How Do I Open a Bank Account in Norway?

Norwegian banks offer foreigners a wide variety of banking packages, and it is important to take this into account when opening an account. The benefits of such packages may include lower loan interest rates, higher interest rates on savings accounts, free-to-service credit cards, discounts on insurance and much more. Also, do not forget that it is normal for Norwegian banks to charge a small commission for, for example, paying utility bills via the Internet. So, you need to choose a package of services where this commission will be minimal.

Also note that Russian citizens can remotely open a bank account in Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan. You can use foreign bank cards to make purchases in foreign online stores, Google Play and App Store and abroad. And for holders of foreign currency savings, this is a safe haven during the period of sanctions and turbulence.

Open a bank account in Norway

Account in Norway

In general, Norwegian banks are loyal to foreign customers and allow them to open accounts even before they have received the status of residents. You can bring a certificate from the tax office to the branch that the resident status is currently being issued. This certificate will be enough for the bank.

In addition to it (or a ready-made Norwegian identification number), when opening an account, you will also need a passport, a color passport photo and a residence permit in the country. Some banks may ask for an account statement from the previous bank. When opening an online account, all data is entered into the questionnaire and then checked by the bank. If all documents are approved, Norwegian banks open an account within a few working days.


The Northern state is loyal to foreign investors and businessmen. Therefore, the registration of an account in Norway is accompanied by a long list of preferences:

  • stable economic situation;
  • transparent and clear legislative framework;
  • political environment conducive to the development of entrepreneurship;
  • diversification of financial risks;
  • stability of the local crown;
  • confidentiality;
  • guaranteed refund in case of bankruptcy;
  • high liquidity of the financial sector;
  • opportunities for trade with the EU, USA and other regions
  • multicurrency offers;
  • package services.

The last point is a bonus to account registration in many banking institutions. He assumes:

  • Favourable rates on loan agreements;
  • high interest rates on deposits;
  • service discounts;
  • free insurance and so on.
  • Summarizing all of the above, it is safe to say that the financial sector of the kingdom is very attractive to Russian citizens.
  • Features and difficulties

It is extremely difficult for non-residents to complete the registration procedure without assistance. They should be ready for:

  • strict identification conditions;
  • the need to obtain a tax number;
  • numerous checks.
  • In addition, the client must confirm the fact of the nearest receipt of the resident status. Otherwise, his chances are rapidly approaching zero.

To open an account with a bank of Norway, the FL will need to provide managers:

  • completed application;
  • identification card;
  • evidence of a positive credit history;
  • proof of solvency;
  • residence permit;
  • Colour photos;
  • national identification number.
  • If the applicant does not plan to stay in the country for more than 6 months, then a D-number will be required from him.

YUL will have to supplement the voiced package:

  • certificate of company registration;
  • activity permit;
  • information about all shareholders and founders.
  • But even in this case, approval is not guaranteed. To avoid a negative answer, it is recommended to contact specialists at the first stages.
  • Professional services

Our team offers to open a turnkey account in Norway. In this case, we will take care of everything, including field visits and representation of interests in such institutions as:

  • Bank Norwegian
  • BN Bank ASA
  • Cresco
  • Danske Bank

If you wish to open a business bank account in Norway, our team here at RUE will be delighted to assist you. We have eight years of experience in helping clients to open bank accounts in Europe. We tap into our vast network of trusted partners in the European financial services industry to offer the most suitable and cost-effective solutions that improve the functioning of the businesses we serve.

Business bank account in Norway

Opening a corporate bank account in Norway is an important step for companies seeking to do business in this country with a high level of economic development. Norway offers a favourable environment for entrepreneurs, and its banking system is characterised by a high level of reliability and innovation. Let’s look at the key aspects of opening a corporate bank account in Norway and its advantages.

Advantages of Opening a Corporate Bank Account in Norway

  1. Stability and Reliability: Norway’s banking system is renowned for its stability and reliability, making it an attractive place to do business and open accounts.
  2. High Service Level: Banks in Norway offer high quality customer service and a wide range of services tailored to the needs of corporate customers.
  3. Innovative Financial Technology: Norway is a leader in financial technology (FinTech), which provides access to modern and innovative financial instruments and services.
  4. Geographical Location: Norway is strategically located and provides access to the European and Nordic markets.

Steps of Opening a Corporate Bank Account in Norway

  1. Choosing a Bank: Explore the offers of different banks in Norway and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.
  2. Preparation of Documents: Prepare the necessary documents to open an account, such as the company’s incorporation documents, the identity card of the company’s manager, and documents proving the company’s address.
  3. Visit the Bank or Online Application: Contact the selected bank in person or complete an online application for opening an account through its website.
  4. Identification: You may be required to complete an identification procedure at the bank by providing the necessary documents and completing an application form.
  5. Account Activation and Receipt of Services: Upon successful account opening, your company will have access to all services provided by the bank and can start banking transactions.


Opening a corporate bank account in Norway gives companies access to a reliable and innovative banking system as well as a wide range of financial services. When choosing a bank, look at its reputation, terms of service and services offered to make the best choice for your business.

 Personal bank account in Norway

Opening a personal bank account in Norway is an important step for those who live, work or have financial interests in the country. Norway is renowned for its stable economy, high standard of living and innovative approach to financial services, making it an attractive place to open a personal bank account. In this article, we look at the key aspects and benefits of opening a personal bank account in Norway.

Advantages of Opening a Personal Bank Account in Norway

  1. Stable Banking System: Norway has a stable and reliable banking system that ensures the safety of your finances and deposits.
  2. A wide range of banking services: Banks in Norway offer a variety of financial products and services, including debit and credit cards, savings accounts, deposits and internet banking.
  3. Innovative Technology: Norway is a leader in financial technology, providing access to modern and convenient ways to manage your finances.
  4. High Level of Service: Banks in Norway offer a high level of customer service, adapting to customer needs and providing professional counselling.

Steps to Open a Personal Bank Account in Norway

  1. Choosing a Bank: Explore the offers of different banks in Norway and choose the one that suits your preferences and needs.
  2. Preparation of Documents: Prepare the necessary documents to open an account such as passport, ID card and proof of address.
  3. Visit the Bank or Online Application: Contact the selected bank in person or complete an online application for opening an account through its website.
  4. Identification: When you visit the bank, you will need to provide the necessary documents for identification.
  5. Account Activation and Receipt of Services: After successful account opening, you will be able to use all services provided by the bank, including internet banking and mobile applications.


Opening a personal bank account in Norway gives you access to high quality financial services and helps you manage your finances effectively in a stable and developed economy. When choosing a bank, look at its reputation, terms of service and services offered to make the best choice for your financial needs.


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