¿Qué es el comercio de criptomonedas OTC?

What is OTC Crypto Trading?

OTC (Over-The-Counter) cryptocurrency trading is a method of transacting the buying and selling of digital assets outside of traditional public exchanges. This method of trading is carried out directly between two parties, often using the services of specialised OTC brokers or trading platforms that provide the necessary infrastructure and confidentiality.

Peculiarities of OTC-trading in cryptocurrencies

  1. Confidentiality: OTC deals are usually done without releasing information to the general public, which ensures a high level of confidentiality for the participants.
  2. Individualised approach: In OTC trading, the terms of the transaction, including price, volume and time of execution, are negotiated individually to meet the specific requirements of each client.
  3. Minimising market impact: Large transactions can significantly affect the market price of an asset when executed through traditional exchanges. OTC trading avoids sharp price fluctuations because the transaction is not directly reflected in the market.

Advantages and disadvantages of OTC trading


  • Efficiency for large transactions: OTC platforms are ideal for large investors looking to buy or sell large volumes of cryptocurrency with minimal market impact.
  • Pricing flexibility: Prices can be more flexible and favourable compared to prices on exchanges, where price is often governed by market mechanisms of supply and demand.
  • Fast trade execution: If there is a suitable buyer or seller, the transaction can be concluded much faster than on a traditional exchange.


  • Limited transparency: Lack of a standardised regulatory framework can create conditions for fraud and unfair practices.
  • Counterparty Risks: High dependence on the reliability and reputation of the OTC broker or counterparty.
  • Lack of liquidity: Finding a buyer or seller for a very large transaction can take time.

Regulatory aspects of OTC trading in Europe

In Europe, OTC trading in cryptocurrencies is subject to regulation under the general anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) regulations. Companies involved in OTC trading must obtain appropriate licences, maintain customer records (KYC) and ensure regulatory compliance.


OTC trading of cryptocurrencies represents an important aspect of the digital asset market, providing flexibility, privacy and efficiency for large and professional market participants. However, platforms and brokers need to be carefully selected, ensuring that all necessary security measures and legal requirements are met.

 How does crypto OTC trading work?

OTC (Over-The-Counter) cryptocurrency trading is an alternative method of transaction execution that is different from traditional exchange transactions. This method is preferred by large investors, including institutional traders and large private companies, who need to execute large volume transactions without significant impact on market prices.

The main stages of OTC trading in cryptocurrencies

  1. Finding the counterparty: The first step in OTC trading is to identify the counterparty to the transaction. This can be done through specialised brokers or platforms that help connect buyers and sellers.
  2. Negotiating the terms and conditions: Once the buyer and seller are identified, a negotiation process follows in which the price, volume and other terms of the transaction are established. Confidentiality plays a key role in this process to ensure that information about the transaction is not publicly disseminated and does not influence market prices.
  3. Signing the agreement: After all the terms have been agreed, the parties sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA) and other necessary documents formalising the terms of the transaction.
  4. Transaction Execution: A transaction can be executed through one of several models:
  • Direct Transfer: When cryptocurrencies are directly transferred from the seller to the buyer after confirmation of receipt of fiat funds.
  • Escrow Service: The use of a third party to secure a transaction where cryptocurrency and fiat money are temporarily stored until all terms of the transaction are fulfilled by both parties.
  1. Transaction Completion and Confirmation: Upon execution of the transaction, the broker or platform confirms to both parties that the terms of the transaction have been fulfilled and the transaction is considered closed.

Advantages and challenges of OTC trading


  • Reduced market impact: Major transactions do not have an immediate impact on market prices, which eliminates significant price fluctuations.
  • Flexibility in negotiations: Prices and terms can be adapted to the needs of specific participants.
  • Confidentiality: Transaction details are not made public, which is vital for many large market participants.


  • Counterparty risks: High value transactions require a high degree of trust between the parties or the use of reliable intermediaries.
  • Legal and regulatory issues: Lack of standardised processes can create legal risks, especially across jurisdictions.
  • Technical Complexity: Secure transactions require advanced technological solutions.


OTC cryptocurrency trading remains a key element of the cryptocurrency market, providing an efficient solution for large transactions. Ensuring an appropriate level of legal support and regulatory compliance is imperative to protect all participants and maintain the integrity of this market segment.

 How to start a cryptocurrency OTC?

Launching an OTC cryptocurrency trading business requires a comprehensive approach, including legal preparation, the creation of a reliable technical infrastructure and the formation of a market positioning strategy. This article discusses the key steps for successful entry into this highly competitive market segment.

Step 1: Market research and legal framework

Before starting any business, it is essential to conduct an in-depth market analysis and determine the needs of your target audience. Key research questions include:

  • Who will be your main clients: institutional investors, large private investors or crypto companies?
  • What are the basic legal requirements for OTC trading in your jurisdiction?
  • What technology solutions will work best for your business?

Developing a legal structure and obtaining the necessary licences are critical to protecting your business and customers. This may include company registration, obtaining currency exchange licences and complying with local and international regulations such as AML (anti-money laundering) and KYC (customer due diligence).

Step 2: Establishing the infrastructure

OTC trading operations require a robust technology platform that includes:

  • Secure communication channels: for confidential communication with clients and counterparties.
  • Effective accounting and portfolio management systems: to accurately monitor all transactions and positions.
  • Security and encryption systems: to protect confidential information and client funds.

It is also important to ensure integration with cryptocurrency wallets and blockchain networks to guarantee fast and secure transactions.

Step 3: Setting up governance and compliance processes

Risk management and compliance should be central to your business. Policies and procedures should be in place to:

  • Monitoring and analysing transactions for suspicious activity.
  • Customer verifications as per KYC standards.
  • Employee training on safety and compliance issues.

Step 4: Marketing and partnership strategies

Develop a marketing strategy that will help establish your brand in the marketplace and engage your target audience. Include:

  • Networking activities and partnerships with other financial institutions.
  • Online marketing including SEO, content marketing and social media.
  • Developing proposals based on the unique requirements and preferences of your target audience.

Step 5: Continuous improvement and adaptation

The cryptocurrency market is rapidly evolving and you need to constantly analyse the market, technological trends and regulatory changes to stay competitive. Regularly updating your business and adapting to new conditions will help you maintain your leadership position.


Starting an OTC cryptocurrency trading business requires significant effort and capital investment, but it offers unique opportunities to work with large and influential cryptocurrency market participants. Following the above recommendations will help build a solid foundation for your venture and contribute to its long-term success.

 Crypto OTC trading strategies

OTC (Over-The-Counter) cryptocurrency trading offers unique opportunities for large investors and institutional participants. These trading strategies are tailored to the specifics of the OTC market and allow to optimise portfolio investments and minimise risks. In this article, we will consider the most effective OTC trading strategies in the context of the cryptocurrency market.

Buy-and-hold strategy

One of the most popular strategies among large investors is Buy and Hold. This strategy involves buying a significant amount of cryptocurrency for the purpose of long-term investment. The advantage of this strategy in OTC trading is the ability to purchase large volumes of the asset without significantly affecting the market price, which is usually impossible on public exchanges due to limited liquidity.


Arbitrage involves the simultaneous buying and selling of an asset in different markets to capitalise on price differences. In the context of OTC, this can be realised by exploiting the difference between prices on different OTC platforms or between OTC and open markets. The effectiveness of arbitrage depends on the speed of execution of trades and access to up-to-date price information.

Smart Order strategy

Smart Order Routing (SOR) is a process where order execution is automated to ensure the best possible buy or sell price. The system analyses multiple platforms to find the most favourable deal. For cryptocurrency OTC brokers, this involves the use of algorithms that automatically distribute orders across multiple dealers to minimise market impact and optimise execution.


Hedging is a risk management technique that helps stabilise a portfolio by protecting it from unwanted price fluctuations. In the context of OTC trading, this can be realised through derivative financial instruments such as futures, options and swaps. Hedging allows investors to hedge against potential losses associated with cryptocurrency volatility.

Temporary diversification

This strategy involves spreading the buying or selling of a large volume of assets over different time intervals to minimise market impact. By using time diversification, OTC traders can avoid creating large price fluctuations, which is especially important when dealing with large volumes.


Cryptocurrency OTC trading strategies should be carefully planned and implemented taking into account the specifics of the cryptocurrency market and its high volatility. Effective use of these strategies requires not only financial literacy and understanding of the market, but also access to reliable and fast information resources, technology and professional support. Each strategy should be tailored to the investor’s specific investment objectives and level of risk appetite.

Benefits of OTC crypto trading

OTC (Over-The-Counter) cryptocurrency trading is a method of transacting directly between two parties without the use of centralised, public exchanges. This method of trading has a number of significant advantages that make it particularly attractive to large investors and institutional market participants.

1. Transaction Confidentiality

One of the key advantages of OTC trading is a high level of confidentiality. Unlike standard exchange transactions, where orders and their sizes are publicly visible to all market participants, OTC transactions take place in a closed format. This avoids the market’s biased perception of large transactions, which may provoke undesirable price fluctuations.

2. Minimising market impact

Large transactions can significantly affect market prices, especially in illiquid market conditions. OTC trading allows investors to buy or sell significant amounts of cryptocurrency without creating pressure on the price, which is critical to maintaining investment stability.

3. Flexibility of transactions

OTC markets offer flexibility in terms of transaction terms. Buyers and sellers can negotiate price, time and payment methods directly, allowing them to realise optimal financial and strategic goals. The parties can also use different currencies for settlements, which adds convenience to international transactions.

4. Reduction of transaction costs

Since OTC transactions do not go through traditional exchange mechanisms and systems, they are often associated with lower transaction costs. OTC brokers or platforms may offer more favourable terms of cooperation than standard exchange platforms, especially when processing large transactions.

5. Fast conclusion of transactions

Thanks to direct negotiations between buyers and sellers, OTC deals can be concluded much faster than transactions on conventional exchanges. This is especially important in highly volatile cryptocurrency markets, where reaction speed can significantly affect the outcome of investments.

6. Access to the best prices

OTC brokers often have access to an extensive network of buyers and sellers, which allows them to offer clients more favourable prices than those available on public exchanges. Brokers use their connections and market knowledge to secure the most favourable transaction terms for both parties.


OTC cryptocurrency trading offers many advantages for large market participants who wish to maximise their investments while minimising risks and costs. It provides privacy, flexibility and efficiency in managing large volumes of cryptocurrencies, making this trading method the preferred choice for many investors and financial institutions.

What Are Crypto OTC Desks?

Cryptocurrency OTC desks (Over-The-Counter desks) are specialised platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies directly between two parties, bypassing traditional public exchanges. These platforms play a key role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, providing services particularly important for large investors such as institutional participants, large private investors and companies wishing to make significant transactions with maximum privacy and minimal market impact.

Main functions of cryptocurrency OTC tables

  1. Direct trades: OTC desks allow participants to trade directly with each other, eliminating the need for intermediaries and allowing more flexibility in managing the terms of the trade, including price and execution time.
  2. Privacy: Unlike transactions on public exchanges, where orders are visible to all users, transactions through OTC desks are not publicised, ensuring a high level of privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Reduced market impact: Because the transactions are done outside the public review, they have minimal impact on market prices, which is critical for large transactions.
  4. Personalised services: OTC desks offer a personalised approach to each client, including support from experienced brokers and customisation of services according to the client’s specific needs.
  5. Global network of customers and suppliers: With an extensive network of contacts, OTC desks can effectively connect buyers and sellers around the world, ensuring the best prices and fast liquidity.

Examples of OTC-tables operation

Consider a situation in which a large investment company wishes to purchase a significant amount of bitcoins. For such a transaction, using a regular exchange may result in a significant price increase due to the large volume of the purchase visible to all market participants. In such cases, the company may turn to an OTC desk that arranges the purchase through one or more large sellers, minimising the impact on the price of the asset.

Benefits for customers

  1. Fast execution of large orders: Ability to process large volumes quickly and efficiently.
  2. More competitive prices: Ability to negotiate prices that may be lower than public exchanges for large orders.
  3. Legal and financial security: Complying with regulatory requirements and providing legally sound transactions that mitigate risk.

Regulatory and legal aspects

OTC desks require strict regulatory compliance, including anti-money laundering (AML) laws and Know Your Customer (KYC) checks. These measures ensure a high level of trust and security for all participants in transactions.


Cryptocurrency OTC desks are an important element of the crypto market’s financial infrastructure. They offer solutions that provide efficiency, privacy and minimal market impact, making them an ideal choice for large transactions.

How do I register for OTC Trading?

Registering for OTC cryptocurrency trading is a key step for investors looking to make large transactions with maximum privacy and efficiency. The process involves several steps, from selecting the right OTC broker or platform to fully complying with regulatory requirements.

Step 1: Selecting an OTC broker or platform

The first step is to choose a reliable OTC broker or platform that provides services that meet your requirements. It is important to evaluate the reputation, trading conditions, available tools and the level of support the platform offers. Check reviews from other users, as well as the necessary licences and the platform’s compliance with regulatory standards.

Step 2: Create an account

After selecting a broker, you should go through the process of registering and creating an account on the platform. This process usually involves providing basic personal information such as name, email address and phone number. Some platforms may require more detailed information at this stage or later in the verification process.

Step 3: Going through the KYC (Know Your Customer) process

The KYC process is mandatory for most OTC platforms and serves to verify your identity and financial history. The KYC process requires you to provide:

  • A passport or other ID photo;
  • A document proving your residential address (e.g. utility bill);
  • Additional documents such as proof of income sources or bank statements.

Step 4: Account Verification

Once all required documents have been submitted, the platform will verify the data. The time required for verification may vary depending on the platform and the volume of orders. Successful verification allows you to start trading and get access to the full range of OTC platform services.

Step 5: Making a deposit

To start trading on an OTC platform, you need to make a deposit. Most platforms accept both cryptocurrencies and fiat money. Check the deposit methods and minimum deposit requirements on your chosen platform.

Step 6: Start trading

Once you have verified and funded your account, you can start trading. On many platforms, personal support is available to discuss the terms of trades, which is especially important when dealing with large volumes.

Importance of regulatory compliance

It is important to remember that OTC trading is subject to regulatory controls in most jurisdictions. Compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) legislation and fulfilment of KYC requirements helps to ensure the safety of funds and prevents potential legal risks.


Registering for OTC cryptocurrency trading requires a careful approach and attention to detail, especially in terms of complying with regulatory and verification procedures. Choosing the right platform and precisely following all requirements ensures efficient and safe trading in the cryptocurrency market.

Why Use a Crypto OTC Trading Desk?

A cryptocurrency OTC (Over-The-Counter trading desk) is a specialised platform that allows large investors and institutional market participants to make transactions directly, bypassing traditional exchanges. There are many advantages to using such a platform, including increased privacy, minimal market impact and personalised service. Below we take a closer look at the key reasons why major market players favour OTC desks.

  1. Confidentiality and privacy of transactions

One of the main advantages of OTC-tables is the ability to conduct transactions in strict confidentiality. Unlike open exchanges, where information about large orders can become available to the general public, OTC desks ensure privacy, preventing the leakage of data about transactions that could affect market prices or draw attention to the actions of a major investor.

  1. Minimising market impact

Large trades can significantly affect market prices, especially in illiquid market conditions. OTC desks avoid significant price fluctuations because trades are executed outside of traditional trading systems. This enables large investors to make extensive purchases or sales without the risk of creating unwanted “waves” in the market.

  1. Transaction flexibility

OTC trading offers a high degree of flexibility in the execution of trades. Clients can negotiate prices, volumes and execution times of trades directly with the broker, allowing them to precisely match their investment strategies and financial objectives. This customisation is a significant advantage over standardised trading conditions on exchanges.

  1. Fast execution of transactions

Specialised OTC brokers typically have access to an extensive network of counterparties, allowing them to quickly find suitable buyers or sellers and reduce the time it takes to close transactions. This agility is critical in the dynamically changing world of cryptocurrencies, where prices can fluctuate over short time periods.

  1. Support and counselling

Leading OTC desks provide clients with not only trading services, but also professional support, including advice on market trends, strategic transaction planning and risk management. This adds value by enabling clients to make informed investment decisions.

  1. Regulatory coherence

OTC desks also help clients to comply with all necessary regulatory requirements, including KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) procedures. This is particularly important in international trading and for investors operating in multiple jurisdictions.


Using a cryptocurrency OTC desk provides major investors with unique advantages, including enhanced privacy, minimal market exposure, personalised service, rapid response to market changes, professional support and assistance with regulatory compliance. These factors make OTC trading the preferred choice for serious crypto market participants looking to maximise their investment opportunities while minimising risk.

Crypto OTC vs Exchange

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the two main platforms for trading are exchanges and OTC (Over-The-Counter) desks. Each of these platforms has its own unique characteristics and advantages, suitable for different types of investors and trading strategies. In this article, we will make a detailed comparison between cryptocurrency OTC trading and exchange trading, evaluating their key features, advantages and disadvantages.

Definitions and Key Characteristics

Exchange trading involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies on public platforms where transactions are conducted through centralised systems and all orders are publicly displayed. Exchanges provide liquidity and transparency, but can be subject to market manipulation and volatility.

OTC trading is conducted through private dealer networks or specialised platforms where large transactions between two parties are made without public disclosure until execution. This prevents significant price fluctuations that can occur on exchanges due to large orders.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Exchange trading:


  • Price transparency: Prices on exchanges are formed openly, based on supply and demand.
  • High liquidity: A large number of participants and a constant flow of orders ensure high liquidity, making it easy to buy and sell assets.
  • Regulation and security: Most major exchanges are regulated and offer advanced security measures.


  • Market impact: Large orders can cause significant price fluctuations.
  • Security Risks: Exchanges are often a target for hackers.
  • Trading Restrictions: Some exchanges have restrictions on trading volumes or access to certain markets.

OTC trading:


  • Minimising market impact: Major transactions are not shown publicly, preventing unwanted price spikes.
  • Transaction flexibility: Transaction terms can be customised to meet the specific requirements of the parties.
  • Privacy: Provides a high level of privacy for the parties.


  • Low liquidity compared to exchanges: Finding a counterparty for a large transaction can be more difficult.
  • Limited regulatory protection: Some OTC platforms may not be subject to strict regulatory frameworks.
  • Broker Dependence: The quality and terms of the transaction depend on the reliability and competence of the OTC broker.


The choice between OTC trading and exchange trading depends on the individual needs of the investor. If you need high liquidity and transparency, exchange trading may be preferable. For large transactions where confidentiality and minimising market impact is important, OTC trading is the ideal option. It is important to analyse carefully and perhaps use a combination of both methods to achieve optimal investment results.

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