
Portugal Golden Visa

The Portuguese Golden Visa is one of the most attractive programmes for investors wishing to ensure that they and their family can move freely within the European Union and enjoy a high standard of living. Launched in 2012, the programme offers flexible conditions for obtaining a residence permit through investment, making it popular with citizens from all over the world.

Criteria and Requirements for Investments

  1. Real estate: Investors can purchase property worth at least 500 thousand euros. It is also possible to invest in properties older than 30 years or located in areas with low population density at a reduced rate of 350 thousand euros.
  2. Capital investment: An investment of at least €1 million in the capital of a Portuguese company is also one of the ways to obtain a visa.
  3. Research support: Investing at least 350 thousand euros in research activities in Portugal.
  4. Cultural development: Investments of at least 250 thousand euros in support of culture.
  5. Job Creation: Creation of at least 10 jobs in Portugal (not required for EU citizens).

Process and Legal Nuances

The process of obtaining a golden visa starts with selecting a suitable investment option and collecting the necessary documents. This is followed by submitting the visa application and waiting for the Portuguese migration authorities to review it. The whole process can take from several months to a year. It is important to ensure that the funds invested are of legal origin and comply with all local legal requirements.

Benefits of the Programme

  • Freedom of movement in the Schengen area: Golden visa holders and their family members can travel and stay freely in the Schengen area.
  • Citizenship possibility: After five years as a resident, it is possible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.
  • High standard of living: Portugal offers a high level of security, quality education and healthcare.


Portugal Golden Visa represents an attractive route for investors looking to broaden their horizons and secure a stable future for themselves and their loved ones in Europe.

Portuguese Golden Visa

Portugal golden visa programme 2024

Portugal, with its rich culture, attractive climate and strategic location in Europe, has become one of the most attractive destinations for international investors seeking residency or even citizenship in the European Union. One of the key programmes offered by Portugal is the golden visa programme, which offers foreign investors the opportunity to obtain residency in this country by investing in the economy.

Main changes in the programme for 2024

Following changes in the global economy and investor needs, Portugal has made a number of changes to its golden visa programme to make it even more attractive and competitive. Here are some of the key changes that come into effect in 2024:

  1. Expansion of the list of investment opportunities: Portugal has expanded the list of investment opportunities for participation in the golden visa programme, including investments in real estate, funds, start-ups and other types of assets.
  2. Expedited visa and residency procedures: In 2024, expedited procedures for processing gold visa applications were introduced, allowing investors to obtain residency faster and more efficiently.
  3. Improved conditions for maintaining residency status: The Portuguese authorities have amended the conditions for maintaining residency status, making them more flexible and attractive to foreign investors.

Advantages of Portugal’s golden visa programme

Portugal’s golden visa programme offers a number of benefits for international investors, including:

  • Residency in the European Union: Successful participants in the programme have the opportunity to live, work and travel throughout the EU.
  • Attractive fiscal policy: Portugal offers favourable tax conditions for residents, including tax exemptions for foreign income.
  • High quality education and healthcare: Portuguese residents have access to quality education and healthcare, making this programme particularly attractive to families with children.
  • Path to citizenship: After a certain period of time, residents can apply for Portuguese citizenship, which opens the door to full EU membership.

 Portugal’s golden visa programme continues to be one of the most attractive programmes for international investors and the changes introduced in 2024 make it even more affordable and competitive. For those seeking a pathway to residency and citizenship in Europe, the Portuguese golden visa programme remains an attractive and reliable choice.


more than 12,000 applicants have applied for a golden visa

must spend at least seven days a year in Portugal

you can become a Portuguese citizen within five years

Portugal golden visa holders invested more than 8 billion euros

Portugal golden visa requirements

In recent years, Portugal has become a highly attractive destination for foreign investors seeking residency and citizenship in the European Union. The Portuguese Golden Visa programme offers an easy way for non-EU citizens to gain residency by making investments in the country’s economy. Understanding the requirements of this programme is critical for those considering this option for relocation or investment purposes.

What is the Portuguese Golden Visa programme?

The Portuguese Golden Visa programme, officially known as the Residence Permit for Investment (ARI), was launched by the Portuguese government in 2012 with the aim of attracting foreign investment into the country. Through this programme, non-EU citizens can obtain a residence permit in Portugal by making certain types of investments in the Portuguese economy.

Requirements for obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa:

  1. Investment Options:
    • Property investment: One of the most popular avenues is property investment. Applicants can purchase property in Portugal for at least €500,000. This can be residential, commercial or tourist property.
    • Capital transfer: Investors can also choose to transfer a minimum of €1 million to Portugal, either through capital investment or job creation.
    • Job creation: Another option is to create a minimum of ten jobs in Portugal.
    • Research and Development: Investing in research and development activities may also qualify for the Portuguese Golden Visa programme.
  2. Regulatory Compliance:
    • All investments must comply with Portuguese laws and be maintained for a certain period to qualify for a golden visa.
    • Investors must ensure that their investments make a positive contribution to Portugal’s economy and society.
  3. Clean criminal record:
    • Applicants must have a clean criminal record both in Portugal and in their home country.
  4. Health Insurance:
    • It is necessary to provide proof of valid health insurance in Portugal for all applicants.
  5. Residency Requirement:
    • While there is no strict residency requirement to maintain a gold visa, applicants must spend at least seven days in Portugal during the first year and fourteen days in subsequent years.
  6. Application Process:
    • Applicants must apply for a Portuguese Golden Visa through the Portuguese Immigration and Border Affairs Service (SEF).
    • Once approved, investors and their families (spouses and minor children) are granted temporary residence in Portugal, which can be extended.
    • After five years, investors can apply for permanent residency or even citizenship, subject to certain conditions, including language proficiency.

 The Portuguese Golden Visa Programme provides an attractive opportunity for foreign investors to gain residency in Portugal by investing in the country’s economy. By understanding the requirements and effectively managing the application process, investors can use the programme to access the benefits of residency in Portugal, including visa-free travel within the Schengen area and a high quality of life in one of Europe’s most desirable destinations.

 Portugal residence permit

Portugal, with its attractive climate, cultural heritage and developed economy, has become a centre of attraction for many investors wishing to gain access to European residency. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is through the Portugal Residence Through Investment programme. Let’s take a closer look at this process.

What is a residence permit in Portugal?

The Portuguese residence permit is a document that grants foreign nationals the right to reside and work in Portugal on a permanent or temporary basis. It also opens the door to citizenship in the future. In recent years, residence permits in Portugal have become particularly popular with foreign investors thanks to the Portugal Golden Visa programme.

Portugal’s Golden Visa Programme: Path to Residence through Investment

The Portugal Golden Visa Programme was launched in 2012 and represents a unique opportunity for non-European Union investors to obtain a residence permit in Portugal. The programme offers several investment options, including real estate, capital investment, job creation and research.

Programme eligibility requirements:

  1. Investment options:
    • Property investment: Investors can purchase property in Portugal for a minimum of €500,000.
    • Capital investment: Possibility to transfer a minimum of €1 million to Portugal, or create at least ten jobs.
    • Research: Investment in research and development activities may also qualify for the programme.
  2. Compliance:
    • The investment must comply with Portuguese laws and be maintained for a certain period.
    • Investors must demonstrate that their investments make a positive contribution to the country’s economy.
  3. Application submission and approval process:
    • Applicants must apply for the programme through the Portuguese Immigration and Border Guard (SEF).
    • Once approved, investors and their families can obtain a temporary residence permit in Portugal.
    • After five years, investors can apply for permanent residency or even citizenship.

 The Portuguese Golden Visa Programme is an attractive opportunity for investors to gain residency in Portugal through investment in the country’s economy. Thanks to this programme, many foreign nationals find their way to stability, security and the opportunity to live and work in one of the most beautiful and promising countries in Europe.

 Portugal temporary residence permit

Portugal, with its favourable business climate and high quality of life, attracts an increasing number of foreign investors seeking temporary residence in the country. The temporary residence programme in Portugal offers investors a wide range of opportunities to do business and obtain a stable residency status in the country. Let’s take a closer look at the process.

What is a Temporary Residence Permit in Portugal?

A temporary residence permit in Portugal is a permit that allows foreign nationals to reside in the country on a temporary basis, giving them access to many benefits and opportunities in the areas of business, education and health care.

Advantages of a Temporary Residence Permit in Portugal:

  1. Business Opportunities:
    • Holding a temporary residence permit in Portugal opens the door to doing business in the country, including the possibility of starting a company, investing in property and participating in business projects.
  2. Freedom of movement:
    • Possession of a temporary residence permit in Portugal allows you to travel freely within the Schengen countries without the need to obtain additional visas.
  3. Access to education and health care:
    • Temporary residence permit holders have access to high quality educational and medical services in Portugal.
  4. Family Support:
    • The temporary residence permit programme in Portugal allows the extension of the beneficiary rights to the investor’s spouse and children.

Requirements for obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit in Portugal:

  1. Investment Terms:
    • Investors can obtain a temporary residence permit by investing in the Portuguese economy through property, capital investment or job creation.
  2. Compliance with regulations and laws:
    • All investments and business activities must comply with the rules and laws of Portugal.
  3. Submission:
    • Applicants must submit a complete set of documents and apply for a temporary residence permit through the competent authorities.

 A temporary residence permit in Portugal offers investors the opportunity not only to do business in the country, but also to enjoy a wide range of benefits, including freedom of movement, access to education and health care, and family support. This makes the temporary residence programme in Portugal one of the most attractive and effective ways to secure a stable stay in the European Union.

 Portugal golden visa investment fund

The Portuguese Golden Visa programme is an important tool for investors seeking residency in Portugal through investment. Within this programme, one of the most attractive options for investors is an investment fund. Let’s take a look at what investment funds are in the context of the Portuguese Golden Visa programme and what advantages they offer.

What is the Investment Fund in the Portuguese Golden Visa Programme?

An investment fund under the Portuguese Golden Visa programme is an organisation that collects funds from various investors in order to invest in the Portuguese economy. These funds usually invest in various assets such as real estate, businesses and other projects that meet the requirements of the programme.

Benefits of the Investment Fund for Obtaining a Golden Visa:

  1. Diversification of Investments:
    • Participation in an investment fund allows investors to diversify their investments by spreading risks between different assets and projects.
  2. Managing Professionals:
    • Investment funds are usually managed by experienced professionals to ensure more efficient capital allocation and maximise returns.
  3. Access to Premium Projects:
    • Investment funds typically have access to premium projects and assets that may not be available to investors individually.
  4. Simplified Participation Process:
    • Participating in an investment fund usually involves a simplified process for investors as the investments are managed by the fund.

Requirements for Investment Funds for Golden Visa:

  1. Relevance to the Programme:
    • Investment funds must meet the requirements of the Portuguese Golden Visa programme, including investment in the Portuguese economy for a certain amount.
  2. Professional Management:
    • The fund must ensure that the investments are professionally managed and comply with all legal requirements.
  3. Transparency and Accountability:
    • An investment fund should provide investors with transparency and accountability on activities and returns.

 Participation in an investment fund under the Portuguese Golden Visa programme represents an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to obtain residency in Portugal through efficient investments. This instrument provides diversification, professional management and access to premium projects, making it an attractive choice for those seeking stability and success in Portugal.

 Portugal golden visa cost

The Portuguese Golden Visa programme is one of the most attractive and sought-after programmes in the world among investors wishing to obtain residency in the European Union. However, apart from investing in the country’s economy, investors should also consider other financial aspects related to this programme. Let’s understand the cost of the Portuguese Golden Visa programme and its key factors.

Investment Options and Costs:

  1. Real Estate Investments:
    • One of the main options for obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa is property investment. The minimum property value required to qualify is €500,000.
  2. Capital Investments:
    • Investors can also choose the capital investment option, which requires a minimum amount of €1 million.
  3. Job Creation and Scientific Research:
    • Other options include creating at least 10 jobs in Portugal or investing in research.

Additional Costs and Charges:

  1. Programme Fees:
    • In addition to the investment, investors must also consider the various government fees and costs associated with processing the application and obtaining a visa.
  2. Taxes and Liabilities:
    • Investors should consider the tax liabilities associated with owning real estate or other assets in Portugal.
  3. Legal Costs:
    • In addition, legal services may be required to prepare documents, provide advice and ensure compliance with all programme requirements.

Total Cost Consideration:

  1. Personalised Calculations:
    • The final cost of the Portuguese Golden Visa programme will depend on the individual circumstances of each investor and the investment options they choose.
  2. Financial Planning:
    • Before deciding to participate in the programme, investors should conduct a thorough financial assessment and planning to ensure that they can afford all the costs associated with the programme.

 The Portuguese Golden Visa programme offers a unique opportunity for investors to obtain residency in Portugal and, as a consequence, in the European Union. However, beyond the minimum investment, investors must consider the additional costs and financial obligations associated with participation in the programme. Sound financial planning and evaluation of all cost factors are key steps for successful participation in the Portuguese Golden Visa programme.

Portugal golden visa properties/ real estate

Investing in property in Portugal has become one of the most popular ways for investors wishing to obtain residency in the European Union through the Portuguese Golden Visa programme. Let’s understand the key aspects and benefits that accompany this type of investment.

Variety of Real Estate:

Portugal offers a wide range of property to suit the different needs of investors. From residential flats in the historic centres of Lisbon and Porto to villas on the Algarve coast, there is a choice of properties to suit all tastes and budgets.

Key Aspects of Investing in Real Estate:

  1. Minimum Investment Amount:
    • To qualify under the Portuguese Golden Visa programme, the investor must purchase property worth at least €500,000.
  2. Location:
    • Choosing the right location plays a key role in the success of an investment. Investors should consider the potential for renting or reselling the property, as well as the infrastructure and comfort level of the neighbourhood.
  3. Property Management:
    • Investors can choose to manage their assets themselves or entrust it to the professionals of a management company. In both cases, effective asset management plays an important role in ensuring a high return on investment.

Advantages of Investing in Real Estate through the “Portuguese Golden Visa”:

  1. Residency in Europe:
    • After a successful investment, the investor and his family are granted the right of residence in Portugal and freedom of movement within the European Union.
  2. Rental Income:
    • Investors can rent out the property, which will provide them with a steady income during their time of ownership.
  3. Potential Capital Benefits:
    • The steady rise in property values in Portugal creates the potential for capital gains on resale in the future.

 Investing in property in Portugal through the Portuguese Golden Visa programme is an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to gain residency in Europe and invest in a stable and promising property market. The combination of high quality of life, favourable climate and economic stability makes Portugal one of the most attractive destinations for property investment in Europe.

Portugal golden visa benefits

The Portuguese Golden Visa programme has become one of the most attractive ways for investors to obtain residency in Portugal and, by extension, in the European Union. Let’s look at the key benefits of this programme for investors and their families.

  1. Residency in Europe:

Participation in the Portuguese Golden Visa programme entitles investors and their families to residency in Portugal. This opens the door to a wide range of opportunities in the European Union, including freedom of movement and access to education and healthcare.

  1. Freedom of Movement:

Holders of the Portuguese Golden Visa are entitled to travel freely within the Schengen countries without the need to obtain additional visas. This provides flexibility and convenience when travelling around Europe.

  1. Education and Health:

Investors and their families have access to high quality educational and healthcare services in Portugal. This is particularly important for families with children who seek quality education and healthcare.

  1. Business Perspectives:

Portugal offers a favourable business environment for investors. Participation in the Portuguese Golden Visa programme opens up opportunities for doing business in the country and investing in its economy.

  1. Financial Security:

Investing in the Portuguese economy through the Portuguese Golden Visa programme provides investors with stable assets and creates the potential for capital growth in the long term.

  1. Family Support:

The Portuguese Golden Visa programme extends its benefits not only to the investor, but also to his/her family. Spouse and children can also obtain residency in Portugal, which will provide them with a stable and comfortable future.

 The Portuguese Golden Visa programme is an attractive opportunity for investors wishing to take up residence in Portugal and ensure that they and their families have access to the benefits of life in the European Union. It provides a combination of financial stability, freedom of movement and business opportunities, making it one of the most attractive investment programmes in Europe.

Portugal residence permit for non-eu citizens

Obtaining a residence permit in Portugal for non-European Union (EU) citizens represents an important step for many individuals and families seeking stability and prospects in Portugal. Let us look at the key aspects of the process and the necessary steps to successfully obtain a residence permit in Portugal.

  1. Types of Residence Permits:

There are several types of residence permits in Portugal, including the temporary residence permit (Residência Temporária) and the permanent residence permit (Residência Permanente). Each has its own requirements and conditions.

  1. Conditions for Non-EU Nationals:

For non-European Union citizens, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled in order to obtain a residence permit in Portugal. These conditions may include having a legal source of income, health insurance, and no threat to public safety or public health.

  1. Documents and Application Procedure:

Applying for a residence permit in Portugal requires the submission of a specific set of documents, which may include a passport, income certificate, health insurance and other documents that prove compliance with the conditions for obtaining a residence permit. Once the application has been submitted, individuals may be invited for an interview or other procedures as required by the local authorities.

  1. Benefits of a Residence Permit in Portugal:

Obtaining a residence permit in Portugal offers individuals a number of benefits, including freedom of movement within Schengen countries, access to education and healthcare, and the possibility of obtaining citizenship in the future.

  1. Terms and Conditions:

The timeframe for obtaining a residence permit in Portugal can vary depending on the type of application and other factors. Once granted a residence permit, individuals must also fulfil certain conditions, including permanent residence in the country and no breaches of the law.

 Obtaining a residence permit in Portugal for non-European Union citizens is an important step to ensure stability and prospects in Portugal. Consistent fulfilment of all requirements and conditions, as well as the correct execution of all necessary documents, will help individuals to successfully complete the process of obtaining a residence permit in Portugal and ensure a comfortable future for themselves and their family in this beautiful country.

Portugal golden visa real estate

The Portuguese Golden Visa programme represents an outstanding opportunity for investors seeking residency in Portugal through investment. One of the most attractive ways to do this is through property investment. Let’s take a look at how real estate becomes the key to residency in Portugal through this programme.

Attractiveness of Portugal as an Investment Destination:

Portugal attracts investors from all over the world with its favourable business climate, stable economy and attractive real estate. Its historic cities, Atlantic coastline and cultural heritage create a unique environment for property investment.

Real Estate Requirements of the Golden Visa Programme:

To qualify under the Portuguese Golden Visa programme, the investor must purchase a property worth at least €500,000. This property can be used for residential, commercial purposes or even as a rental property.

Benefits of Investing in Real Estate through the Golden Visa Programme:

  1. Residency in Portugal:
    • The investor and his family become eligible for residency in Portugal after a successful property investment.
  2. Freedom of Movement in the Schengen Area:
    • Golden Visa holders are entitled to travel freely in Schengen countries without the need to obtain additional visas.
  3. Rental Income:
    • Property purchased under the programme can be rented out, which will provide the investor with an additional source of income.
  4. Future Citizenship Opportunities:
    • After living for a certain period of time in Portugal, investors may be able to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

 Investing in property through the Portuguese Golden Visa programme opens the door to residency in Portugal and, as a consequence, to many opportunities in the European Union. This path provides a stable future, financial prospects and a comfortable life in a

 Long-term residence in Portugal represents the key to stability, comfort and opportunities in this beautiful country. This status provides not only legal protection and security, but also opens the door to a wide range of opportunities in the European Union. Consistent fulfilment of all requirements and conditions, as well as the correct execution of all necessary documents, will help individuals to successfully complete the process of obtaining a long-term residence permit in Portugal and ensure a stable and prosperous future for themselves and their family.

Who Is Eligible for a Golden Visa in Portugal?

The Golden Visa programme in Portugal offers foreign investors an attractive opportunity to obtain residency in this country through investment. Let’s look at the key criteria and conditions that determine who is eligible for this programme.

  1. Investment criteria:

The main criterion for obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal is to make certain investments in the country. The investor must choose one of the following options:

  • The purchase of a property worth at least €500,000.
  • Investing in a Portuguese company to create jobs or develop the economy.
  • Purchase of property in a recovery zone for the purpose of redevelopment.
  1. Financial requirements:

The investor must provide financial stability and the means to realise the chosen investment. He must also prove the legitimacy of the source of these funds.

  1. The main terms of the programme:

Additional conditions that must be met include:

  • No threat to public safety or public health.
  • Not being under management or visa restrictions.
  • Compliance with the requirements for staying in Portugal.
  1. Advantages of the Golden Visa:

Successful participation in the Golden Visa programme in Portugal offers the following benefits:

  • Residency in Portugal and the possibility of staying in other Schengen countries without visas.
  • Access to education and health care in Portugal.
  • The possibility of citizenship in the future.
  1. Application process:

Investors must provide all the necessary documents to prove eligibility for the programme and apply for a Golden Visa through the relevant Portuguese authorities.


The Golden Visa in Portugal programme provides a unique opportunity for investors to obtain residency in Portugal and secure a stable future for themselves and their family in one of the most attractive countries in Europe. Compliance with all requirements and conditions of the programme is key to successful participation and obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal.

Types of Investments that Qualify for The Golden Visa

The Golden Visa Programme in Portugal provides a unique opportunity for foreign investors to obtain residency in Portugal through investments. Certain types of investments are required to qualify for the programme. Let’s take a look at which investments qualify for the Golden Visa.

  1. Acquisition of Real Estate:

One of the main ways to qualify for a Golden Visa is to purchase a property in Portugal. The investor must purchase a property worth at least €500,000. This property can be used for residential, commercial or rental purposes.

  1. Business Investment:

Investors can also qualify for a Golden Visa through investment in the Portuguese economy. This can be achieved through investment in Portuguese companies with the aim of creating new jobs or developing the economy.

  1. Investments in New or Reconditioned Property:

In addition to purchasing existing property, investors can also qualify for a Golden Visa through investment in new or refurbished property. This may include investing in property in rehabilitation areas for the purpose of reconstruction.

  1. Investments in the Funds:

Some funds managed by the Portuguese government can also be used to qualify for the Golden Visa. These funds provide the opportunity to invest in different sectors of the Portuguese economy and to obtain residency in return for the investment.

Investing in Portugal through the Golden Visa programme represents an attractive opportunity for foreign investors to gain residency in this country and have access to a multitude of benefits. Different types of investments, such as property acquisition, business investment, property restoration or investment in funds, provide investors with a wide range of opportunities to qualify for a Golden Visa in Portugal.

Golden Visa in Portugal: Application and Process

The Golden Visa Programme in Portugal is one of the most attractive ways to obtain residency in Portugal through investment. To successfully participate in the programme, you need to understand the process of applying for and obtaining a Golden Visa. Let’s take a closer look at the process.

  1. Preparation of Documents:

First of all, the investor must prepare all the necessary documents to apply for a Golden Visa. These documents may include passport, income statement, documents confirming the source of investment and other documents confirming eligibility for the programme.

  1. Choosing the Type of Investment:

The investor must choose one of the approved investment types to participate in the Golden Visa programme. This may be the purchase of real estate, investment in the Portuguese economy or investment in funds managed by the Portuguese government.

  1. Submission of Application:

Once all the necessary documents have been prepared, the investor must apply for a Golden Visa through the relevant Portuguese authorities. The application can be submitted in person or through a representative.

  1. Review of the Application:

Once an application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the relevant authorities in Portugal. This may include verification of the documents submitted, an interview or other procedures in accordance with the programme requirements.

  1. Receipt of the Decision:

After reviewing the application, the investor will be given a decision to grant or refuse the Golden Visa. In case of a favourable decision, the investor will receive a permit to stay in Portugal and start the process of obtaining residency.

  1. Obtaining Residency:

After obtaining a Golden Visa, the investor can begin the process of obtaining residency in Portugal. This may involve registering with local authorities and obtaining temporary or permanent residence permits.

The process of applying for and obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal requires careful preparation and adherence to all the requirements of the programme. After successfully completing this process, the investor has a unique opportunity to secure residency for themselves and their family in this beautiful country and have access to many benefits.

Government Fees and Legal Costs Related to Portuguese Golden Visa Programme

The Golden Visa Programme in Portugal offers foreign investors an attractive opportunity to obtain residency in Portugal through investment. However, beyond the investment, there are additional government fees and legal costs to consider when participating in this programme. Let’s take a closer look at these costs.

  1. State Dues:

To participate in the Golden Visa programme, an investor must pay a number of government fees, including:

  • Application Fee: This fee is charged for the processing of the Golden Visa application. It may vary depending on the number of family members included in the application.
  • Visa Issuance Fee: Once the application is approved, the investor is required to pay the Golden Visa Issuance Fee.
  • Foreigner Registration Fee: After obtaining the Golden Visa, the investor will be required to pay a fee to register as a foreign resident in Portugal.
  1. Legal Expenses:

In addition to government fees, the investor must also consider the legal costs associated with participating in the Golden Visa programme. These costs may include:

  • Legal advice: Investors may require legal support when preparing documents and applying for a Golden
  • Administrative costs: You may need to pay for administrative services such as translation of documents, notarisation and other administrative procedures.
  • Legal Services: The investor can contact a lawyer or law firm to represent him/her in all stages of the Golden Visa process.

 Participating in the Golden Visa programme in Portugal involves not only an investment, but also additional government fees and legal costs. It is important to take these costs into account when planning your participation in the programme to avoid unexpected financial costs and to ensure the successful completion of the Golden Visa process.

Digital nomad visa in Portugal

In today’s world of technology, more and more people prefer to work remotely without being tied to a specific location. In response to this trend, some countries, including Portugal, have started offering special visa solutions for these digital nomads. Let’s take a look at why a visa for digital nomads in Portugal has become so attractive.

Portugal’s Attractiveness to Digital Nomads:

  1. Climate and Quality of Life: Portugal is renowned for its pleasant climate, beautiful beaches and cultural heritage. These factors make the country an attractive place to live for digital nomads.
  2. Affordable Housing: Portugal has a variety of housing available at reasonable prices, making it attractive to digital nomads looking to maintain a balance between quality of life and costs.
  3. Technological Infrastructure: The country has a modern technological infrastructure and widespread access to the internet, providing digital nomads with the necessary conditions to work from anywhere in Portugal.

Visa for Digital Nomads in Portugal:

  1. Programme conditions: Visa for Digital Nomads in Portugal provides the opportunity to reside in the country for up to 1 year with the possibility of extension. To obtain the visa it is necessary to prove a stable source of income from abroad.
  2. Visa process: The process of obtaining a visa for digital nomads in Portugal usually involves submitting an application, providing proof of financial stability and getting approval from the local authorities.
  3. Visa benefits: Digital Nomad visa holders can enjoy the benefits of living in Portugal, including access to healthcare, education and other social services.


The Portugal Digital Nomads Visa represents an attractive opportunity for global workers wishing to enjoy a high quality of life in a beautiful country with a pleasant climate and developed infrastructure. Thanks to the simple conditions for obtaining and the wide range of opportunities offered by this visa, Portugal is becoming an increasingly popular destination for digital nomads from all over the world.

D7 visa in Portugal

D7 visa in Portugal represents an attractive opportunity for independent freelancers, entrepreneurs and investors to gain residency in this country. Let’s take a closer look at this type of visa, its features and benefits for those seeking to live and work in Portugal.

Key Aspects of the D7 Visa:

  1. Purpose of Visa: The D7 visa in Portugal is intended for those who wish to reside in the country without formal employment, based on their own financial security.
  2. Programme conditions: To obtain a D7 visa it is necessary to demonstrate a stable source of income ensuring financial independence. This can be freelance income, investment income, pension, etc.
  3. Financial Requirements: Investors must prove that their financial situation is sufficient to live in Portugal without having to find a job. This is usually confirmed by bank statements or other financial documents.
  4. Application Process: Applying for a D7 visa in Portugal involves providing the necessary documents, including proof of financial stability, as well as completing the relevant application forms and paying the visa fees.

Advantages of D7 Visa:

  1. Residency in Portugal: The D7 visa allows you to reside in Portugal for a long period of time without having to find an official job.
  2. Access to Education and Health: D7 visa holders have access to educational and health services in Portugal in the same way as locals.
  3. Path to Citizenship: After a certain stay in the country, residents with a D7 visa may be able to apply for permanent residence and subsequently for Portuguese citizenship.

 The D7 visa in Portugal is an attractive opportunity for independent freelancers and investors looking to secure a stable residency in this beautiful country. Thanks to its flexible conditions and wide range of opportunities, it is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those seeking new horizons in work and life.

How to get a Portuguese passport?

A Portuguese passport opens the door to many opportunities, including free movement within the European Union, the ability to live and work in different parts of the world, and access to many government and social benefits. In order to obtain a Portuguese passport, there are certain steps and requirements to follow.

  1. Obtaining Permanent Residence:

The first step to obtaining a Portuguese passport is to obtain permanent residence in Portugal. This can be achieved through participation in the Golden Visa programme, the D7 visa for freelancers and investors, or by other means provided for by Portuguese law.

  1. Staying in the Country:

After obtaining permanent residence, it is necessary to reside in Portugal for a certain period of time. This period may vary depending on the conditions, but is usually at least five years.

  1. Attitude towards the Country:

An important requirement for obtaining a Portuguese passport is to demonstrate ties to Portugal, including knowledge of the Portuguese language, knowledge of the country’s history and culture, and active participation in the community.

  1. Submission of the Application:

Once all conditions have been fulfilled, the individual applicant or their representative must submit an application for Portuguese citizenship to the relevant authority. This may include the submission of all necessary documents and the payment of relevant fees.

  1. Consideration of the Application:

Once an application has been submitted, it will be processed by the relevant authorities in Portugal. This may include the verification of the documents provided, an interview and other procedures in accordance with Portuguese law.

  1. Obtaining a Passport:

After a favourable decision, the Portuguese passport application will be approved and the applicant will receive his passport. This will open the door to many new opportunities and privileges as a Portuguese citizen.

Obtaining a Portuguese passport requires careful preparation, fulfilment of certain conditions and procedures. However, the effort invested will pay off, giving you access to new opportunities and advantages as a Portuguese citizen.

Moving to Portugal

Moving to Portugal is a strategic decision that requires careful planning and organisation. The process involves not only adapting to a new culture and lifestyle, but also dealing with legal, financial and organisational issues. Let’s take a look at the key aspects and strategies for a successful move to Portugal.

  1. Preparation and Planning:

The first step to a successful move is to learn all the necessary information about Portugal: its culture, economy, educational and medical systems, as well as visa and residency requirements.

  1. Financial Preparation:

Moving to another country can require a significant financial outlay. Before you move, you should develop a budget that takes into account housing, food, medical care, education and other expenses.

  1. Legal Issues:

The legal aspects of relocation should be explored, including visa and residency requirements, tax obligations, and the rights and responsibilities of new residents.

  1. Housing Search:

One of the key aspects of a successful move is finding suitable accommodation. Portugal offers a wide range of accommodation, from flats in the city to villas on the coast.

  1. Integration into Society:

An important step after moving is integration into the local society. This includes learning the language, familiarising yourself with local customs and culture, and participating in social and cultural life.

  1. Business Opportunities:

Portugal offers a wide range of business opportunities, especially in tourism, property, IT and start-ups. Explore the market and opportunities for your business.

  1. Insurance and Health Care:

Before you move, make sure you have the necessary insurance and access to health care in Portugal.

Moving to Portugal is an exciting and challenging move that requires careful preparation and planning. Follow our advice to make your move as smooth and successful as possible.

NIF in Portugal

The NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) in Portugal is a unique national identification number that is assigned to every individual and company. It is essential for doing business and financial transactions in this country. Let’s take a closer look at the key aspects of the NIF and its importance for business.

  1. Unique Identification:

The NIF acts as a unique identifier for individuals and companies in Portugal. It is required for many financial and administrative transactions, such as opening bank accounts, buying property, taxation and more.

  1. Tax Registration:

One of the main aspects of the NIF is tax registration. All individuals and companies doing business in Portugal are required to have a NIF and to register with the Portuguese tax office (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira).

  1. Starting a Business:

To open a business in Portugal you need a NIF. This number is used when registering a company, opening bank accounts, filing tax returns and other administrative procedures.

  1. Taxation:

NIFs also play a key role in taxation. NIF owners are required to file tax returns in accordance with Portuguese law, including value added tax (VAT), personal income tax and corporate income tax.

  1. Access to Public Services:

Possession of a NIF also provides access to various public and social services in Portugal, such as health, education and social support.

  1. Importance for International Business Transactions:

NIF is also relevant for international business transactions such as trade with other countries, investments and financial transactions. This number is used to identify the company in international financial reports and documents.

The NIF in Portugal is an important tool for individuals and companies doing business in Portugal. Possession of this number provides access to various financial and administrative services, as well as helping to comply with tax legislation and participate in international business transactions.

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“Hello, I’m Sheyla, ready to help with your business ventures in Europe and beyond. Whether in international markets or exploring opportunities abroad, I offer guidance and support. Feel free to contact me!”


“Hello, my name is Diana and I specialise in assisting clients in many questions. Contact me and I will be able to provide you efficient support in your request.”


“Hello, my name is Polina. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information to launch your project in the chosen jurisdiction – contact me for more information!”



At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

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