Lithuania residence permit

Lithuania residence permit

Lithuania, as a European Union country, offers attractive immigration programmes allowing foreign nationals to legalise their stay in the country by obtaining temporary or permanent residence permits. These programmes open the door to a wide range of opportunities, including access to the labour market, business opportunities and freedom of movement within the Schengen area.

Types of residence permits in Lithuania

There are two main types of residence permits in Lithuania: temporary and permanent. A temporary residence permit (TPL) is usually issued for a period of one to five years, depending on the grounds of stay and the category of applicants. This may be for work, study, business or family reasons. A permanent residence permit is issued to persons who have resided in Lithuania for at least five years on the basis of a temporary residence permit and entitles them to permanent residence in the country.

Application procedure for residence permit

The process of applying for or extending a residence permit starts with electronic registration through the Lithuanian Migration Information System MIGRIS. After completing the electronic form and booking the time, the applicant must submit the required documents in person to the Lithuanian Migration Department or through authorised centres such as VFS Global.

Documents required

Key documents required to apply for a residence permit include:

  • A valid passport;
  • Evidence of the basis for the residence permit (e.g. employment contract, business documents, study invitations);
  • Confirmation of financial solvency;
  • Health Insurance;
  • A certificate of no criminal record.

Timing and cost

It takes up to three months to process a residence permit application under the standard procedure and up to 45 days under the urgent procedure.

Business opportunities and residence permits

The option of obtaining a residence permit by investing in the Lithuanian economy or establishing one’s own business is particularly attractive. For foreign entrepreneurs it is not only a way to legalise their stay, but also an opportunity to develop their business in a stable economy with access to the European market.

Lithuania offers convenient and versatile pathways to immigration through various types of residence permits, making it an attractive choice for foreigners seeking to relocate, work or do business in Europe. A systematised approach to the residence permit process, accompanied by clear requirements and procedures, ensures that the process is transparent and accessible to applicants from different countries.

Citizens of non-European Union countries may obtain a residence permit in Lithuania, which entitles them to permanent residence in the country, multiple entries and exits from Lithuania, and freedom of movement within the territory of the Schengen states without the need for a visa. Initially, the residence permit is issued for a period of one year with the possibility of subsequent extension for two or three years.

Lithuania provides for two main types of residence permits: temporary and permanent.

A temporary residence permit, also known as TRP (Temporary Residence Permit), is issued for a period of one to three years. A permanent residence permit is issued for a period of five years. In order to switch from a temporary to a permanent residence permit, it is necessary to reside in Lithuania for at least five years on the basis of a temporary residence permit. Upon expiry of the said period, the applicant may apply for a permanent residence permit. This, however, requires passing an examination on knowledge of the Lithuanian language and the basics of the country’s constitution, procedures supervised by the Education Development Centre. After ten years of residence in Lithuania on the basis of a residence permit, an alien may also apply for acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania.

Immigration programmes in Lithuania provide various opportunities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to establish or expand their business in the country. One of the key areas is obtaining a residence permit through ownership of a company or the position of a director.

On the basis of company ownership, it is possible to incorporate up to four persons in one company for the purpose of residence permit processing. A company may consist of three shareholders and one director, and there are no restrictions on the nationality of the participants. It is important to note that one person can act as a shareholder and a director at the same time, initiating the residence permit process. Initially, the document is issued for one year with the possibility of renewal for two years in subsequent periods. After five years of stay in the country on the basis of a temporary residence permit, it is possible to apply for a permanent residence permit, including collecting the necessary documents and passing the relevant checks.

The requirements for the company include the existence of a share capital of at least EUR 28,000, with each shareholder owning at least EUR 14,000 worth of shares. An essential condition is the employment of at least one Lithuanian citizen with a salary of at least two average salaries in the country, which is currently EUR 1,780. Additionally, the company must demonstrate activity for six months before applying for a residence permit by submitting relevant financial reports and documents.

The process of company registration and preparation of documentation takes about five working days, after which the migration department considers the application for about two months. Documents can be submitted through Lithuanian embassies abroad or directly to the migration department in Lithuania.

It is also possible to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania through the purchase of an existing business, which is an effective way for those who seek to minimise initial investments and operational risks. In this case, investors can purchase a share or a fully-fledged business with already established processes, which greatly simplifies the process of integration and starting operations in a new market.

The period of validity of a temporary residence permit in Lithuania varies depending on the category of applicants. Usually it is issued for a period of 1 to 2 years, but for persons of Lithuanian origin and aliens who retain the right to Lithuanian citizenship, a residence permit may be issued for 5 years.

To apply for or extend a temporary residence permit, one should apply to the Lithuanian Migration Department. The initial stage of the application is through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS), where it is necessary to register the electronic application and book a time for the visit. It is important to submit the paper application and provide the required biometric data within 4 months from the date of electronic submission.

Documents required to apply for Lithuanian residency:

  • Electronic application through the MIGRIS system
  • A valid travel document (passport)
  • Temporary residence permit (in case of replacement)
  • Evidence of the basis for the issuance of a residence permit
  • Documents proving sufficient funds for accommodation and return
  • Obligation to declare residence in Lithuania
  • Certificate of no criminal record (valid for 6 months)
  • Health Insurance
  • Documents proving legal residence (e.g. visa), if the application is submitted in Lithuania

Legalisation of documents issued by foreign countries requires apostille or double legalisation, except for documents from certain countries. Translation into Lithuanian is also mandatory.

The processing time of the application is up to 3 months for general applications and up to 45 days for urgent applications. The application for renewal of the residence permit must be submitted no later than 2 months before the expiry of the current permit, and for replacement no later than 1 month before expiry, but no earlier than 4 months.

More information is available on the official website of the Lithuanian Migration Department.

Types of Lithuanian temporary residence permits

In the context of European integration and globalisation of business processes, Lithuania presents significant opportunities for foreign investors and professionals seeking to expand their presence in the single European market. The basis for legal stay in the country is a temporary residence permit (TPR), which is classified into different categories depending on the purpose of stay and the nature of the alien’s activity.

  1. Residence permits for entrepreneurs and business investors

This category of residence permit is intended for foreigners who invest in the Lithuanian economy, open new businesses or acquire existing companies. To qualify, a number of economic requirements must be met, including a minimum investment amount and the creation of jobs for Lithuanian citizens. This ensures the right to stay in Lithuania and access to the Schengen area for business activities.

  1. Residence permits for highly qualified specialists

Specially designed for foreign specialists engaged by Lithuanian companies to work in highly qualified specialities. The requirements include professional qualifications and proof of salary compliance with the established standards, which guarantees compensation of at least twice the national average salary.

  1. Residence permits for students and researchers

Granted to foreign students and researchers enrolled in Lithuanian educational institutions or research centres. A residence permit in this category facilitates access to the country’s educational and scientific resources and supports international academic co-operation.

  1. Residence permit on the basis of family reunification

This type of permit allows families to stay together when one of the family members is already legally residing in Lithuania. It covers spouses, minor children and other dependents, ensuring that they can live together.

  1. Residence permit for self-employed persons

A residence permit for self-employed entrepreneurs can be issued on the condition of conducting legal business activities in Lithuania. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide proof of business activities, such as company registration, tax reports and proof of financial stability.

Application process

The residence permit application procedure starts with the submission of the required documents through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS) and requires further submission of biometric data. Confirmation of eligibility for a residence permit is carried out by the Lithuanian Migration Department, which scrutinises each case.

Lithuania offers many options for obtaining a temporary residence permit oriented to the diverse needs of foreign nationals. This makes the country an attractive choice for international business and cultural exchange, stimulating economic development and strengthening international ties.

Duration of a Lithuanian temporary residence permit

Lithuania, as a member of the European Union, attracts foreign professionals, entrepreneurs and investors by providing them with the opportunity to legally stay and work in its territory through the temporary residence permit (TRP) system. Understanding the duration of the residence permit, its extension and renewal conditions is critical for planning long-term business strategies and ensuring the stability of foreigners’ personal and professional affairs in Lithuania.

Main terms of temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit in Lithuania is issued for different durations depending on the grounds for obtaining it:

  1. For business investors and entrepreneurs: Usually issued for a period of up to one year, renewable upon proof of active business activity and compliance with economic requirements (e.g. minimum share capital and employment of local staff).
  2. For highly qualified specialists: Can be issued for a period of up to two years, with the key condition being the existence of an employment contract with a Lithuanian company offering a salary significantly higher than the national average.
  3. For students and researchers: The residence permit is issued for the period of study or scientific work, but not more than for one year with the possibility of extension on the basis of proof of continuation of educational or scientific activity.
  4. For family members: The duration of the residence permit is usually synchronised with the duration of the main applicant’s permit so that families can stay together in Lithuania.

The process of extending a residence permit

Renewal of a residence permit requires proof of compliance with the original conditions of authorisation. Foreigners are advised to start the renewal process several months before the expiry of the current residence permit in order to avoid legal problems associated with staying without a valid permit. Important elements are financial stability, availability of housing and, in the case of business investors, proof of contribution to the country’s economy.

Peculiarities of legislation and practice of application

Lithuanian legislation provides for various scenarios for accelerated obtaining or extension of residence permits, for example, for investors who create a significant number of jobs or make large investments in priority sectors of the economy. In such cases, application processing times can be shortened, which is an incentive to attract foreign capital.

The duration of a temporary residence permit in Lithuania is determined by many factors, including the purpose of stay, economic activity and personal circumstances of the applicant. The flexibility of the Lithuanian migration system and the provision of various types of residence permits support international mobility and promote economic growth, making Lithuania an attractive country for international business and professional activities.

How to apply for a residence permit for Lithuania?

Lithuania offers various opportunities for foreigners wishing to settle and work in the country. Obtaining a residence permit (LLV) is a key step in this process, which allows not only to reside and work legally in Lithuania, but also to travel within the Schengen area without visa restrictions. This process requires careful planning and understanding of the legal requirements.

Stages of applying for residence permit in Lithuania

  1. Determining the type of residence permit. Before submitting your application, it is important to determine which type of residence permit is most suitable for your situation (e.g. residence permit for business investors, professionals, students, family members or on the basis of family reunification).
  2. Gathering the necessary documents. Preparing a complete set of documents is critical. Key documents include:
    • Application for a residence permit;
    • A valid passport;
    • Documents confirming the basis for issuing a residence permit (e.g. property purchase agreement, investment contract, invitation from an employer);
    • Financial documents proving that you have sufficient funds for living expenses;
    • Health Insurance;
    • Certificate of absence of a criminal record.
  3. Applying for a residence permit. Applications for a residence permit are usually submitted through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS). After registering in the system and filling in the electronic application form, it is necessary to make an appointment at the Migration Department to submit the documents in person and take biometrics.
  4. Waiting for a decision. The processing of a residence permit application can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the category of residence permit and the completeness of the submitted documents.
  5. Obtaining a residence permit and registration at the place of residence. After the application is approved, it is necessary to obtain a residence permit card and register at the place of residence in Lithuania.

Important aspects and tips

  • Legalisation and apostilisation of documents: Documents issued in other countries must be legalised or apostilled, unless otherwise provided for by international treaties.
  • Translation of documents: All documents in a foreign language must be translated into Lithuanian and notarised.
  • Urgency of the procedure: If the situation requires faster processing, you can apply for expedited processing for an additional fee.
  • Specialist support: Given the complexity of the procedure and possible legal nuances, it is recommended to use the services of qualified migration agents or lawyers.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania requires attention to detail and strict compliance with migration legislation. Proper preparation and understanding of each step of the process makes it much easier to obtain a residence permit and subsequent stay in the country. This opens the door for successful professional, educational or business activities in Lithuania and ensures stability in the new European environment.

Lithuanian temporary residence permit requirements

Lithuania attracts foreign investors and professionals by offering convenient conditions for obtaining a temporary residence permit (TPL), which promotes both individual development and strengthening of the local economy. The residence permit allows foreigners not only to live and work in Lithuania, but also to enjoy freedom of movement within the Schengen area.

Basic requirements for obtaining a temporary residence permit in Lithuania

  1. Purpose of stay. To obtain a residence permit, it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of your stay in Lithuania. It can be work, study, business activity, family reunification or cultural/scientific exchanges.
  2. Documentary evidence of the purpose of stay. Depending on the purpose of stay, applicants need to submit relevant documents such as labour contract, business registration documents, invitation from an educational institution or proof of family ties with persons residing in Lithuania.
  3. Financial solvency. Applicants must prove that they have sufficient funds to live in Lithuania for the entire duration of the residence permit. This may include bank statements, proof of salary or other financial documents.
  4. Health insurance. A valid health insurance covering the whole period of stay in Lithuania is a mandatory requirement.
  5. Criminal record certificate. Confirmation of absence of criminal record not only in Lithuania, but also in other countries of residence for the last several years.
  6. Registered place of residence. Applicants must provide proof of registered residence in Lithuania, e.g. a lease agreement or a certificate of ownership.

Procedural aspects of applying for a residence permit

The application process starts with registration in the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS), where applicants can fill in the necessary forms and upload the relevant documents. After electronic submission, it is necessary to visit the Migration Service to submit biometric data and original documents.

Timeframes and deadlines for processing applications

The processing of residence permit applications can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the migration services.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Lithuania opens up many opportunities for foreign nationals wishing to work, study or do business in a country with a high level of economic stability and access to the European market. Compliance with all requirements and careful preparation for the process significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining a residence permit. This not only strengthens the applicant’s personal and professional prospects, but also contributes to his/her harmonious integration into Lithuanian society.

How to get permanent residence in Lithuania?

Obtaining a permanent residence permit (PRP) in Lithuania represents a significant achievement for foreigners wishing to deepen their integration into the country’s economy and society. Not only does the permanent residence permit ensure stability of stay, but it also expands opportunities in business, employment and personal life, granting the right to almost unlimited residence in Lithuania and travelling within the Schengen area.

Key requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania

  1. Applicants must have been legally residing in Lithuania for at least five years on the basis of a temporary residence permit. This period must be continuous, which implies no prolonged absences from the country.
  2. Stable source of income. Applicants must demonstrate that they have a stable and sufficient income to support themselves and their dependents in Lithuania. This may include income from employment, business or other legitimate sources.
  3. Place of residence. Having a permanent place of residence, such as a property or a long-term lease, is a prerequisite for applying for a LOI.
  4. Knowledge of the state language In order to successfully obtain a residence permit, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge of the Lithuanian language to communicate in everyday life and to understand the cultural aspects of the society. This requirement is confirmed by passing a relevant examination.
  5. Integration into society. Candidates must demonstrate their integration into Lithuanian society through participation in social life, labour or cultural ties, as well as a general understanding of Lithuanian laws and the basics of the state system.

The process of applying for permanent residence

  1. Collection of documents. Before submitting an application, it is necessary to collect a full package of documents, including proof of financial stability, documentation of residence in Lithuania, language test results and other supporting documents.
  2. Submission of the application. The application for a residence permit shall be submitted to the Lithuanian Migration Service in person or through authorised representatives. All documents must be submitted in Lithuanian or with a translation into Lithuanian.
  3. Waiting for a decision. It may take several months for the application to be processed. During this time, additional information may be requested or interviews may be conducted to clarify certain aspects of the application.
  4. After the application is approved, a residence permit card is issued, which is proof of permanent resident status.

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Lithuania opens new perspectives for foreign nationals wishing to deepen their presence in the country. This process requires careful preparation and understanding of Lithuanian migration policy, but successful obtaining of a permanent residence permit significantly simplifies the process of further integration into the economic and social structure of Lithuania.

Where to apply for permanent residence in Lithuania?

Obtaining a permanent residence permit (PRP) in Lithuania is a key step for foreign nationals seeking to establish their long-term presence in the country. A permanent residence permit provides not only the right to permanent residence, but also other significant advantages such as access to the labour market, educational and social programmes.

Addressing and submitting an application for a LOI

  1. Competent authorities. Applications for permanent residence permits are accepted and processed by the Lithuanian Migration Service (Migracijos departamentas). This state institution is responsible for all aspects of migration policy, including the issuance of various types of residence permits.
  2. Places of submission. An application for a residence permit can be submitted at territorial units of the Migration Service located in major Lithuanian cities such as Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda and others. Applications are also accepted at Lithuanian diplomatic missions abroad, which is relevant for persons temporarily staying outside Lithuania.
  3. Electronic filing. Part of the process can be done electronically through the official Lithuanian e-service portal (E-Government Portal). Applicants can register on the website, fill in the necessary forms and upload scans of documents, which simplifies the submission process and reduces the need for personal visits to Migration Service offices.

Required documents and procedures

  • Application: It is necessary to fill in the official application form, which is available on the Migration Service website.
  • Documents: The list of required documents includes passport, photographs, documents proving legal residence in Lithuania for the last five years, financial proof, proof of residence, certificates of criminal record and proof of integration, such as a certificate of knowledge of the Lithuanian language.
  • Fees and charges: A government fee is charged for processing an application for a LOI. The fee may vary depending on the urgency of processing and other factors.

Timeframe for review

The process of processing a residence permit application can take from several months to six months, depending on the completeness of the submitted documents and the workload of the Migration Service. Applicants are advised to carefully prepare all necessary documents and monitor the status of their case through the online portal or personal visits to the office.

The procedure of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Lithuania requires attention to detail and strict compliance with migration legislation. By approaching the process prepared and informed, applicants can significantly simplify and speed up the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit, which will open up new opportunities for development and growth in Lithuania.

Required documents for Lithuania permanent residence application

Obtaining permanent residence status in Lithuania is an important step for foreign investors and professionals wishing to strengthen their long-term ties with the Lithuanian market and society. This process requires careful preparation and submission of a complete set of documents that confirm the applicant’s compliance with all the requirements of Lithuanian migration legislation. Below is the list of documents required for a successful application for permanent residence.

  1. Application. The application for a residence permit must be filled out in Lithuanian. The application form is available on the official website of the Lithuanian Migration Service.
  2. Valid passport. Copies of all completed pages of a passport valid for at least three months after the end date of the requested period of stay.
  3. Photographs. Recent colour photographs that meet the requirements for visa photos.
  4. Proof of legal residence. Copies of documents proving legal residence in Lithuania for the last five years (e.g. previous residence permits).
  5. Financial evidence. Documents proving sufficient financial means for living in Lithuania, such as bank statements, proof of regular income or other financial guarantees.
  6. Proof of accommodation. A document proving the existence of accommodation in Lithuania, e.g. a lease agreement or ownership documents.
  7. Criminal record certificate. An official criminal record certificate from the country of current residence and from any other country where the applicant has lived for more than one year in the last ten years.
  8. Health insurance. A valid health insurance policy covering the entire period of intended stay.
  9. Proof of integration. This may include certificates of knowledge of the Lithuanian language, evidence of participation in Lithuanian social and cultural life, and possible recommendations from public or professional organisations.
  10. Confirmation of payment of the state fee. A receipt of payment of the required state fee for the consideration of the application for a residence permit.

Submission process

The application together with the full set of documents is submitted in person at the Migration Service or through Lithuanian diplomatic missions abroad. It is important to make sure that all documents are up to date and meet the requirements of the Migration Service.

Preparing to apply for permanent residence in Lithuania requires considerable effort and attention to detail. Carefully following the instructions and submitting a complete and accurate set of documents significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining a residence permit and ensures smooth progress on the way to stable and productive residence in Lithuania.

How long does it take to process a Lithuania residence permit?

Obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania is an important step for foreign investors, professionals and entrepreneurs planning a long-term stay and doing business in the country. Processing times may vary depending on the type of residence permit and specific circumstances.

  1. Application. Preparation and submission of the application are the first steps in the process of obtaining a residence permit. Applicants have to collect a complete set of documents, which may take some time depending on the availability of necessary certificates and documents. Once the documents are collected, the application is submitted to the local office of the Migration Service or through the Lithuanian diplomatic mission abroad.
  2. Consideration of the application. The timeframe for processing the application for a residence permit in Lithuania may vary:
  • For temporary residence permits: the processing of the application usually takes between 1 and 4 months. If the application is submitted on the basis of work or study, the process can be accelerated.
  • For permanent residence permit: the process may take 4 to 6 months, as more thorough document verification and confirmation of the applicant’s integration into Lithuanian society is required.
  1. Issuance of the residence permit. Once the application is approved, applicants are issued a residence permit card. This document is issued within a few weeks after the decision on the application has been made.
  2. Factors affecting processing times
  • Completeness of documents: An incomplete or incorrectly completed document package can significantly delay the process.
  • Migration Service workload: During periods of high workload, processing times may increase.
  • Need for additional verification: In some cases, additional verification or requests for additional references may be required, which also increases the overall processing time.
  1. Recommendations to speed up the process
  • Submit a complete set of documents: Make sure all documents are filled out correctly and completely.
  • Apply early: Apply early, especially if you plan to start work or study within a certain time frame.
  • Consultations with migration agents: Professional counselling can help avoid common mistakes and speed up the process.

Processing times for residence permit applications in Lithuania can vary and depend on many factors. Understanding the process and careful preparation can help minimise delays and ensure a smoother and faster residence permit application.

Lithuania residence permit by investment

Lithuania, as a dynamically developing economy and part of the European Union, offers unique opportunities for foreign investors seeking to obtain a residence permit (residence permit) through investment. This programme provides access to a promising European market, a stable legal environment and broad business opportunities.

  1. Basic requirements for obtaining a residence permit through investment

Foreign investors interested in obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania must fulfil certain requirements, which include:

  • Minimum investment: The investor must make a substantial investment in the Lithuanian economy. In most cases, the minimum investment is EUR 28,000 in the authorised capital of a company. This amount may be increased depending on the number of shareholders and the scale of the business.
  • Creation of jobs: The invested company must create jobs for Lithuanian citizens. As a rule, it is required to have at least one employee with a salary of at least two average salaries in the country.
  • Active business activity: The investor must ensure that the company is actively operating, as evidenced by financial statements, contracts and other documents demonstrating the company’s business activity.
  1. The process of obtaining residence permit through investments

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit through investment involves several key steps:

  • Company registration: The first step is to register a legal entity in Lithuania. The company must be registered in accordance with the law and have all the necessary licences to operate.
  • Making an investment: Once a company is incorporated, a minimum required capital deposit is required. These funds can be used for business development, purchase of equipment or other company needs.
  • Applying for a residence permit: After registering a company and making investments, the applicant can apply for a residence permit. The application is submitted to the Lithuanian Migration Service and must be accompanied by all supporting documents.
  • Application review: The application review process can take from one to four months. It is important that all documents are submitted in full and meet the requirements of the migration service.
  1. Advantages of obtaining residence permit through investments

Obtaining a residence permit through investments in Lithuania provides the investor and his family with a number of significant advantages:

  • Free movement: A residence permit allows you to move freely within the Schengen area without the need for visas.
  • Access to the European market: The investor gains access to the single European market, which opens up a wide range of business and trading opportunities.
  • Possibility to obtain permanent residence: After five years of continuous residence in Lithuania on the basis of a temporary residence permit, the investor may apply for a permanent residence permit.
  • Tax advantages: Lithuania offers competitive tax rates and various business incentives, making it an attractive investment destination.
  1. Legalisation and translation of documents

All documents submitted as part of the residence permit application must be translated into Lithuanian and notarised. In some cases, legalisation of documents or their certification with an apostille is also required.

Obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania through investment is a strategically important step for international investors wishing to expand their presence in Europe and take advantage of all the advantages that this country offers. Thorough preparation and fulfilment of all requirements increase the chances of successfully obtaining a residence permit and open new prospects for business and life in Lithuania.

 Lithuanian residency by investment requirements

Lithuania, as a member of the European Union with a dynamically developing economy, provides attractive conditions for obtaining residence through investment. This programme is one of the most effective ways of legalisation in the country, offering investors and their families a wide range of benefits, including access to the European market, free movement within the Schengen area and the possibility of long-term residence. In this article, we will look at the main requirements for obtaining residency in Lithuania through investment, which international investors should consider.

  1. Minimum investment amount

One of the key requirements for obtaining residence through investments in Lithuania is to make significant capital investments in the economy of the country. The minimum investment amount is 28,000 euros in the authorised capital of a Lithuanian company. This amount may be increased depending on the number of shareholders or the nature of the business. The investment must be aimed at establishing or developing a company that will be actively operating in Lithuania.

  1. Job creation

The company in which the investment is made must contribute to the creation of jobs for Lithuanian citizens. The programme requires the employment of at least one Lithuanian citizen with a salary that is at least two times the national average salary. This condition is aimed at stimulating employment and supporting the local economy.

  1. active business activities

The investor must demonstrate that the company has active business activities. This is confirmed by providing financial reports, contracts, bank statements and other documents showing that the business is actually functioning and generating income. The business must have been registered and operating in Lithuania for at least 6 months before applying for residency.

  1. requirements for the applicant

In order to obtain residency, an applicant must meet a number of personal requirements:

  • No criminal record: The applicant must provide a criminal record certificate from his/her current country of residence and from other countries where he/she has lived for more than one year in the last 10 years.
  • Financial solvency: The applicant must demonstrate that he/she has sufficient funds to live in Lithuania, which is confirmed by bank statements or other documents.
  • Health insurance: The applicant and his/her family members must have valid health insurance covering the entire period of intended residence in Lithuania.
  1. Application process

The procedure for applying for residency through investment consists of several steps:

  • Company registration: The investor must register a legal entity in Lithuania and deposit the minimum required capital.
  • Document Collection: In addition to standard documents such as passport, photographs and health insurance, the investor needs to provide a business plan, financial statements and proof of investment.
  • Submission of the application: The application is submitted to the Lithuanian Migration Service. It is important that all documents are properly executed and translated into Lithuanian, if required.
  • Review of the application: The review process may take several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the completeness of the documents submitted.
  1. Conditions for renewal of residency

After obtaining a temporary residence permit, the investor needs to continue to comply with the conditions of the programme in order to extend his/her residency. This includes maintaining active business activities, maintaining or increasing the level of investment and complying with all legal and tax obligations in Lithuania.

Obtaining residence in Lithuania through investment is an attractive opportunity for international investors, allowing not only to legalise their stay in the country, but also to open access to the wide opportunities of the European market. Careful compliance with all programme requirements and proper preparation of the application will ensure successful obtainment of residency and create a solid basis for long-term business development in Lithuania.

How long after permanent residency can I apply for Lithuania citizenship?

For many foreign nationals who have settled in Lithuania, obtaining a permanent residence permit (PRP) is an important step towards full integration into the society and economy of the country. The next step after obtaining a permanent residence permit may be the acquisition of Lithuanian citizenship, which opens up new rights and opportunities, including the right to vote and easy access to European Union countries without restrictions.

Basic conditions for applying for Lithuanian citizenship

Before applying for Lithuanian citizenship, a foreign resident must fulfil several critical conditions:

  1. Candidates must have been legally residing in Lithuania for the last ten years, of which permanent residence (on the basis of a residence permit) must be at least five years. This period must be uninterrupted and confirmed by relevant documents.
  2. Knowledge of the Lithuanian language. Knowledge of the Lithuanian language at a level sufficient to participate in everyday life and understand the culture of the country is compulsory. This knowledge is confirmed by passing the relevant examination.
  3. Knowledge of the Lithuanian Constitution. Candidates must demonstrate knowledge of the basic laws and constitutional structure of Lithuania, which is also tested through the examination process.
  4. No criminal record. When applying for citizenship, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the absence of criminal record both in Lithuania and abroad.

The process of applying for citizenship

Once all the above conditions have been fulfilled, candidates can apply for citizenship. The process involves submitting a detailed package of documents, which usually consists of:

  • Applications for admission to Lithuanian citizenship;
  • Documents confirming legal residence in Lithuania for the required period;
  • Results of the Lithuanian language and knowledge of the Constitution examinations;
  • No criminal record;
  • Documents proving renunciation of current citizenship, if required by law.

Application processing timeframe

The citizenship application process may take from several months to a year, depending on the completeness of the submitted documents and the current workload of the migration service. It is important to note that all documents and applications must be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Lithuanian Migration Service.

Obtaining Lithuanian citizenship after long-term residence in the country on the basis of a residence permit is a significant achievement that opens new prospects for foreign residents. Careful preparation for the process, full understanding of the requirements and timely submission of all necessary documents will help to ensure successful acquisition of citizenship.

 How can Regulated United Europe help with Lithuania residence permit?

In recent years, Lithuania has become increasingly attractive to international entrepreneurs due to its open economy and favourable business environment. Obtaining a residence permit (LPR) by starting or buying a business is one of the most effective ways for foreigners to settle in Lithuania. Regulated United Europe provides a full range of services to support business immigration, making the process as smooth and reliable as possible.

Assistance in setting up a new company

Regulated United Europe offers comprehensive services for establishing new companies in Lithuania, which is the first step to obtaining a residence permit. Key aspects include:

  • Advice on choosing the legal form of the company that best suits the client’s goals and plans.
  • Preparation and submission of all necessary documents for company registration in accordance with Lithuanian law.
  • Provision of registered office and nominee director services if required.
  • Assistance in opening bank accounts and establishing financial transactions.

Support for the purchase of a ready-made business

For clients who prefer to enter an existing business, Regulated United Europe provides services for the selection, valuation and purchase of ready-made businesses in Lithuania:

  • Analysing the market to identify the most promising business opportunities.
  • Conducting legal due diligence of the business to minimise risks and confirm the legal cleanliness of the transaction.
  • Assistance in negotiations and conclusion of transactions, including execution of all necessary documents.

Registration of residence permit on the basis of business

Obtaining a residence permit through business immigration requires not only the successful establishment or acquisition of a business, but also its successful operation. Regulated United Europe provides support at all stages:

  • Advice on business planning and compliance of activities with the requirements of Lithuanian legislation.
  • Assistance in documenting economic activity and its importance for the Lithuanian economy, which is a key criterion for obtaining a residence permit.
  • Submission of the application and accompanying documents to the Lithuanian migration authorities.
  • Support at the stage of residence permit renewal, including proof of continuous economic activity and business compliance.


Regulated United Europe is your reliable partner in the process of business immigration to Lithuania. Thanks to our in-depth understanding of the local legislation and market, as well as extensive experience in supporting international clients, our company guarantees a high level of professionalism and security of your investment and immigration processes. Co-operation with us opens the door to a successful and stable future in Lithuania.

RUE customer support team


“Hi, if you are looking to start your project, or you still have some concerns, you can definitely reach out to me for comprehensive assistance. Contact me and let’s start your business venture.”


“Hello, I’m Sheyla, ready to help with your business ventures in Europe and beyond. Whether in international markets or exploring opportunities abroad, I offer guidance and support. Feel free to contact me!”


“Hello, my name is Diana and I specialise in assisting clients in many questions. Contact me and I will be able to provide you efficient support in your request.”


“Hello, my name is Polina. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information to launch your project in the chosen jurisdiction – contact me for more information!”



At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 6949 5456
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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