Bulgaria Residence Permit

Bulgaria Residence Permit

Bulgaria attracts foreign citizens not only for its picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage, but also for its favourable conditions for business and long-term residence. Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria opens up many opportunities: from work to study and entrepreneurship.

Categories of residence permits in Bulgaria

A residence permit in Bulgaria can be obtained on several grounds, depending on the purpose of stay and the status of the foreigner:

  1. For workers and entrepreneurs: Foreign nationals coming to Bulgaria for employment or business purposes may apply for a long-term residence permit if they have a valid employment contract or proof of business activity.
  2. For students: International students enrolled in one of the Bulgarian educational institutions can obtain a residence permit for the period of study.
  3. For family reasons: Foreigners married to Bulgarian citizens or with Bulgarian citizen children are also eligible for a residence permit.

Requirements and documents for obtaining a residence permit

The following documents are required to apply for a residence permit:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. A valid passport with copies of all completed pages.
  3. Documentary proof of the purpose of stay (employment contract, business registration documents, invitation from an educational institution, marriage certificate, etc.).
  4. Proof of sufficient financial means to live in Bulgaria.
  5. Health insurance covering the entire period of intended stay.
  6. Certificate of no criminal record issued by the competent authorities of the country of permanent residence.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit

  1. Submission of documents: The documents for a residence permit are submitted to the Bulgarian Migration Service or through Bulgarian diplomatic missions abroad.
  2. Application review: The review process can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the category of the application and the completeness of the documents submitted.
  3. Issuance of residence permit: After the application is approved, a residence permit card is issued, which is an official document confirming the foreigner’s right to reside in Bulgaria.

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria is a process that requires careful preparation of documents and understanding of Bulgarian legislation. It offers foreign nationals a wide range of opportunities for long-term residence, work and study in the country, facilitating their cultural and professional integration into Bulgarian society.

Data on how migration policies and practices are changing in Bulgaria.

A 22.3% increase in the total number of residence permits issued in 2023 compared to 2022 could indicate a number of factors, including increased economic activity and greater demand for foreign labour, as well as possible changes in migration policy aimed at attracting foreign professionals.

Analysing statistics:

  • Labour reasons: The leading category with 6,466 permits indicates a strong need for foreign workers. This may be due to the opening of new opportunities for foreigners in the Bulgarian labour market, especially in sectors with a shortage of local staff.
  • Family circumstances: The next largest category with 6,160 permits shows that a significant number of people move to Bulgaria for family reunification, which emphasises the social aspect of migration processes.
  • EU Blue Card: The decrease of 195 Blue Cards compared to the previous year may reflect stricter selection criteria or a decrease in the number of qualified applicants from third countries who meet the high requirements of this programme.
  • Single residence and work permit: The issuance of 4,299 such permits underlines Bulgaria’s strengthening integration efforts by allowing foreigners to legally work and live in the country, which contributes to both their economic integration and cultural enrichment.

This data reflects important trends in Bulgaria’s migration policy and can serve as a basis for analysing the effectiveness of current policies and developing proposals for their improvement. It may also be of interest for studies on the impact of migration on economic development and social stability in the country.

 Types of Bulgarian temporary residence permits

Bulgaria offers a variety of temporary residence permit options for foreign nationals, each of which corresponds to certain conditions and purposes of stay. A temporary residence permit is an important document that allows foreigners to legally reside, work, study and do business in Bulgaria for a period of one to five years.

  1. Residence permits for the self-employed and entrepreneurs

This type of residence permit is intended for foreign nationals who plan to establish or already run their own business in Bulgaria. Applicants must provide a business plan and proof of investment in the country’s economy, as well as proof of financial sustainability to support themselves and their family in Bulgaria.

  1. Residence permits for employees

In order to obtain this type of permit, foreign specialists must have a concluded labour contract with a Bulgarian employer. The documents must prove that they have the relevant qualifications and work experience necessary to perform professional activities in Bulgaria.

  1. Residence permit for students

Foreign students enrolled in accredited educational institutions in Bulgaria can apply for this type of residence permit. They must provide documents from the educational institution confirming their enrolment and the duration of the study course.

  1. Residence permit for family reasons

This residence permit is granted to foreign citizens who are spouses or children of Bulgarian citizens or foreigners already holding a residence permit in Bulgaria. Documents proving family ties, such as a marriage or birth certificate, are required.

  1. Residence permits for researchers and academics

Scientists and researchers who come to Bulgaria to participate in scientific projects or co-operate with Bulgarian scientific institutions can obtain a temporary residence permit. To do so, they must present an invitation from the inviting party and proof of funding for their activities.

Application procedure

In order to obtain a temporary residence permit, applicants must submit the relevant documents to the Bulgarian migration services or through diplomatic and consular missions abroad. The process includes collecting the necessary documents, translating and notarising them, as well as submitting the application and paying the consular fee.

A temporary residence permit in Bulgaria offers foreign nationals a wide range of opportunities to develop their professional and personal life in Bulgaria. It is the key to a long-term stay and successful integration into Bulgarian society, allowing to legally work, study and do business. Given the complexity of the procedure and the multitude of requirements, it is strongly recommended to prepare thoroughly for the application process to ensure the successful obtaining of a residence permit.

 Duration of a Bulgarian temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit in Bulgaria provides foreign nationals with the opportunity to legally reside, work or study in Bulgaria for a specified period of time. Understanding the validity of this permit and the conditions for its renewal is an important aspect of planning a long-term stay in Bulgaria.

Main terms of the temporary residence permit

  1. General duration of validity: A temporary residence permit in Bulgaria is usually issued for a period of one to five years, depending on the reason for obtaining it.
  2. For employees: The residence permit issued to workers and professionals usually corresponds to the duration of the employment contract, but cannot exceed five years.
  3. For entrepreneurs: Foreign nationals who start a business in Bulgaria can obtain a residence permit for a period of up to one year with the possibility of subsequent extension in case of successful business activity.
  4. For students: A residence permit for students is granted for the period of study, usually up to five years, or for the duration of the course of study.
  5. For family reasons: If the residence permit is obtained on the basis of family ties with a Bulgarian citizen or a foreigner holding a residence permit, its duration may also be up to five years.

Factors affecting the validity period

  • Type of grounds for obtaining: Each category has its own minimum and maximum validity requirements.
  • Migration authorities’ policy: Changes in migration policy may affect the conditions for renewing residence permits.
  • Compliance with legislation: Violations of migration or other legislation may result in a reduction in the period of validity or refusal to renew.

Procedure for extending a residence permit

  1. Application: The application for renewal of the residence permit must be submitted 60 days before the expiry of the current permit.
  2. Required documents: The extension requires the submission of documents proving the continuation of the grounds for stay, such as a new employment contract, certificates from a place of study or documents proving the successful running of a business.
  3. Application review: The review process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a month.

The validity of a temporary residence permit in Bulgaria depends on many factors, including the purpose of stay and the policy of the migration authorities. It is important to prepare for the extension process in good time and strictly follow the requirements of the migration legislation to ensure the possibility to continue legal residence in the country.

 How to apply for a residence permit for Bulgaria?

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria is an important step for foreign nationals planning a long-term stay in the country. A residence permit gives the right to work, study and access to social services, as well as the possibility of free movement within the Schengen area.

Steps in applying for a residence permit

  1. Determining the type of residence permit: Depending on the purpose of your stay in Bulgaria, a residence permit can be student, work, business, family or other. Each type has its own requirements and conditions.
  2. Collection of required documents: The following documents will be required to apply for a residence permit:
    • A valid passport;
    • Documentary proof of the purpose of stay (e.g. employment contract, invitation from an educational institution, business registration documents);
    • Proof of sufficient funds for living expenses;
    • Medical insurance for the whole period of stay;
    • Certificate of no criminal record.
  3. Submission of documents: Documents are submitted in person to the Bulgarian Migration Service or through the Bulgarian Consulate in your country. It is important to note that all foreign documents must be translated into Bulgarian and certified.
  4. Payment of the state fee: When submitting documents, a state fee must be paid, the amount of which depends on the type of residence permit and the urgency of processing the application.
  5. Waiting for a decision: The processing time for a residence permit application can vary from several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of your case and the workload of the migration service.
  6. Obtaining a residence permit: Once your application has been approved, you will receive a residence permit card, which will be valid for a set period of time.

Frequently encountered problems

  • Incomplete Application Packages: One of the most common causes of delays in processing applications is an incomplete or incorrectly completed application package.
  • Errors in documents: Errors in documents, such as inconsistent dates, names and other incorrect information, may result in the refusal of a residence permit.

Family members of citizens of the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland who are not citizens of these countries are entitled to a residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria. This right applies to both accompanying and subsequent family members of an EU citizen. For this purpose, a number of procedures must be fulfilled and the relevant documents must be submitted.

The process of applying for a residence permit:

  1. Submission of the application: It is necessary to submit an application for a residence permit to the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, the Metropolitan Police Department or to the regional offices of the Ministry of Interior. The application must be submitted within three months from the date of entry into the Republic of Bulgaria.
  2. Required Documents:
    • Valid passport.
    • Document proving family ties with an EU citizen.
    • Long-term residence certificate of an EU citizen, if applicable.
    • A receipt for payment of state tax.
  3. Verification of residence:
    • Submission of one of the documents: document of title to housing, owner’s application for housing or other similar document.
    • If an owner’s application is submitted that is not submitted in person, a notarised signature is required.
  4. Obtaining a temporary certificate: After submitting the documents and until the decision on the case is made, a temporary certificate is issued, which confirms the right to stay in Bulgaria.
  5. Regulatory framework: Residence permits are issued in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002, which establishes a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals.

Long-term residence:

Family members of an EU citizen who have obtained a residence permit may reside in Bulgaria on a long-term or permanent basis, depending on the conditions and terms stipulated by their status. This grants them rights similar to those of EU citizens, including access to employment, education and social security.

This procedure simplifies the integration process for families, some of whom are not EU citizens, and ensures that their rights are protected under existing European Union legislation.

Preparing to apply for a residence permit in Bulgaria requires care and diligence in collecting and completing the documents. At every stage it is important to strictly follow the requirements of the migration authorities in order to avoid possible delays or refusals. A correctly completed application increases your chances of successfully obtaining a residence permit and opens up a wide range of opportunities for a long-term stay in Bulgaria.

Long-term residence in Bulgaria offers a wide range of opportunities for foreigners who want to stay in the country legally. The procedure involves several key steps and requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to successfully obtain authorisation.

Steps and requirements for obtaining a long-term residence permit in Bulgaria:

  1. D visa for long-term residence: First of all, applicants need to obtain a national D visa, which allows entry and temporary residence in Bulgaria during the residence permit process.
  2. Applying: The application for a long-term residence permit is submitted to the Migration Board. This application must be processed within 14 days.
  3. Required Documents: Various documents are attached to the application, including proof of secured housing, health insurance and sufficient means of subsistence to ensure that the applicant will not be a burden on government social systems.
  4. Grounds for obtaining: There are several reasons for which foreigners can obtain a long-term residence permit, including employment, investment, family circumstances, medical treatment, retirement and others. Some of these grounds require additional evidence, such as job creation or significant investment in the Bulgarian economy.
  5. Legal support: As the process can be complex and requires precise compliance with legal regulations, it is recommended to consult with legal professionals who will help to ensure that all necessary documents are correctly drawn up and the procedure is successful.
  6. Compliance with conditions: Once the application is approved, the foreigner must comply with all conditions stipulated by law, including registration at the place of residence and notifying the Ministry of Internal Affairs authorities of any changes in his or her status.

Helpful hints:

  • It is important to prepare and legalise all the necessary documents in advance.
  • It should be borne in mind that any errors in the documentation may delay the process of obtaining a residence permit.
  • Planning ahead and consulting with experts increases the chances of successfully obtaining the necessary permits.

Obtaining a long-term residence permit opens up many opportunities for foreigners to live, work and study in Bulgaria, making it an attractive choice for many people wishing to move to Bulgaria

Long-term residence in Bulgaria represents a significant simplification of the process of integration of foreigners into Bulgarian society and economy. Here are the main differences between permanent and long-term residence permit:

Permanent residence:

  • Term: Unlimited. A permanent residence permit allows a foreigner to stay in Bulgaria for an unlimited period of time.
  • Conditions for obtaining: Usually requires a long stay in the country (five years or more) or special circumstances such as marriage to a Bulgarian citizen.
  • Advantages: Allows you to participate in some forms of political life, such as voting in municipal elections.
  • Obligations: Integration into Bulgarian society must be demonstrated, including language proficiency and knowledge of the constitution.

Long-term residence:

  • Term: Up to 5 years, renewable.
  • Conditions for obtaining: Fewer requirements compared to a permanent residence permit. Can be obtained on the basis of capacity to work, investment, training or other criteria.
  • Advantages: Allows you to work and study in Bulgaria, as well as benefit from social security and medical services.
  • Obligations: You must prove your eligibility to renew your residence permit every five years by demonstrating that you fulfil the conditions for obtaining it.

Both categories of residence permit require applicants to provide proof of financial independence, housing and health insurance. However, the process and requirements for obtaining a permanent residence permit are stricter and are oriented towards demonstrating a long-term connection with Bulgaria.

If you are planning a long term stay or permanent settlement in Bulgaria, it is important to carefully consider all the requirements and options available to you in order to successfully complete the necessary paperwork. This may include consultation with a migration lawyer to ensure that all legal regulations are met and the process is as straightforward as possible.

Single permit for residence and work in Bulgaria

The process of obtaining a “Single Residence and Work Permit” (SRWP) in Bulgaria is part of a unified procedure designed to simplify and standardise the acquisition of the right to work and residence for foreigners from third countries. Let us describe in detail the steps of this procedure:

Stages of ERDP processing

  1. Submitting an Application:
    • The application for ERPR is submitted to the Migration Department or to the Migration Department at the regional offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    • The application may be submitted by the employer, an authorised person or by the foreigner personally if the latter already holds a long-term residence permit.
  2. Required Documents:
    • A valid alien’s passport.
    • A certificate of no criminal record issued by the country of citizenship or permanent residence.
    • Documents confirming the right of ownership or right to use the accommodation.
    • Proof of sufficient funds for living expenses.
    • Documents confirming the foreigner’s education, qualifications and professional experience.
  3. Verification and Consideration:
    • All documents and applications are reviewed by the Migration Directorate, which checks them for compliance with legal requirements.
    • If necessary, additional documents or elimination of identified violations may be requested.
  4. Solution:
    • Based on the documents and the opinion of the Employment Agency, the Ministry of the Interior decides whether to issue the ERPR.
    • The decision may be either positive or negative, depending on whether the information and documents provided meet the established criteria.
  5. Issuance of Permit:
    • Upon a favourable decision, the foreigner is issued an ERPR, which is a document confirming the right to reside and work in Bulgaria.
    • The validity period of the ERPR depends on the term of the employment contract, but may not exceed three years.
  6. Employer Responsibilities:
    • The employer is obliged to notify the migration services of any changes concerning the foreigner’s working conditions, as well as of the termination of the employment relationship.

Important Aspects

  • Labour market: Access to the labour market is regulated and depends on the availability of demand for a foreigner’s qualifications and the lack of availability of suitable candidates among nationals or EU citizens.
  • Compliance with conditions: Labour and salary conditions for foreigners should not be less favourable than for Bulgarian citizens.

This process allows for a standardised approach to the recruitment of foreign workers, while ensuring compliance with Bulgarian laws and EU regulations on migration and employment.

 Bulgarian temporary residence permit requirements

A temporary residence permit in Bulgaria provides foreign citizens with the opportunity to legally reside, work and study in Bulgaria for a certain period of time. This status plays a key role in the integration of foreigners into the social and economic life of Bulgaria.

To be eligible for long-term residence in Bulgaria, foreign nationals must fulfil one or more of the following conditions:

  1. Seconded workers: Foreigners sent to work within the framework of providing services in Bulgaria must have a permit issued by the authorities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy under the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act.
  2. Commercial activities: Foreigners carrying out commercial activities must create a minimum of 10 jobs for Bulgarian citizens, which must be maintained throughout their stay.
  3. Foreign professionals: Those residing in Bulgaria under international treaties to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
  4. Representatives of foreign commercial companies: After verification and evaluation of the submitted documents on the activities and tax compliance of the foreign company, up to three representatives may be granted a long-term residence permit.
  5. Financially secure parents of Bulgarian citizens: Parents must have sufficient financial means and documents proving family ties.
  6. Foreign medical patients: Those who are undergoing long-term treatment and have sufficient funds to cover medical and living expenses.
  7. Foreign media correspondents: With accreditation in Bulgaria.
  8. Pensioners: Entitled to a pension under the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria or another country.
  9. Family members of foreigners with a residence permit: Documents proving kinship and maintenance rights must be recognised or authorised in accordance with Bulgarian legislation.
  10. Volunteers of the European Voluntary Service.
  11. Researchers and students: Those who have a contract with a research organisation or are studying at a higher education institution in Bulgaria.
  12. Investors: Foreigners who have invested substantial sums in the Bulgarian economy may qualify for long-term residence.

To apply for a long-term residence permit, it is necessary to submit the relevant documents, including a valid passport, documents confirming compliance with one of the above conditions, and a receipt for payment of the state fee. Applications for long-term residence permits are usually submitted to the migration offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within three months of entering the country.

Categories of temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit can be granted on various grounds, including:

  • Recruitment Employment;
  • Self-employment and running a business;
  • Training in educational institutions;
  • Family Reunion;
  • Participation in cultural, scientific and other programmes.

Basic requirements for documents

Regardless of the category, the following documents are required to obtain a temporary residence permit:

  1. Application form for a residence permit.
  2. A valid passport with copies of all pages containing stamps.
  3. Documents confirming the basis for the stay: this may be an employment contract, documents on the registration of your own business, an invitation from an educational institution or documents confirming family ties.
  4. Financial security: bank statements or other documents proving sufficient funds to live in Bulgaria for the whole period of the requested stay.
  5. Health insurance covering the entire period of intended stay.
  6. Certificate of no criminal record from the country of permanent residence, translated into Bulgarian and legalised.

Application process

The application for a temporary residence permit is submitted in person at the Migration Service under the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria or through the consular offices of Bulgaria abroad. It is important to note that all documents must be properly translated into Bulgarian and certified in accordance with the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation.

Deadlines and fees

The processing time of an application for a temporary residence permit is usually between 14 and 30 days. Depending on the category of the residence permit and the urgency of processing, the amount of the state fee may vary. It is recommended to track current fees and document requirements on the official website of the Ministry of Interior or at consular offices in Bulgaria.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Bulgaria is a complex but important process for those who are planning a long-term stay in the country. Careful preparation and full compliance with the requirements of the migration service increase the chances of successful processing of documents and securing legal status in Bulgaria.

 How to get permanent residence in Bulgaria?

A permanent residence permit in Bulgaria offers foreign nationals many advantages, including the right to long-term residence, employment and access to the country’s educational and medical institutions on an equal footing with Bulgarian citizens. This status also simplifies the process of obtaining citizenship for those interested in doing so in the future.

Conditions for obtaining a permanent residence permit

A permanent residence permit in Bulgaria may be granted to foreign citizens who:

  1. Have lived in Bulgaria legally for at least 5 years continuously before submitting the application.
  2. Have a stable source of income sufficient to live in Bulgaria without the need for social assistance.
  3. Have health insurance covering all risks on the territory of Bulgaria for themselves and their family members.
  4. Observed all requirements of migration legislation during their stay in the country.

Documents required

You will need the following documents to apply for a permanent residence permit:

  1. Application form filled in in Bulgarian.
  2. A valid passport and copies of all its pages with stamps.
  3. Documentary proof of residence in Bulgaria for the last five years.
  4. Evidence of a stable income.
  5. Health Insurance.
  6. A certificate of no criminal record issued both in Bulgaria and in the country of permanent residence.

Application procedure

  1. Document Preparation: Make sure all documents are translated into Bulgarian and notarised if necessary.
  2. Submission of documents: The application and all attached documents are submitted in person at the Migration Department at the Ministry of Interior or through the Bulgarian diplomatic mission in your country.
  3. Waiting for a decision: Application processing times may vary, but the process usually takes from a few months to one year.

Frequently encountered problems

  1. Incomplete documents: Make sure you have provided all required documents.
  2. Errors in documents: Check the accuracy of all data in documents to avoid delays or rejection.
  3. Residency: It is important not to violate the residency regime while applying for a residence permit.

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Bulgaria is a significant step for foreign nationals wishing to integrate into the society and economy of the country. Careful preparation for the process and strict adherence to the requirements of the legislation will help to successfully complete all the necessary documents and accelerate the acquisition of permanent residency status.

Where to apply for permanent residence in Bulgaria?

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Bulgaria offers foreign nationals a wide range of opportunities for long-term residence and work, as well as access to social services on an equal footing with Bulgarian citizens. The process of obtaining a permanent residence permit requires careful preparation and application to the relevant authorities.

Where to apply for a permanent residence permit

  1. Migration Service under the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria
  • Main place of submission – Migration offices under the Ministry of Interior are the main instances for processing applications for permanent residence. Applicants must submit the required documents directly to the migration office located in the region of their residence in Bulgaria.
  1. Diplomatic representations of Bulgaria abroad
  • For applicants outside Bulgaria – Foreign citizens residing outside Bulgaria can apply to the Bulgarian Embassy or Consulate in their home country. This may be convenient for those who start the process before moving to Bulgaria.

What documents need to be prepared

Before applying to the migration service or diplomatic mission, the following package of documents should be carefully prepared:

  • Completed application form for a residence permit;
  • A valid passport and copies of all completed pages;
  • Documents proving legal residence in Bulgaria for the last five years;
  • Evidence of financial independence;
  • Health insurance covering the entire period of stay;
  • Certificate of no criminal record.

Application process

Once the application and all required documents have been submitted, the review process begins. The processing time may vary, but usually ranges from several months to one year. During this time, additional documents or clarifications may be required, so it is important to stay in touch with the migration service and respond to all requests in a timely manner.

Applying for a permanent residence permit in Bulgaria is a demanding process that requires not only the preparation of the necessary documents, but also the correct choice of the authority for submission. A correctly completed application and strict adherence to the procedural requirements increase the chances of successfully obtaining a permanent residence permit and provide the basis for future stability and well-being in Bulgaria.

 Required documents for Bulgaria permanent residence application

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Bulgaria is a significant step for foreigners wishing to strengthen their presence in the country. This status not only simplifies many aspects of life, including employment and access to social services, but also opens the door to Bulgarian citizenship.

Basic list of documents

  1. Application Form: The official document that needs to be filled in to apply for a residence permit. The application form can be downloaded from the website of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior or can be obtained directly from the Migration Service.
  2. Valid passport: The original and copies of all passport pages containing personal data, photograph, signature and stamps must be submitted.
  3. Photographs: It is usually required to submit several colour passport-size photographs that meet the requirements of the Migration Service.
  4. Proof of legal residence in Bulgaria: It is necessary to provide documents proving continuous residence in the country for the last five years. These may be temporary residence permits, registrations with local authorities and other supporting documents.
  5. Criminal record certificate: This document must be obtained not only from Bulgaria, but also from the applicant’s country of permanent residence if he/she has not lived in Bulgaria for all five years.
  6. Proof of financial independence: You must submit bank statements or other documents proving that you have sufficient funds to live independently in Bulgaria without claiming state support.
  7. Medical insurance: The policy must be valid in Bulgaria and cover all major medical risks.

Additional requirements

  • Housing documents: Rental contract or certificate of ownership in Bulgaria.
  • Family status documents: If applying with family members, marriage and birth certificates of children are required.

Application process

Documents are submitted in person at the Migration Service or through Bulgarian diplomatic representations abroad. It is important to make sure that all documents issued by foreign countries must be translated into Bulgarian and legalised in accordance with the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation.

Careful preparation for the process of applying for permanent residence in Bulgaria and full compliance with the requirements of the Migration Service significantly increase the chances of successfully obtaining the status. The correct execution of all required documents is the key to the successful completion of this stage of integration into Bulgarian society.

 Bulgaria residence permit by investment

In recent years Bulgaria has been actively attracting foreign investors by offering attractive business conditions and the possibility of obtaining a residence permit through investment programmes. This way allows not only to expand business horizons, but also to secure for oneself and family the right to reside in the country with the prospect of further obtaining a permanent residence permit and citizenship.

Basic conditions for obtaining a residence permit through investment

Bulgaria offers several investment options that can lead to a residence permit, including:

  1. Investments in the Bulgarian economy:
    • The minimum investment amount is usually from 500,000 euros.
    • Investments can be made in government bonds, shares in Bulgarian companies, or in the equity of existing companies.
  2. Job Creation:
    • The investor must create a certain number of jobs for Bulgarian citizens, which varies depending on the region and type of business.
  3. Property investment:
    • Buying a property in Bulgaria for an amount usually starting from 300,000 euros.
    • The property must be maintained for a certain amount of time, usually at least 5 years.

The process of applying for a residence permit through investments

  1. Preparation of necessary documents:
    • Proof of investment: financial documents confirming the investment.
    • Business Plan (if applicable).
    • Evidence of the legality of the funds.
    • Passport and other personal documents.
    • Certificate of no criminal record.
    • Health Insurance.
  2. Applying:
    • The application is submitted to the Bulgarian Migration Service or through the Bulgarian diplomatic mission abroad.
    • It is necessary to pay the state duty.
  3. Consideration of the application:
    • The review process can take anywhere from a few months to a year.
    • Additional documents or information may be requested.

Advantages of obtaining a residence permit through investments

  • The right to long-term residence in Bulgaria with all social benefits, including education and health care.
  • Freedom of movement within the Schengen area.
  • The possibility of bringing a family through the reunification programme.

Bulgaria’s investment programmes represent an attractive avenue for foreign investors wishing to expand their business and personal horizons in Europe. It is important to prepare thoroughly for the process, scrutinise all requirements and conditions, and consult with legal and financial experts to ensure the success of this significant investment.

 Bulgarian residency by investment requirements

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria through investment represents an attractive opportunity for foreign investors seeking to expand their business and secure legal residence in the country. Bulgaria, as a member of the European Union, offers a number of investment options that can lead to temporary or permanent residence permits.

Main investment options

  1. investments in government bonds:
  • The minimum investment amount is 512,000 euros (1 million Bulgarian leva).
  • The investment must be maintained for at least five years.
  • After five years, the investor can apply for a permanent residence permit.
  1. Capital investments in Bulgarian companies:
  • Investment of at least EUR 250,000 in the capital of a company engaged in certain activities and creating at least 10 jobs for Bulgarian citizens.
  • Investors who invest in industrial companies in sparsely populated regions may face lower job creation requirements.
  1. Property purchase:
  • Property investment of at least 300,000 euros.
  • The property must be registered in the name of the investor and cannot be sold for five years.

Documents and application procedure

  1. Document preparation:
  • Proof of investment (bank statements, property certificate, documents from the company).
  • A valid passport.
  • Certificate of no criminal record from the country of origin and from all countries where the investor has resided for the last 5 years.
  • Health insurance covering the period of stay in Bulgaria.
  • Financial security: documents proving sufficient funds for living in Bulgaria.
  1. Submission of an application:
  • The application for a residence permit is submitted to the Bulgarian Migration Service or through a Bulgarian consulate abroad.
  • The application is reviewed within 30 working days.

Advantages of obtaining a residence permit through investments

  • Access to the EU market: The residence permit allows you to move and work freely within the European Union.
  • Family reunification: Possibility to include family members in the residence permit programme.
  • Long-term prospects: After five years of residence on the basis of a residence permit, it is possible to obtain a permanent residence permit and subsequently apply for citizenship.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria through investment requires a significant financial investment and careful preparation of documents. However, the advantages offered by this status make it an attractive choice for many foreign investors seeking to expand their business operations and the possibility of long-term residence in Europe.

 How long does it take to process a Bulgaria residence permit?

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria is a key step for foreign nationals wishing to reside and work legally in the country. The time required to process a residence permit application can vary depending on many factors, including the type of residence permit, the accuracy and completeness of the documents submitted, and the current workload of the migration services.

Main types of residence permits and their processing

  1. Temporary residence permit:
  • Usually granted to foreign nationals coming to Bulgaria for work, study, family reasons or investment programmes.
  • Processing time: Applications for temporary residence permits are usually processed within 14-30 working days from the date of submission of the full set of documents.
  1. Permanent residence permit:
  • Granted to persons who have resided in Bulgaria legally for at least five years.
  • Processing time: Applications for permanent residence permits can take several months to a year to process, depending on the complexity of the case and the checks required to confirm eligibility.

Factors affecting processing times

  1. Completeness of documentation:
  • Incomplete or incorrect documents are one of the main reasons for delays in processing applications. Ensure that all required documents are submitted completely and correctly completed.
  1. Seasonal variations:
  • During peak periods, such as the tourist season or holidays, processing times may increase due to the high volume of applications.
  1. the individual characteristics of the application:
  • Some cases may require additional verification or collection of additional information, which may also affect the processing time of the application.

Tips to speed up the process

  1. Prepare all documents in advance:
  • Before submitting your application, make sure that you have all the necessary documents and that they are all correctly completed and translated into Bulgarian.
  1. Consultation with professionals:
  • Consider consulting with a lawyer or migration specialist who can assist with document preparation and provide up-to-date information on current requirements and processing times.
  1. Timely filing of documents:
  • Apply as early as possible, especially if your plans depend on obtaining a residence permit within a certain time frame.

Processing times for residence permit applications in Bulgaria can vary considerably. Preparation, following the instructions exactly and understanding the process can make it much easier and quicker to obtain the necessary status. It is important to approach the preparation process with complete seriousness and attention to detail.

How long after permanent residency can I apply for Bulgarian citizenship?

Obtaining Bulgarian citizenship after living in the country with a permanent residence permit is an important issue for many foreign nationals who wish to fully integrate into the society and culture of the country. Knowing the exact timelines and requirements for applying for citizenship will help applicants adequately prepare for the process.

Basic conditions for applying for citizenship

To apply for Bulgarian citizenship after obtaining a permanent residence permit, applicants must fulfil the following basic criteria:

  1. Period of residence: Applicants must have resided continuously in Bulgaria with a permanent residence permit for at least five years. This period is mandatory for most categories of foreign nationals.
  2. Knowledge of the Bulgarian language: It is necessary to prove knowledge of the Bulgarian language at a level sufficient for communication and understanding of the culture and legislation of the country. This is usually confirmed by passing a relevant examination.
  3. Integration into Bulgarian society: The applicant must demonstrate his/her integration into society, which may include having a regular job, participation in social life and tax contributions.
  4. No criminal record: It is necessary to submit a certificate of no criminal record from both Bulgaria and the country of origin or previous residence.

Additional conditions and exemptions

In some cases, deadlines may be shortened:

  • Marriage to a Bulgarian citizen: If the applicant is married to a Bulgarian citizen and has lived in the country for at least three years with a permanent residence permit, he or she may apply for citizenship earlier than the general five-year time limit.
  • Outstanding achievements: Persons who have made a significant contribution to the Bulgarian economy, culture or sport may qualify for accelerated citizenship.

The process of applying for citizenship

The application for citizenship is submitted through the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice. The process involves preparing and submitting all necessary documents, going through an interview and possibly language and legislative examinations. The application process can take several months to a year.

Applying for Bulgarian citizenship is a significant step for foreigners wishing to deepen their connection with the country. Thorough preparation, fulfilment of all requirements and understanding of the procedure will ensure the successful completion of the process. This not only opens up additional rights and opportunities, but also emphasises the full integration of the individual into Bulgarian society.

 How can Regulated United Europe help with Bulgaria residence permit?

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria is a process that requires not only knowledge of local legislation, but also the ability to apply it correctly in practice. Regulated United Europe specialises in supporting foreign investors wishing to start or expand their business activities in Bulgaria.

Establishment of a new company in Bulgaria

  1. Preparation of the necessary documents: Regulated United Europe will help you to prepare and execute all the necessary documents for company registration in Bulgaria, which is the first step towards obtaining a residence permit for business activities.
  2. Advice on choosing the legal form of the company: Depending on your business plans and preferences, experts will suggest the best form of legal entity and help with understanding Bulgarian tax and corporate laws.
  3. Assistance in business registration: The company will provide a full range of services to register your company with the Bulgarian Commercial Register, including obtaining the necessary licences and permits.

Assistance in acquiring a ready-made business

  1. Searching for suitable business offers: Regulated United Europe will provide access to a database of businesses for sale that match your criteria and financial capacity.
  2. Due diligence: Before proceeding with a transaction, lawyers will conduct a comprehensive due diligence review of the business to ensure that it is legally clean, free of debts, liabilities and other potential risks.
  3. Transaction support: From negotiations with the seller to finalising the sale and re-registration of the business to the new owner, Regulated United Europe specialists will provide you with comprehensive support.

Applying for a residence permit

  1. Advice on the requirements for obtaining a residence permit: you will receive full information on the necessary conditions for applying for a residence permit through business activities, including the amount of investment and job creation for Bulgarian citizens.
  2. Preparing a package of documents for residence permit application: Includes collection of all necessary documents, their translation and notarisation.
  3. Filing documents and support at the migration service: Our lawyers will accompany you at all stages of filing documents and will manage your case until you receive your residence permit.


Regulated United Europe is your reliable partner in the process of obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria through business investment. Thanks to its professional approach and deep understanding of the Bulgarian legislation, the company ensures a high probability of successful outcome for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

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At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

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Phone: +372 56 966 260
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