European forex license

In Europe’s financial services industry, forex regulation plays a key role in ensuring transparency, fairness and investor protection. European regulators impose strict requirements on companies providing forex services to ensure the stability of the financial market and protect the interests of traders. In this article, we look at the key aspects of forex regulation in Europe, including licensing requirements, required share capital, and staff and regulatory requirements.

Regulatory bodies

In Europe, Forex brokers are regulated on a national level, and each country has its own regulatory body. For example, in the UK it is the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), in Germany – the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), in France – the Financial Markets Authority (AMF).

Licensing requirements

To obtain a Forex broker licence in Europe, a number of requirements must be met, which may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Typically, the following requirements apply to the applicant:

  • Share capital: The minimum share capital depends on the type of licence requested and can range from €50,000 to €730,000. For example, a minimum share capital of €730,000 is required for a category 3 licence in Malta.
  • Company personnel: The company must have qualified management and specialists with the necessary financial experience. A local director is also required (for some jurisdictions).
  • Business Plan and Policies: A detailed business plan should be provided, including a description of the services offered, market analysis, marketing strategy, and policies for risk management and handling customer complaints.

Time to process the application

The licence application process can take between 6 and 12 months, depending on the regulator and the completeness of the documentation provided.


Forex regulation in Europe is aimed at creating a safe and transparent trading environment for traders. Strict requirements for licensing, share capital and staff qualifications ensure a high level of investor confidence and protection. Prospective forex brokers need to carefully prepare for the licensing process, including developing a detailed business plan and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements of the chosen jurisdiction.

Forex Trading Regulations 2024

Forex regulations in Estonia 2024

Estonia Estonia, a country at the forefront of digital innovation in Europe, offers an attractive legal environment for forex brokers looking to expand or start operations in the European Union. With its transparent regulatory policies and openness to international business, Estonia has attracted the attention of many forex companies.

Regulatory body

In Estonia, the regulation of financial markets, including Forex, is carried out by EFSA – Estonian Financial Supervision Authority. This institution is responsible for the supervision and control of financial institutions and brokerage companies, ensuring their compliance with local and European laws and standards.

Licensing requirements

In order to obtain a Forex broker licence in Estonia, a company must meet the following requirements:

  • Authorised capital: The minimum amount of authorised capital for brokers offering Forex services is €125,000. This amount may increase depending on the scope of services offered and the risks associated with the company’s activities.
  • Company personnel: The company must prove that it has qualified personnel with the necessary knowledge and experience in the financial markets. It is important that the management staff has a clean reputation and relevant education.
  • Business Plan: A detailed business plan describing the business model, risk management structure, internal control and audit system, and anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing measures should be submitted.

Application process and deadlines

The process of obtaining a licence begins with the submission of an application to EFSA, accompanied by all the necessary documents, including incorporation documents, a business plan, information on directors and owners, and evidence of the required share capital. The application process can take from 3 to 6 months, depending on the completeness and quality of the documentation provided.


The regulation of forex activities in Estonia is focused on creating a transparent and safe financial market, contributing to the protection of investors’ interests and the stability of the sector. Strict but fair licensing requirements make Estonia an attractive destination for forex brokers seeking to develop business in a jurisdiction with a high level of trust and integration into the European financial system. Companies interested in obtaining a licence are advised to prepare thoroughly for the process, ensuring full compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Forex regulations in Lithuania 2024

Lithuania Forex Lithuania, as a member of the European Union, follows strict financial regulations and directives aimed at ensuring transparency, fairness and investor protection in the Forex market. Forex brokers in Lithuania are regulated in accordance with MiFID II (Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments), which provides for harmonised requirements for financial institutions in all EU member states.

Regulatory body

The Lithuanian Securities and Markets Commission (Lietuvos vertybinių popierių komisija) is the main regulator of financial services and markets, including Forex activities in Lithuania. This body is responsible for licensing, supervision and control of financial institutions.

Licensing requirements

In order to obtain a Forex licence in Lithuania, a company must meet a number of requirements:

  • Share capital: The minimum amount of share capital depends on the type of services provided and can start from €125,000 for broker-dealers.
  • Company’s personnel: Qualified management and operational personnel with proven experience in financial markets and impeccable business reputation are required.
  • Business Plan: The company must provide a detailed business plan including a description of the business model, risk analysis, risk management strategies, and customer acquisition plans.

Application process and deadlines

The licence application process starts with the preparation and submission of relevant documents to the Lithuanian Securities and Markets Commission. The application processing time may vary, but usually takes from 3 to 6 months, depending on the completeness and quality of the submitted documentation.


Lithuania offers a stable and transparent legal environment for Forex brokers seeking to expand their business in Europe. Strict but fair licensing requirements help to protect investors’ interests and maintain a high level of confidence in the financial market. To successfully obtain a licence, companies need to prepare thoroughly, ensuring full compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Forex regulations in Cyprus 2024

Cyprus Cyprus is one of the leading financial centres for forex companies in Europe due to its favourable tax policies, strategic location and attractive regulation. The Cypriot regulator, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), enforces international standards in financial services, making the island attractive to many international forex brokers.

Regulatory Authority

CySEC is responsible for the regulation and supervision of companies providing investment and other financial services in Cyprus. As a member of ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority), CySEC follows EU directives, including MiFID II, which ensures a high level of investor protection and market transparency.

Licensing Requirements

In order to start Forex activities in Cyprus, you need to obtain a CySEC licence. The licensing process includes:

  • Authorised capital: The minimum authorised capital for forex brokers depends on the type of services provided. For operators managing their own risks, a minimum of €730,000 is required. For brokers operating solely as intermediaries, the minimum authorised capital is €125,000.
  • Company personnel: The company must demonstrate that its management and key personnel have the necessary qualifications and experience to manage the forex business.
  • Business Plan and Internal Policies: A detailed business plan should be provided, including a description of the services offered, risk management framework, and AML/CFT policies and procedures.

Application process and deadlines

The application process for a CySEC licence is detailed and requires careful preparation. The time required to process an application can vary, but on average ranges from 6 to 9 months. Effective preparation and submission of all required documents in full can reduce the waiting time.


Forex regulation in Cyprus is considered one of the most developed and attractive for forex brokers due to the strict but fair regulatory standards of CySEC, as well as due to the advantages offered by the jurisdiction of Cyprus. Compliance with these requirements and standards not only ensures the protection of investors’ interests, but also contributes to the reputation and credibility of forex brokers.

It is important to note that success in obtaining a licence and subsequently operating in the forex market in Cyprus requires not only compliance with regulatory requirements, but also the ongoing maintenance of high standards in risk management, customer service and transparency of operations. It is recommended that you seek professional advice and legal counsel to help you navigate the licensing process and manage your business in accordance with local legislation and international standards.

Forex regulations in UK 2024

UK forexThe UK has long been regarded as one of the world’s leading financial centres, providing fertile ground for the development of Forex brokerage companies. The strict but fair regulatory framework established by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ensures a high level of investor protection and contributes to the stability of financial markets.

Regulatory Authority

The FCA is the principal financial services regulator in the UK, overseeing the activities of banks, finance companies and brokerages. The Authority works to ensure that financial markets operate fairly and efficiently, protect consumers and promote competition in the interests of consumers.

Licensing Requirements

In order to start forex activities in the UK, a company must obtain an FCA licence. This process involves the following steps and requirements:

  • Share capital: The amount of share capital required depends on the type of licence requested and may vary. As a rule, for market makers the minimum authorised capital is €730,000, while for brokers acting solely as agents this figure may be lower.
  • Company personnel: Key employees and managers must demonstrate appropriate levels of qualification, professionalism and experience, and have an impeccable business reputation.
  • Business Plan: Provide a detailed business plan including a description of the business model, risk assessment, risk management strategies and anti-money laundering compliance measures.

Application process and deadlines

The process of applying for an FCA licence requires careful preparation and can take between 6 months and a year. The complexity and duration of the process depends on the completeness and quality of the documentation provided, as well as the specifics of the applicant’s business model.

  1. Documentation preparation: Includes collecting all necessary documents and completing the relevant forms.
  2. Submitting an application: Made through the FCA’s online platform.
  3. Assessment of the application: the FCA will scrutinise the information provided and may request additional information or clarification.
  4. Decision: Once the FCA has completed its review, it will decide whether to grant the licence.


Forex brokers wishing to operate in the UK must strictly comply with the regulatory requirements of the FCA, which provides a high level of trust and protection for both traders and brokers themselves. Obtaining an FCA licence is a mark of quality and reliability, opening access to one of the largest and most developed financial markets in the world. To ensure successful licensing and subsequent regulatory compliance, it is strongly recommended that you engage the services of professional legal and financial advisors specialising in financial regulation in the UK.

Forex regulation outside of Europe

Forex regulations in Mauritius 2024

Forex regulations in MauritiusMauritius is an attractive jurisdiction for forex brokers due to its favourable tax policy, developed financial infrastructure and transparent regulatory environment. The Mauritius Financial Services Commission (FSC) acts as the regulatory body that oversees the financial services sector, including forex activities.

Regulatory Authority

The Mauritius FSC is responsible for the regulation, control and supervision of financial services companies on the island, including investment companies and forex brokers. The regulator aims to ensure stability and transparency in the financial sector while protecting the interests of investors.

Licensing Requirements

To start Forex activities in Mauritius, you will need to obtain the appropriate licence from the FSC. The process involves the following key steps:

  • Share capital: The minimum amount of share capital for forex brokers depends on the category of licence and may vary. Usually, proof of sufficient capital to cover all operational risks is required.
  • Company personnel: The company must demonstrate that it has qualified management and operational personnel with relevant financial experience and reputation.
  • Business Plan: A detailed business plan covering the business model, risk assessment, risk minimisation strategies, and compliance and anti-money laundering policies should be submitted.

Application process and deadlines

  • The preparation and submission of an application to the FSC is accompanied by a full package of documents, including the company’s legal documents, proof of staff qualifications, business plan and proof of financial sustainability.
  • The processing time for a licence application can vary but is usually between 3 and 6 months, depending on the completeness and complexity of the information submitted.


Mauritius offers forex brokers a favourable regulatory and tax environment for business development. If all FSC requirements are met and a full set of documents are submitted, companies can expect to receive a licence to conduct forex activities in this jurisdiction. It is important to emphasise that maintaining high standards of transparency and regulatory compliance is key to doing business successfully in Mauritius.

Forex regulations in Seychelles 2024

Forex regulations in Seychelles Seychelles is one of the most attractive jurisdictions for forex brokers due to its favourable tax policy, relatively simple licensing process and strategic geographical location. Forex activities in Seychelles are regulated by the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA), which is responsible for the supervision and control of the financial services sector, including investment services and forex broking.

Regulatory Authority

The Financial Services Authority of Seychelles (FSA) is the key regulator for the licensing and supervision of forex brokers. The FSA is committed to maintaining high standards of transparency and good practice amongst licensees, thereby contributing to the development of trust and stability in the country’s financial sector.

Licensing Requirements

To obtain a forex licence in Seychelles, a company needs to meet a number of requirements set by the FSA:

  • Authorised capital: The minimum authorised capital for forex brokers is usually $50,000 USD, making the jurisdiction accessible to start-ups and companies with limited initial capital.
  • Company personnel: The company should ensure that it has qualified management and operational staff with relevant experience in the financial industry and knowledge of international forex standards.
  • Business Plan: Submission of a detailed business plan including a description of the services offered, marketing strategy, risk analysis and risk minimisation mechanisms is a mandatory requirement.
  • Compliance: Companies must demonstrate their ability to comply with international anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) standards.

Application process and deadlines

The process of obtaining a licence in Seychelles begins with an application to the FSA accompanied by all the necessary documents:

  1. Application: The applicant must complete the relevant forms and provide the required documents including the company’s legal documents, proof of share capital, biographies of key persons, business plan and AML/CFT policies.
  2. Application review: The FSA analyses the information provided and may request additional information or clarification. The processing time can vary, but is usually between 2 and 6 months.
  3. Issuing a licence: Upon successful application and meeting all requirements, the FSA will issue a forex licence.


Seychelles offers a favourable business environment for forex brokers due to its liberal tax policy, relatively low share capital requirements and transparent regulatory process. Obtaining a licence from the FSA gives companies access to the international financial market, while ensuring a high level of trust from clients and partners.

Forex regulations in Vanuatu 2024

Forex regulations in Vanuatu Vanuatu has become one of the most popular jurisdictions for forex brokers due to its attractive regulatory environment, fast licensing process and relatively low share capital requirements. Financial services in Vanuatu are regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC), which is responsible for the supervision and control of financial institutions in the jurisdiction.

Regulatory Authority

The Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC) is the primary regulator for the licensing and supervision of forex brokers and other financial institutions in Vanuatu. The VFSC works to ensure the transparency, fairness and efficiency of financial markets and to protect the interests of investors.

Licensing Requirements

To obtain a forex licence in Vanuatu, companies must meet the following VFSC requirements:

  • Share Capital: The minimum share capital for obtaining a forex broker licence is approximately $50,000 USD. This is a relatively low threshold compared to other jurisdictions, making Vanuatu attractive to new and developing brokers.
  • Company personnel: The company must demonstrate that it has qualified management and operational personnel with relevant financial experience.
  • Business Plan: A detailed business plan describing the business model, risk management structure, and plans for compliance with regulatory and legislative requirements should be submitted.

Application process and deadlines

The process of obtaining a Forex licence in Vanuatu begins with the preparation and submission of the appropriate application to the VFSC. This process includes:

  1. Preparation of documentation: Gathering of all necessary documents, including company legal documents, proof of financial stability, biographies of key personnel, business plan.
  2. Application: Completion and submission of the application form along with the required application package to VFSC.
  3. Application review: The review process may take 2 to 3 months, depending on the completeness and quality of the documentation provided.


Vanuatu offers forex brokers a simplified and cost-effective route to licensing, combining low capital requirements with a fast application process. Obtaining a licence from the VFSC opens up opportunities for companies to access international financial markets, while ensuring that they operate within a regulated and protected environment.

Forex regulations in Belize 2024

Forex regulations in Belize Belize, a country located in Central America, attracts the attention of international forex brokers with its liberal financial regulations, competitive tax system and strategic location. Forex activity in Belize is regulated by the International Financial Services Commission of Belize (IFSC), which is responsible for licensing and regulating forex brokers while protecting the interests of investors and maintaining the integrity of the financial markets.

Regulatory Authority

The International Financial Services Commission of Belize (IFSC) is the key regulator that licences and supervises forex brokers. The IFSC regulates a wide range of financial services, including securities trading, investment counselling and brokerage services.

Licensing Requirements

To successfully obtain a forex licence in Belize, companies need to meet the following requirements:

  • Authorised capital: The minimum authorised capital for forex brokers in Belize is $500,000 USD. This ensures the financial stability of the company and its ability to fulfil its obligations to clients.
  • Company personnel: The company should have qualified management and operational staff with the necessary experience and knowledge of financial markets.
  • Business Plan: Provision of a detailed business plan including development strategy, risk assessment and risk management mechanisms, and a detailed description of the services offered.

Application process and deadlines

The process of applying for a licence from the IFSC involves preparing and submitting the necessary documentation that demonstrates a company’s compliance. The steps in the application process include:

  1. Preparation of documentation: Gathering of all necessary documents, including company incorporation documents, proof of share capital, CVs of key persons and business plan.
  2. Application: Filling in the application form and submitting it to the IFSC together with the complete application package.
  3. Application Review: The application review process usually takes 3 to 6 months, depending on the completeness and complexity of the information provided.


Belize offers forex brokers a favourable business environment, combining strict but fair regulatory requirements with an attractive tax policy. Obtaining a licence from the IFSC is an important step for companies seeking to expand their presence in the international financial market while ensuring a high level of protection and customer confidence.

Forex regulations in BVI 2024

Forex regulations in BVI The British Virgin Islands (BVI) has long been established as one of the leading jurisdictions for international financial services, including forex brokerage. This has been made possible by strict but fair regulation, confidentiality and a favourable tax environment. The Financial Services Commission of the British Virgin Islands (FSC BVI) is the regulatory body that grants licences and supervises financial institutions in the BVI.

Regulatory Authority

The FSC BVI is responsible for maintaining the efficiency and transparency of the BVI’s financial markets, protecting the interests of investors and complying with international financial services standards. The regulator sets high requirements for licensees, thus ensuring trust and security for customers and investors.

Licensing Requirements

In order to obtain a forex licence in the British Virgin Islands, companies need to meet a number of criteria set out by the FSC BVI:

  • Share capital: The minimum amount of share capital for forex brokers depends on the type of licence, but is usually around $100,000 USD. This ensures the financial stability of the company and its ability to protect the interests of clients.
  • Company personnel: Qualified management and operational personnel with relevant knowledge and experience in the financial industry are required.
  • Business Plan: The company should submit a detailed business plan describing its operating model, products, market strategy, risk assessment and risk minimisation measures.

Application process and deadlines

The licence application process includes the preparation and submission of documents demonstrating compliance with FSC BVI requirements:

  1. Documentation preparation: Collection and preparation of all necessary documents including company legal documents, proof of share capital, CVs of key personnel and a detailed business plan.
  2. Application: Completion and submission of the application form together with the complete application package to the FSC BVI.
  3. Application Review: The application review process can take from 3 to 6 months, depending on the completeness and quality of the information provided.


The British Virgin Islands offers unique advantages for forex brokers seeking a regulated but flexible jurisdiction in which to conduct their business. Compliance with the FSC BVI requirements and successful licence grant companies access to the global financial market while ensuring a high level of client confidence.

Forex regulations in SVG 2024

Forex regulations in SVG St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) has become one of the preferred jurisdictions for forex brokers looking for a quick and cost-effective solution to start their operations. This popularity is due to the liberal approach to regulation, the lack of direct taxation of profits and the speed of the registration process. It is important to note that, unlike other jurisdictions, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines does not require forex brokers to obtain a specialised licence, but companies must meet certain requirements and regulations.

Regulatory Authority

In St Vincent and the Grenadines, financial services are regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA SVG). The FSA is responsible for the registration of companies conducting international business and for ensuring their compliance with local legislation.

Requirements for Registration

While direct licensing of forex brokers in St Vincent and the Grenadines is not required, companies must follow a number of regulatory and operational requirements:

  • Authorised capital: There are no specific requirements for the minimum amount of authorised capital for forex brokers on SVG, but the company must demonstrate sufficient financial strength to conduct its business.
  • Company Registration: To operate as a forex broker, a company must be registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines as an International Business Company (IBC).
  • Company personnel: There are no strict requirements for local staff or directors, but the company must have at least one director and provide full details of the owners and beneficiaries.

Registration process and timelines

The process of incorporating a company in St Vincent and the Grenadines is relatively quick and can be completed in a matter of days, provided all the necessary documents are submitted:

  1. Preparation of documentation: Collection and preparation of incorporation documents, including articles of association, documents appointing directors and beneficial owners.
  2. Application: Application for IBC registration is submitted to the FSA SVG together with the relevant documents and payment of the registration fee.
  3. Application processing: The application and company registration process usually takes 1 to 3 working days.


St Vincent and the Grenadines offers forex brokers a convenient and efficient jurisdiction in which to do business due to its liberal regulation and fast registration process. However, companies must carefully comply with local laws and keep abreast of changes in the regulatory environment to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of their business.

Forex regulations in Dubai 2024

Forex regulations in Dubai Dubai, as one of the leading financial centres in the Middle East, attracts many investors and companies wishing to conduct forex activities in a jurisdiction with a highly regulated and stable economy. Forex brokers in Dubai are regulated by the UAE Central Bank and the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), depending on which jurisdiction in Dubai they plan to operate in.

Regulatory Authorities

  • The UAE Central Bank regulates forex activities at the country level and is responsible for the licensing and supervision of financial companies in the UAE, including Dubai.
  • The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) is the regulator for companies operating in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), providing strict regulatory oversight and international standards for financial services.

Licensing Requirements

To successfully obtain a forex licence in Dubai, companies need to meet the following criteria:

  • Authorised capital: The amount of authorised capital required depends on the type of licence and the specific requirements of the regulator, but generally for DFSAs it is between $1,000,000 USD and above.
  • Company personnel: Qualified employees with relevant education and experience in the financial sector are required, and regulatory compliance officers should be appointed.
  • Business Plan: The company must submit a detailed business plan covering a risk management model, marketing strategy, and plans to comply with AML (anti-money laundering) and KYC (know your customer) requirements.

Application process and deadlines

The process of obtaining a licence involves preparing and submitting an application to the chosen regulatory body, accompanied by all the necessary documents:

  1. Preparation of documentation: Gathering of all required documents, including company’s statutory documents, proof of share capital, key employee documents and business plan.
  2. Application: Completion and submission of the application form to the UAE Central Bank or DFSA, depending on the chosen jurisdiction.
  3. Application processing: The time for application processing can vary from 3 to 6 months, depending on the completeness and quality of the information provided.


Dubai offers forex brokers an attractive business environment due to its strict but fair regulation and international financial services standards. Successfully obtaining a licence from the UAE Central Bank or DFSA opens up a wide range of opportunities to operate in the international financial market, ensuring a high level of client confidence.

Capital required for forex broking firm

In the world of financial services, forex brokers occupy a special place, providing clients with access to the world’s foreign exchange markets. Opening a forex brokerage company requires not only in-depth knowledge of the market and technology, but also significant capital investment, especially in European countries with strict regulatory requirements. Let us consider Lithuania and the Czech Republic as potential jurisdictions for opening a forex brokerage firm, paying attention to the capital requirements and regulatory environment of these countries.

Capital requirements in Lithuania

Lithuania, aiming to become one of the financial centres of Europe, has established specific requirements for forex brokers. According to European directives and local legislation, forex brokers need to have sufficient initial capital to obtain a licence. The amount of capital required can vary depending on the type of services provided, but typically starts at €125,000. This capital must be deposited with a local bank and serve as a guarantee of the company’s reliability and stability to regulators and clients.

In addition, Lithuania offers favourable tax conditions for financial companies, which can reduce transaction costs and increase the country’s attractiveness to international investors.

Capital requirements in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic, also a member of the European Union, follows similar regulatory standards. A licence is required to start a forex broker in the Czech Republic, which implies a sufficient level of capitalisation. Start-up capital for forex brokers in the Czech Republic also starts from EUR 125,000 and can increase depending on the volume of operations and risk level.

The Czech Republic provides additional benefits for businesses, including relatively low tax rates and access to skilled labour in finance and IT, making the country attractive to forex brokers.

Importance of compliance with regulatory requirements

In both countries, Lithuania and the Czech Republic, forex brokers must not only meet capital requirements, but also follow strict regulatory standards regarding risk management, reporting and transparency. This includes regular submission of financial condition reports, compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations.


Opening a forex brokerage company in Lithuania or the Czech Republic requires a significant initial investment and strict compliance with regulatory requirements. However, thanks to progressive regulation and a supportive business environment, both countries offer attractive opportunities for development in this field. Investors and entrepreneurs who are willing to invest the necessary resources and comply with local legislative frameworks can expect success and sustainable development of their forex brokerage business in these countries.

International regulations of forex brokers

In recent years, the globalisation of financial markets and the development of technology have led to a significant increase in the number of Forex market participants, which in turn has led to the need for increased regulatory oversight of Forex brokers. International regulation is designed to ensure transparency of operations, investor protection and stability of the financial system. Let’s take a look at the key aspects and principles that guide regulators around the world.

1. European Union (EU)

In Europe, forex brokers are regulated by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), which came into force in January 2018. This directive sets strict requirements for licensing, risk management, transparency of operations and protection of client funds. Forex brokers must provide clients with clear information on all associated risks and report in detail to regulators on their activities.

2. United States of America (USA)

In the US, forex brokers are subject to regulation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and must be registered with the National Futures Association (NFA). These organisations set high standards in the areas of capitalisation, reporting and conflicts of interest. In addition, the US has strict limits on the leverage a broker can offer to its clients.

3. UK

Prior to Brexit, the UK followed MiFID II rules, but forex brokers are now regulated by a national regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA is known for its strict approach to licensing, as well as its requirements for transparency and integrity of financial firms.

4. Australia

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) regulates forex brokers by imposing requirements for capitalisation, trader education and protection of client funds. ASIC seeks to ensure that brokers’ services are fair, transparent and in the best interests of clients.

5. Japan

In Japan, the main regulator of forex brokers is the Financial Services Agency (FSA), which imposes strict leverage limits and requires brokers to adhere to high standards of risk management and corporate governance.


International regulation of forex brokers aims to create an environment in which every market participant can operate in a transparent and fair manner. Regulatory standards vary from country to country, but the requirements for transparency, compliance and investor protection are common. Forex brokers operating internationally must be diligent about meeting all regulatory requirements to ensure the successful and sustainable development of their business.


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The first online forex trading company, Matchbook FX, was founded in 1999. It was a revolutionary platform for its time as it offered retail traders direct access to the foreign exchange (forex) market via the Internet, bypassing traditional intermediaries in the form of banks and large financial institutions. Matchbook FX acted as a pioneer in the online currency trading industry, laying the foundation for the future development of the forex market for retail investors.

As of 2024, the total valuation of the online forex trading market is measured in trillions of US dollars per day. According to a report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the average daily trading volume in the global forex market has exceeded $6.6 trillion. This includes trading between banks, forex brokers and retail traders through online platforms. It is important to note that the forex market continues to grow and evolve, and its overall valuation can fluctuate depending on a variety of factors, including economic conditions, the political situation and technological innovation.

Companies with an online forex licence can provide a wide range of services aimed at meeting the needs of traders and investors in the foreign exchange market. Here are some of the main services that such companies typically offer:

  1. Currency Pairs Trading: A basic service that allows clients to buy and sell different currency pairs based on changes in their exchange rates.
  2. Provision of trading platforms: Forex brokers provide access to dedicated online trading platforms such as MetaTrader 4/5, cTrader and others that allow traders to analyse the market, execute trades and manage their portfolios in real time.
  3. Margin Trading: Providing leverage that allows clients to make trades for amounts significantly higher than their initial deposit, thereby increasing potential profit and risk.
  4. Analytical services and market news: Providing analytical reviews, market news, economic calendars and other information that can help traders make informed trading decisions.
  5. Training and customer support: Many forex brokers offer educational resources including webinars, video tutorials, e-books and seminars to help both novice and experienced traders improve their trading skills. In addition, customer support is provided through various communication channels.
  6. Account Management: Some forex brokers offer account management services, where trading decisions are made by professional traders or robots based on trust management of the client's assets.
  7. Social Trading: Trade copying or social trading platforms that allow traders to copy the trades of successful market participants.
  8. Expert Advisors and Robots for Trade Automation: Providing or integrating with trading robots and Expert Advisors that can automatically execute trades based on predefined algorithms.

An online forex licence obliges companies to comply with regulatory requirements and standards designed to protect the interests of traders, including transparency of trading conditions, protection of client funds and fair execution of trading operations.

As of 2024, Cyprus is one of the countries with the highest number of registered forex companies. This is due to several key factors:

  1. Favourable regulatory environment: The Cypriot regulator CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) offers transparent and flexible regulation that complies with European Union directives (MiFID II), ensuring a high level of investor protection and reliability for brokers.
  2. Tax incentives: Cyprus offers one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the EU (12.5 per cent), making it attractive for international business and investment.
  3. EU member status: As a member of the European Union, Cyprus allows CySEC-licensed forex companies to offer their services in all EU countries without additional licensing in each country, making it much easier to scale their business.
  4. Highly skilled workforce: The availability of qualified professionals in the fields of financial services, law and accounting also contributes to the development of the forex industry in Cyprus.

These factors make Cyprus one of the most popular jurisdictions for registering and operating a forex business internationally.

Choosing a country in Europe to start an online forex broker depends on many factors, including regulatory requirements, tax policy, level of infrastructure and availability of skilled labour. Cyprus is often considered one of the most attractive jurisdictions for the following reasons:

  1. Regulation: The Cypriot regulator CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) is one of the most respected and recognised regulators in Europe. Obtaining a CySEC licence opens access to the markets of all EU member states through passporting licences.
  2. Tax policy: Cyprus offers one of the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe (12.5%) and has favourable double taxation agreements with many countries.
  3. EU member status: As a member of the European Union, Cyprus provides companies with the stability and security of a European jurisdiction.
  4. Infrastructure and skilled labour: Cyprus has a well-developed financial infrastructure and access to qualified staff in the field of finance, making it attractive to forex companies.

However, it is important to note that the choice of jurisdiction should take into account the specifics of the business and its objectives. For example, the UK, despite Brexit, remains an important financial centre with a high level of regulatory confidence from the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), but has higher capital requirements and strict regulatory oversight. At the same time, Malta and Estonia also offer attractive environments for fintech and forex companies, including innovation-friendly regulation and competitive tax rates. The choice of jurisdiction should be based on a careful analysis of all factors, including legal and tax aspects, as well as consultation with professionals in the field of financial regulation and international law.

Choosing a Caribbean country to start an online forex broker depends on various factors such as the regulatory environment, tax policy, reputation of the jurisdiction and the cost of doing business. Among Caribbean countries, St Vincent and the Grenadines often stands out as one of the most attractive jurisdictions for forex brokers for the following reasons:

  1. Regulation: St Vincent and the Grenadines offers a relatively simple and quick registration process for forex brokers, making it a popular jurisdiction for new and emerging forex companies. It is important to note that while the regulatory environment may be less stringent than some other jurisdictions, companies must still comply with international anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing standards.
  2. Tax Policy: The jurisdiction offers a favourable tax environment, including no corporate income tax for companies with international operations from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, which can significantly reduce the overall tax burden on businesses.
  3. Confidentiality: St Vincent and the Grenadines is valued for its high level of business confidentiality and protection of beneficial ownership information.
  4. Reputation and Accessibility: Despite its accessibility and relative ease of doing business, it is important to consider that a jurisdiction's reputation can affect the perception of a company by customers and partners. St Vincent and the Grenadines is actively working to enhance its reputation as a reliable jurisdiction for financial activities.

When choosing a Caribbean country to start an online forex broker, companies should carefully consider regulatory requirements, licensing and operating costs, and the jurisdiction's reputation in the international financial community. It is also advisable to seek professional advice from financial law and regulatory experts to ensure that all aspects of the business comply with international standards and requirements.

In the Middle East, Dubai, UAE, stands out as one of the most attractive jurisdictions to start an online forex broker for a number of reasons:

Regulatory environment

  • Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC): DIFC is a self-regulated zone with its own set of laws and judicial system, including financial services laws. The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) is responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial services in the DIFC. The DFSA is recognised for its strict but fair regulatory standards that are in line with international best practices.

Tax policy

  • Tax incentives: the UAE offers an attractive tax environment, including no income tax for companies operating in the DIFC, making it a favourable location for international business.

Infrastructure and reputation

  • International reputation: DIFC enjoys a high international reputation as a leading global financial centre. This attracts many international investors and clients.
  • Developed infrastructure: The UAE offers one of the world's best business infrastructures, high-speed technology and professional services, making doing business efficient and convenient.

Licensing requirements

  • Strict but clear requirements: The DFSA sets out clear licensing requirements for forex brokers, ensuring that the licensing process is transparent and predictable.


  • Access to a growing market: The Middle East is a fast growing market for forex trading, with high demand for financial services and investments.


To start an online forex broker in the Middle East, Dubai, UAE, offers a unique combination of regulatory support, tax incentives, international reputation and access to a growing market. However, as with any jurisdiction, prospective forex brokers are advised to carefully research local requirements and regulations and seek advice from financial law and regulatory professionals if necessary.

There are many companies in the forex market that are highly popular among traders around the world. The
popularity of forex brokers can depend on various factors including reliability, trading conditions offered, platforms, quality of customer service, educational resources and regulatory environment. Listed below are some of the most respected and widely recognised forex brokers:

  1. Saxo Bank: Danish investment bank offering a wide range of trading instruments and advanced trading platforms.
  2. IG Group: A leading UK broker offering trading in a wide range of financial instruments including currency pairs, stocks, indices and more.
  3. Interactive Brokers: An American company providing access to trading currencies as well as other financial instruments on various world markets.
  4. OANDA: One of the oldest forex companies known for its innovative technology, pricing transparency and quality customer service.
  5. XM Group: A broker offering a wide range of trading tools on MT4 and MT5 platforms, as well as educational resources and multi-language support.
  6. One of the largest forex companies in the world, offering comprehensive trading solutions for traders at all levels of experience.
  7. eToro: Known for its social trading platform that allows users to copy trades of successful traders and share trading strategies.
  8. HotForex (HF Markets): A broker offering a variety of trading tools and services for traders of different experience levels.

These companies stand out from the rest with their reliability, innovative solutions and a wide range of offers for traders. When choosing a forex broker, it is important to do your own research, taking into account your individual trading preferences, trading style and investment goals.

Minimum capital requirements for forex companies can vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. As of 2024, one jurisdiction with relatively low authorised capital requirements for forex brokers is St Vincent and the Grenadines.

In St Vincent and the Grenadines, financial services regulation is relatively liberal and many companies choose this jurisdiction to register their forex business because of the lack of strict capital and operational requirements. However, it is worth noting that while initial capital requirements may be low, companies must still comply with local laws and regulations, as well as international transparency and anti-money laundering standards.

It is important to recognise that jurisdictions with low capital requirements may also carry certain risks and raise concerns with regulators and banks in other countries. This can affect a company's reputation and its ability to do business internationally.

When choosing a jurisdiction to incorporate a forex company, it is important to consider not only the capital requirements, but also the overall regulatory environment, the reputation of the jurisdiction, tax policy and scalability of the business. It is also advisable to consult with professional legal and financial advisors to ensure that the business meets international standards and requirements.

As of April 2023, online forex trading per se is not prohibited in European countries with rules and regulations set by the European Union and national regulatory authorities. In EU countries, the forex market is regulated under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), which aims to increase the transparency of financial markets and investor protection.

However, there are strict regulations and restrictions on the offering and promotion of forex trading to retail investors. For example, a number of European Union countries have imposed restrictions on leverage, automatic negative balance protection and marketing practices to protect retail traders from the high risks associated with trading

in the forex market.

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has introduced these measures to ensure that investors are properly informed of the risks and to reduce the likelihood of significant financial losses among retail customers. These regulations do not ban online forex trading directly, but they do impose strict conditions on its conduct to ensure fair trading and protect the interests of investors.

Outside the European Union, regulation may vary and some countries may have stricter restrictions or, conversely, a more liberal environment for forex trading. In any case, it is critical for operators and traders to remain aware of local laws and regulations that may affect their operations in a particular country.

The speed of obtaining an online forex trading licence in Europe depends on many factors, including the complexity of the regulatory requirements, the efficiency of the regulator and the completeness of the documentation prepared by the applicant. However, based on publicly available information as of April 2023, countries where the process of obtaining a licence may be relatively faster and less burdensome than other EU jurisdictions include:


Estonia stands out among EU countries for its progressive approach to regulating financial technology and innovation. The Estonian regulator offers a clear and transparent licensing process for forex brokers, as well as relatively fast processing of applications.


Cyprus is known as one of the most popular jurisdictions for forex brokers due to its

The CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) regulator and a favourable business environment. Although the process of obtaining a licence in Cyprus requires careful adherence to regulatory standards and preparation, CySEC is known for its efficiency and clear guidelines, which can speed up the licensing process compared to other EU countries.


Malta also attracts forex brokers with its innovation-friendly regulatory environment and fast licensing process. Malta's regulator MFSA (Malta Financial Services Authority) offers a clear procedure for obtaining a licence for financial services, including forex trading.

It is important to note that even in these jurisdictions, the process of obtaining a licence requires careful preparation and strict compliance with regulatory requirements. In addition, regulators place great emphasis on investor protection, anti-money laundering (AML) and other international standards. Therefore, companies seeking to obtain a licence are advised to consult with financial law and regulatory professionals to ensure compliance with all requirements and a successful licensing process.

RUE customer support team


“Hi, if you are looking to start your project, or you still have some concerns, you can definitely reach out to me for comprehensive assistance. Contact me and let’s start your business venture.”


“Hello, I’m Sheyla, ready to help with your business ventures in Europe and beyond. Whether in international markets or exploring opportunities abroad, I offer guidance and support. Feel free to contact me!”


“Hello, my name is Diana and I specialise in assisting clients in many questions. Contact me and I will be able to provide you efficient support in your request.”


“Hello, my name is Polina. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information to launch your project in the chosen jurisdiction – contact me for more information!”



At the moment, the main services of our company are legal and compliance solutions for FinTech projects. Our offices are located in Vilnius, Prague, and Warsaw. The legal team can assist with legal analysis, project structuring, and legal regulation.

Company in Lithuania UAB

Registration number: 304377400
Anno: 30.08.2016
Phone: +370 661 75988
Email: [email protected]
Address: Lvovo g. 25 – 702, 7th floor, Vilnius,
09320, Lithuania

Company in Poland Sp. z o.o

Registration number: 38421992700000
Anno: 28.08.2019
Phone: +48 50 633 5087
Email: [email protected]
Address: Twarda 18, 15th floor, Warsaw, 00-824, Poland

Regulated United Europe OÜ

Registration number: 14153440–
Anno: 16.11.2016
Phone: +372 56 966 260
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Laeva 2, Tallinn, 10111, Estonia

Company in Czech Republic s.r.o.

Registration number: 08620563
Anno: 21.10.2019
Phone: +420 775 524 175
Email:  [email protected]
Address: Na Perštýně 342/1, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague

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