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Cheapest online gambling licence

Obtaining an online gambling licence is a key step to operating legally in the gambling industry. The cost of a licence can vary significantly depending on the jurisdiction that regulates the activity. This article looks at the most affordable online gambling licence options based on their costs, requirements and benefits for start-ups and small businesses.

Criteria for selecting a cost-effective licence

The following aspects are worth considering when choosing an online gambling licence:

  • Licence fee: Includes initial and annual fees.
  • Application process: The complexity and length of the licensing process.
  • Tax Burden: The rates of taxes and fees applicable to transactions in the selected jurisdiction.
  • Jurisdiction’s reputation: Influences the trust of clients and partners.

The Cheapest Online Gambling License

Jurisdictions with the lowest licence costs

1. Curaçao

Curaçao is known as one of the most accessible and popular jurisdictions to obtain an online gambling licence. The Curaçao licence allows for a wide range of gambling activities including sports betting, casinos and poker.

  • Cost: The initial cost of obtaining a licence can be around $20,000 with annual updates and payments of around $10,000.
  • Tax policy: Income tax is around 2%, making it attractive to many operators.

2. Costa Rica

Costa Rica is another popular choice for online gambling startups. The country provides so-called “data processing licences” that are widely used for online gambling.

  • Cost: Establishment and licensing costs can be under $15,000, with minimal annual costs to maintain operations.
  • Regulatory environment: Relatively light, without strict reporting and auditing requirements.

3. Gibraltar

Although the cost of a licence in Gibraltar is higher than in Curaçao or Costa Rica, the jurisdiction offers significant tax benefits and has a high reputation.

  • Cost: Start-up costs can be as high as $30,000, with annual payments of about $28,000.
  • Tax structure: Low corporate tax rate and incentives for large multinational companies.


The choice of jurisdiction to obtain an online gambling licence depends on many factors, including budget, business objectives and target audience. Curaçao and Costa Rica offer the most affordable options in terms of start-up and annual costs, while Gibraltar may offer more in terms of reputation and tax benefits. It is important to carefully assess all possible risks and benefits before making a decision.

How to get an online gambling licence?

Obtaining an online gambling licence is a complex and multi-step process that requires strict compliance with regulatory rules and requirements. In this article we will look at the basic steps required to successfully obtain an online gambling licence in different jurisdictions.

Step 1: Market research and choice of jurisdiction

The first step in obtaining an online gambling licence is to research the market and choose the right jurisdiction for your business. Consider the following aspects:

  • Reputation and reliability: Research the reputation and reliability of different jurisdictions in regulating gambling.
  • Licence costs: Estimate the initial and annual costs of obtaining and maintaining a licence.
  • Requirements and Conditions: Review the licensing requirements and conditions for each specific jurisdiction, including financial obligations, technical requirements and inspection procedures.

Step 2: Preparing documentation and application

Once a jurisdiction has been selected, all necessary documentation must be prepared and an application for a licence completed. This may include the following:

  • Business Plan: Develop a detailed business plan outlining your business strategies, monetisation model, marketing plan and financial projections.
  • Financial Statements: Provide financial statements that demonstrate your financial strength and ability to meet financial obligations.
  • Technical specifications: Provide the technical specifications of your gaming platform, including information on security and user data protection.
  • Other documents: Depending on the requirements of the particular jurisdiction, you may also need to provide other documents such as copies of passports of the company’s managing directors and directors, certificates of criminal record, etc.

Step 3: Submitting an application and passing the checks

Once the documentation has been prepared, the next step is to apply for licensing with the relevant regulatory body. Once the application is submitted, your company will be subjected to a thorough inspection, which may include:

  • Financial review: The regulator may check your financial statements to ensure your financial strength and the legitimacy of your sources of income.
  • Technical Verification: Your gaming platform will be checked to ensure it meets technical and security standards.
  • Verification of persons: The regulator may vet the managers and directors of the company to ensure that they are professional and reliable.

Step 4: Obtaining and maintaining a licence

If your application is approved, you will be granted an online gambling licence. However, to keep it in force, you will need to comply with all the conditions and requirements set by the regulator. This may include annual payments to renew your licence, adhering to responsible gambling rules and policies, and providing regular reporting.


Obtaining an online gambling licence is a complex process that requires careful preparation and strict adherence to the rules and regulations of the regulatory body. However, with the right approach and fulfilment of all requirements, it can be a key step towards successful and legal business in the online gambling industry.

What is a gambling licence?

A gambling licence is a mandatory document for the legal conduct of gambling business in many countries around the world. It is issued to companies and entrepreneurs who wish to organise and conduct gambling, both in the real world and online. In this article we will look at the key aspects of a gambling licence and its role in the gambling industry.

Definition of a gambling licence

A gambling licence is an official permit issued by a competent authority or regulatory institution that allows legal persons or companies to conduct legal gambling activities. This document confirms that the licence holder meets all legal requirements related to gambling and undertakes to comply with the established rules and regulations.

Regulation and control

One of the main purposes of gambling licensing is to ensure that the interests of players are protected and to prevent criminal activity in the gambling industry. Regulators usually set strict rules and standards for obtaining a licence, including checking the financial stability of the applicant, verifying its reputation and reliability, and enforcing responsible gambling policies.

Types of gambling licences

Depending on the particular jurisdiction and type of gambling activity, there are several types of gambling licences. Some of these include:

  • Casino Licence: Permits the organisation and operation of casinos, including slot machines, table games and roulette.
  • Sports Betting Licence: Allows you to accept bets on sporting events and competitions.
  • Poker Licence: Permits the organisation of poker tournaments and games.
  • Lottery Licence: Allows for lottery games and prize draws.


A gambling licence is an integral part of the regulation and control of the gambling industry. It ensures the legality and transparency of operators’ activities and protects the interests of players. Obtaining a licence requires compliance with strict rules and regulations, which contributes to the development of a responsible and sustainable gambling business.

Who needs a gambling licence?

A gambling licence is a necessary document for various categories of individuals and companies involved in organising and conducting gambling activities. In this article we will look at the main categories of persons who need a gambling licence and why it is important to comply with the law and ensure the legality of activities in the gambling industry.

Online gambling operators

Owners and operators of online casinos, poker rooms, sports betting shops and other online gambling platforms are required to have a gambling licence. This includes both large international companies and small start-ups wishing to enter the online gambling market.

Land-based casinos and gaming facilities

Owners and operators of land-based casinos and gaming establishments must also hold the appropriate gambling licences. This includes casinos, gambling halls, betting shops and other real-world gambling establishments.

Software and service providers

In addition, gambling software and service providers such as gaming platform developers, payment processors, fraud prevention companies and others may also need a gambling licence, depending on the legal and regulatory requirements in their country.

Advantages of having a gambling licence

Possessing a gambling licence provides a number of advantages for operators and companies in the gambling industry:

  • Legality and legality: Possession of a licence confirms the legality and legitimacy of the operator’s or company’s activities to government authorities and customers.
  • Trust and reputation: A gambling licence increases the trust of customers and partners, which helps to attract new players and grow the business.
  • Player protection: Regulatory authorities usually set strict rules and regulations to ensure that the interests of players are protected and to prevent criminal activity in the gambling industry.


A gambling licence is required for various categories of individuals and companies involved in the gambling industry, including online operators, land-based casinos, software and service providers. Possession of a licence ensures legality, trust and protection of players’ interests, which are key factors for success in the industry.

How to obtain a gambling licence

Obtaining a gambling licence is an important step for those who want to run a legitimate and successful business in the gambling industry. In this article we will look at the basic steps required to successfully obtain a gambling licence in different jurisdictions.

1. Market research and choice of jurisdiction

The first step in obtaining a gambling licence is to research the market and choose a suitable jurisdiction. Take into account the following aspects:

  • Jurisdictional Reputation: Examine the reputation and reliability of various jurisdictions in regulating gambling.
  • Requirements and Conditions: Review the licensing requirements and conditions for each specific jurisdiction, including financial obligations, technical requirements and inspection procedures.

2. Preparation of documentation and application

Once a jurisdiction has been selected, all necessary documentation must be prepared and an application for a licence completed. This may include the following:

  • Business Plan: Develop a detailed business plan outlining your business strategies, monetisation model, marketing plan and financial projections.
  • Financial Statements: Provide financial statements that demonstrate your financial strength and ability to meet financial obligations.
  • Technical specifications: Provide the technical specifications of your gaming platform, including information on security and user data protection.
  • Other documents: Depending on the requirements of the particular jurisdiction, you may also need to provide other documents such as copies of passports of the company’s managing directors and directors, certificates of criminal record, etc.

3. Submitting an application and undergoing checks

Once the documentation has been prepared, the next step is to apply for licensing with the relevant regulatory body. Once the application is submitted, your company will be subjected to a thorough inspection, which may include:

  • Financial review: The regulator may check your financial statements to ensure your financial strength and the legitimacy of your sources of income.
  • Technical Verification: Your gaming platform will be checked to ensure it meets technical standards and security requirements.
  • Verification of persons: The regulator may vet the managers and directors of the company to ensure that they are professional and reliable.

4. Obtaining and maintaining a licence

If your application is approved, you will be granted a gambling licence. However, to keep it in operation, you will need to comply with all the conditions and requirements set out by the regulator. This may include paying annual fees to renew your licence, complying with responsible gambling rules and policies, and providing regular reporting.


Obtaining a gambling licence is a complex and multi-step process that requires careful preparation, strict compliance with rules and regulations, and passing various inspections. However, with the right approach and fulfilment of all requirements, it can be a key step towards a successful and legal business in the gambling industry.

How long does it take to get a gambling licence?

Obtaining a gambling licence is a process that can take varying amounts of time depending on several factors. In this article we will look at the main aspects that affect the timeframe for obtaining a gambling licence and the expectations of entrepreneurs wishing to enter this industry.

1. Jurisdiction

The time it takes to obtain a gambling licence can vary significantly depending on the jurisdiction chosen. Some countries and regions have more complex and lengthy licensing procedures, while others may be more flexible and expeditious. For example, in some countries the process of obtaining a licence may take several months, while in others it may take only a few weeks.

2. Licence type

The timeframe for obtaining a licence also depends on the type of gambling activity and the type of licence you wish to obtain. For example, an online casino licence may take more time and effort to obtain than a sports betting or lottery licence.

3. Preparation of documentation and verification

The timeframe for obtaining a licence may also be related to the process of preparing the necessary documentation and passing regulatory inspections. This includes the submission of financial statements, technical specifications of the gaming platform, and verification of the applicant’s reputation and reliability.

4. Working with regulators

The timeframe for obtaining a licence may also depend on interaction with regulators and responses to additional requests and requirements. It is important to maintain open communication with regulators and provide them with all necessary information in a timely manner to minimise delays in the process.


The time taken to obtain a gambling licence can vary from case to case and depends on many factors. It is important to have realistic expectations and be prepared for the fact that the process may take several months. Nevertheless, with the right approach and compliance, obtaining a licence is a key step towards a successful and legal business in the gambling industry.

Do you need a gambling licence for a raffle?

Prize draws are a popular way to raise awareness of a brand or organisation, but many people wonder whether a gambling licence is required to run a raffle. In this article we will look at the main aspects and requirements for running a raffle and answer the question of whether a gambling licence is required for this activity.

Raffle and gambling: Differences and similarities

Before we discuss the need for a gambling licence for raffles, it is important to understand the differences between the two activities. A raffle is usually a random random distribution of prizes to participants without the need for betting or the risk of losing money. In contrast, gambling involves betting with the risk of losing money in order to win.

Legislation and regulation

Many jurisdictions have laws and regulations governing raffles and gambling. Some jurisdictions may require licensing to conduct raffles, especially if they involve commercial activities or are organised by large companies or non-profit organisations.

Need for a gambling licence for raffles

In most cases, the conduct of a prize draw does not require a gambling licence, especially if the draw does not involve commercial activity and is conducted fairly and openly. However, some jurisdictions may have specific requirements or restrictions, especially if the raffle is for profit or in the case of large prizes.

Compliance with regulations and laws

Regardless of whether a gambling licence is required for a raffle in your country, it is important to comply with all applicable rules and laws. This includes conducting the draw in a fair and transparent manner, providing accurate information about participation and prizes, and complying with all regulations regarding the protection of participants’ data.


Although in most cases a gambling licence is not required to run a prize draw, it is important to familiarise yourself with your country’s legislation and comply with all applicable rules and requirements. A raffle can be an effective tool to raise awareness of your brand or organisation, but only if it is conducted in accordance with the law and with the interests of the participants in mind.

How to get online casino licence?

Obtaining an online casino licence is a key step for those who wish to run a legitimate and successful business in the gambling industry. In this article, we will look at the basic steps required to obtain an online casino licence and take a look at the licensing process in different jurisdictions.

1. Market research and choice of jurisdiction

The first step in obtaining an online casino licence is to research the market and choose the right jurisdiction for your business. Each country has different gambling laws and requirements, so it is important to choose a jurisdiction that suits your needs and allows you to operate your business legally.

2. Preparation of documents and application

Once a jurisdiction has been selected, all necessary documents must be prepared and an application for an online casino licence must be completed. This may include submitting a business plan, financial statements, technical specifications of the gaming platform and other documents required by the regulator.

3. Submission of the application and checks

Once you have prepared your documents, the next step is to apply for licensing with the relevant regulatory body. Your company will be subjected to a thorough audit, including a financial check, a technical check of the gaming platform and a reliability check of the applicant.

4. Compliance with requirements and conditions

Once a licence has been granted, all requirements and conditions imposed by the regulator must be complied with. This may include annual licence renewal fees, compliance with responsible gambling rules, regular reporting and other requirements.

5. Launching and managing an online casino

Once you have obtained your licence, you can start running and managing your online casino. It is important to provide high quality games, ensure the safety and security of user data, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


Obtaining an online casino licence is an important step for a successful business in the gambling industry. It requires careful preparation, adherence to all regulations and requirements, and ongoing compliance with all the terms and conditions of the licence. With the right approach and fulfilling all requirements, obtaining a licence becomes a key success factor in this industry.

Who needs to obtain a gambling licence?

A gambling licence is a mandatory document for certain categories of individuals and organisations wishing to operate in the gambling industry. In this article we will look at who exactly must obtain a gambling licence and why it is so important.

Casino and gambling operators

Casino owners and operators, including both physical and online casinos, are required to obtain a gambling licence. This includes companies that provide gambling services such as slot machines, roulette, poker, blackjack and other types of games.

Betting and lottery operators

Operators of sports betting, lotteries and other gambling activities must also be licensed. This may include companies offering betting opportunities on sporting events, as well as those organising lotteries and prize draws.

Suppliers of gaming equipment and software

In addition, suppliers of gaming equipment and software for casinos and gambling must also have the appropriate licences. This is important to ensure the safety and fairness of the gaming process and to protect the interests of players.

Organisers of charity events

In some jurisdictions, organisers of charitable events, such as charity raffles or charity prize draws, may also be subject to licensing requirements.


Obtaining a gambling licence is mandatory for anyone wishing to operate in this industry. This is important to ensure the legality and fairness of the gambling process, to protect the interests of players and to prevent illegal activities. Therefore, any company or person involved in gambling should pay due attention to obtaining the appropriate licence.

Gambling licence requirements

he obtaining of a gambling licence is an important step for any company or individual wishing to enter the gambling industry. In this article we will look at the basic requirements for obtaining a gambling licence and review the key aspects of the process.

  1. Jurisdiction and legislation

The first and most important step in obtaining a gambling licence is to choose the right jurisdiction and research the relevant legislation. Each country has different gambling laws and requirements, so it is important to choose a jurisdiction that suits your needs and allows you to operate your business legally.

  1. Financial stability

One of the key requirements for obtaining a gambling licence is the financial stability of the applicant. Regulators usually require financial statements and evidence of financial strength to ensure that the applicant has sufficient funds to operate the business and pay out winnings to players.

  1. Technical training

In addition to financial stability, it is also important to ensure compliance with the technical requirements of the regulator. This may include ensuring the security of the gaming platform, the protection of player data, the integrity of the gaming process, and compliance with all applicable technical standards and requirements.

  1. Responsible play and player defence

Regulators pay particular attention to responsible gambling and the protection of players’ interests. Applicants are usually required to develop and implement programmes to prevent gambling problems, provide information on how to get help for gambling addiction, and ensure the protection of player data and the prevention of fraud.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations

It is important to remember that obtaining a gambling licence requires compliance with all applicable laws and regulations set out by the regulator. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the revocation of the licence and other serious consequences.


Obtaining a gambling licence is a complex and multi-step process that requires compliance with many requirements and regulations. However, with the right preparation, technical training and compliance with all laws and regulations, it is possible and is a key step towards a successful business in the gambling industry.

How to get online casino licence?

An online casino licence is a key element for any entrepreneur looking to enter the gambling industry. In this article, we will look at the basic steps required to obtain an online casino licence and take a look at the key aspects of the process.

  1. Study of legislation and choice of jurisdiction

The first step in obtaining an online casino licence is to research the legislation and choose the right jurisdiction. Each country has different laws and gambling requirements, so it is important to choose a jurisdiction that suits your needs and allows you to operate your business legally.

  1. Preparation of documentation and application

Once a jurisdiction has been selected, all necessary documents must be prepared and an application for an online casino licence must be completed. This may include submitting a business plan, financial statements, technical specifications of the gaming platform and other documents required by the regulator.

  1. Submission of the application and checks

Once you have prepared the documents, the next step is to apply for licensing with the relevant regulatory body. Your company will be subjected to a thorough inspection, including a financial check, a technical check of the gaming platform and a reliability check of the applicant.

  1. Compliance with requirements and conditions

Once a licence has been granted, all requirements and conditions imposed by the regulator must be complied with. This may include annual licence renewal fees, compliance with responsible gambling rules, regular reporting and other requirements.

  1. Launching and managing an online casino

Once you have obtained your licence, you can start running and managing your online casino. It is important to provide high quality games, ensure the safety and security of user data, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


Obtaining an online casino licence is an important step for a successful business in the gambling industry. It requires careful preparation, adherence to all regulations and requirements, and ongoing compliance with all the terms and conditions of the licence. With the right approach and fulfilling all requirements, obtaining a licence becomes a key success factor in this industry.

What types of gambling licences exist?

A gambling licence is a key element for any business in the gambling industry. However, there are several different types of licences corresponding to different types of activities in this field. Let’s take a look at the main types of gambling licences and their features:

  1. Online casino licence

This type of licence is for online casino operators who offer games on the internet. The licence allows for a wide range of gambling games including slot machines, roulette, poker and many others. An online casino licence usually requires adherence to strict technical and legal standards, as well as security and player data protection guarantees.

  1. Sports betting licence

This type of licence is intended for operators who offer the possibility of betting on sporting events. The licence allows to organise and conduct betting on various sports such as football, basketball, tennis and others. Holders of such licences are obliged to comply with the rules and regulations set by the regulatory authorities and ensure fairness and transparency of the gambling process.

  1. Lottery licence

This type of licence is intended for organisers of lotteries and prize draws. The licence allows the organisation of various types of lottery games, including traditional lotteries, prize draws and other games of chance. Lottery licence holders are obliged to comply with all applicable rules and requirements, report on the games played and ensure the integrity of the draws.

  1. Poker licence

This type of licence is intended for operators of poker clubs and online poker venues. The licence allows you to organise and run various types of poker tournaments and games, including cash games and multi-contribution tournaments. Poker licence holders are required to comply with the rules of the game and ensure fairness and safety for all players.


Different types of gambling licences allow operators to provide a variety of gambling entertainment according to their needs and business model. Regardless of the type of licence chosen, holders have to comply with strict regulations and standards to ensure fairness, transparency and security in the gambling industry.

The most popular jurisdictions for issuing gaming licences

When obtaining a gambling licence, choosing the right jurisdiction plays a key role in the success of your gambling business. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules, tax rates and requirements, making some of them more popular with gambling operators. In this article, we take a look at some of the most popular jurisdictions for issuing gambling licences and what makes them attractive to operators.

1. Malta

Malta stands out as one of the leading jurisdictions for online gambling licences. The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) is renowned for its robust regulatory environment, providing a high level of consumer protection and ensuring the integrity of gaming operations. Malta offers a favourable tax regime for gambling operators, making it an attractive destination for companies looking to set up their online gambling business.

2. Gibraltar

Gibraltar is another popular choice for gambling operators seeking a favourable regulatory environment. The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (GRA) is responsible for issuing licences and regulating gambling activities in the jurisdiction. Gibraltar offers competitive tax rates and a well-established legal environment, making it an attractive destination for online gambling companies.

3. Isle of Man

The Isle of Man is known for its stable political environment and favourable tax regime, making it an attractive jurisdiction for gambling operators. The Isle of Man Gambling Control Commission (GSC) regulates all gambling activities on the island, enforcing strict regulatory standards. The jurisdiction offers a range of gambling licences suitable for a variety of gambling activities including online casinos, sports betting and poker.

4. The Island of Alderney

The Isle of Alderney is a well-established jurisdiction for online gambling licences, known for its strict regulatory standards and robust licensing process. The Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) regulates and licences gaming operators on the island. Alderney offers competitive tax rates and a reputation for a robust regulatory environment, making it a popular choice for operators seeking a safe and transparent gaming environment.

5. Curaçao

Curaçao is a popular jurisdiction for online gambling licences, especially among start-ups and smaller operators. Curaçao’s licensing authority offers a simplified licensing process and flexible regulatory requirements, making it accessible to a wide range of operators. Curaçao also offers competitive tax rates and a simple application process, making it an attractive option for operators looking to enter the online gambling market.

6. Costa Rica

Costa Rica is also known as a popular jurisdiction for online gambling. There are several reasons why many operators choose Costa Rica to obtain licences. One of them is the relatively low tax rates and the simple process of obtaining a licence. In addition, Costa Rica has no regulation of online gambling, which can be attractive to certain operators. However, it is important to bear in mind that the lack of strict regulatory standards can affect an operator’s reputation and player protection.


Choosing the right jurisdiction for your gambling licence is a critical decision that can have a significant impact on the success of your gambling business. The jurisdictions mentioned above are some of the most popular choices for gambling operators, offering a combination of regulatory stability, favourable tax regimes and robust consumer protections. By carefully considering the specific requirements and benefits of each jurisdiction, operators can make informed decisions and position themselves for success in the competitive gaming industry.

The risks of not having an online gaming licence

In the ever-changing world of online gambling, obtaining the correct licence is not only a legal requirement, but a critical step to ensuring the longevity and legality of your gambling enterprise. Running a business without a valid online gambling licence poses many risks that can expose your business to danger in a variety of ways. In this article, we will look at the significant risks associated with not having an online gambling licence.

Legal Consequences

Perhaps the most obvious risk of not having a gambling licence is the legal implications that accompany it. Many jurisdictions have strict rules governing online gambling activities, and running a business without a licence is often considered a serious offence. This can lead to hefty fines, legal penalties and even criminal charges in some cases. Without a valid licence, your business may be vulnerable to regulatory reprisals and legal action, which can have serious financial and reputational consequences.

Lack of consumer confidence

Gaming licences serve as a brand of legitimacy and trust in the eyes of consumers. Players are more likely to trust and use online gaming platforms that are licensed and regulated by reputable authorities. Without a valid licence, your business may struggle to gain the trust and confidence of potential customers, resulting in lower player attraction and retention rates. Building a loyal customer base becomes much more difficult when operating in a legal grey area, which ultimately affects your revenue and growth potential.

Financial instability

Running a business without a gambling licence can also lead to financial instability for your business. Without the protections afforded by a licence, you may be susceptible to financial fraud, payment processing problems and other financial liabilities. In addition, many payment processors and financial institutions require gaming operators to hold a valid licence prior to transacting, which can lead to difficulties in processing payments and accessing important banking services. This can hinder your ability to run your business effectively and lead to cash flow problems and operational inefficiencies.

Risk of fraud and criminal activity

Illegal gambling operations are more susceptible to fraud and criminal exploitation. Without the oversight and regulation imposed by licensing authorities, your business may be subject to money laundering, underage gambling and other illegal activities. Operating in an unregulated environment also increases the risk of security breaches, data theft and cyberattacks, putting both your business and your customers at risk. The lack of regulatory oversight leaves your business vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous actors, posing serious threats to both your financial well-being and your reputation.


In summary, the risks of running a business without an online gaming licence are multidimensional and extensive. From legal implications and lack of consumer confidence to financial instability and risk of fraud, the consequences of operating an illegal gaming enterprise can be serious and wide-ranging. Obtaining the appropriate gambling licence is not only a legal requirement, but also a fundamental step towards establishing a reputable and sustainable gambling business. By complying with regulatory standards and obtaining the necessary licences, gambling operators can mitigate risks, protect their interests and build trust and confidence among their players.

 Global gambling licences obtaining

In today’s world, online gambling is one of the fastest growing sectors of the entertainment industry. However, before you start doing business in this area, the key issue is to obtain the appropriate licence. A gambling licence is not only a legal document that confirms the legality of your business, but also an important tool for attracting players and ensuring their trust. In this article we will look at the process of obtaining worldwide gambling licences and the key aspects of the process.

Meaning of world licences

A World Gambling Licence gives a business owner the right to operate in different countries and jurisdictions. It allows operators to attract players from all over the world and expand their business beyond national borders. Obtaining a worldwide licence requires adherence to strict standards of safety, reliability and ethics, which increases player confidence and ensures the sustainability and success of the business in the long term.

The process of obtaining world licences

The process of obtaining worldwide gambling licences involves several steps and requires operators to comply with a number of conditions and requirements. Firstly, it is necessary to select a suitable jurisdiction that offers appropriate licences and regulatory standards. Next, a licence application must be submitted and all necessary documents and business details must be provided. This is followed by a compliance review and audit process where the regulator assesses the business’ compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. Upon successful completion of the audit, the operator is granted a gambling licence and can commence operations.

Advantages of worldwide licences

Obtaining a global gambling licence has a number of significant advantages. Firstly, it allows operators to expand their business in the global market and attract more players. In addition, a worldwide licence provides a high level of trust and reliability, which contributes to player retention and increased revenues. In addition, a worldwide licence allows operators to avoid the constraints of national markets and gain access to a wider range of gaming options and technologies.


Global gambling licences play a key role in the success of online gambling operators. They ensure legality, safety and player confidence, which are fundamental aspects of success in this competitive industry. Obtaining a worldwide licence takes time, effort and resources, but it pays off in the end through the ability to expand business and attract new customers. For operators seeking global recognition and success, obtaining a global gambling licence is a necessary step towards achieving their goals.

 Online gaming licence authorisation

Online gambling is becoming increasingly popular in today’s digital world, providing players with unique opportunities to have fun and win. However, in order to successfully conduct business in this field, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate licence. Authorisation of online gambling licences plays a crucial role in ensuring the legality and reliability of gaming activities, as well as protecting the interests of players. Let’s take a look at the key aspects of this process.

Importance of Online Gaming Licences

An online gambling licence is an official permit issued by the regulatory authorities that allows a business to conduct gambling activities over the internet. It is an important document that confirms compliance with all necessary standards and regulations, as well as guarantees players the integrity and reliability of the gambling process. Without a licence, operators risk facing legal problems and losing the trust and respect of their customers.

Process of Obtaining a Licence

The process of obtaining an online gaming licence may vary depending on the jurisdiction in which the activity takes place. However, it usually includes the following steps:

  1. Selection of Jurisdiction: The operator selects the country or region in which to operate and researches licensing requirements.
  2. Application: An application for a licence is submitted to the relevant regulatory authority, attaching the necessary documents and business details.
  3. Verification and Assessment: The regulator carries out a review of the applicant’s compliance with all requirements and standards. This may include a financial assessment, verification of gaming software and technical systems, and verification of the legal integrity of the business.
  4. Issuance of Licence: Upon successful completion of the verification process, the applicant is issued an Internet Gambling Licence.

Advantages of Licensing

Obtaining an online gaming licence has a number of significant advantages for operators. Firstly, it ensures legality and protects the business from legal problems and risks. In addition, the licence increases the trust of players and ensures a stable flow of customers. The licence also provides access to various payment systems and banking services, which simplifies financial activities and expands opportunities for business growth.


An online gaming licence is an essential element of a successful online gaming business. It ensures legality, reliability and player trust, which are fundamental aspects of success in the competitive gaming industry. Obtaining a licence takes time, effort and resources, but in the end it is worth the effort because of the opportunity to expand your business and attract new customers. For operators looking for long-term success and sustainability, obtaining an online gaming licence is an essential step towards achieving their goals.

 Licence for running lottery

 Lotteries are one of the most popular and widespread forms of gambling in the world. In order to organise and run a lottery legally and safely, it is necessary to obtain a special licence. In this article we will look at the key aspects and procedures for obtaining a lottery licence.

Meaning of a lottery licence

A lottery licence is an official permit issued by the competent state authorities that allows the organiser to conduct lotteries in compliance with certain rules and requirements. Obtaining such a licence is a mandatory step in order to organise lottery events legally and safely and to ensure that the interests of participants are protected.

Process for obtaining a licence

The process of obtaining a lottery licence involves several steps, each of which requires attention and preparation. The main steps include:

  1. Preparation of documents: The organiser must prepare and submit a set of necessary documents such as an application form, a business plan for the lottery, copies of constituent documents, etc.
  2. Submission of the application: After preparing all the necessary documents, the organiser submits an application for a licence to the relevant authority or institution responsible for issuing gambling licences.
  3. Verification and audit: The application and submitted documents are verified and audited by a regulatory body that assesses compliance with all requirements and standards.
  4. Issuance of the licence: Upon successful completion of the inspection and audit, the organiser is issued a lottery licence.

Advantages of licensing

Obtaining a lottery licence has a number of advantages for both the organiser and the participants:

  • Legality and credibility: The licence confirms the legality of the organiser’s activities and ensures participants’ confidence in the lotteries conducted.
  • Protecting the interests of participants: Licensing ensures compliance with lottery rules and protects the interests of participants from unfair practices.
  • Reputation and image: Organisers with a licence usually have a better reputation and an attractive image in the eyes of participants.


A lottery licence is an important element in the legal and successful organisation of lottery events. It ensures legitimacy, credibility and protection of participants’ interests, which are key factors for success in this field. When preparing to obtain a licence, it is important to carefully review all the requirements and regulations to ensure that the process is completed successfully and that the lottery events are carried out smoothly.

RUE customer support team


“Hi, if you are looking to start your project, or you still have some concerns, you can definitely reach out to me for comprehensive assistance. Contact me and let’s start your business venture.”


“Hello, I’m Sheyla, ready to help with your business ventures in Europe and beyond. Whether in international markets or exploring opportunities abroad, I offer guidance and support. Feel free to contact me!”


“Hello, my name is Diana and I specialise in assisting clients in many questions. Contact me and I will be able to provide you efficient support in your request.”


“Hello, my name is Polina. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information to launch your project in the chosen jurisdiction – contact me for more information!”



At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 661 75988
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Phone: +48 50 633 5087
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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