Bank account in Puerto Rico

In recent years, Puerto Rico has become an increasingly attractive place to do business, especially for foreign investors. One of the key aspects of a successful business endeavour is opening a bank account. This process may differ from standard procedures in other countries, so familiarising yourself with local legal requirements and banking practices beforehand is a necessary step.

Basic steps to open a bank account in Puerto Rico

  1. Choosing a Bank: Puerto Rico has both local and international banks. Foreign companies should consider banks such as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank Puerto Rico and others that have experience working with international clients and offer services in English and Spanish.
  2. Document Preparation: The following documents will be required to open an account:
    • Articles of Association of the company and certificate of incorporation;
    • Document proving the company’s right to do business in Puerto Rico (if applicable);
    • Passports and other personal documents of the company’s directors and shareholders;
    • A document confirming the company’s registered office.
  1. Personal presence: Most banks in Puerto Rico require the personal presence of the founders to complete the account opening process. However, some banks may offer remote account opening, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Compliance Check: Banks in Puerto Rico strictly comply with international Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. This means that the due diligence process can be quite lengthy and may require additional documents and information.

Benefits of doing business in Puerto Rico

  • Tax incentives: Puerto Rico offers attractive tax incentives for foreign investors, including reduced corporate tax rates and tax exemption opportunities within special economic zones.
  • Strategic Location: Puerto Rico’s island location and U.S. affiliation make it a convenient platform to access markets in the Americas.
  • Advanced infrastructure: Puerto Rico offers state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology, making it attractive to technology and finance companies.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico is an important step on the road to international business. It is important to pay attention to the details of the process and prepare the necessary documentation to ensure a successful and efficient business. With the right approach and local understanding, Puerto Rico can be a powerful launching pad for your business in the Americas.

 How to open a bank account in Puerto Rico

For foreign investors looking to expand their presence in international markets, Puerto Rico presents unique opportunities due to its association with the United States. Opening a bank account here is a key step in starting a business venture. The following outlines the basic steps and requirements for opening a Puerto Rican bank account.

Step 1: Choosing the right bank

Choosing a bank is the first and one of the most important steps. Some of the most popular banks in Puerto Rico include Banco Popular, FirstBank and Oriental Bank. Each of them offers different services, including accounts for foreign companies, internet banking and other specialised financial services. It is recommended that you analyse the services offered and choose the bank that best suits your business needs.

Step 2: Preparing the necessary documents

You will need to provide the following documents to open an account:

  • Company registration certificate and constituent documents;
  • Documents confirming the identity and location of directors and shareholders (passports, driving licences);
  • Document proving the company’s right to do business in Puerto Rico (if applicable);
  • Confirmation of the company’s legal address in the country of origin and in Puerto Rico.

Step 3: Personal visit to the bank

In most cases, in-person attendance of company representatives is required to complete the account opening process. During the visit to the bank, the documents provided will be verified and additional information may be required to complete KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) procedures.

Step 4: Making an initial deposit

Once all documents have been approved and all checks have been successfully completed, you will be required to make an initial deposit. The amount of the deposit may vary depending on the bank and the type of account.

Step 5: Account utilisation and further maintenance

Once you open an account, you can use it to make transactions, manage your finances and perform other operations through online banking. Banks in Puerto Rico offer a full range of banking services, making it easy to conduct international business.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico requires careful preparation and understanding of local legal requirements. Despite some challenges related to bureaucratic and regulatory procedures, successful completion of this process offers significant opportunities to expand your business and enhance your financial stability in the international arena.

 Choosing a bank account in Puerto Rico

For foreign businesses looking to expand their operations in Puerto Rico, choosing the right bank account is a critical aspect of business success. Uniquely positioned as a U.S. territory with a self-contained tax regime, Puerto Rico offers a variety of banking solutions that can support both local and international business operations. This article will provide an analysis of the key factors to consider when choosing a bank account in this region.

Criteria for selecting a bank account

  1. Types of accounts offered: Explore what types of accounts banks offer – current accounts, savings accounts, international payment accounts, multi-currency accounts and others. The type of account you choose will depend on your business needs, such as high value transactions, frequency of international transactions, and the need to maintain accounts in different currencies.
  2. Bank Fees: Evaluate the fee structure for account maintenance, transaction fees, and international transfers and currency conversions. Low bank fees can significantly reduce the operating costs of your business.
  3. Internet banking services: Modern banking technology makes it easier to manage your finances through online platforms. Check how advanced and secure the bank’s online banking and mobile app are, and what features they provide for real-time account monitoring and transactions.
  4. Customer support: The quality of customer service and the provision of support in available languages, including English and Spanish, are important factors in ensuring effective interaction with the bank and timely resolution of issues that arise.
  5. Financial stability of the bank: Research the bank’s financial health, reputation and ratings. Banks with high ratings and a strong economic position provide greater confidence in the safety of your assets.

Popular banks in Puerto Rico

  • Banco Popular de Puerto Rico is the largest local bank, offering a wide range of banking services and products customised for both local and international customers.
  • FirstBank Puerto Rico – offers a variety of banking products, is characterised by a high level of customer support and developed online services.
  • Oriental Bank – known for its innovative approaches to internet banking and multi-currency solutions for foreign investors.


Choosing the right bank account in Puerto Rico is an important decision that requires careful analysis and matching banking services to your business needs. Considering the aforementioned factors will help you find a reliable banking partner that facilitates the growth and expansion of your business in this strategically important region.

 Requirements to open account in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico, a US territory, attracts foreign companies with its unique economic status and tax benefits. To start business operations on the island, it is necessary to open a bank account, a process that is regulated by both local and US federal laws. In this article, we take a closer look at the requirements for opening a corporate bank account in Puerto Rico.

Legal requirements

  1. Company Registration: The company must be registered in Puerto Rico or have a licence to operate on the island. The required documents are the certificate of incorporation, articles of incorporation and proof of registration with the Puerto Rico Revenue Service.
  2. Identity Documents: Banks require passports and other identification for all business owners, as well as managers and authorised persons who will have access to the account.
  3. Proof of the company’s registered office: You must provide proof of the company’s registered office in Puerto Rico, such as a lease agreement or utility bills.
  4. Financial statements: Banks may request financial statements for a certain period to assess the financial condition of the company.

Regulatory requirements

  1. KYC (Know Your Customer) Compliance: As in other jurisdictions, Puerto Rican banks are required to conduct customer due diligence to prevent fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing. This includes confirming the identity of customers and the origin of their funds.
  2. AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Compliance: Companies must provide information about their operations, including major customers, suppliers and sources of revenue.

Practical aspects

  1. Personal presence: Some banks require the personal presence of the company’s founders or directors when opening an account, although recently many banks have begun to offer remote account opening.
  2. Initial Deposit: Banks may require an initial deposit, which may vary depending on the bank and the type of account.
  3. A plan for the use of the account: Banks may request a business plan or description of how the account will be used as part of the company’s operations to assess anticipated transaction volumes and banking needs.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico is an important step in accessing business opportunities in the territory. Given the complexity of the process and the variety of requirements, it is advisable to seek the assistance of legal and accounting advisors specialised in the Puerto Rican market. This will ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements and help avoid potential legal complications.

How to open a bank account in Puerto Rico from abroad

In a globalised economy, many foreign investors are looking to expand their businesses into new markets. Puerto Rico, due to its unique political-economic relationship with the United States, presents significant advantages for international business. However, opening a bank account in Puerto Rico from abroad can present certain challenges. The following is a detailed guide to help foreign companies successfully overcome these barriers.

Step 1: Research the requirements of Puerto Rico’s banks

The first step is to select a bank and research its requirements for opening an account for foreign clients. It is important to keep in mind that requirements may vary from bank to bank, so you should ask for detailed information about required documents, verification processes and remote account opening options. Consider banks such as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank and Oriental Bank that have experience working with international clients.

Step 2: Preparation of documents

The following documents will be required to open an account:

  • Passports and other identification documents of the company’s directors and owners of significant shares.
  • Articles of Association and constituent documents of the company.
  • Documents confirming the registration of the company in the country of origin and the right to operate.
  • A document confirming the company’s registered office.
  • Bank references or company financial statements.

Step 3: Perform KYC and AML procedure

All banks in Puerto Rico are required to comply with strict international KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) standards. This may require additional verification of the company’s documents, funding sources and business activities. Some banks may require a video conference or online meeting to complete these procedures.

Step 4: Opening an account remotely

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in global business processes, many banks in Puerto Rico have begun offering remote account opening. This may include electronically signing documents, online identity verification, and using digital tools to complete the account opening process.

Step 5: Making an initial deposit

Once the account is approved, foreign companies are usually required to pay an initial deposit. The amount of this deposit and how it is to be paid should be clarified in advance, as it may require an international wire transfer or the use of electronic payment systems.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico from abroad requires careful planning and preparation. With proper preparation and compliance with all regulatory requirements, the process can be completed efficiently and without significant obstacles. Utilising the services of legal and financial advisors can greatly simplify the process and ensure a successful start for your business in Puerto Rico.

 How to open business bank account in Puerto Rico?

For many international entrepreneurs and companies, Puerto Rico is an attractive jurisdiction to do business in due to its strategic location and tax incentives. Opening a corporate bank account is one of the basic steps to begin operations on the island. This guide details the process of opening a business bank account in Puerto Rico.

Step 1: Determine corporate account requirements

Before choosing a bank, it’s important to determine your business needs. This includes:

  • Types of transactions that will pass through the account (local or international payments);
  • Expected cash flows;
  • Currency requirements;
  • The need for additional banking services such as credit lines, merchant services or asset management.

Step 2: Choosing the right bank

Puerto Rico has several large banks that offer corporate banking services, including Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank, and Oriental Bank. Key factors in selecting a bank include:

  • The reputation and financial stability of the bank;
  • The range of corporate banking products and services offered;
  • Quality of customer service;
  • Ease of use of online banking and other technological solutions.

Step 3: Gathering the necessary documents

To open a corporate account, banks in Puerto Rico usually require the following documents:

  • Articles of Association and constituent documents of the company;
  • Certificate of incorporation of the company in Puerto Rico or other jurisdiction;
  • Documents confirming the authority of persons authorised to sign (e.g., minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors);
  • Personal documents to identify all key founders and executives;
  • Proof of the company’s registered office.

Step 4: Undertaking KYC and AML procedures

In accordance with international and local anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations, Puerto Rico banks conduct thorough due diligence on all corporate clients. This includes analysing the company’s business model, sources of funding and the financial history of the founders.

Step 5: Opening an account and making an initial deposit

Once the application has been approved and all checks have been successfully completed, the company can open an account by making an initial deposit, the amount of which depends on the policy of the selected bank.


Opening a corporate bank account in Puerto Rico requires careful attention and thorough documentation. Despite the potential complexities, the right banking partner can provide significant benefits to your business, including support for financing, asset management and international payments.

 How to open private bank account in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico offers unique opportunities for individuals seeking to open a bank account on the island, which is a territory of the United States with special tax conditions and financial advantages. This article provides a step-by-step guide for individuals seeking to open a private bank account in Puerto Rico, including required documents, bank selection, and other important aspects.

Step 1: Selecting a bank

Choosing the right bank is the first and key step. There are a number of large banks operating in Puerto Rico, such as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank and Oriental Bank. You should consider the following factors when choosing a bank:

  • Reliability and reputation of the bank;
  • Variety of banking products and services;
  • Level of customer service;
  • Availability of internet banking and mobile applications.

Step 2: Determining the type of account

Depending on your financial needs, you can choose between a current account, savings account, deposit account or multi-currency account. Each type of account has its own features, fees and terms of service.

Step 3: Gathering the necessary documents

The following documents are usually required to open an account:

  • Passport or other identity document;
  • Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), if available;
  • Proof of residential address (utility bill, other bank account statement);
  • Proof of income or financial status.

Step 4: Application and verification

Once you have chosen a bank and prepared all the necessary documents, the next step is to submit an application to open an account. This can be done in person at a bank branch or online if the bank offers this facility. During the application process, the bank will carry out identity verification and other KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) checks.

Step 5: Making an initial deposit

Once the application is approved, the only thing left to do is to make an initial deposit, if required by the terms and conditions of the account opening. The deposit amount may vary depending on the type of account and bank policy.


Opening a private bank account in Puerto Rico requires careful consideration and thorough preparation. However, with the right bank and a complete set of documents, the process can be quick and painless. This will give you access to a wide range of financial services and the ability to manage your funds in a stable and reliable banking environment.

 Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico as a non-resident

Puerto Rico, with its status as a U.S. Associated Free Territory, offers unique financial and tax advantages that make it attractive to international investors and non-residents. Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico can be a strategic move for those looking to expand their business activities or investment opportunities. Below is a detailed guide to opening an account in the region for non-residents.

Step 1: Researching banking options

The first step is to choose the right bank. Puerto Rico has both local and international banks offering a variety of services. Some of the best known banks include Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank and Oriental Bank. It is important to evaluate:

  • Terms and requirements for accounts for non-residents;
  • Internet banking options;
  • Fees and interest rates;
  • Level of customer service, especially support in English and Spanish.

Step 2: Preparing the necessary documents

To open an account you will need:

  • A valid passport or other government-issued identification document;
  • Proof of residential address (utility bill, bank statement from home country);
  • Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN), if available;
  • In some cases, proof of a source of income or financial stability.

Step 3: Undertaking KYC and AML procedures

As in other countries, banks in Puerto Rico are required to comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) procedures. This includes verifying your identity, the origin of the funds and the purpose for opening the account. Be prepared to provide additional documents or information when requested by the bank.

Step 4: Personal visit or remote account opening

Some banks require in-person attendance to complete the account opening process. However, thanks to modern technology, many banks have started offering remote account opening services, which is especially relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Step 5: Making an initial deposit

Once your account application has been approved and all checks have been successfully completed, you will be required to make an initial deposit. The amount of this deposit depends on the bank and the type of account.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico for non-residents requires careful consideration and knowledge of local legal requirements. Choosing the right bank and following all procedures will ensure a successful account opening, allowing you to effectively manage your finances in this jurisdiction.

 Can a foreigner open a bank account in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico, under the jurisdiction of the United States, offers foreign nationals a unique opportunity to open bank accounts. This can be particularly attractive to foreign investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their businesses or take advantage of the tax benefits available on the island. This article discusses the main aspects and requirements involved in opening a bank account in Puerto Rico for foreigners.

Legal aspects

Foreign nationals can open both private and corporate bank accounts in Puerto Rico. Although Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, its banking system is regulated by both local and federal laws, which guarantees the stability and security of financial transactions.

Step 1: Selecting a bank

Choosing the right bank is critical. Popular banks in Puerto Rico include:

  • Banco Popular de Puerto Rico;
  • FirstBank;
  • Oriental Bank.

It is important to evaluate the services that the bank offers, including international transfers, foreign exchange transactions, and access to internet banking.

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

The following documents will be required to open an account:

  • A valid passport;
  • Proof of residence address (both in the country of origin and Puerto Rico, if applicable);
  • Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), if available;
  • Proof of a source of income or financial stability.

Step 3: KYC and AML procedures

In accordance with international standards, banks in Puerto Rico strictly follow Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. This includes verification of identity, origin of funds and purpose of account opening.

Step 4: Opening an account

The account opening process may require a personal visit to the bank or may be done remotely depending on the bank’s policy. In some cases, banks allow you to start the process online and then complete the paperwork at a branch.

Step 5: Making an initial deposit

Most banks require an initial deposit to activate an account. The amount of this deposit may vary and depends on the type of account selected and the specific bank.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico for foreigners is a relatively straightforward process that nevertheless requires careful preparation and an understanding of local legal requirements. With the right approach and proper preparation, foreign nationals can successfully manage their finances through Puerto Rican banks, taking advantage of the benefits this unique region offers.

 Open bank account in Puerto Rico online

With the globalisation and digitalisation of banking services, opening a bank account online is becoming increasingly accessible and convenient. Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, offers foreign investors and residents the opportunity to open online bank accounts, making it easier to integrate and start business activities. This article provides a detailed description of the process of opening a bank account online in Puerto Rico.

Step 1: Selecting a bank

The first step is to choose a bank that provides online banking services. It is important to consider the following aspects:

  • Availability of a licence and a positive reputation;
  • Online services and technologies offered;
  • Customer feedback and level of customer support;
  • Transparency of commissions and terms of service.

Popular banks in Puerto Rico, such as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank, and Oriental Bank, offer various options for online banking.

Step 2: Study the bank’s requirements

Before starting the process, you should thoroughly research the bank’s requirements for opening an online account. These may include:

  • Documents required (passport, proof of address, SSN or ITIN);
  • Minimum Deposit Requirements;
  • Verification procedures and compliance with KYC and AML regulations.

Step 3: Apply online

Most banks offer an account application form on their website. The application process involves filling out personal information, uploading scans of documents, and possibly taking additional steps to confirm your identity, such as a video call or online chat.

Step 4: Going through verification procedures

After submitting the application, the bank will verify the information and documents provided. This may take several days, depending on the bank and the comprehensiveness of the verification.

Step 5: Account Activation and Initial Deposit

Once all checks have been successfully completed and the account application has been approved, the bank will usually require an initial deposit. This can be done via online transfer or other available means of payment.

Step 6: Using the account

Once you activate your account and make a deposit, you will have access to your online banking where you can manage your finances, make payments, transfers and other banking transactions.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico online is a convenient and efficient way for foreign investors and residents to start or expand their financial activities on the island. Modern technology and the development of online services make the process accessible and transparent, facilitating greater inclusion in the economic life of the region.

 Offshore bank account in Puerto Rico

With the globalisation and digitalisation of banking services, opening a bank account online is becoming increasingly accessible and convenient. Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, offers foreign investors and residents the opportunity to open online bank accounts, making it easier to integrate and start business activities. This article provides a detailed description of the process of opening a bank account online in Puerto Rico.

Step 1: Selecting a bank

The first step is to choose a bank that provides online banking services. It is important to consider the following aspects:

  • Availability of a licence and a positive reputation;
  • Online services and technologies offered;
  • Customer feedback and level of customer support;
  • Transparency of commissions and terms of service.

Popular banks in Puerto Rico, such as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank, and Oriental Bank, offer various options for online banking.

Step 2: Study the bank’s requirements

Before starting the process, you should thoroughly research the bank’s requirements for opening an online account. These may include:

  • Documents required (passport, proof of address, SSN or ITIN);
  • Minimum Deposit Requirements;
  • Verification procedures and compliance with KYC and AML regulations.

Step 3: Apply online

Most banks offer an account application form on their website. The application process involves filling out personal information, uploading scans of documents, and possibly taking additional steps to confirm your identity, such as a video call or online chat.

Step 4: Going through verification procedures

After submitting the application, the bank will verify the information and documents provided. This may take several days, depending on the bank and the comprehensiveness of the verification.

Step 5: Account Activation and Initial Deposit

Once all checks have been successfully completed and the account application has been approved, the bank will usually require an initial deposit. This can be done via online transfer or other available means of payment.

Step 6: Using the account

Once you activate your account and make a deposit, you will have access to your online banking where you can manage your finances, make payments, transfers and other banking transactions.


Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico online is a convenient and efficient way for foreign investors and residents to start or expand their financial activities on the island. Modern technology and the development of online services make the process accessible and transparent, facilitating greater inclusion in the economic life of the region.

 How to open an international bank account in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico, a territory of the United States of America, offers unique financial and tax advantages that make it an attractive place to open an international bank account. This guide is intended for foreign investors who wish to learn about the process of opening an international bank account in this jurisdiction.

Step 1: Choosing the right bank

The first step in the account opening process is to choose a bank that offers international banking services. Some of the most well-known banks in Puerto Rico that offer international banking services include Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank and Oriental Bank. Important factors in making your choice include:

  • Availability of multi-currency accounts;
  • Internet banking and mobile application services;
  • Level of customer support available in different languages.

Step 2: Study the requirements for opening an account

Before you begin the process of opening an account, you should familiarise yourself with the bank’s requirements. These requirements usually include:

  • Provision of passport and other documents confirming identity;
  • Documents proving your residential address;
  • Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), if available;
  • Confirmation of financial status and origin of funds.

Step 3: Submitting an application to open an account

Many banks offer the possibility of applying for an account online, which is especially convenient for foreign clients. The application process usually involves filling out an online form on the bank’s website and uploading the required documents.

Step 4: Go through the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure

To comply with international anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations, Puerto Rico banks scrutinise all of their customers. This may include additional questions about the purpose for opening the account, sources of funding, and suspected transactions.

Step 5: Making an initial deposit

Upon approval of an account application, the bank usually requires an initial deposit. The amount of the deposit may vary depending on the type of account and the bank’s terms and conditions.


Opening an international bank account in Puerto Rico represents an excellent opportunity for foreign investors to manage their finances in a stable and attractive jurisdiction. With the right approach and an understanding of local legal requirements, the process can be quick and efficient.


Puerto Rico's banks offer a wide range of financial services to private customers, combining innovative technology and traditional banking products. This makes Puerto Rico's financial system attractive not only to locals but also to foreign investors. In this article, we will look at the main banking services available to private clients on the island.

Principal banking services

  • Current and savings accounts
    • Banks offer various types of current and savings accounts designed to meet the needs of different categories of customers. Customers can choose accounts with different fee structures and terms of service, as well as receive interest on savings account balances.
  • Credit and debit cards
    • A wide range of credit and debit cards with various rewards programmes and benefits such as cashback, points on purchases, insurance and travel benefits.
  • Mortgage lending
    • Mortgage loan programmes for home purchases in Puerto Rico, including specialised offers for first-time buyers and investment purchases.
  • Consumer lending
    • Personal and car loans, educational loans, and home equity lines of credit.
  • Investment and brokerage services
    • Asset management services, including investment accounts, pension funds and personalised investment advice. Banks co-operate with leading brokerage firms to provide access to stocks, bonds and other securities.
  • Online banking and mobile applications
    • Modern technological solutions for managing your finances at any time and from anywhere in the world. Online banking allows you to make payments, transfers, top up accounts, manage cards and much more.
  • Insurance
    • Banks offer various types of insurance, including life, health, car and property insurance through their affiliated insurance companies or partners.
  • Private banking services
    • For high-income customers, banks offer private banking services, including personalised services, personal wealth management, tax planning and other exclusive financial services.


Puerto Rico's banks provide a full range of financial services to private customers, reflecting the needs of today's market and providing a high level of convenience and security. This makes them attractive not only to residents of Puerto Rico, but also to foreign nationals looking for reliable and efficient banking solutions.

As an Associated Territory of the United States, Puerto Rico offers unique economic and tax advantages for businesses. Puerto Rico's banks offer a wide range of services tailored to the needs of business clients, from small businesses to large corporations. In this article, we will look at the main banking services available to businesses on the island.

Corporate bank accounts

  • Current and savings accounts
    • Banks offer a variety of corporate account options, including higher interest rate accounts to maximise returns on temporarily idle funds.
  • Multi-currency accounts
    • For businesses operating in different currencies, banks offer multi-currency accounts to reduce conversion costs and facilitate cross-border payments.

Lending and financing

  • Credit lines
    • From short-term credit lines to cover working capital to long-term loans for business development and expansion.
  • Mortgage loans
    • Loans for the purchase of commercial property, allowing businesses to expand and modernise their infrastructure.
  • Leasing and factoring
    • Services that provide businesses with flexible solutions for asset and receivables management.

Investment services and asset management

  • Corporate investing
    • Asset management services, including portfolio investments and personalised investment planning.
  • Mergers and acquisitions advisory services
    • Professional support in merger or acquisition transactions, which includes business valuation, deal structuring and search for potential partners.

Banking technology and digital services

  • Online banking
    • Powerful platforms for corporate financial management, including payments, transfers, cash management and real-time reporting.
  • Mobile solutions
    • Mobile apps that allow business leaders to manage finances on the go, including conducting transactions and monitoring invoices.

Specialised services

  • Services for small and medium-sized businesses
    • Special programmes including training, advisory services and support in obtaining government guarantees and funding.
  • Private banking for business
    • Exclusive banking services for large businesses and their owners, including personalised service and personal wealth management.


Banks in Puerto Rico offer a full range of services geared to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. These services provide not only financial support and improved asset management, but also contribute to the strategic development and growth of companies. The incorporation of state-of-the-art technological solutions and a personalised approach makes Puerto Rico's banks reliable partners for businesses locally and internationally.

Obtaining a credit card from a bank in Puerto Rico can be an important step in managing personal finances, making purchases and planning expenses. Banks in Puerto Rico offer a variety of credit cards tailored to meet the different needs and financial circumstances of their customers. In this article, we will look at the process of obtaining a credit card, from choosing the right bank to applying for and being approved for a loan.

Step 1: Selecting a bank and type of credit card

  • Study of bank offers
    • Puerto Rico is home to major banks such as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank, and Oriental Bank. Each of these banks offers different types of credit cards, including standard, gold, platinum, and cards with rewards programmes.
  • Comparison of conditions
    • It is important to compare interest rates, annual fees, loan limits and bonus programmes such as cashback, mileage accrual and discounts.

Step 2: Preparing to apply

  • Collection of necessary documents
    • As a rule, in order to obtain a credit card, you need to provide proof of identity (passport or ID card), proof of residence address and income information (salary certificate, tax return).
  • Credit history check
    • Credit history plays a significant role in the credit card application approval process. You may need to obtain a credit report to assess your chances of approval.

Step 3: Submitting an application

  • Online application
    • Most banks in Puerto Rico offer the option to apply for a credit card online through their official websites. This is a convenient way to apply and saves time.
  • Visit to a bank branch
    • If personal contact is preferred or additional advice is required, you can visit the nearest bank branch and apply directly through a bank employee.

Step 4: Waiting for a decision and activating the card

  • Awaiting approval
    • The application process may take from a few days to a few weeks. During this period, the bank will check the submitted documents and credit history.
  • Card activation
    • Once the application has been approved and the credit card has been received, it must be activated, usually through a call to customer service or through the bank's online service.


Obtaining a credit card from a bank in Puerto Rico is a process that requires careful consideration in choosing the right bank and type of card, as well as thorough preparation of all the necessary documents. With the right preparation and understanding of the terms and conditions, you can successfully obtain a credit card that will fit your financial needs and lifestyle.

Corporate credit cards are an indispensable tool for managing a company's finances, facilitating spending, reporting and budget monitoring. Banks in Puerto Rico offer a variety of business credit card options, providing services specifically tailored to the needs of businesses of different sizes. Below is a step-by-step guide to obtaining a corporate credit card from a bank in Puerto Rico.

Step 1: Business needs assessment

Before choosing a bank and type of credit card, you need to clearly define your business needs:

  • Defining the purposes of credit card use: managing employee expenses, purchasing equipment, paying for travel and business trips, etc.
  • Budget and credit limit: estimating the maximum possible monthly expenses and the necessary credit limit.
  • Analysis of offers: comparison of terms by interest rates, annual fees, bonus programmes and insurance covers.

Step 2: Choosing a bank and credit card

The choice of bank and credit card should be based on the following criteria:

  • Bank reputation: examining reviews of the bank, its financial health and customer service.
  • Advantages of credit cards: availability of cashback, loyalty programmes, discounts on business services, possibility to manage accounts via online banking.
  • Loan terms: interest rates, annual fees, repayment terms.

Step 3: Preparation of documentation

The following documents must be prepared and submitted in order to obtain a corporate credit card:

  • Legal documents of the company: registration certificate, charter, tax registration documents.
  • Financial statements: balance sheet, income statement.
  • Documents of managers and owners: passports, individual tax numbers (ITIN or SSN), proof of address.

Step 4: Submitting an application

You can apply for a corporate credit card by visiting a bank branch or through the bank's online system, if available. At this stage, it is important to:

  • Filling out the application: providing all the required information about the business and its owners.
  • Negotiating terms and conditions: in some cases it is possible to discuss loan terms and credit limit individually with the bank manager.

Step 5: Waiting for approval and card activation

After submitting your application, you should wait for the bank's decision. This process can take from a few days to a few weeks. After approval:

  • Receipt and activation of the card: the credit card will be sent by post or issued at a bank branch. Card activation is usually done by phone or online.


Obtaining a corporate credit card from a bank in Puerto Rico is a strategic move that helps optimise your company's spending and financial management. Choosing the right bank and the right credit card requires careful analysis of your business's financial conditions and needs.

The Puerto Rico banking system offers a variety of bank accounts adapted to both individuals and corporate clients. Within this article, we will review the main types of accounts that can be opened in Puerto Rico's banks, their features and purpose, to help potential customers make an informed choice.

  1. Cheque accounts (Current Accounts)

A cheque account is a basic account for everyday financial transactions. It allows users to make frequent transactions such as paying bills, transferring money, and receiving payroll. Cheque accounts in Puerto Rico are often accompanied by debit cards, online banking and mobile banking, making it easy to access and manage funds.

  1. Savings Accounts (Savings Accounts)

Savings accounts offer customers the opportunity to save money with interest accruing on the account balance. These accounts are suitable for long-term savings and usually offer higher interest rates than cheque accounts. The main objective is to encourage customers to save.

  1. Time Deposits (Time Deposits)

Time deposits, or term deposits, are an investment product that involves placing funds in an account for a fixed period of time at a fixed interest rate. These accounts are ideal for customers who wish to receive a guaranteed income and who do not plan to use their funds for a fixed period of time.

  1. Multi-currency Accounts (Multi-currency Accounts)

Multi-currency accounts are designed for customers who conduct cross-border business transactions or frequently travel abroad. These accounts allow holders to hold funds in different currencies, simplifying the conversion process and reducing associated costs.

  1. Corporate Accounts (Corporate Accounts)

For business customers, banks in Puerto Rico offer corporate accounts that are tailored to meet the needs of businesses of various sizes. These accounts include facilities for managing corporate finances, high volume transactions and access to additional credit and investment products.

  1. Private Banking Accounts (Private Banking Accounts)

Private banking offers exclusive banking services for high-income customers. These accounts are often accompanied by personalised service, improved terms on deposits and loans, and access to specialised financial and investment advice.


Banks in Puerto Rico offer a wide range of bank accounts, each with unique characteristics and designed to meet specific financial needs and objectives. The selection of the appropriate type of account depends on the client's individual needs, financial objectives and the nature of the transactions to be performed.

Puerto Rico's banking system is a dynamic sector that includes both local and international financial institutions. One of the key indicators of a bank's performance and popularity is the number of its customers. In this article, we will examine which bank in Puerto Rico serves the largest number of customers and what factors contribute to its leadership.

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico: Leader by number of clients

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico is currently the leader in terms of the number of clients served on the island. Founded in 1893, it is the largest local bank and has the widest network of branches and ATMs in Puerto Rico.

Factors of popularity of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

  1. Wide range of services: Banco Popular offers a full range of banking services for private and corporate clients, including cheque and savings accounts, lending, investment services and insurance.
  2. Innovative technologies: The Bank is actively investing in the digitalisation of its services, offering customers convenient mobile and online platforms to manage their accounts and finances.
  3. Customer focus: Banco Popular is renowned for its high level of customer service, which includes a personalised approach and a wide range of specialised products designed to meet the individual needs of different categories of customers.
  4. Stability and reliability: Banco Popular's long history and stable financial position make it a reliable choice for depositors and investors.

Competitors of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

Although Banco Popular is the clear leader, other banks on the island are also trying to increase their market share. FirstBank Puerto Rico and Oriental Bank offer competitive services and attract customers through innovative products and improved customer service. These banks are also actively developing their technology platforms and expanding their service portfolio to attract new segments of the population.


Banco Popular de Puerto Rico maintains its leadership in the Puerto Rico banking market through its history, reliability, broad range of services and emphasis on improving the customer experience through technological innovation. While competition in the market remains intense, the stability and diversity of Banco Popular's offerings continue to attract and retain customers, maintaining its status as Puerto Rico's leading bank.

Opening a bank account in Puerto Rico requires a specific set of documents, which can vary depending on the type of account and banking institution. This article will provide detailed information on the documents required to open both personal and corporate accounts with banks in Puerto Rico, helping potential clients prepare for the process.

Documents for opening a personal account

  • ID card
    • Original passport or national identity card.
    • Driver's licence (if applicable).
  • Address confirmation
    • Utility bill proving residential address, not older than three months.
    • A bank or credit card statement proving your residential address.
  • Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)
    • For residents and U.S. citizens, an SSN is required.
    • Non-residents may request an ITIN, if available.
  • Proof of source of income
    • Wage statement or tax return.
    • Documents confirming other sources of income.

Documents for opening a corporate account

  • Legal documents of the company
    • Company registration certificate or constituent documents (articles of association, extract from the commercial register).
    • Documents proving that the company is registered with the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Service.
  • Documents confirming the powers of persons authorised to act on behalf of the company
    • Minutes of meetings indicating persons authorised to sign.
    • Powers of Attorney, if applicable.
  • Identification of all key persons of the company
    • Passports or other identification documents of the directors and founders.
    • Social Security Numbers or ITINs of founders and key executives.
  • Financial statements
    • Balance sheet and income statement for the last two years.
    • Bank statements for the last few months.


Preparing for the process of opening a bank account in Puerto Rico requires careful collection and organisation of the necessary documents. The exact list of documents may vary depending on the selected bank and type of account, so it is recommended to contact the bank in advance to obtain up-to-date information and avoid possible delays. An experienced approach to the process will ensure a successful account opening and the start of financial activities in Puerto Rico.

Obtaining a loan from a bank in Puerto Rico can be a key solution for financing personal needs or business development. The lending process in Puerto Rico is subject to certain banking standards and requires careful preparation on the part of the borrower. This article provides basic steps to help potential borrowers successfully apply for a loan from a Puerto Rico bank.

Step 1: Determining the need for credit

Before approaching the bank, it is important to clearly define the purpose for which the loan is needed:

  • Personal needs: purchase of property, car, education, medical expenses, etc.
  • Business goals: start-up capital, business expansion, equipment purchase, working capital.

Step 2: Selecting the right bank and loan product

  • Research bank offers: Compare loan terms at various banks in Puerto Rico such as Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, FirstBank, Oriental Bank and others.
  • Choosing a loan product: Determine what type of loan best suits your goals - consumer loan, mortgage, business line of credit.

Step 3: Preparing the necessary documents

The following documents will be required to apply for the loan:

  • For individuals: ID card, proof of income (certificate of employment, tax return), collateral documents (if applicable).
  • For legal entities: constituent documents of the company, financial statements for the last years, business plan, collateral documents.

Step 4: Applying for a loan

  • Applying to a bank: Fill out a loan application at the bank of your choice. This can be done at a bank branch or online, if available.
  • Consultation with a manager: In most cases, a face-to-face meeting with a loan officer will be required to discuss the terms of the loan and answer any questions you may have.

Step 5: Reviewing the application and receiving the loan

  • Waiting for a decision: The bank will analyse the information provided and decide whether to grant the loan. This process can take from a few days to a few weeks.
  • Signing the agreement: In case of a favourable decision, you will be asked to sign a loan agreement, which will specify all the conditions and obligations of the parties.


Obtaining a loan from a Puerto Rico bank requires prior preparation and understanding of the terms and conditions of the loan. It is important to read the loan agreement carefully and make sure that all terms and conditions are clear and acceptable. With the right approach and full preparation, the process of obtaining a loan will be as efficient and less stressful as possible.

Puerto Rico, as a territory of the United States of America, is of significant interest to international banks seeking to expand their presence in the Caribbean region. The presence of branches of major global banks underlines the strategic importance of the island as a financial centre, offering local and foreign clients a wide range of banking services. In this article, we will look at which international banks have branches in Puerto Rico and what services they offer.

International banks in Puerto Rico

  • Citibank
    • Presence: Citibank, one of the largest international banks, has branches in Puerto Rico, providing access to international banking resources and services.
    • Services: Citibank offers a full range of banking services in Puerto Rico, including corporate and investment banking, private banking, and asset management.
  • Scotiabank
    • Presence: Scotiabank has significantly expanded its presence in Latin America and the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico.
    • Services: Scotiabank provides a wide range of financial services, including retail and commercial banking, corporate finance and private banking.
  • Santander Bank
    • Presence: With a global network, Santander has a significant presence in Puerto Rico, making it a key player in the local financial market.
    • Services: Santander offers comprehensive financial solutions, including retail banking, business lending, mortgage lending and private banking services.

Regulatory environment

Banks in Puerto Rico are regulated under both local and U.S. federal laws, which ensures a high level of depositor protection and stability of the financial system. International banks operating on the island are subject to regulation by the Federal Reserve as well as the local banking regulator.


The presence of international banks in Puerto Rico confirms the economic attractiveness of the region and provides local businesses and individuals with access to global financial resources and services. Banks such as Citibank, Scotiabank and Santander play an important role in the island's economic development by offering products and services that meet both local and international standards. This creates a favourable environment for investment and business development in Puerto Rico.

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