Estonia Residence Permit

Estonia Residence Permit

Estonia offers a systematised approach to regulating the right of residence for European Union (EU) citizens and third-country nationals, which provides clarity and predictability in migration policy. In this article we will look at the main aspects of obtaining the right of residence and residence permit in Estonia, as well as the specifics concerning the immigration quota.

Right of residence for EU citizens

European Union citizens automatically have the right to work and reside in Estonia, but in order to legalise their stay, they need to register their place of residence in the Estonian Population Register. After registration, EU citizens are issued an identity card, which confirms their right of residence. This right can be either temporary (up to five years) or permanent.

Requirements for third-country nationals

For third-country nationals, the requirements are much stricter:

  • Temporary residence permit: Issued for a period of up to five years and can be extended if certain conditions are met.
  • Long-term residence permit: Granted for an indefinite period of time and requires a longer and more stable stay in the country.
  • Immigration quota: Estonia establishes an immigration quota that must not exceed 0.1 per cent of the country’s resident population per year, limiting the number of visas and residence permits that can be issued to foreign nationals.

Exemptions from the immigration quota

Some categories of foreign nationals are exempted from the immigration quota, which facilitates the process of obtaining a residence permit:

  • U.S. and Japanese citizens.
  • Foreigners applying for academic or research work.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) specialists.
  • Working in or with startups.
  • Majority investors.
  • Highly qualified specialists (top specialists).
  • Family members applying for family reunification.
  • Foreigners applying for training.

The variety of options for obtaining the right of residence and residence permit in Estonia makes this country accessible to many categories of foreign nationals. Correct understanding of the requirements and procedures related to migration legislation plays a key role in successful adaptation and legalisation of stay in the country. Citizens are advised to familiarise themselves with these aspects in advance or seek professional assistance to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.

Temporary residence permit for employment in Estonia

In Estonia, the process of obtaining a residence permit for foreign nationals is regulated and may include different categories, depending on the purpose of stay, professional qualifications and other criteria. Let us consider the main aspects of applying for a residence permit for work, as well as special conditions for researchers, high-level professionals and family members.

Basic requirements for applying for a residence permit

  1. To work for an employer registered in Estonia:
    • With the consent of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund: It is necessary that the salary fulfils the established norms, exceeding the average salary in Estonia, which makes it possible to apply with the salary criterion.
    • Without the consent of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund: Possible in cases where the applicant applies for positions of experts, consultants or participates in the management and supervision of companies that are registered in Estonia and are active.
  2. Special Categories:
    • Scientific or research work: A residence permit may be granted without the consent of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund if the researcher works in an institution entered in the Register of Scientific and Research Institutions.
    • EU Blue Card: It is intended for highly qualified specialists and entitles them to work and reside in Estonia under conditions exceeding the normal salary requirements.
    • Startups: Founders and employees of startups can obtain a residence permit without the consent of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, provided they contribute to the country’s economy.

Application process

  • Filing of documents: The application is submitted to an Estonian representation abroad or, if the alien is already in Estonia, to a service bureau with the necessary advance booking.
  • Required Documents:
    • Completed application forms.
    • A valid passport and a digital photograph.
    • Proof of sufficient legal income and a health insurance contract.
    • Document confirming payment of the state duty.
    • Invitation from the employer and, if necessary, authorisation from the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.

Additional information and special conditions

  • Professionals: For professionals such as auditors or legal advisors, proof of professional qualification is required.
  • Exceptions: Certain categories of applicants, including US citizens, Japanese citizens, or family members of EU citizens, may fall under exceptions to the general immigration quota rules.

Importance of timely filing

It is recommended to apply for the extension of the residence permit two months prior to the expiry of the current residence permit. This ensures sufficient time to process all documents and avoid possible delays.

Obtaining a residence permit in Estonia requires thorough preparation and understanding of the local legislation. By using the services of specialised legal agencies and consultants, foreign nationals can greatly simplify the process and ensure that all the necessary requirements for successfully obtaining a residence and work permit in Estonia are met.

Temporary residence permit for business in Estonia

The process of obtaining a residence permit for doing business in Estonia is divided into several key categories, each with its own requirements and conditions. This makes Estonia attractive for foreign investors and entrepreneurs wishing to establish or expand their business in the country. Below is a detailed guide to the requirements and procedures related to obtaining residence permits for different business initiatives.

General conditions for obtaining a residence permit for doing business

  1. Standard conditions for individual entrepreneurs and equity participants:
  • Investment: An investment of at least €16,000 is required for sole proprietors and at least €65,000 for company members.
  • Documents: Proof of investment, a business plan, and two years of financial projections must be submitted.
  1. Doing business in a startup:
  • Expert panel evaluation: The startup must be evaluated by a panel to confirm its innovative and potentially successful nature.
  • Documentation: Provide a description of the business model and growth potential.
  1. As a major investor:
  • Minimum investment: 1,000,000 euros in the Estonian economy through direct investments in registered companies or through investment funds.
  • Additional requirements: Provide evidence of contribution to the economy and job creation potential.

Application process

  • Place of submission: The application can be submitted at the Estonian representation abroad or at the Estonian Service Office.
  • Booking a time: It is necessary to pre-book a time to apply.
  • Application Forms: Must be completed online, printed and signed by the applicant.
  • Required Documents: Include a business plan (except for startups and large investors), financial documents, proof of legal income and health insurance.

Important points

  • Decision on the application: To be made within two months from the date of submission of all required documents.
  • Issuance of the residence permit: Once the application is approved, the residence permit is issued within 30 days.
  • Validity of the residence permit: In the first stage it is granted for a period of up to two years, renewable for up to five years.

Obtaining a residence permit for doing business in Estonia requires careful preparation and strict compliance with the legislation. Estonia offers many opportunities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs that can significantly improve the country’s economic environment. Understanding and fulfilling all requirements will ensure that you successfully obtain a residence permit and realise your business potential in Estonia.

Duration of an Estonian temporary residence permit

Estonia offers foreign nationals the opportunity to obtain a temporary residence permit, which is an important tool for working, studying or doing business in the country. This article discusses aspects concerning the duration of a temporary residence permit in Estonia, important points for applicants to consider, and suggests strategies for effective planning of the duration of stay.

General conditions and duration

A temporary residence permit in Estonia is issued for a period of up to five years. However, the exact duration depends on the grounds for granting the permit:

  • For migrant workers – usually issued for the duration of the labour contract, but not more than five years.
  • For students – issued for the period of study, usually until the end of a programme of study.
  • For entrepreneurs – issued for up to five years if they can prove their ability to maintain economic activity at the required level.
  • For family reunification – can also be issued for a period of up to five years, depending on the status of the family member already residing in Estonia.

Renewal criteria

Renewal of the temporary residence permit is possible if the applicant continues to fulfil the conditions that were the basis for the initial issuance of the permit. It is important to consider the following points:

  • The need to apply for renewal two months prior to the expiry of the current permit.
  • Proof of financial solvency and compliance with employment or study requirements.
  • Assessment of changes in legislation that may affect renewal terms.

Planning the length of stay

Effective planning for a stay in Estonia requires attention to detail and a strategic approach:

  • Research document requirements and conditions for renewal well in advance.
  • Maintaining compliance with Estonian migration regulations throughout the entire period of stay.
  • Consideration of possible changes in personal circumstances, such as a change of job or educational institution, which may require a change in residence permit status.

A temporary residence permit in Estonia provides flexibility and opportunities for foreigners seeking to work or study in the country. Understanding the conditions and requirements for the duration of stay is key for a successful and legal stay in Estonia. It is recommended to plan in advance and regularly consult with migration specialists to ensure compliance with the requirements of Estonian legislation.

How to apply for a residence permit for Estonia?

Estonia offers many opportunities for foreign professionals, entrepreneurs and students. Obtaining a residence permit in Estonia is an important step that allows you to legally live and work in the country, developing personal and professional aspects of life. In this article, we will look at the procedure of applying for a residence permit in Estonia, using clear business language and providing all the necessary details for a successful application.

Step 1: Determining the type of residence permit

First of all, determine what type of residence permit you need. Estonia offers several types:

  • Residence permit for work: For those who want to work in Estonia.
  • Residence permit for studies: For students applying to Estonian educational institutions.
  • Residence permit for entrepreneurs: For those who plan to start a business in Estonia.
  • Residence permit for family reunification: For family members wishing to join relatives living in Estonia.

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

Prepare all necessary documents. The basic package usually includes:

  • Completed application form.
  • A valid passport.
  • Eligible Photos.
  • Documents confirming the purpose of stay: employment contract for employees, invitation from an educational institution for students, business plan for entrepreneurs.
  • Proof of financial solvency: bank statements, salary documents.
  • Health Insurance.

Step 3: Submitting an application

You can apply for a residence permit:

  • At an Estonian consulate abroad: Before visiting the consulate, you must book a time to submit your documents.
  • In Estonia, if you are already in the country: Contact your local bureau of the Police and Border Guard Board.

Step 4: Payment of state duty

Pay the state fee, the amount of which depends on the type of residence permit and the urgency of processing the application. Details of the fee can be found on the official website or at the consular section.

Step 5: Waiting for a decision

The period of application processing can vary from several weeks to several months, depending on the type of residence permit and the specific circumstances. It is important to note that you must have legal grounds for staying in Estonia while the application is being processed.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Estonia requires careful preparation and attention to detail. A successful application depends on the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. At every stage, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the Police and Border Guard Board in order to avoid delays or refusals. Obtaining a residence permit opens a wide range of opportunities for aliens to live in Estonia for a long term and have a successful career.

Estonian temporary residence permit requirements

Estonia provides opportunities for foreign citizens to reside and work in its territory by means of a temporary residence permit. This document gives the right for long-term stay, study, work and business. In this article we will look at the key requirements and conditions to be considered when applying for a temporary residence permit in Estonia.

Main categories of temporary residence permits

  1. Employment: In order to obtain an employment-based residence permit, applicants must have a job offer from an Estonian employer. The salary must fulfil the minimum threshold set for this category of workers.
  2. Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to conduct business in Estonia. The minimum investment amount is 65,000 euros for legal entities and 16,000 euros for individual entrepreneurs.
  3. Study: Students must be enrolled in one of Estonia’s educational institutions and have sufficient financial means to cover their living expenses.
  4. Family reunification: Family members of citizens or persons holding a residence permit in Estonia may apply for family reunification.

Documents and requirements

In order to successfully apply for a temporary residence permit, the following documents must be submitted and certain requirements must be met:

  • Completed application form.
  • A valid passport.
  • Photographs that meet the requirements for visa documents.
  • Proof of the purpose of stay: employment contract, document of enrolment in an educational institution, documents proving family ties with an Estonian citizen or resident.
  • Evidence of financial solvency: bank accounts, income statements, financial commitments.
  • Health insurance covering the entire period of stay.

Application process

Applications for temporary residence permits are submitted in person at the nearest Estonian diplomatic mission or at the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board if the applicant is already in the country. It is necessary to make an appointment in advance via the official website of the department.

Timeframe for review and cost

The processing time for applications may vary, but usually ranges from 1 to 2 months. The cost of the state fee depends on the type of residence permit and the urgency of processing the application.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Estonia opens up many opportunities for foreign citizens. Carefully following all requirements and submitting a complete set of documents significantly increases the chances of success. It is recommended to carefully study all requirements and use the services of professional counsellors if necessary.

How to get permanent residence in Estonia?

If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss Confederation citizen, you have the right to stay in Estonia without a visa for up to three months using a valid travel document or identity card. However, if you plan to stay longer than that or work in Estonia, you must register your place of residence in the Estonian Population Register.

Temporary residence permit for third-country nationals

For third-country nationals, a temporary residence permit in Estonia grants the right to reside and, in most cases, to work in the country. This residence permit can be issued for up to five years, depending on the specific circumstances and requirements for the applicant.

Immigration counselling

You can receive personalised immigration advice from specialists of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, which will help you better understand the procedure and requirements for applying for a residence permit.

Short-term employment

If your employment in Estonia does not exceed 365 days within a 455-day period, you need to register your work assignment with the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board before starting work. The registration process is simpler and faster than obtaining a residence permit, and a decision on registration or refusal is usually made within 15 working days.

Residence permit for employment

If your employment will last longer than the conditions of your visa or visa-free regime allow, you must apply for a residence permit for employment. A separate work permit is not required as the right to work is granted on the basis of the residence permit.

Requirements and conditions

The grounds and conditions for obtaining a residence permit depend on your qualifications, health, previous experience and ability to fulfil the salary criterion. Generally, the salary must not be lower than the average annual salary in Estonia, unless there are exceptions.


Exceptions to the requirement to obtain approval from the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund may apply in cases where applicants are, for example, clergymen, journalists, teachers, or where their activities are regulated by international treaties.

Applying for a residence permit involves submitting a complete set of documents, and decisions on applications are usually made within two months. Obtaining a residence permit will allow you to fully integrate into the economic and social life of Estonia, opening up new opportunities for work and development.

 Where to apply for permanent residence in Estonia?

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Estonia opens up many opportunities for foreign nationals wishing to strengthen their presence and long-term prospects in the country. A permanent residence permit provides not only the right to indefinite residence, but also other benefits such as easier access to the labour market, the ability to vote in local elections and easier access to social services. In this article, we will look at where and how you can apply for permanent residence in Estonia and discuss strategies to help speed up and optimise the process.

Determination of eligibility to apply

Before applying for permanent residence in Estonia, you must ensure that you fulfil the qualification criteria. As a rule, foreign nationals must live in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit for five consecutive years before applying for a permanent residence permit.

Where to apply

Applications for a permanent residence permit in Estonia can be submitted at the following locations:

  1. Department of Police and Border Protection (PPA):
    • Foreign citizens staying in Estonia can apply directly to the PPA offices. To submit an application, it is necessary to make an appointment in advance via the official website of the PPA.
    • The Police and Border Guard Department also provides advice on all matters related to migration legislation and procedures.
  2. Foreign representations of Estonia:
    • If you are outside Estonia and are eligible to apply for permanent residence, you can apply to the consular section of the Estonian embassy or consulate in your country.

Documents required

The following documents will be required to apply for permanent residency:

  • A valid passport or other identity document.
  • Proof of continuous residence in Estonia for the last five years.
  • Documents confirming financial solvency.
  • Evidence of integration into Estonian society, such as knowledge of Estonian language at the required level, which is confirmed by a relevant certificate.

Strategies to speed up the process

  1. Prepare a complete set of documents in advance: Ensure that all documents are complete and correctly completed before submitting your application.
  2. Using professional counselling services: Obtaining advice from migration lawyers or counsellors can help avoid common mistakes and ensure that all requirements are met accurately.
  3. Compliance with all legal requirements during your stay in Estonia: This includes meeting application deadlines, keeping your documents up to date and notifying the authorities of any changes in your status.

Applying for permanent residence in Estonia is an important step for those who wish to deepen their roots in the country. By following the above recommendations and strategies, you can ensure a smoother and more successful process of obtaining the desired status.

 Required documents for Estonia permanent residence application

Obtaining permanent residence in Estonia is a process that requires careful preparation and precise compliance with regulations. When applying for permanent residence, applicants must submit a number of documents to prove their eligibility for this status. This article provides a detailed overview of the required documents that are necessary for the successful processing of your application for permanent residence in Estonia.

Main documents required

  1. Application: A signed and carefully completed application for permanent residence. The application form is available on the official website of the Estonian Police and Border Guard or at their offices.
  2. Valid passport: Copies of all relevant pages of the passport, including photo page and entry and exit records.
  3. Photographs for documents: Standard 35×45 mm photographs that meet the requirements for visa and migration documents.
  4. Proof of continuous residence: Official documents proving continuous legal residence in Estonia for the previous five years (e.g. temporary residence permits, passport stamps, rental contracts).
  5. Financial documents: Salary certificates, tax returns, bank statements proving the financial independence of the applicant.
  6. Criminal record certificate: An official document from the country of origin and from all countries where the applicant has lived for more than one year in the last 10 years.
  7. Proof of integration: Certificates proving that you have the required level of Estonian language skills and other documents that can prove your integration into Estonian society (e.g. course certificates, work or study certificates).
  8. Health insurance: A policy covering all medical expenses in Estonia for the period prior to obtaining permanent residence status.

Additional documents depending on the category of the applicant

  • For entrepreneurs: Business plan, financial statements for the last years, documents proving investments in the Estonian economy.
  • For family reunification: Documents proving family ties with Estonian citizens or persons with permanent residence in Estonia.
  • For students: Proof of study at an accredited Estonian educational institution.

Preparing to submit an application

Before submitting the application, it is recommended to carefully check that all documents are up to date and that they fulfil the requirements of the Estonian migration authorities. This includes checking the validity dates of the documents and translating them into Estonian or English, if necessary.

Applying for permanent residence in Estonia requires careful attention to documentation and strict compliance with all requirements. Prior preparation and a full understanding of the process increase the chances of successfully obtaining the desired status and ensure uninterrupted residence in Estonia.

 Estonia residence permit by investment

Estonia has established itself as a country with a favourable investment climate, offering attractive conditions for foreign investors seeking residence permits. The residence permit by investment programme is an important element of Estonia’s economic strategy aimed at attracting capital investment and stimulating growth in various sectors of the economy. This article discusses the key aspects of obtaining a residence permit in Estonia on the basis of investment, including the requirements, application process and benefits for investors.

Main requirements for investors

  1. Minimum investment:
    • For individual entrepreneurs and company owners, the minimum investment amount is 65,000 euros. These funds must be used for business development in Estonia.
    • In the case of self-employment (self-employed), the minimum investment amount is 16,000 euros.
  2. Major investment:
    • Investors who invest at least 1,000,000 euros in the Estonian economy have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit under favourable conditions. These funds can be invested in Estonian companies entered in the commercial register or in investment funds aimed at developing the local economy.
  3. Investing in startups:
    • Estonia actively supports innovative startups. In order to obtain a residence permit as a startup founder, the company must undergo a preliminary assessment by an expert commission that confirms the innovativeness and prospectivity of the business.

Application process

  1. Business Plan Preparation:
    • One of the key documents that must be submitted to obtain a residence permit is a business plan. It must contain:
      • Name and registration code of the company.
      • A description of the business idea, including development plans, target audience and marketing strategy.
      • Financial projections for the next two years, including income statements, balance sheets and cash flow projections.
  2. Submission of Application:
    • The application for a residence permit shall be submitted in person at the Estonian representation abroad or at the service bureau of the Police and Border Guard Board if the applicant is already in the country.
    • Proof of investment, proof of financial solvency, and health insurance must be provided.
  3. Consideration of the application:
    • A decision on granting a residence permit is usually made within two months. Once the application is approved, the residence permit card is issued within 30 days.

Advantages of a residence permit through investment

  1. The right to live and work:
    • A residence permit obtained on the basis of investment grants the right to reside in Estonia and free access to the labour market. This opens up new opportunities for business development and participation in the economic life of the country.
  2. Easier access to European markets:
    • Estonia, as a member of the European Union and the Schengen area, provides investors with the possibility of free movement within the EU countries as well as access to the common market.
  3. Transparent tax legislation:
    • Estonia is known for its simple and transparent tax regime, which is attractive to international investors.
  4. Innovation environment and support for start-ups:
    • For those interested in developing technological and innovative projects, Estonia provides favourable conditions and access to a wide range of state startup support programmes.

Obtaining a residence permit in Estonia on the basis of investment is a strategic step for investors seeking to expand their business horizons and take advantage of the advantages that this country offers. With favourable business conditions, a stable economy and access to European markets, Estonia is becoming one of the leading destinations for foreign investors. Careful preparation of documents and compliance with all requirements increases the chances of successfully obtaining a residence permit and further realising business goals in Estonia.

 Estonian residency by investment requirements

Estonia, known for its innovations and favourable investment climate, offers foreign investors a unique opportunity to obtain a residence permit. This allows not only to participate in the economic life of the country, but also to enjoy the advantages of living in one of the most technologically advanced countries in Europe. This article discusses the main requirements for foreign investors who wish to obtain a residence permit in Estonia through investments.

  1. Minimum investment volume

In order to apply for a residence permit in Estonia through investments, one of the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • Business Investment:
    • The minimum investment amount for legal entities is 65,000 euros. These funds must be used for business development in Estonia. The company must be registered in the Estonian Commercial Register and be active in business.
    • For individual entrepreneurs (self-employed persons), the minimum investment amount is 16,000 euros. These investments must support and develop entrepreneurial activities in Estonia.
  • Major investment:
    • Investors willing to invest at least 1,000,000 euros can obtain a residence permit on favourable terms. These funds can be invested in companies registered in the Estonian Commercial Register or in investment funds aimed at developing the country’s economy.
  • Investing in startups:
    • Estonia actively supports innovative and technological startups. In order to obtain a residence permit as a startup founder, the company must undergo a preliminary assessment by an expert commission that confirms its innovativeness and growth prospects.
  1. Business plan

The key document for obtaining a residence permit through investment is the business plan, which must contain the following elements:

  • Company Description:
    • Name, registration code, field of activity and legal address of the company.
  • Business Idea:
    • A detailed description of the product or service, target audience, competitors and market strategy.
  • Financial Forecasts:
    • Revenue and expense projections for the next two years, including cash flow projections and projected profitability.
  • Development Plans:
    • The company’s growth strategy, expansion plans and investment attraction.
  1. Evidence of financial solvency

Investors must provide proof of sufficient funds for the investment as well as for their own residence in Estonia. This may be bank statements, asset ownership documents or proof of income.

  1. Health insurance

Health insurance covering the costs of medical care in Estonia is a mandatory requirement. The insurance policy must be valid for the entire period of stay in the country.

  1. Application process

The application for a residence permit through investment is submitted in person at one of the following locations:

  • Estonian representation abroad: If the applicant is outside Estonia, the application is submitted at the nearest Estonian consulate or embassy.
  • Estonian Police and Border Guard Board: If the applicant is already in the country, the application can be submitted at the local service bureau.

The application must be accompanied by all necessary documents, including a business plan, proof of investment, health insurance and proof of payment of the state fee.

  1. Consideration of the application and deadlines

A decision on granting a residence permit is usually made within two months from the date of submission of the full set of documents. If approved, the residence permit is issued within 30 days. The duration of the residence permit depends on the type and amount of the investment.

Obtaining a residence permit in Estonia through investment opens up a wide range of business opportunities for foreign investors in one of the most dynamic economies in Europe. Successful fulfilment of all requirements and submission of the necessary documents will provide you with access to the advantages of living in Estonia and further development of your business internationally.

 How long does it take to process an Estonia residence permit?

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Estonia is an important step for foreign nationals seeking to establish themselves in this high-tech and dynamic country. Processing timescales can have a significant impact on applicants’ personal and business plans, so it is important to understand how long the process can take and how you can prepare for possible delays. In this article, we will look at key aspects of the processing times for residence permit applications in Estonia, as well as factors that can affect the length of the process.

General timeframes for processing applications

The average processing time of an application for a temporary residence permit in Estonia is up to two months from the date of submission of the complete set of documents. This period may vary depending on the type of residence permit and the complexity of the particular case.

  1. Residence permit for work:
    • Usually it is considered within 30-60 days. If the applicant is employed by a company that is already registered in Estonia and fulfils all the requirements, the process may be faster.
  2. Residence permit for entrepreneurial activities:
    • Review times can be up to 60 days, especially if additional review of the business plan and financial documents is required.
  3. Residence permit for studies:
    • Typically processed within 30-45 days if all required documents are provided, including proof of enrolment at an accredited institution and proof of financial solvency.
  4. Residence permit for family reunification:
    • Applications for family reunification may require additional time to verify family ties and financial stability. The average processing time is 45-60 days.

Factors affecting processing times

  1. Completeness and correctness of documents:
    • Applications containing all required documents and correctly completed forms are processed faster. An incomplete package of documents may lead to delays and additional requests from migration authorities.
  2. Type of residence permit:
    • Different categories of residence permits require different degrees of scrutiny. For example, business activities or investments may require a more thorough assessment than standard employment.
  3. Seasonal fluctuations:
    • During periods of increased activity, such as the beginning of the school year or the end of the financial year, migration authorities may experience additional workload, which increases the processing time of applications.
  4. Additional checks:
    • In some cases, additional checks may be required, such as verifying sources of income, confirming investments, or assessing the applicant’s qualifications. These checks may significantly increase the application processing time.

Strategies to minimise delays

  1. Early application:
    • It is recommended that you apply for a residence permit as early as possible, especially if you plan to start working or studying in Estonia in a certain period.
  2. Thorough preparation of documents:
    • Make sure that all documents are translated into Estonian or English and notarised if required. Involving professional advisors can help avoid mistakes and delays.
  3. Tracking the status of the application:
    • It is important to regularly monitor the status of your application through the online services of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board in order to respond in a timely manner to any requests for additional information.

The processing time for residence permit applications in Estonia can vary depending on many factors. Understanding timelines and proactive planning can help you avoid unexpected delays and ensure a smooth relocation or integration process in Estonia. Careful preparation and attention to detail are key elements of successfully obtaining a residence permit in this innovative and open country.

How long after permanent residency can I apply for Estonia citizenship?

Obtaining Estonian citizenship is an important step for foreign citizens who wish to become full members of Estonian society, enjoy all the rights of a citizen of the European Union and strengthen their personal and business ties with this dynamic country. However, the process of obtaining citizenship requires fulfilment of a number of conditions, including a mandatory period of permanent residence in the country. In this article, we will look at how much time must pass after obtaining a permanent residence permit before you can apply for Estonian citizenship and discuss the key aspects related to this process.

Basic conditions for obtaining Estonian citizenship

Estonia adheres to strict rules regarding the granting of citizenship, which includes fulfilment of the following requirements:

  1. Permanent residence in Estonia:
    • The applicant must have resided in Estonia on a permanent basis for at least 8 years. Of this period, at least 5 years must be spent in the country on the basis of a temporary residence permit and another 3 years on the basis of a permanent residence permit.
  2. Knowledge of Estonian language:
    • Knowledge of the Estonian national language is a mandatory requirement for all citizenship applicants. Proof of language proficiency of at least B1 (intermediate level) is required. Language examinations are organised by the state authorities and successful passing of the exam is a prerequisite.
  3. Loyalty to the state:
    • The applicant must demonstrate loyalty to the Republic of Estonia and prove his/her respect for its Constitution.
  4. A stable and legal source of income:
    • It is necessary to prove the existence of a stable income sufficient for living in Estonia. This may include wages, business income, pensions and other sources of income.
  5. Renunciation of previous citizenship:
    • Estonia does not recognise dual citizenship, therefore the applicant must be prepared to renounce his/her former citizenship, except in cases provided for in international agreements.

The process of applying for citizenship

  1. Document preparation:
    • The applicant must collect a full package of documents, including a valid passport, proof of Estonian language skills, proof of legal income, and proof of permanent residence in Estonia.
  2. Applying:
    • An application for citizenship is submitted to the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board. It is important to ensure that all documents are correctly completed and submitted by the deadline.
  3. Consideration of the application:
    • The citizenship application process can take up to 6 months, but in some cases this period may be extended depending on the complexity of the case and the need for additional checks.
  4. Taking the oath of office:
    • After the application is approved, the applicant must take the oath of allegiance to the Republic of Estonia, which is the final stage of the citizenship process.

Strategies for successfully obtaining citizenship

  1. Planning and preparation:
    • Start preparing for the citizenship application process well in advance. This includes learning the Estonian language, understanding the legal requirements and collecting the necessary documents.
  2. Consultation with lawyers:
    • If you have doubts or questions about the process of obtaining citizenship, it is advisable to seek advice from professional lawyers specialising in migration law.
  3. Compliance with all legal requirements:
    • It is important to strictly comply with all legal requirements and maintain legal residence status in Estonia throughout the entire period required to apply for citizenship.

Obtaining Estonian citizenship is a long but very achievable process for those who are serious about integration into Estonian society and are willing to follow all requirements. After obtaining a permanent residence permit, applicants must live in Estonia for another three years before applying for citizenship. It is important to prepare thoroughly and follow all legal procedures to ensure successful completion of this process and to become a full-fledged citizen of Estonia.

How can Regulated United Europe help with Estonia residence permit?

Estonia with its advanced digital society and favourable business climate attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world. Obtaining a residence permit in Estonia through entrepreneurial activity opens access to the European Union market and offers great opportunities for business development. Regulated United Europe offers comprehensive legal services aimed at supporting foreign entrepreneurs at every stage of the process of obtaining a residence permit in Estonia. In this article we will look at how our company can help you achieve your business goals in Estonia.

  1. Consultation and capacity assessment

The first step to successfully obtaining a residence permit in Estonia is a thorough assessment of your capabilities and business goals. We provide the following services:

  • Individual consultations: Our experts will analyse your business plan and suggest the best way to obtain a residence permit in Estonia, based on your current situation and goals.
  • Eligibility assessment: We can help you make sure your business meets all the requirements for a residence permit, including minimum investment amounts, job creation obligations and other conditions.
  1. Establishment of a new company in Estonia

Registering a new company in Estonia is one of the key stages for obtaining a residence permit. Our company provides a full range of services for establishing a business:

  • Company registration: We will help you choose the right legal form, register the company in the Estonian Commercial Register and ensure that all legal formalities are completed.
  • Preparation of statutory documents: We will draft and draw up all necessary documents, including articles of association, memorandum of association and other legal documents.
  • Opening bank accounts: We will assist in opening corporate accounts in Estonian banks, which is an important prerequisite for doing business and making investments.
  1. Acquisition of a ready-made business

For those who prefer to purchase an already operating business in Estonia, we offer the following services:

  • Business search and analysis: We will help you find a suitable business for purchase, audit and assess its financial condition and legal risks.
  • Transaction support: Our lawyers will provide legal support of the transaction, including preparation and verification of contracts, negotiation and fulfilment of all necessary registration actions.
  • Business integration: We will help you integrate the acquired business into your international operations and ensure that it meets all Estonian requirements.
  1. Supporting the process of obtaining a residence permit

Obtaining a residence permit in Estonia requires the fulfilment of many legal formalities. We will ensure that:

  • Preparation and submission of documents: We will collect a complete package of documents, including a business plan, financial statements and other necessary materials, and submit them on your behalf to the Estonian migration authorities.
  • Process monitoring: We will monitor the status of your residence permit application and inform you of its progress in a timely manner.
  • Legal support at every stage: In case of any questions or the need to provide additional documents, our lawyers will be ready to provide prompt assistance.


Regulated United Europe specialises in providing a full range of legal services for foreign entrepreneurs seeking to obtain a residence permit in Estonia. Whether you want to establish a new business or acquire an existing one, we will provide you with professional support at every stage of the process. Our experts will help you successfully integrate into the Estonian business environment and achieve your strategic goals by providing reliable legal support and minimising all possible risks.

RUE customer support team


“Hi, if you are looking to start your project, or you still have some concerns, you can definitely reach out to me for comprehensive assistance. Contact me and let’s start your business venture.”


“Hello, I’m Sheyla, ready to help with your business ventures in Europe and beyond. Whether in international markets or exploring opportunities abroad, I offer guidance and support. Feel free to contact me!”


“Hello, my name is Diana and I specialise in assisting clients in many questions. Contact me and I will be able to provide you efficient support in your request.”


“Hello, my name is Polina. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information to launch your project in the chosen jurisdiction – contact me for more information!”



At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 6949 5456
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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