TRP in Lithuania

TRP in Lithuania

Temporary Residence Permit (TRP) in Lithuania is an important tool for foreign nationals planning to do business, work, study or reside in Lithuania legally. TRP ensures the right to stay in the country for a certain period of time and offers a number of advantages over other types of migration statuses.

  1. Grounds for obtaining a TRP. TRP in Lithuania may be issued on various grounds, including:
  • Work: foreign nationals who have received a job offer from a Lithuanian employer.
  • Entrepreneurial activity: foreigners planning to start or already running a business in Lithuania.
  • Study: students enrolled in Lithuanian educational institutions.
  • Family reunification: aliens who wish to reside in Lithuania together with close relatives already residing in the country.
  • Scientific activity: researchers or scientific staff invited by Lithuanian scientific institutions.
  1. Process for obtaining TRP. The process of applying for TRP begins with the preparation of the required package of documents, which includes:
  • TRP Application.
  • A valid passport.
  • Proof of financial solvency.
  • Health insurance covering the entire period of stay.
  • Documents proving the basis for the TRP (e.g. employment contract, business plan, study documents).
  • Certificate of absence of a criminal record.

After collecting all necessary documents, the application is submitted to the Lithuanian Migration Service or through the Lithuanian Consulate abroad. The processing time of the application usually ranges from 1 to 4 months.

  1. Benefits of TRP. Obtaining TRP provides a number of significant benefits:
  • Right to work and do business: TRP holders can freely work in Lithuania and do business on an equal footing with Lithuanian citizens.
  • Freedom of movement: TRP allows you to travel and stay freely in Schengen countries for short visits.
  • Access to education and health care: TRP holders have the right to study in Lithuanian educational institutions and access to the national health care system.
  1. Extension of the TRP. TRP in Lithuania is issued for a period of one to three years and may be extended provided that the grounds for obtaining it remain valid. The extension process also requires submission of relevant documents and proof of fulfilment of the requirements for residence in Lithuania.

A temporary residence permit in Lithuania offers great opportunities for foreign investors and professionals, allowing them to legally reside, work and do business in the country. It is an important step towards full integration into the economic and social life of Lithuania, as well as possible permanent residence permit and citizenship in the future.

How to obtain residency in Lithuania

Lithuania, as part of the European Union, offers attractive opportunities for foreign investors, entrepreneurs and professionals seeking to expand their presence in the European market. Obtaining residence in Lithuania opens access to a number of advantages, including the right to reside, conduct business and freedom of movement within the Schengen area.

  1. Determining the type of residence

The first step in obtaining residency is to choose the type of permit that best suits your goals and circumstances. Lithuania offers two main types of residence:

  • Temporary residence permit (TRP): Suitable for those who plan to reside in Lithuania for a certain period of time (from one to three years) with the possibility of extension. TRP can be obtained on the basis of work, business, study or family reunification.
  • Permanent residence permit (PRP): Issued after continuous residence in Lithuania on the basis of TRP for at least five years. PRP grants long-term rights to reside and work in Lithuania.
  1. Preparation of necessary documents

The following documents will need to be collected and submitted in order to apply for residency:

  • Valid passport: Make sure your passport is valid for the entire period of your intended stay.
  • Photographs: Recent photographs that meet the standards set by the Lithuanian Migration Service.
  • Proof of financial solvency: Bank statements confirming that you have sufficient funds to live in Lithuania.
  • Health Insurance: A policy covering all medical expenses for the duration of your stay.
  • Documents proving the basis for residency: Labour contract, business registration, invitation to study or family reunification documents.
  • Criminal record certificate: A document proving that you have no criminal record in your country of previous residence.
  1. Submitting an application

Application for residence is submitted to the Lithuanian Migration Service or through diplomatic missions abroad. It is important to submit a complete set of documents, as incomplete or incorrect documents may delay the application process.

  1. Application process

It may take one to four months to process a residency application, depending on the type of residency and the completeness of the documents submitted. In some cases, additional documents or an interview with the applicant may be required.

  1. Obtaining a residence permit

Once your application is approved, you will receive a residence permit, which entitles you to legally reside in Lithuania. TRP is usually issued for a period of one to three years with the possibility of extension, while PRP is granted for five years with the possibility of further extension.

  1. Renewal and transition to permanent residence

In case of a temporary residence permit, it is important to apply for its renewal in time. After five years of residence in Lithuania on the basis of TRP, it is possible to apply for a permanent residence permit, which will give more rights and opportunities, including the possibility to apply for citizenship.

Obtaining residence in Lithuania is an important step on the way to successful business and integration into the European community. Proper preparation and accurate fulfilment of all the necessary steps significantly increase the chances of successfully obtaining residence and open up many new opportunities for you in Lithuania and beyond.

 Applying for the Lithuanian permanent residence in 2024

With the growing interest in Lithuania as an important business hub and gateway to the European market, more and more foreign investors and professionals are seeking permanent residence permit (PRP) in this country. Permanent residence in Lithuania opens access to numerous advantages, including long-term residence, freedom of movement within the Schengen area and the right to work without additional permits. In 2024, the procedure for applying for a residence permit in Lithuania has undergone a number of changes and clarifications that should be taken into account.

  1. Criteria for applying for a residence permit in 2024

To apply for a residence permit in Lithuania in 2024, foreign nationals must fulfil the following basic criteria:

  • Continuous residence: Applicants must reside in Lithuania on the basis of a temporary residence permit (TRP) for at least five years. It is important that this period should be continuous, with minimum permissible temporary departures from the country.
  • Financial viability: Evidence of financial viability must be provided to show that the applicant is able to support themselves and their dependants without having to resort to social benefits.
  • Knowledge of the Lithuanian language: Knowledge of the Lithuanian language at a level sufficient for participation in everyday life and communication is a prerequisite. This knowledge is confirmed by passing an examination, the results of which must be attached to the application.
  • Integration into society: Applicants must demonstrate their integration into Lithuanian society, which may include participation in social, cultural or professional activities.
  1. The process of applying for a residence permit

In 2024, the process of applying for a residence permit in Lithuania has become more structured and transparent. Applicants must fulfil the following steps:

  • Collection of documents: The full set of documents should include a foreign passport, proof of residence in Lithuania, income certificates, results of the Lithuanian language test and a certificate of no criminal record.
  • Submission of the application: The application is submitted through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS). It is important that all documents are submitted electronically through the system and the originals are submitted at a personal visit to the Migration Service.
  • Waiting for a decision: It may take from 4 to 6 months for the application to be processed, depending on the complexity of the case and the completeness of the documents submitted. It is important to follow the status of the application through the MIGRIS system.
  1. Important changes and innovations in 2024
  • Digitalisation of the process: In 2024, a significant part of the application process is transferred to an online format. This includes both the submission of documents and the payment of state fees through the MIGRIS
  • Increased language skills requirements: In 2024, the requirements for knowledge of the Lithuanian language were tightened. Now not only oral but also written proficiency in the language is required at a level sufficient to understand the basics of law and the constitutional structure of the country.
  • Accelerated procedures: As part of the new changes, it is now possible to apply for an accelerated residence permit for investors who have made a significant contribution to the Lithuanian economy. These cases are considered individually and require an additional fee.

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Lithuania in 2024 is an important step for foreign nationals seeking to establish themselves in the European community. The updated procedures and requirements require thorough preparation and careful attention to every step of the application process. Successfully obtaining a residence permit not only opens access to many opportunities in Lithuania, but also serves as a bridge to further integration and possibly to obtaining Lithuanian citizenship in the future.

Blue Card in Lithuania

Lithuania, as a full member of the European Union, actively supports the attraction of highly qualified specialists from non-EU countries by providing them with the opportunity to obtain the EU Blue Card. This document is a residence and employment permit that provides access to the Lithuanian labour market and other EU countries. The Blue Card not only facilitates the legalisation process for professionals, but also provides a number of advantages for both employees and employers.

  1. What is the European Blue Card?

The European Blue Card is a specialised residence and work permit intended for highly qualified specialists from non-EU countries. It allows holders to reside and work legally in Lithuania and also provides the possibility to move to other EU countries if certain conditions are met.

  1. Basic requirements for obtaining a Blue Card in Lithuania

In order to obtain a Blue Card in Lithuania, the applicant must fulfil the following key requirements:

  • High Qualifications: The applicant must have a university degree (minimum Bachelor’s degree) or an equivalent qualification certified by a diploma. In some cases, proof of work experience in the relevant field may be required.
  • Work contract: It is necessary to have a concluded labour contract or a mandatory job offer from a Lithuanian employer. The minimum duration of the contract is one year.
  • Salary: The salary offered must be at least 1.5 times the national average salary. This condition ensures that the Blue Card is only issued to highly qualified professionals.
  • Health insurance: The applicant must have health insurance that covers the entire period of residence in Lithuania.
  1. Blue Card application procedure

The process of obtaining a Blue Card in Lithuania consists of several steps:

  • Document Collection: The applicant must prepare a complete package of documents including a high school diploma, employment contract, proof of financial solvency, health insurance and other necessary certificates.
  • Applying: The application for the Blue Card is submitted to the Lithuanian Migration Service. The application can be submitted in person or through the online system MIGRIS.
  • Waiting for a decision: The application process can take up to 90 days. It is important to submit all documents in full to avoid delays.
  1. Advantages of the European Blue Card in Lithuania
  • Freedom of movement: Blue Card holders can travel and stay temporarily in other Schengen countries without the need for additional visas.
  • Long-term prospects: The Blue Card offers the possibility of obtaining a permanent residence permit after five years of legal residence in Lithuania.
  • Family benefits: Blue Card holder’s family members can obtain residence and work permits in Lithuania, which facilitates the integration process.
  • Moving to other EU countries: After 18 months of residence in Lithuania, Blue Card holders can apply for work in other EU countries, making this programme attractive for those who want to work in different European markets.

The European Blue Card in Lithuania is a powerful tool for attracting highly qualified specialists, which contributes to the development of the economy and Lithuania’s integration into the international community. For specialists from outside the EU, the Blue Card offers great opportunities for professional growth and stable residence in one of the most dynamically developing countries in Europe. Careful preparation and compliance with all requirements significantly increase the chances of successfully obtaining this prestigious permit.

 What documents do I need to submit TRP in Lithuania?

Temporary Residence Permit (TRP) in Lithuania is an important document for foreign nationals planning to reside, work or conduct business in the country legally. Proper preparation and submission of documents are the key steps in this process, on which the successful receipt of TRP depends. In this article, we will look at what documents need to be prepared and submitted in order to apply for a temporary residence permit in Lithuania.

  1. Basic documents for applying for TRP

To apply for a temporary residence permit in Lithuania, you need to collect and submit the following basic documents:

  • Valid passport: The original and copies of all pages of a valid passport must be submitted. The validity period of the passport must cover the entire intended period of stay in Lithuania.
  • Completed application form: An official TRP application form, which must be filled in Lithuanian or English. The form is available on the website of the Lithuanian Migration Service or at the relevant consulate.
  • Photographs: Recent colour photographs (usually 4×6 cm) that meet the specified format and quality requirements.
  • Documents proving the reason for applying for TRP: Depending on the reason for applying for TRP, these may be:
    • To work: Labour contract with a Lithuanian employer.
    • For business: Documents on company registration in Lithuania, business plan and proof of financial stability.
    • For studies: Letter of enrolment in a Lithuanian educational institution.
    • For family reunification: Documents proving family relations with a Lithuanian resident (marriage, birth certificates, etc.).
  • Health insurance: A health insurance policy covering the entire period of stay in Lithuania. The policy must cover basic medical expenses.
  • Proof of financial solvency: Bank statements, income documents proving sufficient funds to live in Lithuania. The required amount depends on the purpose of stay, but usually it should not be lower than the minimum wage in the country.
  • Documents on the place of residence in Lithuania: Rental agreement, certificate of ownership or confirmation from the inviting party on the provision of accommodation.
  • Criminal record certificate: An official certificate from the country of current residence and, if necessary, from other countries where the applicant has lived for more than one year in the last ten years. The certificate must be legalised or certified with an apostille.
  1. Additional documents

Depending on the specific situation and the category of the applicant, additional documents may be required:

  • Proof of educational background: For highly qualified professionals and students, copies of diplomas, certificates and other educational documents may be required.
  • Documents on previous residence: If the applicant has previously resided in Lithuania or another EU country, documents confirming this fact may be required (e.g. previous visas, residence permits).
  1. Application procedure

After collecting all necessary documents, the application is submitted to the Lithuanian Migration Service or through the Lithuanian diplomatic mission abroad. It is important to submit a complete and accurate package of documents, as the absence of any of them may result in delay or refusal to issue a TRP.

  1. Legalisation and translation of documents

All documents issued outside Lithuania must be translated into Lithuanian and notarised. In some cases, legalisation of documents or their certification with an apostille is also required.

Applying for a temporary residence permit in Lithuania requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Collecting and submitting all necessary documents in accordance with the established requirements significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining a TRP and opens up new opportunities for working, studying or doing business in Lithuania.

How can Regulated United Europe help with TRP in Lithuania?

Lithuania, as a member of the European Union, offers attractive opportunities for international entrepreneurs wishing to expand their activities and establish themselves in the European market. One of the most effective ways to legalise a stay in the country is to obtain a temporary residence permit (TPR) by starting or buying a business. The law firm Regulated United Europe offers comprehensive services to help you successfully obtain a residence permit on business grounds.

Advisory services and establishment of a new company

Regulated United Europe provides a full range of legal services from initial consultations to the full realisation of the project of establishing a new company in Lithuania. The stages include:

  • Selection of the optimal legal form for the new business, which complies with both Lithuanian legislation and the client’s individual requirements.
  • Drawing up the necessary documents for company registration, including articles of association and other constituent documents.
  • Support in obtaining all necessary licences and permits for business operations.
  • Organising a registered office and possibly providing a corporate secretary or nominee director.

Assistance in acquiring an existing business

Regulated United Europe offers the following services for investors who prefer to integrate into the Lithuanian economy through the purchase of an already operating business:

  • Conducting a thorough audit and evaluation of the selected business to ensure its legal cleanliness and financial stability.
  • Assistance in negotiating and concluding transactions, as well as in resolving any arising issues at all stages of business acquisition.
  • Advice on optimising the business structure and integrating new business processes.

Support in the process of obtaining a residence permit

Obtaining residence permit through business in Lithuania requires not only the successful launch or acquisition of a company, but also its active economic activity, contributing to the economy of the country. Regulated United Europe provides:

  • Assistance in preparing and submitting documentation for residence permits, including business plans and proof of economic activity.
  • Representation of the client’s interests in the Lithuanian Migration Service and other state authorities.
  • Advice on the prolongation of residence permits and on the transition to permanent residence, if necessary.


Regulated United Europe is a reliable partner for international entrepreneurs seeking to expand their presence in Lithuania. Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of local legislation and the intricacies of doing business in the European Union, our company offers not just legal support, but full-fledged support of business projects in order to successfully obtain a residence permit and long-term development of business in Lithuania.


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At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

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Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 6949 5456
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
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Anno: 28.08.2019
Email: [email protected]
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Regulated United Europe OÜ

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Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

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Phone: +420 775 524 175
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Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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