
Italy Golden Visa

Italy, rich in culture, history and stunning landscapes, attracts not only tourists but also investors seeking the privileges of living in this beautiful country. In recent years, the so-called “golden visa” in Italy has been gaining popularity, providing foreign investors with unique opportunities. In this article we will look at the features of the golden visa programme in Italy and the advantages it offers.

What is a golden visa in Italy?

The Golden Visa in Italy is a programme offered by the Italian government that allows foreign investors to obtain a residence permit in the country in exchange for investing in the Italian economy. The programme provides an opportunity for investors and their families to live, work and travel in Italy.

Conditions of participation

To participate in Italy’s golden visa programme, an investor must meet certain conditions, including investing a certain amount of money in the Italian economy. Usually, the purchase of real estate, investment in Italian companies or investment in government bonds are required.

Benefits of the programme

The Italian Golden Visa Programme offers a number of privileges and benefits to participants. The main benefits include:

  1. Obtaining a residence permit: The investor and his family are granted the right to reside in Italy with the possibility of renewing the residence permit.
  2. Freedom of movement: Golden visa holders have the right to travel freely within the Schengen countries.
  3. Access to education and health care: Programme participants have access to educational and health care services in Italy.
  4. Business Opportunities: Investors can take advantage of business development and investment opportunities in Italy.


The Italian Golden Visa Programme is an attractive opportunity for foreign investors wishing to obtain a residence permit in a beautiful country with a rich culture and economic potential. It provides investors with unique advantages and opportunities to develop their personal and business life in Italy.

Italian Golden Visa

 Italy residence permit by investment programme

Italy, a country rich in culture, history and a favourable climate for business, offers investors a unique opportunity to obtain a residence permit through an investment programme. In this article we will look at the features of the Italian residence permit through investment programme and the benefits it offers to investors.

What is the programme for obtaining a residence permit in Italy through investment?

The Italian Residence by Investment Programme is an initiative of the Italian government to attract foreign investors wishing to invest in the Italian economy. By investing in certain types of assets or projects, investors become eligible for a residence permit in Italy for themselves and their family members.

Conditions of participation

In order to participate in the programme of obtaining a residence permit in Italy through investment, the investor must fulfil certain conditions set by the government. These conditions may include purchasing property in Italy for a certain amount, investing in Italian businesses or funds, or creating new jobs in the country.

Benefits of the programme

The programme of obtaining a residence permit in Italy through investment offers investors a number of significant advantages:

  1. Obtaining a residence permit: The investor and his family are granted the right to reside in Italy with the possibility of extending the residency status.
  2. Freedom of movement: Residents have the right to travel freely within Schengen countries.
  3. Access to education and health care: Residents can benefit from educational and health care services in Italy.
  4. Business Opportunities: Residents have the opportunity to do business and invest in Italy and access European markets.

Recommendations for investors

In order to effectively participate in the Italian residence permit through investment programme, investors should carefully study the terms and conditions of the programme, choose the best type of investment and seek qualified legal and financial advice. This will help to make the most of the programme’s opportunities and ensure the successful acquisition of a residence permit in Italy.


The Italian Residence by Investment programme is an attractive opportunity for investors seeking residency in a beautiful country with a favourable business climate and cultural heritage. It provides investors with unique advantages and opportunities to develop their business and personal life in Italy.

Temporary residence permit Italy for non-eu citizens

In Italy, one of the most attractive countries to live and do business in Europe, it is possible to obtain a temporary residence permit for non-European Union (EU) citizens. In this article we will look at how to obtain a temporary residence permit in Italy for non-EU citizens and what advantages it can offer.

What is a temporary residence permit in Italy?

A temporary residence permit in Italy grants foreign nationals the right to reside in the country for a certain period of time without the need to obtain a long-term or permanent visa. This residence permit is intended for those who temporarily reside in Italy for work, study, business or other personal or professional purposes.

Conditions for obtaining a temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit in Italy for non-EU citizens is usually required to obtain a temporary residence permit:

  1. Paperwork: Applying for a temporary residence permit in accordance with the requirements of the Italian visa and migration services.
  2. Purpose of stay: Indicate the purpose of stay in Italy, such as work, study, business, etc., and provide relevant documents to support this purpose.
  3. Financial security: Demonstration of sufficient financial means to reside in Italy during the period of the temporary residence permit.
  4. Health insurance: Provision of documents on compulsory health insurance in Italy.

Advantages of a temporary residence permit in Italy

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Italy offers a number of advantages for non-EU citizens:

  1. Residence in Europe: Ability to live and work in Italy and other Schengen countries without border crossing restrictions.
  2. Access to services: Full access to educational, medical and other social services in Italy.
  3. Business Opportunities: Opportunities to do business and invest in Italy and gain access to European markets.


A temporary residence permit in Italy for non-EU nationals represents a valuable opportunity for those seeking to live, work or study in the beautiful country of Italy. It offers access to European space, business opportunities and a wide range of social services, making it an attractive choice for many foreign nationals.

How to get temporary residency in Italy?

Italy, with its rich history, culture and favourable business climate, attracts many foreign nationals wishing to obtain a temporary residence permit in this beautiful country. In this article we will provide a detailed guide on how to obtain a temporary residence permit in Italy for business, investment or other purposes.

  1. Define the purpose of your stay

Before you start the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Italy, determine the purpose of your stay. It can be work, study, business or other personal or professional purpose. Your purpose will determine the necessary steps and documents to obtain a temporary residence permit.

  1. Study the requirements for a temporary residence permit

Italy has certain requirements for obtaining a temporary residence permit, which depend on your purpose of stay. These requirements may include having the appropriate documents, financial security, health insurance and others.

  1. Collect the necessary documents

After determining the purpose of your stay and studying the requirements, gather all the necessary documents to apply for a temporary residence permit. These may include passport, visa, financial documents, education or work documents and others.

  1. Apply for a temporary residence permit

After preparing all the necessary documents, apply for a temporary residence permit in accordance with the requirements of the Italian visa and migration authorities. Make sure that all documents are filled in correctly and submitted in accordance with the requirements.

  1. Go through the vetting process and obtain a residence permit

After submitting your application, you may be required to undergo a vetting process that includes a document check and possibly an interview. Upon successful completion of this process, you will receive a temporary residence permit, which will be valid for a certain period of time specified on your residence permit.

  1. Observe the rules of stay

Once you have obtained a temporary residence permit in Italy, follow all the rules of residence set out by the country’s migration and tax laws. This includes regularly updating your documents, paying taxes and complying with migration rules.


Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Italy is an important step for those who wish to live, work or study in this beautiful country. Follow this detailed guide and you will be able to obtain a temporary residence permit in Italy to fulfil your personal and professional goals.

Italy residence permit processing time

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Italy is an important step for foreign nationals seeking to establish their life in this beautiful country. In this article we will look at the processing time for residence permit applications in Italy and offer practical tips on how to optimise the process.

  1. Understanding time frames

Before starting the process of obtaining a residence permit in Italy, it is important to understand the timeframe of the process. Processing times can vary considerably depending on the type of residence permit, regional specificities and the current workload of the migration services.

  1. Preparation of complete and accurate documents

One of the key factors affecting the processing time of applications is the quality of the documents submitted. Before submitting an application, make sure that all documents are filled in correctly, completely and accurately meet the requirements of the migration services.

  1. Choosing the right type of residence permit

Italy offers different types of residence permits for different purposes such as work, study, business, etc. Choosing the right type of residence permit can reduce the processing time, as each type has its own unique requirements and procedures.

  1. Turning to professionals

In order to optimise the processing time, it is advisable to contact professionals – qualified immigration lawyers or consultants specialising in migration issues. They will help you to fill in the documents correctly, choose the right type of residence permit and monitor the processing of your application.

  1. Follow the status of the application

Once the application has been submitted, it is important to monitor its status and respond in a timely manner to any requests or updates from the migration services. This will help to avoid delays and speed up the process of obtaining a residence permit.

  1. Planning in advance

Finally, it is important to plan the process of obtaining a residence permit in advance and to take into account possible delays. It is necessary to take into account the time for collecting documents, preparing the application and waiting for the decision of the migration authorities.

Processing times for residence permit applications in Italy can be variable, but with the right preparation and a strategic approach you can optimise the process. Follow our tips and you will have a better chance of obtaining a residence permit in Italy in the shortest possible time.

Italy golden visa requirements

The Golden Visa programme in Italy represents a unique opportunity for foreign investors to obtain a residence permit in this beautiful country by investing in its economy. In this article we will look at the main requirements of the Golden Visa programme in Italy and the steps necessary for its successful completion.

  1. Minimum investment requirements

One of the main requirements of the Golden Visa programme in Italy is minimum investment requirements. The investor must invest a certain amount of money in the Italian economy, which may include purchasing property, investing in Italian businesses or contributing to government bonds.

  1. Financial security

In order to participate in the Golden Visa programme in Italy, the investor must demonstrate financial security. This may require the provision of financial status documents proving his/her ability to make the necessary investments and provide for himself/herself and his/her family in Italy.

  1. Health and safety

A foreign investor applying for the Golden Visa programme in Italy must also meet health and safety requirements. This may include a medical examination and providing documentation that the investor and their family do not pose a threat to public health and safety.

  1. Legal and criminal records

The investor must be clean before the law and have no criminal record. When applying for the Golden Visa programme in Italy, it may be required to provide criminal record certificates from all countries where the investor has lived or worked for a certain period of time.

  1. Other requirements

In addition to the above requirements, the Golden Visa programme in Italy may have other additional requirements depending on the specific circumstances of each case. Before applying for the programme, it is advisable to thoroughly research all requirements and consult with a qualified immigration lawyer or consultant.

The Golden Visa programme in Italy represents an attractive opportunity for foreign investors wishing to obtain a residence permit in this beautiful country. However, in order to successfully participate in the programme, you must thoroughly research and meet all the eligibility requirements. By following these requirements and working with a qualified advisor, you will increase your chances of successfully obtaining a Golden Visa in Italy.

Italy residence permit card

The Italian residence card is a key document for foreign nationals residing in Italy for the purpose of work, study, business or personal affairs. In this article we will look at the main aspects and practical tips on how to use the residence card in Italy.

  1. Main aspects of the residence permit card
  • Identification: The residence card is the official document that confirms the status of resident in Italy.
  • Rights and privileges: Cardholders have the right to live, work and travel in Italy without additional permits.
  • Validity period: The residence permit card has a fixed validity period, which can be extended if the conditions of the programme are met.
  1. Obtaining a residence permit card
  • Applying: To obtain a residence card, you must apply at local migration offices or consulates.
  • Required Documents: The application usually requires a passport, photos, a certificate of no criminal record and other documents that prove the purpose of stay in Italy.
  1. Use of a residence permit card
  • Update process: Card holders are required to periodically update their documents and notify migration authorities of changes in their status or circumstances.
  • Access to services: The residence card provides access to medical, educational and other social services in Italy.
  • Travelling: Card holders are free to travel freely in Schengen countries without a visa.
  1. Compliance with rules and responsibilities
  • Taxes: Cardholders are liable to pay taxes in accordance with Italian law.
  • Compliance: It is important to comply with all migration and other Italian laws to avoid negative consequences and loss of residency status.
  • Updating documents: Card holders should update their documents in a timely manner and inform migration authorities of changes in their status.

 The Italian Residence Card provides foreign nationals with the opportunity to legally live and work in this beautiful country. Understanding the main aspects and rules of using this card will help holders to comply with all requirements and enjoy the benefits of residency status in Italy.

Italy golden visa real estate

Italy is not only a country with a rich cultural heritage and amazing landscapes, but also an attractive place to invest in real estate through the Golden Visa programme. In this article we will look at the opportunities for property investment through the Golden Visa programme in Italy and offer practical advice for potential investors.

  1. Advantages of investing in real estate through the Golden Visa programme
  • Obtaining a residence permit: Investing in property in Italy through the Golden Visa programme offers the opportunity to obtain a residence permit for yourself and your family.
  • Investment stability: Property in Italy is known for its stability and long-term value, making it an attractive investment.
  • Convenient location: Italy is located in the centre of Europe and is a popular tourist destination, which creates a high demand for renting and buying property.
  1. Requirements of the Golden Visa programme for real estate investments
  • Minimum investment: To participate in the Golden Visa programme, the investor must invest a certain amount of money in a property in Italy.
  • Choice of property: Investors can choose any property in Italy: from flats in the city centre to country villas on the coast.
  • Long-term investments: Investments in property under the Golden Visa programme should be long-term and should not involve quick resale.
  1. Practical tips for investors
  • Market research: Before investing in property in Italy, it is advisable to thoroughly research the property market and consult local experts.
  • Checking the legal aspects: It is important to pay attention to the legal aspects of the transaction and make sure that all documents and transactions are legal.
  • Accounting for costs: In addition to property values, investors should also consider other costs such as taxes, agency commissions and property maintenance.


Investing in property through the Golden Visa programme in Italy represents an attractive opportunity to obtain residency in this beautiful country. By following the rules of the programme and following practical advice, investors can successfully invest their funds and enjoy the benefits of residency status in Italy.

Italy golden visa price

The Golden Visa Programme in Italy opens doors for foreign investors wishing to obtain residency in this culturally rich and economically developed country. In this article we will look at the cost of participating in the Golden Visa programme in Italy, including not only the investment but also the additional costs.

  1. Minimum investment requirements

One of the main aspects of the Golden Visa programme in Italy is the minimum investment requirements. To participate in the programme, an investor must invest a certain amount of money in the Italian economy. Here are the main investment categories:

  • Real estate: Minimum investment in real estate varies by region and property type, but is usually at least €250,000.
  • Business: Investment in an Italian business can be from €500,000, depending on the size of the company and the industry.
  1. Additional costs

In addition to the minimum investment, participants in the Golden Visa programme in Italy must also consider additional costs, which may include:

  • Legal Expenses: The assistance of an attorney or consultant in preparing and filing documents may incur additional costs.
  • Taxes and fees: Golden Visa holders are required to pay taxes and fees related to owning real estate or doing business in Italy.
  • Health insurance: A residence permit requires health insurance, which is also an additional expense.
  1. Practical tips
  • Budgeting: Before deciding to participate in the Golden Visa programme in Italy, it is important to carefully assess your finances and budget for all expenses.
  • Consultation with experts: Speaking to lawyers, consultants or estate agents can help you get full information about the costs and requirements of the programme.
  • Market research: Conducting market research on the property and business market in Italy will help you choose the best investment for your budget.


The Golden Visa programme in Italy represents an attractive opportunity to obtain a residence permit in this beautiful country. However, before participating in the programme, it is necessary to carefully assess the cost of participation, including not only the minimum investment but also the additional costs. By following practical advice and consulting with experts, investors will be able to successfully realise their investment and obtain a Golden Visa in Italy.

Long-term residence permit Italy

A long-term residence permit in Italy represents a significant opportunity for foreign nationals wishing to establish stable ties with this fascinating country. In this article we will look at the advantages and main aspects of the process of obtaining a long-term residence permit in Italy.

  1. Advantages of a long-term residence permit in Italy
  • Stability and certainty: Holding a long-term residence permit in Italy provides stability and certainty for the future, allowing citizens to establish roots and build their lives in this country.
  • Freedom of movement: Holders of a long-term residence permit in Italy have the right to travel freely within the Schengen countries without the need for a visa.
  • Access to social services: Long-term residence permit holders have access to medical, educational and other social services in Italy, such as university studies or health care.
  1. The process of obtaining a long-term residence permit in Italy
  • Application: The process of obtaining a long-term residence permit in Italy begins with the submission of an application to the local migration authorities or consulates.
  • Required Documents: A certain set of documents is required to apply, including passport, photographs, a certificate of no criminal record and other documents confirming the purpose of stay in Italy.
  1. Compliance with rules and responsibilities
  • Payment of taxes: Holders of long-term residence permits are obliged to pay taxes in Italy in accordance with Italian law.
  • Compliance: It is important to comply with all migration and other Italian laws to avoid negative consequences and to maintain residency status.
  • Updating documents: Long-term residence permit holders should update their documents in a timely manner and inform migration authorities of changes in their status or circumstances.


A long-term residence permit in Italy offers foreign nationals the opportunity to establish stable ties with this fascinating country and enjoy its benefits. However, in order to successfully obtain and maintain a long-term residence permit, it is necessary to strictly comply with all the requirements and obligations established by the Italian legislation. By following the rules and procedures, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of residency status in Italy.

Italy golden visa programme

The Golden Visa Programme in Italy represents a unique opportunity for foreign investors and entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit in this culturally rich and economically developed country. In this article we will look at the main aspects of the Golden Visa Programme in Italy and the advantages it offers to potential participants.

1. Basic principles of the Golden Visa programme in Italy

  • Investment Opportunities: The Golden Visa Programme in Italy allows you to invest in various sectors of the economy such as real estate, business and financial assets.
  • Obtaining a residence permit: Programme participants who have made the necessary investments can obtain a residence permit for themselves and their family members.
  • Freedom of movement: Golden Visa holders have the right to travel freely within the Schengen countries without the need to obtain a visa.

2. Requirements for participation in the Golden Visa programme in Italy

  • Minimum investment: Programme participants must make a certain amount of investment in the Italian economy.
  • Compliance: Participants must comply with all programme requirements and rules, including tax and legal obligations.
  • Passing background checks: Candidates for the Golden Visa must pass a criminal background and financial check.

3. Advantages of the Golden Visa programme in Italy

  • Investment opportunities: The programme provides a wide range of investment opportunities in various sectors of the economy.
  • Attractive business environment: Italy offers an attractive environment for business and entrepreneurship, which makes the Golden Visa programme even more attractive to investors.
  • Access to social services: Golden Visa holders have access to medical, educational and other social services in Italy.

4. Practical steps to participate in the programme

  • Consultation with experts: It is recommended to consult with lawyers and consultants specialised in migration issues before participating in the programme.
  • Document Preparation: Potential participants should prepare all necessary documents and information for the application.
  • Selection of investment sites: The selection of suitable investment sites is a key step for successful participation in the programme.


The Golden Visa Programme in Italy opens its doors to investors and entrepreneurs wishing to obtain a stable residency status in this beautiful country. Compliance with the programme requirements and investment rules will allow participants to enjoy all the benefits of living and doing business in Italy.

Permanent residence permit Italy for non-eu citizens

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italy for non-EU citizens is an important step in establishing a sustainable basis for living, working and doing business in this beautiful country. In this article we will look at the key aspects of the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italy for non-EU citizens and offer practical advice for successful completion of the process.

1. Advantages of a permanent residence permit in Italy

  • Stability and certainty: A permanent residence permit in Italy provides stability and certainty for the future, allowing citizens to establish roots and build their lives in this country.
  • Freedom of movement: Holders of a permanent residence permit have the right to move freely within the Schengen countries without the need to obtain a visa.
  • Access to social services: Holders of a permanent residence permit have access to medical, educational and other social services in Italy, such as university studies or health care.

2. Process of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italy

  • Compliance: In order to obtain a permanent residence permit in Italy, non-EU citizens must meet certain requirements, including having a legal source of income and no criminal record.
  • Applying: The process of applying for a permanent residence permit in Italy involves preparing and submitting the relevant documents to the local migration authorities.
  • Document processing: After submitting an application, citizens must wait for their application to be reviewed and approved by the migration authorities.

3. Practical recommendations

  • Document Preparation: Before starting the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italy, it is important to carefully prepare all the necessary documents and information.
  • Consultation with experts: Consultation with lawyers or immigration experts can help non-EU citizens to make the correct application and submit all the necessary documents.
  • Compliance with deadlines and rules: Non-EU nationals must strictly comply with all deadlines and rules set by the Italian migration authorities in order to successfully complete the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit.


Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italy for non-EU citizens is an important step towards establishing a sustainable presence in this beautiful country. By following the above practical recommendations and complying with all the requirements and regulations, non-EU citizens will be able to successfully complete the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit and enjoy all the benefits of living in Italy.

How to get residence permit in Italy?

Italy, with its rich culture, wonderful climate and great food, attracts many foreign nationals who want to settle here for the long term. Obtaining a residence permit in Italy can be a complicated process, but with the right planning and approach it is doable. Let’s take a look at a detailed plan of action for obtaining a residence permit in Italy.

1. Determination of the purpose and category of the residence permit

First of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of your stay in Italy and the appropriate category of residence permit. There are several types of residence permits in Italy, including work permits, entrepreneurial permits, family permits and others.

2. Collection of necessary documents

Once you have selected the appropriate category of residence permit, you need to collect all the necessary documents. This usually includes a passport, photographs, a criminal record certificate, documents confirming your purpose of stay (e.g. a work invitation or a business plan) and other documents depending on the chosen category.

3. Submitting an application

The next step is to submit an application for a residence permit to the relevant Italian migration authorities or to the Italian diplomatic mission in your country. The application must be prepared in accordance with the requirements and must be accompanied by all the necessary documents.

4. Going through the review procedure

Once you have submitted your application, your application will be reviewed by the competent authorities. Additional information or documents may be required during this process. Be prepared to provide the required information and co-operate with the migration authorities.

5. Receipt of the decision and documents

If your application is approved, you will receive a decision to grant you a residence permit in Italy. You will then be issued with the relevant documents confirming your residency status.

6. Registration in the municipality

After obtaining a residence permit, you need to register with the municipality of your place of residence in Italy. This is a mandatory requirement for all residents and is necessary to obtain various public services and documents.

7. Compliance with obligations

Obtaining a residence permit is only the first step. You also need to fulfil all the obligations associated with your residency status, including paying taxes, complying with migration laws, etc.

By following this plan of action and co-operating with the competent authorities, you will be able to successfully obtain a residence permit in Italy and start a new chapter of your life in this beautiful country

 What Is Italy Golden Visa?

The Italy Golden Visa, or investment migration programme, is a unique opportunity for foreign investors and entrepreneurs to gain residency in this beautiful country by investing in its economy. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of the Italy Golden Visa and how it can be beneficial for potential participants.

  1. Basic principles of the Italian Golden Visa

The Italian Golden Visa allows foreign investors and entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit in Italy by making certain investments in the Italian economy. This programme helps to attract capital and talent to Italy, stimulating economic growth and development.

  1. Investment opportunities

Investment opportunities under the Italian Golden Visa include:

  • Property Investment: Investing in property is one of the most popular ways of obtaining a Golden Visa. Investors can purchase residential or commercial property in Italy for a certain amount.
  • Business Investment: Investing in an Italian business can also be an option for obtaining a Golden Visa. This may involve setting up a new business or investing in an existing business.
  1. Benefits for participants

There are a number of benefits for participants of the Italian Golden Visa:

  • Possibility to live and work in Italy: By obtaining a Golden Visa, investors and their families can live and work in Italy without restrictions.
  • Freedom of movement in the Schengen area: Golden Visa holders have the right to travel freely within the Schengen countries.
  • Access to education and health care: Programme participants have access to educational and health care services in Italy.
  1. The process of obtaining a Golden Visa

The process of obtaining a Golden Visa includes submitting an application, submitting the required documents, undergoing checks and review of the application by the competent authorities. Once the application is approved, the investor receives the Golden Visa and the relevant documents.


The Italian Golden Visa provides attractive opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs wishing to obtain a residence permit in this beautiful country. Strategic investment and successful participation in the programme will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of living and doing business in Italy.

 Benefits of Italy Golden Visa

The Italian Golden Visa represents an attractive opportunity for foreign investors and entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit in this historical and cultural country. In this article we will look at the main advantages that the Italian Golden Visa offers to its participants.

  1. Stability and security

One of the main advantages of the Italian Golden Visa is the opportunity to secure a stable and secure future for yourself and your family in a country with a long history and a stable political situation.

  1. Freedom of movement

Holders of the Italian Golden Visa have the right to travel freely within the Schengen countries without the need to obtain a visa. This provides convenience and flexibility for travelling and business trips.

  1. Access to education and health care

Participants of the Golden Visa programme and their families have access to the high quality education and healthcare system in Italy. This includes the opportunity to study at prestigious universities and receive qualified medical care.

  1. Business and investment opportunities

The Italian Golden Visa opens doors to new business projects and investments in various sectors of the Italian economy. Programme participants can invest in real estate, businesses, shares and other financial assets, which contributes to the development of both personal and corporate financial portfolios.

  1. Support and counselling

Participants in the Golden Visa programme have access to professional support and advice from experienced lawyers, business consultants and financial experts to help them deal with the various aspects of relocating and investing in Italy.


The Italian Golden Visa is an attractive opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs wishing to obtain residency in Italy and enjoy all the benefits of living and doing business in this fascinating country. Strategic investment and participation in the Golden Visa programme helps participants to secure a stable future and expand their opportunities in Europe and globally.

 How To Get a Golden Visa in Italy?

Italy, with its rich history, cultural heritage and attractive lifestyle, attracts many foreign investors and entrepreneurs seeking residency in this beautiful country. The Italian Golden Visa, or investment migration programme, provides an opportunity for investors and their families to obtain residency in Italy. Let’s take a look at the detailed steps you need to take to successfully obtain a Golden Visa in Italy.

  1. Identifying an appropriate investment strategy

The first step to obtaining a Golden Visa in Italy is to determine a suitable investment strategy. This may include investing in property, setting up or buying a business, investing in government bonds or funds.

  1. Preparation of necessary documents

After choosing an investment strategy, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary documents to apply for a Golden Visa. This may include passport, criminal record certificate, documents confirming the source of investment, financial documents and others.

  1. Submitting an application

The next step is to submit an application for a Golden Visa to the relevant Italian migration authorities or to Italian diplomatic missions abroad. The application must be prepared in accordance with the requirements and all necessary documents must be attached.

  1. Going through the review procedure

Once you have submitted your application, your application will be reviewed by the competent authorities. Additional information or documents may be required during this process. Be prepared to provide the required information and co-operate with the migration authorities.

  1. Obtaining a decision and visa

If your application is approved, you will receive a decision to grant a Golden Visa. You will then be granted a visa allowing you to enter Italy and obtain residency status.

  1. Registration with the municipality

After obtaining a Golden Visa, you must register with the municipality of your place of residence in Italy. This is mandatory for all residents and is necessary to obtain various public services and documents.

  1. Compliance with obligations

Obtaining a Golden Visa is only the first step. You also need to fulfil all the obligations associated with your residency status, including paying taxes, complying with migration laws, etc.

By following these steps and co-operating with the competent authorities, you will be able to successfully obtain a Golden Visa in Italy and start a new chapter in your life in this wonderful country.

 Required Documents for Italy Investor Visa Application

Obtaining an Italian Investment Visa is an important step for investors wishing to start a new life and business activity in Italy. In order to successfully apply for an Italian Investment Visa, a number of mandatory documents must be submitted. Let’s take a closer look at these documents:

  1. Passport

The passport is the main identity document of the applicant. When applying for an Italian Investment Visa, it is necessary to submit a copy of the main page of the passport containing the applicant’s photograph and personal data.

  1. Certificate of no criminal record

A criminal record certificate is a document that certifies that the applicant has no criminal convictions or criminal records. This document can be obtained from police stations or other law enforcement agencies in the country where the applicant resides.

  1. Documents confirming the source of funds

To confirm the source of funds intended for investment in Italy, it is necessary to provide relevant financial documents. This may include bank statements, income statements, tax returns, securities purchase agreements and others.

  1. Investment documents

Applicants must provide documents confirming the investments they plan to make in Italy. This may be a property purchase agreement, a business plan for the creation or acquisition of a company, an agreement to purchase government bonds, etc.

  1. Business documents (if any)

If the applicant is an entrepreneur or business owner, documents confirming the status and operations of their business must be provided. This may include the company’s founding documents, accounting reports, tax returns and others.

  1. Medical records

Some categories of the Italian Investment Visa may require medical documents proving the absence of infectious or dangerous diseases in the applicant and his/her family members.


Preparing the necessary documents to apply for an Italian Investment Visa is a key step in the process of obtaining this important residency status. Providing a complete and accurate set of documents significantly increases the chances of successfully obtaining a visa and starting a new life and business in Italy.

 Italian Citizenship Through Italy Golden Visa

Obtaining Italian citizenship through the Italian Golden Visa programme opens up unique opportunities for investors to become firmly rooted in Italian society and open up new prospects in the business sphere. In this article we will look at the process of acquiring Italian citizenship through the Italian Golden Visa and its advantages.

  1. How does it work?

The Golden Visa programme allows foreign investors who have obtained a temporary residence permit in Italy to subsequently apply for permanent residence and eventually citizenship. Once established in the country and having fulfilled certain conditions, investors can apply for Italian citizenship.

  1. Advantages of Italian citizenship

Obtaining Italian citizenship opens wide horizons for investors:

  • Right to vote: Italian citizens have the right to participate in elections and to influence the political life of the country.
  • Free movement: Italian citizens are free to travel and reside in other European Union countries.
  • Obtaining a passport: Italian citizenship entitles you to an Italian passport, which provides ease and convenience when travelling around the world.
  • Education and health care: Italian citizens have access to free or subsidised education and health care in Italy.
  1. Conditions for obtaining citizenship

To obtain Italian citizenship through the Golden Visa programme, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • Residency: The investor must have lived in Italy for a certain number of years as a permanent resident.
  • Integration: The investor must demonstrate its integration into Italian society, including knowledge of the Italian language and participation in local cultural life.
  • Compliance: The investor must comply with the laws and regulations of Italy, including paying taxes and complying with migration regulations.


Italian citizenship through the Italian Golden Visa is an opportunity to acquire not only a new status, but also new horizons for personal and professional development. The strategic use of this programme will help investors to unlock their potential and become full members of Italian society.

 Does Italy Allow Dual Citizenship?

The issue of dual citizenship is a frequent concern for those considering Italy as a potential place to invest or live. In this article we look at Italy’s policy on dual citizenship and how it may affect investors and emigrants.

  1. The concept of dual citizenship

Dual citizenship means that a person is entitled to citizenship in more than one country at the same time. This can happen for various reasons, such as being born in one country but having parents with citizenship of another country, or through the process of naturalisation in a new country without renouncing the former citizenship.

  1. Italian policy on dual citizenship

Italy allows dual citizenship in accordance with constitutional principles and international agreements. However, in order to obtain Italian citizenship through the naturalisation process, the applicant must normally renounce the former citizenship. The exception is when the country of original citizenship does not authorise the renunciation of citizenship.

  1. Advantages of dual citizenship

Dual citizenship can have a number of advantages for investors and expatriates:

  • Freedom of movement: Dual nationality holders have the right to travel and reside freely both in the country of their first nationality and in the country where they hold the second nationality.
  • Better Business Opportunities: Dual citizenship can open up additional business opportunities, such as access to different markets and investment opportunities.
  • Political stability: In the event of political or economic crises in one country, dual nationality holders may turn to the other country as a safe haven or to protect their interests.
  1. Conditions and restrictions

Despite the advantages associated with dual citizenship, consideration should be given to the conditions and restrictions that may be imposed by participating countries. Some countries do not allow their citizens to hold dual nationality, or may apply restrictions on certain rights or privileges.


Italian policy on dual citizenship offers opportunities for investors and emigrants, but requires careful consideration of the conditions and restrictions. The decision on dual citizenship should be based on the individual circumstances and strategic goals of each person.

 What is the duration of an Italy Investor Visa?

The Italian Investment Visa is the key to being able to invest and live in this beautiful country. In this article we will look at the validity of the Italian Investment Visa and its importance for investors.

  1. Duration of the Italian Investment Visa

The duration of the Italian Investment Visa depends on several factors, including the type of investment and the individual circumstances of the applicant. Usually, a temporary Italian Investment Visa is issued for a period of 1 to 2 years with the possibility of extension.

  1. Temporary Italian Investment Visa

The Temporary Italian Investment Visa grants investors the right to reside in Italy for a fixed period of time to carry out investment activities. This period is usually 1 year, renewable for another 1 year.

  1. Permanent Italian Investment Visa

After completion of the temporary period and successful fulfilment of the conditions of the investment programme, the investor may apply for a permanent Italian Investment Visa. The permanent visa grants the investor the right to reside in Italy without time limit.

  1. Importance of understanding visa validity periods

Understanding the validity of the Italian Investment Visa is essential for investors planning their business and personal plans in Italy. It helps to strategise investments, plan business projects and provide stability in living in the country.

  1. Compliance with visa conditions

In order to successfully obtain a permanent Italian Investment Visa, the investor must comply with the conditions of the investment programme, including fulfilment of investment obligations and compliance with Italian migration laws.


The Italian Investment Visa provides investors with the opportunity to carry out investment activities and reside in Italy for a specified period of time. Understanding the duration of the visa and its terms and conditions helps investors make informed decisions and achieve their goals in Italy.

 Investment options for the Italy Golden Visa

Italy attracts investors from all over the world with its rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes and diverse business opportunities. The Italian Golden Visa programme opens the doors for investors wishing to obtain residency status and develop their business in this fascinating country. In this article, we will look at the various investment options available for the Italian Golden Visa.

  1. Investing in Real Estate

Investing in property is one of the most popular options for obtaining an Italian Golden Visa. Italy offers a wide range of properties, including luxury villas on the coast, old mansions in historic cities and commercial properties in the centre of metropolitan areas.

  1. Establishment or Acquisition of a Business

For entrepreneurs, Italy offers the opportunity to set up or acquire a business in the country. This can be opening a restaurant, hotel, shop or any other business that meets the requirements of the Golden Visa programme.

  1. Investing in Italian Bonds or Funds

Investing in government bonds or investment funds can also be an alternative option for obtaining an Italian Golden Visa. This provides investors with a stable income and contributes to the economic development of the country.

  1. Implementation in Scientific or Technological Projects

Italy is one of the leading countries in the field of science and technology. Investing in science or technology projects can be an attractive option for investors wishing to contribute to the country’s innovative development.

  1. Investing in Tourism

Tourism plays a key role in Italy’s economy and investing in tourism projects can be a lucrative and attractive option for obtaining a Golden Visa. This could include opening a hotel, a tour operating company or developing tourism infrastructure.


The choice of investment option for obtaining an Italian Golden Visa depends on the individual goals and preferences of each investor. Regardless of the chosen strategy, Italy offers great opportunities for business development and success in this beautiful country.

 Step-by-step procedure for obtaining the Italy Golden Visa

The Italian Golden Visa provides a unique opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs to start a new life and develop their business in Italy. In this article we will detail the step-by-step procedure for obtaining an Italian Golden Visa and the necessary steps to successfully complete the process.

  1. Selection of investment programme

The first step in obtaining an Italian Golden Visa is to choose a suitable investment programme. This can be investing in real estate, setting up a business, buying government bonds or participating in scientific and technological projects.

  1. Preparation of necessary documents

Preparing the necessary documents is a key step in the process of obtaining a Golden Visa. This may include passport, criminal record certificate, financial documents, business plan and others.

  1. Submitting an application

After preparing the documents, the next step is to apply for an Italian Golden Visa. The application is submitted to the competent Italian migration authorities or through an agent.

  1. investments and fulfilment of programme conditions

Once the application is approved, the investor must meet the conditions of the investment programme. This may include transferring the necessary funds, acquiring real estate or establishing a business in accordance with the programme requirements.

  1. Obtaining a temporary visa

Upon successful completion of the investment commitment, the investor receives a temporary visa that allows him/her to live and work in Italy for a certain period of time.

  1. Permanent residence and citizenship

After a certain period of time, usually 5 years, the investor can apply for permanent residence and eventually Italian citizenship, provided that all the requirements of the programme and the country’s migration laws are met.


Obtaining an Italian Golden Visa is a complex but feasible process that opens up many new opportunities for investors in Italy. By following the step-by-step procedure and complying with all the requirements of the programme, investors can successfully achieve their goals and start a new life in this beautiful country.

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