Spain Golden Visa

Spain Golden Visa

Spain is considered one of the most attractive places to invest and move to Europe due to its culture, climate and high standard of living. The Golden Visa programme in Spain is a unique opportunity for investors and their families to obtain residency and, subsequently, citizenship in the country in exchange for investment in the Spanish economy. In this article we will look at the key aspects of the Golden Visa programme in Spain and its benefits for investors.

Conditions of participation in the programme

In order to obtain a Golden Visa in Spain, the investor must fulfil the following conditions:

  1. Investment: Invest a certain amount of money in the Spanish economy. There are several investment options, including buying property, investing in bank deposits, securities or entrepreneurship.
  2. Financial Solvency: Confirm your financial solvency and criminal record.
  3. Health Insurance: Ensure that you have health insurance for yourself and your family members.
  4. Presence in the country: Comply with the minimum residency requirements of at least 183 days per year.

Advantages of a Golden Visa in Spain

  1. Freedom of movement: Golden Visa holders have the right to travel freely in Schengen countries without visas.
  2. Education: Tertiary education opportunities for children at resident rates.
  3. Business opportunities: Opportunities for business development in Spain and other EU countries.
  4. Citizenship: Possibility of obtaining Spanish citizenship through a Golden Visa stay.

The process of obtaining a Golden Visa

  1. Investment selection: Determining the appropriate investment option based on objectives and budget.
  2. Document preparation: Gathering the necessary documents and filling out the application form.
  3. Applying: Apply for a Golden Visa at a Spanish consulate or embassy.
  4. Investing: Making investments in accordance with the selected option.
  5. Obtaining a visa: Obtaining temporary residence and subsequently permanent residence or citizenship.


The Golden Visa programme in Spain represents an attractive opportunity for investors seeking access to European residency and citizenship. Freedom of movement, access to education and business opportunities make this programme one of the most sought-after among international investors. However, before deciding to participate in the programme, investors should carefully review all conditions and requirements and consult with legal experts to ensure a successful process.

Spain golden visa programme 2024

Spain’s Golden Visa programme remains one of the most attractive in Europe for international investors, providing a unique opportunity to gain residency in the country by investing in the Spanish economy. In 2024, the programme remains attractive due to a number of factors including government stability, a strengthening international business community and a diversity of investment opportunities. In this article, we look at the current state of the Golden Visa programme in Spain and its prospects in 2024.

Programme overview

The Golden Visa programme in Spain offers investors from different countries the opportunity to obtain temporary or permanent residence in the country, provided they invest in the Spanish economy. Investment options include purchasing property, investing in government bonds, bank deposits or business activities.

Investment opportunities

  1. Buying property: Investing in property in Spain remains one of the most popular options for obtaining a Golden Visa. Spain offers a wide range of residential and commercial properties to suit all tastes and budgets.
  2. Business investment: The possibility of creating or buying a business in Spain also attracts many investors. It allows not only to obtain residence, but also to actively participate in the economic life of the country.
  3. Investing in government bonds: Investing in Spanish government bonds is one of the safest ways to obtain a Golden Visa. It allows investors to earn interest income and preserve their investment.

Benefits of the programme

  1. European Residence: Obtaining a Golden Visa opens access to residence and freedom of movement in Schengen countries.
  2. Education: Children of Gold Visa holders are entitled to education at resident rates, including access to the best educational institutions in the country.
  3. Business opportunities: Investors have the opportunity to develop their own business in Spain and other EU countries.
  4. Citizenship: After a certain period of stay, investors are entitled to Spanish citizenship.

Outlook for 2024

In 2024, the Golden Visa programme in Spain is expected to continue to grow steadily. With a stable political and economic climate, the programme will continue to attract new investors from different regions of the world. It is also expected to expand investment opportunities and simplify procedures to attract more potential participants.


Spain’s Golden Visa programme remains one of the most attractive ways for international investors to obtain residency and citizenship in Europe. In 2024, it represents a promising opportunity for those seeking stability, freedom of movement and new business opportunities in an attractive European country.


More than 6,200 visas issued for property investments

Spain golden visa with investments from 500, 000 euros

Spain has been a member of the EU since 1985 and of the Schengen area since 1995


Obtaining Spanish citizenship after 10 years of residence

Spain golden visa requirements

The Golden Visa Programme in Spain represents a lucrative opportunity for investors wishing to take up residence in this attractive European country. However, a full understanding of the requirements and the visa application process is essential for successful participation in the programme. In this article we will look at the key requirements for obtaining a Golden Visa in Spain and analyse them in detail.

Financial Requirements

  1. Investments: The main requirement of the programme is to invest in the Spanish economy. Investors can choose from several options, including buying property, investing in government bonds, entrepreneurship or bank deposits. Minimum investment amounts may vary depending on the option chosen.
  2. Financial Solvency: The investor must demonstrate their financial ability to make the investment and secure their residency in the country without recourse to public financial resources.

Personal Requirements

  1. No criminal record: The investor and his family members must not have a criminal record in Spain or elsewhere.
  2. Health Insurance: The investor and his family must have health insurance covering the costs of medical care in Spain.

Advanced Requirements

  1. Stay in Country: The investor must comply with the minimum stay requirements, which are usually at least 183 days per year.
  2. Language Skills: Although knowledge of Spanish is not a requirement, it can be helpful in successfully adapting and interacting in Spanish society.

Visa application process

  1. Preparation of Documents: The investor must gather all necessary documents to prove financial status, no criminal record and health insurance.
  2. Application: After preparing the documents, the investor applies for a Golden Visa at the Spanish consulate or embassy.
  3. Investing and Obtaining a Visa: Once the application is approved, the investor invests according to the chosen option and then obtains a temporary stay in the country. Later, after a certain period of stay, the investor can apply for permanent residence or even citizenship.


The Golden Visa programme in Spain offers a wide range of opportunities for investors wishing to take up residence in this attractive European country. However, in order to successfully participate in the programme, it is necessary to strictly comply with all the requirements and procedures stipulated by the Spanish legislation. It is important to have all the necessary documents and readiness to invest in accordance with the programme.

Type of investment for Spain golden visa Quantity
Property investments 500,000 euros
Business development 1 million euros
Transfer of capital 1 million euros

Spain residence permit

A resident visa in Spain represents an attractive opportunity for international investors to gain legal residence in this beautiful country. Whether your goal is to invest in property, set up a business or simply to enjoy the culture and climate of Spain, a resident visa opens the door to a wealth of opportunities. In this article, we look at the key aspects of obtaining a resident visa in Spain for international investors.

Types of Resident Visas

  1. Property: Purchasing a property in Spain for at least a certain threshold will qualify you for a resident visa.
  2. Investment: Investing in the Spanish economy through the purchase of government bonds, shares or entrepreneurial activity can also lead to a resident visa.
  3. Work or Business: Getting a job or setting up your own business in Spain can also be grounds for obtaining a resident visa.

Advantages of a Resident Visa

  1. Freedom of Movement: A resident visa allows you to travel freely within the Schengen countries without the need for additional visas.
  2. Education: Residents have access to educational facilities at local resident rates.
  3. Medical Care: Residents are entitled to medical care at local resident rates.

The process of obtaining a Resident Visa

  1. Preparation of Documents: Collect all the necessary documents according to the requirements of the chosen visa category.
  2. Apply: Apply for a visa at the nearest Spanish consulate or embassy.
  3. Interview and Application Review: In some cases, you may be required to attend an interview or provide additional documents.
  4. Visa Approval: Once your application has been processed and all requirements have been met, you will be issued a resident visa.

Obtaining Permanent Residence and Citizenship

  1. Permanent Residence: After residing in the country for a certain amount of time, resident visa holders can apply for permanent residence.
  2. Citizenship: Once you have reached a certain period of residence in Spain, you can apply for Spanish citizenship.


A residency visa in Spain represents an excellent opportunity for international investors and entrepreneurs wishing to start a new life in this beautiful country. However, before starting the process, it is important to thoroughly understand all the requirements and procedures to ensure that you successfully obtain your visa and enjoy all the benefits of residency in Spain.

 Spain temporary residence permit

Spain attracts the attention of investors from different countries due to its favourable business climate, cultural richness and attractive living conditions. One of the key tools that attracts foreign investors is a temporary residence permit in the country. In this article we will look at the features and advantages of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Spain for foreign investors.

The process of obtaining a temporary residence permit

In order to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain, a foreign investor must fulfil certain requirements, including financial, legal and migration conditions. It is important to note that the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit may differ depending on the type of investment programme the investor chooses.

One of the most common ways of obtaining a temporary residence permit is to invest in property. According to Spanish law, a foreign investor can obtain a temporary residence permit if he or she acquires a property worth at least a certain threshold.

Advantages of a temporary residence permit in Spain

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Spain offers investors a number of significant advantages:

  1. Freedom of movement: Holders of a temporary residence permit have the right to move freely within the Schengen area.
  2. Business opportunities: Spain offers excellent conditions for business development and having a temporary residence permit allows investors to actively participate in commercial activities.
  3. Access to education and health care: Holders of temporary residence permits are entitled to educational and health care services in Spain.
  4. The path to permanent residence and citizenship: A temporary residence permit can be the first step to obtaining permanent residence and even Spanish citizenship.


Spain offers attractive opportunities for foreign investors, including temporary residence programmes. However, before starting the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit, it is important to familiarise yourself with the country’s requirements and legislation, and to seek advice from professionals in the field.

Spain golden visa investment fund

Spain today attracts the attention of investors from all over the world due to its innovative approach to attracting foreign investment. One of these attractive instruments is the Spanish Golden Visa Investment Fund programme, which offers unique opportunities to obtain temporary residence permits and eventually citizenship in the country.

What is the Spanish Golden Visa Investment Fund?

The Spanish Golden Visa Investment Fund is an innovative mechanism that allows foreign investors to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain in exchange for investments in specially approved investment funds. This programme was introduced to encourage the inflow of foreign investment into the country and promotes the development of various sectors of the economy.

Advantages of Spanish Golden Visa Investment Fund:

  1. Flexibility in investment choice: Investors can choose from a variety of investment funds that match their investment objectives and risk preferences.
  2. Access to the Schengen area: After obtaining a temporary residence permit, Golden Visa holders can travel freely throughout the Schengen countries without the need for visas.
  3. Family Opportunity: The Golden Visa Programme applies not only to the main applicant, but also to his/her family, including spouse and children.
  4. Path to citizenship: After a certain period of time, holders of a temporary residence permit may be able to apply for a permanent residence permit and eventually obtain Spanish citizenship.

How to get a Spanish Golden Visa through an investment fund:

  1. Investment Fund Selection: The investor must select one of the approved investment funds that meets his/her investment objectives.
  2. Investing: The investor must invest in the selected fund in accordance with the requirements of the Golden Visa programme.
  3. Application: After investing, the investor must apply for a temporary residence permit in Spain and undergo the relevant verification and approval procedures.


The Spanish Golden Visa Investment Fund is an attractive opportunity for foreign investors wishing to gain access to the European market and build a promising investment portfolio. However, before entering the programme, it is important to carefully review the requirements and conditions and seek professional advice to ensure a successful process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Spain.

 Spain golden visa cost

The Spanish Golden Visa is an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to access the European Union market and acquire a temporary residence permit in Spain. However, like any other investment programme, there are costs and expenses involved. In this article, we will understand the cost of the Spanish Golden Visa programme and find out what factors affect its overall cost.

The main components of the cost of the Spanish Golden Visa:

  1. Investment amount: One of the main cost elements of the Golden Visa programme is the minimum investment amount requirement. In the case of Spain, the investor must invest a certain amount in approved investment vehicles such as property or investment funds. The value of the investment can vary significantly depending on the property selected and its location.
  2. Government fees and charges: In addition to the investment, an investor must also consider government fees and charges associated with applying for the Golden Visa programme. These costs may include application processing fees, paperwork and other administrative fees.
  3. Legal Services: Many investors seek the assistance of legal advisors or attorneys to ensure that all necessary documents and processes are properly completed. The cost of legal services can vary depending on the service provider chosen and the scope of work.
  4. Additional costs: In addition to the basic costs, an investor should also consider additional costs such as relocation, accommodation, insurance and other day-to-day expenses in Spain.

Optimising the cost of the Golden Visa programme:

  1. Exploring investment alternatives: The investor should consider various investment options and select the most appropriate one in terms of cost and potential return.
  2. Cost Planning: It is important to carefully plan all costs associated with the Golden Visa programme to avoid unexpected costs and minimise the overall cost of participating in the programme.
  3. Professional advice: Seeking professional advice from an immigration lawyer or consultant can help an investor save time and money when participating in the Golden Visa programme.

So, the cost of the Spanish Golden Visa programme can vary significantly depending on various factors including the investment chosen, government fees, legal fees and additional costs. It is important to thoroughly research all aspects of the programme and plan costs in advance to ensure successful participation in the Spanish Golden Visa programme.

 Spain golden visa properties/ real estate

The Spanish Golden Visa is an attractive opportunity for foreign investors to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain in exchange for a property investment. This programme is an attractive option for those looking for a way to gain access to the European Union market and at the same time purchase property in prestigious locations in Spain.

Advantages of investing in property to obtain a Spanish Golden Visa:

  1. Stable Investment: Real estate is one of the most secure types of investments, providing a steady stream of income and capital preservation over the long term.
  2. Obtaining a temporary residence permit: Investing in property allows foreign investors to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain, giving them access to the Schengen area and other benefits.
  3. A wide range of properties: Spain offers a variety of property options including luxury coastal villas, apartments in historic city centres and commercial properties.
  4. Potential for rental yields: Many investment properties in Spain have a high potential for rental yields, making them an attractive investment.

How to invest in property to get a Spanish Golden Visa:

  1. Selection of an eligible property: The investor must select a property that meets the requirements of the Golden Visa programme, including the minimum investment value.
  2. Preparation of documents: The investor must provide all necessary documents confirming the property purchase transaction and the origin of the invested funds.
  3. Application: After the transaction, the investor must apply for a temporary residence permit in Spain and undergo the relevant verification and approval procedures.


Investing in property to obtain a Spanish Golden Visa is an attractive and reliable way to gain access to the European Union market and at the same time acquire a valuable asset in a prime location in Spain. However, before embarking on the programme, it is important to thoroughly research all aspects of property investment and seek professional advice to ensure the successful completion of the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Spain.

 Spain golden visa benefits

The Spanish Golden Visa is a unique opportunity for foreign investors to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain in exchange for investing in the country’s economy. This programme has a number of advantages that make it attractive to those looking for a way to gain access to the European Union market and build a promising investment portfolio. Let’s take a look at the main benefits of the Spanish Golden Visa programme for foreign investors:

  1. Access to the European market:

The Spanish Golden Visa allows investors to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain, which gives them access to the European Union market. This allows investors to travel freely throughout the Schengen countries without the need for a visa and to participate in commercial activities in the European market.

  1. Business opportunities:

Spain offers excellent conditions for business development, and holding a temporary residence permit allows investors to actively participate in commercial activities in the country. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for investors to develop their own business or invest in existing projects.

  1. Education and health care:

Holders of a temporary residence permit in Spain are entitled to receive educational and medical services in the country. This is particularly important for investors with children who want to ensure that they have access to quality education, as well as for those who value a high level of medical care.

  1. Pathway to permanent residency and citizenship:

A temporary residence permit can be the first step to obtaining a permanent residence permit and even Spanish citizenship. After a certain period of time, holders of a temporary residence permit may be able to apply for a permanent residence permit and subsequently obtain Spanish citizenship, which opens them up to the full range of rights and privileges of Spanish citizenship.


The Spanish Golden Visa represents an attractive opportunity for foreign investors wishing to access the European Union market and build a promising investment portfolio. However, before starting the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Spain, it is important to thoroughly review all the terms and conditions of the programme and seek professional advice to ensure a successful process and maximise the potential benefits of the Golden Visa programme.

 Spain residence permit for non-EU citizens

Spain is an attractive destination for non-EU citizens seeking business, investment and a better quality of life. Obtaining a residence permit for non-EU citizens is an important step in achieving these goals. Let’s take a look at the process of obtaining a residence permit in Spain for non-EU citizens and the benefits it offers.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Spain for non-EU citizens:

  1. Definition of grounds: Non-EU nationals can obtain a residence permit in Spain on the basis of various categories, including property investment, business establishment, employment or family ties. It is important to choose the most appropriate pathway according to your goals and circumstances.
  2. Compliance: In order to obtain a residence permit, you must meet certain requirements, such as being financially sound, having health insurance, and not being a threat to public safety.
  3. Document preparation: After determining the grounds, it is necessary to collect and prepare all the necessary documents to apply for a residence permit. This may include passport, income certificate, rental or property agreement and other documents depending on the chosen category.
  4. Application: Once the documents have been prepared, the application for a residence permit must be submitted to the relevant authorities in Spain and undergo the appropriate verification and approval procedures.

Advantages of a Residence Permit in Spain for Non-EU Citizens:

  1. Access to the European market: Having a residence permit in Spain gives non-EU citizens access to the European market, facilitating business deals, investments and commercial opportunities.
  2. Business opportunities: Spain offers excellent conditions for business development and holding a residence permit allows non-EU citizens to actively participate in commercial activities in the country.
  3. Cultural and educational environment: Spain is known for its rich cultural heritage and high level of education. Having a residence permit allows you to enjoy all the benefits of Spanish culture and education.
  4. The path to permanent residence and citizenship: A residence permit can be the first step towards permanent residence and even Spanish citizenship, which opens up to non-EU citizens the full range of rights and privileges of EU citizens.


Obtaining a residence permit in Spain for non-EU citizens is an important step in achieving business goals and improving quality of life. However, before embarking on the process of obtaining a residence permit, it is important to thoroughly research all aspects and seek professional advice to ensure a successful process and maximise the potential benefits of holding a residence permit in Spain.

 Spain golden visa real estate

The Spanish Golden Visa is a unique opportunity for foreign investors to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain in exchange for a property investment. This approach is one of the most popular among those seeking not only access to the European Union market, but also to acquire valuable assets in an attractive location.

Advantages of Investing in Real Estate to Obtain a Spanish Golden Visa:

  1. Stable Investments: Property in Spain is considered a stable and secure investment. It provides capital preservation and the potential for future growth in value.
  2. Access to the European Market: Having a temporary residence permit in Spain gives investors access to the European market. This allows you to easily move around the Schengen countries and participate in business operations within the EU.
  3. A wide range of properties: Spain offers a variety of properties including luxury coastal villas, stylish apartments in city centres and commercial properties. This allows investors to choose properties according to their investment objectives and preferences.
  4. Rental Yield: Many investment properties in Spain have a high potential for rental yields. This makes them an attractive investment for those looking for a source of passive income.

How to Invest in Real Estate to Get Spanish Golden Visa:

  1. Property Selection: The investor must select a property that meets the requirements of the Golden Visa programme. This includes properties worth at least a certain amount and located in certain regions.
  2. Preparation of Documents: Once the property has been selected, the investor must gather all the necessary documents to apply for a temporary residence permit. This may include the sales contract, income statements, passport details and other documents.
  3. Application: After collecting the documents, the investor must submit an application for a temporary residence permit to the relevant authorities in Spain. This must be followed by verification and approval procedures.


Investing in property to obtain a Spanish Golden Visa is an attractive and reliable opportunity for foreign investors. It not only provides access to the European Union market, but also provides stable and promising investments in attractive locations in Spain. However, before starting the investment process it is important to thoroughly research all aspects of the Golden Visa programme and seek professional advice to ensure a successful process and maximise the potential benefits of the programme.

 Long-term residence permit Spain

The Long-term Residence Permit (Long-term Residence Permit) is the key to a stable stay in Spain for non-European Union citizens. It opens up a wide range of opportunities for investors, entrepreneurs and professionals to develop their business, work and integrate into Spanish society. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits and the path to obtaining a long-term residence permit in Spain.

Advantages of a Long Term Residence Permit in Spain:

  1. Stability and certainty: Having a long-term residence permit in Spain provides stability and certainty for the future, allowing investors and entrepreneurs to plan long-term business and life strategies.
  2. Investment security: Long-term residency in the country provides reliable protection for investments and assets, which is particularly important for foreign investors wishing to invest in the Spanish economy.
  3. Access to the Labour Market: Holding a long-term residence permit opens up opportunities for foreign professionals to find work and employment in Spain, which contributes to their professional and career development.
  4. Integration into society: Obtaining a long-term residence permit allows you to integrate into Spanish society, participate in cultural life, social activities and social programmes.

The path to obtaining a Long Term Residence Permit in Spain:

  1. Choice of Grounds: Non-EU nationals can obtain long-term residence in Spain on the basis of various categories, including investment, business, employment or family ties. It is important to choose the most appropriate pathway according to your goals and circumstances.
  2. Meeting Requirements: In order to obtain a long-term residence permit, you must meet certain requirements, such as having sufficient income, health insurance, and no threat to public safety.
  3. Preparation of Documents: Once the basis has been determined, it is necessary to collect and prepare all the necessary documents to apply for a long-term residence permit. This may include passport, income certificate, health insurance and other documents depending on the chosen category.
  4. Applying: Once the documents have been prepared, the application for a long-term residence permit must be submitted to the relevant authorities in Spain and undergo the appropriate verification and approval procedures.


A long-term residence permit in Spain offers non-EU nationals a wide range of opportunities to do business, work and live in Spain. However, before starting the process of obtaining a long-term residence permit, it is important to carefully consider all aspects and seek professional advice to ensure a successful process and maximise the potential benefits of holding a long-term residence permit in Spain.

 Spain golden visa tax benefits

The Spanish Golden Visa not only provides the opportunity to obtain a temporary residence permit in Spain, but also has a number of tax advantages that make this programme particularly attractive to foreign investors. Let’s look at the key tax benefits of the Golden Visa programme and their impact on investment decisions.

  1. Real Estate Tax:

One of the main tax benefits of the Spanish Golden Visa is related to property taxes. Golden Visa investors can enjoy lower property tax rates than non-residents. This significantly reduces the tax burden of owning and managing property in Spain.

  1. Real Estate Income Tax:

Investors holding a Golden Visa are also entitled to tax relief on income derived from rental property in Spain. They can apply reduced rates of tax on rental income or benefit from an exemption on certain types of income.

  1. Capital Investment Tax:

Investors who own property in Spain through the Golden Visa can also enjoy investment tax advantages. They are entitled to apply lower rates of capital investment tax or exemption from capital investment tax, depending on the nature of the investment and the length of their holding.

  1. Inheritance and Gift Tax:

Golden Visa holders also have special rules regarding inheritance and gift tax. They may be eligible for reduced tax rates or exemption from inheritance and gift tax if they transfer assets to their heirs or gift recipients.


The Spanish Golden Visa offers investors not only access to the European Union market, but also significant tax advantages that make the programme particularly attractive to those seeking lucrative investment opportunities. However, before embarking on the Golden Visa programme, it is important to thoroughly research all aspects of tax legislation and seek professional advice in order to take maximum advantage of the tax benefits and minimise tax risks.

 What is a residence permit in Spain?

The Resident Permit in Spain is an official authorisation for non-European Union citizens to stay and reside temporarily or permanently in Spain. This document plays a key role for foreign investors, entrepreneurs and professionals seeking to develop their business and live in Spain. Let’s take a look at the main aspects of the Spanish residence permit and its business potential.

Main Types of Resident Permits in Spain:

  1. Temporary Resident Permit: This type of permit grants the right to reside in Spain for a fixed period of time, usually between 1 and 2 years, with the possibility of renewal. A Temporary Resident Permit can be issued on the basis of investment, work, study or family circumstances.
  2. Permanent Resident Permit: This type of permit grants the right to reside permanently in Spain for an unlimited period of time. To obtain a Permanent Resident Permit, it is usually necessary to have a temporary permit of a certain duration and fulfil certain requirements.

Advantages of Resident Permit for Business:

  1. Access to the EU Market: Having a residence permit in Spain gives foreign investors and entrepreneurs access to the European Union market. This makes it easy to conduct business transactions with companies from other EU countries and expand their business opportunities.
  2. Tax Advantages: Certain types of resident permits in Spain entitle you to tax exemptions and favourable tax conditions. This allows you to reduce your tax burden and maximise your business profits in the country.
  3. Stability and certainty: Having a residence permit provides stability and certainty for the future, allowing investors and entrepreneurs to plan long-term strategies for business and life in Spain.

The process of obtaining a Residence Permit in Spain:

  1. Choice of Grounds: Non-EU nationals can obtain a residence permit in Spain on the basis of investment, work, study or family circumstances. It is important to choose the most appropriate pathway according to your objectives and circumstances.
  2. Compliance Requirements: In order to obtain a resident permit, you must meet certain requirements such as having sufficient income, health insurance, and no threat to public safety.
  3. Preparation of Documents: Once the basis has been determined, you need to collect and prepare all the necessary documents to apply for a resident permit. This may include passport, income certificate, health insurance and other documents depending on the category chosen.
  4. Application: Once the documents have been prepared, the application for a residence permit must be submitted to the relevant authorities in Spain and undergo the appropriate verification and approval procedures.


The Spanish Resident Permit offers investors and entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to develop their business and live in an attractive European Union country. However, it is important to thoroughly research all aspects of the programme and seek professional advice before starting the residency permit process to ensure a successful completion of the process and maximise the potential benefits of holding a residency permit in Spain.

  How to obtain a foreign identity card in Spain?

The Foreign Identity Card (Foreign Identity Card) is an important document for foreign investors and entrepreneurs living and working in Spain. This document confirms legal residence in Spain and allows access to various public and commercial services. Let’s take a look at the key steps to obtain a Foreign Identity Card in Spain and its importance for business.

  1. Definition of Visa Category and Rules of Stay:

First of all, it is necessary to determine the visa category for which you are staying in Spain. Depending on the purpose of your stay (e.g. work, study, investment), different rules and requirements for obtaining a foreign identity card will apply.

  1. Completion of the Application and Preparation of Documents:

Once the visa category has been determined, the relevant application for a foreign identity card must be completed. In addition, you will need to provide a number of documents, including your passport, a copy of your visa or residence permit, a certificate of registration with the tax office and other documents that prove your right to stay in Spain.

  1. Submission of the Application and Payment of the Fee:

Once all the necessary documents have been prepared, the application for a foreign identity card must be submitted to the relevant authority in Spain. A fee is usually required to be paid for the application.

  1. Passing Identification and Biometric Registration:

Once you have submitted your application and paid the fee, you will be invited to an identification and biometric registration procedure, during which you will be fingerprinted and photographed for inclusion in your foreign identity card.

  1. Obtaining a Foreign Identity Card:

Once all procedures and checks have been completed, your application will be examined by the competent authorities and, if approved, you will receive a foreign identity card which will confirm your legal stay and your right to work and reside in Spain.


The foreign identity card in Spain plays an important role for foreign investors and entrepreneurs, giving them access to a range of government and commercial services. However, before you begin the process of obtaining this document, it is important to thoroughly understand all the requirements and procedures and seek professional advice to ensure that the process is successful and maximises its effectiveness for your business.

 Can I leave Spain while waiting for my TIE card?

Leaving Spain while waiting to obtain a TIE card (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero) can be a daunting task, especially for business people whose work requires unimpeded travel. The TIE card is an important document for foreign nationals living in Spain, as it serves as both a residence permit and identity card. However, there are a number of important factors to consider before leaving Spain while your TIE card is pending. Let’s take a closer look at these issues.

Understanding the process of obtaining a TIE card:

Before diving into the implications of leaving Spain while waiting to receive your TIE card, it is important to understand the entire process. After arriving in Spain and beginning the temporary stay process, foreign nationals are usually issued a temporary residence document. This document allows them to stay legally in Spain while their application for a TIE card is being processed by the immigration authorities.

Possible risks and complications:

Leaving Spain before obtaining a TIE card may entail certain risks and difficulties:

  1. Re-entry into Spain: If you leave Spain without a TIE card, re-entry can be a problem. Immigration authorities may require proof of legal stay and without a valid TIE card you may find it difficult to re-enter Spain.
  2. Increased processing time: Leaving Spain may delay the processing of your TIE card application. Immigration authorities may require additional documents or carry out additional checks, which may increase the waiting time.
  3. Impact on work and business commitments: For business people, leaving Spain before obtaining a TIE card may disrupt work and business commitments. Permanent business trips may not be possible without proper documentation and consequently affect professional commitments.

Risk mitigation strategies:

Despite the risks, there are strategies to mitigate the difficulties of leaving Spain while waiting to obtain a TIE card:

  1. Consult the immigration authorities: Before planning a trip, it is advisable to consult the immigration authorities or seek the assistance of legal professionals specialising in immigration matters. They can advise on the possible impact of leaving Spain on the process of obtaining a TIE card.
  2. Make sure you have the documents to re-enter: If travelling is unavoidable, make sure you have all the necessary documents to re-enter Spain. This may include your passport, proof of residency application and any other relevant documents issued by the immigration authorities.
  3. Inform your employers or business partners: Inform your employers or business partners about your situation and possible travel plans. They can offer support or flexibility regarding work commitments while you are away.


Leaving Spain while waiting to obtain a TIE card requires careful weighing of the risks and complexities involved, especially for business travellers. Whilst it is not advisable to leave without a TIE card if travelling is unavoidable, it is important to take proactive steps to mitigate potential problems and ensure a smooth return to Spain. Consultation with immigration authorities or legal experts can provide valuable advice tailored to your specific situation, helping you to successfully navigate the process.

 Residency in Spain for Non EU Citizens

Obtaining a residence permit in Spain for non-European Union (EU) citizens is an important step for those seeking to establish a business or residence in Spain. Spain’s attractiveness as a place to live and do business lies not only in its cultural richness and climate, but also in its favourable business environment and the possibility of obtaining a residence permit. Let’s take a closer look at the business options and procedures for non-EU citizens to obtain a residence permit in Spain.

Options for Obtaining a Residence Permit:

  1. Investment Visa (Golden Visa): One of the most popular options for non-EU citizens is the Investment Visa, also known as the Golden Visa. This programme offers the opportunity to obtain a residence permit in Spain if you invest a certain amount of money in real estate, securities or bank deposits.
  2. Labour Visa: For those who plan to work in Spain, a labour visa may be a good option. This type of visa requires a job offer from a Spanish employer and appropriate support from Spanish immigration authorities.
  3. Educational Visa: For students wishing to study at an educational institution in Spain, an educational visa provides the opportunity to live and study in the country for a specific period of time.

Procedure for Obtaining a Residence Permit:

  1. Applying: The first step in obtaining a residence permit is to submit the appropriate application to the Spanish immigration authorities. Different types of visas require different documents and conditions, so it is important to thoroughly research the requirements before submitting your application.
  2. Submission of Documents: In addition to the completed application form, it is usually required to provide copies of your passport, criminal record certificate, health insurance and other documents that prove the purpose of your stay in Spain.
  3. Interview and Application Review: In some cases, it may be necessary to attend an interview or provide additional information before the application can be processed. The processing process may take different amounts of time depending on the type of visa and the individual circumstances of the applicant.
  4. Obtaining a Residence Permit: Once all stages of the process have been completed, the applicant is notified of the decision of the Spanish immigration authorities. If approved, he/she will receive a residence permit, which entitles him/her to live and work in Spain for a certain period of time.


Obtaining residence in Spain for non-EU citizens offers unique opportunities to set up a business, work and live in this beautiful country. However, before starting the process it is important to thoroughly research all options and requirements and seek professional advice to ensure the process is successful and maximises its potential benefits for your business and life.

 What is a residency visa in Spain for Non EU Citizens?

The Spanish residence permit for non-European Union (EU) citizens represents an important opportunity for those seeking to set up a business or relocate to this beautiful country. This document allows its holders to live and work in Spain on a permanent or temporary basis. Let’s take a closer look at the key aspects of the Spanish residence permit for non-EU citizens and what business opportunities it opens up.

Types of Residence Permits:

  1. Temporary Residence Permit: This type of residence permit allows foreign nationals to reside in Spain for a fixed period of time, usually from a few months to a few years. It can be granted on the basis of investment, work, study or family circumstances.
  2. Permanent Residence Permit: A permanent residence permit entitles you to reside permanently in Spain for an unlimited period of time. It can be granted after you have lived in the country for a certain amount of time and fulfil certain requirements.

Criteria for Receipt:

  1. Investment: One way of obtaining a residence permit is to invest in the Spanish economy. This can include buying a property for a certain amount, investing in a business or securities.
  2. Work: Employment can also be the basis for obtaining a temporary or permanent residence permit. This requires an official job offer from a Spanish employer.
  3. Study: Students studying at Spanish institutions may also be eligible for a temporary residence permit.

Business Opportunities:

  1. Developing Your Own Business: Obtaining a residence permit opens the door to starting your own business in Spain. This can include opening a restaurant, a shop, a consultancy firm, etc.
  2. Access to the EU Market: Spain is a member of the European Union, which means access to the large EU internal market. Having a residence permit in Spain allows you to freely do business in other EU member states.
  3. Investment Opportunities: The Spanish economy offers many investment opportunities including property, tourism, technology and more. Having a residence permit makes access to these opportunities easier and more convenient.


A residence permit in Spain for non-EU citizens represents an important step for those seeking to make a business move or residence in this fascinating country. It gives access to a host of business, investment and development opportunities, making Spain an attractive place to do business and live. However, before embarking on the process of obtaining a residence permit, it is important to thoroughly research all requirements and options and seek professional advice to ensure the process is successful.

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