Seychelles Crypto Tax 1

Seychelles Crypto Tax

In recent years, Seychelles has become one of the attractive centres for cryptocurrency investments due to its liberal tax policy and progressive regulation. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of cryptocurrency taxation in Seychelles that may be useful for foreign investors and virtual asset companies.

Main provisions of taxation

Seychelles does not levy corporate tax on companies registered as International Business Companies (IBCs) that do not conduct economic activities in the country. This provision makes Seychelles an attractive jurisdictional choice for many cryptocurrency startups and blockchain platforms.

Cryptocurrencies and VAT

From 2022, the Seychelles government has imposed VAT on goods and services, but cryptocurrency transactions are exempt from VAT. This means that the exchange of cryptocurrencies for fiat money, trade transactions and services related to cryptocurrency are not subject to VAT.

Capital additions

Seychelles does not levy capital gains tax, which means that profits made from the sale of cryptocurrency are not taxed. This makes the jurisdiction particularly attractive to long-term cryptocurrency investors.

Regulation of cryptocurrencies

The Government of Seychelles is actively working to create a regulatory environment that fosters innovation while providing the necessary level of protection for investors. In 2021, regulations were introduced for cryptocurrency-related service providers, requiring them to register and comply with certain regulatory and operational standards.


Seychelles offers one of the most attractive tax environments for cryptocurrency transactions. Exemption from corporate taxes, VAT and capital gains tax makes it a desirable location for international crypto initiatives. However, it is important to bear in mind that effectively utilising the benefits of a jurisdiction requires careful planning and compliance with local laws and regulations. It is also important to consider the global trend towards tighter controls on cryptocurrency transactions and possible changes in international tax laws that may affect Seychelles’ status as a tax haven in the future.

Seychelles Crypto Tax

 Crypto mining tax in Seychelles

With the development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, mining has become a significant investment destination on a global level. Seychelles, known for its attractive tax policy, is of interest to cryptocurrency miners. In this article we will consider the peculiarities of taxation of cryptocurrency mining in this jurisdiction.

Tax policy

Exemption from corporate taxes

As with other activities, companies registered in Seychelles as International Business Companies (IBCs) that do not conduct economic activities within the country may be exempt from corporate tax. This includes cryptocurrency mining activities if the equipment and management of the mining operations are located outside the country.

VAT and excise duties

Currently, cryptocurrency transactions, including mining, are not subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) in Seychelles. This means that income derived from cryptocurrency mining is not subject to VAT liability.

Tax on capital gains

Seychelles does not levy tax on capital gains. This means that profits from the increase in the value of cryptocurrency derived from mining are not taxed. This aspect makes Seychelles particularly attractive for long-term investments in mining operations.

Regulatory environment

It should be noted that despite the tax incentives, companies engaged in mining in Seychelles must comply with certain regulatory requirements. These include the need to register as a cryptocurrency service provider and comply with local anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing laws.


Cryptocurrency mining in Seychelles offers significant tax advantages, including exemption from corporate taxes, VAT and capital gains tax. However, successful and legal operations require careful planning of operations and strict adherence to regulatory requirements. This will help avoid legal complexities and ensure long-term business development in a jurisdiction with a high level of privacy and tax benefits.

Corporate income tax in Seychelles

Seychelles is a jurisdiction with an attractive tax system that attracts international companies and investors. One of the key aspects contributing to attracting foreign capital is corporate income tax. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of corporate taxation in Seychelles and its impact on the business environment.

Corporate tax rates

Seychelles has a two-tier system of corporate income taxation. The difference in taxation depends on whether a company operates domestically or internationally.

  1. International Business Companies (IBC): Companies registered as IBCs that do not conduct economic activities in Seychelles are exempt from corporate tax. This makes them an ideal choice for international businesses looking to minimise their tax liabilities.
  2. Domestic companies: Companies operating within Seychelles are subject to a 25% tax rate. This rate applies to the net profits of the company derived from all transactions within the country.

Tax benefits and features

Seychelles offers a number of tax incentives to encourage certain activities and investments:

  • Development incentives: There are special tax regimes for companies engaged in the development of certain economic sectors, such as tourism, agriculture and renewable energy. These incentives may include reduced tax rates, tax exemptions or other tax incentives.
  • No tax on dividends and interest: Seychelles does not levy tax on dividends and interest paid to IBCs, further enhancing the jurisdiction’s attractiveness to international investors.

Regulatory environment and compliance with international standards

Seychelles is constantly working to improve its tax and regulatory environment to meet international standards. The country participates in international initiatives to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, and actively cooperates with international organisations to improve the transparency of the tax system.


Corporate income tax in Seychelles offers significant advantages for international business, especially for those companies seeking to optimise their tax liabilities. At the same time, the country is taking steps to enhance its international image as a responsible and transparent jurisdiction. However, it is important to consult with tax and legal professionals to ensure full compliance with local and international laws.

Net wealth tax in Seychelles

Seychelles is a jurisdiction that attracts investors not only with its beautiful beaches, but also with its liberal tax policy. One of the peculiarities of the Seychelles tax system is the absence of net wealth tax. This article examines the peculiarities of tax regulation in Seychelles in the context of the absence of net wealth tax and its impact on investors and residents of the country.

No tax on the net value of property

Seychelles does not levy a net worth tax, making it an attractive destination for international investors and high net worth individuals wishing to optimise their tax liabilities. This tax, which is present in some other countries, is usually calculated based on the total value of a person’s total assets, minus debts, and can significantly affect the financial situation of individuals with a large number of assets.

Benefits for investors and residents

The absence of tax on net worth attracts foreign investors to Seychelles who are considering registering their assets, including real estate and corporate investments, in this jurisdiction. This also contributes to an increase in foreign direct investment, which has a positive impact on the country’s economy.

Facilitating the attraction of foreign investments

The favourable tax climate in Seychelles reinforces its reputation as one of the best locations for international financial transactions and asset management. Foreign investors choosing Seychelles for asset allocation or company incorporation can expect to maintain a higher net worth due to the absence of net worth tax.

Regulatory and tax transparency

Seychelles has made significant efforts to comply with international standards in the field of financial regulation and anti-money laundering. The Government of Seychelles actively cooperates with international organisations such as FATF (Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering), which contributes to the establishment of a transparent and reliable tax system.


The absence of net worth tax in Seychelles represents a significant advantage for international investors and residents seeking tax efficiency. This provision not only favours foreign investment but also enhances the country’s economic stability, making it an attractive platform for international business and asset management. At the same time, maintaining high standards of regulatory transparency ensures reliability and confidence for all market participants.

 Capital gains tax in Seychelles

In the context of the global economy, capital gains tax is an important factor influencing investment decisions. In Seychelles, this tax has special conditions that can significantly influence investment strategies. Let’s take a closer look at how the capital gains tax is structured in this jurisdiction and what benefits it can offer to international investors.

No tax on capital gains

Seychelles does not levy tax on capital gains for residents and non-residents. This means that gains realised from the sale of assets, including real estate, shares and other securities, are not subject to taxation. This provision makes Seychelles an attractive jurisdiction for long-term investments and for the realisation of large capital projects.

Impact on investment attractiveness

The absence of capital gains tax significantly increases the investment attractiveness of Seychelles. Investors can reinvest their profits without additional tax liabilities, which favours capital growth and increases investment flows into the country. This policy attracts not only private investors, but also large corporations seeking to optimise their tax strategies internationally.

Regulatory environment

It should be emphasised that despite the tax exemptions, Seychelles maintains strict regulatory standards. The country actively cooperates with international organisations to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The introduction of transparent regulations strengthens the confidence of the international business community and contributes to the sustainable development of the financial sector.


The absence of capital gains tax in Seychelles offers significant advantages for investors and is a key factor in attracting international capital to the country. This stimulates economic development and strengthens the islands’ financial sector. However, it is important to bear in mind that the success of investment projects also depends on compliance with all regulatory requirements and rules, which Seychelles endeavours to strictly maintain as part of its policy of transparency and international cooperation.

 Social security tax in Seychelles

The social security system in Seychelles provides for taxation to finance public expenditure on pensions, health care and other social programmes. Social security tax is an important part of the country’s tax system that provides social protection for workers and their families. This article examines key aspects of social security taxation in Seychelles and its impact on the economy.

Structure of social security tax

General Provisions

In Seychelles, social security tax is levied on employers and employees. It is intended to fund pensions, medical services, and other forms of social support.

Tax rates

  • For employers: The standard tax rate for employers is 20.5%. This rate is aimed at financing pension savings, health insurance and other social benefits.
  • For employees: Employees also contribute to the financing of social programmes by contributing 2.5% of their earnings.

Calculation peculiarities

Social security tax is levied on the monthly earnings of each employee. The basis for the tax is all earnings subject to taxation, including basic wages, bonuses and other compensatory payments.

Economic and social impact

Economic importance

Social security tax collections contribute to the sustainability of public finances and provide reliable funding for social programmes. This is important for maintaining social stability and ensuring a decent standard of living for citizens.

Social significance

Funds collected through the social security tax are used to pay pensions, ensure the availability of medical services and support people in difficult life situations. This increases social protection of the population and reduces poverty.


The social security tax in Seychelles plays a key role in the country’s taxation system. It not only contributes to the financing of important social programmes but also strengthens the social protection of citizens. The importance of this tax cannot be underestimated as it helps to ensure the sustainable development of the country and maintains a high standard of living for the population.

 Value added tax (VAT) in Seychelles

Value Added Tax (VAT) is an important fiscal policy instrument in Seychelles, as in many other countries. VAT applies to most goods and services traded in the market and plays a key role in generating government revenue. In this article we will look at how VAT in Seychelles is structured, its rates, specifics of application and its impact on the country’s economy.

General Provisions

VAT in Seychelles was introduced to broaden the tax base and increase government revenue and to reduce reliance on direct taxation. The tax helps to ensure a more equitable distribution of the tax burden among different segments of the population and business sectors.

VAT rates

Seychelles has a standard VAT rate of 15 per cent. However, there are preferential rates for certain goods and services, as well as a zero rate for exported goods and services, which helps to support export activities and the international competitiveness of local producers.

Preferential rates

Reduced VAT rates are applied for certain types of goods, such as basic foodstuffs, medical goods and educational services. This is aimed at reducing prices for final consumers and supporting the affordability of basic goods and services.

VAT exemptions

Certain types of goods and services may be fully exempt from VAT. Such categories usually include goods and services that are of strategic importance to the economy or social sphere, such as certain medical services and educational programmes.

Payment procedure and administration

The payment of VAT in Seychelles requires the registration of taxpayers whose turnover exceeds the prescribed threshold. These companies are required to keep records and submit regular reports to the tax authorities, thus ensuring transparency and control over the fulfilment of tax obligations.

Impact on the economy

The introduction of VAT in Seychelles has helped to increase the revenue side of the budget and to finance social programmes. Value Added Tax also helps to regulate the consumption of certain goods and services, encouraging or discouraging it depending on the economic situation and the government’s political priorities.


VAT in Seychelles is an important element of the tax system that contributes to the sustainable development of the economy and social sphere of the country. Competent administration and continuous improvement of the taxation system allow Seychelles to ensure a high level of social guarantees and support economic growth.

 Dividend tax in Seychelles

Dividend tax is a significant aspect of the investment climate in any country, affecting both the attractiveness of the jurisdiction for investors and the financial planning of companies. Seychelles has special dividend taxation conditions, which differ for residents and non-residents. In this article we will consider how the dividend tax in Seychelles is organised, its peculiarities and its impact on the economic environment.

Main provisions

In Seychelles, dividends paid by local companies to their shareholders are generally exempt from taxation. This provision makes Seychelles an attractive location for company incorporation, especially for those seeking tax efficient schemes.

Tax relief for residents

Dividends paid by resident companies to Seychellois residents are not taxable. This incentivises investment in local businesses and promotes the development of the domestic capital market.

Conditions for non-residents

Dividends sent outside Seychelles are also exempt from taxation. This provides significant tax advantages to foreign investors and makes Seychelles an attractive jurisdiction for international holding structures.

Regulatory control

Although dividends are exempt from taxation in Seychelles, companies must meet certain regulatory requirements. These include registration and filing of financial statements with the relevant tax authorities. Such measures are aimed at ensuring transparency and preventing abuse of the financial system.

Impact on the economy

The tax exemption of dividends in Seychelles plays an important role in attracting foreign investment. It stimulates the growth of the corporate sector and facilitates international trade and investment. In addition, this policy helps to strengthen Seychelles’ position as an international financial centre.


Seychelles’ tax policy on dividends makes the jurisdiction particularly attractive to international investors and large corporations. The absence of tax on dividends favours companies’ net profits and provides great opportunities for reinvestment. At the same time, strict regulatory requirements ensure the stability and transparency of the country’s financial system, which is necessary to maintain a high level of confidence in the international arena.

 Personal income tax in Seychelles

Personal income tax is a significant element of the Seychelles tax system. This tax directly affects the economic behaviour of citizens and their investment decisions, and provides an important source of revenue for the state budget. Let us consider the key aspects, rates and peculiarities of personal income taxation in Seychelles.

Main provisions of taxation

Tax structure

Personal income tax in Seychelles is characterised by a progressive rate, which means that the tax rate increases according to the level of income. This system ensures a higher tax burden for those with higher incomes, thereby promoting social justice.

Tax rates

  • Income up to SCR 8,555.50 per month is exempt from tax.
  • Income above this amount and up to SCR 10,000 is taxed at 15%.
  • The next range of income up to SCR 83,333 per month is taxed at the rate of 20 per cent.
  • Income above this amount is taxed at the rate of 30%.

These rates are designed to provide a moderate tax burden for low earners and a larger one for high earners.

Peculiarities of taxation

Benefits and deductions

The taxation system in Seychelles provides for a number of tax exemptions and deductions that can be applied to income before it is taxed. Such deductions include:

  • Personal deduction for the taxpayer and his dependents.
  • Deductions for education and medical expenses.

Specifics for foreign citizens

Foreign nationals working in Seychelles are also subject to taxation. However, their taxation conditions may vary depending on their residence status and the existence of tax treaties between Seychelles and their countries of original residence.

Impact on the economy

Personal income tax plays an important role in the Seychelles economy. It is not only the source of a significant portion of government revenue, but also serves as a tool to regulate economic activity. The progressive structure of the tax helps to reduce social inequality and support consumer demand.


Personal income tax in Seychelles is designed to promote social justice and economic stability. The progressive tax system, combined with exemptions and deductions, ensures a balanced taxation of different segments of the population, while stimulating the economic development of the country.

 How do I pay taxes on crypto in Seychelles in 2024?

In 2024, the taxation of cryptocurrencies in Seychelles is attracting the attention of investors and entrepreneurs looking to optimise their tax liabilities. In this article we will look at exactly how to pay taxes on cryptocurrency transactions in Seychelles, taking into account the latest legislative changes.

General Provisions

Seychelles does not levy capital gains tax, making it an attractive jurisdiction for trading and investing in cryptocurrency. However, it is important to understand which transactions are taxable and which returns need to be filed.

Tax aspects of cryptocurrency transactions

Corporate tax

If cryptocurrency activities are conducted through a company registered in Seychelles, such a company is generally exempt from corporate tax if its activities do not involve the generation of income within the country. This means that income from cryptocurrency trading is not taxable unless the transactions are conducted within Seychelles.


Cryptocurrency transactions are not subject to value added tax (VAT), reducing additional tax liabilities for traders and investors.

Tax payment procedure

Taxpayer registration

The first step is to register as a taxpayer in Seychelles. This is required for any company operating in the country and subject to taxation.

Filing of declarations

Despite the exemption from income tax and VAT, companies must file tax returns that reflect all their activities. This ensures transparency and allows the tax authorities to monitor financial flows.

Compliance with regulations

It is also important to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing. Cryptocurrency companies should keep accurate records of all transactions and be prepared to provide this information upon request by competent authorities.


In Seychelles in 2024, the taxation of cryptocurrencies remains attractive to international investors. The absence of capital gains tax and VAT makes this jurisdiction ideal for those looking for efficient tax schemes. However, it is necessary to carefully follow all rules and regulations to avoid legal issues and ensure the sustainability of your business in this country.

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