioning and development of the Polish financial market, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority also participates in the preparation of draft legal acts for the supervision of the financial markets.
A register of virtual currencies, called the Register of Virtual Currencies, is kept by the Tax Administration Chamber, which regulates cryptocurrency businesses separately.
How does a Polish crypto license process work?
There is no robust crypto licensing process in Poland yet, and the Tax Administration Chamber continues to issue Polish crypto authorizations, which are equivalent to cryptocurrency licenses. AML/KYC procedures require that you first be included in the Register of Virtual Currencies if you plan on providing crypto products or services in Poland.
An authorised Polish crypto business can provide the following services:
- Exchange of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies
- Exchange of different cryptocurrencies
- Crypto exchange brokerage
- Provision and maintenance of cryptocurrency wallets
The Electronic Platform for Public Administration Services (ePUAP) allows crypto authorisation applications to be submitted online. The documents must be accompanied by all the required documentation and contain consistent factual information. Despite that, any error can be corrected, although the process is usually delayed as a result. In the event that an application does not have any reason to be rejected, the authorisation is granted within 14 days of receiving it.
To engage in crypto activities in Poland, do I need to start a Polish company?
The answer is yes. Companies planning to engage in cryptocurrency-related economic activities in Poland are legally required to register with the Chamber of Tax Administration's Register of Virtual Currencies.
Getting into the Register is mandatory for companies engaged in the following activities:
- Fiat money exchanged for virtual currencies
- Exchange of virtual currencies one for another
- Provision and maintenance of accounts for virtual currencies (wallets)
- Intermediation for the exchange of virtual currencies (brokerage)
Virtual currency companies should also apply for licenses based on these activities. Licences may be obtained by a company either one at a time, or by obtaining them all at once.
KYC procedures have been amended to include the Register. The sum of 100,000 PLN (approx. 21,646 EUR) may be fined to companies that fail to register prior to launching their crypto activities. Legal requirements must be met before crypto businesses can go through the mandatory crypto-authorization process.
What is the process for obtaining a Polish crypto license?
Poland has not yet established a comprehensive crypto licensing process, requiring fees for licensing and supervision, and the Tax Administration Chamber continues to issue crypto authorizations similar to cryptocurrency licences. AML/KYC procedures require you to be included in the Register of Virtual Currencies if you plan to offer crypto products or services in Poland.
Is it difficult to get a license?
The Electronic Platform for Public Administration Services (ePUAP) allows crypto authorisation applications to be submitted online. All required documentation must accompany them, as well as consistent, factual information. The application process can be delayed if errors are corrected, although this is usually not a serious issue. Applicants whose applications are not rejected are granted authorisation within 14 days of receiving them.
Is it possible for non-Polish residents to own crypto companies?
Polish crypto authorisation can be obtained by opening a Polish Limited Liability Company (Sp. z o. o.). One or more shareholders can establish it within several weeks. They can all be foreigners who do not reside in Poland. Neither a local director nor a foreign director is required. Additionally, a power of attorney can be used for the establishment of a new company remotely.
Is it possible for the board of a Polish crypto company to include members who are not Polish citizens?
Local management board members are not required to be hired.
What if I don't have a bank account and I want to obtain a license?
Opening a Polish Limited Liability Company (Sp. z o. o.) is one way to receive Polish crypto authorisation. Poland requires a corporate bank account before you can start a company.
Do virtual currency service providers have to maintain a minimum amount of authorized capital in order to operate?
It is required that virtual currency service providers have at least 5,000 PLN (approximately 1,080 EUR) of authorized capital.
Can you tell me how long a crypto-license lasts?
The Polish government issues cryptocurrency licenses on an indefinite basis.
Is it possible to deposit cryptocurrency as authorized capital?
Some financial services are developing policies that are more flexible about crypto payments, but they are still not allowed yet. It is possible that this option will be offered in the future.
What is the method of paying in the charter capital of a crypto company?
Applicants are required to make a deposit in Euros (EUR) of the authorized capital.
Does Poland require capital deposits before opening a company or obtaining a crypto-license?
The minimum authorized capital must be deposited by applicants in Lithuania in order to establish a company. This step must be completed before a company can be registered with the local authorities.
Polish crypto licenses offer what benefits?
In addition to implementing technical developments quickly, Poland offers excellent conditions for those seeking to establish businesses and obtain crypto licenses. Among the most important benefits are:
- Implementation of projects quickly
- Possibility to purchase an off-the-shelf solution
- No share capital requirement
- No obligatory local staff member
Cryptocurrency companies in Poland are audited?
All types of companies established in Poland are obligated to comply with the annual reporting and auditing requirements. Annual financial statements and annual income tax declarations must be submitted to the e-Tax Office. Moreover, cryptocurrency companies are obligated to submit AML reports to the General Inspector of Financial Information. VAT reporting is submitted either monthly or quarterly.
A certified audit, on the other hand, is required only if a Limited Liability Company meets at least two of the following conditions: annual net revenue exceeds 5 mill. EUR, annual turnover exceeds 2,5 mill. EUR, annual employment is 50 or more full-time employees.
Are there any anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism measures in place in Poland?
In the Polish cryptocurrency and other financial markets, money laundering and terrorist financing are primarily combated by Act of March 1, 2018, which is also known as the Polish AML Act.
It is the first Polish law to define the AML-specific term of "virtual currencies" and their regulation. AML principles are stipulated for virtual currency institutions that engage in the following activities:
- Virtual currencies exchange
- Exchange of virtual currencies for fiat money
- Cryptocurrency brokerage
- Account provision and maintenance services for virtual currencies (crypto wallets)
The General Inspector of Financial Information is at the forefront of the Polish anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing system. The aim is to increase transparency and impose protection from suspicious transactions.
The tasks of the institution include the following:
- Enforcing compliance with the Polish AML Act
- Requesting information about transactions from the financial institutions
- Analysing information about the financial market actors that might be linked to money laundering or terrorist financing
- Suspending transactions and blocking accounts
- Cooperating with national authorities as well as foreign institutions which they’re also authorised to share information with
- Assessing and reporting on the national risks pertaining to money laundering and terrorist financing
- Creating strategies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing
- Imposing administrative penalties
- Communicating information about their area of work through the public channels
Can a Polish crypto company open a bank account?
In order to establish a new Limited Liability Company in Poland, you need to register a corporate banking account. Here are more requirements when opening a company:
Key steps of opening a new Limited Liability Company in Poland:
- Having a unique company name prepared for the registry
- Drawing up a power of attorney in case of remote registration
- Getting a notarised photocopy of the passport of the director/founder of the company with an apostille attached to it
- Preparing the Deed of Formation (the founding documents for an Limited Liability Company must be prepared and signed in front of a Polish notary)
- Registering local office premises is a prerequisite (the lease agreement will suffice to prove it), a virtual office might be an option too
- Opening a corporate bank account in Poland
- Transferring the authorised capital to the new account, the minimum of which is 5,000 PLN (approx. 1,084 EUR), which is subject to a 0,5% Civil Transaction Tax
- Obtaining a REGON (statistical) number
- Obtaining a NIP (tax identification) number
- Applying for a VAT number
- Submitting an application to register the company with the National Court Register (KRS); it will require such information as REGON number, NIP number and the application for the company’s registration with the Social Insurance Institution (the registration fee – 500 PLN (approx. 108 EUR), the consideration may take up to 7 days)
- Appointing a Management Board of the company
What about the taxation?
There is no crypto-specific tax, however cryptocurrency companies operating in Poland, depending on their legal structure, are subject to paying a variety of already existing taxes which in certain cases might be spared, considering that Poland has agreements on the avoidance of double taxation with more than 80 countries.
The most common taxes applicable to a Limited Liability Company in Poland include Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, VAT, Stamp Duty, Real Estate Tax and Excise Duty. Also, just like any other employer, a virtual currencies company, if employing individuals, is obligated to pay Social Insurance and Health Insurance contributions to the Polish government.
Standard tax rates in Poland:
- Corporate Income Tax – 19% (if annual revenue doesn’t exceed 2 mill. EUR, a 9% rate applies)
- Personal Income Tax – 17%-32% depending on the taxable income band
- VAT – 23%
- Dividends withholding tax – 19%
Additional information
Additional services for Poland
RUE customer support team

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