How to launch own crypto coin 1

How to launch own crypto coin?

Launching your own cryptocurrency is a complex but achievable process that is gaining more and more attention in today’s digital world. Creating a cryptocurrency can serve a variety of purposes, including being used as a medium of exchange, a way to fund projects, or as part of innovative technological solutions. In this article, we will look at the key stages of launching your own cryptocurrency, from idea to implementation and promotion.

  1. Defining the Purpose and Vision

The first step in creating a cryptocurrency is to clearly define its purpose and vision. You need to answer the questions: what will your currency be used for? What problem does it solve? What unique features or benefits does it offer? Your answers will help determine the direction of the project and its ultimate goals.

  1. Selection of Suitable Technology

The next step is to choose a blockchain platform for your cryptocurrency. There are various technologies and platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, and many others, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Your choice should be based on the technical requirements of your project, such as transaction speed, scalability, and security.

  1. Cryptocurrency development

Once a platform has been selected, the development of the cryptocurrency itself should begin. This may include creating smart contracts, defining the parameters of the currency (such as the total number of coins, the rate of issuance, etc.) and developing wallets for storage and transactions. At this stage, it is important to ensure a high level of security and audit the code.

  1. Mining or Pre-Mine

Decide whether your cryptocurrency will be mineable, meaning that new coins will be mined through computational operations, or whether you would prefer pre-mine, in which a certain number of coins are released in advance.

  1. Testing

Before the official launch, it is important to thoroughly test your cryptocurrency and blockchain for bugs and vulnerabilities. This can include both internal testing and beta testing with the community.

  1. Legalisation and Compliance

Ensure that your project complies with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. This may require consultation with legal experts, especially in areas such as cryptocurrency taxation, KYC (identity verification) and AML (anti-money laundering).

  1. Launch and Promotion

After development, testing and legal preparation, it’s time to launch your cryptocurrency. Create a marketing strategy to promote your project, including participation in social networks, blogs, forums and media. Consider an ICO (initial coin offering) or IEO (initial exchange offering) to attract investment and increase interest in the project.


Launching your own cryptocurrency requires considerable effort, resources and planning. The success of your project will depend not only on the technological background and innovativeness of your idea, but also on your ability to attract a community, investors and users. By following these steps, you can increase the chances of your cryptocurrency’s success in the rapidly evolving world of digital assets.

How to launch own crypto coin?

 Launch a token on the blockchain

Launching a token on blockchain has become one of the most popular ways for startups and companies to raise funding, build a community around their project, or offer a new product on the digital asset marketplace. Tokens can serve a variety of purposes, including but not limited to utility functions within a particular ecosystem, representation of a company’s stock, or even as a means for trading. In this article, we take a detailed look at the process of launching a token on the blockchain, from concept to implementation and promotion.

Step 1: Defining the Token’s Purpose and Vision

The first step to successfully launching a token is to clearly define its purpose and vision. It is important to determine what problem the token solves, what its value to users is, and what functions it will fulfil. It is also important to determine whether the token will be utility (used within the project ecosystem) or whether it will represent securities.

Step 2: Selecting a Blockchain Platform

Choosing the right blockchain platform is critical. Popular tokenisation platforms include Ethereum (ERC-20, ERC-721), Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20), Solana and Polkadot. Each of these platforms has its own features, advantages and disadvantages, including differences in transaction speed, gas costs and level of community support.

Step 3: Developing a Smart Contract

Creating a token involves developing a smart contract that will govern its functioning. A smart contract contains a set of rules and conditions for issuing, transferring, and managing tokens. It is important to thoroughly audit the smart contract to avoid vulnerabilities and bugs in the code.

Step 4: Conducting Preliminary Testing

Before launching a token, it is important to pre-test it on the test network of the chosen blockchain platform. This will help identify and eliminate possible problems in the smart contract and ensure that it works correctly.

Step 5: Token Launch and Smart Contract Deployment

After successful testing and finalisation, the smart contract is deployed on the main blockchain network, officially launching the token. At this stage, the token becomes available to the general public.

Step 6: Listing on Exchanges and Exchanges

To ensure that the token is liquid and available to a wide range of users, it is important to ensure that it is listed on cryptocurrency exchanges and exchanges. This may require negotiating with exchanges and fulfilling their listing requirements.

Step 7: Community Promotion and Development

An effective marketing strategy and the development of a loyal community around the token are key success factors. Social networks, forums, blogs and cooperation with Influencers can significantly increase the visibility of the project and attract interested users.


Launching a token on blockchain is a multi-step process that requires careful planning, development and marketing efforts. The success of a token depends largely on its value to users, technological implementation, and the creators’ ability to build a strong community around the project. By following these steps, you can increase the chances of a successful launch and the long-term success of your token on the blockchain.

What is cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security that makes it virtually impossible to counterfeit. Thanks to this technology, cryptocurrencies function as decentralised networks based on blockchain technology – a distributed database managed by various network participants. This pioneering property has not only revolutionised the financial industry, but also offered new forms of economic interactions and investments.

Principles of cryptocurrency operation

The key element of cryptocurrency is the blockchain, which serves as a public log of all transactions. Each block on the blockchain contains multiple transactions, and every time new transactions occur, a record of them is added to the log of each participant in the network. The blockchain is highly secure and transparent because the data on the blockchain cannot be changed without changing all subsequent blocks and the consent of the network.

Benefits of cryptocurrencies

  1. Decentralisation: Most cryptocurrencies are managed through a decentralised blockchain-based network rather than centralised central banks or governments.
  2. Security: Cryptographic algorithms that protect transactions and user accounts make it extremely difficult to steal and counterfeit cryptocurrency.
  3. Transparency: All transactions are recorded on the blockchain and are available for inspection by any user, providing a high level of transparency in the system.
  4. Accessibility and inclusiveness: Cryptocurrencies are available to anyone with internet access, providing financial services to people without access to traditional banking systems.

Disadvantages of cryptocurrencies

  1. Volatility: Most cryptocurrencies are subject to high volatility, which can lead to sudden changes in their value.
  2. Scalability: Some cryptocurrency networks face scalability issues, making it difficult to process a large number of transactions in a short period of time.
  3. Regulatory and legal risks: The legal status of cryptocurrencies varies from country to country, and new regulations could have a significant impact on the market.


Cryptocurrency is a dynamic area of financial technology with the potential to fundamentally change traditional approaches to doing business, investing and even everyday financial transactions. Despite their shortcomings and challenges related to volatility and regulatory uncertainty, cryptocurrencies continue to attract the attention of investors, developers and entrepreneurs due to their unique advantages such as security, decentralisation and transparency. In the future, we can expect cryptocurrencies to further evolve and integrate into the global economy, opening up new opportunities for innovation and financial inclusion.

What is the difference between coins and tokens?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the terms “coin” and “token” are often encountered, which, despite their apparent similarity, denote significantly different concepts. Understanding the differences between coins and tokens is crucial for investors, developers and users of cryptocurrency technologies, as it influences the choice of investment strategy, project development and utilisation.


Coins (or cryptocurrencies) are digital currencies that function on their own blockchains. These blockchains serve as the basis for creating, storing, and transferring coins without the need for intermediaries. Examples of coins include Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and others. Coins are commonly used as a medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value.

Coin Features:

  • Have their own blockchain.
  • Function as an independent currency.
  • Can be used to conduct transactions.


Tokens, unlike coins, do not have their own blockchain and are built on existing blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain or Solana. Tokens can represent values, assets or even concepts, and their functions are much broader than coins. There are different types of tokens, including utility tokens, which provide access to specific services or project features; security or securities, which represent ownership interests, debt or investment contracts; and ERC-721 (or NFT) standard tokens, which represent unique assets or values.

Features of tokens:

  • Are created based on existing blockchains.
  • Can perform a wide range of functions, from representing digital assets to accessing project functions.
  • Have a wider range of uses than coins.

Key differences

  1. Blockchain: Coins run on their own blockchains, while tokens are created on existing blockchain platforms.
  2. Functionality: Coins are primarily used as a medium of exchange and store of value. Tokens can have many functions, including representing assets, accessing services, or even voting.
  3. Uses: Coins are often used as digital currency, while tokens can grant rights to assets, shares in a project, or be used in highly specialised applications and services.


The distinction between coins and tokens reflects the wide range of possibilities and applications within the cryptocurrency world. While coins serve as the foundation for cryptocurrency ecosystems and are designed for financial transactions, tokens offer flexibility in representing values, rights and functions based on existing blockchains. Understanding these differences allows for a deeper understanding of the opportunities and prospects offered by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Creating your own coin

Creating your own coin in the world of cryptocurrencies is an ambitious task that requires deep knowledge of cryptography, programming and economics. Unlike tokens, which can be created relatively easily on existing blockchain platforms like Ethereum, developing your own coin involves creating a unique blockchain from scratch or forking an existing one. In this article, we will look at the key aspects to consider when creating your own cryptocurrency.

  1. Defining the Purpose and Vision

Before getting into the technical aspects of creating a coin, you need to be clear about what your goal is. This could be to create a coin for internal use within a specific project, a coin focused on transaction privacy, or a currency designed to become a new medium of exchange on a global scale. The vision for your project will drive many of the decisions that follow.

  1. Selection of Suitable Technology

The next step is to choose a technology base for your coin. You can create your own blockchain from scratch, which requires significant effort and resources, or you can use the code of an existing blockchain as a basis, adapting it to your needs. For example, many altcoins are forks of Bitcoin or Litecoin due to their open source nature.

  1. Development and Testing

Once the technology has been selected, blockchain and cryptocurrency development must begin. This includes programming consensus rules, the mining mechanism (if any), coin parameters (maximum amount, issuance rate, etc.), and creating wallets and other tools for working with the currency. Testing at this stage is critical to ensure the security and reliability of the system.

  1. Ensuring Security

Security is a key aspect of any cryptocurrency. It is important to audit the blockchain code to ensure that there are no attacks and vulnerabilities. This can be done by engaging third-party experts and auditors specialising in cybersecurity.

  1. Launching the Network and Mining

After development and testing, it is time to launch the network. This includes deploying the blockchain on servers, starting mining (if your coin provides the mechanism), and distributing an initial number of coins to early adopters and supporting users.

  1. Promotion and Development of the Community

Promoting your cryptocurrency and building an active community around it are key success factors. This includes marketing and PR campaigns, participation in cryptocurrency conferences, publications in social networks and forums. Developing an ecosystem of applications and services that utilise your coin will also contribute to its popularity and value growth.


Creating your own cryptocurrency is a complex and multifaceted process that requires not only technical expertise, but also a deep understanding of the market and the ability to attract and retain a community. Despite the challenges of the process, successfully launching your own coin can open up new opportunities for business, investment and technological innovation.

Creating your own token

Creating your own token is an exciting and promising process that can open up new opportunities for you in the world of digital assets and blockchain. In this article, we will look at the key aspects of creating your own token, including technical details, strategic planning, and legal nuances.

What is a token?

First of all, let’s define what a token is in the context of blockchain. A token is a digital asset issued on a blockchain platform. Tokens can represent a variety of values, from virtual currency to an ownership stake in an asset or the right to receive a service. There are different types of tokens, including but not limited to utility tokens, security tokens and management tokens.

Platforms for token creation

You don’t have to be a professional developer to create a token. There are many platforms that allow you to create a token using a graphical interface or simple templates. The most popular platforms for token creation are Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Solana, and Tezos. The choice of platform depends on your goals, security requirements, and transaction speed.

Stages of token creation

  1. Defining the purpose and functionality of the token. First of all, you need to clearly define what your token will be used for and what functions it will fulfil.
  2. Selecting a blockchain platform. Depending on your goals and technical requirements, select the most appropriate platform to host your token.
  3. Smart Contract Development. A smart contract is a programme that manages the operation of a token on a blockchain platform. Developing a quality smart contract requires deep programming knowledge and an understanding of the operating principles of the chosen blockchain platform.
  4. Testing. Before launching a token, it is important to thoroughly test the smart contract to avoid bugs and vulnerabilities.
  5. Token launch and ICO/IDO. After testing, you can launch your token and conduct an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Decentralised Offering (IDO) to attract investment and users.

Legal aspects

Creating and launching a token involves legal risks. Depending on the functionality of the token and the region in which it will be used, different laws and regulations may apply. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you consult with legal experts in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry to ensure that your token complies with local and international regulations.


Creating your own token is a complex process that requires careful planning and preparation. However, with the right approach, it can open up great opportunities for you to grow your business, attract investment and create new digital assets. The success of your token depends on many factors, including technical implementation, marketing strategy and legal support.

What is tokenomics?

Tokenomics, or tokenomics model, is a branch of cryptoeconomics that studies economic systems based on blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. It covers the principles of creating, distributing and managing digital tokens, which are units of value or access rights within a particular blockchain system. Tokenomics combines elements of economics, finance, behavioural economics and game theory to create sustainable and efficient digital asset systems.

Basic elements of tokenomics

  1. Tokens: Digital assets issued on a blockchain platform. Tokens can fulfil a variety of functions, from representing virtual assets (e.g. cryptocurrency) to acting as a means of accessing certain services or voting within an ecosystem.
  2. Supply and demand: As in a traditional economy, the main driver of token value is the balance between its supply (the total number of tokens available) and demand (the desire and willingness of users to purchase them).
  3. Token distribution: The methods by which tokens are distributed to participants in an ecosystem. This can include initial coin offerings (ICOs), giveaways (airdrops), staking and mining.
  4. Consensus mechanisms: Algorithms that ensure that data on a blockchain is consistent among all participants in the network. Consensus mechanisms such as Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) directly affect the distribution and incentivisation of tokens.
  5. Governance Rules: The rules and mechanisms that govern how decisions are made within the token ecosystem, including changes to network rules, allocation of funds, and other important aspects of governance.

Application of tokenomics

Tokenomics has applications in areas ranging from finance and insurance to gaming and social networking. It can create economic incentives for ecosystem participants, rewarding desirable behaviour (e.g., maintaining network security or participating in voting) and preventing undesirable behaviour.

An important feature of tokenomics is its ability to provide transparent and reliable economic relationships without the need for centralised regulation or intermediaries, which reduces costs and simplifies transactions.


Tokenomics is an innovative approach to the design and management of economic systems in the digital age. It opens up new opportunities for developing decentralised applications and services where value and control are distributed among all network participants. Understanding the principles of tokenomics is becoming increasingly important not only for developers and investors, but also for the general public interested in the opportunities and prospects of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies.

What programming language can you use to create your own coin?

Creating your own cryptocurrency is a process that may sound complicated, but thanks to modern technology and a wide range of programming languages, it has become accessible to a wide range of developers. Various languages can be used to create a coin, but the choice depends on several factors, including the blockchain platform on which the coin will be based, the developer’s level of expertise, and the specific requirements of the project. Below are the programming languages most commonly used to create cryptocurrencies:


Solidity is the most popular language for creating smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Due to its flexibility and completeness, Solidity allows developers to create complex decentralised applications (DApps), including ERC-20 and ERC-721 standard tokens that can be considered full-fledged cryptocurrencies. For those who want to create a coin with unique properties or integrate it into a broader Ethereum application, Solidity is the ideal choice.


C++ is the classic programming language used to create the first and most famous cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. C++ is ideal for creating high-performance and secure cryptocurrencies because it has a high degree of control over system resources and memory. Developers looking to create their own blockchain or modify existing open source blockchain platforms can use C++ to achieve their goals.


Python is a high-level programming language that appeals to beginners due to its readability and simplicity. Although it is not as common in blockchain development as Solidity or C++, Python can be used to prototype cryptocurrencies or develop supporting tools for interacting with blockchains. For example, Python can be used to develop interfaces to interact with blockchain, analyse data, or automate various tasks.


JavaScript, a popular web development language, is also finding use in the creation of cryptocurrencies and related technologies. It can be used to develop decentralised applications (DApps) that run in the browser and interact with blockchains through user interfaces. Libraries and frameworks such as Web3.js allow JavaScript to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, making it a great choice for creating user interfaces for cryptocurrency projects.


Rust is a modern programming language that focuses on security and speed. It is gaining traction in the blockchain community due to its ability to prevent a number of common security bugs. Rust is used in projects such as Parity Ethereum (now OpenEthereum) and Solana. Developers interested in building high-performance and secure blockchain systems should consider Rust as a potential language for their projects.


The choice of programming language to create a cryptocurrency depends on a variety of factors, including the project specification, the target blockchain platform and the developer’s personal preferences. While Solidity is the de facto standard for smart contracts on Ethereum, languages such as C++, Python, JavaScript and Rust offer developers the flexibility and power to realise a wide range of blockchain projects.

Launch your own crypto token

Launching their own crypto-token is becoming increasingly popular among startups and businesses looking to utilise blockchain technology to fund their projects, increase transparency of operations and attract new investors. Lithuania and the Czech Republic stand out as attractive jurisdictions for such initiatives due to their innovative policies and favourable regulatory environment. This article discusses the key aspects and steps of launching crypto-token, as well as the market peculiarities in these two countries.

Preparing for Cryptotoken Launch

1. Defining the Token’s Purpose

Before launching a crypto token, it is necessary to clearly define its functionality: whether it will be used as a means of exchange, a way to access a certain service (utility token), or as an investment instrument (security token).

2. Development of the White Paper

The white paper should contain all key information about the project, including technical details of the token, economic model, team information, development plan and security measures.

3.  Selecting a Platform

The choice of blockchain platform, such as Ethereum for ERC-20 tokens or other alternative platforms, is important to ensure compatibility and functionality of the token.

4. Legal training

You need to ensure that the token complies with all applicable laws and regulations, especially with respect to securities and consumer protection.

Lithuania as a Launching Ground for Cryptotokens

Lithuania attracts crypto-token creators with its open regulatory policy and support for innovation:

  • Regulatory clarity: Lithuanian authorities are actively working to create a transparent environment for crypto-business.
  • Tax incentives: Lithuania offers attractive tax conditions for cryptocurrency companies.
  • Start-up support: The country is known for its support programmes for startups and technological innovation.

Czech Republic as a Launchpad for Cryptotokens

The Czech Republic is also attractive for crypto-token projects due to the following advantages:

  • Innovation environment: The Czech Republic has a strong developer community and supports technological innovation at the state level.
  • Stable economy: The Czech Republic’s economic stability makes it an attractive destination for international investment.
  • Liberal laws: Czech legislation regarding cryptocurrencies is quite liberal, which makes it easier to launch new financial products.


Lithuania and the Czech Republic offer favourable conditions for launching crypto-tokens due to their support for innovation, progressive regulation and stable economic environment. Companies looking to launch their crypto-token should prepare thoroughly by developing a detailed white paper, selecting a suitable technology platform and ensuring compliance with all necessary regulatory requirements. In this way, they can maximise the opportunities offered by these two European countries.

 Stablecoin issue

Stablecoins, cryptocurrencies linked to stable assets such as currencies or precious metals, are becoming a key element of the digital economy. They offer advantages for both everyday financial transactions and more complex financial arrangements due to their stability and predictability. In the context of the European regulatory landscape, Lithuania and the Czech Republic stand out as countries that offer attractive conditions for the development and issuance of stablecoins. In this article, we will examine why these countries are favoured jurisdictions for stackablecoins by examining their regulatory frameworks, economic and technological conditions.

Regulatory framework


Lithuania is actively developing its fintech initiatives and has become one of the first countries in Europe to propose a clear regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Lithuanian regulators propose:

  • Transparent licensing requirements for cryptocurrency transactions, including the issuance of stablecoins.
  • Low tax rates for cryptocurrency companies.
  • Supporting innovation through government initiatives and funding for technology start-ups.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic also demonstrates a liberal approach to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The Czech authorities do not apply strict restrictions to transactions with stablecoins, which makes the country attractive for fintech projects:

  • Lack of specific regulation of stablecoins, making them easy to develop and use.
  • An advanced financial infrastructure and technology ecosystem that supports innovation in digital payments.

Economic and technological conditions

Economic stability

Both countries offer political and economic stability, which is important for long-term financial investment and the development of a stablecoin infrastructure. Economic stability provides a solid foundation for stablecoins, especially those linked to national currencies.

Technological infrastructure

Lithuania and the Czech Republic offer excellent technological conditions for developing and testing cryptocurrency projects:

  • High-speed internet and developed IT infrastructure.
  • Talented IT professionals with expertise in blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
  • Technology hubs and incubators that facilitate networking and collaboration between startups and investors.


Lithuania and the Czech Republic represent significant opportunities for companies wishing to develop and launch stablecoins. They offer a favourable regulatory environment, economic and political stability, and a high level of technological readiness. These factors make Lithuania and the Czech Republic attractive locations for those seeking to innovate in the field of cryptocurrencies and utilise the potential of stablecoins to create new financial instruments and services.

 Make my new crypto currency

Creating a new cryptocurrency is a complex project that requires careful planning, significant technological resources and a deep understanding of regulatory requirements. Lithuania and the Czech Republic attract developers due to their innovative policies and favourable business climate. This article examines the key aspects and stages of creating a new cryptocurrency in these countries, emphasising their advantages as jurisdictions for cryptocurrency initiatives.

Definition of purpose and functionality

Before launching a new cryptocurrency, its purpose and functionality must be clearly defined. It can be a utilitarian token intended for use within a particular ecosystem, or a cryptocurrency intended to be widely circulated as a medium of exchange. Key issues to consider:

  • Target audience and user needs.
  • The economic model of cryptocurrency, including its issuance and governance mechanisms.
  • The technology platform on which the currency will be based (e.g. Ethereum to create ERC-20 tokens).

Development of technological infrastructure

Creating a cryptocurrency requires the development of a robust and secure technological infrastructure. This includes:

  • Blockchain platform selection: Determining whether to use an existing blockchain platform or develop your own.
  • Smart Contract Development: Programming contracts to manage transactions and other operations.
  • Security: Develop measures to protect against hacker attacks and other types of fraud.

Regulatory aspects in Lithuania and the Czech Republic


Lithuania offers one of the most advanced regulatory environments for blockchain projects in Europe. The country has created special economic zones for fintech companies with simplified access to financial markets and banking services.

  • Licensing of cryptocurrency transactions: Lithuania provides clear criteria for licences, making it easier to launch new cryptocurrencies.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is renowned for its liberal approach to regulating cryptocurrencies, providing a favourable environment for their development and use.

  • Legislative transparency: Czech law provides a clear tax and legal framework for cryptocurrencies, which makes this country attractive for cryptocurrency startups.


Lithuania and the Czech Republic represent attractive jurisdictions for the creation and launch of a new cryptocurrency due to their innovative policies, technologically advanced infrastructure and supportive regulatory climate. Businesses looking to develop and launch a new cryptocurrency should consider these countries as potential locations to register their projects, as they offer significant advantages in the form of regulatory support and economic stability.

 Issuing stablecoins in EU

Recently, interest in stablecoins, which are a type of cryptocurrency whose value is tied to stable assets such as currencies or gold, has increased significantly. This interest is due to their ability to reduce the volatility that characterises traditional cryptocurrencies. In the context of the European Union, countries like Lithuania and the Czech Republic have attracted particular attention due to their progressive legislation and openness to financial innovation.

Lithuania: advanced standards and support for innovation

Lithuania is one of the leaders in the European Union in terms of creating a favourable legal environment for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. The country offers a clear regulatory framework for cryptocurrency transactions, making it an attractive location for companies seeking to issue and circulate stablecoins.

In 2020, the Bank of Lithuania issued a digital collection token, demonstrating its openness to new financial technologies and the central bank’s capabilities in the digital economy. In addition, the government is actively working to improve legislation aimed at protecting investors and increasing the transparency of financial transactions.

Czech Republic: stability and attractive tax conditions

The Czech Republic is also active in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The Czech tax system offers some of the most favourable conditions for cryptocurrency transactions in Europe, including no income tax for certain types of cryptoasset transactions.

Czech legislation supports the use of stablecoins as a means of payment, which provides additional business opportunities. The government regularly consults with the industry to ensure a convenient and safe environment for all market participants.

Prospects and potential challenges

There are a number of key aspects to consider when considering issuing stackcoins in Lithuania or the Czech Republic. Firstly, a thorough analysis of regulatory requirements is required to ensure full compliance with existing laws and regulations. Secondly, the needs and expectations of the target audience should be considered, as well as the specifics of the chosen stablecoin.

Companies looking to capitalise on opportunities in these countries must also be prepared for possible political and economic changes that may affect the cryptocurrency market. It is important to establish a dialogue with local regulators and market participants to create a sustainable and efficient business model.


Lithuania and the Czech Republic offer unique opportunities for companies interested in issuing and circulating stablecoins due to their support for innovation and attractive economic conditions. However, success in this area requires a thorough understanding of the local legislative framework, active engagement with regulators and a clear market entry strategy.

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At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 6949 5456
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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