¿Qué es una OIC?

What is an ICO?

In the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, the term “ICO” (Initial Coin Offering) has become one of the key terms defining a way to raise capital for startups and projects in this sphere. ICO is a funding method in which companies issue their own tokens or coins in exchange for cryptocurrency (most often Ethereum or Bitcoin) or fiat money. In this article, we will understand what an ICO is, how it works, and what risks and opportunities are associated with it.

How does an ICO work?

  1. Preparation: In the first stage, the project develops a business plan (whitepaper) that outlines the details of the project, including its goals, technology, the amount of funds needed for implementation, and the number of tokens to be issued.
  2. Attracting attention: The project team then runs a marketing campaign to attract the attention of investors and users to their ICO.
  3. Token sale: At this stage, tokens are sold to investors. This can happen through a special platform or directly. The token price is usually low to incentivise purchase.
  4. Use of Funds: Funds raised are used to implement the project in accordance with the stated goals in the business plan.

Why are ICOs so popular?

  • Access to capital: ICOs allow startups to raise significant funds quickly without the need to raise venture capitalists or issue equity.
  • Decentralisation: Fundraising through ICOs reflects the spirit of blockchain and cryptocurrencies by providing a decentralised and transparent funding process.
  • Opportunities for investors: For investors, ICOs represent an opportunity to gain early access to potentially disruptive technologies and products, as well as a chance for rapid growth in token value.

Risks of ICOs

  • Fraud: There is a risk of encountering fraudulent projects that collect funds and disappear.
  • Lack of regulation: Most ICOs are unregulated, which means less protection for investors in the event of a project failure.
  • Volatility: The price of tokens can fluctuate wildly, making ICO investments highly risky.

How to invest in an ICO?

  • Research: Thoroughly research the project’s business plan, team, market potential and technology.
  • Understanding the risks: Be prepared for possible losses and do not invest more than you can afford to lose.
  • Token Storage: Make sure you have a suitable wallet to store your purchased tokens.


ICOs have opened new horizons for funding blockchain and cryptocurrency projects, offering both unique opportunities and challenges for investors and developers. It is important to approach participation in ICOs with a full understanding of the associated risks and potential benefits, as well as with caution and a conscientious analysis of each proposed project.

ICO licence for a crypto project

The introduction of blockchain technology and the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies has led to a new form of project financing – through initial coin offerings (ICOs). However, as the ICO market has expanded, so has the need to regulate these activities to protect investors and ensure compliance with legislation. As a result, many countries have started to introduce ICO licensing requirements for crypto projects. In this article, we will look at what an ICO licence is, why it is needed and how to obtain one.

What is an ICO licence?

An ICO licence is an official permit issued by a regulatory body that allows a company or project to legally conduct an initial coin offering. Such a licence not only adds legitimacy to the project, but also increases the confidence of potential investors by protecting their interests.

Why do you need a licence?

  • Legal compliance: Many jurisdictions require authorisation to conduct an ICO. Having a licence ensures that the project is operating within the law.
  • Investor protection: Licensing involves checking the project for reliability and transparency, which protects investors from fraud.
  • Improved reputation: A licensed project is taken more seriously and trustworthy, which helps to attract capital.

Process for obtaining a licence

  1. Choosing a jurisdiction: The first step is to choose the country in which you want to obtain a licence. It is important to consider the regulatory environment, tax policy and the general favourable climate for crypto projects.
  2. Documentation preparation: A key step is the preparation of a set of documents, including a business plan, project whitepaper, team information and descriptions of anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) measures.
  3. Submission of an application: Next, an application must be submitted to the regulatory authority with all necessary documents and payment of the state duty.
  4. Due diligence: The regulator carries out a detailed check of the application and documents for compliance with legal requirements.
  5. Obtaining a licence: After successfully passing all checks, the project receives a licence to conduct an ICO.

Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements for ICO licensing can vary significantly from country to country. Some countries may require additional guarantees or impose specific conditions, such as the creation of a reserve fund or mandatory investment insurance. It is therefore crucial to thoroughly research the legislation of the chosen jurisdiction and, if necessary, engage qualified lawyers specialising in cryptocurrency regulation.


ICO licensing has become an important step in the process of legalising cryptocurrency projects and attracting investment. Obtaining a licence requires considerable effort and attention to detail, but it provides a number of benefits to the project, including a legal basis for operations, an improved reputation and investor protection. It is important to carefully select a jurisdiction for licensing and ensure that your project complies with all local legal and regulatory requirements.

What is the purpose of projects conducting ICOs?

ICO, or initial coin offering, is one of the most innovative ways to raise capital that has become popular among startups in the blockchain industry. This funding method allows projects to issue their own tokens or coins in exchange for cryptocurrency (most commonly Ethereum or Bitcoin). Over the past few years, ICOs have attracted significant attention as a means of crowdfunding, opening up new opportunities for investors and developers. In this article, we will take a closer look at the purpose of projects conducting ICOs.

The main objectives of ICOs

Raising capital

The main purpose of ICOs is to raise capital for the development and launch of new projects. Unlike traditional venture capital or equity financing, ICOs offer startups the opportunity to raise significant funds without having to give up a stake in the business or go through complicated dealer due diligence procedures.

Distribution of tokens

ICOs are used to distribute tokens to the community, which can serve not only as a way to raise finance but also as a mechanism to create a network effect. Distributing tokens to a wide range of users can incentivise their use and increase community engagement.

Marketing and promotion

The launch of an ICO is in itself a powerful marketing tool that draws attention to a project. A successful ICO can significantly increase brand awareness and attract new users and investors.

Experimenting with tokenomics

ICOs provide a unique opportunity for projects to experiment with tokenomics – the structure and rules of the token economy. This allows to determine the most efficient mechanisms for incentivising, managing and allocating resources within the ecosystem.

Creation of decentralised communities

Finally, ICOs can facilitate the creation and development of decentralised communities where participants have the opportunity to participate in the management and development of the project. This creates a strong social and economic bond between the project and its users.


ICOs remain an important tool for startups in the blockchain sector, not only to raise the funds needed for development, but also to build strong communities around new projects. However, it is important to be mindful of the risks associated with investing in ICOs, including the potential for loss of investment, high token volatility and regulatory risks. Projects, in turn, should strive to maximise transparency and accountability to build community and investor trust.

 What is the legal status of an ICO?

An initial coin offering (ICO) is a form of fundraising in which new cryptocurrency and blockchain projects issue their tokens in exchange for ether, bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Since their emergence, ICOs have generated significant interest among investors and developers, but have also attracted the attention of regulators around the world. The legal status of ICOs varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction due to different regulatory approaches, investor protection and financial stability objectives.

European Union

In the European Union, ICOs are not yet regulated by specialised legislation. Instead, they are subject to general financial regulations and directives such as the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and the Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AML). This means that projects conducting ICOs must pay attention to compliance with investor identification and transaction transparency requirements.

United States

In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) actively monitors ICOs and has repeatedly stated that many tokens issued as part of an ICO may be considered securities. This means that ICOs may need to register with the SEC or meet exemptions. An important milestone was the SEC’s case against the DAO, after which it was made clear that tokens that provide investors with rights to share in profits or management fall within the definition of securities.


In Asia, attitudes towards ICOs vary from country to country. China, for example, completely banned ICOs in 2017 as part of a broader campaign against financial technology risks. Japan, meanwhile, has taken a more liberal approach, regulating ICOs through existing payment services laws and providing clear guidelines for projects.

Offshore jurisdictions

Some projects choose offshore jurisdictions such as Malta, the Cayman Islands or Gibraltar, which offer more favourable conditions for cryptocurrency startups, to conduct ICOs. These jurisdictions have developed special regulatory frameworks for ICOs in an attempt to attract projects due to lower taxes and simplified regulation.


The legal status of ICOs continues to evolve as regulators around the world explore the potential and risks associated with this new method of financing. For projects wishing to conduct an ICO, it is critical to consider the legal and regulatory requirements of the chosen jurisdiction. At the same time, investors should exercise caution and scrutinise the terms and conditions of participation in ICOs, given the high level of risk and the possibility of regulatory changes.

 What attracts investors to ICOs?

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have become one of the most talked about phenomena in the world of financial technology in recent years. This capital raising tool utilises blockchain technology to issue digital tokens that are sold to investors who wish to support the development of new projects. Despite the high level of risk associated with investing in ICOs, plenty of investors around the world continue to invest in the hope of gaining significant returns. Let’s take a look at the key factors that attract investors to participate in ICOs.

High Yield Potential

One of the main motivations for investors to participate in ICOs is the potential for high returns. Some projects have shown rapid growth in the value of their tokens immediately after their appearance on cryptocurrency exchanges, resulting in significant profits for the initial investors.

Access to Innovative Technologies

Many ICOs are organised by startups working to develop innovative blockchain-based technologies and business models. Investors see ICOs as an opportunity to become part of revolutionary early-stage projects and support the development of technologies that could radically change many industries.

Early Access to Product

Participation in an ICO often provides investors with early access to a product or service, which can be particularly attractive in the case of projects that solve pressing problems or offer unique solutions. In addition, token ownership can provide additional benefits such as discounts, bonuses or even a say in the development of the project.

Decentralisation and Transparency

Blockchain technologies underlying ICOs provide a high level of transparency and security of transactions. Many investors appreciate the opportunity to participate in the financing of projects directly, bypassing intermediaries, which reduces fees and simplifies the investment process.

Speculative Interest

It should be noted that some investors are attracted to ICOs by speculative interest. The volatility of the token market can provide opportunities for short-term trading and profits on price changes.


Investing in ICOs remains a high-risk activity that requires careful analysis and market understanding. However, the combination of the potential for high returns, participation in innovative projects, the attractiveness of decentralisation and speculative interest continues to attract investors despite the risks. It is important to approach investing in ICOs with caution, conducting in-depth analyses of projects and taking into account possible changes in the regulatory environment.

 What are the risks of participating in an ICO?

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) represent a unique and innovative way for blockchain and cryptocurrency startups to raise capital. However, despite the potential benefits, investing in an ICO comes with a number of significant risks. It is important to understand and consider these risks before making a decision to invest. In this article, we take a closer look at the main risks associated with participating in an ICO.

Fraud risk

One of the most significant risks of participating in an ICO is the possibility of fraud. Due to the lack of strict regulation and control, fraudsters can use an ICO to raise funds under the guise of a legitimate project and then disappear, leaving investors without their investment.

Lack of Regulation

Insufficient regulation of ICOs creates conditions not only for fraud, but also for the possibility of changing the rules of the game. Regulators can introduce new rules or restrictions for the ICO market at any time, which may have a negative impact on existing projects.

Liquidity problems

Tokens purchased during an ICO may face liquidity problems in the early stages after the campaign is over. Not all tokens are immediately listed on major exchanges, and it may be difficult for investors to sell tokens quickly at the desired price.

High Volatility

The cryptocurrency market is known for its high volatility. Token prices can fluctuate wildly, making investing in ICOs highly risky. Investors may see the value of their investment plummet shortly after purchasing tokens.

Risks Related to the Project

Many ICO projects are in very early stages of development, and investors run the risk of investing in a product that will never be realised. Even if the project is completed, it may fail due to poor management, lack of team experience, or changing market conditions.

Technical Risks

Blockchain technology, while offering a number of benefits such as security and transparency, also carries risks. Errors in code, security or scalability issues can negatively impact the success of a project and the value of tokens.

Legal Risks

Investing in ICOs may face legal risks, including uncertainty regarding the legal status of tokens and possible regulatory intervention. This could result in funds being frozen or tokens being banned from trading in some jurisdictions.


While ICOs can offer significant opportunities for investors, it is important to carefully weigh the potential risks before deciding whether to participate. Awareness of the above risks and proper project diligence can help minimise potential losses and increase the chances of investment success.

 What have been some of the most successful ICO examples?

In the history of cryptocurrencies, some initial coin offerings (ICOs) have become landmark events, raising huge sums of investment and drawing attention to new technologies and blockchain opportunities. These successful ICOs not only secured funding for their projects, but also played a key role in popularising cryptocurrency investing. In this article, we will look at a few examples of the most successful ICOs that have left a notable mark in the history of cryptocurrencies.

Ethereum (ETH)

  • Box office receipts: Over $18 million
  • Year: 2014

Ethereum is undoubtedly one of the most successful ICOs in history. The platform, which proposed the concept of “smart contracts”, attracted the attention of investors, raising more than $18 million. Since the ICO, Ethereum has become the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin and the basis for thousands of blockchain projects.

NEO (formerly Antshares)

  • Box office receipts: $4.5 million
  • Year: 2016

NEO, often referred to as the “Chinese Ethereum”, raised $4.5 million during its ICO. The project sought to create a platform for developing decentralised applications and digital assets, while focusing on improving scalability and identity.


  • Fees: Over $4 billion
  • Year: 2017-2018

The EOS ICO has become one of the most ambitious in terms of fundraising, raising over $4 billion within a year. The project aims to create a next-generation blockchain platform for developing decentralised applications, standing out for its scalability and efficiency.

Tezos (XTZ)

  • Box office receipts: $232 million
  • Year: 2017

Tezos raised an impressive $232 million, which was a record amount at the time of the ICO. The project attracted attention with its unique self-management feature, which allows the Tezos network to upgrade without the need for a hardfork.

Filecoin (FIL)

  • Box office receipts: $257 million
  • Year: 2017

Filecoin offered a revolutionary way to decentralised data storage by allowing users to rent unused disk space. The ICO raised $257 million, emphasising interest in innovative blockchain storage solutions.


These ICO success stories demonstrate how innovative ideas backed by blockchain technology can attract significant investment and pave the way for the development of new products and services. Although the ICO market has become more saturated and regulated, these success stories continue to inspire entrepreneurs and investors to explore new opportunities in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Licence allows carrying out an ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

In the world of cryptocurrencies, ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a popular way to raise capital that allows companies to issue their own tokens in exchange for investment. Choosing the right jurisdiction for an ICO is critical, as legal frameworks and tax policies can significantly impact the success of the funding. Lithuania and the Czech Republic offer some of the most attractive conditions for registering and conducting ICOs in Europe.

Lithuania: dynamic development of the regulatory environment

Lithuania has become one of the first countries in Europe to develop specific guidelines for blockchain projects, including ICOs. The Lithuanian government actively supports the development of the cryptocurrency market and blockchain industry by offering clear and understandable rules for ICOs.

In 2017, the Lithuanian Bank issued a guide for ICO organisers outlining the basic rules and requirements for ICOs, including the need for project transparency, investor protection and anti-money laundering. Lithuania also offers a very loyal tax system for cryptocurrencies, making it attractive to international investors and startups.

Czech Republic: stability and support for innovation

The Czech Republic, despite its more conservative approach to cryptocurrency regulation compared to Lithuania, also offers attractive conditions for ICOs. Czech legislation is characterised by a high degree of investor protection and transparency of business processes. The Czech Republic attracts blockchain entrepreneurs with its stable economy, high level of property rights protection and efficient legal system.

In addition, the Czech Republic has a number of tax incentives for technology startups, which can reduce the overall costs of a project when conducting an ICO. The availability of qualified IT specialists and a favourable investment climate makes the Czech Republic an attractive place for the growth and development of cryptocurrency projects.

Prospects and challenges

To successfully conduct an ICO in Lithuania or the Czech Republic, companies need to thoroughly research local laws and regulations related to cryptocurrencies and ICOs. Aspects such as transparency, reporting and investor verification requirements should be taken into account. A prerequisite is the development of a full-fledged business plan and technical documentation of the project, which will comply with both local and international standards.

The choice between Lithuania and the Czech Republic for an ICO depends largely on the specifics of the project and its needs. Despite differences in regulatory approaches, both countries offer favourable conditions for cryptocurrency startups and investors. However, close co-operation with local authorities and regulators to ensure full legal clarity and compliance remains key.


Lithuania and the Czech Republic are among the best European countries for ICOs due to their supportive approach and developed infrastructure. The choice of a country for an ICO should be based on a careful analysis of all the advantages and possible risks associated with each jurisdiction. Both countries offer unique opportunities to realise cryptocurrency projects at a high level.

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At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 661 75988
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Phone: +48 50 633 5087
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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