Opening a bank account in Singapore

Singapore, recognised as one of the world’s leading financial centres, offers foreign businessmen convenient and transparent conditions for doing business, including banking services. Opening a bank account in Singapore is a critical step for any entrepreneur seeking to internationalise their business. Below is a detailed guide to the process of opening an account, completing the necessary paperwork and selecting the right bank.

1. Selecting a bank

Singapore offers a wide range of banking institutions, including local banks such as DBS, OCBC and UOB, as well as numerous international banks. The choice of bank should be based on several key factors:

  • The services and products that the bank offers should be tailored to your business needs.
  • Payment structure and account maintenance
  • The bank’s reputation and the quality of customer support.
  • Online banking and other technological solutions that facilitate financial management.

2. Preparation of documents

To open a bank account, you will need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • Passport or other identification document.
  • Evidence of business registration (e.g., a certificate of incorporation of a company in Singapore).
  • Documents confirming the legal address of the company.
  • Sometimes banks require a business plan or cash flow projection.

3. Personal presence

Most banks require the personal presence of the account holder to complete the account opening process. This is due to anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing measures.

4. Account opening process

Opening an account usually takes a few days to a few weeks, depending on the bank and the completeness of the documentation provided. The process may include:

  • Submitting an application and documents.
  • Conducting an interview with a bank officer to discuss the details of your business.
  • Approving the application and signing bank forms.

5. Virtual accounts as an alternative

In recent years, virtual or online banks that offer simplified account opening and maintenance procedures have been gaining popularity. Such services can be an alternative to traditional bank accounts, especially for companies operating in several countries.


Opening a bank account in Singapore is an important step in expanding your business and integrating it into the international trade and economic system. Choosing the right bank and preparing for the account opening process ensures a stable financial foundation for your business.

 How to open a bank account in Singapore?

Singapore is one of the world’s key financial hubs with a developed banking infrastructure, high level of service and a stable economic environment. For foreign companies wishing to integrate into this financial centre, opening a bank account is a top priority. In this article, we will look in detail at the process of opening a bank account in Singapore, discuss the required documents and the peculiarities of the country’s banking system.

Step 1: Choosing the right bank

The first step in the account opening process is to choose a bank that suits your business needs. Singapore has both local and international banking institutions. Some of the most popular local banks include DBS, OCBC and UOB. These banks offer a wide range of services for corporate clients, including multi-currency accounts, internet banking and trade finance.

Step 2: Preparing the necessary documents

To open an account you will need to provide a number of documents, which can vary depending on the bank you choose, but usually include:

  • Identity card (passport);
  • Documents confirming the registration of the company (certificate of incorporation, company charter);
  • Evidence of the company’s registered office;
  • Some banks require letters of recommendation from partner banks.

Step 3: Submission of the application and personal attendance

After preparing all the necessary documents, you should visit the selected bank to apply for opening an account. In most cases, the personal presence of the founders or authorised representatives of the company is required. During your visit to the bank, you will have to meet with a manager who will conduct an interview to clarify the details of your business activities and needs.

Step 4: Waiting for approval and account activation

After submitting all documents and conducting an interview, the process of verification and approval of your application begins, which can take from a few days to a few weeks. Once the verification and approval of your application is complete, the bank will activate your account and you can start using it.


Opening a bank account in Singapore requires careful preparation and an understanding of local rules and procedures. Choosing the right bank and following all requirements precisely will speed up the process and help you avoid possible complications. Thanks to its transparency and developed banking system, Singapore remains one of the most attractive financial centres for international business.

Choosing a bank account in Singapore

Singapore is renowned for its status as one of the largest financial centres in Asia and the world, offering a wealth of banking services for international entrepreneurs. Choosing the right bank account is a critical step in determining the ease of doing business, managing finances efficiently and optimising costs. In this article, we look at the key factors to consider when choosing a bank account in Singapore.

1. Assessing the banking needs of your business

First of all, it’s important to clearly define what banking services your business needs. This includes:

  • International payments: The need for cross-border transaction processing.
  • Currency transactions: Do you need accounts in different currencies?
  • Credit products: Availability of corporate credit lines, loans and overdrafts.
  • Investment services: Asset management and investment accounts.
  • Digital services: Online banking, mobile application, integration with accounting software.

2. Study of the market of banking institutions

Singapore has both large local banks such as DBS, OCBC and UOB and many international banks such as Citibank, HSBC and Standard Chartered. It is important to assess the following aspects of each bank:

  • Reputation and reliability: The bank’s history and its stability in the market.
  • The range of services offered: Does the bank fit the specifics of your business?
  • Fees and commissions: Transparency and acceptability of the cost structure.
  • Quality of customer service: Availability of support and quality of management service.

3. Preparing for account opening

After selecting a bank, you need to prepare a set of documents, which usually includes:

  • Company registration documents: Certificate of Incorporation, constituent documents.
  • Proof of legal address: Lease agreement or extract from the register.
  • Personal documents of the founders: Passports and other identification documents.
  • Business Plan and Financial Statements: Especially important for new companies.

4. Interaction with the bank

Before making a final decision, it is recommended to visit bank branches in person to assess the level and quality of customer service. The possibility of a personal meeting with a manager will allow you to discuss your individual needs and the specifics of servicing your business.


Choosing a bank account in Singapore is not just about choosing an institution to hold your funds, it is also a strategic decision that can affect the entire financial operations of your company. A responsible approach to this process will ensure that your corporate finances are managed efficiently and securely.

 Requirements to open account in Singapore

Singapore is deservedly considered one of the world’s most attractive financial centres for doing business, thanks to its stable economic policies, high level of investment protection and efficient banking system. For foreign entrepreneurs and companies interested in opening a bank account in Singapore, it is important to understand the specific requirements and procedures to be followed. Below is an overview of the main requirements that foreign companies will encounter when opening a corporate bank account in Singapore.

1. Documentary requirements

First of all, you will need to provide the following documents to open an account:

  • Directors’ and shareholders’ ID: This should normally be a foreign passport.
  • Certificate of Incorporation: This document confirms that your company is legally incorporated in Singapore or another country.
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association: These documents contain information about the company’s management structure and operations.
  • Proof of the company’s registered office: Typically, this can be a recent utility bill or rent for the premises.
  • Documents confirming the authorisation of persons opening the account: Decision on appointment of persons authorised to sign and their specimen signatures.

2. Personal attendance requirement

Most Singapore banks require the personal presence of the founders or authorised representatives of the company to complete the account opening procedure. This is due to anti-money laundering measures and increased scrutiny of financial transactions.

3. Minimum deposit and balance

Many banks in Singapore set minimum deposit requirements when opening an account and minimum balances to be maintained. These amounts can vary considerably depending on the bank and the type of account.

4. Bank charges and commissions

When choosing a bank, it is important to carefully examine the terms and conditions of fees and charges for account maintenance, transactions, as well as for international transfers and currency conversions.

5. Additional services

Some banks may offer additional services such as online banking, mobile apps, financial consulting and others, which can be useful for international businesses.


Opening a bank account in Singapore requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Choosing the right bank and following all the requirements will help ensure that your company’s banking services are successful and efficient. This will not only make day-to-day financial management easier, but will also help to further develop and expand your business internationally.

 How to open a bank account in Singapore from abroad?

Opening a bank account in Singapore is a key step for foreign entrepreneurs planning to do business in this financial hub. Singapore offers a stable economic environment and an attractive banking system, but the process of opening an account from overseas can present some challenges. In this article, we will look at the steps you need to take to successfully open a bank account in Singapore from another country.

Step 1: Researching requirements and selecting a bank

Before embarking on the process of opening an account, it is necessary to carefully study the requirements of different banks and choose the most suitable one for your business. It is important to consider such factors as:

  • Minimum balance requirements,
  • Account Maintenance Fees,
  • Availability of international transactions,
  • Quality of customer service.

Step 2: Preparing the necessary documents

The following documents will be required to open an account from abroad:

  • Directors’ and shareholders’ passports,
  • Constituent documents of the company (certificate of incorporation, charter),
  • Confirmation of the company’s registered office,
  • A business plan or brief description of the company’s activities.

Step 3: Verification and submission of documents

Most Singapore banks offer the option to start the account opening process online or via email, which includes sending scanned copies of documents. Some banks may require notarised copies.

Step 4: Interview by video link

Due to the requirements to confirm identity and discuss business details, the bank may request an interview with the directors or authorised representatives of the company via video link.

Step 5: Waiting for approval and account activation

Upon successful completion of all previous steps, the bank will conduct an internal review of the information provided. This process may take from a few days to a few weeks. Once approved, the account will be activated and the bank will send all necessary documentation and banking tools (cards, access to online banking) to the address provided.


Opening a bank account in Singapore from abroad requires careful attention to the preparation of documents and the selection of a bank. By following the above steps and taking into account the peculiarities of Singapore’s legislation and banking practices, it is possible to successfully complete the process, minimise risks and provide a reliable basis for conducting international business.

 How to open business bank account in Singapore?

Singapore ranks among the world’s leading countries in terms of financial services and attractiveness for international business. Opening a corporate bank account here is an important step for any company looking to expand internationally. In this article, we detail the process of opening a corporate bank account in Singapore, highlighting the key steps and requirements.

1. Selecting a bank

First of all, you need to decide which bank to choose. Among the most popular banks in Singapore are DBS, OCBC, and UOB. International banking institutions such as HSBC and Citibank are also present in the country and offer a wide range of services for corporate clients. It is important to choose the bank that best suits your business needs, including support for foreign currency accounts, international wire transfers, and favourable terms for lending.

2. Preparation of documents

To open a corporate account, the following documents must be prepared and submitted:

  • Certificate of Incorporation (Certificate of Incorporation), confirming the legal registration of the business.
  • Articles of Association (Memorandum and Articles of Association).
  • Passports and identity cards of all directors and shareholders holding more than 10% of the shares.
  • Evidence of the company’s registered office (e.g. utility bills).
  • Resumes (CVs) of the directors and major shareholders.
  • Business plan and financial development projections.

3. Application procedure

After collecting all the necessary documents, you should go to the chosen bank to apply for opening an account. In most cases, banks require a personal meeting with company representatives. During this meeting, the bank may request additional information about the nature of your business, your main customers and partners, and the purpose of opening an account.

4. Verification and approval of the application

After submitting the application, the bank will verify the documents and information provided. This process may take from several days to several weeks, depending on the specifics of the bank and the completeness of the provided data. After successful verification, the bank will open an account and provide the necessary banking tools and access to the online banking system.


Opening a corporate bank account in Singapore requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Choosing the right bank and following all the requirements will help ensure that your company’s banking services are successful and efficient. This will not only make day-to-day financial management easier, but will also help to further develop and expand your business internationally.

 How to open private bank account in Singapore?

Singapore is at the top of the global banking rankings, offering a safe and secure environment for financial transactions. Individuals wishing to open a bank account in Singapore can take advantage of a variety of offers from local and international banks. In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of opening a personal bank account in Singapore, highlighting the key aspects and requirements.

1. Selecting a bank

The first step to opening an account is choosing a bank. Singapore offers a wide range of banks, including local institutions like DBS, OCBC, and UOB, as well as international banks like HSBC and Citibank. The choice should be based on several factors:

  • Availability of services: Check whether the bank offers the services you need, such as international transfers or investment products.
  • Service Fees: Please note the amount of account maintenance fees, as well as other possible charges.
  • Usability: How convenient online banking is, whether a mobile app and other technological solutions are available.

2. Preparation of documents

The following documents will be required to open an account:

  • Passport or other identity document.
  • Proof of residential address, such as a utility bill or bank statement no older than three months.
  • Income certificate or other financial documents if required by the bank.

3. Application process

Many banks in Singapore allow you to start the account opening process online, but you will often need to attend a branch in person to complete the procedure. In some cases, it may be possible to simplify the procedure if you already have an account with the bank’s international network.

4. Verification and account activation

After providing all the required documents and information, the bank will carry out a verification process. This stage includes verification of documents and possibly additional requests for information about the origin of your funds. After successful verification, the account will be opened and you will have access to all banking services.

5. Peculiarities of banking services in Singapore

Banks in Singapore offer a high level of service, including multilingual customer support, various financial products and services. In addition, due to strict privacy and data protection, Singapore is considered one of the safest places to conduct financial transactions.


Opening a personal bank account in Singapore is a relatively simple process that nevertheless requires careful attention to selecting a bank and preparing the necessary documents. Given its high level of financial services and security, Singapore remains an attractive option for international investors and individuals seeking global financial inclusion.

 Opening a bank account in Singapore as a non-resident

Singapore actively attracts foreign investments, offering convenient and transparent conditions for doing business. Opening a bank account in this state is an attractive solution for many foreign entrepreneurs and individuals. In this article we will consider the main aspects and requirements related to opening a bank account in Singapore for non-residents.

Choice of bank

Singapore offers many banking institutions suitable for non-residents. Notable among them are DBS, OCBC, UOB, as well as international banks like HSBC and Citibank. When choosing a bank, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Accessibility of banking products for non-residents.
  • Account terms and conditions, including minimum balance and service fees.
  • The convenience of remote account management, especially important for those who do not reside in Singapore permanently.

Document requirements

To open an account, non-residents will need the following documents:

  • A foreign passport or other identity document.
  • Proof of residential address outside Singapore (utility bill, bank statement).
  • Income certificate or other financial documents proving sources of
  • Additional documents depending on the requirements of the particular bank, such as letters of recommendation or bank statements.

Account opening process

  1. Online application or preliminary communication with the bank: Many banks allow you to start the account opening process online, which is convenient for non-residents.
  2. Visit to the bank: While some transactions can be initiated remotely, an in-person visit to a bank branch in Singapore is often required to complete the account opening process.
  3. Identity and Document Verification: This step includes verification of the documents provided and possibly additional requests for information.
  4. Account Opening: Once all the formalities are fulfilled and the application is approved, the bank will open the account.

Features and tips

  • Prepare all documents in advance: Make sure that all documents are up to date and properly executed.
  • Study the terms and conditions: Carefully review the account terms and conditions to avoid unexpected fees and service charges.
  • Consultation with the bank: Discuss with your manager any questions you may have about the specifics of account management and available banking products.


Opening a bank account in Singapore for non-residents is a relatively simple process, but requires careful preparation and an understanding of local banking procedures. Choosing the right bank and strictly following the requirements will ensure a successful account opening and ease of use.

 Can a foreigner open a bank account in Singapore?

Singapore is one of the world’s leading financial centres, attracting foreign investors and entrepreneurs with its stable economy, high level of investment protection and developed banking system. The possibility of opening a bank account for foreigners in Singapore is a key aspect that facilitates the attraction of international capital. In this article we will consider the conditions and requirements for opening a bank account for foreigners in Singapore.

Basic conditions for foreigners

Foreign nationals can open both personal and corporate bank accounts in Singapore. However, the process and requirements for opening an account may differ from similar procedures for residents. Here are the main aspects to consider:

  1. Account Type: Foreigners can open current accounts, savings accounts, multi-currency accounts, and investment accounts with most Singapore banks.
  2. Documents: To open an account, you’ll usually need to show your passport, proof of residential address (either in Singapore or in your country of permanent residence), and other documents such as letters of recommendation from other banks or proof of income.
  3. Personal presence: Most banks require personal presence to complete the account opening process, although some initial steps can be completed online.

Advantages of opening an account in Singapore

Opening a Singapore bank account provides foreign nationals with a number of advantages:

  • Financial Stability: Singapore is known for its low inflation and stable currency.
  • High level of privacy and security: The country’s banking system is strictly regulated to protect the interests of all customers.
  • International banking services: Foreign clients can easily make international transfers, use foreign exchange control services and investment products.

Account opening process

The process of opening a bank account in Singapore for a foreigner involves several steps:

  1. Researching and selecting a bank: A foreigner should research the terms and conditions of different banks and choose the most suitable one depending on his financial needs.
  2. Collecting the required documents: Preparing all required documents in advance will speed up the account opening process.
  3. Visit the bank and submit the application: Personal presence is usually required to confirm identity and complete all formalities.


Opening a bank account in Singapore for a foreigner is a relatively simple and affordable procedure that can be done as long as all banking requirements are met. Due to its openness and attractiveness to foreign investors, Singapore offers unique opportunities for international financial transactions and asset management.

 Open bank account in Singapore online

In the era of digitalisation of financial services, Singapore continues to reaffirm its reputation as one of the world’s leading financial centres by offering the option of opening a bank account online. This makes the process more accessible and convenient for international customers looking to take advantage of the Singapore banking system. Below is a detailed overview of the procedure for opening an online bank account in Singapore.

Choice of bank and type of account

The first step in the account opening process is to choose the bank and account type that best suits your financial needs. Singapore is home to both local banks (DBS, OCBC, UOB) and international financial institutions (HSBC, Citibank). Depending on your needs, you can open a current account, savings account, multi-currency account or investment account.

Online account opening procedure

Banks in Singapore are actively integrating digital technology by offering customers to start the account opening process online. The steps may include:

  1. Filling in the online form: You will need to enter personal details, information about your financial activity and select an account type.
  2. Document preparation: For identity and address verification, you will need to provide scans or photos of your passport, proof of residential address (utility bill, bank statement) and possibly other documents depending on the bank’s requirements.
  3. Video call or interview: Some banks require a video call for additional identity verification.

Documents required to open an account

The following documents are usually required to open an account online:

  • A valid passport or other identification document.
  • A document proving your residential address.
  • A certificate of income or a document proving the source of funds.

Next steps after the application has been approved

After submitting all required documents and information, the bank will carry out a verification procedure. After successful completion of this procedure and approval of the application, the account will be opened. The bank will send you a confirmation and instructions on how to activate online banking and use the account.

Advantages of opening an account online

Opening a bank account online in Singapore offers a number of advantages:

  • Time saving and convenience: No need to visit the bank in person, which is especially convenient for foreign clients.
  • Quick access to financial services: You can start using your account as soon as you activate it.
  • Security: Singapore banks offer a high level of data protection and transaction security.


Opening an online bank account in Singapore is a modern solution for international clients wishing to take advantage of a reliable and efficient banking system. The online account opening process minimises formalities and provides access to a wide range of financial services, making it an ideal choice for international businessmen and individuals.

 Offshore bank account in Singapore

Singapore is one of the world’s leading financial centres, attracting international investors with its stable economy, strict regulatory environment and favourable tax policies. Opening an offshore bank account in Singapore offers businesses and individuals significant advantages, including tax benefits, confidentiality and asset protection.

Advantages of Opening an Offshore Bank Account in Singapore

  1. Tax Incentives: Singapore offers competitive tax rates and tax incentives for foreign earnings, making it attractive to international companies and investors.
  2. Confidentiality and Asset Protection: Singapore banks adhere to strict confidentiality rules to protect customers’ personal information and assets.
  3. Stability and Reputation: Singapore’s financial system is known for its stability and high regulatory standards, which minimises risk and increases confidence in banking institutions.
  4. Wide Range of Services: Singapore banks offer a wide range of financial services including international remittances, investment counselling, asset management and others.
  5. Ease of Account Management: Modern technology and online banking make account management convenient and accessible from anywhere in the world.

Procedure for Opening an Offshore Bank Account

  1. Choosing a Bank: The first step is to choose the right bank. It is necessary to consider the bank’s reputation, services offered, minimum deposit requirements and other conditions.
  2. Preparation of Documents: The following documents are usually required:
    • Passport or other form of identification.
    • Proof of residential address (e.g. utility bills).
    • A letter of recommendation from another bank.
    • Confirmation of the source of income (for individuals) or company foundation documents (for legal entities).
  3. Submitting an Application: After preparing the documents, you need to fill out an application to open an account. Many banks offer the option to pre-apply online.
  4. Interview: Some banks may require an in-person interview or video conference to confirm identity and discuss the purpose of opening an account.
  5. Application Review: The application review process can take from a few days to a few weeks depending on the bank and the completeness of the documents submitted.
  6. Account opening: Once the application is approved, the bank will open an account and the customer can start using it for financial transactions.

Requirements and Restrictions

While the process of opening an offshore bank account in Singapore is fairly simple, there are a number of requirements and restrictions:

  • Minimum deposit, which may vary from bank to bank.
  • Agreement with the rules and requirements of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
  • Compliance with international anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) regulations.


Opening an offshore bank account in Singapore represents a strategic move for businesses and individuals seeking tax optimisation, asset protection and access to high quality banking services. Singapore’s financial system offers a high level of reliability and confidentiality, making it an attractive choice for international clients.

However, before proceeding to open an account, it is advisable to consult legal and financial professionals to fully understand all aspects and requirements related to offshore banking in Singapore.

 How to open an international bank account in Singapore?

As one of the world’s leading financial centres, Singapore attracts international investors with its stable economy, strict regulatory environment and favourable tax policies. Opening an international bank account in Singapore offers many advantages for businesses and individuals, including access to international financial markets, tax benefits and a high level of asset protection.

Advantages of Opening an International Bank Account in Singapore

  1. Access to Global Markets: Singapore banks offer a wide range of services to international clients, including investment products and foreign exchange transactions.
  2. Tax Benefits: Singapore’s favourable tax system makes it attractive to international investors.
  3. High Level of Privacy: Strict privacy laws ensure that clients’ personal data and assets are protected.
  4. Financial System Stability: Singapore is known for its economic and political stability, which ensures reliable banking operations.
  5. Wide Range of Banking Services: From personal accounts to corporate banking, Singapore banks offer a variety of products to meet the needs of customers.

Step-by-Step Guide to Opening an International Bank Account

  1. Research and Choice of Bank

The initial stage involves researching various banking institutions in Singapore. Selection criteria may include:

  • Reputation and reliability of the bank.
  • Minimum deposit requirements.
  • Affordable services and products.
  • Account maintenance fees and commissions.
  • Convenience of online banking and mobile banking.
  1. Collection of Required Documents

To open an international bank account in Singapore, you will need to provide a number of documents. The basic list includes:

  • Passport: The applicant’s valid passport.
  • Proof of Address: Utility bills or bank statements not older than three months.
  • Letter of Recommendation: A letter from the applicant’s current bank confirming the applicant’s trustworthiness.
  • Financial Information: Documents proving source of income and financial status (e.g. tax returns, payroll records).
  • Constituent Documents: For legal entities, documents confirming the registration of the company, its articles of association and certificate of incorporation are required.
  1. Filling in the Application Form

Most Singapore banks offer an online pre-application facility. The application includes basic information about the applicant and the purpose of opening the account.

  1. Conducting Interviews

Some banks may require an in-person interview or video conference to confirm identity and discuss the purpose of opening the account. It is important to be prepared to answer questions about the origin of funds and intended transactions.

  1. Consideration of the Application

The application process can take from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the bank and the completeness of the documents provided. The bank will conduct an anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) compliance check.

  1. Opening of Account and Making a Deposit

After the application is approved, the bank will open an account. It will be necessary to make a minimum deposit, the amount of which depends on the conditions of a particular bank.

  1. Active Account Management

Once an account is opened, the customer has access to a wide range of services including international transfers, foreign exchange transactions, investment products and other banking services. Singapore banks offer state-of-the-art online banking platforms for easy account management.


Opening an international bank account in Singapore offers significant benefits to businesses and individuals, providing access to global financial markets and a high level of asset protection. However, the account opening process requires careful preparation and compliance with strict regulatory requirements. It is advisable to consult with financial and legal advisors in advance to avoid potential complications and maximise the benefits of the Singapore banking system.


As one of the world's leading financial centres, Singapore offers private customers a wide range of banking services that meet the highest standards of quality and security. Singapore banks are known for their innovation, reliability and customer-centric approach, making them attractive to individuals from all over the world.

Main Services for Private Clients

  1. Personal Bank Accounts

Singapore banks offer a variety of personal account options that cater to the different needs of customers:

  • Current accounts: For day-to-day operations and transactions.
  • Savings accounts: For accumulation of funds with interest accrual.
  • High Interest Accounts: For clients seeking to maximise the income from their savings.
  1. Deposit Products

Banks in Singapore provide various deposit products such as time deposits and fixed rate deposits. These products allow customers to receive a guaranteed return on their investment for a certain period of time.

  1. Mortgage Loans and Real Estate Loans

Mortgage loans are one of the key services for private customers, offering favourable financing terms for property purchases. Singapore banks provide a variety of mortgage programmes including:

  • Fixed rates: Stable monthly payments over the life of the loan.
  • Variable rates: Payments that may change depending on market conditions.
  1. Personal Loans and Credit Lines

To meet short-term financial needs, clients can take advantage of personal loans and credit lines. These products offer flexible repayment terms and competitive interest rates.

  1. Credit Cards

Singapore banks offer a wide range of credit cards with various privileges and bonuses:

  • Cashback: Cashback on purchases.
  • Points and Miles Accumulation: Loyalty programmes for frequent travellers.
  • Premium Cards: Exclusive offers and access to VIP services.
  1. Investment Products and Services

For clients looking to grow their capital, Singapore banks provide extensive investment services:

  • Unit Trusts: Access to diversified portfolios of assets.
  • Brokerage services: Trading in shares, bonds and other securities.
  • Portfolio management: Customised investment strategies developed by professional advisors.
  1. Insurance

Private clients can take advantage of a wide range of insurance products including:

  • Life Insurance: Family Protection and Capital Accumulation.
  • Health insurance: Coverage for medical expenses.
  • Property insurance: Protection of immovable and movable property.
  1. Wealth Management

Singapore banks offer comprehensive wealth management services for high-net-worth clients:

  • Family offices: Family asset management and financial planning.
  • Succession planning: Strategies for transferring wealth to the next generation.
  • Financial consulting: Individual investment and tax planning consultations.

Modern Technologies and Accessibility of Services

Modern technology plays a key role in the delivery of banking services in Singapore. Customers can utilise convenient and secure online and mobile banking platforms that allow:

  • Manage accounts and conduct transactions anytime and from anywhere in the world.
  • Access investment portfolios and analyse their performance.
  • Carry out international fund transfers with minimal costs and in the shortest possible time.


Singapore banks offer an extensive range of services to private customers, catering to their diverse financial needs and providing a high level of service. Whether it is managing day-to-day finances, investment opportunities, lending or insurance, Singapore banks provide reliability, confidentiality and innovative solutions to their customers. High standards of service, backed by advanced technology, make banking in Singapore attractive and convenient for individuals from around the world.

As the leading financial centre of Asia and the world, Singapore offers businesses a wide range of banking services that meet the highest international standards. Singapore's banks provide innovative and reliable financial solutions for companies of all sizes, from SMEs to large multinational corporations. This overview focuses on the core services that Singapore banks offer to their business customers.

Core Services for Business Customers

  1. Bank Accounts for Business

Singapore banks offer different types of business accounts that can cater to the needs of companies of different sizes:

  • Business Current Accounts: For day-to-day operations and cash flow management.
  • Accounts for SMEs: Special conditions to support small and medium-sized enterprises.
  1. Lending and Financing

To enable business growth and development, Singapore banks provide a variety of loan products:

  • Overdrafts and credit lines: Flexible solutions for managing short-term financial needs.
  • Business loans: Medium and long-term business development loans.
  • Equipment financing: Leasing and loans for the purchase of equipment and technology.
  • Factoring: Financing against the pledge of receivables.
  1. Trade Finance

Singapore banks offer a wide range of products to support international trade:

  • Documentary letters of credit (L/C): Securing international trade transactions.
  • Documentary Collection: Export and Import Document
  • Guarantees and sureties: Ensuring fulfilment of contractual obligations.
  1. Cash Management and Liquidity Management

Effective cash management is a key factor in running a successful business:

  • Account consolidation: Optimising cash flow management within a group of companies.
  • Electronic payments: Convenient and secure solutions for making payments and transfers.
  • Liquidity management: Programs to optimise the use of free cash flow.
  1. Corporate Cards

Corporate cards are a convenient tool for managing company expenses:

  • Credit cards for business: Providing favourable terms and bonuses for corporate clients.
  • Prepaid cards: Controlling costs and securing transactions.
  1. Investment Services

Singapore banks offer business customers access to a variety of investment products and services:

  • Corporate bonds: Opportunities for raising capital through bond issuance.
  • Investment funds: Diversified investment solutions.
  • Brokerage services: Securities trading on international markets.
  1. Risk management

To protect businesses from financial risks, banks provide the following services:

  • Currency risk hedging: Protection against exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Credit risk insurance: Protection against non-payment by counterparties.
  • Asset and property insurance: Protecting your business from unforeseen losses.
  1. Consultancy Services

Singapore banks provide comprehensive consultancy services for businesses:

  • Financial Planning: Developing strategies to manage a company's finances.
  • International expansion: Advice on entering international markets.
  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A): Support and support of M&A transactions.
  1. Digital Services

Modern technology plays an important role in business banking:

  • Internet banking for business: Account management and online transactions.
  • Mobile Apps: Convenient and secure solutions for mobile financial management.
  • E-commerce platforms: Trade automation and supply chain management solutions.


Singapore banks offer an extensive range of services to business customers, providing high quality service and innovative financial solutions. Regardless of a company's size and industry, Singapore banks provide tailored approaches and comprehensive programmes to meet business needs and support sustainable growth. With a robust and stable financial system, Singapore banks are reliable partners for businesses in the international arena.

Getting a credit card from a Singapore bank provides private customers with a convenient tool to manage their personal finances and access a variety of perks and benefits. Singapore banks offer a wide range of credit cards customised to suit different customer needs and preferences. In this article, let's take a look at the process of applying for a credit card in Singapore, including basic requirements, application steps and useful tips for successfully obtaining a card.

Benefits of Credit Cards in Singapore

  1. Flexibility and Convenience: Credit cards make it easy to manage your spending and make purchases anywhere and anytime.
  2. Loyalty Programmes: Customers can earn reward points, miles and cashback for every purchase.
  3. Transaction Security: Modern security technologies ensure a high degree of security when using cards.
  4. Access to Credit Facilities: Ability to use credit facilities with a grace period of up to 55 days.

Basic Requirements

To get a credit card from a bank in Singapore, you need to fulfil a number of requirements:

  1. Age: The minimum age to get a credit card is 21 years old.
  2. Income: Clients must have a stable source of income. The minimum annual income is usually SGD 30,000 for local residents and SGD 40,000 for foreign nationals.
  3. Credit History: Having a positive credit history is an important factor when considering an application.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Credit Card

  1. Choosing the Right Credit Card

Singapore banks offer a variety of credit cards with different terms and bonuses. Customers should choose the card that best suits their needs:

  • Cashback cards: Cashback on
  • Cards for travelling: Mileage accrual and access to airport lounges.
  • Premium cards: Exclusive offers and privileges for wealthy clients.
  1. Collection of Required Documents

The following documents are required to apply for a credit card:

  • Identification Documents: Passport or ID card.
  • Proof of Income: Bank statements, tax returns or income statements from your employer.
  • Proof of Address: Utility bills or bank statements proving residence.
  1. Filling in the Application Form

The application can be submitted online via the bank's website or in person at a branch. In the application form, you need to provide personal data, income information and select the type of credit card.

  1. Consideration of the Application

The bank will check the documents provided and assess the applicant's creditworthiness. This process may take from several days to several weeks. It is important to monitor the status of the application and provide additional documents at the bank's request.

  1. Obtaining a Decision

After reviewing the application, the bank will notify the client of the decision. In case of approval, the client will be issued a credit card, which can be activated and started using.

Useful Tips

  1. Selecting a Card: Explore the terms and benefits of different cards to choose the one that best suits your needs.
  2. Timely Payments: To maintain a good credit history and avoid penalties, it is important to pay off your card debt on time.
  3. Spending Control: Keep track of your spending and your card limit to avoid overspending and debt.
  4. Use of Privileges: Take advantage of all the bonuses and privileges offered by your credit card to maximise its benefits.


Getting a credit card from a bank in Singapore is a convenient and efficient way to manage personal finances. By following the step-by-step guide provided and complying with all the requirements, customers can successfully obtain a credit card and enjoy all its benefits. Singapore banks offer a wide range of credit cards, providing a high level of service and security to their customers.

Business credit cards are an important tool for managing corporate expenses and optimising financial flows. Singapore banks offer a variety of business credit cards, giving companies the opportunity to utilise credit facilities, receive bonuses and benefits, and improve financial management. In this article, we look at the process of applying for a business credit card from a Singapore bank, including the basic requirements, application steps and tips for successfully obtaining a card.

Advantages of Credit Cards for Business

  1. Expense Management: Business Cards allow you to effectively control and track corporate expenses.
  2. Credit Lines: Access to credit facilities with a grace period to help manage the company's cash flow.
  3. Loyalty Programmes: Possibility to accumulate points, miles or receive cashback for corporate expenses.
  4. Convenience and Security: State-of-the-art security technologies ensure secure transactions and convenient card use.

Basic Requirements

To get a business credit card from a bank in Singapore, you need to fulfil a number of requirements:

  1. Company Registration: The Company must be officially registered in Singapore.
  2. Financial Soundness: The Bank will assess the financial soundness of the company, including turnover and profits.
  3. Credit History: Having a positive credit history of the company and its owners will be an advantage.
  4. Documents: The need to provide a full package of documents confirming the company's activities and financial condition.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Business Credit Card

  1. Researching and Choosing the Right Credit Card

Banks in Singapore offer different types of business credit cards, each with its own features and benefits. It is important to choose the card that best suits your company's needs:

  • Cards with cashback: Cashback for corporate purchases.
  • Cards for travelling: Mileage accrual and access to business lounges.
  • Premium cards: Exclusive offers and privileges for corporate clients.
  1. Collection of Required Documents

To apply for a business credit card, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Registration Documents: Certificate of incorporation of the company and statutory documents.
  • Financial Statements: Balance sheets, income and expense statements for recent years.
  • Tax Returns: Income tax returns and other tax documents.
  • Directors' and Owners' Documents: Passports and proof of residence address of the directors of the company.
  1. Filling in the Application Form

The application can be submitted online via the bank's website or in person at a branch. In the application form, you need to provide information about the company, its financial situation and select the type of credit card.

  1. Consideration of the Application

The bank will conduct a thorough check of the documents provided and assess the creditworthiness of the company. This process may take from several days to several weeks. It is important to provide all necessary documents and information to speed up the application process.

  1. Obtaining a Decision

After reviewing the application, the bank will notify the company of the decision. If approved, the company will receive a credit card that can be activated and used.

Useful Tips

  1. Selecting a Card: Explore the terms and benefits of different cards to choose the one that best suits your company's needs.
  2. Timely Payments: To maintain a good credit history and avoid penalties, it is important to pay off your card debt on time.
  3. Expense Control: Use the bank's tools and reports to track and control corporate expenses.
  4. Use of Privileges: Take advantage of all the bonuses and privileges offered by your credit card to maximise its benefits.


Obtaining a business credit card from a bank in Singapore is a strategic step to better manage corporate finances. By following the step-by-step guide provided and complying with all the requirements, companies can successfully obtain a credit card and enjoy all its benefits. Singapore banks offer a wide range of business credit cards, providing a high level of service and security to their customers.

As one of the world's leading financial centres, Singapore offers a variety of banking products and services to both private and corporate clients. Opening different types of accounts with Singapore banks provides clients with a wide range of options for efficient financial management, tax optimisation and asset security. In this article, let's take a look at the main types of accounts that can be opened with banks in Singapore.

Main Types of Accounts for Private Persons

  1. Current Accounts

Current accounts are designed for day-to-day financial transactions. They allow customers to:

  • Make payments and transfers.
  • Receive a salary.
  • Pay bills and purchases.
  • Use debit cards for cash withdrawals and non-cash payments.
  1. Savings Accounts

Savings accounts are designed to accumulate funds and earn interest on the account balance. Key benefits:

  • Accrual of interest on the balance.
  • High level of liquidity.
  • Safety of Funds.
  • Ability to top up your account at any time.
  1. High Interest Accounts

These accounts offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts. Key features:

  • High interest rates.
  • Possibility of capitalisation of interest.
  • Stricter conditions on minimum balance and limitation on withdrawals.
  1. Term Deposits

Term deposits allow customers to place funds for a fixed term with a guaranteed interest rate. Benefits include:

  • Guaranteed Income.
  • Different placement periods (from a few months to several years).
  • Security of investment.
  1. Investment Accounts

Investment accounts are designed for customers who wish to invest in various financial instruments such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Key benefits:

  • Access to international financial markets.
  • Advice from professional financial advisors.
  • Opportunity to diversify the portfolio.

Main Types of Business Accounts

  1. Corporate Current Accounts

Corporate current accounts are designed to manage the day-to-day financial operations of a company. Benefits:

  • Making payments and transfers.
  • Payroll Management.
  • Use of corporate debit cards.
  1. Accounts for Small and Medium Businesses

These accounts offer special terms and services tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Main features:

  • Special rates and fees.
  • Business Consulting Services.
  • Support in tax and accounting matters.
  1. Trade Finance Accounts

Trade finance accounts provide solutions for managing international trade transactions. Main products:

  • Documentary Letters of Credit.
  • Documentary collection.
  • Guarantees and sureties.
  1. Investment Accounts for Business

These accounts are designed to manage corporate investments and assets. Benefits include:

  • Access to professional investment advisors.
  • Variety of investment instruments.
  • Hedging and risk management strategies.
  1. Accounts for Liquidity Management

These accounts help companies optimise cash flow and liquidity management. Key features:

  • Consolidation of cash.
  • Electronic payments and transfers.
  • Liquidity management programmes.

Special Account Types

  1. Non-resident Accounts

Singapore banks offer accounts for non-residents, giving foreign nationals and companies the opportunity to manage their funds in an international financial centre. Benefits:

  • Foreign Currency Accounts.
  • Confidentiality and asset protection.
  • Tax Benefits.
  1. Accounts for High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI)

These accounts are designed for high net worth clients, offering personalised wealth management solutions. Key services:

  • Premium Service.
  • Personalised investment and tax advice.
  • Exclusive products and privileges.


Singapore banks offer a variety of account types for individuals and businesses, catering to a wide range of customer needs. Whether you need solutions for day-to-day transactions, savings, investments or international trade, Singapore banks provide high levels of service, reliability and innovative financial products. Opening an account with a Singapore bank gives customers access to global financial markets and advanced banking technology, facilitating successful financial management.

Singapore is one of the world's leading financial centres and its banking system is known for its stability, innovation and high levels of service. In this competitive landscape, several banks stand out by providing a wide range of services to private and corporate customers. One of the key indicators of a bank's success is the number of its customers. In this article, let's take a look at which bank in Singapore has the highest number of customers and what makes it a leader in this area.

Banking Market Leader: DBS Bank

DBS Bank, also known as The Development Bank of Singapore Limited, is Singapore's largest bank by number of customers. Founded in 1968, DBS Bank has been able to establish itself in the market through its innovative strategy and high level of customer service. Today, the bank serves millions of customers not only in Singapore but also across Asia.

DBS Bank's Success Factors

  1. Innovation and Technology

DBS Bank actively implements advanced technologies in its operations. The Bank has become a pioneer in the use of digital technologies, which has enabled it to offer its customers innovative products and services. Mobile banking, online banking and other digital solutions make financial management convenient and secure.

  1. Wide range of services

DBS Bank offers a wide range of banking services for private and corporate clients:

  • Personal banking services: current accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, mortgages and investment products.
  • Corporate banking services: lending, trade finance, liquidity management and investment services.
  • Wealth management: personalised advice, investment strategies and premium service.
  1. Customer-centric Approach

One of the key success factors of DBS Bank is its customer focus. The Bank strives to understand the needs of its customers and offer solutions that maximise their expectations. A high level of service, personalised offers and professional advice create a positive customer experience.

  1. International Presence

DBS Bank has a significant international presence, enabling it to attract customers not only from Singapore but also from other Asian countries. The Bank is actively expanding its operations in China, India, Indonesia and other key markets, offering its services to millions of customers.

  1. Strong Financial Position

DBS Bank's financial strength is also an important factor in its success. The bank demonstrates strong financial performance, which ensures the confidence of customers and investors. A strong balance sheet, high liquidity and sustainable growth make DBS Bank a reliable partner for individuals and businesses.

Competitors in the Market

While DBS Bank is the leader in terms of customer numbers, there are other significant players in the Singapore banking market such as OCBC Bank and United Overseas Bank (UOB). These banks also offer a wide range of services and have a significant number of customers, but are still behind DBS Bank in this regard.


DBS Bank is deservedly leading the Singapore banking market in terms of customers. Its success is due to its innovative approach, wide range of services, customer focus and strong financial position. The Bank continues to actively develop and adopt new technologies, which enables it to maintain its competitive advantage and attract new customers. In the face of growing competition and rapid changes in the financial market, DBS Bank demonstrates its ability to adapt and offer its clients the best solutions for financial management.

Opening a bank account in Singapore, one of the world's leading financial centres, offers numerous advantages for both individuals and corporate clients. The process of opening an account requires preparation and submission of a number of documents. In this article we will consider what documents are required to open a bank account in Singapore, as well as provide useful recommendations for the successful completion of this procedure.

Documents for Private Persons

To open a personal bank account in Singapore, you will need to provide the following documents:

  1. Identification Documents
    • Passport: A valid passport is the main proof of identity.
    • Additional photo document: In some cases, a second photo document may be required, such as a driver's licence or national ID card.
  2. Proof of Residence Address
    • Utility Bills: Utility bills (electricity, gas, water) not older than three months.
    • Bank Statements: Bank statements containing information about your current address.
    • Tenancy Agreement: A formal tenancy agreement with your name and address on it.
  3. Financial Documents
    • Certificate of Income: Documents that prove your sources of income, such as payroll statements or tax returns.
    • Letter of Recommendation: A letter from your current bank confirming your trustworthiness as a customer.

Documents for Corporate Clients

To open a corporate bank account in Singapore, a company needs to provide the following documents:

  1. Registration Documents of the Company
    • Certificate of Incorporation: A document confirming the official registration of a company in its country of incorporation.
    • Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association: Documents containing information on the structure of the company, its founders and activities.
    • Directors' resolution: Minutes of the Board of Directors' meeting with a resolution to open a bank account and appoint authorised persons.
  2. Identification Documents of Managers and Founders
    • Passports: Copies of passports of all founders and directors of the company.
    • Additional Documents: In some cases, additional identification documents such as driving licences or national ID cards may be required.
  3. Financial Documents
    • Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements: Financial statements of the company for the last years.
    • Tax Declarations: Tax documents confirming the financial condition of the company.
    • Bank Statements: Bank statements of the company's bank accounts for the last few months.
  4. Proof of Company Address
    • Utility Bills or Lease Agreement: Documents proving the legal address of the company.

Special Requirements for Non-Residents

Non-residents wishing to open an account with a bank in Singapore should be prepared to provide additional documents and information. Depending on the policy of the particular bank, the following documents may be required:

  1. Visa or Residence Permit: A copy of your visa or residence permit for Singapore.
  2. Invitation Letter or Letter of Recommendation: A letter from an existing bank customer or business partner recommending you as a trusted customer.
  3. Evidence of the Source of Funds: Documents proving the origin of the funds to be placed in the account.

Useful Advice

  1. Preliminary Preparation: Prepare all necessary documents thoroughly to avoid delays in the account opening process.
  2. Consultation with the Bank: Before applying for an account, consult with a bank representative to clarify all requirements and conditions.
  3. Document Verification: Ensure that all documents provided are up-to-date and meet the bank's requirements.
  4. Knowledge of Procedures: Familiarise yourself with the procedures and timelines for application processing at your chosen bank.


Opening a bank account in Singapore requires a number of documents to prove the identity, residential address and financial status of the client. For corporate clients, the process includes the submission of company registration documents and financial statements. By following the above recommendations and carefully preparing the necessary documents, you will be able to successfully open an account with one of the banks in Singapore and take advantage of all the advantages of its financial system.

Obtaining a loan from a Singapore bank can be an important step to finance personal or business needs. Singapore banks offer a variety of loan products with favourable terms and flexible repayment terms. In this article, let's look at the process of obtaining a loan in Singapore, the basic requirements, application steps and useful tips for successfully obtaining financing.

Types of Loans

  1. Personal Loans
    • Consumer loans: To finance personal needs such as home repairs, education or medical expenses.
    • Cash loans: Fast cash for any purpose.
    • Mortgage loans: To buy or refinance a property.
  2. Business Loans
    • Loans for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs): For business expansion, purchasing equipment or replenishing working capital.
    • Commercial Mortgage: For the purchase of commercial property.
    • Trade finance: To support international trade and export-import operations.

Basic Requirements

  1. For Private Persons
    • Age: The minimum age to qualify for a loan is 21 years.
    • Income: Documents proving stable income (e.g. salary slips or tax returns).
    • Credit history: A positive credit history.
  2. For Corporate Clients
    • Company Registration: The company must be officially registered in Singapore.
    • Financial strength: The bank will assess the financial condition of the company, including revenues, expenses and profits.
    • Credit history: Positive credit history of the company and its founders.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Loan

  1. Needs Assessment and Loan Product Selection

The initial stage involves determining your financing needs and selecting an appropriate loan product. It is necessary to take into account:

  • Purpose of the loan (personal needs, property purchase, business development).
  • The amount of the loan and the repayment term.
  • Interest rate and additional fees.
  1. Collection of Required Documents

To apply for a loan, you will need to prepare the following documents:

For Private Individuals:

  • Passport or ID card.
  • Proof of residential address (utility bills or bank statements).
  • Certificate of income (payroll records, tax returns).
  • Credit History.

For Corporate Clients:

  • Company registration documents (certificate of incorporation, charter).
  • Financial statements (balance sheet, income statement).
  • Tax Returns.
  • Credit history of the company and its founders.
  1. Filling in and Submitting an Application

You can apply for a loan online via the bank's website or in person at a branch. In the application form, you must provide personal data, income information, purpose of the loan and other necessary information.

  1. Consideration of the Application and Assessment of Creditworthiness

The bank will conduct a thorough check of the submitted documents and assess the creditworthiness of the applicant. This process may take from a few days to a few weeks. It is important to be prepared to provide additional documents or information at the bank's request.

  1. Receipt of the Decision and Signing of the Loan Agreement

After reviewing the application, the bank will notify the client of the decision. In case of approval, it will be necessary to sign a loan agreement, which will specify all the terms of the loan, including the amount, repayment period, interest rate and possible penalties for late payments.

  1. Obtaining Credit Facilities

After signing the agreement, the loan funds will be transferred to the specified bank account. The client will be able to use the received funds in accordance with the purpose of the loan.

Useful Tips

  1. Financial Capability Assessment: Before applying for a loan, it is important to make a sober assessment of your financial capacity and ability to repay the loan on time.
  2. Comparison of Terms and Conditions: Explore offers from different banks and compare interest rates, repayment terms and additional charges.
  3. Maintaining a Positive Credit History: Timely payments on current loans and no delinquencies will improve your credit history.
  4. Consultation with Bank Specialists: Consult with bank specialists to get answers to all your questions and choose the most favourable terms.


Getting a loan from a bank in Singapore requires careful preparation and submission of necessary documents. By following the step-by-step guide and complying with all requirements, you will be able to successfully obtain a loan on favourable terms. Singapore banks offer a wide range of loan products for individuals and businesses, providing a high level of service and financial support to achieve your goals.

Singapore, as one of the world's leading financial centres, attracts many international banks that open branches here. The presence of these banks strengthens Singapore's financial system and provides local and international clients with a wide range of services. In this article, we will look at which international banks have branches in Singapore and what services they offer.

Major International Banks in Singapore

  1. HSBC (The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited)

HSBC is one of the largest international banks providing a full range of banking services in Singapore. Key services include:

  • Personal banking services: Current and savings accounts, credit cards, mortgages.
  • Corporate banking services: Business financing, liquidity management, trade finance.
  • Asset and Wealth Management: Personalised Investment Strategies and Advice.
  1. Citibank

Citibank, one of the largest financial corporations in the world, provides an extensive list of services in Singapore:

  • Retail banking: Personal accounts, deposits, loans and investment products.
  • Corporate and investment banking: Business financial solutions, asset management and investment advisory
  • Wealth management: Programmes for wealthy clients, including inheritance planning and tax optimisation.
  1. Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered Bank has a significant presence in Singapore and offers the following services:

  • Personal banking services: Credit cards, personal and mortgage loans, investment products.
  • Corporate banking: Trade finance, liquidity management, corporate loans.
  • Digital banking solutions: Modern online banking platforms and mobile applications.
  1. DBS Bank

Although DBS Bank is a Singaporean bank, its international presence and services are noteworthy:

  • Wide range of services: From personal banking solutions to corporate financial services.
  • Innovative technologies: Introduction of digital solutions to simplify banking operations.
  1. UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland)

UBS provides high quality financial services in Singapore with a focus on asset management and investment solutions:

  • Asset Management: Personalised strategies for high net worth clients.
  • Investment services: Investment counselling, portfolio management.
  • Corporate services: Financial solutions for business, M&A consulting.
  1. Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse, one of the leading Swiss banks, is active in Singapore, offering:

  • Wealth management: Personalised investment solutions and advice.
  • Corporate and institutional services: Investment banking, trade finance.
  • Innovative financial products: Designed to meet the specific needs of clients.
  1. BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas provides comprehensive financial services in Singapore:

  • Corporate and institutional services: Project financing, asset management.
  • Retail banking services: Personal accounts, loans, investments.
  • Digital Solutions: Innovative Technologies for Financial Management.
  1. Barclays Bank

Barclays Bank, one of the largest British banks, offers in Singapore:

  • Corporate banking services: Liquidity management, business financing.
  • Investment services: Portfolio investments, consulting.
  • Wealth Management: Personalised financial strategies for high net worth clients.


Singapore, due to its stable economy and favourable business environment, attracts many international banks that open branches here. These banks provide a wide range of services to both individuals and corporate clients, offering innovative and reliable financial solutions. The presence of leading international banks in Singapore strengthens its position as a global financial centre and provides customers with access to global financial markets and advanced banking technology.

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