work permit in Cyprus

Work Permit in Cyprus

Cyprus is an attractive destination for foreign professionals due to its favourable business climate, favourable geographical location and high standards of living. In order for foreigners to legally work in Cyprus, a work permit is required. In this article we will look at the basic requirements and procedure for obtaining a work permit in Cyprus.

Main categories of work permits

There are several main categories of work permits in Cyprus, each of which is designed for specific types of activities and categories of workers:

  1. Authorisation for Highly Qualified Professionals (Category 1)

This category is for highly qualified professionals and executives who work in multinational companies or large corporations.

Basic Requirements:

  • High level of qualifications and experience.
  • Existence of an employment contract with a Cypriot employer.
  • Compliance of salaries with statutory levels.
  1. Authorisation for mid-level workers (Category 2)

For mid-level professionals working in multinational companies.

Basic Requirements:

  • Availability of diplomas and certificates confirming qualification.
  • A signed employment contract with the employer.
  1. Authorisation for low-skilled workers (Category 3)

This category includes workers employed in agriculture, construction and other industries that do not require high qualifications.

Basic Requirements:

  • Labour contract with the employer.
  • Documents confirming work experience in the relevant field.

Procedure for obtaining a work permit

The process of obtaining a work permit in Cyprus involves several key steps:

  1. Preparation of documents

Before submitting an application, you need to collect a complete set of documents including:

  • A valid passport.
  • Labour contract with a Cypriot employer.
  • Diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming qualifications.
  • Health insurance.
  • A criminal record certificate (if required).
  1. Submitting an application

The application for a work permit is submitted to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security. The application can be submitted either by the employer or by the employee.

  1. awaiting a decision

The application process can take from several weeks to several months. During this period, all submitted documents and the candidate’s eligibility are checked.

  1. Obtaining a work permit

Once the application is approved, the applicant receives a work permit which allows him/her to legally work and reside in Cyprus on the basis of an employment contract.

Features and additional terms and conditions

Working hours and working conditions

In Cyprus, there are certain standards of working hours and working conditions that employers must comply with. These standards include minimum wages, working hours and holiday entitlements.

Social security

Foreign workers are entitled to social security, including health insurance and pension savings. The employer is obliged to ensure that the employee is registered in the social security system.

Permit renewal

A work permit is usually issued for a period of up to one year with the possibility of extension. In order to extend it, it is necessary to submit updated documents and prove the continuation of the employment relationship with the employer.

What is the Cyprus work visa?

Cyprus, with its favourable business climate and high quality of life, is an attractive destination for foreign professionals and entrepreneurs. In order to be legally employed in Cyprus, foreign nationals need to obtain a work visa. In this article we will look at what a work visa for Cyprus is, what types of visas exist, as well as the basic requirements and the process of obtaining one.

Main types of work visas to Cyprus

  1. Visa for highly qualified professionals This category is intended for professionals with high qualifications and significant work experience who are invited by international or large companies.
  2. Mid-career Professional Visa Includes workers with the necessary skills and qualifications to work in a variety of industries such as IT, finance and engineering.
  3. Visa for low-skilled workers Designed for workers employed in agriculture, construction and other industries that do not require high qualifications.
  4. Entrepreneur and Investor Visa This category is suitable for those who plan to start a business or invest in the Cypriot economy.

Requirements for obtaining a work visa for Cyprus

  1. employment contract. The existence of an employment contract with a Cypriot employer is a prerequisite for obtaining a work visa. The contract must contain information on job duties, salary level and duration.
  2. Proof of qualifications. The applicant must provide documents confirming his/her qualifications and work experience. These may be diplomas, certificates and letters of recommendation from previous employers.
  3. Health Insurance. Health insurance covering the whole period of stay in Cyprus is a mandatory requirement.
  4. Criminal record certificate. The applicant may need to provide a criminal record certificate from his/her home country.
  5. Financial solvency. The employer must confirm that the applicant’s salary level meets the statutory requirements and is sufficient for living in Cyprus.

The process of obtaining a work visa for Cyprus

  1. Submission of the application. The employer submits an application for a work visa on behalf of the applicant to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security. The application shall contain all the necessary details and shall be accompanied by the required documents.
  2. Application review. The application process can take several weeks. During this time, all documents submitted and the applicant’s eligibility are checked.
  3. Obtaining the visa. Once the application is approved, the work visa is issued and pasted into the applicant’s passport. This allows him/her to enter Cyprus and start working in accordance with the terms of the labour contract.

Additional terms and features

Residence Registration. Upon arrival in Cyprus, it is necessary to register with the local municipality and obtain a residence permit if this is stipulated in the terms of the visa.

Social Security. Foreign workers in Cyprus are entitled to social security, including health care and pension savings.

Extension of visa. A work visa is usually issued for the duration of the employment contract, but not more than one year. After this period it is possible to extend the visa provided that the employment relationship with the employer continues.

How to apply for the Cyprus work visa in 2024?

Obtaining a work visa for Cyprus in 2024 requires careful preparation and fulfilment of all the necessary requirements. Cyprus offers attractive working and living conditions, making it a popular destination for foreign professionals. In this article, we will look at the step-by-step process of applying for a work visa for Cyprus in 2024.

Step 1: Determining the type of work visa

The first step is to determine the right type of work visa that matches your qualifications and goals:

  1. Highly Skilled Visa – for professionals with high qualifications and experience.
  2. Mid-level professional visa – for workers with the necessary skills and qualifications.
  3. Low-skilled workers visa – for work in industries that do not require high qualifications.
  4. Entrepreneur and Investor Visa – for those who plan to start a business or invest in the Cypriot economy.

Step 2: Finding an employer in Cyprus

To obtain a work visa you must have a job offer from a Cypriot employer. The employer must be willing to provide you with a contract of employment and undertake some of the administrative work for the visa application.

Step 3: Preparing the necessary documents

To apply for a work visa, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • Passport: Must be valid for at least three months after the end of the intended period of stay.
  • Passport size photographs: Up-to-date and compliant.
  • Labour contract: Original and a copy of the contract with the employer.
  • Diplomas and certificates: Confirming your qualifications and professional experience.
  • Health Insurance: A policy covering the whole period of stay in Cyprus.
  • Criminal record certificate: An official document confirming that you have no criminal record.

Step 4: Submitting an application

The application process includes the following steps:

  1. Completion of the application form: The form can be obtained from the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security or from its official website.
  2. Employer’s application: The employer submits an application in your name to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security, attaching all the necessary documents.
  3. Waiting for a decision: The application process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Step 5: Obtaining a work visa

Once your application is approved, your work visa will be issued and stamped in your passport. From that moment you can plan your trip to Cyprus.

Step 6: Arrival in Cyprus and registration

Upon arrival in Cyprus, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Registration at your place of residence: Contact your local municipality for registration.
  2. Obtaining a residence permit: If it is provided for in your visa, apply for a residence permit at the Cyprus Immigration Service.

Step 7: Adapt and get started

Once you have received all the necessary documents and registered at your place of residence, you can start working. It is also important to think about adapting to the new country, including learning the language and culture.

How can I get a Cyprus work visa and permit?

Obtaining a work visa and work permit in Cyprus is an important process for foreign professionals wishing to work in the country. Cyprus offers favourable living and working conditions, but there are a number of requirements to be fulfilled in order to be legally employed. In this article we will look at the step-by-step process of obtaining a work visa and work permit in Cyprus.

Step 1: Determining the appropriate type of visa and authorisation

The first step is to choose the type of visa and work permit that matches your professional qualifications and goals:

  1. Highly Skilled Visa: For professionals with high qualifications and significant experience.
  2. Visa for mid-career professionals: For workers with the necessary skills and qualifications.
  3. Visa for low-skilled workers: For work in industries that do not require high qualifications.
  4. Entrepreneur and Investor Visa: For those who plan to start a business or invest in the Cypriot economy.

Step 2: Finding an employer in Cyprus

To obtain a work visa and work permit you must have a job offer from a Cypriot employer. The employer must provide you with a contract of employment and be willing to assist you with the application.

Step 3: Preparing the necessary documents

Collecting and preparing documents is a key step in the visa and work permit process. You will need:

  • Foreign passport: Valid for at least three months after the end of the intended period of stay.
  • Passport size photographs: Up-to-date and compliant.
  • Labour contract: Original and a copy of the contract with the employer.
  • Diplomas and certificates: Confirming your qualifications and professional experience.
  • Health Insurance: A policy covering the whole period of stay in Cyprus.
  • Criminal record certificate: An official document confirming that you have no criminal record.

Step 4: Applying for a visa and work permit

The application process includes the following steps:

  1. Completion of the application form: The form can be obtained from the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security or from its official website.
  2. Employer’s application: The employer submits an application in your name to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security, attaching all the necessary documents.
  3. Waiting for a decision: The application process can take several weeks to several months. It is important to monitor the status of the application and provide additional documents if necessary.

Step 5: Obtaining a work visa and work permit

Once your application is approved, you will receive a work visa and a work permit. The visa will be stamped in your passport, allowing you to enter Cyprus and start working.

Step 6: Arrival in Cyprus and registration

Once you arrive in Cyprus, there are several administrative procedures that need to be completed:

  1. Registration at your place of residence: Contact your local municipality for registration.
  2. Obtaining a residence permit: If it is provided for in your visa, apply for a residence permit at the Cyprus Immigration Service.

Step 7: Getting started and adapting

After receiving all the necessary documents and registration at your place of residence, you can start working. It is also important to consider adaptation factors:

  • Language learning: Although English is widely spoken in Cyprus, knowledge of Greek can be useful.
  • Cultural integration: Participating in local activities and understanding local customs will help you adapt more quickly.

What documents do I need for Cyprus work visa application?

In order to successfully obtain a work visa to Cyprus, it is necessary to collect and correctly complete all the required documents. This is an important stage that significantly affects the outcome of your application. In this article we will look in detail at what documents are required to apply for a work visa to Cyprus and what you should pay special attention to when preparing them.

Basic list of documents

  1. Valid passport

Your passport must be valid for at least three months after the expected visa expiry date. It is important that your passport has enough free pages for visa stamps.

  1. Passport size photos

Up-to-date 35×45 mm colour photographs that meet the standards for visa photographs (light background, face in full-face, neutral expression).

  1. Completed visa application form

The application form must be filled in completely and truthfully. The application form can be obtained from the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security website or from the Consulate.

  1. labour contract

An original and a copy of the employment contract with the Cypriot employer, which contains the following details:

  • Job Responsibilities.
  • Working conditions and salary level.
  • Contract Term.
  1. Diplomas and certificates

Documents proving your qualifications and professional experience. All documents must be translated into English or Greek and notarised.

  1. Health insurance

A health insurance policy covering the entire period of your stay in Cyprus. The insurance must include basic medical services and emergency medical care.

  1. Certificate of no criminal record

An official document proving the absence of a criminal record issued by the competent authorities of your country. The certificate must be translated into English or Greek and notarised.

  1. Proof of financial solvency

Bank statements or other documents proving that you have sufficient funds to live in Cyprus. The employer can also provide a letter of guarantee for financial support.

Additional documents (if applicable)

  1. Letters of recommendation

References from previous employers confirming your professional experience and qualifications.

  1. Proof of residence

Documents proving the existence of a place of residence in Cyprus (rental agreement or letter from the host country).

  1. Certificates of medical examination

Medical reports on health conditions may sometimes be required, especially if working in certain sectors (e.g. health or education).

Application process

  1. Document Verification: Ensure that all documents are collected, translated and certified where necessary.
  2. Filing an application: Documents are submitted to the Cypriot consulate or embassy in your country. The employer may also submit an application on your behalf to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security.
  3. Visa Fee: Pay the consular fee for processing your application. The fee may vary depending on the type of visa and its validity period.
  4. Waiting for a decision: It may take several weeks for the application to be processed. During this time, all documents submitted and the applicant’s eligibility are checked.

Where and when can you apply for a Cyprus work visa?

Obtaining a work visa for Cyprus is an important step for foreign professionals seeking to work in the country. A proper understanding of the places and times to apply can greatly simplify the process and increase the chances of successfully obtaining a visa. In this article, we will look at where and when you can apply for a work visa for Cyprus.

Places to apply

  1. Consulates and Embassies of Cyprus

The main place of application for a work visa is the consulates and embassies of Cyprus in the applicant’s country of residence. This is where the initial verification of documents is carried out and the application is accepted.

Submission process:

  • Make an appointment at a Cypriot consulate or embassy.
  • Come at the appointed time with a complete package of required documents.
  • Complete an interview if required.
  1. Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security

In some cases, the employer may apply for a work visa on behalf of the employee directly to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security.

Submission process

  • The employer collects all the necessary documents.
  • The application is submitted to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security.

Optimal timeframe for submitting an application

  1. Advance filing

It is recommended to start the process of applying for a work visa 3-6 months before the expected start date. This is due to the fact that it can take a considerable amount of time to process the application and all the necessary documents.

  1. Accounting for the working and calendar year

When planning your application, you should take into account peak periods such as New Year holidays and summer holidays, when consular services may operate with limited capacity.

  1. Seasonal fluctuations

If you plan to work in industries that are seasonal (e.g. agriculture or tourism), it is important to apply early so that you can get your visa before the season starts.

Important points when submitting an application

Completeness of documents

All documents must be submitted in full, translated into English or Greek and notarised where required. Missing or incorrect documents may result in the application being refused or delayed.


Ensure that your employment contract and other documents comply with the requirements of Cypriot law. This includes minimum salary levels, working conditions and health insurance.

Application process

Make an appointment

Contact the Cypriot consulate or embassy to make an appointment. Clarify the list of required documents and the application procedure.

Filing of documents

At the appointed time, submit the full package of documents, including visa application form, labour contract, health insurance and other necessary documents.

Payment of visa fee

Pay the consular fee for the processing of your application. The fee may vary depending on the type of visa and its validity period.

Awaiting judgement

The processing of an application can take from several weeks to several months. During this time, the consular service checks all the documents submitted and makes a decision on whether to issue a visa.

For how long is the Cyprus work visa valid?

A work visa for Cyprus is a mandatory document for foreign professionals wishing to be legally employed in this country. The duration of the visa can vary depending on the type of visa, the nature of the work and the terms of the employment contract. In this article we will look at how long work visas to Cyprus are issued for and what factors affect their duration.

Main types of work visas and their validity period

  1. Short-term work visa

Short-term work visas are issued for temporary and seasonal work, as well as for short-term projects. Usually the validity of such a visa does not exceed six months.

Key features:

  • Designed for seasonal workers and professionals working on short-term contracts.
  • An extension is only possible if there are justified reasons and confirmation from the employer.
  1. Long-term work visa

Long-term work visas are issued for professionals working on long-term contracts. The validity period of such a visa can be from one to three years.

Key features:

  • Suitable for highly skilled professionals and mid-level workers.
  • It is possible to extend the visa after expiry if there is a valid labour contract and all conditions are met.
  1. Visa for highly qualified specialists

This visa category is intended for highly qualified professionals working for international companies or large corporations in Cyprus. The validity period is usually three years with the possibility of extension.

Key features:

  • High level of salary and professional requirements.
  • Renewal is possible upon proof of continued employment and compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

Factors affecting the validity of a work visa

  1. Length of labour contract

The main factor determining the duration of a work visa is the length of the concluded labour contract. The visa cannot be issued for a period longer than the duration of the contract.

  1. Type of work

The type of work and professional qualifications also affect the duration of the visa. For highly skilled professionals, the visa is usually granted for a longer period of time.

  1. Legislative restrictions

In some cases, the validity of the visa may be limited by legislation or Cyprus migration policy.

The process of extending a work visa

If your work visa expires but your employment contract continues, you must apply for a visa extension. The extension process includes:

Document preparation

An updated package of documents including a new employment contract, proof of financial solvency and health insurance must be submitted.

Submitting an application

The application for visa extension is submitted to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security. It is important to apply well in advance of the expiry date of the current visa.

Consideration of application

The review process can take several weeks. During this time, all documents submitted and the applicant’s eligibility are checked.

Are foreigners allowed to work in Cyprus?

Cyprus is a country with a developed economy and a favourable business climate, which attracts many foreign professionals. The question of whether foreigners are allowed to work in Cyprus often arises among those who are considering this country as a possible place for their professional activity. In this article we will look at the conditions under which foreign nationals can legally work in Cyprus, as well as the main requirements and procedures.

Legislative framework

The employment of foreign nationals in Cyprus is regulated by the Employment of Foreigners Law and the migration regulations established by the Government of Cyprus. The legislation aims to protect the national labour market while providing opportunities to attract qualified foreign professionals.

Main categories of foreign workers

  1. Citizens of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA)

EU and EEA nationals are entitled to work in Cyprus without the need to obtain a special work permit. A valid passport or identity card is sufficient for them. However, they must register with the local authorities and obtain a temporary residence certificate.

  1. Third-country nationals

Third country nationals, including Chinese nationals, are required to obtain a work permit and work visa. This is a prerequisite for legal employment in Cyprus. The employer must confirm that the vacancy cannot be filled by locals or EU citizens.

The process of obtaining a work permit

  1. Finding an employer

The first step in obtaining a work permit is to find an employer registered in Cyprus who is willing to offer an employment contract.

  1. Preparation of documents

To apply for a work permit, you need to collect the following documents:

  • A valid passport.
  • Labour Contract.
  • Diplomas and certificates confirming qualifications.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Criminal record certificate (if required).
  1. Submitting an application

The application for a work permit is submitted by the employer to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security. The application must be accompanied by all necessary documents.

  1. awaiting a decision

The application process can take from several weeks to several months. During this time, all documents submitted and the candidate’s eligibility are checked.

Employer requirements

An employer wishing to employ a foreign worker must:

  • Confirm that the vacancy cannot be filled by a local or European professional.
  • Provide working conditions that comply with the legal regulations of Cyprus.
  • Ensure health insurance is in place for the employee.

Social security

Foreign workers in Cyprus are entitled to social security, including health care, pension accruals and other social benefits. The employer is obliged to register the foreign worker in the social security system.

The types of work visas in Cyprus

Cyprus is an attractive destination for foreign professionals due to its favourable business climate, strategic location and high standards of living. In order for foreign nationals to legally work in Cyprus, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate work visa. In this article we will look at the main types of work visas available in Cyprus, their features and requirements.

Main types of work visas in Cyprus

  1. Highly Skilled Worker Visa (Highly Skilled Worker Visa)

This visa category is designed for professionals with high qualifications and significant work experience, in demand in fields such as IT, finance, engineering and medicine.

Basic Requirements:

  • High level of qualifications and professional experience.
  • Existence of an employment contract with a Cypriot employer.
  • Compliance of salaries with statutory levels.
  1. Medium Skilled Worker Visa (Medium Skilled Worker Visa)

This visa is designed for professionals with the necessary skills and qualifications working in various industries such as construction, tourism and services.

Basic Requirements:

  • Confirmation of qualifications and work experience.
  • Existence of an employment contract with the employer.
  • Working conditions compliant with Cyprus regulations.
  1. Low Skilled Worker Visa (Low Skilled Worker Visa)

This visa category is suitable for workers in agriculture, manufacturing and other low-skilled occupations.

Basic Requirements:

  • Existence of an employment contract.
  • Proof of work experience in a relevant field.
  • Providing health insurance and social security.
  1. Entrepreneur and Investor Visa (Entrepreneur and Investor Visa)

Cyprus offers special visas for entrepreneurs and investors planning to start a business or invest heavily in the country’s economy.

Basic Requirements:

  • Availability of a business plan and proof of financial solvency.
  • Approval of the business project by the relevant Cypriot authorities.
  • The investment of a certain amount of money in the economy of a country.

The process of obtaining a work visa

The process of obtaining a work visa in Cyprus involves several key steps:

  1. Preparation of documents

To apply for a work visa, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • A valid passport.
  • Passport size photographs.
  • Completed visa application form.
  • Labour contract with a Cypriot employer.
  • Diplomas and certificates confirming qualifications.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Criminal record certificate (if required).
  1. Submitting an application

The application for a work visa is submitted to the Cypriot consulate or embassy in the applicant’s country of residence. In some cases, the employer may apply directly to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security.

  1. awaiting a decision

The application process can take from several weeks to several months. During this time, all documents submitted and the candidate’s eligibility are checked.

  1. Obtaining a visa

Once the application is approved, the work visa is issued and pasted into the applicant’s passport. This allows him/her to enter Cyprus and start working in accordance with the terms of the labour contract.

Extension of work visa

Work visas in Cyprus are usually issued for the duration of the employment contract, but not exceeding one year. After this period, it is possible to extend the visa provided that the employment relationship with the employer continues and all conditions are met.

Cyprus work permit requirements

Cyprus, with its developed economy and favourable business climate, attracts many foreign professionals. In order to be legally employed in Cyprus, it is necessary to obtain a work permit. In this article we will look at the main requirements and procedures that need to be fulfilled in order to successfully obtain a work permit in Cyprus.

Basic requirements for obtaining a work permit

  1. Existence of a labour contract

The first and foremost requirement for obtaining a work permit is to have a signed employment contract with an employer in Cyprus. The contract must contain a detailed description of the job duties, working conditions and salary level.

  1. Confirmation of qualifications and work experience

The applicant must provide documents confirming his/her professional skills and qualifications. Such documents include diplomas, certificates and letters of recommendation from previous employers. All documents must be translated into English or Greek and notarised.

  1. health insurance

In order to obtain a work permit it is necessary to have medical insurance covering the entire period of stay in Cyprus. This is a mandatory requirement for all foreign workers.

  1. Certificate of no criminal record

The applicant must provide a criminal record certificate from his/her home country. This document confirms that the applicant has no criminal record and can work in Cyprus.

  1. Financial solvency

The employer must certify that the applicant’s salary level meets the statutory minimum requirements and is sufficient for residence in Cyprus.

Application process for a work permit

  1. Preparation of documents

Before submitting your application, you need to collect a complete set of documents including:

  • A valid passport.
  • Passport size photographs.
  • Labour contract.
  • Diplomas and certificates confirming qualifications.
  • Health insurance.
  • A criminal record certificate.
  1. Submitting an application

The application for a work permit is submitted to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security. The application can be submitted either by the employer or by the employee.

  1. awaiting a decision

The application process can take from several weeks to several months. During this period, all submitted documents and the candidate’s eligibility are checked.

  1. Obtaining a work permit

Once the application is approved, the applicant receives a work permit which allows him/her to legally work and reside in Cyprus on the basis of an employment contract.

Additional terms and features

Working hours and working conditions

In Cyprus, there are certain standards of working hours and working conditions that employers must comply with. These standards include minimum wages, working hours and holiday entitlement.

Social security

Foreign workers are entitled to social security, including medical care and pension savings. The employer is obliged to ensure that the employee is registered in the social insurance system.

Renewal of work permit

A work permit is usually issued for a period of up to one year with the possibility of extension. For renewal, it is necessary to submit updated documents and confirm the continuation of the employment relationship with the employer.


Obtaining a work permit in Cyprus is a process that requires a careful approach and fulfilment of all established requirements. Proper preparation and timely submission of documents will help foreign specialists to successfully pass all stages and start their professional activity in Cyprus. Compliance with all rules and procedures will ensure legal and safe stay in this attractive Mediterranean country.


Obtaining a work permit in Cyprus is a process that requires careful preparation and compliance with a number of requirements. In this article we will look at how easy it is for foreign professionals to obtain a work permit in Cyprus and what factors can affect the success of the process.

Main factors influencing the obtaining of a work permit

  1. Qualifications and work experience

Highly qualified professionals with significant work experience and unique skills are more likely to be granted work permits. Cyprus actively attracts talent in fields such as information technology, finance, engineering and medicine.

  1. Existence of a labour contract

The key condition for obtaining a work permit is the existence of a signed employment contract with an employer in Cyprus. The employer must prove that the vacancy cannot be filled by local residents or EU citizens.

  1. Compliance with legal requirements

All documents provided as part of the application must fulfil the requirements of Cypriot law. This includes having health insurance, a criminal record certificate and proof of qualifications and work experience.

  1. Employer support

The employer plays a key role in the process of obtaining a work permit. The employer must submit an application on behalf of the employee and provide all the necessary evidence to prove the need to employ a foreign specialist.

The process of obtaining a work permit

  1. Preparation of documents

Before submitting an application, you need to collect a complete set of documents including:

  • A valid passport.
  • Passport size photographs.
  • Labour Contract.
  • Diplomas and certificates confirming qualifications.
  • Health insurance.
  • A criminal record certificate.
  1. Submitting an application

The application for a work permit is submitted to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security by the employer. It is important to fill in all forms correctly and provide the necessary documents.

  1. awaiting a decision

The application process can take from several weeks to several months. During this time, all submitted documents and the candidate's eligibility are checked.

  1. Obtaining a work permit

Once the application is approved, the applicant receives a work permit which allows him/her to legally work and reside in Cyprus on the basis of an employment contract.

Possible difficulties

  1. Competition in the labour market

The high level of competition in the labour market can complicate the process of obtaining a work permit. The employer must prove that the candidate has unique skills that cannot be found among local specialists.

  1. administrative barriers

Some administrative barriers, such as delays in processing documents or additional checks, can make the process of obtaining a work permit more complicated. It is important to be prepared for possible delays and have a contingency plan.

  1. changes in legislation

The process of obtaining a work permit can be complicated in case of changes in migration legislation. It is therefore important to keep up to date with the current requirements and regulations.


Obtaining a work permit in Cyprus is not a simple process, but for qualified professionals with the support of an employer, the process can be greatly simplified. It is important to carefully prepare all documents, comply with legal requirements and be prepared for possible difficulties. Compliance with all procedures and attention to detail will help you to successfully complete all stages and start your professional activity in Cyprus.

Obtaining a work permit in Cyprus for Chinese nationals requires careful preparation and compliance with a number of formalities. Cyprus, with its favourable business climate and high quality of life, is an attractive destination for professional activities. In this article we will look at the step-by-step process of obtaining a work permit for Chinese nationals.

Step 1: Finding an employer in Cyprus

The first and most important step is to find an employer in Cyprus who is willing to offer you a job. The employer must be registered in Cyprus and be able to provide an employment contract that complies with all legal requirements.

Employer Requirements:

  • The employer must prove that the vacancy cannot be filled by local residents or EU citizens.
  • Ensure that working conditions and salary levels are in line with Cypriot legislation.

Step 2: Preparing the necessary documents

To apply for a work permit, the following documents will need to be collected and prepared:

  1. Foreign passport: Valid for at least three months after the end of the intended period of stay.
  2. Passport format photos: Up-to-date and compliant with standards.
  3. Employment contract: Original and copy of the contract with the employer, which should include job description, working conditions and salary level.
  4. Diplomas and certificates: Proof of qualifications and professional experience. All documents must be translated into English or Greek and notarised.
  5. Health Insurance: A policy covering the whole period of stay in Cyprus.
  6. Criminal record certificate: An official document certifying that you have no criminal record issued by the competent authorities in China. The certificate must be translated into English or Greek and notarised.
  7. Proof of financial solvency: Bank statements or other documents proving that you have sufficient funds to live in Cyprus. The employer may also provide a letter of guarantee of financial support.

Step 3: Submitting an application

The application process includes the following steps:

  1. Completion of the application form: The form can be obtained from the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security or from its official website.
  2. Employer's application: The employer submits an application in your name to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security, attaching all the necessary documents.
  3. Waiting for a decision: The application process can take from several weeks to several months. During this time, all submitted documents and the candidate's eligibility are checked.

Step 4: Obtaining a work permit

Once your application has been approved, you will receive a work permit. This permit allows you to legally work and reside in Cyprus on the basis of an employment contract.

Step 5: Arrival in Cyprus and registration

After obtaining a work permit and visa, the following steps must be followed upon arrival in Cyprus:

  1. Registration at your place of residence: Contact your local municipality for registration.
  2. Obtaining a residence permit: Apply for a residence permit at the Cyprus Immigration Service.

Step 6: Getting started and adapting

Once you have received all the necessary documents and have been registered at your place of residence, you can start working. It is also important to consider adaptation aspects:

  • Language learning: Although English is widely used in Cyprus, knowledge of Greek can be useful for faster integration.
  • Cultural integration: Participating in local activities and understanding local customs will help you adapt more quickly to life in Cyprus.


The process of obtaining a work permit in Cyprus for Chinese nationals involves several stages that require careful attention and precise compliance with all procedures. With proper preparation of documents and support of the employer, it is possible to successfully pass all the stages and start professional activity in one of the most attractive countries of the Mediterranean.

Cyprus, with its developed economy and high standard of living, is an attractive destination for Chinese citizens wishing to relocate and start a new life abroad. In this article, we will look at the step-by-step process of moving to Cyprus, including obtaining the necessary visas, permits and adapting to life in a new country.

Step 1: Determining the purpose of the move

The first step is to determine the purpose of your move. This may be for work, study, business or family reunification. This determines the type of visa and the set of documents required for the move.

Step 2: Obtaining a visa

In order to move to Cyprus, a Chinese national needs to obtain the appropriate visa. The main types of visas include:

  1. Work Visa To work in Cyprus, you must obtain a work visa and a work permit. An employer in Cyprus must submit an application in your name to the Cyprus Department of Labour and Social Security.
  2. Study visa A study visa is required to study in a Cypriot educational institution. The institution must provide proof of your enrolment.
  3. Entrepreneur and Investor Visa If you are planning to start a business or invest in the Cypriot economy, an Entrepreneur Visa is required. This requires the submission of a business plan and proof of financial solvency.
  4. Family Reunification Visa For family members of Cypriot citizens or foreigners legally residing in Cyprus.

Step 3: Preparing the necessary documents

The list of required documents may include:

  • A valid passport.
  • Completed visa application form.
  • Passport size photographs.
  • Proof of the purpose of the trip (employment contract, invitation from an educational institution, etc.).
  • Proof of financial solvency.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.

Step 4: Applying for a visa

The visa application is submitted to the Cypriot embassy or consulate in China. In some cases, the application process can be started online through the official portal of the Cyprus Migration Services.

Step 5: Waiting for a decision

It may take several weeks to process a visa application. It is important to submit all required documents in a timely manner and monitor the status of the application through the consulate or online portal.

Step 6: Arrival in Cyprus and registration

After obtaining a visa and arriving in Cyprus, there are several administrative procedures to be followed:

  1. Registration at your place of residence Apply to your local municipality for registration. This is necessary for legal residence in Cyprus.
  2. Obtaining a residence permit If it is provided for in your visa, apply for a residence permit at the Cyprus Immigration Service.

Step 7: Adaptation and integration

Language and cultural studies Although English is widely spoken in Cyprus, knowledge of Greek will make your adjustment much easier and help you integrate better into local society.

Searching for accommodation It is recommended to find suitable accommodation in advance through specialised agencies or online platforms. Take into account location, infrastructure and access to basic services.

Social and professional integration Participation in professional communities, cultural events and social clubs will help you adapt more quickly and create new contacts.


Moving and living in Cyprus for a Chinese national is a multi-stage process that requires careful preparation and compliance with all procedures. Proper preparation of documents and understanding of all the nuances of the migration process will help you to successfully settle in Cyprus and enjoy all the benefits of life in this attractive Mediterranean country.

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