Latvia Residence Permit

Latvia Residence Permit

A residence permit in Latvia is a document that allows foreigners to legally reside in the country for a certain period of time or on a permanent basis. This status not only facilitates the daily life of foreigners in Latvia, but also opens up opportunities for them to work, study and do business.

What is a Residence Permit in Latvia?

A residence permit is an official permit issued to foreigners, which entitles them to temporary or permanent residence in the Republic of Latvia. This document is issued in the form of an identity card (eID-card) and is required for foreigners who wish to stay in the country for more than 90 days within a six-month period.

Need for a Residence Permit in Latvia

A residence permit is required for foreigners who own real estate, job seekers, students, as well as for their family members who plan to stay in Latvia for a long period of time. The main reasons for obtaining one include:

  • Employment in Latvia
  • Educational programmes
  • Family reunification
  • Investments in property and other economic activities

Types of residence permits

  1. Temporary residence permit
    • Issued for a period of six months to five years, depending on the grounds for stay.
    • May be extended if all conditions are met.
  2. Permanent Residence Permit
    • Issued after five years of continuous legal residence in Latvia.
    • Requires proof of financial stability and A2 level Latvian language skills.

Differences between Residence Permit and EU Permanent Residence Permit

  • An EU permanent residence permit is granted to those who have lived in Latvia or another EU country for at least five years and fulfil the criteria of the EU Directive. This status provides more rights and freedoms within the EU.
  • A residence permit in Latvia is generally limited to rights within Latvia and does not grant additional rights at the EU level, except for the possibility of movement and short-term stay in other Schengen countries.

The process of applying for a Residence Permit

  • For foreigners in Latvia: It is possible to submit documents by e-mail with a secure electronic signature or send them by post.
  • For foreigners outside Latvia: It is necessary to apply to the Latvian embassy abroad to submit an application and relevant documents.

A residence permit in Latvia is an important document that regulates the status of foreign citizens in the country. This document is divided into two main types: temporary residence permit and permanent residence permit. Obtaining this status is necessary for those who plan to stay in the Republic of Latvia for more than 90 days during any six-month period.

Temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit is granted to foreigners who come to Latvia for various reasons, including work, study, family reunification or other circumstances requiring a long stay.

Criteria for Receipt:

  1. Reasons: It is necessary to prove the purpose of long-term stay, e.g. employment, study, marriage to a Latvian citizen, etc.
  2. Financial stability: Applicants must prove that they have sufficient funds to live in Latvia for the entire period of stay.
  3. Health insurance: It is compulsory to have a valid health insurance for the entire period of validity of the residence permit.
  4. Housing: It is necessary to provide proof of residence in Latvia.

Application process: The application for a temporary residence permit is submitted through the Latvian Embassy in the country of residence or directly to the Citizenship and Migration Board in Latvia.

Permanent residence permit

A permanent residence permit allows foreigners to reside in Latvia for an unlimited period of time, providing more stability and rights than a temporary residence permit.

Criteria for Receipt:

  1. Continuous residence: The applicant must have legally resided in Latvia for five consecutive years on the basis of a temporary residence permit.
  2. Knowledge of Latvian language: It is necessary to prove knowledge of Latvian language at the level established by the legislation.
  3. Financial independence and no criminal record.

Application process: An application for a permanent residence permit is submitted after fulfilment of all the necessary conditions of stay under a temporary residence permit. Applications are examined by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

Obtaining a residence permit in Latvia offers foreign citizens opportunities for long-term development and stability in the country. It is important to carefully prepare all the necessary documents and follow the procedures to successfully obtain the desired status.

The process of applying for a residence permit in Latvia

The application process for a residence permit in Latvia varies depending on whether the applicant is inside or outside the country. The different methods of application are described below to ensure convenience and accessibility for all foreign nationals.

For foreigners staying in Latvia

  1. Filing electronically:
    • Foreign citizens can send the required documents via e-mail using a secure electronic signature. This ensures the security of personal data transmission and speeds up the application processing.
  2. Filing by post:
    • Documents can also be sent by registered or plain mail. It is important to include contact information in the supporting documents, including email address and phone number, to facilitate communication and notification of application status.

For foreigners residing outside Latvia

  1. Filing of documents at the embassy:
    • Foreigners residing outside Latvia must submit documents through the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in their home country. This includes submitting the documents in person or sending them by post if the embassy provides this possibility.
  2. Electronic filing:
    • Like domestic applicants, applicants abroad can use a secure electronic signature to send documents by email. This is a convenient option for those who prefer digital technology and are looking to speed up the submission process.

General tips for filing documents

  • Document Verification: Ensure that all documents are fully compliant before submitting. Incomplete or incorrect applications often cause delays.
  • Follow-up: Regularly check your email and mailbox for notifications from the migration service or embassy. If necessary, provide additional information as soon as possible.
  • Consult with experts: If you have questions about the process or requirements, do not hesitate to seek professional assistance from immigration attorneys or consultants.

Obtaining a residence permit in Latvia is an important step for foreigners planning a long-term stay in the country. Compliance with the established procedures and requirements considerably simplifies and speeds up the process. The choice of the best way to submit documents depends on your location and personal preferences.

Types of Latvian temporary residence permits

Latvia offers several types of temporary residence permits designed for different categories of foreign nationals. A temporary residence permit allows foreigners to legally reside and work in Latvia for a limited period of time, usually up to five years. This document is especially important for those who come to Latvia for reasons of work, study, family reunification or investment.

Main types of temporary residence permits

  1. Residence permits for workers:
    • Purpose: Granted to foreign workers who have concluded a labour contract with a Latvian employer.
    • Term: Usually issued for the duration of the employment contract, but not exceeding five years.
    • Requirements: It is necessary to provide a labour contract, proof of qualifications and sufficient income to live in Latvia.
  2. Residence permits for students:
    • Purpose: It is intended for foreign students enrolled in Latvian educational institutions.
    • Term: Issued for the period of study, usually for one academic year with the possibility of renewal.
    • Requirements: Must provide documentation from the institution of enrolment and financial proof of ability to cover tuition and living expenses.
  3. Residence permits for investors:
    • Purpose: Granted to foreigners who have invested significant amounts in the Latvian economy, e.g. through the purchase of real estate or equity investments in Latvian companies.
    • Term: Usually issued for a period of five years.
    • Requirements: Investors must invest a certain minimum amount, which may vary depending on the type of investment.
  4. Residence permits for entrepreneurs:
    • Purpose: Granted to foreigners planning to establish a business in Latvia or already running a business.
    • Term: Issued for a period of up to five years, renewable.
    • Requirements: A business plan, evidence of financial investment and information on job creation for local residents should be provided.
  5. Residence permit for family reunification:
    • Purpose: Granted to spouses, children and other close relatives of Latvian citizens or foreign citizens already residing in Latvia.
    • Term: Usually issued for the duration of the principal applicant’s residence permit.
    • Requirements: Proof of family ties and financial dependence.

The choice of a suitable temporary residence permit in Latvia depends on the purpose of the foreigner’s stay in the country. It is important to carefully study all the requirements and prepare the necessary documents for a successful application. Possession of a temporary residence permit facilitates integration into Latvian society and provides many opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Duration of a Latvian temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit in Latvia grants foreigners the right to reside, work and study in the country for a limited period of time. This document plays a critical role in managing migration flows and maintaining socio-economic stability. Understanding the duration of the temporary residence permit, its conditions and requirements is key to planning a long-term stay in Latvia.

Duration of Temporary Residence Permit

The duration of a temporary residence permit in Latvia may vary depending on the grounds for its issuance:

  1. For workers: Usually issued for the duration of the employment contract, but not more than five years. It can be extended if the employment relationship continues.
  2. For students: Issued for the period of study, usually one academic year with the possibility of subsequent extension upon confirmation of continued study.
  3. For investors and entrepreneurs: Can be issued for a period of up to five years with the possibility of extension if the business is successful and investment commitments are met.
  4. For family reunification: The validity period is the same as that of the principal applicant’s residence permit, usually not exceeding five years.
  5. For researchers and academics: Issued for the duration of the research work or project, but also usually for a maximum of five years.

Factors Affecting Duration

The duration of a temporary residence permit may be adjusted for the following reasons:

  • Changes in legislation: Immigration laws are subject to change, potentially affecting the duration of the residence permit.
  • Economic and social conditions: In the event of economic changes or external crises, restrictions or, conversely, expansions in residence permit policies may be introduced.
  • The applicant’s individual circumstances: such as a change in marital status, loss of employment or completion of a course of study.

Strategies for maximising the use of the residence permit period

Foreigners planning to maximise the use of the issued temporary residence permit period are advised:

  1. Careful planning: Apply for an extension sufficient time before the expiry of the current residence permit.
  2. Compliance with requirements: Continuous compliance with all conditions and requirements for a residence permit.
  3. Keeping up-to-date: Migration lawyers should be consulted regularly for updates on current legislation and practices.

A temporary residence permit in Latvia provides foreigners with unique opportunities for career development, education and business. Understanding the conditions and limitations associated with the duration of the residence permit helps applicants to effectively plan their stay and activities in the country, ensuring the legality and stability of their status.

 How to apply for a residence permit for Latvia?

Obtaining a residence permit in Latvia opens up many opportunities for foreigners to work, study, do business or simply stay in the country for a longer period of time. The importance of this process for business professionals wishing to expand their operations or take advantage of the Latvian investment climate cannot be overestimated. This document allows not only legal residence in Latvia, but also travelling within the Schengen zone, which provides significant strategic advantages.

Step 1: Determining the appropriate category

Before submitting your application, you should decide on the category of residence permit that suits your goals:

  • Temporary residence permit: issued for up to five years and is suitable for employees, students, entrepreneurs or for family reunification.
  • Permanent residence permit: can be requested after five years of continuous residence in the country on the basis of a temporary residence permit.

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

The following application package will be required to apply:

  • Application form: filled out in Latvian or English.
  • Valid passport: copies of passport pages with personal information, photo and valid visa.
  • Photographs: 35×45 mm in size.
  • Evidence of the purpose of the stay: e.g. employment contract, company registration documents, study invitation.
  • Financial guarantees: proof of sufficient funds for living.
  • Health insurance: covering the entire period of stay.
  • Criminal record certificate: from all countries of residence for the last 12 months.

Step 3: Submission of documents

You can apply for a residence permit in the following ways:

  • In Latvia: directly at the Border Guard Service or the Migration Board.
  • Outside Latvia: at the Latvian embassy or consulate in your country.

Step 4: Processing the application

Once the documents are submitted, the verification process begins, which usually takes one to three months. In some cases, additional documents or a personal interview may be required.

Step 5: Getting the result

If the decision is favourable, you will receive a residence permit, which will be issued in the form of a plastic eID card. This card will contain your photo, data and expiry date.

Step 6: Registration at the place of residence

When you receive a residence permit, you are obliged to register at your place of residence in Latvia. This requirement is mandatory for everyone who resides in the country for more than 90 days.

Obtaining a residence permit in Latvia is a process that requires careful preparation and understanding of local laws and procedures. For business professionals, this step can open the door to many opportunities in the European economic space. Carefully following these steps will help ensure that you successfully obtain the necessary status.

Latvian temporary residence permit requirements

A temporary residence permit in Latvia provides foreign nationals with the opportunity to legally reside and work in the country for a limited period of time. This status is of key importance for business professionals seeking to expand their business operations or explore new markets in Latvia.

General requirements

In order to apply for a temporary residence permit in Latvia, the candidate must fulfil the following basic requirements:

  • Existence of a reason for stay: work, study, family reunification, business activity or investment.
  • Valid passport: must be valid for at least three months after the expected expiry date of the residence permit.
  • Health insurance: covering the entire period of intended stay.
  • Financial independence: sufficient funds to support yourself and your family in Latvia.
  • Criminal record certificate: from the country of current residence and all countries where the candidate has lived for more than 12 months in the last five years.

Specific requirements depending on the category

  1. Working Professionals:
    • Labour contract with a Latvian employer.
    • Documents confirming qualifications and work experience.
  2. Students:
    • Confirmation of enrolment in an accredited institution.
    • Proof of funding for tuition and accommodation.
  3. Investors and entrepreneurs:
    • Proof of investment in the Latvian economy, e.g. through the purchase of real estate or equity investments in Latvian companies.
    • Business Plan, if applicable.
  4. Family members:
    • Documents proving family ties with a person already residing in Latvia or having a residence permit.

Application process

An application for a temporary residence permit is submitted in person or through a legal representative to the Migration Board in Latvia or to a Latvian consulate abroad. The process includes submission of all the above documents, payment of the state fee and possibly an interview.

Terms and validity of residence permit

A temporary residence permit is usually granted for up to five years, depending on the category and circumstances of the application. It is important to apply for an extension before the current period of validity expires.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Latvia requires careful preparation and understanding of local laws and procedures. Successful fulfilment of all requirements greatly simplifies the process of obtaining and provides a legal basis for further stay and activities in the country.

How to get permanent residence in Latvia?

A permanent residence permit in Latvia offers foreign nationals many advantages, including simplified access to the markets of the European Union, the possibility of long-term planning of life and work without the need to regularly renew the status.

Step 1: Basic conditions

To apply for a permanent residence permit in Latvia, you must:

  • Continuously reside in Latvia on a temporary residence permit for at least five years.
  • Possess proof of financial stability and housing.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Latvian language at a level sufficient for communication in everyday and professional life.

Step 2: Preparation of documents

The key documents to apply for a permanent residence permit are:

  • Application for a permanent residence permit.
  • A valid passport and copies of all previous residence permits.
  • A certificate of no criminal record from the country of current residence and all countries where the candidate has resided in the last five years.
  • Confirmation of financial stability: bank statements, tax returns.
  • Proof of owning or renting a home in Latvia.
  • Certificate of knowledge of Latvian language.

Step 3: Submitting an application

The application for a permanent residence permit is submitted through the Migration Board of Latvia. The process may include a personal interview and additional verification of the submitted documents.

Step 4: Consideration of the application

The review process can take from several months to a year. During this period, additional documents or clarifications may be required.

Step 5: Obtaining a permanent residence permit

Once the application is approved, the candidate receives a permanent residence permit, which is usually issued in the form of a plastic card with biometric data. This document is valid for ten years with the possibility of subsequent renewal.

Advantages of a permanent residence permit

A permanent residence permit in Latvia opens the following opportunities for business professionals:

  • Long-term stay in the EU without the need for regular renewal of the residence permit.
  • Simplified access to labour markets and services in all European Union countries.
  • Participation in Latvian political life at the local level.

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Latvia requires careful preparation and submission of documents, as well as an understanding of local legal requirements.

Where to apply for permanent residence in Latvia?

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Latvia is a strategic step for business professionals seeking to strengthen their presence in Europe and take advantage of the single market of the European Union. One of the key issues foreign nationals face is choosing the right place to apply.

The main places to apply

  1. Migration Office of Latvia (OCMA)
    • Description: The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs is the main authority responsible for processing applications for residence permits, including permanent residence permits.
    • Location: The main office is located in Riga, the capital of Latvia. There are also regional offices in other major cities such as Liepaja, Daugavpils and Jurmala.
    • Application Process: You can apply in person by visiting one of OCMA’s offices. It is important to make an appointment in advance to avoid long waiting times.
  2. Latvian embassies and consulates abroad
    • Description: For foreign citizens residing outside Latvia, there is a possibility to submit an application through Latvian embassies and consulates in their countries.
    • Application Process: In this case, the application is submitted in person at the consular section. The documents are sent to Latvia for further processing. This method is convenient for those who want to apply without being in Latvia.
  3. Electronic filing
    • Description: In some cases it is possible to submit an application through Latvian electronic services using a secure electronic signature.
    • Advantages: This method is especially useful for business professionals who value convenience and speed.

Important aspects of the application

  1. Pre-registration requirement
    • In all cases, it is advisable to make an appointment in advance at the chosen application location to avoid queues and speed up the process.
  2. Collection and preparation of documents
    • Preparing a complete set of documents before visiting the office or embassy is key to a successful application. Missing documents may cause delays or rejection of the application.
  3. Consultation with professionals
    • To reduce the risks of rejection and speed up the process, it is advisable to contact an immigration lawyer or consultant who can help you correctly complete the documents and submit your application.

Submitting an application for a permanent residence permit in Latvia requires careful attention and selection of a suitable place for submission. The Migration Board in Latvia, Latvian embassies abroad, as well as the possibility of electronic submission provide convenient options for different categories of applicants.

 Required documents for Latvia permanent residence application

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Latvia is an important step for foreign nationals seeking to secure a long-term stay and expand their business interests in Europe. Proper preparation of documents is a key element of a successful application.

Basic documents for application

  1. Completed application form
    • Description: A basic document that includes the applicant’s personal data, reasons for applying for a permanent residence permit and other necessary information.
    • Tip: The questionnaire should be filled out carefully, avoiding mistakes and providing accurate information.
  2. Valid passport
    • Description: The passport must be valid for at least three months after the application is submitted. Copies of all pages with important marks, including visas and border crossing stamps, must be provided.
    • Tip: Make sure your passport meets the requirements for expiry date and number of blank pages.
  3. Documents proving continuous residence
    • Description: Evidence of residence in Latvia for at least five years on the basis of a temporary residence permit. This can be rental agreements, utility bills or extracts from the register.
    • Tip: The documents must cover the entire period of residence without interruption.
  4. Criminal record certificate
    • Description: A document issued in the country of origin and all countries where the applicant has lived for more than 12 months in the last five years.
    • Tip: The certificate must be up-to-date and translated into Latvian with certification.
  5. Confirmation of financial stability
    • Description: Bank statements, tax returns or other documents proving that you have sufficient funds to live in Latvia.
    • Tip: Prepare documents that demonstrate stable income and savings.
  6. Proof of ownership or tenancy
    • Description: Lease agreement, property certificate or other document proving permanent residence in Latvia.
    • Tip: Make sure that the housing documents are drawn up in accordance with Latvian laws.
  7. Certificate of Latvian language proficiency
    • Description: It is required to prove knowledge of Latvian language at least at A2 level. To do this, you need to pass an exam and submit the relevant certificate.
    • Tip: Prepare for the exam in advance, as language skills are a requirement.
  8. Health insurance
    • Description: Health insurance policy valid for the entire duration of the intended stay.
    • Tip: Make sure that the insurance meets Latvia’s requirements and covers all necessary medical services.
  9. Additional documents
    • Description: Depending on individual circumstances, additional documents such as marriage certificates, children’s documents, employment contracts or business plans may be required.
    • Tip: Prepare all possible additional documents in advance to speed up the review process.

Successfully obtaining a permanent residence permit in Latvia requires careful preparation and compliance with all document requirements.

 The process of re-applying for a residence permit in Latvia

Foreign citizens who have already had a residence permit in Latvia and seek to extend it, must submit an application within the established deadlines – during the validity of the previous residence permit or within 90 days after its expiry. The application processing period is 30 days, after which the residence permit is issued within 10 working days.

How to submit documents

Foreigners in Latvia can apply in the following ways:

  1. Electronic: Documents are submitted by email, signed with a secure electronic signature.
  2. By post: Documents are sent by post, either by post or by registered letter. It is important to include in the application your e-mail address and telephone number for contact.

For foreigners outside Latvia, the procedure is similar:

  1. Electronic: Documents are submitted by email with a secure electronic signature.
  2. By post from abroad: Documents are sent by simple letter with contact details for communication.

Special conditions for certain categories of foreigners

Applicants who fulfil certain conditions may be exempted from providing an invitation approved by the Office. Such categories include:

  • Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • The sole officers of traders registered on the Trade Register.
  • Self-employed persons.
  • Representatives of foreign merchants.
  • Persons who have dissolved a marriage or widowers with minor Latvian citizen or non-Latvian citizen children in their care.
  • Persons who were citizens of Latvia on 17 June 1940.
  • Persons wishing to register a permanent residence permit.

Documents required

To reapply for a residence permit, the following documents are required:

  • A copy of a valid travel document.
  • A free-form application indicating the reason for the request and the period for which the residence permit is requested.
  • A document proving that you have sufficient funds to live on.
  • A document proving the existence of a place of residence.
  • Payment document confirming payment of the state duty.

Additional requirements for certain categories

Depending on the purpose of stay and previous conditions of residence, additional documents may be required to prove the necessity of stay and the applicant’s activity in the economic life of Latvia, including proof of payment of taxes and contributions. Re-applying for a residence permit in Latvia requires careful preparation of documents and observance of deadlines. It is important to follow the instructions precisely and take into account all requirements to avoid delays or refusal to renew the status.

Latvia residence permit by investment

Latvia, as a country of the European Union, offers foreign investors the opportunity to obtain a residence permit through various investment programmes. This way is not only a way to stay in the country legally, but also opens access to EU markets, improves conditions for doing business and living in Latvia.

Investment programmes for obtaining a residence permit

  1. Property investments
    • Requirements: The investor must purchase real estate in Latvia in the amount of at least EUR 250,000, as well as pay a state fee of 5% of the real estate value.
    • Advantages: Property in Latvia, especially in Riga and Jurmala, is in stable demand and can generate rental income. The investor receives a residence permit for five years with the possibility of extension.
  2. Equity investment in a Latvian company
    • Requirements: The minimum investment amount is €50,000 for companies with a small turnover (less than 10 employees and annual turnover up to €10 million) and €100,000 for larger companies. A state fee of €10,000 is also required.
    • Advantages: This route allows you not only to obtain a residence permit, but also to actively participate in the management of the company, expanding the business in the EU.
  3. Investments in subordinated capital of Latvian banks
    • Requirements: At least EUR 280,000 invested in the subordinated capital of the bank for a period of five years. An additional state fee of EUR 25,000 is payable.
    • Advantages: Investing in the banking sector in Latvia is a relatively safe way to obtain a stable income and residence permit.

The process of obtaining a residence permit through investment

  1. Selection of investment programme
    • An investor should carefully assess his or her financial goals and select the most appropriate investment programme.
  2. Verification and preparation of documents
    • All documents, including passport, financial documents, property purchase agreements or investment contracts must be translated into Latvian and notarised.
  3. Submitting an application
    • The application for a residence permit is submitted to the Latvian Migration Board or through a Latvian consulate abroad. The application process may include an interview and additional checks.
  4. Awaiting judgement
    • The application process usually takes one to three months. In some cases, the period may be extended depending on the complexity of the case.
  5. Obtaining a residence permit
    • Once the application is approved, the investor receives a temporary residence permit, which is usually issued for five years. This residence permit can be extended or converted into a permanent residence permit if certain conditions are met.

Advantages of a residence permit through investment

  1. Free movement within the Schengen area
    • A residence permit in Latvia enables visa-free travel to Schengen countries.
  2. Favourable business environment
    • Latvia offers competitive tax conditions and access to EU markets, making it an attractive location for business development.
  3. High quality of life
    • Latvia offers high standards of living, including quality education, medical care and well-developed infrastructure.
  4. Possibility of obtaining citizenship
    • After ten years of residence in Latvia, one can apply for Latvian citizenship.

Obtaining a residence permit in Latvia through investment is a strategic decision for business professionals and investors seeking to take advantage of the benefits offered by Latvia and the European Union. It is important to carefully prepare for this process by choosing the right investment programme and ensuring that all requirements are met. With the right approach, investing in Latvia can be the key to long-term success and prosperity in Europe.

Latvian residency by investment requirements

Latvia offers foreign investors a unique opportunity to obtain residency through investment, which opens the door to doing business in Europe and provides access to the many privileges of the European Union.

Basic requirements for obtaining residency through investment

  1. Property investments
    • Minimum investment amount: €250,000.
    • Additional Requirements:
      • The property must be acquired in Latvia, except for Riga, Jurmala and major cities, where there may be additional requirements.
      • The state fee is 5 per cent of the value of the property.
    • Advantages: The investor receives a residence permit for up to five years with the possibility of extension. This method is popular due to the relative stability of the property market in Latvia.
  2. Equity investment in a Latvian company
    • Minimum investment amount:
      • 50,000 euros for companies with a small turnover (less than 10 employees and an annual turnover of up to 10 million euros).
      • 100,000 euros for larger companies.
    • Additional Requirements:
      • State fee of €10,000.
      • The company must have active commercial activities in Latvia.
    • Advantages: Obtaining a residence permit allows an investor not only to do business in Latvia, but also to use a Latvian company as a platform for expansion into European markets.
  3. Investments in subordinated capital of banks
    • Minimum investment amount: 280,000 euros.
    • Additional Requirements:
      • The term of the transaction must be at least five years.
      • State fee of €25,000.
    • Advantages: Investing in the banking sector in Latvia provides stable income and a residence permit for five years with the possibility of extension.
  4. Investments in government bonds
    • Minimum investment amount: €250,000.
    • Additional Requirements:
      • A one-off government fee of €38,000.
    • Advantages: This option is suitable for those looking for a safe investment with minimal risk.

Application process

  1. Document preparation
    • Documents proving identity, availability of funds, investment contracts, and documents confirming the legality of the investment are required.
    • All documents must be translated into Latvian and notarised.
  2. Submitting an application
    • The application for a residence permit is submitted to the Migration Board of Latvia or through a Latvian consulate abroad. A personal interview may be required.
  3. Awaiting judgement
    • It usually takes one to three months to process an application. In some cases, the process may be extended for additional checks.
  4. Obtaining a residence permit
    • Upon approval of the application, the investor receives a temporary residence permit, which can be extended or converted into a permanent residence permit if all conditions are met.

Additional terms and conditions and responsibilities

  • Maintaining the investment: The investor must maintain the investment throughout the duration of the residence permit. Real estate, for example, cannot be sold during the first five years without losing the right to renew the residence permit.
  • Compliance with legislation: The investor must comply with all requirements of Latvian legislation, including timely payment of taxes and fees.

Advantages of residency through investment

  1. Access to the Schengen area: A residence permit in Latvia allows you to travel freely within the Schengen area.
  2. Simplified access to EU markets: Latvian residency simplifies doing business in the European Union.
  3. High quality of life: Latvia offers a stable economy, a favourable investment climate and high standards of living.

Obtaining residency in Latvia through investment is a strategic step for business professionals and investors seeking to establish themselves in Europe and take advantage of all the benefits offered by the European Union. Thorough preparation and fulfilment of all requirements guarantee successful obtaining of residence permit and long-term benefits from investments in Latvia.

How long does it take to process a Latvia residence permit?

For foreign nationals planning to obtain a residence permit in Latvia, an important factor is to understand the timeframe for processing the application. This knowledge is critical for strategic business planning, relocation organisation and time management.

General processing times

  1. Standard deadlines
    • The processing time of an application for a temporary residence permit in Latvia varies from 30 to 90 days. This is the standard time limit for most applications submitted both in Latvia and through consulates abroad.
    • In the case of an application for a permanent residence permit, the review process can take 60 to 120 days, especially if additional verification of documents or the applicant is required.
  2. Accelerated processing
    • Accelerated processing of the application is possible for an additional fee. Depending on the type of residence permit and individual circumstances, the accelerated procedure can shorten the period of up to 10 working days. This option is especially attractive for business professionals who need to start work urgently or organise business events in Latvia.

Factors affecting processing time

  1. Completeness and correctness of documents
    • An incomplete or incorrectly executed set of documents may significantly delay the processing. Submission of all necessary documents in accordance with the requirements of Latvian legislation is a key factor in meeting the deadlines.
  2. Type of residence permit
    • The processing time depends on the purpose of stay. For example, applications for work visas or residence by investment may require additional checks and therefore take longer.
  3. Seasonality
    • During peak periods, such as the summer months or the end of the year, when the number of applications increases significantly, processing may slow down.
  4. Individual circumstances of the applicant
    • In cases where additional verification is required (e.g., verification of sources of income or proof of qualifications), processing time may be extended.

Recommendations to minimise delays

  1. Prepare for the process in advance
    • Start gathering and reviewing documents as early as possible to make sure all requirements are met.
  2. Utilise the services of professionals
    • Immigration lawyers and counsellors can help with document preparation, which greatly reduces the risk of delays due to errors or misunderstandings.
  3. Consider seasonality
    • Plan your application during less busy periods to avoid long wait times.
  4. Check the status of the application regularly
    • Keep in contact with the migration authorities or consulate to keep informed about the status of your application and to respond promptly to possible requests for additional documents.

Understanding the timeframe for processing a residence permit application in Latvia allows business professionals to plan effectively and minimise the risks associated with delays. Preparing a complete set of documents and using expedited procedures will help speed up the process of obtaining a residence permit, ensuring a quick and legal entry into the Latvian market. It is important to remember that careful compliance with all requirements and a competent approach to the application significantly increases the chances of success in a short period of time.

How long after permanent residency can I apply for Latvia citizenship?

Obtaining Latvian citizenship is an important step for foreign nationals who seek to strengthen their position in the European Union and gain access to all the privileges of EU citizenship. For business professionals planning a long-term stay and business development in Latvia, the transition from permanent resident status to citizenship can open up new opportunities. This article discusses the terms and conditions required to apply for Latvian citizenship after obtaining a permanent residence permit.

Basic requirements for applying for Latvian citizenship

  1. Minimum length of stay
    • After obtaining a permanent residence permit in Latvia, foreign nationals must have lived in the country for at least five years before they can apply for citizenship. These five years are counted from the date of obtaining the permanent residence permit, and the applicant must prove that he or she has lived in Latvia for the entire period.
  2. Knowledge of Latvian language
    • One of the key requirements for obtaining Latvian citizenship is knowledge of the Latvian language. Candidates must pass a language proficiency test, which includes a comprehension test, conversational skills, and knowledge of Latvian history, Constitution and national anthem.
  3. Confirmation of integration into Latvian society
    • The applicant must demonstrate his/her integration into Latvian society, including knowledge of and compliance with Latvian laws, as well as participation in the social and economic life of the country.
  4. No criminal record
    • In order to obtain Latvian citizenship, the applicant must have a clean legal history. A certificate of no criminal record from the country of origin and countries where the applicant has previously resided is a mandatory document.
  5. Financial stability
    • The applicant must prove his/her financial independence and stability by demonstrating that he/she has sufficient funds to live in Latvia.

The process of applying for citizenship

  1. Document preparation
    • To apply for citizenship it is necessary to prepare a full package of documents, including proof of permanent residence, Latvian language test results, a certificate of criminal record and documents confirming financial stability.
  2. Submitting an application
    • The application for citizenship is submitted to the Migration Board of Latvia. It is important to submit the documents in accordance with the established requirements to avoid delays or refusals.
  3. Review process
    • Once an application is submitted, the review process can take up to two years. This is due to the thorough verification of all submitted documents, as well as the need to undergo various interviews and tests.
  4. Taking the oath of office
    • After the application is approved, the candidate must swear an oath of allegiance to Latvia. This is a mandatory step before citizenship is granted.

Advantages of Latvian citizenship

  1. Access to EU markets
    • Latvian citizenship grants the right of free movement, work and residence in any of the European Union countries.
  2. The right to political participation
    • Latvian citizens have the right to participate in elections and referendums, as well as to hold public office.
  3. Social guarantees and rights
    • Latvian citizenship opens access to all social guarantees and rights provided for EU citizens, including health care, education and social security.

The path to Latvian citizenship after obtaining a permanent residence permit requires fulfilment of a number of conditions and time limits, however, for business professionals and investors, this step can be a key one in their strategy for long-term presence in Europe. Thorough preparation, compliance with all requirements and careful attention to the application process significantly increase the chances of success. Obtaining Latvian citizenship opens wide prospects for personal and professional growth in the European Union.

How can Regulated United Europe help with Latvia residence permit?

Obtaining a residence permit (residence permit) in Latvia offers significant opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs seeking to develop their business in the European Union. Regulated United Europe, a law firm with extensive experience in immigration law and business counselling, offers comprehensive services for obtaining a residence permit through business activities.

Why choose Latvia for entrepreneurial activity?

Latvia is a dynamically developing country with a favourable business climate that offers access to European Union markets, stable tax legislation and developed infrastructure. For foreign entrepreneurs Latvia is an attractive place to establish and run a business, and obtaining a residence permit on this basis provides additional advantages such as free movement within Schengen countries and simplified access to EU markets.

How can Regulated United Europe help you?

  1. Establishment of a new company in Latvia
    • Consultation and choice of legal form: We will help you choose the best legal form for your company, taking into account your business goals and structure. It can be a limited liability company (SIA), a joint stock company (AS) or other.
    • Company registration: Our lawyers will provide full support of the company registration process, including preparation of incorporation documents, registration in the Commercial Register and obtaining all necessary licences and permits.
    • Tax planning: We provide tax advice to ensure maximum efficiency and compliance with Latvian tax requirements.
  2. Acquisition of a ready-made business
    • Business search and valuation: We can help you find and evaluate potential acquisition targets, including financial analysis and due diligence.
    • Negotiations and closing the deal: Our specialists will represent your interests at all stages of negotiations with the seller, ensuring favourable terms of the deal.
    • Post-sale support: We continue to support our clients even after the transaction is completed, helping with business integration and fulfil all legal and tax obligations.
  3. Obtaining a residence permit
    • Preparation and submission of documents: We will provide full support in preparing and submitting documents for a business-based residence permit. This includes collecting all necessary documents, completing applications and providing additional evidence such as a business plan and financial statements.
    • Support for the residence permit process: Our specialists will liaise with the migration authorities on your behalf to ensure that your application is processed in a timely manner and to minimise potential delays.
    • Renewal of residence permits and permanent residence: We also offer services for renewal of residence permits and support in the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit after the expiry of the fixed term.

Advantages of working with Regulated United Europe

  1. Experience and professionalism
    • Our team consists of qualified lawyers and business consultants with many years of experience in immigration law and business activities in Latvia.
  2. Personalised approach
    • We carefully consider each client’s needs and develop personalised solutions to ensure your goals are successfully achieved.
  3. Comprehensive support
    • We offer a full range of services, from initial consultations to long-term support after obtaining a residence permit, making the process as convenient and efficient as possible for our clients.


Regulated United Europe is your reliable partner in the process of obtaining a residence permit in Latvia on the basis of entrepreneurial activity. Our company provides comprehensive legal support, helping you to establish new companies, acquire ready-made businesses and successfully complete the process of obtaining a residence permit. With our professional support, you can focus on developing your business in Latvia and Europe, while we take care of all legal and administrative aspects.


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“Hello, my name is Diana and I specialise in assisting clients in many questions. Contact me and I will be able to provide you efficient support in your request.”


“Hello, my name is Polina. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information to launch your project in the chosen jurisdiction – contact me for more information!”



At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

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